Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Thanatos Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Collab Between: Dorian Underwood (@King Kindred), Erin Chase (@Vicier), & Spencer McNight (@Zenritch).

Was it too late to change her mind..?

Biting softly on her lower lip- nervously; Erin cast a glance back over her shoulder. The hood helping to shield her face from view as her dark gaze sought out the two figures that she'd just left behind. Anzu... Carlos... maybe she should have just said yes; hidden herself away in his cabin, even if for a small amount of time. Though with the sound of Brandon's voice echoing in her mind, and simply knowing herself; she knew that putting this off wasn't exactly an option. If she did... then she'd just refuse to go. It wasn't as if she'd been lying when she'd said that if she put it off, she'd change her mind on the whole quest to save her life thing.

Mind returning back to the present as her feet slowed her to an eventual stop, her attention drew back around to her surroundings, and the realization that the cabin she'd come to wasn't even her own.


Her heart sunk in her chest. Spencer and Dorian... they both wanted to go with her. That had been made painfully clear enough during the whole-... A heavy sigh passed out through her dark lips. That thing in her cabin..? Honestly, she wasn't even sure what to call it. An ambush..? No... that was too harsh. Closing her eyes, she let her head drop forward slightly. A single hand leaving the pocket of the hoodie, her fingers working to keep the sleeve pulled over her hand almost completely; it was before she even realized what was happening that she was knocking on the door with her knuckles. Gods... she was not looking forward to this... to any of it...

Dorian left his room door open while he packed a backpack for Erin's quest. He didn't bring many things to camp so he wasn't really expecting to bring much on the trip. Their destination was Italy and although he didn't care too much for American fashion trends you could never go wrong with shopping in Italy. If he was lucky he'd even leave with his own personal tailor.

His sword was sheathed on the bed next to the bag and he had some other items scattered around that he thought he might need. He was in the process of placing some snacks in a compartment when he heard the knock on the main Cabin door. It wasn't hard for him to guess who it was. Not many would suddenly knock on the door of Cabin Eighteen. But things were already changing around her. He had a cabin mate and that was something he thought would never happen. Erin must've left her room and saw that they had left and figured they were there waiting for her, but he wasn't expecting her to be ready so soon.

He stopped packing and stepped out into the hall and called out to his brother who was still in his room. "Spencer, I think Erin's at the door." He didn't wait for a response before descending down the stairs and into the main area to open the door.

Dorian reached for the doorknob before turning it and letting the morning light into the otherwise relatively dark cabin.

When the door was fully open he saw Erin in a hoodie that he didn't recognize as her own and wasn't exactly her size either. But that wasn't important. He had known her long enough to know when something was troubling her or on her mind. "Hey, E. Are you okay? I haven't finished packing yet but I'm more or less ready to go."

With nothing left to do than to wait for Erin to get herself ready, Spencer decided it was a good time to lie in bed for a bit. After all, they may not get the chance of enjoying a soft and comfortable place to sleep on for the next seven days. When it comes to quests, you need to make do with whatever you can get your hands on, be it a cheap motel room, or junk food for sustenance. He could remember in one of his quests, he and his best friend, Serena Vasquez, had to collect and boil rainwater due to how dire their circumstances had been. They also didn't have any place to sleep in aside from the flimsy, makeshift house they managed to build out of various pieces of rubbish and scrap metal lying around. You either adapt to your circumstances or you fail and for most demigods on quests, failure is never an option, much more so when you're a part of the legion.

Hearing the knocking on the cabin door, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was. Dorian only managed to confirm his suspicions. Grabbing his pack, he exited his room and made his way down the flight of stairs that led to the main hall where Dorian and Erin were already mid-conversation.

"Listen... as much as I hate to admit this, your cousin is right. You're still the one leading this whole operation and what I said back then was only a suggestion." He told the daughter of Hades in an apologetic tone before heaving a heavy sigh. In that short moment, he regained his composure and had now donned a calm, yet enthusiastic expression on his face.

"So, are we ready to leave? The sooner we find that bird, the sooner things can return to normal."

At the sound of the door opening, Erin turned her head back around. Her naturally plump lips parting ever slightly from one another as her gaze, just as dark as the color of her lipstick, fell upon the figure standing on the other side, "..D-Dorian, I-..." There were few people in her life that she could turn to- few people in the camp she felt that she could put her trust in enough to open up to, and Dorian was one of them. But seeing him now... hearing the words that he was speaking to her; it broke her heart, and all over again, she felt like crying. The familiar sting hitting her eyes, but this time she used the sleeve of Brandon's hoodie to quickly dash them away before they had a chance to form properly.

No more. She couldn't cry anymore..!

How was it even possible that she still had tears left..?

The sound of Spencer's voice cutting through the air; a sense of relief flooded through her, and once more, her attention was drawn back around. Her eyes, unable to settle on either guy for more than a few seconds at a time, flicked back and forth. Her voice soft, "..c-can I talk to you..? Both... of you... please..?"

The sound of Erin's voice momentarily caught Spencer off guard. Normally when the two of them talk, she sounded more confident, and sure of herself but now, the way she spoke felt like she was defeated, broken, and in pain.

With his own expression softening, Spencer motioned for the girl to enter their cabin. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll get us something to drink."

After seating Erin to the comfiest chair in the hall, he rushes to the kitchen to prepare some black tea for the 3 of them. After several minutes, he comes back and pours tea on the 3 mugs he brought with him. He also placed a bowl of sugar cubes and some milk on the table in case Erin wanted to have them with hers.

Having finished serving Erin and Dorian, Spencer takes a seat next to Erin before he began addressing her.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

Dorian had been pondering in silence during the couple of minutes it took Spencer to prepare them something to drink. This was the second time this morning tea had been used to start a conversation. He wondered just how much money the kids at Camp Half-Blood were pumping into the tea industry all on their own.

He sent several passing glances Erin's way starting to realize that whatever she wanted to talk to the two of them about wasn't going to be good. So when his brother returned and asked the question he was relieved as he couldn't wait much longer.

The smell of tea was once again overwhelming, and Erin was pulled back from her thoughts. She wasn't quite sure just when she'd entered the cabin, nor when she'd been urged to take a seat, but it didn't really matter. Reaching out to take the cup as it was offered to her, all she could feel was gratitude towards the two guys in front of her; not that she'd ever really be able to voice that out loud though. Life was hard enough; throw 'please' and 'thank you' into the mix and it was a whole new ball game she wasn't sure her pride was going to survive. And fuck it all, 'sorry' and 'help' were on a whole other plane of existence...

