![]() ___________________________________ N A M E ∞ Jamie Beltras A G E 14th of Feburary-Forty-Three G E N D E R Female S E X U A L I T Y Straight P L A C E O F O R I G I N An unknown City in Fiore N A T I O N A L I T Y Fiorian ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Married-Jarvis Beltras 🎓Unknown Father 🎓Unknown Mother ]P E T S Jamie does not have any pets ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ Art ✔ Music ✔ Being outside ✔ Cozy nights in where she can be with her children ✔ Cooking ✔ Puzzles D I S L I K E S ✘ Being alone ____________________________________________________________________________✘ Bullies ✘ Spiders ✘ Clowns ✘ not being able to help people she cares about P E R S O N A L I T Y Jamie has always had an immediate impact on her surroundings. She is cheerful, laughs a lot and entertains with a blunt and earthy humor. She enjoys bein the center of attention, however she is incredibly compassionate to her friends. Conversations with Jamie are generally energetic, showing her wicked intelligence and the way she enjoys both talking about something and then just going out and doing it. Often Jamie will leap before she loks, fixing up any mistakes she comes across as she goes along, rather than merely sitting ideal, preparing contingencies and escapes as she goes along. ____________________________________________________________________________Jamie tends to make a habit out of risky behaviours, living in the moment and then diving into action. Perhaps the best way to describe her would be the eye of the storm- calm before the drama. Fully of passion and pleasure, enjoys drama not for the emotional thrills but for the way it stimulates her mind- and helps bring about rapid-fire rational decisions when required. While Jamie has a strong sense of what is right and wrong, she thinks it makes more sense to follow her own moral compass, then what is considered the norm. Rules were, of course, made to be broken. Jamie is a rather perceptive individual, having a rather unique skill in noticing small changes, whether it is a shift in facial expressions, a new clothing style or a broken habit, she tends to pick up on hidden thoughts and motives at times, but this isn’t a specific skill. However, it can lead her to investigate further, particularly if her family and her guild are involved. B I O G R A P H Y Jamie’s history is long, somewhat twisted and hard to keep track off. She was born a street rat, orphaned after her mother died in childbirth, and her father died in suspicious circumstances when she was barely more than a child. Alone, on the streets, no one seeming to care for her, she soon took to stealing and sneaking about in order to survive- and causing havoc everywhere she went. Soon developing her magical abilities, she used this to create more chaos, soon finding herself in more trouble than she could handle. ____________________________________________________________________________Jarvis, the oldest of three- and forced to look after his younger siblings- he was kicked out of home when his magic appeared. Soon beginning to travel, he encountered Jamie, and unable to resist helping the scrawny, cheeky street rate, Jarvis stepped in to save her ass from the men from the council. From that moment on, the duo were inseparable- both learning their magic, learning how to find and developing a close bond. So it was that when Jamie was twenty-one and Jarvis twenty seven they got married, and barely two years later, their daughter was born. Throughout the years, Jarvis managed to reconcile with is younger brother, Antony. Antony was always strange, even when Jarvis was around, but was generally a good guy, one of those guys that would give you the shirt off their own backs if they could. He idealised both Jamie and Jarvis, and the trio made an excellent team. However, as if sometimes the case, things went wrong. Antony, you see, loved Jamie. With some undiagnosed mental illness, he began to see Jamie as a goddess- shaping the world to how he wanted it. For a while, this held back any true darkness within Antony. As time went on however, and it was clear even to Antony’s world, that Jamie and Jarvis were together. Turned upside down, his thoughts turned to revenge, of betrayal and murder, for if he couldn’t have jamie, who could? As Antonybegan to gather followers, he started to hunt Jamie, Jarvis and their child. Hurt protecting her daughter, Jarvis managed to get Sam and Jamie to relative safety, a cave that offered some merger protection, but that would, ultimately, be their undoing. As Antony and his followers attacked the care, Jarvis held them back as long as he could, but they soon got passed him. Before Jamie could react, could try and protect Sam, her child was killed. Enraged, Distraught and hurting, Jamie attacked- killing Antony’s followers. As Antony escaped, Jarvis, relatively unhurt, gave chase, while Jamie stayed cradling the body of their daughter. As Jarvis returned, finally having hunted ANtony down and after a horrendous fight, killed him, he came back to Jamie. As the two continued to grieve, they continued their travels, trying to find something that would give them even a sliver of happiness that Sam had given them. Finally discussing what they had long wished they do, they opened a guild- thus giving life to