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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mephisto


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-"Hello Child my name is Indra" she responded.
-" I woke up a while ago and i found this letter on me" she said and showed the letter
- "Then, i came here to find some answers about the letter and i saw this rusty metallic robot and i am about to recharge him" she said

After saying that a sudden breeze came by her. She looked to nowhere and her eyes poinpointed on the movement of a falling leaf.
She heard whispers from the air spirits explaining her she is no longer on the planet she was sleeping and she is on the planet Desnia away from the look of her brothers
up to this point.Then she realizes she will have to find the meaning of the letter until her brother visit this planet and maybe a way to remove this "curse" away from her or so she thought...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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After having stood completely still like a statue in both shape and scale, because what could describe a nameless and gigantic figure such as him unless he a statue. Whilst people should know his legends and tales from biblical stories across many universes and dimensions. Suddenly some supposedly clueless female figure appeared and spoke to him, due to his war torn body he was unable to hear her untill she spoke about some ''ugly robot'' He turned and immedietly towered above her, his piercing eyes would have almost paralized her if she was a normal female, however as clueless as she seemed she'd just jump around aimlessly. ''I am Conquestus, God of Conflict...'' His voice covered the entire area and seemed to flow with the wind, letting everyone around the area hear his wartorn and experienced tone of speech, yet it was distorted as if he was a spirit trying to speak, his voice sounded truly demonic more then angelic, as was expected by someone like him.

''Speak your purpose...'' He commanded coldly, the voice of a leaderly figure and a knowledgable tactician and strategist covered the entirity of his voice. The armored plates of which nearly covered his entire body seemed to expell some kind of blue and red mist, it all floated towards the sky in a beautiful yet terrifying formation and mixture of colors and shapes along the pillar of mist which originates from his armor plates.

Continuing to blaze his gaze down upon her he took in his surroundings at the same time, inside the temple of which he didn't deserve to enter there were quite the few figures, apparently he was the only one figure who was to unholy to enter such a great temple, truly, the only temples of which he was able to enter was those who were made to worship him and his own personal fortress cathedral. He gazed seemingly through the temple and spotted an angered deity, the downed fighter pilot, she would need to cope her emotions to ascend into power levels such as his own, because without doubt he was the strongest here when it came to a duel, which would occure, given time, conflict does always appear, no matter what you do to conceal and keep it from happening.

He spotted some kind of dragon connected man, obviously a form of divinity and a deity of complexity. An interesting mix, since the deity of complexity was acting more one-sided than what complexity stands for, he guessed the dragon deity must be quite the figure. With the titans shield in hand and the sword on his back he looked back at the tiny woman, standing as still as ever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Blaze witnessed the gigantic figure that towered over the woman he just met and inevitably him as well, since he was right next to her. With that he confirmed that the armor is alive.

"I hate it when I am right..." he muttered.

He was enormous. His shadow covered all of them and his eyes were intimidating to stun even the most brave of the warriors. His thick armor was worn out from what it seemed to be thousands, even millions of battles, indicating his experience. Blaze couldn't help but think that this deity might be stronger than himself, a thing he made him feel uneasy, considering he had to protect three people. He would suggest for the others to run, but he thought it would be best not to seperate from him, since he didn't know the abilities of that thing. While Blaze was thinking of what would be the best course of action, the entity introduced itself as Conquestus, the Deity of Conflict. The sheer sound of his voice annoyed Blaze due to his sensitive hearing.

"The Deity of Conflict, he says...How am I supposed to defeat someone who is born for battles?" he thought.

His thoughts were once again interrupted by Conquestus, who continued:

"Speak your purpose..."

Is he calm? Is he angry? Of course, almost everyone would be angry if someone stepped on them, more so if they had a reputation such as his. He also didn't give of a "nice to meet you" impression. Blaze took the initiative to talk to Conquestus. He stepped in front of the woman and said:

"I am the Dragon Child, Blaze. I apologize if the lady insulted you, but she was unaware of your identity and of the fact that you were alive. We were brought here, probably like you were. We do not intend to cause a conflict, so please accept my apology."

