The fourth floor was almost identical to the fifth floor and was in utter carnage. Off to their right, the gunship fired indiscriminately through the windows. A few of the windows on the left side were damaged but none were broken.
The kitchen staff were armed and hunkered down behind the central kitchen as debris exploded all around them. Booth-to-booth gun fights were in full effect in both aisles. There were several fires raging where droids had exploded.
The boss had already kicked off from the doorway and was floating low to the ground towards the large central atrium, with the bodyguard scrambling to catch up. It seems he had recovered from his earlier hesitance and was now hellbent on escaping at any cost.
The old woman that Senjen was carrying gurgled and shook weakly.
Free from Senjen’s grip, Light smooshed himself flat to the floor and slithered across it like a fast moving puddle with an assault weapon held by a manipulator on the top of it. He fired wildly in the direction of the gunship.
“Wait for us!” Light called as the man approached the low wall surrounding the atrium. When he was less than three metres away, a droid floated up directly in front, grabbing the wall to haul themselves over. The man collided heavily with the droid and they floated out into the atrium as they grappled together. The bodyguard raised his revolver but couldn’t get a shot so he also pushed off into the vast empty space and raced to reach them.
The kitchen staff were armed and hunkered down behind the central kitchen as debris exploded all around them. Booth-to-booth gun fights were in full effect in both aisles. There were several fires raging where droids had exploded.
The boss had already kicked off from the doorway and was floating low to the ground towards the large central atrium, with the bodyguard scrambling to catch up. It seems he had recovered from his earlier hesitance and was now hellbent on escaping at any cost.
The old woman that Senjen was carrying gurgled and shook weakly.
Free from Senjen’s grip, Light smooshed himself flat to the floor and slithered across it like a fast moving puddle with an assault weapon held by a manipulator on the top of it. He fired wildly in the direction of the gunship.
“Wait for us!” Light called as the man approached the low wall surrounding the atrium. When he was less than three metres away, a droid floated up directly in front, grabbing the wall to haul themselves over. The man collided heavily with the droid and they floated out into the atrium as they grappled together. The bodyguard raised his revolver but couldn’t get a shot so he also pushed off into the vast empty space and raced to reach them.