Since I'm still tweaking my other two characters, I was gonna wait to introduce Alexander, Alvina, and Tristan, and reserve this spot to toss these two onto my Character Sheet later.
and a couple more I wanted to throw on at some point or at least share them with you all.
Name: Devin Gura
Age: 18
Magic: Seither Shadow Magic
Magic Level: A
Devin was a tall lanky and pale boy raised in an orphanage. Devin would often find dead animals and insects and play with them saying that he wondered what they were like when they were alive. This made many of the kids scared of him. His gaunt appearance and grim personality often scared off any potential parents, and the other children began calling him skeleton, a nickname he disliked a great deal. His only joy was a small flower bed in the orphanage’s yard where he buried the dead animals, and a small injured black cat he found there. It had apparently been injured and the boy nursed it to health in secret. It was the first animal that he played with that wasn't dead, and he was happy to have a friend. As time went on, he believed that the cat spoke to him. It told him that he could have more friends, and that it was a guardian angel sent to him. Devin, desperate for more friends, listened to the cat, which he had named Schwarz, and it told him how to use a black magic, similar to Seith Magic. Seven years passed and on his 12th Birthday, he had been told to test his powers to gain friends. Using his Snatch ability, the shadows of everyone in the orphanage were stolen. He then snuck out and went into the woods, where Schwarz sat. Proud of himself for finally being able to perform the magic, Devin showed off his powers by creating doubles of the children. Schwarz told him what a good job he did, and the doubles became an echo chamber, goading him on. Soon Schwartz convinced him to show the rest of the village his powers, and Devin did just that.
From within a nearby cave, he was able to stretch his shadow far into the village and began wreaking havoc. He would cause small problems that would be chalked up to bad luck by the villagers. There was also the matter of the missing shadows of the Orphans that frightened the villagers.
Over the years and at night, people began losing their shadows, and soon the village became known for being cursed. People would warn others not to go into the town, or they’d lose their shadows. Schwartz left Devin to his own devices.
Devin, however, continued to create his cave dwelling family. That is, until the thought occurred to him that he couldn’t feel the touch of his shades. So, he began attacking animals and placing the shadows into their bodies. He would send these zombies, skeletons, and doppelgangers into the village to get supplies and more bodies for him to create more family for himself. Devin however was still trying to fill the void and began going into the village and trying to force people to become his friend, with his army of undead.
The Villagers saw this as an attack on their lives and tried to hire a guild to take on the necromancer, but they were intercepted by Devin’s Shadow. Surrounded by copies and creatures, the villagers thought they were doomed, until a young mage proclaiming himself to be a traveling Dark Wizard slayer arrived. After the young mage proved his skills against the undead creatures, they asked him to get rid of the evil Necromancer.
The mage used his light magic and destroyed many of the undead, and eventually came face to face with Devin himself.
Before the final blow was struck, Devin begged for forgiveness, explaining his plight for friendship, sans the talking cat. The mage, still holding a blade to Devin’s throat, gave a sigh at the sight. But the mage could tell that Devin was not lying. After a chat, Devin released the shadows of the villagers, returning them to their owners. The people thought Devin was destroyed, but were shocked to see the mage return with him.
They were wary at first, having seen Devin’s deception first hand. After easing their suspicions and chastising the village and giving a speech about friendship and bullying, the villagers’ tunes changed to pity for Devin, one of the children even offering to be his friend “for real this time”. Devin thanked the mage, wishing he had a friend like him when he was younger and the mage left saying that they still can be and that he'll be checking on him.
Weeks later, the village had hung many lanterns and lights around the village as a precaution. A man with a blue sword had come to the village, along with a flying cat and a blonde woman. The man had claimed to come so he could gain the powerful magic that he had heard had gripped the town until recently. The villagers explained the story to the man, and Devin was convinced to leave with them by the child that befriended him, saying that the adults were still suspicious of him, and that if he left with them, he could make more friends. After a teary goodbye, Devin joined the Blue Bladed Swordsman on his quest.
Grim. He wonders what everyone looks like dead, and when he sees a dead body he daydreams about what they looked like when alive.
Really wants friends, and will listen and remember every detail to an almost creepy extent.
He gets very angry when called Skeleton.
Team Members:
Three Strengths:
Powerful Shadow Magic allows him to control a multitude of options for combat.
He is very attentive and retentive
Able to attack from afar with his shadow, and can gain increased shadow length through other shadows.
Three Weaknesses:
Light can bounce his shadow magic away from the intended target.
Gullible, if someone claims they will be his friend, he will follow them dutifully.
Not physically fit, given his build and unathletic life.
Greatest Love:
To gain more friends.
Devin stands at 6’10” with an incredibly slim and gaunt build. His brown hair ends in three points that stand straight up. He wears a black double breasted coat over a white dress shirt, a pair of White Gloves, a pair of dark brown slacks and calf high black leather boots. On his face he usually wears a Masquerade Mask, covering the top half of his face. His pale skin is nearly white.
Age: 18
Magic: Seither Shadow Magic
Shadow Magic: Puppeteer - Devin’s Shadow can control an object while connected to its Shadow. This allows him to lift objects almost telekinetically and move them around, or even activate the object without needing to touch it. His reach can extend when inside of another larger shadow.
Shadow Magic: Marionette - Devin’s Shadow rises out of the ground and can attack for him. The Marionette can extend its reach while within other shadows. However, the Marionette is easily weakened by light.
Shadow Magic: Snatch - Devin can grab the shadow of an object or person and take it from them, with enough force. He can then add the shadow to his own, increasing the strength and length of his own shadow.
Shadow Magic: Cast - Devin can use a shadow he has snatched to create a false version of a person that does and says what he thinks. However, these shades can only move and speak on their own, and dissipate when touched, though they can interact with items. Useful for a distraction or deceit. When dissipated, the shadow returns to its owner. He can even create fake versions of himself by using pieces of his shadow.
Shadow Magic: Poltergeist - Devin can release his shadow from his body to attack for him or to control items from further away. The only downside to this power is that Devin cannot move while using this magic.
Shadow Seith Magic: Gespent - Devin can place his or another person's shadow into a non-sentient or non-living item. The item then takes on the mannerisms and skills of the shadow placed into it. However, if the item is destroyed, the shadow is released and returned to its original body. If he places some of his shadow inside of an object, the item can float, make magical barriers and unleash magical blasts, similar to other Seithr Magic.
Shadow Magic: Necromancy - Devin can take his shadow and remove some of it from himself and place it into a dead being’s Shadow to create Zombies and living Skeletons. These creatures will follow the commands of Devin, but are only able to take rudimentary orders unless more of a Shadow is placed into it. By using this magic alongside Gespent, he can even place another person’s shadow inside of a dead being to create an obedient doppelganger. When a Doppelganger is destroyed, its shadow will return to its original owner.The magic does not work if the creature has been buried. Devin’s shadow can be split upto 50 times, unless additional shadow is added.
Shadow Magic: Shade Wrap - Devin’s shadow can merge onto his body to create an enhanced armor and weapon for himself. The shadow can then morph into different weapons and shapes for Devin to use in combat.
Shadow Magic: Strings - Devin can recall all of the stolen shadows still under his control and add them to his own.
Shadow Magic: Marionette - Devin’s Shadow rises out of the ground and can attack for him. The Marionette can extend its reach while within other shadows. However, the Marionette is easily weakened by light.
Shadow Magic: Snatch - Devin can grab the shadow of an object or person and take it from them, with enough force. He can then add the shadow to his own, increasing the strength and length of his own shadow.
Shadow Magic: Cast - Devin can use a shadow he has snatched to create a false version of a person that does and says what he thinks. However, these shades can only move and speak on their own, and dissipate when touched, though they can interact with items. Useful for a distraction or deceit. When dissipated, the shadow returns to its owner. He can even create fake versions of himself by using pieces of his shadow.
Shadow Magic: Poltergeist - Devin can release his shadow from his body to attack for him or to control items from further away. The only downside to this power is that Devin cannot move while using this magic.
Shadow Seith Magic: Gespent - Devin can place his or another person's shadow into a non-sentient or non-living item. The item then takes on the mannerisms and skills of the shadow placed into it. However, if the item is destroyed, the shadow is released and returned to its original body. If he places some of his shadow inside of an object, the item can float, make magical barriers and unleash magical blasts, similar to other Seithr Magic.
Shadow Magic: Necromancy - Devin can take his shadow and remove some of it from himself and place it into a dead being’s Shadow to create Zombies and living Skeletons. These creatures will follow the commands of Devin, but are only able to take rudimentary orders unless more of a Shadow is placed into it. By using this magic alongside Gespent, he can even place another person’s shadow inside of a dead being to create an obedient doppelganger. When a Doppelganger is destroyed, its shadow will return to its original owner.The magic does not work if the creature has been buried. Devin’s shadow can be split upto 50 times, unless additional shadow is added.
Shadow Magic: Shade Wrap - Devin’s shadow can merge onto his body to create an enhanced armor and weapon for himself. The shadow can then morph into different weapons and shapes for Devin to use in combat.
Shadow Magic: Strings - Devin can recall all of the stolen shadows still under his control and add them to his own.
Magic Level: A
Devin was a tall lanky and pale boy raised in an orphanage. Devin would often find dead animals and insects and play with them saying that he wondered what they were like when they were alive. This made many of the kids scared of him. His gaunt appearance and grim personality often scared off any potential parents, and the other children began calling him skeleton, a nickname he disliked a great deal. His only joy was a small flower bed in the orphanage’s yard where he buried the dead animals, and a small injured black cat he found there. It had apparently been injured and the boy nursed it to health in secret. It was the first animal that he played with that wasn't dead, and he was happy to have a friend. As time went on, he believed that the cat spoke to him. It told him that he could have more friends, and that it was a guardian angel sent to him. Devin, desperate for more friends, listened to the cat, which he had named Schwarz, and it told him how to use a black magic, similar to Seith Magic. Seven years passed and on his 12th Birthday, he had been told to test his powers to gain friends. Using his Snatch ability, the shadows of everyone in the orphanage were stolen. He then snuck out and went into the woods, where Schwarz sat. Proud of himself for finally being able to perform the magic, Devin showed off his powers by creating doubles of the children. Schwarz told him what a good job he did, and the doubles became an echo chamber, goading him on. Soon Schwartz convinced him to show the rest of the village his powers, and Devin did just that.
From within a nearby cave, he was able to stretch his shadow far into the village and began wreaking havoc. He would cause small problems that would be chalked up to bad luck by the villagers. There was also the matter of the missing shadows of the Orphans that frightened the villagers.
Over the years and at night, people began losing their shadows, and soon the village became known for being cursed. People would warn others not to go into the town, or they’d lose their shadows. Schwartz left Devin to his own devices.
Devin, however, continued to create his cave dwelling family. That is, until the thought occurred to him that he couldn’t feel the touch of his shades. So, he began attacking animals and placing the shadows into their bodies. He would send these zombies, skeletons, and doppelgangers into the village to get supplies and more bodies for him to create more family for himself. Devin however was still trying to fill the void and began going into the village and trying to force people to become his friend, with his army of undead.
The Villagers saw this as an attack on their lives and tried to hire a guild to take on the necromancer, but they were intercepted by Devin’s Shadow. Surrounded by copies and creatures, the villagers thought they were doomed, until a young mage proclaiming himself to be a traveling Dark Wizard slayer arrived. After the young mage proved his skills against the undead creatures, they asked him to get rid of the evil Necromancer.
The mage used his light magic and destroyed many of the undead, and eventually came face to face with Devin himself.
Before the final blow was struck, Devin begged for forgiveness, explaining his plight for friendship, sans the talking cat. The mage, still holding a blade to Devin’s throat, gave a sigh at the sight. But the mage could tell that Devin was not lying. After a chat, Devin released the shadows of the villagers, returning them to their owners. The people thought Devin was destroyed, but were shocked to see the mage return with him.
They were wary at first, having seen Devin’s deception first hand. After easing their suspicions and chastising the village and giving a speech about friendship and bullying, the villagers’ tunes changed to pity for Devin, one of the children even offering to be his friend “for real this time”. Devin thanked the mage, wishing he had a friend like him when he was younger and the mage left saying that they still can be and that he'll be checking on him.
Weeks later, the village had hung many lanterns and lights around the village as a precaution. A man with a blue sword had come to the village, along with a flying cat and a blonde woman. The man had claimed to come so he could gain the powerful magic that he had heard had gripped the town until recently. The villagers explained the story to the man, and Devin was convinced to leave with them by the child that befriended him, saying that the adults were still suspicious of him, and that if he left with them, he could make more friends. After a teary goodbye, Devin joined the Blue Bladed Swordsman on his quest.
Grim. He wonders what everyone looks like dead, and when he sees a dead body he daydreams about what they looked like when alive.
Really wants friends, and will listen and remember every detail to an almost creepy extent.
He gets very angry when called Skeleton.
Team Members:
Three Strengths:
Powerful Shadow Magic allows him to control a multitude of options for combat.
He is very attentive and retentive
Able to attack from afar with his shadow, and can gain increased shadow length through other shadows.
Three Weaknesses:
Light can bounce his shadow magic away from the intended target.
Gullible, if someone claims they will be his friend, he will follow them dutifully.
Not physically fit, given his build and unathletic life.
Greatest Love:
To gain more friends.
Devin stands at 6’10” with an incredibly slim and gaunt build. His brown hair ends in three points that stand straight up. He wears a black double breasted coat over a white dress shirt, a pair of White Gloves, a pair of dark brown slacks and calf high black leather boots. On his face he usually wears a Masquerade Mask, covering the top half of his face. His pale skin is nearly white.
Name: Nina Fullbright
Age: 15
Magic: Imagun Magic
Magic Level: S+/ C
Once upon a time, before even the dragon’s ruled, there was a village that housed a powerful magic, the power of imagination. The magic was passed down from generation to generation, with each iteration bringing to life their thoughts and feelings with a mere blink of an eye. However, the people began to become greedy, and left the village seeking new lands and using their power to create new kingdoms and empires. This led to many nations warring over territory and resources, causing many hardships and death.To stop the destruction that the former villagers had created, a single girl had used her magic to make a wish, to end their ambitions. The magic of imagination was sealed away into the girl, and the village was changed in an instant to reflect her ideals. Now, every 18 years the power-
The book ended abruptly, a few pages missing from the book.
”Hmm?” came the voice of the reader, a green haired girl.
“What’s up?” Sid, a blonde haired youth asked from behind his workbench.
”The last few pages are missing from the book.”
The blonde stood up, grease and oil smeared across his face.
“Which book are you talking about, Nina? You read so many.”
Nina closed the book and showed it towards Sid, it’s cover illegible, but the name Etheria Zenith near the bottom.
“Oh! That one. I’ve never read it myself, but everyone in the town knows how it ends.”
The boy crouched under his desk, lifting something concealed by a tarpaulin and placing it atop the bench.
”So, what’s the ending?” Nina asked as she put the book away into her book pocket.
“Huh?” Sid asked, fiddling with the covered item. “Oh, right. It’s supposed to be the story of our village. Every 18 years we have a festival to honor the girl who saved the world.”
Nina had a look of realization on her face.
”Oh, that’s what the Child Festival is all about!”
Nina had never thought to ask about the festival, she just thought it was an excuse to have fun.
“Yep. The adults say that it’s going to be a blast.” Sid said.
He glanced around and hunched over towards Nina, cupping his hand to funnel his ensuing whisper. Nina leaned in close.
“Don’t tell anyone, but the Mayor has me doing a big show with one of my inventions tomorrow.”
Nina’s eyes lit up
”Really! You always make the coolest stuff! What is it?”
“Nope, sorry, strictly confidential.” Sid replied, raising a hand and waving off her request. “ I respect my Clientele.”
”Party pooper.” She puffed out her cheeks.
He paused a moment, tapping his foot, but couldn’t wait any longer.
“Alright, fine. I’ll show you one thing.” He said, removing the cover from the item on his bench. “Tada!”
”What is it?” Nina asked looking over it.
The thing was a strange cross shaped metal object that seemed to have a trigger built inside of it.
“This is the Imagun engine! It’s going to be used to power my surprise! See, It’s called Imagun, but it’s more of a word pun. See, it’s spelled like Ima-Gun, but said aloud sounds like Imagine.”
Nina was not impressed by the joke.
“Anyways, it was modified from an Alchemic Gun, and uses the latent Magic within people to erupt with power. It’s the crowning achievement of mine that will make The Armstrong run perfectly!”
“Uh, forget I said anything.” Sid said as he recovered the device. “See, it uses Magic Soil to-”
A chiming of the village bell interrupted the conversation. Six chimes.
“Huh. That late already?”
Nina’s eyes went wide. She had lost track of time reading. Sid‘s workshop was the quietest place in town, and it allowed her to really immerse herself in her books.
” I have to return this book. Thanks for letting me read in here Sid!” She called to him as she ran out his workshop door.
“Anytime! I’ll see you tomorrow for the festivities!”
Nina bolted through the town towards the library. She knew that they would close shortly after six, so she needed to get there fast. If she was late returning the books again, she’d be banned for a week.
She approached the large building near the center of town, seeing the librarian stepping out.
“Wait!” Nina cried, pulling the book out of her bag.
It snagged, and as she looked down to free it, she didn’t see the young man turning the corner.
”Oof!” Nina found herself sprawled on the ground, the book having flown several feet away.
”Oww.” she groaned, holding the back of her head.
“Here you go.” came a somewhat gruff voice.
Nina looked up to see a tan young man in a vest, revealing his abs, and a large flowing cloak, covering most of his body. The boy wore a strange cap that revealed his rust colored spiky hair, but kept him concealed from the sides. He held out the book to her.
”Oh, thank you!” Nina said, picking herself up and grasping the book.
She ran over to the librarian and returned the book, before turning around. The man stood there, staring at her.
”Um…” Nina began, timidly, ”I’m sorry for running into you earlier.
The man continued to stare.
”Are you new to the village? Are you lost?”
Nina’s words finally reached him as he shook his head.
“Uh, no, thank you. I’ve been here a couple times before.”
”Oh good. Well, I have to head home. If you’re still here tomorrow, enjoy the festival!”
Nina ran home as the sun began setting, and set to making her dinner. She had spent most of her life alone in the house, with the village taking care of her. She had grown used to it, her parents having disappeared when she was seven. She couldn’t even remember their faces now. She wondered often if Sid had a similar boat, considering he had been left alone four years ago. Not that the parents abandoned either of the teens, it’s just that when they left for other villages they never made it back.
Much later, Nina had finished off her meal and was cleaning her dishes by the window, when a purple flash caught her eyes. She looked up and saw a ball of purple flame rise high into the sky, it glimmered and shone in the dark night sky, before bursting into a flash of dozens of other lights, the sound of it’s explosion being felt in her stomach.
”Oh! Fireworks? But Sid said that the festival isn’t until tomorrow.”
Nina watched in horror as the flames that she thought was a firework, fell upon the roofs of the houses and began burning them.
”Fire!” She cried as she bolted out of her home. But as she did, she was grabbed by a couple of hooded men.
”Let me go!” she yelled, but they ignored her.
People ran out of their homes, scrambling to find help and shelter. Many were knocked unconscious by more hooded men. Some of the villagers came out, carrying weapons, but were quickly dispatched by more hooded figures that had magic. No one in the village was a practitioner, and the closest that came to magic would be Sid.
Nina was huddled to the town square where she saw many others lying on the ground or in similar situations as her.
She didn’t see Sid anywhere, and hoped he was alright. Several hooded figures were positioned around the fountain in the town square, with their hoods down. One was a lilac haired man with a purple bandana, another seemed to be a blonde maned werewolf with a large sword on his back, another was a blue-haired woman with a bob cut staring into a Lacrima, a red haired man with his arms crossed, and a blonde haired man sharpening a sword. The final man was wrapped in black bandages covering most of his face.
The boy from earlier turned a corner, holding the Librarian in his arms and setting her down gently next to the others. The bandaged man waved a hand towards the boy from earlier.
The boy’s hand erupted in purple fire, and he pointed it towards each of the civilians. The fire would stay in the boy’s hand, and nothing would happen. As he went to each one, Nina grew more and more worried. Then, the boy got to her and the flame roared into a huge blaze, engulfing the boy but seemingly not hurting him.
“Leon.” The bandaged man said.
The lilac haired man hopped up from his sitting position and began walking over to Nina. He held his hand out towards her forehead. Nina was terrified, but a sudden rumbling from further in the village drew the attention of the hooded figures. A house was standing up and walking towards them. One that Nina recognized.
“Villains! Taste the wrath of my ARMSTRONG MK 1!”
The house’s chimney began to move, and pointed towards the group of hooded figures. It spewed a plume of fire, but the hooded figures scattered, dodging the flames. The villagers began to run as the hooded figures positioned themselves atop the rooftops of the buildings, the purple flames still burning. Nina took the opportunity to run, but locked eyes with the red haired man. She couldn’t move.
“You come here and attack our village? Why!?” The chimney was not turned into an arm and swiped at the group. They jumped it, except for the werewolf man who grabbed the arm and slid to a stop. He then pulled on it, tearing bricks from it.
The blue haired woman’s lacrima lit up and she yelled to her comrades.
“Another source of Imagination Magic is coming from inside that machine.”
“Is it the pilot?” The blonde haired man asked.
“No, but something near him.”
“Good.” The man said as he drew his sword. Suddenly he zipped from the air to the door of the house and slashed it open in the blink of an eye.
The man stepped in, only to fly out of the house a second later, a hammer head sticking out of the door.
“How do you like my trap!?” Sid yelled.
The blonde rubbed his head.
“Enough of this.” The bandaged man said, pointing a finger towards The Armstrong.
A large green spiraling beam came out of it and blew a hole through the house, knocking it over. Dust and Debris flew everywhere, some getting in the eye of the red haired man. He blinked, and Nina found herself able to move again.
“SIIIID!” she cried, rushing towards the fallen machine.
She knew that she needed to get away, but right now, she wanted to make sure her brother-figure was alright. She worked her way through the dust, narrowly avoiding the blonde man. She clambered into the downed building and found Sid lying in a pile of debris.
”Sid! Sid wake up!” She yelled, shaking him.
“T-the Ima-gun. Use it…” He said, pointing to an engine as he passed out.
”Imagun?” she wasn’t sure what to do, but she ran over to the engine and found a hatch to open. Inside, the Imagun was hooked up to wires and pipes, but she yanked it free.
“Found something there?” a feminine voice asked from behind her. Nina panicked, and as she turned, fired the gun.
The blue haired woman barely managed to dodge the blast from the gun as it sailed high into the air.
The woman backhanded Nina, knocking her to the ground. The lavender haired man jumped into the room as well and picked Nina up.
“Be careful with her.” The man said as he waved a hand over her face.
Nina fought, trying to get out, but soon began feeling very drowsy. As she began to fall asleep, she thought she saw the magical ball she fire turn into a Black Dragon in the sky.
Nina awoke in her room within Basilisk Fang’s current hideout, a cave carved out by Heron, one of the other Dark Guild members. The Fangs were all a very tight knit family, but she was still leery of the guild. She had only joined because her Brother Jace said they should. But since they joined, she found that she’s a wonderful marksman, thanks to Master Acheron’s training and the Imagun, which she had learned to store and summon it at will now.
In the seven years she had gotten to know the Fangs very well. Leon, the debilitator, with his long lilac hair and his purple bandana. Lionel and his Beast Form magic. Schroder, a quiet man with red hair that used fire and anger magic. Aria, the Raven Mage, the most beautiful person in the guild with her blue hair. Then Raymond, the hot headed mage with his line magic. So many others in the guild. Each with their own dreams and aspirations.
Months passed with training, Master Acheron would have her witness items and events in order to create new Great Alchemic Beasts from the books she read. She wouldn’t let him know, but she enjoyed summoning Cait Sith and Carbuncle just to play with. But Master Acheron hated her using up her magic on weaker beasts. He once had her raze an entire village with Efreet, as practice. Luckily the village was empty. But she remembers screaming from it.
On her 15th birthday, Jace bought her Gale Force Reading Glasses, saying that he knows she loves to read. Nina was extremely happy, and hugged Jace for the gift. They had grown closer as siblings over the year, and Jace had seen Nina happy seldom throughout the year. Often she would be with the master, bruised and weak from a hard day of training, she would shed tears when she was forced to destroy towns or attack people. But she remembered none of it. He had finally grown a conscience, with the help of a happy smile from this green haired girl. He couldn’t do it any longer. That night, he went to her room to speak with her.
“Nina… You have to leave.”
”What are you talking about?” Nina asked.
“You don’t remember what life was like before you joined the guild, do you?”
”W-we were alone on the streets, then Master Acheron-”
“No. That’s not it.” Jace said, clenching his fist.
He knew if he did this, he would lose his newfound sister. But he couldn’t watch her suffer and be forced to think everything was fine. He reached out a hand and placed it on her head, his hand erupting into purple fire. Strangely, it didn’t hurt Nina. Then, it happened.
A Flood of memories, of Sid and her village, of the Basilisk Fangs attacking everyone. But the emotions from those false memories remained. She was horrified by what she had done, and a whirlwind of conflicting emotions washed over her as she realized the people she thought she had known for years had only had her with them for a year.
”What was…?” she said, tears welling in her eyes, panting on the ground from the flare of emotions.
“Leon.” Jace said, “The other magic that Acheron gave him. He can manipulate memories, or simply place himself into them.”
”But… My whole life…”
“Took about 3 weeks to change. But that doesn’t matter anymore. I need you to run. Get away as far as possible.”
”Why should I trust you…?” She asked, fighting back tears.
“I released you from his magic. You know how my Eater Magic works. Now please. I can’t watch him turn you into something you’re not. You’re kind, and sweet, and... “ He fought back his own tears. Seeing the genuine reaction eased up her tension, and she still had the emotions of calling him a brother. Like she thought of...
”Wait! Where’s Sid?”
“The blonde inventor? I don’t know. He escaped with the villagers from the town’s destruction.”
”That’s good.” she sighed to herself. ”Thank you. Brother.”
The last part seemed out of habit, but she didn’t feel it was wrong either.
She couldn’t sit and mope now, but with the help of Jace, the two snuck out and she was able to escape on Ixion. However, the guild captured Jace. She left teary eyed and eventually passed out from her crying, waking up in a tent. A man with a blue sword claimed that his group found her passed out against a tree, and she was covered in dirt and a feather.
Nina explained what she was running from, and the group took her in to protect her, and help her find Sid.
Nina has been very shy and quiet since meeting Alexander, still unsure why her magic is so sought after, and if she can really trust anyone. She does worry for the safety of everyone else since a dark guild wants her, and worries what happened to Jace.
Though, she has struck a sort of friendship with Devin, despite his odd nature.
Team Members:
Three Strengths:
Very Smart and well read.
Able to create a variety of helpful magical creatures for many different situations.
Has a huge well of Magic Power.
Three Weaknesses:
Frightened Easily
Being a 15 year old bookworm, she isn’t very physically fit.
Hates seeing people get hurt, and won’t hesitate to try and help someone when injured.
Greatest Love:
To keep her village safe, and one day see Jace and Sid again.