He thought that it was ironic to use ironic the world "conflict" to the Deity that represented it. He hoped that his choice of words would calm the Deity down and ensure everybody's safety.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mephisto


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Lost in her thought about this planet's elemental spirits and her own goal with the letter she has been given Indra closed her eyes for a bit to remember if she has ever travelled here on her journeys in the past. Still nothing. It has been millions of years since she ever set foot to another planet and even have a discussion. "Dragons huh" she smirked."I remember the first one ever born. she hatched from an egg and she were beatiful as the full moon night" said. After a sort period of time she heard a voice coming from above and behind her. She turned behind seeing the robot looking at her and callin himself God of conflict. "So my actions and all the civilization wars had this result?" she asked herself and then she remember that her brother told her about this so called God and his powers on the bettlefield

"I knew i had seen those runes before" she said , When those words heard Blaze was already in front of her trying to protect Indra but the dragon boy seemed scared.
The ground on her feet started crumbling, started to levitate in the air forming a platform on which Indra was standing. It started moving towards the head of Conquestus , and then a Voice heard not from the mouth of Indra but it was the noise of the wind helping her to use the same tone as Conquestus did. "Im Indra. The Elements themselves! I am here for some answers conserning this letter." the voice stopped as she was showing the letter to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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The titan of warfare stood still, intrigued with Blaze's resolve to protect this 10 billion year old female. ''Step aside Dragon child...'' He said, the pillar of mist rising now beyond the clouds, which brought it out of view. The allfather had told him about this Indra, he had created her during the birth of this universe, however she has went beyond selfish, she believes that she has any influence upon the deity of conflict? He was born a million universes ahead of her and lived through multiple billions upon that. His experience is beyond anything she'd understand and she claims herself responsible for civilizations and wars?

''The elements have connection with the mind of mortals...'' He mentioned cold bloodedly, after that however she went beyond madness and took up aggressiveness towards the deity which has lived nothing but war for millions of universes worth of time. ''You hold no say over my actions...'' He commanded and then continued yet again. ''The allfather made you very self obsessed, I see...'' He reached for the Vanquisher of Conflict and in an instant of motion and time he drew it and smashed it against the ground. ''Listen now...'' He demanded in his usual voice tone. ''The allfather existed before this supposed Genesis of existance, he created it as he's done many times before, when a universe is at it's limit, when it's resources are exhausted he destroyes it and rebuilds it anew, as a creation of the first universe. This is but one child of previous millions of universes.''

He readied himself rather obviously and used his piercing gaze to cower the dragon child into submission, Inbra he'd not be so sure about forcing fear upon her, simply because she was too... Clueless. ''The allfather wrote it to you, as he did everyone, he is the father of all, the creator of everythin and nothing. I am his champion, and even whilst knowing this...'' He stopped, the earth beneath his feet started to rustle and crack, the earth actually defied gravity and floated up towards the sky, just like the unknown mist. ''You dare take up arms towards me?''
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Conquestus gaze was intense. It has been a long time since Blaze felt intimidation of such magnitude. The air got thinner and the sheer pressure he emmited was equivalent to some of the strongest dragons. However, he took a step forward.

"I have lived with dragons long enough to overcome such hardships. Although not my intention, even if it is the God of Conflict, then I will not step back, for the honor of all dragons!"

His voice echoed throughout the temple, just like the voice of the other two did. Slowly, his canines got sharper and a dim light appeared from the left side of the chest. Blaze removed his clothes and revealed a dragon-shaped scar, glowing in the colours of the hottest of flames, a dragon's flames. He walked past Conquestus' weapon and stepped right in front of him, emmiting his own aura, an aura of ferocity, wildness and superiority, the aura of of a dragon. He asked Paco to step back, stating that things might take a turn for the worst and protect Evangeline. His face was serious, unlike the smiling self he usually has. Then he turned to Conquestus and said:

"I shall ask you to refrain from fighting here one last time, Deity of Conflict. We do not have to start a battle with so many innocents around."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mephisto


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Indra laughed.

"Relax Child we will not fight we are just getting to know each other." she said calmy with a beautiful smile at her face.