Once more drawn back to the present at the sound of Spencer's voice directed towards her, Erin brought her gaze up. Her dark eyes flicking from one brother to the next, her hands curled a little tighter around the cup she held. Why was it so hard to say..?

"..the quest, I-... I need... help..."

Spencer's forehead creased when he heard Erin's attempt to ask them for help. She must have struggled so much just to force those words out of her mouth knowing how prideful she can be. That's why he had already offered to help her back then. That's why he kept spouting suggestions after suggestions back in her cabin. That's why he pushed her more than the others did to go on this quest and prove her condemners wrong. Spencer wasn't any good at offering her comfort because he is broken just as much as she is. However, he's the type of person that could offer her solutions to her problems instead.

"Well, I'm already packed and ready to go. Have you already picked who's coming? The prophecy says you can only bring five people with you, right?"

Five people... right. That was all she could bring; but even with that, it was enough to push her so far out of her comfort zone it wasn't funny. Gaze dropping, once more falling away from the both of them to instead return to the cup in her hand, Erin nodded her head lightly. Her voice soft as she spoke, no longer sure if she could look either of them in the eye with the answer she was about to give. Especially knowing that it wasn't one they would want to hear...

"..Brandon and... and Carlos... they've already said yes..." Biting her lower lip, she chewed on it for a moment before continuing, "..y-you, Spence... and Tyler... I still have to ask him... and-..."

She let her words trail off, the tightening of her hands around the cup causing the tea inside to quiver slightly. This was what she hadn't been looking forward to- even more than having to actually ask for help, it was worse was telling someone who desperately wanted to go... to help... that they couldn't come. She hadn't even said it out loud and already her heart was breaking...

Dorian could sense the silent air of tension surrounding Erin when Spencer asked if she had already picked who was coming. He was starting to get a pinching feeling in his gut.

He listened as she started to call of the names. Brandon and Carlos, the sons of Ares and Tyche. Brandon was someone who knew Erin more than he did and was a more than capable fighter so it was a given that he'd be selected for the quest. Carlos made sense as well. Spencer was named next and when the fourth name was called out he knew... He wasn't going to be fifth. His eyes tried to meet Erin's, but they were averted away down at her mug.

Dorian stood up and decided to speak for Erin who had been choking on the words. He didn't want to make it any harder on her. He could tell this decision was eating away at her. "I'm not going..." The words fully hit him as he said it. He wanted so badly to go, to be there to make sure Erin returned safely with the Dove, but instead he'd be sidelined. Not even sidelined. He was at the concession stand only being able to hope that everything was going well out there. But Dorian knew that she was in good hands. Spencer and Tyler would never let anything happen to her and the same went for Brandon. With Carlos she literally had luck on her side. But that one line of the prophecy crept from the back of his mind. She was going to be okay... Right?

As much as Spencer didn't like his younger half-brother, he kinda felt sorry for him. He must have taken the news hard seeing as how he was really looking forward to joining this quest and helping out Erin. However, quests are a set of guidelines that every demigod must heed to ensure that everything turns out as best as it could be. Going against the specified number of participants could spell consequences as little as minor inconveniences, to probably full on dooming everyone involved. For as much as there are demigods that have succeeded in their quests, there are more that have met their ends in theirs.

Erin's choices weren't a random bunch anyways, nor were they all from the entourage that tailed her to her Cabin. Despite being kind of an asshole, you can never go wrong with Brandon having your back in a fight. He wasn't blind to Tyler's feelings either. In fact, other than himself, the son of Hermes was probably the next person that wanted to protect Erin the most. Carlos boosts their chances of success just by being a walking good luck charm. And with his vast knowledge and experience in combat, Spencer was confident that he could protect not just Erin, but everyone in their party when shit hits the fan. While she hasn't exactly mentioned the fifth member, he was certain that it's going to be a well thought out decision like she has made so far.

"Cheer up, dear brother. This is only speculation, but if I'm the one who's soul will be taken in this quest, then better me than you, right? The favorite son is alive and well, while the prodigal son is... taken care of. It's like the trash taking itself out for our father, as well." Spencer pauses and chuckles softly. "Though I wouldn't count on biting the dust just yet. You just make sure to be there in order to welcome our Princess of Darkness when she returns" Spencer smiles and as he takes hold of Erin's hand and squeezes it gently in order to reassure her. "Scratch that... when we return... All of us."

"..I just-... I-I don't... want to lose you..." Even with the warm and gentle touch of Spencer's hand resting over her own; it wasn't enough to pull Erin from the way that she was currently feeling. Not after having just broken the heart of one of her closest friends. No... she knew for a fact that her mind was going to be dwelling on that for some time to come.

Dorian was silent. He didn't know how or what he felt right now. Before they had their conversation earlier Dorian might have been fine with Spencer being the one whose soul was lost, but his brother had already been through more than one person should. Then Erin said she didn't want to lose him and he felt the same way about her, which is why he wanted to go on the quest in the first place.

But now he just felt like they saw him as the weak one and okay he was a bit weaker than the average demigod, but he was able to hold his own. He wasn't just this vulnerable kid who needed protection from the world. "I don't want to lose you either, E. I... I can't lose you. So come back to me, okay? Promise me you'll all come back."

Eyes closing; Dorian's words only served to make her heart ache. And before she knew what she was doing, Erin was back on her feet. Hands free, having put the cup of tea she'd been nursing down on the coffee table; her arms wrapped tightly around the back of his neck. Her head dropping to bury against it. She didn't want to lose him- she couldn't lose him. But even as she tried to convince herself of that, she couldn't help but think that maybe... just maybe, she was making a mistake by choosing to not take him on the quest.

"..I-I'm sorry... I-... I'm so sorry..."

Dorian was caught just a bit off guard by Erin's hug, but he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her back and hold her close. He could tell this was hurting her more than it was hurting him and for her he'd put on the bravest front that he could. He'd hate to have her constantly wondering about him back here while she was all the way out there facing unknown perils.

He gently brushed his left hand down her hair as if he were trying to sooth her when she was the one trying to make him feel better. "It's okay... It's okay. I'll be fine here. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not mad at you. I could never be."

Spencer remained on his seat as he quietly watched the events transpire before him. Admittedly, he was just a little bit green with envy when Erin hugged Dorian but he also understood that the kid needed comfort right now. He understood what it felt like to be powerless to do anything, after all.

"I already swore on the five rivers that I'll protect Erin, even if it's the last thing I do. Don't worry, nobody is meeting their end on this quest. Not on my watch."