Nina stands at 4’10”. She has pale skin, wavy green bob-cut hair with a blue headband in it, and bright blue eyes. She wears a blue collared vest over a white long sleeved dress. A pair of blue gloves adorn her hands. On her legs are a pair of blue knee high boots with purple buckles. She also carries with her a large belt with pouches, perfect for carrying books, and wears a long purple hooded cloak.
For protection, she wears a purple breast plate with matching pauldrons. These can generate small magic circles from them to protect her from minor attacks. This armor was made by Tristan for her.
She also owns a pair of black, Gale Force Reading Glasses.
Age: 15
Magic: Imagun Magic
Imagun: Image Bullet - a non-damaging bullet of magical energy that can show an image or string of words into a person’s head. This can be used to quickly share information that would be difficult to explain otherwise.
Imagun: Color Soil - By focusing on an image while holding soil, Nina can turn the soil into a Color Soil, which is colored because the Image of the thing is imprinted into the soil. Colors include Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ash Grey, Sky Blue, etc.
Imagun: Blast Bullet - A standard magical bullet fired from Nina’s special gun. The power of the bullet can be changed based on how much magical energy she puts into it.
Imagun: Alchemy Bullet - by using ampules of soil charged with magic, Nina can cause different elemental effects, such as summoning vines, creating walls of earth, and more.
Imagun: Alchemic Beast - by loading two Ampules, one soil, the other a material, Nina can summon a creature for a very short time. These range as follows.
Clipper: A giant bird, created by firing an Ampule of soil and a Feather. They attack with sharp beaks and talons
Goblin: A small squirrel-like creature equipped with rudimentary weapons, such as sticks and rocks. Summoned by firing an ampule of soil and goblin fur. The goblins attack with their weapons.
Wolf: A standard, but large, wolf. Summoned with soil and a Fang. Wolves will attack with their bite or tackling.
Land Whale: a dinosaur-like creature that can blast water from its mouth. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and a Fin.
Myconid: A Mushroom creature that spews spores when summoned. These spores can cause those that inhale it delirium, drowsiness, and even poison in some instances. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and a Mushroom Cap
Golem: A large humanoid mass of Wood, Metal, or Rock, depending on the material used for it. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and Rock, Soil and Bark, or Soil and Metal. These Golems are usually made for blocking, but can deliver strong, but slow, punches.
Mermaid: Fish like women with the power of water. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and Scales. They attack with songs that can cause illusions and by summoning water.
Lamia: Serpent like women with the power of fire. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and a Fin.
Harpy: Bird like women with the power of wind. They attack with razor sharp projectile feathers. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, hair, and a Feather.
Vulcan: Strong Ape-like Creatures known for living in snow. Summoned with an ampule of Soil, a nail, and Fur.
Wyvern: A Large, dragon-like creature that is extremely dangerous. They attack with talons and tail, and can be summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and a fang.
Lizardman: A large humanoid monster that is incredibly durable with sharp scales and claws. It can attack with these claws or tail, and can block damage as well. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and claws.
Mandragora: A small shrieking plant that causes those who hear it immense pain. This can be summoned with an ampule of Soil and a Plant.
(Alchemic Beasts return to Soil and their base materials once defeated or done with their attack. If Nina would be knocked unconscious, all summoned beasts disappear)
Alchemic Enhance: By using a Colored Soil Bullet along with the regular materials needed, an Alchemic Beast is summoned with traits of that element, such as a Firebird, or an Ice Wyvern.
Imagun: Great Alchemic Beast- Special, Legendary beings that are summoned with a specific Colored Soil combination, and a Material. Great Alchemic Beasts are able to do more than regular Alchemic Beasts, and usually can act on their own, even when Nina is knocked unconscious. However, Great Alchemic Beasts drain much more magic from Nina, and when they disappear, the soil used to summon them becomes regular soil again, and some of them can end up with their materials destroyed. Occasionally, the Great Alchemic Beast can also break free from Nina’s control, if she is frightened of them. Great Alchemic Beasts can only be summoned 1 at a time, unless they are Muddled. Muddled Summons are weak summons that take a small fraction of magic to summon, and don’t dismiss on their own.
These Great Alchemic Beasts are:
Gem Critter, Carbuncle: Summoned with Grass Green, Earth Brown, Wheat Yellow, and a Gem. The Carbuncle is seen as an incredibly weak Great Alchemic Beast, being considered a Muddled Summon. however it cannot use its magic more than once per summon. Carbuncle appears as a green fox rabbit hybrid. Depending on the gem, it can fire a flash of light that will grant a buff for a limited time to all within the light.
Ruby Carbuncle will coat the group in a barrier that will repel any and all other magic away from them. However, this comes at the cost of those affected by it cannot use magic either.
Emerald Carbuncle will coat the group in an aura that heals all wounds over time, and increases the speed of those affected by it.
Pearl Carbuncle will coat the group in a barrier that acts as a layer of magical armor.
Diamond Carbuncle will coat the group in an aura that turns them invisible.
Sapphire Carbuncle will coat the group in a Barrier that increases the magical output of their magic. (Strength: C)