Phoenix wing and vowing to always remember Sam. Throughout their guild days, they took in any one and everyone, giving a loving home and caring guild to those that needed it. Some stayed for a while, some just for a little bit, but they took them in and cared for them, taught them how to be strong, and created a guild whose name to this day causes pride in many people. From fighting demons, to fighting dark mages and guilds, to healing fractures caused by magical biases, and saving the world, they developed bonds with other guilds, and will forever be there when needed. From dragons, to the grand magic games, to getting their daughter back… they are always there, for their guild and their family. I N F O Y E A R S A M A G E Jamie has been a mage since she was roughly thirteen years old Y E A R S A G U I L D M E M B E R It isn't clear how long Jamie and Jarvis have been Guild Masters of Phoenix Wing, the general consensus is roughly ten years. G U I L D M A R K TBA Jamie's Guild Mark is a reddy-brown colour and she has recently started wearing it on her left shoulder just above her heart. It can, however, change depending on her mood. W E A K N E S S ☠ Fear of losing her family: Despite her rather outward appearance of confidence, Jamie has a strong fear of losing either of her daughters again. ☠ Organised Choas: Jamie does not have any particularly organisational skills, but she does know where everything is. R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S Guild Master of Phoenix WIng, Jamie has quite a few responsibilities, ranging from everyday tasks of guild maintance, to job approval, and to ensuring her guilds safety. W E A P O N S Jamie is well trained in a variety of weapons, but typically uses a side sword. A B I L I T I E S 🔥 Bond Transformation Magic (Currently inactive): Transformation magic allows its castor to change their appearance at will. While this magic is a deep and complex art, basic Transformation magic is relatively easy for mages to learn. HIgh level mages are capable of performing this Magic easily in all of its levels. Levels of transformation magic: Basic level- This level allows a caster to change his or her outward appearance into that of another person, however this does not allow the caster to change clothes. The more a mage knows at this level, the easier it is to perform. Intermediate Level- Asides from its similarities to the basic level, this level of transformation is used by mages to change their clothes and voice. Advanced Level- Apart from changing appearance and voice, the caster can acquire all additional physical features such as wings or gills and can even change size. Jamie was somewhat restricted in what and who she could change into- often she had the ability to change into those that mattered to her, in some way or another. However, in exchange for having her daughter back, Jamie gave up the various forms she had attained- technically souls of those she had bonded with. At this stage, Jamie does not have any other forms, having not had such a bond with those that have died since. 🔥 Wave Magic: Wave magic is a caster magic that allows the user to nullify other magics, creating waves out of vibrations and can cause explosions when the vibrations hit somevody else's magic. These waves can be thrown as projectiles, and the user also seems to be able to change the length and width of these waves. Various abilities with Wave Magic Wave wall- Shoot out a rectangular wave wall projectile that knocks targets back on impact and erase any projectile spells that makes contact with it. Wave- Create a circular wave shield that protects you from projectiles. This shield sticks to the user and shields the front of their character, typically lasting a number of seconds. This is one of the abilities Jamie so rarely uses, and as such, she doesn’t have much strength in this type of magic. 🔥 Property Change: Property change magic allows its user to change certain physical properties of an area with another. For example, one could change the properties of an area of air in front of the, with those of the ground, thus causing an invisible wall. Or they could change that of a weapon with air to allow it to pass through all sorts of defenses. There are several Limits on its power. 1 It is incredibly energy consuming and as such can only be used a few times before exhausting the casters magic energies completely. 2 Energy consumption is slightly based on size and how dramatic a change it is. 3 It can only change the properties of an area if said area is of a common composition. 4 A caster can only change the properties of exactly one area with exactly one other area at a time. Jamie also has minor experience in many other forms of magic, as she is a connoisseur of magic. ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R
T H E M E S O N G | #FF8C00 |
Jarvis Beltras
~ Basic ~
Name:Jarvis Beltras
Age:Forty Nine
Occupation: ∞Co-Guild Master
Bar Tender
Place Of Origin: ∞ Fiore
Personality: Patient, caring and with the ability to bring out the best in others, Jarvis is the perfect ear, and guide. Some might say the perfect bar tender in a magical guild. He enjoys challenging his members and encouraging them- often trying to find out what best helps them- whether it be learning or more- in a dedicated way that typically inspires others.
