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I N T E R A C T I O N S : Valeria, @Rodiak


"Do what? I couldn't possibly know what you are talking about, my dear." Maki said with a mouthful of peach pie. They looked at Valeria with a mischievous twinkle in their eye. Maki knew about Valeria's never-ending curiosity and need to understand how everything worked. While they were always happy to explain the mechanics of their abilities to her, Maki would take pie over talking any day.

They pushed the cake further towards Valeria, nodding down at the pie to encourage her to dig in. "Pie first, probability and chances later." They buried their spoon into the sweet filling of the pie and picked up a large amount of it. Maki had always been a big sucker for sweet and filling foods like this. They never really had anything good of this sort before coming to camp, so they took every opportunity they had to dig in and enjoy every bite. It wasn't uncommon for Maki to be seen in the Mess Hall cooking or eating anything and everything in here. They had become a regular in the kitchens and a taste tester for those campers experimenting with all sorts of flavors.

Maki loved food.

"So, why were you late? Got distracted or something?" Maki asked after chewing and swallowing the spoonful of pie. It wasn't uncommon for Valeria to get distracted easily or find herself wandering away from the task at hand. Maki had learned a while ago that the girl had more trouble than the rest of them keeping her mind in one place.

They always found it cute how Valeria could go from one thing to the next in a matter of seconds. They'd be explaining how to use probability and chance to their advantage when Valeria would cut in and ask about something completely different. It was a charm that they had come to adore from the girl. She was like a breath of fresh air from the mundane conversations with the rest of the camp. Maki had come to consider Valeria their little sister in the past years, a sister they were willing to protect and shield from anything that would hurt her. She had been one of the few to encourage him to develop his abilities and experiment with others.



I N T E R A C T I O N S : Lukas, @Apoalo


The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below him had lulled Elias into a trance-like state. After Kyrin had left, he had gone back to staring out to the sea for a while longer. His mind kept replaying the moment he had shared with the son of Aphrodite just minutes before. He had tried to rub off the stupid grin from his face and the red on his cheeks with the palm of his hands, but nothing seemed to be working. Elias felt like he was ten and back in Germany again, experiencing his first crush ever.

Maria had been her name, she had been just a week older than Elias. She had been a lot taller than him too, with hair that reminded him of the German fall and eyes deep as the night. They had kissed, only once, during a game of truth and dare. Elias thought about her from time to time, wondering why she left town in such a hurry.

The call of a bird behind him brought Elias back to the present and back to Kyrin. He had heard stories about the boy's childhood before, but most were too exaggerated and always seemed made up. He'd tell Elias that his father was some wealthy CEO in Korea and had run away to Ireland to escape the police. Kyrin's stories always changed in tiny details, details that could be blamed on bad memory or the passing of time. But they all held the same feeling; loneliness. It was the only truth he got from those stories, and it was what he had felt when Kyrin told him about the park.

Elias stayed by the cliff a little longer before he finally forced himself to his feet. By the time he made his way back to camp, the red on his cheeks was gone. The momentary high from the little exchanged with Kyrin had dulled by now. He finally remembered he had other people to worry about, and the first one that came into mind was his younger brother.

The last time he had seen Talon had been by the Obstacle Tower after being knocked down by Octavia. He understood some of his anger now; it had been uncalled for from Octavia's part, but Talon's anger issues had been worrying for a while now. Sure, the fire inside of them was something they all shared, and it could feel like a burden to some. Yet, what Talon had shown so far was far beyond that. There was something else there that Elias, or neither of his siblings, really knew about. He knew that merely asking would lead nowhere with Talon; it seemed like that boy was willing to do anything but talk to him. Any of them.

He didn't want to put pressure on his brother, afraid that it would just the boy further away, but Elias wanted Talon to know that he'd be there for him.

For now, Elias made his way towards the infirmary in search of Octavia. He wanted to check up on her and make sure she had been treated for her injuries. The younger girl was one of the strongest persons Elias knew, and while he trusted in the healer's abilities, he'd still worry for his sister. At a quick glance, Elias didn't spot the familiar face of Octavia. Instead, he spotted Kalinda and Zane talking amongst each other. They looked busy enough, so he made his way to the next familiar face he spotted; Lukas.