Letting the two share some time alone, Spencer grabbed his rucksack and exited the cabin. Sitting at one of the chairs on the porch, he grabs a pack of cigarretes from his pocket as well as a lighter. The said lighter had impressions on it that suggested it was ornately decorated at one point but had worn out and faded due to years of use. Only and engraving of what looked like a scythe and a hammer crossed together was what remained. Serena Vasquez was the first friend he made when he arrived at Camp Jupiter. He and the daughter of Vulcan have been through many misadventures in the past and he could truly say that she was the best friend he could ever have. But when he was condemned to Tartarus, he never even got to say goodbye. And since he ended up escaping almost a century later, he never ever will. The lighter she had given him after his first year at Camp Jupiter is the only thing he has left to remember her.

Gingerly opening the lighter's cover, he ignites a cigarette he had retrieved from the pack before taking a whiff from it. The memories of his life at the roman camp suddenly began flashing before him, both the good and the bad, before dissipating as soon as he exhaled the smoke. After the quest was over, he plans on confronting Octavia about her and tracking down where her final resting place was.

"I've already let down one woman, I'm not planning on adding another one to the list."

"..don't think you could, even if you tried..."

Fingers curling, entwining with Dorian's as she held his hand; Erin slowed to a stop as she passed through the front door of the cabin and back onto the porch. The small moment alone with the youngest son of Thanatos had been appreciated- something that, she was sure, the both had needed, but... she couldn't keep doing this. Putting it off was just going to make it so much worse when the time came that she had no other choice than to leave.

Dorian was hit with the sun's rays and a foul stench once he and Erin stepped out onto the porch.

His eyes and nose followed the source to see his brother sitting in one of the chairs and smoking a cigarette. Great. Just when he started to like the guy. But if Tartarus couldn't kill you those sticks wouldn't either.

"So I guess this is it. Crazy start to the summer. Met an older brother I never knew I had and now he and my best friend are going on a quest. Why do I have a feeling it's going to get even crazier from here?"

Kid had a point... she'd give him that.

Sighing softly, her hand never once leaving Dorian's; Erin however, did move. Drawing the both of them closer to where Spencer was sat, she perched herself on the arm of his chair. Her legs crossing, though the action was involuntary- a habit she'd grown into Gods knew how long ago. Years. Gaze falling to the cancer-stick that Spence hand in between his lips, lingering a moment, she drew her attention back out to the camp lain out in front of them. A cigarette sounded really fucking good right now. It was just too bad she'd left her pack in her cabin that morning.

"..yeah... I get the feeling you might be right about that, D..." Body leaning gently against the older son of Thanatos, she gave Dorian's hand another light squeeze; though this time, she maintained it. Holding on with a slight desperation as she spoke. Unable to really focus on anything really in front of her.

"..this is just the beginning..."

Sensing the arrival of both Erin and Dorian, Spencer quickly pocketed the lighter he had in hand. As much as he wanted to open up to the daughter of Hades, the feeling of sadness and guilt he had for not being there for his best friend after all these years made him reluctant to open up on that just yet.

Still, he remembered that Erin also smoked every once in a while so he casually slid a cigarette in her mouth and retrieved his lighter to light it up for her. Gods know that after stress and burden suddenly dropped on her today, she needed one of his special Eucalyptus-infused cigarettes to calm her down, even if for a little bit.

After he hid his lighter once again, he recalled that she hadn't mentioned the fifth member of their party. Placing an encouraging hand, he looks Erin straight in the eye and smiles reassuringly at her . "You haven't exactly mentioned member number five just yet, and something tells me that you have yet to make the necessary preparations for this quest." He repositioned his hand on her back and gave her a gentle nudge. "Go now, Erin. I'm sure my little brother understands why you chose to leave him out of this. Time is of the essence and we need to move as soon as we can. I'll be meeting you back in your cabin."

Right. There it was again.

'Time is of the essence and we need to move as soon as we can.'

Spencer was the second person to tell her that in the space of what felt like the longest hour of her life- but she could have been wrong. She hadn't exactly been checking the time as she'd been making the rounds of pick and choose with the other demigods of camp. Hand lifting, trapping the cigarette between her pointer and middle fingers, Erin drew in a deep breath. Allowing the smoke to fill her lungs and to linger a moment before she let it out. Forcing it to trickle out through her nostrils. The strong smell of eucalyptus overwhelming her senses.

Standing at his gentle urging, her hand slipping from Dorian's to instead return to the pocket of Brandon's hoodie, she nodded. Already leaning this way and that- pressing a soft kiss against the cheek of both boys, and mumbling a soft "..thank you..." before she began off. Returning the smoke to her mouth as she let her feet carry her back towards her own cabin.

Fuck, she hated packing...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 9 days ago

Corvus Helstrom

It had been a year since Khione had brought Corvus Helstrom into Camp Half Blood. At first, he would have found himself in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by kids he did not know, wielding powers of godly proportions. Or, more properly, demigodly proportions. He was, at first, the quiet Swedish lone wolf that simply hung around the corner. However, as time passed, he would grow to befriend pretty much everyone else in there. At the very least, he knows every one of the other children of the gods, and they know him. The son of Khione, the only guy in the cabin of her glorious divine coldness so far. He would, it seemed, live with a pair of sisters, who were younger than him but were by far taller. Where did he get the short genes anyway? Khione was a goddess, a perfect specimen of humanity if she was human. And his dad was...well, average. A perfect balanced 5'10", just like everything should be. But he literally got the short end of the genetic stick, and was being… let's just say that Isaura and Astrid kind of make fun of him as a big but small brother. That did not make any sense did it? Ah, nevermind. As of now, he was the shortest male in Camp Half-blood, and was a favorite as an armrest for the other guys. Granted, he was fine with it, but it sometimes gets exhausting…

munch. Corvus stuffed a pizza slice into his mouth, devouring half of it in one bite. By now, he'd be known as a devourer of Italian cuisine, liking pasta and stuff like that maybe a little too much. Surprisingly, he doesn't gain any weight; perhaps the metabolism was too fast. Anyways, the cabin had been cleaned a few hours ago, as Corvus was essentially a master of keeping everything clean. He kept everything spotless, even when everyone else caused a titanic mess.

With the final slice in his hand, Corvus got out of the cabin, his right hand being a little greasy from the food. He'd walk a little, his surroundings getting a little colder than normal due to the power he had inherited from Khione. After a few moments of walking around aimlessly, he'd find Greyson, who just got out of the Hades Cabin. Bored, and maybe wanting to have a conversation with someone at this time of the day, Corvus walked up towards Greyson. He had already finished the pizza, but the distinct smell of delicious food wafted out of him. Greyson didn't like the cold, so Corvus turned off the freezing radius he exuded. Just for Greyson.

