Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Meadow of Emergence
"I don't know what he's told you but you can't trust everything he says. He has us out searching for this Dark Existence. Umbra he calls it. We're finding it for him to retrieve. I think he's planning to accumulate it all and destroy it along with himself." Alistair stops for a moment. As if his attention was drawn away. When he focuses back he's a little more panicked. "I have to go. Any longer and he'll notice. It's so nice to see you. If we're lucky we can meet again soon."

With that said Alistair blinks out of existence to some far away place.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I hadn't thought we would find ourselves here. This spectre of the past come to engage me. It's as though the eternities of penance I endured wasn't enough. I take a deep breath as I conjure a chair. I sit down across from this vision of my past and prepare to face whatever this next moment has in store.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


It looks like Karnariel has won but I notice he doesn't relax his stance. Instead he remains alert. It presses me to do the same. I engage my sixth sense and keep my ears perked for the slightest change in vibrations, air pressure, or any other atmospheric differences that might give an attack away.

In a decidedly defensive maneuver, one ball of blood I use to form a shield around Karnariel. Its thicker consistency should slow any attempted attack down enough for him to react. The other ball of blood transforms into blood arrows around me. They rotate at high speeds providing both a shield and a split second counter should Valkyrie reappear.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li-Li ~Meadow of Emergence~

Uncle Alistair leaves before I have time to protest. I let out an exasperated huff and flop back on the meadow floor. I have so many more questions now. If he would have told me how Zaak is keeping track of them I might have found a way to disrupt or better yet redirect it. I slip another chocolate in my mouth while I think.

What do I know? Uncle Alastair told me not to trust Zaak. Old news there, I haven't trusted that ancient crusted waste dumb since he got here. Would have killed him if I didn't still need him. Will kill him if he presses me too much. What else? He said they're out searching for another existence. Who all is out? I narrow my eyes. For a tense moment I'm gripped with panic....surely he isn't out. Is he? I shudder in revulsion. This line of thinking is getting me nowhere. I have more questions than answers. Time for action.

I sit up and recenter, so I can focus my energy. My thumb and pointer of both hands together, fingers splayed out; arms resting at my sides. When my energy is clearer I bring my hands together and summon him. " The Heir Apparent: Pure Form: The Emperor." He appears directly in front of me, kneeling. He's resplendent in gold and purple. His sword shines so brightly he bathes the entirety of the meadow in light. I feel a hint of pride and allow myself a small smile. " I need you to find...well you. I have reason to believe Uncle Vincent is out somewhere. Bring him to me, drag him if you have to. It's urgent."

I reach out and touch the sword. I use its energy to locate Uncle Vincent's time thread. Once I detect it, I send a message along the thread, hidden between this second and the next: come out come out wherever you are, along with the coordinates. Uncle Alastair isn't the only one who can be sneaky. Hopefully this pincer attack of both mind and physical will get him here post haste. I do hate to be kept waiting. I wave the Pure Form off and suck on my last piece of chocolate.

The First Lotus ~ The Oasis~

His eyes feel as if they're boring into me, making my face heat in discomfort. I force the words out," I'm not going to lie, I still hold quite the grudge from how things were left between us. I'm aware that it was resolved between you and my future self; nevertheless, however petty it might seem, the resolution doesn't feel as if it was between you and I... per se. Still, I'm willing to overlook that if I can get a few answers from you." I take a deep breath. Just a little more.

I look directly into his eyes. Letting him see all the turmoil and vulnerability in mine, "Are you free of me? Do you hold zero affection for the form before you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadowhold Fields
We watch as the ships retreat and Valkyrie is stuck. We cheer. We know she is not yet defeated, but these champions from another world can fight. I grab a sword from the wreckage of the bombardment. I raise it high and roar as best my lungs will allow. We all know the plan for combating the air ships. We'll lose more than half our forces. We can only hope Lord Karnariel will be able to win with whats left. I close my eyes and let the shine of the sun warm my face. I have not lived long. I have not lived well. But I have lived with meaning. I open my eyes. Valkyrie's armada moves into position above us.

Outnumbered and betrayed. Injured and mocked. These outsiders are just a symptom of the problem. The lack of leadership by both Father and Commander is appalling. They are too soft. The only language these dogs understand is the law of might. They must be crushed and culled. Made to know their place. My steely body moves. The tolling bell that is my finger raps out an impatient annoyed rhythm. I'll show them. I'll set an example Father won't be able to ignore.

The gateway back opens. Focusing my power I use the malleable state of my world to fabricate my old body. My will flows into it. It's senses mine. It's limbs move in proxy of my own. It's an odd thing. To be a puppet of ones own will. Something not many have experienced.