"Hey, Lukas, have you seen Octavia? I know Kalinda helped her over here after the whole incident." Elias rubbed the back of his neck, glancing around to see he could spot her again from this side of the room. "Was hoping you might know, or if she already left."


I N T E R A C T I O N S : N/A


Maki watched as a girl's foot rolled forward, making her lose the balance she had as she lunged forward, the boxes in her arms flying up towards the sky. Besides her, a boy no younger than twelve tried to help her as he moved forward to try to get her from hitting the floor too hard. Unfortunately, a few of the boxes landed over his head, forcing the boy to shield his face from them as the girl fell to the ground. Another boy, older, came running from his cabin to the scene to help the other two get up and clean up the mess leaving the freshly baked pie alone by one of the benches.

"Are you okay?"

"What did I trip over?"

"Here, let me help you."

Humming out the song What's Up? Maki casually made their way up the steps of the cabin, snatched the pie, and began their way towards the Mess Hall where Valeria was most likely waiting for them. Behind Maki, the girl rubbed her ankle, the younger boy picked up the boxes, and the older one picked up a shiny ball bearing from the dirt path. None of them noticed as the child of Eris made their way away from them.

There were other campers when Makin finally arrived at the Mess Hall. Valeria and Maki agreed to meet after the obstacle tower to talk potions, gossip, and future pranks, but it seemed like she was late for their little date. And to think Maki had snatched a delicious and mouth-watering pie for them to share over some hot tea. Nevertheless, Maki sat down on the Eris table and pulled out the small notebook they always carried around.

The notebook mostly contained notes of various events that happened around them or successful chains Maki had caused. They pulled out one of the many small silver balls they carried around and toyed around it as they wrote down their success of the incidents minutes ago. Maki even sketched out the ball bearing, and as untalented they were with art, it didn't look too bad if they were to tilt their head sideways.

"Not bad," Maki mused as they flipped over the pages of the notebook. They had gotten a lot better at causing these chains of small accidents and little mishaps. It was fun to see people trip, fall, or just walk into tiny little accidents that inconvenienced others. It wasn't that they enjoyed others' sufferings, but it was those expressions people always wore as the accidents happen. Maki didn't know what it was called, but it was thrilling; it filled them with that unknown feeling that they couldn't get enough of it.

Besides, this time they had even gotten themselves some pie. A pie that was getting cold by the minute. Maki reached over to grab one of the forks in the middle of the table and began to dig into the still-warm peach pie. They were sure Valeria wouldn't mind; she didn't even know about the pie!

"Fuck, this pie is good."

K Y R I N & I M A N I
K Y R I N & I M A N I

A P H R O D I T E ' S C A B I N
A P H R O D I T E ' S C A B I N

I N T E R A C T I O N S : With Eachother

Collab Between: @Rodiak & @Metztli


The events that had transpired earlier had left Kyrin confused. After leaving Elias alone on the cliff with the imaginary key in hand, he couldn't stop himself from smiling all the way back to cabin ten. He felt silly, almost. He couldn't figure out the feeling in his stomach or why his heart had fluttered seeing Elias's stupid face when Kyrin waved the key in front of his face. How could someone like that guy make him feel like this? Make him forget just for a few minutes that most of his life had been riddled with horrible shit. Make him forget that maybe, just maybe, he could allow people ; that. And then it was over. Just as quick as the feeling had come now, it was gone when he caught his own reflection on one of the windows. Memories began to flood in. One by one, all showing him that he was wrong. He couldn't risk getting hurt like that ever again.

"Stupid." Kyrin frowned at his own reflection before hurrying inside cabin ten. There was no one inside, good. With no sister insight, he made his way into their shared kitchen. He opened one of the cupboards and pushed some of the cereal boxes to reveal a bottle of Johnnie Walker Scotch Imani had smuggled the first day of summer camp. He rolled his eyes as he poured himself a glass. It was funny. Aphrodite had fallen for two accomplished men and given birth to two beautiful daughters, all of them so confident and so proud to be themselves. Then there was Kyrin. His father was nowhere in sight; he didn't even know the bastard's name. Pathetic.

Just like Kyrin.

With a sigh, the boy stared down the poured scotch before downing the glass he had poured. He debated putting the bottle back in its hiding spot again but settled with taking the whole bottle with him up to his room. He didn't want to hear Imani's worried words. He didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. Once in his room, he kicked off his shoes and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and staring at the dry plant sitting by the window. It had been a present from Imani. He had kept it alive for the past year or so, but now it was slowly dying. Kyrin didn't have enough energy to water it or care for it. Now it was just left to dry out with the view to the rest of the cabins.

