I know the personality isn't completed yet, but I wear I'll get it done sometime soon!
Didn't want to push it back anymore so here he is.
"Some used to say that I'd never scale this mountain
Now that I'm close they shut their eyes and draw their curtains"
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N A M EKareem Issam Baz
A G EJan, 10th, 18
G E N D E Rcis Male
S E X U A L I T YDemisexual
N A T I O N A L I T YEgyptian - American___________________________________
A P P E R A N C E___________________________________
R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U SSingle and ready to form bonds.
Current: N/A
Past: TBD
F A M I L YFather - Isaam Baz
Mother - Goddess Demeter
L E G A C YIsis
P E T SNiel is a black pit bull Kareem got as a gift for his 15th birthday.___________________________________
L I K E S✔ The sea, he finds it calming
✔ Wamrth, he loves to lay in the beach under the sun
✔ Gardening, like duh
✔ Art, nature photography mainly
✔ Traveling, to national parks
✔ Sweets, biggest sweet tooth
✔ Playing music, all sorts
D I S L I K E S✘ Thunder, too loud for him
✘ Snakes, he is scared of them
✘ Deforestation, pretty given
✘ Loud music, again, too loud
✘ The homies being sad, nuff said
✘ Airplanes, or heights in general
✘ People that don't recycle
P E R S O N A L I T YFriendly | Kind | Nurturing | Open-Minded | Airhead | Clumsy | Considerate | Loyal
Himbo Vibes Only.
Kareem's father was an environmental engineer working in Egypt at the time he met the woman that would later be Demeter. Their shared passion for enviormental conservation and green energy brought the two of them together over the next six months Issam Baz stayed in Cairo. Their affair only lasted the last two months that Issam had left in Cairo but it was rather clear that these two people deeply cared for each other.
Eight months later, while Issam worked on a few papers for the Boston Architectural College, he heard a knock on the small house he owned in Newburyport. It was an old two-bedroom home he had renovated to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. It had been his first accomplishment before graduating from MIT. When Issam opened the door, the woman from Cairo stood there with a small tiny baby wrapped in green blankets. By the end of the night, Issam understood his responsibility and duty to his son.
Kareem grew up lacking nothing. He went to the best private schools the Boston area could offer. He wasn't spoiled, not one bit. His father made sure that Kareem knew the struggles of others by sending him off to volunteer in animal shelters, soup kitchens, and other charity work. Of course, Kareem never complained. He actually enjoyed the work, the people, and the friendships he had formed over the years.
Unfortunately, when Kareem was sixteen years old, he was jumped by a giant dog, or what seemed like a dog at the time with an even bigger tail. It had been a scorpion. A giant fucking scorpion had attacked Kareem in broad daylight as he made his way back home from school. The scorpion had successfully injected its venom into Kareem's left arm. The last thing he saw was someone running up behind the scorpion with what seemed like a pen before he passed out cold.
Kareem had survived; most of him had. He had lost his left arm. The damage on his skin and bone had been substantial, and the venom was rotting the tissue under the skin. The only option had been to amputate the boy's arm a few inches above the elbow. Kareem recovered quickly with his father at his side and the surprise visit of a woman who claimed to be his mother. She explained to him what the thing was that had attacked him and why. The boy, unable to really process all of it at once, just agreed to leave Boston and head down to Long Island, where a safe haven for so-called demigods like him could live their lives.
He was claimed as soon as Kareem entered the camp. A formality, it seemed. Nonetheless, Kareem grew to love Camp Half-blood as his new home. Here he was surrounded by nature and other individuals like him. While he missed his home back in Boston from time to time, he was glad that his father would be a lot safer without him around.
D E M I G O D I N F OC A B I NCabin Four ⧿ Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture
R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E SCaretaker for the Garden
● Bow given to him by his mother on his 18th birthday.
● Sword that has been in his family for generations. Belonged to his grandfather.
A B I L I T I E SChlorokinesis :
Kareem has absolute control over plants, manipulating them to a multitude of effects. He could summon plants, use them to restrain, or help him be more aware of his surroundings. He mainly uses this ability to make himself a handy left arm.
Plant Teleportation :
Kareem could teleport via her plants. He does need a large tree to be able to teleport from and to.
Karpoi Summoning :
Kareem could summon karpoi, but they are too mean for his tastes so he doesn't so it too often. Only when he needs a hand during farming season.
- Kareem is bilingual, mostly, he can speak Arabic and English. Greek comes and goes.
- He might be growing some weed by the beach.
- Kareem loves tea, he drinks it with lots of sugar.
- Yeah, he's deff growing weed by the beach. Mr. D gets some for keeping the secret from Chiron.
- His go-to gift idea is a cute little plant.
- Kareem is a secret party animal. Get him drunk enough and he'll do anything.
- Wouldn't hurt a fly.
Face Claim: Zyan Malik | #617b57
Omg; I love him..! XD
Written personality or not; he is accepted..! Pop him across whe you're ready hun :'3
1x Thank