I emerge from the gateway exactly where I had planned. Behind the fox girl. I can feel the presence of her foul arts. I liberate myself from them as I grasp her by the throat. She'll not be able to do that again. She's stronger than any human or god has the right to be. I act before she can overpower me.

My power flows through this body like an ocean through a river. It envelopes her like winter winds. Now she is free. After all, what is banishment but freedom from everything you know. She will not be able to return so easily. I can only do this a few times before the power be comes unstable. I scan the battle field. Karnariel hasn't spotted me yet. I can't see the one that follows the old ways. But my eyes do find the angel.

My power gathers like a snow drift aside the mountain. I let it rush over me. I am momentarily free from the world. When the winds die down I am before the angel. I summon my spear-sword.

"I've come for your head angel. Any last words before you die?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"The man I am now is not the man you knew then, at the beginning. After the war. After your first death. After the birth of probability. I cannot, in good conscience, give you an honest answer."

I take a breath.

"I am a shade. A specter. No more tangible than the morning mist before the sunrise. My only reason for being is to set the realities on the right path. To create an order that the Impostor failed to. As a winnower of chaos." I take another breath and fight the urge welling up inside me. I have said enough. I can stop. Yet. The memories of long ago eke forth and escape like words not my own.

"But I have missed you."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


I'm warm. So so warm, and miracles of miracles I'm in my own bed. This isn't right. I'm dreaming. Does that mean I fainted? It wouldn't surprise me. Mortality is taxing, the endurance of the human body both miraculous and fragile. I know I need to wake up, but currently I can't remember why. I feel something next to me and when I turn to look the "why" of waking up is no longer important.

Galen is sleeping soundly next to me. His face calm and gentle. His mouth ever so slightly upturned, like he's in on a joke you don't even know has been posed. His hair perfect even now. I have the urge to tousle it. I can hear Lilianna singing somewhere, there's a loud bang, a pause, and then a curse. Sounds like she's practicing blessing her bullets like I taught her. However, if she curses after each failed blessing it'll only serve to taint the bullets further. That can be a matter for later though. Instead I'll enjoy this rare perfect moment. I snuggle into the arms of Galen and sink deeper into this dream. Reality no longer compelling me to return.

The First Lotus ~ The Oasis~

I'm unsure of what I was hoping for. The breath I was holding, I slowly let out.

I understand better than anyone what it's like to be changed. Something akin to a familiar of the original. I just never thought I'd share this intimate understanding with Zaakielo of all people. He has his mission and I have mine. If he stays devoted to it, as my One would, we may get along better than we ever have. I know what it's like to be driven by purpose alone.

I had said answers but this one is enough. Something realigns inside of me. A reminder of what my duty is. This time isn't for us. It's not about us. It's about correcting reality and aiding Lilianna. Still...it's nice to have the privilege of being missed. We can leave the graveyard, it's time to let the ghosts be.

"Thank you, for your candor." I take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and admit something I told myself I wouldn't. "I've truly, missed you too." To hide my embarrassment I stand abruptly and start inspecting the large drooping ivy next to me. I shouldn't let that last statement sit heavily in the air too long, "The large blackout. The one the group went into. Can you tell if it's connected to the others in a significant way? Would its collapse have any affect on the others?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


No one notices the dangerous beauty as she moves. No one but me. God, I hate being so aware. This is bad. Wasn’t Gaul going to handle her? She looks like she’s ready to serve up Lexianna on a skewer. Not on my watch. I guess I shouldn’t complain, it’ll give me a chance to introduce myself.

I unsheathe the sword Gaul gave me and slide in front of Lexianna. “Hello Beautiful. Sorry but how about we leave Sleeping Beauty be and the two of us handle this?”

I wrap my tail around her spear and attempt to disarm her. “By the way I’m new around here and haven’t had the chance to see the sights. What’s the chances I could get you to show me around? You seem like wonderful company.” I make light of the situation with my banter but I’m taking this woman very seriously. I’m also slightly hoping she’ll say yes.