He has a way of doing this sort of thing so that those he talks to realise what happens until it is too late. He finds great enjoyment in nudging people to new heights and feels that they otherwise wouldn’t normally achieve.
Bright, funny and overall a friendly individual, he will protect those he loves with his very life in need be. Having lost everything before, he is adamant to neer lose those he cares about again. He can and does get a little crazy about this, but after losing his daughter and doing what he could to protect his wife, Jarvis knows he can’t lose anyone else again.
While he enjoys his life now, Jarvis is prone to fits of moodiness. He still blames himself for his daughter's death, for his brothers death. However, he tries to console himself in knowing that he protected everyone else he cares about.
Overprotective of his children, wife and guild members, Jarvis would have turned the world upside and inside out to find and put an end to those that have hurt the ones he cares about.
~ Relationships ~
Relationship Status:Married
Partner: Jamie Beltras
Children: ∞ Sam Beltras, Daughter, Biologically seven, chronically older.
∞Amelia, adopted Daughter
Father: Ray Beltras
Mother: Abigale Beltras
Siblings:Antony Beltras (Younger Brother), unknown other Siblings
Other: Jarvis’s guild mark is currently on his Right bicep
~ Other ~
Powers: Lacrima Magic
Lacrima magic is a caster magic that allows the user to create Lacrima for almost any purpose imaginable- it is described as a practical form of magic limited only by the talent, imagination and magic of the user.
Lacrima are items that can come in many different forms, and be used for both practical and combative purposes. The user of this magic can create different magical balls for various purposes. It does have its limits however, but these limits can be overcome by talented wizards as they can allow their creations to bond with them, and gain abilities that they wish. However this does drain physically on the body of the user. The way that someone learns this form of magic is often clouded in mystery, all that is known is that you must be able to use a form of maker magic to a proficient amount.
Weapons:Jarvis can use a variety of weapons, however typically sticks with sword.
Weaknesses: Perhaps Jarvis’s biggest weakness is his family.
History:Similar to Jamies, Jarvis raised his younger siblings from the age of ten to sixteen, when his parents kicked him out of house and home, after discovering his magical abilities. They wished not to have such a “taint” in their home, and so without anywhere else to go, Jarvis began to travel. Throughout his brief travels alone, he learned some Lacrima magic, although no where near the extent to his abilities in the present day.
Eventually, he came to rescue Jamie- and the rest is history, as they say.
Sasha Shin
Name:Sasha Shin
Age:Twenty Three
Occupation: ∞Guild Mage of Phoenix Wing
Place Of Origin: ∞ Fiore
Magic Level: A
Personality: If you were to try and describe Sasha in three words, kind, caring and dedicated would sum her up- perhaps not perfectly, but these seem to be the descriptive words that match her the most. She is a tough kind of girl, in that she doesn’t tend to let anything get her down- or at least not for long. She tackles life like she can conquer it- and so often does. She attributes this to those that have looked after her, her teacher, her guild masters and team mates- who taught her that she could do anything and be anything.
Determined, Stubborn, brave and at times foolish could also be used to describe Sasha. Once she sets her minds to things, Sasha will follow them through to the very end, even if it does seem foolish. She will regularly go to the wall for anyone, and further for those she cases about- doing hte best she can, sometimes forgoing looking after herself to do it.
A bright young lady, she is questioning, open minded and accepting- she isn’t one for being judgement, and everything she learned about being a decent person, she learned from a young age. She holds her Guild Mastersin high esteem, and at times when one or both forget to look after themselves, she will occasional make sure they are looked after.
Sasha’s main goal in life is to make people smile, laugh, and feel good about themselves, always willing to cheer people up, caring a great deal for family and friends, and she would do anything to protect them, even if it means sacrificing herself to do so. Because of this, if Sasha believes something is not right, or she needs to do something potentially wrong to help those she cares about, she will defy authority. She doesn’t regret this defiance, knowing that it was the best option at the time.
~ Relationships ~
Relationship Status:Married
Partner: Lazarus Rex
Children: ∞ Faith Rex
Father: TBA
Mother: Selena Shin
Siblings:Penny Hoft, half sibling.