Gambler Cat, Cait Sith: Summoned with Crown Gold, Alley Black, Gem Green, and fur. Cait Sith appears as a black cat wearing a crown and has a pair of dragonfly-like wings (that it hides as a cape). Cait Sith has almost no fighting capability, other than using its claws. Instead, Cait Sith will challenge people to games that they must play, or forfeit. These range from a Shell Game, Look the Other Way, Slots, Poker, Roulette, and Janken.
Cait Sith will choose an Ante (usually odd things, such as your voice, certain memories, your hair color, things of that nature. Though he can also have you choose to ante Jewel instead)
Cait Sith is considered a Muddled Summon. Once dismissed, any non-monetary/non-item based antes are returned. (Strength: C)

Bird of Paradise, Phoenix: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Sky Blue, and a Feather. The summon of the phoenix can attack with fire magic, heal with its flames and tears, and even attack with talons and beak. When muddled, it appears as a Phoenix Chick, with Egg Shell still surrounding it.(Strength: B. Element: Fire)
Terrifying Butcher, Iron Giant: Summoned with Iron Grey, Sword Silver, Blood Crimson, and a blade fragment. The Iron Giant is a large humanoid figure made of metal wielding a giant sword. It’s main attacks are with this sword, and are strong enough to slice through trees yards away from it’s swing. When muddled, it appears as a small iron gremlin with an oversized sword.
(Strength: B. Element: Metal)
Haunted Light, Wisp Bearer: Summoned with Soul Purple, Mist White, Forest Black, and a blade fragment. The Wisp Bearer is a small hooded figure that moves slowly, wielding a knife and a lantern. The Wisp Bearer brings with it a thick fog. Wisp Bearer has two attacks. To sneak up to it’s target and stab them, or to take the damage and pain its summoner has sustained and inflict the same to its target by striking them with Homing Wisp Flames shot from the Lantern. When Muddled, the Wisp Bearer loses it’s lantern, and appears as a small green fish-like creature.
(Strength: B. Element: Dark)
Lightning Pegasus, Ixion: Summoned with Lightning Yellow, Feather White, Sky Blue, and a Feather. Ixion is a horned Pegasus, able to fire powerful bolts of lightning from it’s horn, flying at incredible speeds, and even use its horn as a weapon. When Muddled, Ixion appears as a colt.
(Strength: B. Element: Lightning.)
Death Lord, Hades: Summoned with Fire Red, Night Black, Poison Purple, and a horn fragment. Hades takes the form of a man bound to a floating chair and wielding a sword made of obsidian. He will attack with this sword, draining the life of those attacked or he can summon a blast of freezing water that can cause temporary memory loss (Cocytus). When muddled, Hades is replaced with an Imp. The Imp is a small winged creature that goes around causing pranks that progressively get more dangerous.
(Strength: A. Element: Dark)
Mael, the Gargoyle: Summoned with Light White, Mortar Grey, Stone Black, and a Rock. Mael is a large lion-like Gargoyle that protects its summoner with fervor. It’s powerful claws and unleash slicing shockwaves, or it can create and throw balls of Holy Light. When Muddled, Mael appears as a chibi-statue of itself with a pudgy stomach.
(Strength: A. Element: Light.)
Crusader Castle, Alexander: Summoned with Light White, Sword Silver, Metallic Black and a Gear. Alexander is a massive building construct that, when summoned, cannot do anything on it’s own, and must be powered by Lacrima or Mages inside giving it strength. It has two forms, one where it appears like a castle, and the other where it drags itself along to attach with beams from it’s eyes, a stomach cannon, or it’s shoulder cannons. However, the summoning of Alexander continues to drain magic from Nina and forces her maximum magical capacity to shrink dramatically.
(Strength: Variable. Element: Variable)
Great Arcane Dragon, Bahamut: Summoned with Dragon Black, Destruction Red, Etherion Blue, and a Dragon Scale. Bahamut is a Black Arcane Dragon, capable of leaving swathes of destruction with his Magical Breath, and shockwaves just from the speed of his flight that can even part the clouds in the sky. However, the Soil needed, as well as the material, is so rare that Bahamut would likely never be able to be summoned.
When muddled, then instead of Great Arcane Dragon Bahamut, the Imagun will summon Arcane Dragon Welp, Mootie. Mootie can only bite, claw, fly, and fire a small ball of arcane energy which explodes, but will only travel a couple feet from it.
(Strength: S, D. Element: Pure Ethernano)
Unstoppable Seer, Odin: Summoned with Steel Grey, Sword Silver, Raven Black, and an eye. Odin appears as an eyepatched warrior atop a six legged horse. He wields one of two weapons, one known as Balmung, a sword that can cleave through nearly any material, or he will wield Gungnir, a spear that when thrown, will always strike it’s target. His only wish is to find a worthy opponent.
(Strength: S. Element: Metal)
Space Farer, Ark: Summoned with Titanium Silver, Night Black, Star Twinkle, and a high power Lacrima. Ark is an Airship that is capable of space travel, but can also turn into a humanoid robot with a powerful cannon on its shoulder. It is unable to act on it’s own, needing lacrima or mages to power it with energy. In Airship form, it has several cannons on either side as well as a main cannon that can launch concentrated magical energy. In Robot form, it has powerful punches, an energy blade made from the magic powering it, and the Main Cannon now rests on it’s shoulder.
(Strength: Variable.)
Frozen Maiden, Shiva: Summoned with Snow White, Ice Blue, Cloud Grey, and a lock of hair. Shiva appears as a blue skinned scantily clad woman. She has the ability to fire blasts of cold wind, freeze the moisture in the air and on a person, and create blizzards at a whim. However, if the hair used to summon her belongs to a male, Shiva’s womanizing brother, Shivar will be summoned instead. While he still has her powers, he is not tied to the summoner’s will and will go off to do his own thing. While considered a Muddled summon, he will be dismissed after 24 hours if the summoner doesn’t dismiss him first. If the hair used to summon her belongs to a child, Shiva’s little sister Shivan will be summoned instead. Shivan is a weak summon able to create small snow piles, throw snowballs, and chill what she touches. Shivan is considered Muddled. She is still learning her powers, and with some time, she could be as powerful as her sister and brother.