"Hey, Greyson." Corvus looked up at the other guy, speaking with a noticeable Swedish accent. "How are you…" He then gave Greyson a very warm hug. Why? No particular reason, other than he wanted to. It feels good, after all. Oh, and there's the grease...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A @Venus & @Vicier Collab
Featuring Ariana Mossos & Samuel Mercer

Location: Helios Cabin
Interacting With: Each Other

'I can't wait to see Sammy's face when he finds out I'm here!'

After nine hours spent between car rides, airplanes and airport waiting areas, a black car with tinted windows was making its way down the familiar roads leading to Camp Half-Blood. On the passenger seat, chatting animatedly with one of her many half-sisters, was none other than Ariana Mossos. Telling her boyfriend Samuel Mercer she wouldn't be able to attend camp this year had all been part of her plan to catch him off guard and surprise him with her untimely arrival. After so many months together (going as far as sharing a cabin and everything), Ari and Sam's time apart visiting their respective family had been hell, and they couldn't wait to reunite. Watching the way his face fell when she'd told him she wouldn't make it had broken her heart, but the daughter of Aphrodite hoped that her presence (along with the basket full of home-baked chocolate chip cookies) would make up for it.

Finally, the car came to a stop in front of the cabins, and Ariana's hazel eyes immediately scanned the area for any signs of the son of Helios that had so effortlessly stolen her heart last year. It didn't take long for her inquisitive look to turn into a full-fledged smile as she came upon the familiar features of her beloved. Grinning, the young woman exited the car and leaned against it with her arms crossed in front of her chest, waiting until the man was within ear shot before she spoke up.

"Hello there, stranger. Would you mind being a darling and telling me where Aphrodite's cabin is at?" she asked Samuel, flirtatiously biting her lower lip while shooting him one of her signature irresistible smiles.

That voice.

Eyes closing as the mere sound of it hit his ears, allowing a moment for it to simply wash over him; Samuel's lips broke out in a smirk. That cheeky little minx. A soft chuckle falling into the air, eyes opening so that he was able to lay his gaze on the gorgeous creature posing before him like the very Goddess she was; it was more than clear that the daughter of Aphrodite had each and every bit of his attention. Everything else around him melted away; and despite the ADHD tugging at the back of his mind, it was as natural as breathing for him to tune it out and to focus completely on his woman.

"I could... or I could do ya one better an' show that sexy ass of yours back to the Helios cabin where ya really belong."

Slowing his pace, having broken away from walking with Neisha at some point, though he wouldn't have been able to tell you when; Samuel let his hands fall from where they were resting in his pockets. The gap between them was shrinking, and once he was close enough; his hands made it to her body. One resting gently against her side, pulling her closer as the other drew up. His touch gentle... delicate as he brushed some of her dark locks back. Head stooping down after another moment in order to seal their lips together in what was, clearly, a long overdue kiss in his mind, "... Welcome home, Angel."

It never failed to amuse Ariana just how easily Samuel was able to disarm her. It only took one look from his jewel-colored eyes, one kiss from his honey-sweet lips, one phrase of his masculine voice with that awfully sexy Australian accent… And she was done. Just like that. Melting into a big old puddle of warm feelings at his feet.

Today wasn’t the exception. The second Sam’s lips were on hers, the dark-haired girl's racing heart finally settled back to its regular pace, and her body slowly drifted into that blissful sensation of peace her Prince Charming always brought to her. She allowed herself to get lost in the kiss for as long as he allowed it to, and felt her heartbeat speed up again when he drew away and allowed his eyes to bore into hers. But when he greeted her, Ariana didn’t bother with a verbal response right away. Instead, she gave him another big smile, cupped her boyfriend’s face with both of her delicate hands and pulled him back into another deep, passionate kiss.

She would’ve thought that they’d learned to deal with the time zones and love at a distance by now. But it was just like the saying: absence makes the heart grow fonder. And the time they were separated had only served to solidify Ariana's love for Samuel, while fueling the craving to be between his arms once again.

Her lips were like ecstasy- a drug that he could never seem to get enough of. And it was a few seconds of her lips pressing back against his that he hooked his arm around her back, and hoisted her into the air. The hand that he'd been using to hold back her hair falling to instead to caress her thigh; thumb brushing gently back and forth over her bare skin as he urged her to wrap her legs tightly around his waist. Keeping it there for only a few moments before his hand once more rose up. Fingers disappearing back into her hair; supporting the back of her head as did what he could to pour into each kiss just how much he'd missed her.

With the rather enthusiastic kiss they were sharing, the daughter of Aphrodite knew she and Samuel were making a scene. But since when did Ariana Mossos care about what anybody else thought? If anyone had something to say, they'd get what was coming to them. Unfortunately, though, her lips were starting to get sore. So with all the resignation in the world, the begrudging young woman finally pulled away from Sam, but kept her arms and legs still wrapped around him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, pumpkin," the brunette cooed with a glossy-lipped pout, giving her boyfriend another quick peck on the lips. "Let's never be away from each other that long again."

Forced to adjust his hold around her shapely figure as one of her siblings held out a bag for him to take, Samuel did just that. Draping the strap of the bag over her shoulder. It always amazed him just how much luggage she could accumulate in such a small amount of time. Without the help of her siblings, at least the ones that had gone to pick her up, he'd be making trips back and forth for the better part of an hour if she'd really gone and let herself loose on her little visit back home.

"Agreed. Never again."

Shaking his head lightly, his hand reaching out to push open the door to the Helios cabin once he'd carried her close enough to it. Sam stepped over the threshold and into the living room. Motioning for the others to just put Ariana's bags down wherever before he did the same. Letting the bag he was carrying drop to the ground beside the couch as he fell down onto it. Holding her gently on his lap, "So... do I even wanna know if ya told ya dad 'bout me or not..? I know he was askin' questions before ya left..."

"Well..." Ariana began, shifting around in Sam's lap to get more comfortable before absentmindedly starting to play with his shirt. "I did tell him, actually," she confessed, looking up at him with nerves painted all over her perfect face. "Was he happy? No. Quite the opposite, actually. He was pretty pissed off that I, and I quote, 'went off to camp to hook up with some random guy' I 'know nothing about'. But when I told him how much you love and respect me, and how happy you make me, he was a little less grumpy about it. He still isn't thrilled about me dating and not being under his supervision, of course. But at least now he's not wanting to chomp your head off anymore!" Ariana told Samuel with a laugh.