~ Other ~
Powers: Molding Magic, Ice.
Molding magic allows the user to mold or create something by concentrating their Magic power into their hands, like an element, into different shapes or forms. In Sasha's case, she uses Ice Molding. If the user uses both of their hadnds in molding an element, they can create an accurate form of their element. Casting one-handed is easier, but it is a less stable form of molding and may result in less powerful creations. Molding magic has been described as an "unrestrained" type of magic, with the shapes created reflecting the personality of the user.
She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change his surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield".
Ice make: Bear Shield:A large bear forms, creating a shield in front of Sasha, moving depending on where the attacks come from
Ice Make: Butterfly Cage Multiple butterflies form, to intersect and create a cage.
Ice Make: Bird Bombers:
-multiple birds form, and fall downwards onto an attacker
Ice Make: Floor:
The floor is covered n a thin layer of ice
Ice Make:Tiger impact
A tiger forms like a hammer, and smashes against an attacker, using both body, claws and teeth
Ice Make:Hawk Arrow
A hawk forms, and acts like an arrow, aiming towards the target.
Dragon Slide
A dragon forms and creates an avalanche of boulders down onto a target
Ice queen
Ice Armor forms over Sasha, increasing her magical power and giving her added benefits in battle.
Weapons:When Sasha uses a weapon other than her magic, it’s typically the ice scepter of her Ice Queen Armor.
Weaknesses: ?
History: Born from a long line of Ice fishing merchants, Sasha was set to take over the merchant business, learning the trade from a young age. This was until she was about eight, when her parents, brother and herself fell into the water. Managing to get out, she couldn’t find her family- and it soon became clear to her that they had died. Left alone, forgotten and struggling to survive, she soon figured out she could do things others could not- and through trial and error, learned enough to survive both her magic and the elements.
Found by an old, white haired man, she soon began an education in Magic- a molding type similar to her own, she learned a lot from her trainer, learning to hide what she could do from anyone but him.
When he passed away, she was barely more than fifteen, and those she began to travel, soon coming across the guild. Joining in an attempt to have somewhere to belong, to have people around her that were similar to her, and to perhaps find family, Sasha soon settled into the guild.
Penny "The Phoenix" Hoft

Name:Penny Hoft
Age:Twenty Five
Occupation: ∞Guild Mage of Phoenix Wing
Place Of Origin: ∞ Fiore
Magic Level: S
Personality: Penny is a somewhat impulsive attitude, and while she can be a bit anti-social, Penny is a friendly individual. She enjoys exploring the world, and knowing that she has a home to come back to. While she can be hot headed, particularly when it comes to her family, her friends, those she cares about, she does have a rational side that allows her to make informed decisions, out of the heat of battle.
She isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty- in face she finds an odd sort of joy in it, particularly when it comes to mending things- just a bit better than they were before. Coming up with ideas can be a challenge for her at times, although when she does, she tries to be creative. Troubleshooting through trial and error might be a handy way of doing things, but Penny prefers to know what will happen, particularly if it does involve those she cares about.
Despite being sociable, Penny would be quite happy with just her small group of friends and family, finding that too many people interfere with her own principles and freedom. While she is happy to lend a hand, and to share her experiences, Penny would be quite happy curling up with someone she loves, and read a book or two. Perhaps even do a bit of sparring.
Friendly but private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, curious about things she doesn’t know, Penny can be hard to tame. It’s best you don’t try- for fear of being burned. While her flames don’t hurt her allies, if you are considered an enemy by her, you best watch out.
While her decisions stem from a sense of practical realism, and at her heart she has a strong sense of fairness- a do unto others kind of attitude- there ware times where she will step on toes, and find the social norms of those around her
~ Relationships ~
Relationship Status:Engaged
Partner: Damian Gerald
Children: ∞ None
Father: Solias, Phoenix Slayer, deceased
Mother: Selena Shin
Siblings:Sasha Shin, half sibling.
~ Other ~
Powers: Fire Magic- While Penny does have this ability, it stems from her Phoenix Slayer magic. Everything she knows about this type of magic has been adjusted for her Phoenix Slayer abilities.
Phoenix Slayer-Penny, being a phoenix Slayer, has the ability to use Phoenix attacks, such as Phoenix Wing slash, Phoenix Fire, and Phoenix Music. She also has a phoenix form.