Imani hummed softly as she walked into the cabin. She had just finished spreading the word around about Katherine's party with Madame Croix on her tail. The cat slipped past Imani's legs and hurried up the stairs with a soft and almost poised meow. She rolled her eyes at the spoiled cat as she stepped into the kitchen, stopping on her tracks when she saw the empty glass on the counter. She quirked an eyebrow as she approached the glass and picked it up, smelling the strong alcohol immediately. It couldn't be Ariana; she wasn't even here. Kyrin She put the glass down and rushed to open the cupboard, pushing the boxes of cereal out of the way to see the bottle of scotch gone.

Imani's heart stopped. "Fuck." She turned around and hurried up the stairs. No, no, not again. Imani couldn't find Kyrin like that again. The sight of blood had scared her shitless that day. To see her younger brother lying on the floor unconscious with a pool of blood around his head. She could still remember clearly how she had rushed to his side and took him in her arms, ugly crying and yelling for help. Kyrin had fallen during a drunken stupor and hit the side of his head. Luckily, one of the healers had been passing through to stabilize him before it was too late. Imani had cried so hard that day, afraid she could have lost Kyrin.

Back then, it had just been the two of them in the cabin. She had stayed by Kyrin's side until he had recovered, and he was well enough not to need her. Although she could see how he hated all the attention, Imani continued to stay by him. Afraid that he would pull something like that again, she had to keep an eye out for the younger boy. Krin never talked about that day, no matter how hard Imani tried to bring it up. Like he was running away from it. Now both of them pretended as it had never happened.

"Kyrin?" She called out as she approached the door to his room. Her cat was scratching at the door and meowing loudly for Kyrin to open up the door. She frowned, reaching for the handle. Imani could feel her heartbeat in her ears as she pushed the door open ready to call for help if needed, but she only stared at Kyrin standing by the window.

"Hey... Kai?" Under her, Madame Croix ran past her and to the boy's bed. She curled up in one of his sweaters comfortably while Imani walked over to Kyrin. "Hey, are you okay?" Her eyebrows furrowed with worry when he didn't respond.

Kyrin had been so lost in thought he hadn't even noticed Imani's cat scratching at his door. He had already drunk three glasses worth of scotch already, but he couldn't quite feel it yet. He wanted the numbness that came along with being drunk. To dull away some of the pain in his chest or, better yet, make him forget it altogether. But he was already there; Kyrin just couldn't feel it anymore.

"Didn't know you'd... be back so early," Kyrin finally turned to look towards Imani's direction, an easy smile spreading over his lips. He put down the bottle on his desk, almost missing it by an inch, before walking over to his bed to pet the cat. He didn't want to look at his sister in the eyes, not while he was like this. Kyrin was sure he would see the disappointment in her eyes; or worse, pity.

Imani frowned, watching the younger boy hobble to his bed. "Kai, you have to stop this." She walked to the edge of the bed and sat next to him. She had been relieved to see him still standing there. She reached over and took his hand slowly and gently, knowing that he could be startled at any moment. "I'm worried Kai. What if it happens again? What if it's the stairs and not the table?" She squeezed his hand, looking at him and almost begging for him to look back at her. She was in no way disappointed in him; she was worried—worried sick.

He didn't flinch away from her touch. Imani's hand felt soft and warm against his cool skin; it was almost welcoming. "I'm fine, Ani." Kyrin pulled his hand away from hers and rested it over Madame Croix's head, his fingers gingerly working under her chin. He didn't want to hear this. He didn't want to have this conversation. Not now or ever. Kyrin knew what he was doing. It wasn't the same as last time. He had just had some drinks this time; he hadn't even finished the bottle. Imani's worries didn't stem from anything, he knew.

Kyrin didn't want anyone's help. He didn't deserve it. "Don't. Nothing is going to happen, okay?" Why couldn't she just be like the rest and leave him alone? Just forget about it or ignore him. She had always been there for him since day one. Always asking how he was doing, always asking if he had eaten or slept well. Kyrin had been so unused by the sudden attention from Imani that he hadn't known how to handle it all. It had felt overbearing and suffocating at first; he had been so used to others ignoring his existence or just bossing him around. Imani shattered that. She showed him that she truly cared for him, and yet almost four years later, he was still unsure that it was real.

