___________________________________ N A M E
Makisig Batista "Maki" A G E
April, 14th, 17 G E N D E R
Non-Binary S E X U A L I T Y
Pansexual N A T I O N A L I T Y
Filipino - Greek H O M E T O W N
Quenzon City - The Philippines
___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight: 140lbs
- Hair: Curly, Brown
- Eyes: Dark Brown
- Body Type: Thicc
- Body Marks: N/A
- Aesthetics: β, β
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S
Single Current: N/A Past: TBD F A M I L Y
Father - Yohaan Batista Mother - Eris, Goddess of Chaos Step-Mother - Estella Batista Siblings - Lennon Fen(demigod sibling) Andrea Maria Batista Angel Jose Batista L E G A C Y
Hephaestus P E T S

"Get my pretty name out of your mouth We are not the same with or without"
____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S
β Owning plebs on CoD β Colecting nice rocks from the beach β Drawing people in funny clothes β Chilling by the practice range to mess with people β Partying, they love to throw it back β Pastries, they are a sucker for strawberry filled anything β Tea, literal and figurative tea β Painting their nails all sorts of clashing colors. β Rebelling against the big man D I S L I K E S
β Rules and orders β Hospitals, too clean and they smell weird... β Peanutbutter, they are allergic to peanuts β Reading, like, no thank you. Audio books all the way. β Knitting, they'll knitt for their friends β Being ignored β Scorpions β Authority, fuck the big man! β Confronting their own fears, nah they good. ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Adventurous | Confident | Shameless | Flexible | Active | Creative | Impulsive | Mishievous Known to never back down from an adventure, Maki is determined to do what their heart tells them to; chaos. They are fueled by the ambition to become the bringer of chaos to Camp Half-blood, and there is nothing that could stop them.
Maki has trouble making real connections with people stemming from the neglect they have yet to process since they were small. They are a somewhat secretive person when it comes to their childhood but have no trouble over sharing their feelings with others. They are quick to make friends and are not shy one bit. Maki loves to flirt or just be straight forward with people by telling others how they feel.
A picture to perfectly describes Maki would be that smug cat picture with a knife pointed at them. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y
Yohaan Batista was a wealthy investor living in Quezon City, Philipines, met a young woman while on a trip to Manila for a business trip leaving behind his wife Estella and their young daughter Andrea. While the small family was no stranger to these sorts of trips, this one would be one that Yohaan would come to regret later in his life. Yohaan stayed in one of the many hotels near Manila's heart. The trip was supposed to only go for a few days, but a deal was struck between investors, and he had to stay another week. It was during those extra few days that he met a woman by the name of Ruby Santos. She claimed to be a lawyer for a CEO of some tech company in Manila.
Their affair was a quick one. Both of them knew that they wouldn't see each other again after their business trip was over. And it was true. Yohaan returned that Friday to Quezon to his wife and child. He never thought of what he had done that week with that woman ever again. Better to forget than to dwell on the past. That was until that same woman showed up at his home with a bundle of little chaos wrapped in her arms. Claiming that she could not care for the child, she decided to leave the baby with the father.
Estella didn't take the news well. How could she? Her husband had been unfaithful to her and had bared a child with another. Their daughter was already four-year-old, and Estella was expecting another child.
For the most part of Maki's early childhood was spent in the neighbor's home. An older woman by the name of Althea took care of them while their step-mother went out with her kids to the park. Maki never really complained; they preferred being with Althea than to be entirely ignored by Estella. Andrea and Angel weren't that bad of siblings. Andrea was friendly to Maki when her mother wasn't paying attention. The five-year-old didn't know that Maki wasn't her real sibling, and if she did, she didn't care. Angel was still a baby, but he would smile every time he would see Maki walk into the room.
The only problem was Estella. She would always neglect Maki when Yohaan was out during work, and even then, Yohaan didn't care for Maki. They were a reminder of his infidelity, his mistake.
Makin was around ten years old when their abilities began to present themselves to them. Estella kept complaining that Maki wouldn't obey her that they would always make a mess. Maki didn't like keeping their clothes arranged or the few toys they had neatly stacked by the corner. No, Maki enjoyed the chaos. It made them feel like they belonged. Estella didn't like this one bit and would often complain to Yohaan, resulting in heated arguments. Maki didn't really care for these arguments. If it were up to them, Maki would rather leave this house. That night the argument had been so heated that Estella burst into Makin's room and dragged them out to the living room in front of Yohaan. She would point out how she looked nothing like Yohaan, how could he be so sure that Maki was his child. Insults were thrown at them and at each other. Maki got so fed up that they finally let out a scream in frustration. Things around them began to fly outwards, windows were broken, and lights flickered.
Later that week, Maki's mother showed up again. Without explanation or goodbye, she took them away. Estella was out and Yohaan was at work, so when they came back they found the home empty. Maki never heard of them again.
Maki arrived at the camp at the age of twelve and have lived there since then. Since their first day at camp, they have not heard of their mother, not that they mind much. Maki is used to parental figures being a letdown. ____________________________________________________________________________ D E M I G O D I N F O
C A B I NCabin Twenty-One β§Ώ Eris, Goddess of Chaos R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E SBringer of Chaos and Destruction, nah they just chill. W E A P O N S A B I L I T I E SChaotic Chain : Maki is able manipulate chance and probability by creating a chain reaction of chaos. For example, they can kick or move something that will eventually effect someone else, be it in a negative or positive way. They have yet to master this skill, but Maki is determined to be the bringer of chaos. Charmspeak : Maki is able to manipulate the emotions of a small group of beings into irrational anger or confusion. This only lasts for a few minutes at a time. Storm of Strife : Everything within a radius of Maki eveyrthing begins to change, warp, or break. The effects are random, but typically powerful and can stretch over a wide area depending upon the amount of energy put into it, the larger the field, the more energy it Maki. They can use Storm of Strife to disrupt situations and could get out of control easily. Technokinesis : Due to their Legacy, Maki is able to control and manipulate technology. From simple constructs to complicated machinery and technology. While their ability is weaker than the children of Hephaestus Maki is still considered pretty skilled. ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R
- Makin loves to gossip. They are known to spread rumors without a care in the world.
- A bit of a slut for food, Maki is known to suck up to anyone that will give them well-seasoned food.
- Known for their pranks, Maki is always seen around the Hecate cabin with Valeria.
- Maki isn't afraid to start a fight with anyone who calls them a guy or girl on purpose. You will get your ass kicked.
- Maki develops crushes easily, and multiple at the same time.
- Loves instigating fights, drama, and anything to entertain themselves.
Face Claim: Jack Pililaau | #708090 |