Yeah... because that was really going to make him feel better about the situation.

Hand lifting, rising from its resting place over her thigh, Samuel rubbed a little worriedly at the back of his neck. Dating one of the hottest women in camp..? Hell, the fact that she'd even set her sights on him in the first place was a miracle. It was a complete blessing. But he couldn't deny that the situation was a pretty fucking precarious one if he was being completely honest with himself. Did he love her..? Yes. A thousand times he'd told her, and hell, he'd tell her that for the rest of his life if they ever decided to take that particular path, but... mobster's daughter was not something that he'd been expecting when he'd first asked her out. And, it wasn't as though he knew from experience or anything, but he was pretty damn sure that meant he was a dead man walking just for even looking at her.

"... Ya know, second thoughts... Maybe I should take a rain check on the next trip ta see your parents... And maybe the one after that too..."

Ariana merely laughed again and shook her head. "Don't be silly, pumpkin!" she cooed, giving him a fleeting kiss on the lips and rubbing their noses together. "You have nothing to worry about-- pinky promise. He's not going to hurt you. He knows better than to risk me never speaking to him again-- especially since he's already on thin ice because of the whole 'you lied about who my real mother is for my entire life' situation."

"... Babe... You know ya can't hold that against him forever..." A light frown crossing over his otherwise gentle features, Samuel reached across, and with a gentle hand, he once more brushed those few strands of hair back and off her delicate features. Tucking them behind her ear, though he knew from experience that in less than a few minutes time, he'd be doing the same thing all over again. Not that he minded, "... Pretty much all of us are in the same boat. I didn't know who my dad was... Ky and Hay didn't know who theirs was- hell, they barely even know who their ma is. All of us grew up without at least one of our parents..."

A frown came upon Ariana's features. She pulled away from her boyfriend's soft gestures enough to raise her eyebrows at Samuel in a questioning look. "Is that supposed to change how I feel about it or something?" she interjected, her voice as icy as her newly changed demeanor. "You're not trying to guilt-trip me into forgiving my father, are you? Because you know better than anyone that nobody tells me what to do about things."

And he should have expected that one.

Holding himself back, refraining from letting out the exasperated sigh that wanted so desperately to escape, Samuel shook his head lightly. His gaze drew up to keep her own locked. His expression soft, though behind his eyes was a slight firmness, "... Relax, honey-badger. Put those claws away. Merely stating facts, and you know it."

His words, though well-intended, had only served to further upset Ariana. Without warning, the brunette rose from Samuel's lap and stormed away from her beloved. She chose to stand in the middle of the cabin with her arms crossed in front of her chest, staring daggers down at the man. "This is fucking ridiculous. You mean to tell me I haven't seen you in months, and the first thing you do when we're together is try and manipulate me to do something I don't want to do?!" Her voice rang across the room, hazel eyes blazing with pure anger. "What a fucking joke!"

"Enough, Ari...!"

She always had to do this- always had to read further into things than was necessary. Was this really what she wanted..? Geez, there were times that where thoughts crossed his mind about maybe, just maybe, she enjoyed arguing with him. Sure, the make-up sex was amazing; but that wasn't the point. Sometimes it just got tiring. It did neither of them any good, "The camp has enough shit to deal with right now thanks to ya fuckin' mum; so don't go makin' this bigger than it is..! Ya know for a fact that I ain't tryin' ta manipulate shit..!"

Moving past her once he'd gotten himself moving, it wasn't long after that he came to a stop in front of the fridge. Slamming the door of it shut once he'd retrieved them a beer each. Placing one on the bench for her, before his back was turned and his body was leaning against the counter. The muscles in his arms tensing up as he twisted the cap off, casting it aside, "Fuck sake, Ari- ya really think that little 'bout me...?"

No, she did not.

The second Samuel raised her voice, Ariana knew to not press any further and stop with the bratty attitude. The young woman knew fully well that the son of Helios wasn't trying to manipulate her. From the moment they had met, Sam had proven to not only be genuinely concerned about her well being, but have her best interests at heart-- even when she was acting like too much of a stubborn baby to see it. His kind heart, his sweet disposition, his selfless actions, his infinite patience, and all of Samuel's endless redeeming qualities normally inspired Ariana to want to be a better person. But, at times like these, they fueled the mean little voice in the back of her mind. He's much too good for you, girl. You know the boy deserves so much better. The reason why they fought so much was probably her testing how long it would be before he left her like the others did.

And yet, the large sense of pride and huge ego inherited from both her parents prevented Ariana from admitting fault or any of this to herself. So instead of answering his question of whether she thought so little of him or even apologizing for her behavior, the brunette chose to continue glaring at her boyfriend while using part of his statement in an attempt to change the subject.

"What did the bitch do now?" Ari asked sourly about the birth mother she so disliked, unceremoniously snatching the beer from the table and struggling to unscrew the top of her bottle open. She silently fought with the cap for a few seconds, and after a handful of failed attempts, the girl angrily slammed the bottle back on the table and let out a frustrated sigh.

"... She accused Erin of stealing her Godly symbol." Pausing long enough to throw back a swig from his beer, it was a few moments of silence later that his head was turning, and his gaze was lingering on the woman that he was able to call his. The frown he wore etching deeper onto his features; Samuel let out a heavy sigh. And pushing away from the bench, put his own beer down only long enough that he was able to open the one that he'd grabbed out for her. Putting it right back down where she'd slammed it in her frustration, "... The horror Queen has seven days to bring back the damn dove and prove she didn't do the crime."

Ariana let out a disbelieving snort. "So you mean to tell me that Miss Thang is throwing this big of a fit over some stupid bird?" she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "It's as if she cares more about the thing than she ever did any of her kids. That's fucked up, coming second to some bird..." she trailed off, snatching the now open beer from the table and angrily chugging half of it.

Samuel scoffed. His arms lifted to cross over his chest as he once more gave her his back; leaning back against the counter as he had been before he'd gone and the beer for her. Really, did they expect anything less..? When it came to parenting, the Gods were just like mortals. There were shitty parents, parents who were never there for their kids, parents who made the effort; and then there were the rare gems... ones who actively sought to try and be there for their kids, and who could, in all reality, be considered 'good parents'. Aphrodite, very clearly, was not one of the few.

"... Yeah, well... if Erin fails, she gets given to Ares..."