Even now, he didn't know if her worry for him was actually there or not. "I'm fine, okay?" He repeated, this time his voice a lot harsher. Why couldn't she see that he was fine? Kyrin hadn't been completely drunk this time. He hadn't tripped or broken anything or hurt himself; he was fine.

"You're not fine, Kai. I'm worried that one day I'll wake up and you won't be here." Imani looked down when he pulled his hand away. She understood that it was hard for Kyrin to accept any kind of help from others. She knew he was afraid to get hurt, but why couldn't he see that Imani wasn't just someone else? She was family, real family.

"Please, Kyrin." She reached over to him again.

"I said I'm fine! Why do you always have to butt in? Act as if you care so much?!" Kyrin looked at his sister this time. Despite the harsh voice, his eyes were distant, almost looking past Imani.

"You're not fine. You've been smoking a pack a day, you've started drinking again, and you keep pushing Ari and me away. Stop being a stubborn asshole, and let us help you!" Imani tried to keep her voice calm, but Kyrin just couldn't open his eyes and see how much she cared for him. How much Ariana did too.

"How? I barely know you, I barely know Ariana." Kyrin put Madame Croix on the bed and stood up from the bed. He walked across the room to the desk again; this time, he opened one of the drawers and pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes. He fumbled with the packaging a bit before he was finally able to lit one of the cigarettes.

Imani hurried over to Kyrin and snatched the cancer stick from his lips just as he lit it. She glared at him as she slipped it into the scotch bottle, letting the cigarette fall on the honey-colored liquid. "I am still you sister." She took the box away from him and shoved it into the pockets on her skirt. "I still love you, no matter how much of an asshole you are. I need you to understand that, Kyrin." She took his hand, her eyes softening and looking over him. "We love you, okay? Ariana and I love you. You are our family." With her other hand, she reached up to brush some of his hair off his eyes, a small smile gracing her features. "And you can't get rid of us."

Kyrin stared at Imani. He had frozen in place and watched as she snatched the cigarette and box from him. "Imani-" He tried to say, but she continued to talk over him, shoving her care and love for him into him by force. He didn't have a choice. Imani wouldn't allow him to run away anymore, that was clear. Kyrin knew he couldn't push her or Ariana forever, and it felt like the walls he had built over the years were slowly cracking.

It scared him.

"I..." He didn't know what to say anymore. Kyrin wouldn't admit that he needed help or that there was something wrong in the first place, but Imani was so persistent. So adamant in helping him that Kyrin couldn't just say no when he knew she wouldn't accept that answer. "... okay." He didn't pull away from her this time; instead, he let her brush away the strands of hair and looked down at their hands. It was okay to be scared.

It's okay to be afraid. Those same words he had said to Erin were now ringing in his mind. It would be okay like she would be. He had a family now, a real family that wanted to there for him. That actually cared for him and didn't just keep him around for the extra money. It was okay to be scared.

Imani nodded, pulling Kyrin in and wrapping her arms around him. "Come, I'll make a nice onion stew to sober you up." She pulled back, looking at her younger brother for a second before taking his hand like a little kid and pulling him along. "Oh! J'ai presque oublié." She turned around and walked over to the desk to take the now ruined bottle of scotch with them.

"Imani, I-" Kyrin frowned, looking down again at their hands. "Ta..."

"No need, Kai. You're my family, don't forget that." Imani squeezed his hand gently as they entered the kitchen. She was happy that Kyrin hadn't pushed her back this time; it was a step forward and she was proud of him.




Face Claim: Jack Pililaau

After a week, I am finally done with them! Pleas let me know if I should change anything! ^^

K Y R I N & E L I A S
K Y R I N & E L I A S

C A M P H A L F - B L O O D
C A M P H A L F - B L O O D

I N T E R A C T I O N S :


Collab Between @Rodiak & @Metztli



"Kyrin, I didn't-" Elias frowned, watching the boy in front of him break. He could see those honey-brown eyes full of pain. His heart twisted in his chest; Elias had caused this. His reckless and selfish actions had caused Kyrin's break down. He had to do something, make Kyrin feel better or help him relax or- anything. He hated seeing people in pain, hated seeing people lose their way.