I bang on the misty walls of my fog prison. I can't believe I let this happen. I need out now! I squint into the haze and what I see makes fear leap for my lungs. Blaze is facing off with her. NO! NO NO NO! This is my fault. Now my brother, my king, is in danger and I'm not protecting him. I'm furious and frantic. I use the blood to soak the walls and see if I can find an opening.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


"I've been a captive for the past couple days. How would you react to people pointing weapons at you? I saw threats and eliminated them. If your going tok be more hospitable than our last host, then stop pointing swords at me.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I've been missed.
"It's hard to say. I've not mastered this power yet. I'm not sure I can be." I turn my gaze to where the blackout my friends are trapped. I wonder how far along they are with their escape. Or rather I worry. "I think the blackouts are connected in some way. We'll have to wait and see if they can free themselves. I'm not yet strong enough to face that large of a blackout."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As Blaze engages Valkyrie she scoffs. But on second glance her revulsion diminishes.
"Not to break your heart but I've no interest in being one half of star crossed lovers. I can do with a pet. A cute little puppy properly collared would do me well." Valkyrie grips her spear and two soft pulses reverberate within it. It passes harmlessly through the tail of Blaze. With a grand sweeping flourish she swings the pronged blade at his leg attempting to hobble him.

The Whispers.
From within Flame the soft voices of the blood gem call to her.
"We can aid you. You are banished to the only world between worlds here in this eternal night. But you are closer to her throne of power than she realizes. Here in this banishment laws are malleable." We draw her attention to the thin veil opposite her view. Where the Throne World can be seen. "Yet beware. In such a place she is at her strongest. And her most vulnerable."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Commander.
"You speak as though you are someone of importance." The Commander says as though they are about to remind Razz of his place. "Tell me, where you're from, who are you?" The commander waves to an aide who comes tentatively over. A few seconds later there is a table with a pitcher of wine between the two of them. The Commander sits at the table and pours Razz a glass of wine. "From my personal vineyard. Please be honest about how it tastes."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Meadow of Emergence
A note gently floats down to rest on the ground before Li-li. It reads. "Now is not a good time. Trust Alistair." On the opposite side there is more. "Nice toy doll, by the way. Really captures my golden age glory."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Looking down I sniff the wine and down the glass. "I am Saint Azreal, Clan Vulcan. My mother is War Saint Endureiel. Whatever that may mean too you. I'm a simple warrior from Terra. I'm here doing a favor for a friend. With that out of the way. Who are you? I respond shakeing the glass at them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

Member Seen 1 mo ago

With a cacophonous roar, Gaul leaps towards Valkyrie with every ounce of strength he can muster. A sonic boom erupts behind him, and as he approaches his destination, he weaves the fabric of reality to swap his momentum with that of Valkyrie, and sends her flying towards the castle while he comes to a dead stop. He looks down at Lexianna and Blaze.

"Take care of her, would you?" Gaul asks calmly, nodding towards the unconscious angel. "I've got this one."

A blinding flash, the crash of thunder, and Gaul is in front of Valkyrie again, this time on the opposite side of the castle. Dust and the smell of burning ozone fill the air. Electricity crackles in Gaul's voice as he speaks.

"I was really hoping you would accept my challenge. At least then, you could have died with honor, and your men could be spared." With a snap of his fingers, he creates null energy fields around every ship in the fleet. All of the systems on the ships shut down, and then the fields dissipate. They begin to fall from the sky.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


I can be a puppy. I can be the cutest damn puppy this Beauty has ever seen. However I'm saved the indignity of seriously following this line of questioning by Gaul. It's about damn time. I happily let him take over the fight and get to something I'm better suited to, waking swooned babes.

I gently lift Lexianna to a sitting position and rub her face. "Hey there Darlin', I think it's time you woke up." I can hear the blood moving in her veins and the steady beat of her heart, all good signs. Doesn't my sister have a heal-y sword? That would be helpful right now.


I walk into the Throne World buzzing with anger. I don't know what I need to fight but I'm ready for it. I stop in front of a large staircase, a lone throne at the end, and upon it sits a solid gold statuesque figure. My eyes narrow.

"Uh, hello?" I put my hands on my hips and tap my foot impatiently.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li-Li ~Meadow of Emergence~

I throw my hands up and flop back on the meadow floor, exasperated. Why must they always be so difficult? Still the note makes me smile. I stuff it in one of Akuketsu's pockets and plan.

There's only one course of action left. Fact: Zaak is hiding something. Fact: That is unacceptable. Outcome: Punishment. I stand with confidence, vengeance making me warm. It's been awhile since I've beaten something senseless. I can't think of a better punching bag.

~ The Oasis~
With Lucy in one hand and Cursed Vengeance in the other I return to the Oasis. I don't speak I just shoot. One round from Lucy to one kneecap. One round from Cursed Vengeance in the other. With Zaak on the ground, he's at perfect kicking height. I swiftly introduce his face to my boot. I'm aiming to crack a few teeth. The First Lotus says nothing. She doesn't even seem marginally surprised, instead she comes to stand a step behind me and to the side. She's ready should I need her. I decide I do.