The young woman grimaced. "Yikes... Well, I hope she finds it: for her sake. I don't understand why anyone would steal a stupid bird anyway, or why they can't go look for it themselves, but then I never understand what goes through the minds of those gods anyway..." she trailed off, taking yet another swig of her beer.

How to explain it in a way she was going to understand..? Frowning heavier than before, Samuel's arms broke apart and eventually turned back around. Body hunched over the bench, elbows resting on the counter as he took his beer back into his hands. His gorgeous blues flicking over to meet her own gaze, "... Think of it like politics- or better yet. Think of it like the mafia, babe."

Yeah. That was easier. Make it relatable to her own situation in a way.

"... The Gods are the mafia - so in this instance, Zeus is the equivalent of your father. They are the head of their family. Everyone answers to them. Well, jus' like in all families, there are people who don't agree with the way things are." Standing back up straight after a moment, taking another swig of his beer only to then set it back down on the bench, Samuel rounded it. His hands coming to rest on her hips as he made to stand in front of her, "Those that don't agree, try to manipulate their way into power by undermining your father in some way. But they don't do it in person- they never get their own hands dirty, do they...? They make their little lackeys do it for them. And that's what's happening here. It's a power-play. We as demigods just happen to be their lackeys..."

Ariana could only roll her eyes and shake her head. "Then it's a good thing I don't play by anyone's rules both here and at home," she said bitterly, taking the last swig of beer from her bottle before placing it back on top of the counter. Why the gods treated their offspring like an army of disposable soldiers to do their dirty work instead of their actual children was beyond her. But she would waste no more energy on that particular subject. There were more important things to take care of-- namely, the sweet gentleman currently holding her by the hips.

The way Samuel had so patiently explained the situation to her even after her little outburst filled Ariana with guilt. Why was she so hellbent on pushing away and hurting a man who would do anything for her happiness? It was childish, immature, and outright cruel. She needed to do something about it. Fast.

Before Sam could say anything else, Ari wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's torso and looked up at him with tearful eyes. "I'm sorry about being a brat and picking a fight with you," the brunette shakily apologized, pulling him close. "I don't think little of you at all, Samuel. I actually think the world of you. I think so, so highly of you, that sometimes I think I'm the one who's too little for you."

"... I know..."

Hand lifting from her hip, Samuel's attention was drawn by the gentle sparkle of her tears under the natural light in the kitchen. His touch was gentle as he used the pad of his thumb to lightly brush them away before they really had a chance to so much as fall. He knew that she loved him- it was one thing he never had to question was her love for him. And it really didn't take a genius to know that he felt exactly the same way about her, "... But don't you ever think that, okay...? You are the most beautiful Goddess I have ever met; one with such a big heart... An' I'm always gunna love you, Ariana."

Before she could stop herself, Ariana had jumped into Samuel's arms, pulled him into a tight hug and began to sob on his shoulder. "I'm always going to love you too, Sammy!" she wailed in between sobs, holding her boyfriend even tighter. "Always! There's nobody in the world I'd rather be with than you."

Chuckling softly, unable to stop himself; Samuel's arms wrapped tighter around her shapely figure, "... Well ain't it lucky that ya stuck with me, then."

Smiling through the tears, Ariana nodded and let out a shaky laugh. "The luckiest girl in the world..." she said sweetly, rubbing the tip of his nose with hers for a second before pulling him into a kiss.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zane Blacklight

Location: Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interacting With: @MarshiestMallowKalinda Franklins

"No problem, and sure Octavia," Zane nodded back as he took Chaos in his hands. Noting her the frown on her face when she left, maybe he should not have talked about Erin's situation, what a frickin mess that is, and he can only guess how Erin feels right now. Accused by the gods of stealing Aphrodite's dove and they were not even sure why Erin was accused in the first place. It might even just a way for Aries to get back at Hades for some offense. Who knows and but, at least she has the support of her fellow campers. Knowing they got her back must Erin mean something to her and from the group that he saw around her last. There is plenty of volunteers to help her in this quest, and Zane might join them. However, it is up to Erin who would be coming with her.

Back to the furry ferret in his hands, Zane gently patted the creature. Feeling its soft fur on his fingers. It reminded Zane that he should check up on Nevaeh sooner or later. Get her out of the cabin and get a chance to fly around. He knows how nasty she gets antsy if she stays inside for too long.

"Yeah, no problem, Kalinda," when she came to take back her pet after the few minutes he had with Chaos. It amused him that Chaos had its own leash and the fact that there were leashes that small. A new thing you learn. Zane listened to what Kalinda said, and as for his thoughts. Zane crossed his arms, "well, it would be nice if at least one healer went with them if we can convince Erin of that. If not, then yeah, pack whatever they could need and then some. Since it is Erin's life on the line if they fail and Erin gets to be on the receiving end of Aries's wrath." Zane slightly shuttered at the thought of Aries unleashing his wrath on Erin. No way she would deserve that and who knows what state Erin would even be in after that. Maybe dead, maybe wishing she was, or something worse. "So let's get some medical supplies going and make sure that whoever goes with Erin is prepared for anything."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 8 days ago

Greyson Davies

Son of Poseidon

Location: Outside of the Hades Cabin
Interactions: Corvus Helstrom @The Man Emperor

After leaving his cousin's cabin, he stood outside for several minutes just taking everything in. Letting other things sink in. He sighed heavily, not knowing what he wanted to do in that moment. Of course, as much as he wanted to help Erin there were plenty of other able bodies that were better suited to help her on her quest that would be picked to assist her. There was still a lot of time left before his class at the lake started, figuring he could go for a ride in the spare time until then. It'd been a couple of days since he had taken Storm out and put him through his paces. Of course he'd entrusted Tyler to take care of him when he couldn't, but today was as good a day as any to head down to the stables.

The son of Poseidon hadn't taken but a few steps towards his destination before he was stopped, arms wrapped around him from the side. For a moment he thought it might have been Adeline but a quick glance down proved him wrong. Corvus Helstrom. Son of Khione. He never had an issue with the boy, as they both were rather similar in a sense with the way they pretty much got along with everyone at camp. Greyson just wasn't exactly used to the hugging. The smell of pizza seemed to roll off of the young son of the snow goddess, eyeing his hand on his previously clean white button-up shirt.. now donning a grease stain the shape of Corvus' hand. Grey cleared his throat, attempting to not react to the issue, smiling down at Corvus.