Elias approached Kyrin, but the son of Aphrodite had already turned his back towards him and was walking away. The blond frowned and began to follow the trail of smoke. He couldn't let Kyrin be left alone right now. Gods, he was a hypocrite. He had preached just a few seconds ago about leaving someone alone and trusting them- but this situation. It was different. It felt different. Imani's worries for her brother didn't stem out of anywhere. There was something in Kyrin's eyes that Elias could see. Something he had seen before in him long ago.

It worried Elias.

Kyrin could still hear Elias behind him. He ignored the footsteps and concentrated on the sound of leaves under his shoes. The crunch of every leaf and stick he stepped on. The sound of the trees above Kyrin dancing in the wind and the birds singing to one another. It was a sound Kyrin hadn't gotten used to yet. After years of living in camp, he was still not used to nature around him. Back in Cork, he was so used to the paved streets, the sounds of cars and sirens and so used to the demeaning insults and threats.

Kyrin could still remember his first day at camp. Imani had made him feel so welcomed, yet at the same time, he had been so afraid she was just trying to bring down his guard. She'd spent the first year convincing him that she truly cared for Kyrin. Yet, even after four years, he still had his doubts. It was difficult to see anyone ever wanting him after all the years of neglect he had suffered.

The trees around Kyrin began to clear as he walked up the incline. He found himself on the cliff of the island that overlooked the ocean. He had lost track of time. He wasn't sure how much he had walked until he laid eyes on the horizon. The summer sun was beaming down on his, but the cool breeze from the sea kept him cool enough not to be bothered by the heat. Kyrin took one last drag from the cigarette before he approached the edge of the cliff.

It would be so easy. Kyrin looked down at the rocky shore under him to the waves crashing over the rocks.

Elias had been following Kyrin for almost ten minutes now. He wasn't sure if Kyrin was aware that Elias had followed or if he was simply being ignored. Even then, he continued to follow the other boy, unsure of where he was going. It wasn't until Elias realized they were walking on an incline that he realized where Kyrin was going. Elias hurried his pace to catch up to Kyrin, afraid that he wouldn't see him there once he came up to the cliff.

But there he was. Kyrin standing by the edge, looking down. Elias could feel his heartbeat in his ears as he slowly approached the son of Aphrodite. "Kyrin- I-" For the first time, Elias had nothing to say. He didn't know what to say exactly. An apology would just fall on deaf ears and would probably just irritate Kyrin. Instead, he walked closer to the other boy without saying anything else. He wanted to be close enough, just in case. Elias frowned at the thought.

On my 11th birthday, I ran away from my current foster home to a lake. I think it was named Atlantic Pond, near River Lee." Kyrim looked over his shoulder when he heard the footsteps approaching from behind. He reached into his pocket, this time with still hands, and slipped out another cigarette. The trembling was gone now, along with the suffocating feeling that had overcome he a few minutes prior. Kyrin was back to his old boring self.

"I'd spend most of the day looking at the water." He continued as he lit the cigarette and took a small drag. "I would see other kids with their dads fishing there. I... I was jealous of them, you know." He didn't know why exactly he was sharing this with Elias. Perhaps it was because he had told Elias so many false experiences that Elias might not know this one was real. Or Kyrin finally wanted someone to know something real about him. "How could I not? Those kids had at least one parent that cared enough to take them out to fish, or walk, or do something with them."

Elias watched Kyrin as he stepped next to him. There were so many things he wanted to ask, so many things he wanted to say. To reassure Kyrin that he wasn't that little kid anymore. To tell him that he didn't have to run away and watch as others made connections, but he couldn't get a word out. Instead, Elias took a seat next to Elias and tugged the hem of the other boy's shirt to motion him to sit.

"I never told my mother, but I was jealous of other kids too. The ones that had two parents." Elias shrugged a shoulder as he moved his gaze to the ocean before them. He let his hands rest behind him, using them to prop himself up and feet dangling over the edge of the cliff. He took a deep breath before he continued, "Then I came to realize I didn't need another parent. I had the rest of my family." He glanced at Kyrin again, "Like you have your family now. You have Imani, Ariana, and Erin."

