“No, go through to the trading floor!” The boss gestured back down the stairs and to the right with his free hand. The able-bodied droid from the floor above was pressing them heavily, having already dispatched one of the soldiers.
Then there was a deafening crack from below, and the stairs crumbled beneath them. Masonry dust coated Light’s suit as he bounced off the ceiling then into the debris cloud. The stairwell below was completely blocked by rubble, but the half-landing with the two other doors was partially intact.
“Let's move! Fall back!” The boss said, grabbing onto his bodyguard who kicked off the wall and propelled them towards the right-hand door.
Light looked morosely at the blockage, thinking quickly whether they may be able to dig their way out. But with desperate fighting going on merely a few metres away on the upper level there just wasn’t time.
“We can take the atrium or try those offices perhaps?! I don't think going back is an option!” He shouted, still stunned by the cacophony of loud noises around them lately.
Then there was a deafening crack from below, and the stairs crumbled beneath them. Masonry dust coated Light’s suit as he bounced off the ceiling then into the debris cloud. The stairwell below was completely blocked by rubble, but the half-landing with the two other doors was partially intact.
“Let's move! Fall back!” The boss said, grabbing onto his bodyguard who kicked off the wall and propelled them towards the right-hand door.
Light looked morosely at the blockage, thinking quickly whether they may be able to dig their way out. But with desperate fighting going on merely a few metres away on the upper level there just wasn’t time.
“We can take the atrium or try those offices perhaps?! I don't think going back is an option!” He shouted, still stunned by the cacophony of loud noises around them lately.