"Corvus. How's it going, mate? Was just' heading over to the stables. What' are yau up to?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago



Location: — Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood
Interactions — Bestest Sister @MarshiestMallow || Zane @Theyra
Mentioned — Erin @Vicier|

As Kalinda spoke, Vivian chose the uncharacteristic approach in not saying anything or even thinking about interrupting her. She just took it all in: Kalinda's displeasure with the Gods and what they will do regardless of who it hurts, Erin going on a quest to find the missing Dove, and how they didn't have a healer going with them.

Vivian couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had suddenly started to stir in her gut. Her half-sister had said that even a minor vision could mean something. She shrugged it off at first because she didn't think much of it. She saw herself faint and moments later, she did. And sure, it caused her to lose most of her strength, but that was common for her. Whenever she had visions, she got fatigued. It's always been like that since her powers manifested and it's been something that Vivian has come to accept.

But then Kalinda spoke about Erin. About the Dove. And now the knowledge of her going without a healer made her read between the lines.

Could it be that my vision was a direct response to this?

The thought had crossed her mind, but maybe she didn't want to admit it because that meant that she would have to go with Erin. And that thought alone almost made her wish to have a snake in front of her, coiling up her arm.

She shook her entire body at the thought of that. Neither was pleasant, but at least the snake never gave her an "I'm smaller compared to you" feeling.

"Rations," Vivian said quietly, coughing and clearing her throat. "They'll need rations. Maybe some goss, too." Vivian hummed more for herself as if to collect her thoughts. "If one of them gets a bad cut, they'll need to clean the wound with something. So goss and antibiotics." As she spoke, Vivian's voice and face took a rather determined turn. "I'm not sure how much we can spare, but if we can, they'll need it, especially if there isn't an actual healer-healer going with them, ya know?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 9 days ago

Corvus Helstrom

"Um, I had just finished cleaning my cabin." Corvus looked up at Greyson, scratching the back of his head with the hand that wasn't use to consume the pizza with such gusto. "My sisters are just doing their own thing, so, I'm just kind of wandering around here, you know. Since I've got nothing better to do..."

Corvus, despite getting along with pretty much everyone, was not so good with holding a conversation, and could easily be pegged as awkward. Let's not even get to the part that English wasn't his first language, and sometimes forgets one word or another in a sentence.

Awkwardly looking down, he then noticed that his hand was... err, greasy, and realized that he might have just soiled Greyson's spotless white shirt. "Oh, smörja, I may just soiled your clothes with my overly enthusiastic greeting and pizza grease laden hand..." Corvus looked towards where his hand was placed when he hugged Greyson, and sure enough, there was a grease stain. In the shape of his own hand, no less. "I'm so sorry, Greyson, I just... ugh, what am I doing with myself..."

Being at a loss of what to say, he decided to change the subject, "So, um, the thing. With Erin. A lot of people showed to support her, no? I'm thinking of what I can do to help her... I don't want her or anyone to get... you know, burned by Aries."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Collab Between: Michael Stevenson (@MarshiestMallow), & Adeline Vos (@Vicier).


The soft hum reverberating through her lightly glossed lips, Adeline's attention was drawn towards the familiar voice calling out to her. And just like with Greyson; just like with everyone in the camp, really, she didn't need to hear his voice in order to know who it was. Though... in this particular instance, it was a welcomed clue. Especially with everything going on- with everything running through her mind; and it wasn't long after that particular thought that she was looking once more in the general direction that Greyson's voice had disappeared in.

"..I-..." Biting softly on the inside of her lip, Adeline was hesitant, though a brief pause more and she was turning back towards Michael's voice. Her hand raising up from the other in front of her stomach so that she could gently brush some of her orange locks back; neatly tucking them behind her ear, "..Grey said he would find me later, I-... I'm not sure if that means I should stay here, or not..."

Michael glanced about, but couldn't see Greyson anywhere. He doubted that Greyson had meant for Adeline to stay where she was for long- and it wouldn't be hard to track her down if she did move. In any case, he didn't think it would be a good idea for her to wait around for what could be hours. With everything that was going on... Micheal hesitated before he spoke "I t-think you c-c-could go s-somewhere else" He said, gaze moving back to Adeline, Moe happily leaning against his side.

"It c-c-could be a while b-before he c-comes b-back." If he was dealing with Erin, it could be more than a little while before he was free to make his way back. "everything s-s-sort of w-went a b-bit c-crazy." More than a bit, and Michael glanced around, as if expecting something else to happen.

"..y-yeah... it really did..." Her hand returning back to the other in front of her stomach, a worried frown took over her features, and with it, she let out a gentle sigh. It had been such a good day; or, at least, that was how the day had begun anyway. But things had changed so quickly, and now everyone else was on edge. Upset and angry; and really..? She hated seeing them all like that. Figuratively, of course.

"..do you think she'll be alright..?"

Michael hesitated, not entirely sure what he could say- he doubted he had any words to ease her mind, but... He glanced away, thoughtful for a moment. "I... d-don't know. I s-suppose it d-depends. B-but she's t-tough. They f-find the d-d-dove"

They'd find the dove...

Chewing a moment on her lower lip, Adeline's head nodded gently to the words that passed through his lips. Her bright gaze turning back to where she had originally been looking. Michael was right... whoever was going- whoever Erin chose to take with her on the quest, well... provided she actually chose to go herself... they were going to be alright. They were going to succeed. They would find the dove, and they would come back together. The rest of them just had to believe and put their faith in the hope that they would.

"..merci, Michael..." Head nodding a little more confidently with the more time she spent on the thought, Adeline brought her attention back to the guy she was speaking with. Her soft lips turning up in a gentle smile as she stepped closer towards the son of Athena, "..were you heading anywhere in particular..? I-... I'm sorry if I kept you..."

He automatically shook his head, before grimacing to himself, and drawing in a breath. "I... n-no. I w-wasn't h-heading anywhere... " he said, feeling like a fool- shaking his head as if she could see him doing so. "D-did you w-want to go s-somewhere?"

"Sure." Nodding her head once more, Adeline's smile only brightened. Lighting up her gentle features, "..did you have anywhere in particular in mind..?"

"I... uh... y-you w-were w-waiting for G-Grayson, r-right? D-d-did you w-want to g-g-g-o somewhere he c-can find you again?"

"..I did leave my laptop in the amphitheater..." Dropping her gaze down and away slightly, Adeline seemed to think on that a moment before she turned her attention back to the Michael. Her soft smile once again lighting up her gentle features, "Do you think we could go get it..? After that though... we could have hot chocolates at my cabin; if you want to, I mean..."