(Strength: A, A, C. Element: Ice)
Hellfire Beast, Efreet: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Burnt Black, and a burned Horn. Efreet appears as a flaming horned wolf-like humanoid with powerful claws. It can fire balls of fire from its mouth, spew smoke screens, and create a massive ball of flames which it uses to try and crush and burn its target. However, if the Horn is not already burned, Hellfire Kid, Iblis will be summoned instead. Iblis is the son of Efreet, and is not yet aflame. He still looks similar, but is much smaller, and has a bad habit of pulling pranks. Iblis is considered a Muddled Summon.
(Strength: A, C. Element: Fire)
Great Water Dragon, Leviathan: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Seafoam White, Horizon Gold, and a Dragon Scale. Leviathan appears as a massive serpentine dragon. Leviathan can summon tidal waves, spray high pressure water from its mouth, and even become water itself. When muddled, Leviathan is replaced by Mist, a dragon made of mist. It is unable to interact physically, but can change its shape and copy sounds.
(Strength: A. Element: Water)
Apex Shark, Bismarck: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Shark Grey, Great White, and Shark skin. Bismarck is a great white shark that can swim not only through water, but through the ground, walls, and other surfaces. It will attack by launching out of the ground to take a bite of its target and create a geyser of water in its wake. If the summon is muddled, it will become a Remora instead, a small fish that, while able to swim through surfaces like Bismarck, can only latch onto prey giving a tiny bite.
(Strength: B. Element: Water)
Earthen Giant, Titan: Summoned with Stone Grey, Soil Black, Mud Brown, and a crystal. Titan is a giant made of stone and crystal, able to release and create different types of gems and earthen shrapnel at it’s opponents, deliver devastating blows, or use various Earth Magic.
(Strength: A. Element: Earth)
Beast of the End, Fenrir: Summoned with Snow White, Poison Purple, Moon Blue and a fang. Fenrir is a large wolf-like being that has incredible speed, a poisonous bite, the ability to split into 9 smaller wolves, and the ability to use Earth magic. When split, it is able to run at a fast enough speed to create a tornado.
(Strength: B. Element: Earth)
Calamitous Monster, Behemoth: Summoned with Meteor Red, Fang Yellow, Night Black, and a Perfect Horn. The Behemoth is a large purple beast with giant horns. It will try and gore its prey and fling them around. It is also capable of heavy claw strikes and firing balls of fire from its mouth. Lightning can be summoned through its horns, firing a bolt of lightning, and can also summon tornados from its howls. As a last attack, it will summon a meteor from the sky, to crush anyone within its vicinity when it disappears. If the horn is damaged at all, Babehmoth will be summoned instead, a baby behemoth the size of a pig. It still has horns, and can summon small rocks to rain down on its prey, but it is extremely weak in comparison to the Behemoth. It is, however, surprisingly durable. It will not disappear until dismissed.
(Strength: B+, D. Element: Gravity)
Crushing Darkness, Diablos: Summoned with Sleep Black, Smoke Grey, Sinew Pink, and Demon Particles. Diablos is a large lanky winged demon. He can create a dark magic ball that draws in everything around it, claw and disintegrate what is struck, and use gravity magic. However, Diablos is a very honorable summon so he will not attack helpless targets or those that he deems weaker than his summoner. He also has a rule of 3 requests per summon and once those 3 are up, he takes his leave. If he refuses a request and is asked to do the same one he refused, he can choose to leave early. Cannot be Muddled.
(Strength: S. Element: Gravity and Dark)
Medicinal Dragon, Kirin: Summoned with Pure White, Lightning Yellow, Forest Green, and a Dragon Scale. Kirin is a horse-like dragon with a long neck. His blood was once used to make an elixir of immortality, and his tears were known to cure any poison. Kirin has healing magic, and the ability to walk across water. Where Kirin steps, flowers bloom, and his only attack is a lightning strike from his horn. Kirin is very docile, but if frightened will turn into lightning and disappear in a flash. When muddled, Kirin appears as a Pony version of itself, only able to heal cuts and scrapes.
(Strength: A. Element: Healing)
World Ender, Ragnarok: Summon with Meteor Black, Steel Silver, and Crown Gold. The summon, Ragnarok, must be fired into a sword, at which point the sword becomes the Legendary Ragnarok, a sword that will one day destroy the world. It is capable of making even the most inexperienced of wielders the greatest swordsman in the land, and can amplify the magic power of those that wield it. When the summon is out of magic, or is dismissed, however, the sword that was used to house its power will be destroyed, unless made of very strong materials. (Strength: S. Element: Pure Ethernano)
Disaster Incarnate, Pandora: Summoned with Cloud Grey, Sky Blue, Sickly Green, and a Box. Pandora is a strange lavender furred beast that can create tornadoes and suck in air into its large elastic pouch-like tail. Her main ways of attacking are by creating vacuums with her powerful lungs, using her tail like a whip, or by punching, clawing, and kicking. When muddled, Pandora appears as a little girl carrying a box. She can open this box and a gust of wind will release from it, that makes whoever is hit by it have a cold.
(Strength: A. Element: Wind)
Messenger of the Skies, Garuda: Summoned with Cloud Black, Sky Blue, Sun Yellow, and an Eagle Feather. Garuda is a giant bird woman, with control of the skies and storms. Garuda can attack with slicing winds, thunder bolts, and her powerful talons.
(Strength: S. Element: Wind and Thunder)
The Dark Beasts (Ones that she would not summon on her own will)
Chaotic Wind, Ahriman: Summoned with Cloud Black, Sky Blue, Sun Yellow, and a Bat Wing. A one eyed bat creature with a destructive eye beam attack and the power of the winds and storms.
Crushing Depths, Kraken: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Seafoam White, Horizon Gold, and a Tentacle. Kraken is a humanoid squid beast capable of becoming a gigantic shark-squid hybrid. Kraken is very intelligent and often makes puzzles and games out of his prey, experimenting on what’s left. He can even become mist and water to protect himself from damage.
Whirling Sands, Marillith: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Burnt Black, and Snake Skin. Marilith is a lamia with multiple arms, each wielding a weapon. Marilith also has the power of fire and can make sand storms.
Decaying Pestilence, Abaddon: Summoned with Stone Grey, Soil Black, Mud Brown, and a Bug. Abaddon appears as a large mantid skeleton that attacks with swarms of similar smaller bugs, earth magic, and its deadly scythe arms. It is harmed by healing.
Maneater, Alraune: Pure White, Lightning Yellow, Forest Green, and a Rose. Alraune is an attractive humanoid plant with the ability to control and create plantlife at a whim. Alraune also has the ability to breathe out spores causing various curses which she can choose from poison, blindness, hallucinations, and more. These curses can even be delivered with a kiss.
Jester of Madness, Bedlam: Summoned with Sleep Black, Smoke Grey, Sinew Pink, and a mask fragment. Bedlam is an unusual case, in that he can only be dismissed by his own will. Bedlam can become a shadow in the ground, create a shield around himself that can stop most attacks, create additional arms that can stretch, shapeshift, mimic other’s voices, use Voodoo Doll magic, and create his own monsters with the use of his Voodoo Dolls. He seems to only bring chaos, but from afar.
Imagun: Color Soil - By focusing on an image while holding soil, Nina can turn the soil into a Color Soil, which is colored because the Image of the thing is imprinted into the soil. Colors include Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ash Grey, Sky Blue, etc.
Imagun: Blast Bullet - A standard magical bullet fired from Nina’s special gun. The power of the bullet can be changed based on how much magical energy she puts into it.
Imagun: Alchemy Bullet - by using ampules of soil charged with magic, Nina can cause different elemental effects, such as summoning vines, creating walls of earth, and more.
Imagun: Alchemic Beast - by loading two Ampules, one soil, the other a material, Nina can summon a creature for a very short time. These range as follows.
Clipper: A giant bird, created by firing an Ampule of soil and a Feather. They attack with sharp beaks and talons
Goblin: A small squirrel-like creature equipped with rudimentary weapons, such as sticks and rocks. Summoned by firing an ampule of soil and goblin fur. The goblins attack with their weapons.
Wolf: A standard, but large, wolf. Summoned with soil and a Fang. Wolves will attack with their bite or tackling.
Land Whale: a dinosaur-like creature that can blast water from its mouth. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and a Fin.
Myconid: A Mushroom creature that spews spores when summoned. These spores can cause those that inhale it delirium, drowsiness, and even poison in some instances. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and a Mushroom Cap
Golem: A large humanoid mass of Wood, Metal, or Rock, depending on the material used for it. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and Rock, Soil and Bark, or Soil and Metal. These Golems are usually made for blocking, but can deliver strong, but slow, punches.
Mermaid: Fish like women with the power of water. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil and Scales. They attack with songs that can cause illusions and by summoning water.
Lamia: Serpent like women with the power of fire. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and a Fin.
Harpy: Bird like women with the power of wind. They attack with razor sharp projectile feathers. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, hair, and a Feather.
Vulcan: Strong Ape-like Creatures known for living in snow. Summoned with an ampule of Soil, a nail, and Fur.
Wyvern: A Large, dragon-like creature that is extremely dangerous. They attack with talons and tail, and can be summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and a fang.
Lizardman: A large humanoid monster that is incredibly durable with sharp scales and claws. It can attack with these claws or tail, and can block damage as well. Summoned with an Ampule of Soil, Scales, and claws.
Mandragora: A small shrieking plant that causes those who hear it immense pain. This can be summoned with an ampule of Soil and a Plant.
(Alchemic Beasts return to Soil and their base materials once defeated or done with their attack. If Nina would be knocked unconscious, all summoned beasts disappear)
Alchemic Enhance: By using a Colored Soil Bullet along with the regular materials needed, an Alchemic Beast is summoned with traits of that element, such as a Firebird, or an Ice Wyvern.
Imagun: Great Alchemic Beast- Special, Legendary beings that are summoned with a specific Colored Soil combination, and a Material. Great Alchemic Beasts are able to do more than regular Alchemic Beasts, and usually can act on their own, even when Nina is knocked unconscious. However, Great Alchemic Beasts drain much more magic from Nina, and when they disappear, the soil used to summon them becomes regular soil again, and some of them can end up with their materials destroyed. Occasionally, the Great Alchemic Beast can also break free from Nina’s control, if she is frightened of them. Great Alchemic Beasts can only be summoned 1 at a time, unless they are Muddled. Muddled Summons are weak summons that take a small fraction of magic to summon, and don’t dismiss on their own.
These Great Alchemic Beasts are:
Gem Critter, Carbuncle: Summoned with Grass Green, Earth Brown, Wheat Yellow, and a Gem. The Carbuncle is seen as an incredibly weak Great Alchemic Beast, being considered a Muddled Summon. however it cannot use its magic more than once per summon. Carbuncle appears as a green fox rabbit hybrid. Depending on the gem, it can fire a flash of light that will grant a buff for a limited time to all within the light.
Ruby Carbuncle will coat the group in a barrier that will repel any and all other magic away from them. However, this comes at the cost of those affected by it cannot use magic either.
Emerald Carbuncle will coat the group in an aura that heals all wounds over time, and increases the speed of those affected by it.
Pearl Carbuncle will coat the group in a barrier that acts as a layer of magical armor.
Diamond Carbuncle will coat the group in an aura that turns them invisible.
Sapphire Carbuncle will coat the group in a Barrier that increases the magical output of their magic. (Strength: C)

