Congratulations prospector! After completing your lightspeed journey to the far reaches of the Frax Nebula, you have arrived on Bellion IV, GoodPick Incorporated’s newest mining acquisition! I’m sure you’re ready to get out there and explore the stars, but just a couple of things before you don that mining suit. As you know, the Hiphirax crystals required to hyper jump are quite expensive, so it is our duty to inform you that your travel expenses amount to approximately 840,372 Imperial Merits. Cant pay? No worries! We here and GoodPick incorporated are happy to provide indebted Space travelers with 5 star accommodation, (bunkhouse or shanty town) pristine work environments, (incredibly hazardous caves full of deadly fumes and insects) all at your convenience! (You are now legal property of GoodPick incorporated until your outstanding fees are paid.) With the standard 62% fatality rate per mining expedition, we’re always looking for new members of the GP family, and we’re sure you won’t disappoint! After viewing this video, you will find all of your personal belongings and cargo confiscated, and used to pay off your hefty debt. For our sake and yours, don’t resist.
And from our founder Montgomery Egelstein, fine mining and watch out for the Tremblers.
OOC explanation:
Hello fine reader! This a bit of a different roleplay, not sure how much interest this will attract but hopeful! In this setting you aren’t a galaxy hopping rogue, or a magic user, or a hero, you’re a fugitive, pioneer, corporate shill, spaceship plumber, who has unfortunately knowingly or not succumbed the will of GoodPick incorporated, the nebulas most monopolistic, largest, and most dangerous mining company. With a host of badly damaged, severely used or malfunctioning mining equipment you’ll sink deep below Bellion IV’s crust, in search of all things shiny and rare. In doing so you’ll have to deal with the native population, hives of chittering bug horrors called Tremblers that seek to consume the very thing that’s your ticket back to the surface, that precious ore. Don’t worry though, they certainly don’t mind a human side dish! With your ragtag group of exhausted, terrified mining pals you’ll be forced deeper and deeper into the pits of the planet, mining for your retirement funds, and your lives! Ore that you successfully bring back up to the surface can be brought directly to the company for a small stipend and a chunk off your debt, or sold to the black market to purchase some less well worn and, not on fire equipment. Or you know, to jury rig a mining drill to fly off the planet, or start a revolution, or destroy the queen of the Tremblers and save the universe, or anything else you can think of!
I know this is a bit of an eclectic write up but I love this idea, and I hope you do too! Let me know if you’re interested, looking for 4-6 players :)