"Lotus, bind him." That surprises her, my direct address. She doesn't hesitate though. Immediately light-stitch bindings wrap around his body. The tail end wraps around her wrist like a lasso. His position, laid out in front of me with his hands behind his back, somehow reminds me of a pig. He's just missing the apple. I put my boot on his throat and point Cursed Vengeance straight down at his head.

"It has come to my attention that you have forgotten your place. I shall now remind you. Your existence is forfeit. Your life is forfeit. That's the price for dragging my mother and your friends through hell to give you rest and then spitting on their sacrifices by wretchedly resurrecting. Everything you are belongs to me." I let that sit for a second before continuing. "I believe I told you, you were not to twitch without my knowledge. So imagine my surprise when I find out you are being quite active behind my back." I put my finger on the trigger of Cursed Vengeance. "Give me a reason not to send you straight back to the pit you crawled out of."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Commander
Razz's words hang in the air for a moment. The Commander doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
"That doesn't mean anything to me." The Commanders tone seems to go taut with annoyance. "I am The Commander. Acting Imperial Regent on this continent, Karna. You say you are a simple warrior. But you and your friends have slain or turned my viceroys. You have thrown the empire into disarray and brought wild banditry to the commoners of the land. This group of five or six people have destabilized an entire continent." The Commander pours more wine for Razz.

We don't have time for this. Razz is talking with the enemy. Gale is slumped on the floor where Razz set him. I still can't move. This power has locked the very fabric of my existence in one place. Such an oppressive power must have a draw back. A time limit? A lapse of concentration. I don't like that I can't see his eyes. Or rather I can't know his face. My mind muddies when I think about his features. Is he even a he? A fear pierces deep into me. Does this thing even have a true physical existence? Is this just a featureless avatar with which it interacts with the world. What eldritch monstrosity are we dealing with?
"Ra... Razz, Gale." I manage to speak. My eyes go to Gale's lifeless body. "Please."

The Commander turns its attention to me.
"That is an impressive will you have." It speaks. "What about your friend?" The Commander speaks to Razz once more.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Valkyrie slumps to the ground as though dead. From far above ships boom into place above the battlefield.
"We have nothing to fear from these trespassers! They may be powerful but our Lady Valkyrie is the next true ruler of Karna!" The sky is filled with the armada. A cacophonous roar fills the battlefield as explosions materialize on the ground. The remaining forces of Shadow Hold as well as the Resistance Army scramble to find cover from the devastating Barrage.

Throne World: Liberation.
The large statue turn its attention from a absent minded gaze to focus on the foxling that has managed to invade it's Sanctum.
"Oh? What is this?" Kara's voice seems to come from all directions at once. The Golden Idol shifts. As it does the golden plates of armor adorning it clank and clatter. It stands 12 feet tall and is seemingly covered entirely in armor that hides it's discernible features.

The Umbral Supression that negated Flame's powers in Karna isn't present here. The Idol stands. It begins to descend the staircase towards Flame. In it's hand is Valkyrie's Three Headed Spear.
"Since you are the first to arrive here I will allow you to challenge me. I am Karasviel, Sun Progeny and daughter of the Old God Loki. This is my true form given to me by the grace of my father. The Father. One true ruler of all. State your name so I may burn it upon my memory before I slay you."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li-li attacks me. I knew this would come but didn't expect it so soon. A child playing at control and power. The very image of my younger self. I won't kill her. She will still sit upon the throne when I am done. But I am done with her for now.

A spire of Umbral Reality impales The First Lotus's shade and scatters her existential threads like leaves before the storm. At the same time a tendril erupts from my left eye and wraps around Li-li's arm. lifting her into the air and disarming her at once. The Umbra within my body erupts forth and pushes the length of my limbs outwards making them long and spindly. Even more Umbra erupts from my back and writhes in time with the heartbeat of the Oasis. One such tentacle brands Li-li's neck preventing her from accessing both the Oasis and it's powers.

As I break free from my restraints and stand the Umbra creeps up over my eyes like a viscous black tar. Trillions of eyes form on it's carapace and sharp choir filled Nails of Umbra push through the tips of my fingers. When I speak my voice is muddy and garbled like a growl echoing though the memories of all the sins of the world.
"Oh sweet daughter. You mother hasn't been teaching you with as much discipline as I'd hoped. Worry naught. I'll remedy that." I reach up and bury the ringing Nails of Umbra into the flesh of her abdomen. "I'm sorry sweetest daughter. But you must learn." The Nails become all the pain in existence.

The Umbral limb of my eye detaches and embeds into the ground forming a tree which entangles Li-li's limbs in it's own, becoming her prison.
"Now then, where was I? Oh yes. More Umbra. Must have more sweet sweet sweet Umbral Nectar."
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