Gambler Cat, Cait Sith: Summoned with Crown Gold, Alley Black, Gem Green, and fur. Cait Sith appears as a black cat wearing a crown and has a pair of dragonfly-like wings (that it hides as a cape). Cait Sith has almost no fighting capability, other than using its claws. Instead, Cait Sith will challenge people to games that they must play, or forfeit. These range from a Shell Game, Look the Other Way, Slots, Poker, Roulette, and Janken.
Cait Sith will choose an Ante (usually odd things, such as your voice, certain memories, your hair color, things of that nature. Though he can also have you choose to ante Jewel instead)
Cait Sith is considered a Muddled Summon. Once dismissed, any non-monetary/non-item based antes are returned. (Strength: C)

Bird of Paradise, Phoenix: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Sky Blue, and a Feather. The summon of the phoenix can attack with fire magic, heal with its flames and tears, and even attack with talons and beak. When muddled, it appears as a Phoenix Chick, with Egg Shell still surrounding it.(Strength: B. Element: Fire)
Terrifying Butcher, Iron Giant: Summoned with Iron Grey, Sword Silver, Blood Crimson, and a blade fragment. The Iron Giant is a large humanoid figure made of metal wielding a giant sword. It’s main attacks are with this sword, and are strong enough to slice through trees yards away from it’s swing. When muddled, it appears as a small iron gremlin with an oversized sword.

Haunted Light, Wisp Bearer: Summoned with Soul Purple, Mist White, Forest Black, and a blade fragment. The Wisp Bearer is a small hooded figure that moves slowly, wielding a knife and a lantern. The Wisp Bearer brings with it a thick fog. Wisp Bearer has two attacks. To sneak up to it’s target and stab them, or to take the damage and pain its summoner has sustained and inflict the same to its target by striking them with Homing Wisp Flames shot from the Lantern. When Muddled, the Wisp Bearer loses it’s lantern, and appears as a small green fish-like creature.

Lightning Pegasus, Ixion: Summoned with Lightning Yellow, Feather White, Sky Blue, and a Feather. Ixion is a horned Pegasus, able to fire powerful bolts of lightning from it’s horn, flying at incredible speeds, and even use its horn as a weapon. When Muddled, Ixion appears as a colt.

Death Lord, Hades: Summoned with Fire Red, Night Black, Poison Purple, and a horn fragment. Hades takes the form of a man bound to a floating chair and wielding a sword made of obsidian. He will attack with this sword, draining the life of those attacked or he can summon a blast of freezing water that can cause temporary memory loss (Cocytus). When muddled, Hades is replaced with an Imp. The Imp is a small winged creature that goes around causing pranks that progressively get more dangerous.

Mael, the Gargoyle: Summoned with Light White, Mortar Grey, Stone Black, and a Rock. Mael is a large lion-like Gargoyle that protects its summoner with fervor. It’s powerful claws and unleash slicing shockwaves, or it can create and throw balls of Holy Light. When Muddled, Mael appears as a chibi-statue of itself with a pudgy stomach.

Crusader Castle, Alexander: Summoned with Light White, Sword Silver, Metallic Black and a Gear. Alexander is a massive building construct that, when summoned, cannot do anything on it’s own, and must be powered by Lacrima or Mages inside giving it strength. It has two forms, one where it appears like a castle, and the other where it drags itself along to attach with beams from it’s eyes, a stomach cannon, or it’s shoulder cannons. However, the summoning of Alexander continues to drain magic from Nina and forces her maximum magical capacity to shrink dramatically.

Great Arcane Dragon, Bahamut: Summoned with Dragon Black, Destruction Red, Etherion Blue, and a Dragon Scale. Bahamut is a Black Arcane Dragon, capable of leaving swathes of destruction with his Magical Breath, and shockwaves just from the speed of his flight that can even part the clouds in the sky. However, the Soil needed, as well as the material, is so rare that Bahamut would likely never be able to be summoned.
When muddled, then instead of Great Arcane Dragon Bahamut, the Imagun will summon Arcane Dragon Welp, Mootie. Mootie can only bite, claw, fly, and fire a small ball of arcane energy which explodes, but will only travel a couple feet from it.
Unstoppable Seer, Odin: Summoned with Steel Grey, Sword Silver, Raven Black, and an eye. Odin appears as an eyepatched warrior atop a six legged horse. He wields one of two weapons, one known as Balmung, a sword that can cleave through nearly any material, or he will wield Gungnir, a spear that when thrown, will always strike it’s target. His only wish is to find a worthy opponent.
Space Farer, Ark: Summoned with Titanium Silver, Night Black, Star Twinkle, and a high power Lacrima. Ark is an Airship that is capable of space travel, but can also turn into a humanoid robot with a powerful cannon on its shoulder. It is unable to act on it’s own, needing lacrima or mages to power it with energy. In Airship form, it has several cannons on either side as well as a main cannon that can launch concentrated magical energy. In Robot form, it has powerful punches, an energy blade made from the magic powering it, and the Main Cannon now rests on it’s shoulder.

Frozen Maiden, Shiva: Summoned with Snow White, Ice Blue, Cloud Grey, and a lock of hair. Shiva appears as a blue skinned scantily clad woman. She has the ability to fire blasts of cold wind, freeze the moisture in the air and on a person, and create blizzards at a whim. However, if the hair used to summon her belongs to a male, Shiva’s womanizing brother, Shivar will be summoned instead. While he still has her powers, he is not tied to the summoner’s will and will go off to do his own thing. While considered a Muddled summon, he will be dismissed after 24 hours if the summoner doesn’t dismiss him first. If the hair used to summon her belongs to a child, Shiva’s little sister Shivan will be summoned instead. Shivan is a weak summon able to create small snow piles, throw snowballs, and chill what she touches. Shivan is considered Muddled. She is still learning her powers, and with some time, she could be as powerful as her sister and brother.

Hellfire Beast, Efreet: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Burnt Black, and a burned Horn. Efreet appears as a flaming horned wolf-like humanoid with powerful claws. It can fire balls of fire from its mouth, spew smoke screens, and create a massive ball of flames which it uses to try and crush and burn its target. However, if the Horn is not already burned, Hellfire Kid, Iblis will be summoned instead. Iblis is the son of Efreet, and is not yet aflame. He still looks similar, but is much smaller, and has a bad habit of pulling pranks. Iblis is considered a Muddled Summon.

Great Water Dragon, Leviathan: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Seafoam White, Horizon Gold, and a Dragon Scale. Leviathan appears as a massive serpentine dragon. Leviathan can summon tidal waves, spray high pressure water from its mouth, and even become water itself. When muddled, Leviathan is replaced by Mist, a dragon made of mist. It is unable to interact physically, but can change its shape and copy sounds.

Apex Shark, Bismarck: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Shark Grey, Great White, and Shark skin. Bismarck is a great white shark that can swim not only through water, but through the ground, walls, and other surfaces. It will attack by launching out of the ground to take a bite of its target and create a geyser of water in its wake. If the summon is muddled, it will become a Remora instead, a small fish that, while able to swim through surfaces like Bismarck, can only latch onto prey giving a tiny bite.

Earthen Giant, Titan: Summoned with Stone Grey, Soil Black, Mud Brown, and a crystal. Titan is a giant made of stone and crystal, able to release and create different types of gems and earthen shrapnel at it’s opponents, deliver devastating blows, or use various Earth Magic.

Beast of the End, Fenrir: Summoned with Snow White, Poison Purple, Moon Blue and a fang. Fenrir is a large wolf-like being that has incredible speed, a poisonous bite, the ability to split into 9 smaller wolves, and the ability to use Earth magic. When split, it is able to run at a fast enough speed to create a tornado.