Kyrin felt Elias step next to him, making him move away just the tiniest bit further to the side. When he felt the tug on his shirt, he looked down, debating for a second or two if he should take the opportunity to run or sit. Kyrin, against all odds, sat down next to Elias. He tucked in his legs against his chest and rested his chin over his knees. There was something strangely soothing about all of this. As much as he thought he would want to get away from Elias, he had stayed, listening to him. It was... strange.

He didn't say anything when Elias stopped talking. It wasn't the same. Elias had had his mother, someone to care for him and nurture him since birth. Kyrin had no one. Although he had his two sisters and Erin now, it wasn't the same. He cared for them, all of them, but nothing would take away all those years he had suffered before coming to the camp. The beatings, the neglect, the scars would never go away.

"Imani always tells me to keep looking forward." Kyrin's voice was just above a whisper. "But I'm just so... tired." He brought up the cigarette to his lips to take a long drag from it. The smoke burned the back of his throat, using the slight pain to keep him grounded. He didn't even know why Elias was here talking to him. He had nothing to gain from him. Nothing at all. It wasn't a secret that Kyrin could be an absolute asshole at times, and Elias was no stranger to that either, so why?

It didn't matter. "I should go." Kyrin didn't want to be here anymore. To talk to Elias like he'd be able to do something or make him feel any different. He had already said what he wanted. Kyrin had no more reason to stay. Some of the weight had been lifted off his chest; as temporary as that was, it felt like he could go on without another break like this for a few more days. Gods, Kyrin felt pathetic. He took another drag before he began to get up from his seat next to Elias.

"Wait," Elias almost reached over to grab Kyrin's hand before he remembered. He lowered his hand and cleared his throat, "Just stay here, a little longer. I'll keep my mouth shut if you want." He hadn't been able to hear Kyrin's voice; all he had heard was the word "tired," and even that word alone made Elias's stomach flip inside out. Like his body was demanding him to do something- anything. Elias couldn't read Kyrin. It was so difficult to see if the boy was bothered by him or not, and honestly, He just wanted to get to know him better.

To prove his point, Elias made a zipping motion over his lips, locked the imaginary lock, and offered the key to Kyrin. There was a small smile ghosting his lips as he did so, hoping that Kyrin would take said imaginary key and pocked it. He wouldn't talk unless Kyrin allowed him so. Like this, Elias couldn't say the wrong things to the boy next to him.

Kyrin watched Elias with some amusement. As much as he hated to admit it, Elias could be a fucking dork sometimes. He started at the imaginary offered key for a second or two before he rolled his eyes and took the key. Whatever, as long as Elias kept his mouth shut, Kyrin was fine with this arrangement.

He settled next to Elias once more, the cigarette between his lips as he did so. Kyrin closed his eyes and listened to the waves crash against the rocks below them. It almost felt serene to sit like this.

Minutes passed before Kyrin opened his eyes again. His cigarette had burned to the butt at this point. He put it out, not caring that some of the ashes had fallen on his clothes. A few more minutes before he turned his head to Elias. "You managed to stay quiet for a while. Congratulations." An amused smirk played on his lips before he finally stood up, arms stretching over his head for a second. Kyrin hesitated for a second before saying, "... Thank you"

Without letting Elias reply, not that he could, Kyrin waved the imaginary key in Elias's face before turning on his heels and walking back towards the camp, leaving Elias on the cliffside.

Peace. That's what Elias had felt for almost thirty minutes before Kyrin decided he had had enough. He watched Kyrin get up, eyes trailing over the boy and catching a glimpse of his stomach when he stretched. Elias cleared his throat, looking back at the ocean for a second before Kyrin spoke. Thank you? While he had expected the former sentence, he hadn't expected to hear a thank you from Kyrin. It's safe to say that it took Elias by surprise. A smile spread over his features, giving Kyrin a small nod.

Wait. Elias watched Kyrin wave the key before he walked away with it. Elias blinked, once, twice, three times before he groaned. Great. Kyrin had taken advantage of their little agreement, and now Elias wasn't allowed to talk in front of the guy.

"That little..." Elias groaned to himself once Kyrin was out of earshot. He was sure Kyrin would use that to his advantage, no mistake of that. He shook his head before turning back to the ocean. Still, it was nice. To have helped Kyrin like this, as small as it seemed it made Elias just a bit more hopeful. He let out a small laugh, using his hands to cover the stupid smile on his face.
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