Weaknesses: ?
History: Penny was born in a small town, and adopted by a loving family. Her birth mother was young, at that time, just 16 years old, and unattached. She wanted to give her daughter a good life, but Penny learned when she was nearing adolescence that her mother had perished with her husband of eight years, and young son, leaving behind an orphaned daughter. Penny had set out to find her half sister, but after a time, she headed back to her adoptive family.
She soon took the time to learn fire magic, developing the transformation magic that she has made her own, and traveled the land, having fun, and generally enjoying herself, creating memories and adventures.
Gabriel Steiner
Name:Gabriel Stiener
Occupation: ∞Guild Mage of Dragon Fang
Place Of Origin: ∞ Fiore
Magic Level: A
Personality: Appearing to be an outgoing and overconfident person, Gabriel can be quickly revealed to be so much more complicated and nuanced then he appears at first glance. While he is a very supportive and loyal friend to those who he truly cares about, it can take a while to break through the rather “tough” and hardened shell he displays. Gabriel has a hard time trusting people, and this can mean that he doesn’t let people in- preferring to be alone then to be hurt. Incredibly brave and quite intelligent despite being considered to be more brawny than brainy, Gabriel doesn’t try very hard to dissuade people of this.
Perhaps Gabriel's biggest issue is controlling his anger. Undiagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder, which causes him to be incredibly impulsive- leading to irrationality and poor judgement, he also possesses a quick temper that can cause him to be eager for a fight when angered. He at times lets this anger get the best of him- part of him wanting a fight, if to prove how tough he really is, although he doesn’t know when to quit in one was being perfectly honest.
Being included in a close friendship group, or even under the good influence of others could help Donovan control his temper- to stay in better control However, as it is at the moment, he is prone to bouts of irrationality and violence in certain circumstances. However, despite this negative trait, Gabriel is shown to be understanding, funny, mischievous and somewhat immature. He is good with kids, an avid fan of classic rock music, and tends to avoid emotional intimacy, Gabriel is both a simple and complex individual. Typically ruthless and aggressive when challenged, he tackles any tasks that he approaches enthusiastically, and would give his life for those he cares about.
He has a particular dislike of people who think they are better than him, and when faced with people he considers assholes he can be threatening and determined- and even if he is outclassed, he is sarcastic, rude and often insulting. Despite this all, when he is around those he cares about and trusts, he is very laid back and well disposed- and he values the safety of those he cares about and innocents above all else, even his own life. Though on occasion he can be somewhat impulsive as well as arrogant, Donovan is intelligent and competent, and is more likely to exhibit irrational behaviour when those he considers family are threatened. He will frequently make light of tense situations, making himself feel foolish- which can also be a source for irrational angry for him.
That being said, Gabriel can be a great ally- and it’s always better to have him on your side then not. He will protect those few people he cares about with his life- and glady give his life for them.
~ Relationships ~
Relationship Status:Single
Partner: None
Children: ∞ None
Father: Casteil Stiener
Mother: Charlie Stiener
Siblings:Michael Steiner, twin brother
~ Other ~
Powers: Celestial Magic Chinese Zodiac
(Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.)
Main Spirits
the Rat
The rat is quick-witted, resourceful and versatile.With strong intuition and quick response, The Rat easily adapt themselves to a new environment. With rich imaginations and sharp observation and can take advantage of various opportunities well. The Rat also has a strong curiosity, and they tend to be quite skillful. The Rat's abilities consist of the ability to shift into a smaller version of himself, to get into small spaces, as well as using his claws and teeth in attacks.

The dog
The Dog occupies the eleventh position in the Chinese zodiac. The Dog is Loyal, honest, amiable, kind cautious and prudent. The dog will sacrific himself for his owner, and partners. The dogs abilities consist of a strong sense of smell, and his magic has the ability to change him into a vicious, large, beast-dog.

History: Gabriel is the oldest of the Celestial Twins. Michael, and Gabriel were raised in a loving home, both giving room to be themselves. However, when their magic was discovered, their parents sent them away, for their own good. They were eight, and both were scared and confused. They were taken in by a man who embraced their magic, and taught them how to use it and respect it. While Gabriel embraced his magic, and revealed in it, Michael was scared of it.