After that said she turned again at conquestus. "I am extremely happy to know someone stronger than me " she said.
"You might have also heard of my brothers. Death,space and time .Im on a journey to find a force stronger than them or a way for me to become one. Even so im happy to make an acquaitance with you and thank you about the info about the alfather but your answer about the latter was now specific. what we must do to acquire those powers that he speaks for.? she said and sat in the platform waiting for the God of Confilct to answer while she was thinking a way for all these Gods here to fight with her brother in order to get rid of her curse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Without even acknowledging the existance of the dragon child, he felt not harm by this tiny figure as he wouldn't in his realm either. They looked towards Conquestus as if they were equal, however sad the truth is, they were far from it, whilst Conquestus hated the work of which he is forced to endure he knows that the burden is his to endure and no one elses. ''I will not help you, nor any of your brothers, they know nothing of the experiences and hardships I've endured and I'd be surprised if they could trump me in combat...'' His voice was emotionless as previously however the rocks around him fell to the ground, and the mist pillar began to fade slowly. ''You underestimate me...''

He then shoved away the dragon child, unknowingly doing so rather brutishly.''Speak your purpose...'' He repeated yet again. However his grip around the runic sword which scale was greater then even those infront of him, the Vanquisher of Conflict would give off an aura of it's own, one of terror and death, it outshined that of even Conquestus. ''You're staring at the forge work of the Allfather, himself.'' He remakred as they would've looked at the Runic Sword making itself noticed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Blaze was thrown quite far away, not because he was unprepared, rather because of the difference in strength between him and the Deity in armor. It was the first time someone pushed him away like that, even more so without breaking a sweat. He recognized that Conquestus is outside his league. But instead of giving up, once again he stood up. He wasn't sure why, but an urge of excitement rushed, giving a shiver through his spine. Was it the challenge to overcome an obstacle? Or maybe the pleasure of finding someone stronger. That he could not answer. Paco rushed to him and asked if he was all right. He smirked.

"So there are guys like this out there, huh? Maybe this guy can help me awaken my abilities, like I was requested. I just hope i will not die before I do so." he said and brushed his lips with his hand.

Paco had never seen Blaze so eager for a battle. He was usually collected and calm. Maybe it was because it was the first time he could go all out against someone else, test his limits and see how far he could go. Blaze dashed once again to Conquestus. A few meters away from him, he jumped at the height of his head. His figure was even more ominous from up close. Blaze took a deep breath.

"Well, Lancelot, you are strong, but can you cope with my flames?" he said and spewed a huge flame from his mouth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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As his grip around the Vanquisher of Conflict tightened as the actions taking place concerning the dragon child started heating up. ''Fool...'' He voiced as he ripped the sword from the ground, the almost instantaneous swing closed the distance between the two in a flash, with the huge edge of the runic blade so close to the face of Blaze he did most likely not expect the power bound to the Allfather's blade.

The invisible force which followed in the wake of the blade would shake even the foundations of the tree itself, and the weaker trees in the distance would fall to the force of the blade. He then raised his shield, Protector against Unjustice and the flame was seemingly absorbed by the incredible strenght of the shields armor. ''This will be your warning... Do not face me in combat...'' He demanded as he, once again, burried the swords blade into the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Blaze was once again pushed back by the seemingly invincible Conquestus. However, the battle could not help but stir him up. His heart was now pounding from excitement, his fist trembling from impatience. The Deity of Conflict was by far the strongest being he ever faced, maybe the strongest thing he would ever encounter. However, all these disadvantages only made him smile. Not a smile of confidence, but a smile of pleasure. He knew that he must have been insignificant in front of the Deity's incalculable power, but he would not be satisfied with that. He once again stood up. His face was bleeding and he injured his ribs. Luckily they weren't broken.

"Even my flames didn't work. But considering he used his shield, then if hit by them, that must mean they might do some damage to him after all...Well, if I don't get at least a clean hit, I won't be satisfied." he thought.

Blaze calculated any possible tacticts. He knew that he could not take advantage of the weight of Conquestus's weapons, since the Deity was capable of using them as if they were weightless. He also didn't have any blind spot, despite having an almost defenseless stance. That left him with only one option. Head-on assault. He looked at his opponent once again.