Calamitous Monster, Behemoth: Summoned with Meteor Red, Fang Yellow, Night Black, and a Perfect Horn. The Behemoth is a large purple beast with giant horns. It will try and gore its prey and fling them around. It is also capable of heavy claw strikes and firing balls of fire from its mouth. Lightning can be summoned through its horns, firing a bolt of lightning, and can also summon tornados from its howls. As a last attack, it will summon a meteor from the sky, to crush anyone within its vicinity when it disappears. If the horn is damaged at all, Babehmoth will be summoned instead, a baby behemoth the size of a pig. It still has horns, and can summon small rocks to rain down on its prey, but it is extremely weak in comparison to the Behemoth. It is, however, surprisingly durable. It will not disappear until dismissed.

Crushing Darkness, Diablos: Summoned with Sleep Black, Smoke Grey, Sinew Pink, and Demon Particles. Diablos is a large lanky winged demon. He can create a dark magic ball that draws in everything around it, claw and disintegrate what is struck, and use gravity magic. However, Diablos is a very honorable summon so he will not attack helpless targets or those that he deems weaker than his summoner. He also has a rule of 3 requests per summon and once those 3 are up, he takes his leave. If he refuses a request and is asked to do the same one he refused, he can choose to leave early. Cannot be Muddled.

Medicinal Dragon, Kirin: Summoned with Pure White, Lightning Yellow, Forest Green, and a Dragon Scale. Kirin is a horse-like dragon with a long neck. His blood was once used to make an elixir of immortality, and his tears were known to cure any poison. Kirin has healing magic, and the ability to walk across water. Where Kirin steps, flowers bloom, and his only attack is a lightning strike from his horn. Kirin is very docile, but if frightened will turn into lightning and disappear in a flash. When muddled, Kirin appears as a Pony version of itself, only able to heal cuts and scrapes.

World Ender, Ragnarok: Summon with Meteor Black, Steel Silver, and Crown Gold. The summon, Ragnarok, must be fired into a sword, at which point the sword becomes the Legendary Ragnarok, a sword that will one day destroy the world. It is capable of making even the most inexperienced of wielders the greatest swordsman in the land, and can amplify the magic power of those that wield it. When the summon is out of magic, or is dismissed, however, the sword that was used to house its power will be destroyed, unless made of very strong materials. (Strength: S. Element: Pure Ethernano)
Disaster Incarnate, Pandora: Summoned with Cloud Grey, Sky Blue, Sickly Green, and a Box. Pandora is a strange lavender furred beast that can create tornadoes and suck in air into its large elastic pouch-like tail. Her main ways of attacking are by creating vacuums with her powerful lungs, using her tail like a whip, or by punching, clawing, and kicking. When muddled, Pandora appears as a little girl carrying a box. She can open this box and a gust of wind will release from it, that makes whoever is hit by it have a cold.