However, both learned their magic, and eventually, they sought to join guilds.
Michael Steiner
~ Basic ~
Name:Michael Stiener
Occupation: ∞Guild Mage of Dragon Fang
Place Of Origin: ∞ Fiore
Magic Level: A
Personality: An extremely shy young man, Michael suffers from an almost crippling stutter that he doesn’t seem to be able to control in the slightest. He seems to get easily frustrated at trying to hold a conversation, and always wonders if people are annoyed or exhausted by him- and because of this, he doesn’t tend to speak a lot, highly self-conscious. If one were to observe Michael, they would see that there are times when his stutter isn’t as obvious. And indeed, they’d be right. Michael seems to, when he is focused on something or particularly passionate- or even just being given a little confidence- seems to control the stutter, without really noticing it.
However, because of his self-consciousness, Michael can be seen as a bit of a loner, and more than a little strange- at times he prefers to communicate via the written word. Despite this, he is a rather bright young man, with a courageousness that defies his passive nature. He would rather discuss something, then fight about it and the same goes for battle. If something can’t be solved by words, Michael will use his mind to try and find a more peaceful way of ending things.
Submissive by nature, Michael nevertheless has a hidden leader like nature, which does tend to show itself in certain ways- such as when he seeks to stand up for something, or someone, important. He has a particular soft spot for those that can seem to protect themselves, or are unable to, and for those he cares about. While he doesn’t wish to be in a leadership position, or a position of power, Micahel will exert himself if he needs to, and if no one else is around who is more suited to the role- in his eyes. He doesn’t want to lead- even the thought of public speaking tends to make his stutter worse, and he believes a leader who can’t speak properly is no leader at all.
A rather emotional individual, Michael often doubts himself- and this is perhaps the root of Michael’s self-consciousness- he doesn’t believe in himself. He constantly worries what others think about him, and he constantly worries about his brother. Gabriel is cool to his warmth, but he is well aware of Gabes softer side, and wishes he’d let others see it more often. Despite this, he doesn’t let this cloud his judgement- or at least his ability to think strategically. Both logical and emotional, Michael walks a fine balance between the two, one he seems more than capable of doing. Indeed, he is a rather sympathetic individual, relating to others in a way that many of those with a more logical nature tend to find difficult.
While Micahel is logical, he often chooses choices based on his own morals and what he thinks should be done, using his knowledge of strategic moves and advances to do so. This fuels his thirst for knowledge that is rarely satisfied and he isn’t happy unless he has several books to read.
Noble of spirit, when he is moved to defend those who can’t defend themselves, or to protect those he cares about, he is perhaps the worst enemy you will ever face, for he will never give up, nor make a rash mistake just because he is angry. This coupled with his vast store of knowledge makes him a deadly foe for just about everyone, especially given that when he acts, Michael seems to have a skill to inspire others, to help them in a cause he deems important, not just for himself but for themselves as well.
Generally a very warm, kind-hearted individual, Michael is not a violent person by nature, and while he has a valuable skill with arms, he prefers to address confrontations by a purely strategic and tactical standpoint. He is truly sweet and caring person, and there isn’t a mean bone in his body, although this doesn’t mean that he won’t fight for those he cares about- even if its not in the way people truly expect.
~ Relationships ~
Relationship Status:Single
Partner: None
Children: ∞ None
Father: Casteil Stiener
Mother: Meg Stiener
Siblings:Gabriel Steiner, twin brother
~ Other ~
Powers: Celestial Spirit Magic: Beast
Michael can use celestial spirit magic, summoning the spirits of mythical beasts
Current spirits
The Angel Uriel
Uriel is an angelic spirit, one that is easy to laugh, easy to talk with and easy to partner with. His abilities reveal around the use of light magic

The Demon Balthazar
Balthazar is a demonic spirit, a grumpy spirit who loathes that he is bound by a contract. His powers revolve around the use of darkness.

History: Gabriel is the oldest of the Celestial Twins. Michael, and Gabriel were raised in a loving home, both giving room to be themselves. However, when their magic was discovered, their parents sent them away, for their own good. They were eight, and both were scared and confused. They were taken in by a man who embraced their magic, and taught them how to use it and respect it. While Gabriel embraced his magic, and revealed in it, Michael was scared of it.
However, both learned their magic, and eventually, they sought to join guilds.
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