"Stop? No way...This is my chance to seize the top! It is an honor by itself to fight with you, so I might as well savor it! Thank you, Deity of Conflict!" he said aloud.

He once again dashed to Conquestus. He jumped just like before, but this time he spewed his dragonbreath on the ground, giving himself a speed boost, in order to make Conquestus miss the timing of the attack and headed for a full-powered punch to the Deity's head.

"It's all or nothing now!", was the thought that flashed through his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

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Innocentius looked around in confusion. He had felt some sort of power run across him, but he wasn't aware of what it was from. He ran outside to see what was going on.
"This is your last warning. Do not face me in combat," said a massive being covered completely by armor and holding a gigantic sword covered in rooms. The warning was directed at a young man with a glowing dragon on his chest.
Why are they fighting? wondered Innocentius. What were their goals?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mephisto


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Indra stood there for a bit looking at the fight the two of them had. Thats's where it hit her.

"We are not alone here! Behind us there is a temple and 2 innocent people that are going to get hurt from it! I must do something. " she said.

Having said that she began making a platform for the people that were not in the fight, then she levitated it to her place and merged it with her own.
Thats when a powerful aftershock from the hit that Conquestus did on Blaze hit them. Without thinking shielded herself and the other with a globe of air surrounding the platform. "now we are safe" she said.

..Now for the temple.. she spewed
"This is not a place for a fight there are innocents and a huge temple that we know little about! If you want to fight go somewhere else" she said.

Elements of winds,water and electricity Hear my call! she yelled.
A big cloud surrounded them both Blaze and Conquestus
After that a powerful gust of wind sent Blaze 30 meters away. As for Conquestus a typhoon appeared pushing him back from each other and in the middle A powerful thunder took place for aboout 3 seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Even though Indra's powers were unquestionably powerful he was not phased by the Typhoon, as he understood her wishes he simply walked to where he'd imagine the Typhoon would drag him if he were infact a mortal and stopped there, facing Blaze casually once again, with his shield casually held in his left hand and his sword smashed into the ground. ''Fool...'' He stated blindly at Blaze's statements, battle for the sake of anticipation was the works of a fool and the thing of unexperience. ''Charge me if you dare continue this duel, I will not give you any further chances...'' He spoke up, his voice towering over even the lightning of the battlefield.

The previous mist had found itself wrapped around the Vanquisher of Conflict, supposedly powering it for somekind of reason, the sword itself was mumbling, voices were generated by the sword, voices of the past, the blood engraved on the sword started to generat voices from those whom it once belong, and their rage was being focused into the blade. The invisible chackles and chains crushing and keeping him to the surface grew ever more visible as the blades power increased with the rage of these voices, both men and women, even children.

His eyes pierced seemingly through Blaze and his observant glare studied his every move. The fool would be demolished straight to pandemonium. ''Give me another chance and I will demolish you...'' He threatened, the cape blew with the wind, concealing his left, shield arm from Blaze's, anyones view. He then glared at Indra. ''On the battlefield you hold no power over me...'' He spoke out casually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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She watched unimpressed, she had no words for this as the two began to fight one another. She shook her head, and sat herself no the stone bench once more to watch the two.

"Why may I ask? Why battle against one another with only the knowledge of one's appearance? A man you are not to believe that your size makes you more powerful than sensibility. Puff up your chest now, but what are you over coming? I see you not as a Victor but both childish fools. Your brutality means nothing in the end but unnecessary cruelty. Such a spiritual place does not need to be tainted by your vulgarity! " Her voice was no longer soft and gentle, she may not have even been heard by the two but her anger stirred. Disgusted by their actions, to fight uninvited for what? To see who is the bigger man. Blaze had lost all of her respect, she was already ready to leave this temple without spending more than 24 hours. She then watched a woman stir up the elements which gave her some relief that someone was stopping the two of them, yet nothing worked.