Messenger of the Skies, Garuda: Summoned with Cloud Black, Sky Blue, Sun Yellow, and an Eagle Feather. Garuda is a giant bird woman, with control of the skies and storms. Garuda can attack with slicing winds, thunder bolts, and her powerful talons.
The Dark Beasts (Ones that she would not summon on her own will)
Chaotic Wind, Ahriman: Summoned with Cloud Black, Sky Blue, Sun Yellow, and a Bat Wing. A one eyed bat creature with a destructive eye beam attack and the power of the winds and storms.
Crushing Depths, Kraken: Summoned with Ocean Blue, Seafoam White, Horizon Gold, and a Tentacle. Kraken is a humanoid squid beast capable of becoming a gigantic shark-squid hybrid. Kraken is very intelligent and often makes puzzles and games out of his prey, experimenting on what’s left. He can even become mist and water to protect himself from damage.
Whirling Sands, Marillith: Summoned with Fire Red, Ash Grey, Burnt Black, and Snake Skin. Marilith is a lamia with multiple arms, each wielding a weapon. Marilith also has the power of fire and can make sand storms.
Decaying Pestilence, Abaddon: Summoned with Stone Grey, Soil Black, Mud Brown, and a Bug. Abaddon appears as a large mantid skeleton that attacks with swarms of similar smaller bugs, earth magic, and its deadly scythe arms. It is harmed by healing.
Maneater, Alraune: Pure White, Lightning Yellow, Forest Green, and a Rose. Alraune is an attractive humanoid plant with the ability to control and create plantlife at a whim. Alraune also has the ability to breathe out spores causing various curses which she can choose from poison, blindness, hallucinations, and more. These curses can even be delivered with a kiss.
Jester of Madness, Bedlam: Summoned with Sleep Black, Smoke Grey, Sinew Pink, and a mask fragment. Bedlam is an unusual case, in that he can only be dismissed by his own will. Bedlam can become a shadow in the ground, create a shield around himself that can stop most attacks, create additional arms that can stretch, shapeshift, mimic other’s voices, use Voodoo Doll magic, and create his own monsters with the use of his Voodoo Dolls. He seems to only bring chaos, but from afar.
Magic Level: S+/ C
Once upon a time, before even the dragon’s ruled, there was a village that housed a powerful magic, the power of imagination. The magic was passed down from generation to generation, with each iteration bringing to life their thoughts and feelings with a mere blink of an eye. However, the people began to become greedy, and left the village seeking new lands and using their power to create new kingdoms and empires. This led to many nations warring over territory and resources, causing many hardships and death.To stop the destruction that the former villagers had created, a single girl had used her magic to make a wish, to end their ambitions. The magic of imagination was sealed away into the girl, and the village was changed in an instant to reflect her ideals. Now, every 18 years the power-
The book ended abruptly, a few pages missing from the book.
”Hmm?” came the voice of the reader, a green haired girl.
“What’s up?” Sid, a blonde haired youth asked from behind his workbench.
”The last few pages are missing from the book.”
The blonde stood up, grease and oil smeared across his face.
“Which book are you talking about, Nina? You read so many.”
Nina closed the book and showed it towards Sid, it’s cover illegible, but the name Etheria Zenith near the bottom.
“Oh! That one. I’ve never read it myself, but everyone in the town knows how it ends.”
The boy crouched under his desk, lifting something concealed by a tarpaulin and placing it atop the bench.
”So, what’s the ending?” Nina asked as she put the book away into her book pocket.
“Huh?” Sid asked, fiddling with the covered item. “Oh, right. It’s supposed to be the story of our village. Every 18 years we have a festival to honor the girl who saved the world.”
Nina had a look of realization on her face.
”Oh, that’s what the Child Festival is all about!”
Nina had never thought to ask about the festival, she just thought it was an excuse to have fun.
“Yep. The adults say that it’s going to be a blast.” Sid said.
He glanced around and hunched over towards Nina, cupping his hand to funnel his ensuing whisper. Nina leaned in close.
“Don’t tell anyone, but the Mayor has me doing a big show with one of my inventions tomorrow.”
Nina’s eyes lit up
”Really! You always make the coolest stuff! What is it?”
“Nope, sorry, strictly confidential.” Sid replied, raising a hand and waving off her request. “ I respect my Clientele.”
”Party pooper.” She puffed out her cheeks.
He paused a moment, tapping his foot, but couldn’t wait any longer.
“Alright, fine. I’ll show you one thing.” He said, removing the cover from the item on his bench. “Tada!”
”What is it?” Nina asked looking over it.
The thing was a strange cross shaped metal object that seemed to have a trigger built inside of it.
“This is the Imagun engine! It’s going to be used to power my surprise! See, It’s called Imagun, but it’s more of a word pun. See, it’s spelled like Ima-Gun, but said aloud sounds like Imagine.”
Nina was not impressed by the joke.
“Anyways, it was modified from an Alchemic Gun, and uses the latent Magic within people to erupt with power. It’s the crowning achievement of mine that will make The Armstrong run perfectly!”
“Uh, forget I said anything.” Sid said as he recovered the device. “See, it uses Magic Soil to-”
A chiming of the village bell interrupted the conversation. Six chimes.
“Huh. That late already?”
Nina’s eyes went wide. She had lost track of time reading. Sid‘s workshop was the quietest place in town, and it allowed her to really immerse herself in her books.
” I have to return this book. Thanks for letting me read in here Sid!” She called to him as she ran out his workshop door.
“Anytime! I’ll see you tomorrow for the festivities!”
Nina bolted through the town towards the library. She knew that they would close shortly after six, so she needed to get there fast. If she was late returning the books again, she’d be banned for a week.
She approached the large building near the center of town, seeing the librarian stepping out.
“Wait!” Nina cried, pulling the book out of her bag.
It snagged, and as she looked down to free it, she didn’t see the young man turning the corner.
”Oof!” Nina found herself sprawled on the ground, the book having flown several feet away.
”Oww.” she groaned, holding the back of her head.
“Here you go.” came a somewhat gruff voice.
Nina looked up to see a tan young man in a vest, revealing his abs, and a large flowing cloak, covering most of his body. The boy wore a strange cap that revealed his rust colored spiky hair, but kept him concealed from the sides. He held out the book to her.
”Oh, thank you!” Nina said, picking herself up and grasping the book.
She ran over to the librarian and returned the book, before turning around. The man stood there, staring at her.
”Um…” Nina began, timidly, ”I’m sorry for running into you earlier.
The man continued to stare.
”Are you new to the village? Are you lost?”
Nina’s words finally reached him as he shook his head.
“Uh, no, thank you. I’ve been here a couple times before.”
”Oh good. Well, I have to head home. If you’re still here tomorrow, enjoy the festival!”
Nina ran home as the sun began setting, and set to making her dinner. She had spent most of her life alone in the house, with the village taking care of her. She had grown used to it, her parents having disappeared when she was seven. She couldn’t even remember their faces now. She wondered often if Sid had a similar boat, considering he had been left alone four years ago. Not that the parents abandoned either of the teens, it’s just that when they left for other villages they never made it back.
Much later, Nina had finished off her meal and was cleaning her dishes by the window, when a purple flash caught her eyes. She looked up and saw a ball of purple flame rise high into the sky, it glimmered and shone in the dark night sky, before bursting into a flash of dozens of other lights, the sound of it’s explosion being felt in her stomach.
”Oh! Fireworks? But Sid said that the festival isn’t until tomorrow.”
Nina watched in horror as the flames that she thought was a firework, fell upon the roofs of the houses and began burning them.
”Fire!” She cried as she bolted out of her home. But as she did, she was grabbed by a couple of hooded men.
”Let me go!” she yelled, but they ignored her.
People ran out of their homes, scrambling to find help and shelter. Many were knocked unconscious by more hooded men. Some of the villagers came out, carrying weapons, but were quickly dispatched by more hooded figures that had magic. No one in the village was a practitioner, and the closest that came to magic would be Sid.
Nina was huddled to the town square where she saw many others lying on the ground or in similar situations as her.
She didn’t see Sid anywhere, and hoped he was alright. Several hooded figures were positioned around the fountain in the town square, with their hoods down. One was a lilac haired man with a purple bandana, another seemed to be a blonde maned werewolf with a large sword on his back, another was a blue-haired woman with a bob cut staring into a Lacrima, a red haired man with his arms crossed, and a blonde haired man sharpening a sword. The final man was wrapped in black bandages covering most of his face.
The boy from earlier turned a corner, holding the Librarian in his arms and setting her down gently next to the others. The bandaged man waved a hand towards the boy from earlier.
The boy’s hand erupted in purple fire, and he pointed it towards each of the civilians. The fire would stay in the boy’s hand, and nothing would happen. As he went to each one, Nina grew more and more worried. Then, the boy got to her and the flame roared into a huge blaze, engulfing the boy but seemingly not hurting him.
“Leon.” The bandaged man said.
The lilac haired man hopped up from his sitting position and began walking over to Nina. He held his hand out towards her forehead. Nina was terrified, but a sudden rumbling from further in the village drew the attention of the hooded figures. A house was standing up and walking towards them. One that Nina recognized.
“Villains! Taste the wrath of my ARMSTRONG MK 1!”
The house’s chimney began to move, and pointed towards the group of hooded figures. It spewed a plume of fire, but the hooded figures scattered, dodging the flames. The villagers began to run as the hooded figures positioned themselves atop the rooftops of the buildings, the purple flames still burning. Nina took the opportunity to run, but locked eyes with the red haired man. She couldn’t move.
“You come here and attack our village? Why!?” The chimney was not turned into an arm and swiped at the group. They jumped it, except for the werewolf man who grabbed the arm and slid to a stop. He then pulled on it, tearing bricks from it.
The blue haired woman’s lacrima lit up and she yelled to her comrades.
“Another source of Imagination Magic is coming from inside that machine.”
“Is it the pilot?” The blonde haired man asked.
“No, but something near him.”
“Good.” The man said as he drew his sword. Suddenly he zipped from the air to the door of the house and slashed it open in the blink of an eye.
The man stepped in, only to fly out of the house a second later, a hammer head sticking out of the door.
“How do you like my trap!?” Sid yelled.
The blonde rubbed his head.
“Enough of this.” The bandaged man said, pointing a finger towards The Armstrong.
A large green spiraling beam came out of it and blew a hole through the house, knocking it over. Dust and Debris flew everywhere, some getting in the eye of the red haired man. He blinked, and Nina found herself able to move again.
“SIIIID!” she cried, rushing towards the fallen machine.
She knew that she needed to get away, but right now, she wanted to make sure her brother-figure was alright. She worked her way through the dust, narrowly avoiding the blonde man. She clambered into the downed building and found Sid lying in a pile of debris.
”Sid! Sid wake up!” She yelled, shaking him.
“T-the Ima-gun. Use it…” He said, pointing to an engine as he passed out.
”Imagun?” she wasn’t sure what to do, but she ran over to the engine and found a hatch to open. Inside, the Imagun was hooked up to wires and pipes, but she yanked it free.
“Found something there?” a feminine voice asked from behind her. Nina panicked, and as she turned, fired the gun.
The blue haired woman barely managed to dodge the blast from the gun as it sailed high into the air.
The woman backhanded Nina, knocking her to the ground. The lavender haired man jumped into the room as well and picked Nina up.
“Be careful with her.” The man said as he waved a hand over her face.
Nina fought, trying to get out, but soon began feeling very drowsy. As she began to fall asleep, she thought she saw the magical ball she fire turn into a Black Dragon in the sky.
Nina awoke in her room within Basilisk Fang’s current hideout, a cave carved out by Heron, one of the other Dark Guild members. The Fangs were all a very tight knit family, but she was still leery of the guild. She had only joined because her Brother Jace said they should. But since they joined, she found that she’s a wonderful marksman, thanks to Master Acheron’s training and the Imagun, which she had learned to store and summon it at will now.
In the seven years she had gotten to know the Fangs very well. Leon, the debilitator, with his long lilac hair and his purple bandana. Lionel and his Beast Form magic. Schroder, a quiet man with red hair that used fire and anger magic. Aria, the Raven Mage, the most beautiful person in the guild with her blue hair. Then Raymond, the hot headed mage with his line magic. So many others in the guild. Each with their own dreams and aspirations.
Months passed with training, Master Acheron would have her witness items and events in order to create new Great Alchemic Beasts from the books she read. She wouldn’t let him know, but she enjoyed summoning Cait Sith and Carbuncle just to play with. But Master Acheron hated her using up her magic on weaker beasts. He once had her raze an entire village with Efreet, as practice. Luckily the village was empty. But she remembers screaming from it.
On her 15th birthday, Jace bought her Gale Force Reading Glasses, saying that he knows she loves to read. Nina was extremely happy, and hugged Jace for the gift. They had grown closer as siblings over the year, and Jace had seen Nina happy seldom throughout the year. Often she would be with the master, bruised and weak from a hard day of training, she would shed tears when she was forced to destroy towns or attack people. But she remembered none of it. He had finally grown a conscience, with the help of a happy smile from this green haired girl. He couldn’t do it any longer. That night, he went to her room to speak with her.
“Nina… You have to leave.”
”What are you talking about?” Nina asked.
“You don’t remember what life was like before you joined the guild, do you?”
”W-we were alone on the streets, then Master Acheron-”
“No. That’s not it.” Jace said, clenching his fist.
He knew if he did this, he would lose his newfound sister. But he couldn’t watch her suffer and be forced to think everything was fine. He reached out a hand and placed it on her head, his hand erupting into purple fire. Strangely, it didn’t hurt Nina. Then, it happened.
A Flood of memories, of Sid and her village, of the Basilisk Fangs attacking everyone. But the emotions from those false memories remained. She was horrified by what she had done, and a whirlwind of conflicting emotions washed over her as she realized the people she thought she had known for years had only had her with them for a year.
”What was…?” she said, tears welling in her eyes, panting on the ground from the flare of emotions.
“Leon.” Jace said, “The other magic that Acheron gave him. He can manipulate memories, or simply place himself into them.”
”But… My whole life…”
“Took about 3 weeks to change. But that doesn’t matter anymore. I need you to run. Get away as far as possible.”
”Why should I trust you…?” She asked, fighting back tears.
“I released you from his magic. You know how my Eater Magic works. Now please. I can’t watch him turn you into something you’re not. You’re kind, and sweet, and... “ He fought back his own tears. Seeing the genuine reaction eased up her tension, and she still had the emotions of calling him a brother. Like she thought of...
”Wait! Where’s Sid?”
“The blonde inventor? I don’t know. He escaped with the villagers from the town’s destruction.”
”That’s good.” she sighed to herself. ”Thank you. Brother.”
The last part seemed out of habit, but she didn’t feel it was wrong either.
She couldn’t sit and mope now, but with the help of Jace, the two snuck out and she was able to escape on Ixion. However, the guild captured Jace. She left teary eyed and eventually passed out from her crying, waking up in a tent. A man with a blue sword claimed that his group found her passed out against a tree, and she was covered in dirt and a feather.
Nina explained what she was running from, and the group took her in to protect her, and help her find Sid.
Nina has been very shy and quiet since meeting Alexander, still unsure why her magic is so sought after, and if she can really trust anyone. She does worry for the safety of everyone else since a dark guild wants her, and worries what happened to Jace.
Though, she has struck a sort of friendship with Devin, despite his odd nature.
Team Members:
Three Strengths:
Very Smart and well read.
Able to create a variety of helpful magical creatures for many different situations.
Has a huge well of Magic Power.
Three Weaknesses:
Frightened Easily
Being a 15 year old bookworm, she isn’t very physically fit.
Hates seeing people get hurt, and won’t hesitate to try and help someone when injured.
Greatest Love:
To keep her village safe, and one day see Jace and Sid again.

Nina stands at 4’10”. She has pale skin, wavy green bob-cut hair with a blue headband in it, and bright blue eyes. She wears a blue collared vest over a white long sleeved dress. A pair of blue gloves adorn her hands. On her legs are a pair of blue knee high boots with purple buckles. She also carries with her a large belt with pouches, perfect for carrying books, and wears a long purple hooded cloak.
For protection, she wears a purple breast plate with matching pauldrons. These can generate small magic circles from them to protect her from minor attacks. This armor was made by Tristan for her.
She also owns a pair of black, Gale Force Reading Glasses.
and a couple more I wanted to throw on at some point or at least share them with you all.