She repeated herself, hoping to be heard. "Why may I ask? Why battle against one another with only the knowledge of one's appearance? A man you are not to believe that your size makes you more powerful than sensibility. Puff up your chest now, but what are you over coming? I see you not as a Victor but both childish fools. Your brutality means nothing in the end but unnecessary cruelty. Such a spiritual place does not need to be tainted by your vulgarity! " Her voice was loud and monstrous, her eyes blazed white.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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Actaeon leaned against the wall watching everyone of them converse, he watched new faces come in and observed them assessing, finding little weaknesses. His eyes flickered from one to the other and so on, he didn't see anyone overly dangerous but was still careful, he stood off the wall and decided to move the conversation elsewhere. He was enjoying the fight between the two and smiled but smelled something.

"I hate to be the one to disrupt this," Actaeon said " for those of you who haven't heard my name I am Actaeon or Lupus, soon to be god of wild beasts and the hunt. Typically I would enjoy such a fight but currently I can see some of our fellow deities are not so comfortable with battle. And on a more important note, I smell a meal, shall we go seek out sustenance."

With that Actaeon sniffed the air and followed the scent of cooked meat, he eventually found himself staring at a table loaded with foods he smiled and took a seat. He took a leg of some kind of bird and bit into it then grabbed some of the sliced beef and scarfed it down. He smiled at the food.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Evangeline's words reached out to Blaze. It was true. While his firstmost intention was to protect her, Paco and the other woman, his behavior from the menacing Deity, in the end he acted like nothing more than a wild beast. It was a side of him he never knew he had. Would that happen everytime he faced someone strong? The idea terrified him. He didn't consider the fact he would die at all. As capable a fighter he was in this world's standarts, the powers of other beings was just overwhelming. He stopped his attacks and the scar ceased to shine. His canines became normal as well. He pitied himself. He stood up from Conquestus' last assault. Once again he couldn't land a hit. But he couldn't care less about that right now. He stood up, dusted off his clothes and body. He moved forward without lifting his head and appeared before Conquestus.

"I am sorry for my behavior, Deity of Conflict. I am clearly not your equal in battle. Thanks for sparing my life." he said.

He then turned his back on the Deity, not in a rude or arrogant way, but because he didn't have anything else to say. He picked the rest of his clothes from the ground. Once again, he covered his scar. He still didn't lift his head, just passing by everyone. Before passing by Evangeline, he said:

"I am sorry...You didn't deserve to see this."

His voice was trembling, as if he was holding tears, tears of regret, that is. After that, he moved forward, not looking back at all. Paco, who was watching the entire battle, followed him, obviously worried.


"It's nothing, Paco. I just need some time to think..."

He kept walking to the other side of the platform. Sometime later he dissapeared from everyone's sight and sat alone on the edge of the platform. His eyes had an empty look and his face was full of grief.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mephisto


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Indra lowered the platform to the ground and removed the air bubble that potected them. She then turned at Evangeline and introduced herself ignoring Conquestus for a bit but always being ready for a surprise attack. "I am Indra goddess of elements i just got here. I do not know how... "she muttered. "I only have this letter" and showed it to them.

After that she turned her gaze towards Conquestus.

" You may be strong god of Conflict but you depend only on the weapons your father made and act like a child. You brag about your age and your achievements but the only thing i see in you are only the scars of your battles. If yoou want to make Conflict with us i suggest you that you must first know why you came here and know your purpose on this and then start thinking about personal vendettas." so she turned away and then something hit her. "in this world my brother do not where or how to find me, that means i can use my full potential without worrying about anything but just to be sure i will use it for good.. for now." she thought and then a very beautiful smile came from her lips. So what is your deal dear girl? referring to evangeline.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

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Innocentius watched the fight in horror. It didn't seem to accomplish anything, except for the smaller man getting beaten back rather harshly. Suddenly, it stopped. The smaller one walked off sadly, as if he thought someone would be disappointed in him for leaving the battle. He apologized to a women on his way away.
Innocentius followed him for a while, and sat down near him. Innocentius didn't say a word, he just watched.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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As the sword began to turn silent and less active Conquestus sheathed it once more on his back. Whilst the dragon child left from right infront of him he didn't mention a word, he simply looked down upon him. ''Leave.. Conflict is not for enjoyment.'' Suddenly Indra voiced her opinion. ''Don't make connection between imaginary facts...''

[Holy crap.. I didn't expect this writers block.]
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