Michael shifted, Moe shifting with him with ease- although the big ball of floof gave a sound that was somewhat disappointment as he was made to move. "S-s-sure. S-sounds g-good"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 8 days ago

Erin Maree Chase & Tyler Rumancek

Location: Hades Cabin
Interactions: Salem; Eachother @Vicier

Tyler shook his head and closed the distance between himself and the table, physically having to pick Salem's furry face out of the mug before gently shoving him off the side and onto the floor. He didn't have any words, none that he cared to admit to wanting to tell the feline, anyway. It was always something with Salem, and it was almost always Tyler who suffered at his paws. Reclaiming his cup, he walked it over to the sink and dumped the rest out, using the soapy sponge he'd used on Erin's cup earlier. After rinsing and washing out the mug he'd had, he set it beside Erin's on the dry rack and proceeded to wash the tea pot before drying his hands off, turning back to face the feisty feline.

"What is it," the son of Hermes folded his arms over his chest, "--you hungry, or somethin'?" The cat only flicked his tail back and forth, blinking slowly at the boy from the kitchen floor. Tyler looked over at where his water and food dishes were located, his brow furrowing lightly at the sight of a full bowl.

"Salem.. your bowl is full, my guy." A moment of silence passed between the two before Salem, quite possibly having understood what Tyler was complaining to him about, got up from his place and wandered over to the cabinet where his treats and wet food were kept, brushing himself against the wood door. The cat's eyes found Tyler's as he let out a low 'rohr', becoming still all except for his tail that flicked back and forth at the tip, clearly waiting for Tyler to get his hints. The boy indeed knew what he wanted, figuring that Erin had enough on her plate at the moment, the least he could do was feed her clearly starving cat for her. Sighing heavily, Tyler opened up a cabinet door and grabbed out a cat bowl.

"You're lucky I love her, Say." The boy wandered over to the cabinet Salem stood in front of, gently nudging him to scoot out of the way with his foot before opening said cabinet to snatch out one of the wet food cans. Back at the counter, Tyler popped the thing open and without hesitation, was immediately joined by the feline who was very clearly happy with Tyler providing him with the good stuff. The nosy cat poked his way between Tyler's hands as he emptied out the contents of the can into the ceramic bowl, gently shooing the cat away from it.

"Dude, patience. Come on. Pspspst." Tyler held the bowl up as he stepped away from the counter, waiting to make sure the cat was indeed following him before walking the bowl over to where his old wet food dish lay on the floor beside his dry food and water bowls. Picking up the old one, he replaced it with the new one and watched the cat pounce over his food, already beginning to dig in. Tyler chuckled softly and shook his head, reaching down to gently pet the cat a couple of times from the back of his head to the tip of his tail before wandering back to the sink. Running some hot water into the bowl only enough to fill it, Tyler sat it down in the sink to let it soak so the crusted cat food would be easier to wash off later when he came back to it. Tyler turned around then, pulling the boxes of new teas that Erin had ordered from his father, taking his time in placing them with the rest of the teas she had stocked up in her cupboards.

"..you don't have to do that..."

The door closing quietly behind her, Erin lingered. Her dark gaze drawn through the entrance... the lounge... before settling on the familiar figure that was busying himself in the kitchen. Putting away boxes of tea. Tyler Rumancek... of course he was still here. He'd stuck it out, and he'd stayed, and by the look of it, it seemed as though he was the only one who had. That thought alone had her heart giving a little flutter, though she wasn't about to go admitting it. To him- to anyone, really. It wasn't exactly in her style to go around talking about her 'feelings' with people. Though... he had managed to get her to make a few exceptions through the years they'd known each other.

Biting her lip- chewing on it a moment, Erin hesitated. Her hand holding the smoke she'd been given, still lit though now held down at her side as she shifted, "..Ty, I-..."

What the hell was she supposed to say..? Honestly, she wasn't sure. Dropping her head, her dark gaze falling to the floor between them, she fell silent. Her dark eyes closing as she tried to work out just how she was supposed to go about this, "..I... I didn't take the stupid dove... I promise..."

Erin's voice, as soft as it was, made him jump. A box of tea collapsed to the floor with a bit of noise, Tyler made a face at it before picking it up off the ground to place it back where he had intended on placing it. His eyes shifted over to where the girl stood, more cold and closed off looking than usual, but also fragile enough to break at a gentle touch. It dawned on the boy that she was wearing an over-sized sweatshirt.. one he could swear he'd seen before. Was it Brandon Murphy's? He knew the two were close, but the sight of her wrapped up in his hood made him slightly uncomfortable. Jealous, perhaps? Mm.. only a tad bit, but not enough to ever want to make a stink of the situation. Tyler took a step closer to her, watching her battle with whatever storm was going on in her head.

"It's the least I can do. Keeps me busy, anyway."

He took another hesitant step closer, tilting his head slightly as he approached her. The vision of her before him hurt to see. Of course he'd seen her broken and far gone beside herself before.. this was different. It wasn't till her head dropped that Tyler decided to close the distance between them, tenderly placing his hands on her arms, gently wrapping his fingers around them as he bent down slightly to get an angle on her eyes.

"Hey, hey hey hey.. Er, I know you didn't." Tyler frowned slightly, sighing. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Help... the word alone almost broke her, and she couldn't help but lift her head. Her lips parting at the seam; her fingers curled gently down at her sides. The action only serving to pull the cigarette she was holding closer towards her palm, though even still, she was mindful to keep it far enough away that it wasn't about to scorch her. One look in his eyes though... and the words were tumbling from her lips before she had the chance to really form them in her mind.

"..come with me..."

Of course he would go with her. No questions asked, no second thoughts. He was there.

"You know I've got a go-bag already ready." Reaching into his back pocket, Tyler pulled the toolkit from his jeans and held it up between them, eyes trained on hers. "Not all the gods think you're responsible, either, Erin. Hermes sent a a little help.. probably figuring I'd be tagging along with you on your quest."

A flash of color caught Tyler's eye, only now realizing that she had the cigarette in her hand, which was quite close to her skin as well. Tyler reached down and tenderly took it from her, leaning over to tap some of the ash into the sink. He'd be sure to wash it out later when he went back to scrub the cat bowl. He turned back to her, looking around a moment before his eyes rested back on hers.

"Who all is coming? Do you need to pick up anyone else? Six people.. that's... that's gonna be interesting." All that attention.. their scent, all clumped up together the way they would be... dangerous. "You need me to help you pack, Er?"

Head nodding lightly in response, her long dark locks bouncing gently over the back of Brandon's hoodie; it was all she could do, unsure really of where to even begin. It wasn't as though she didn't have the answers that he was looking for- she did. She'd already given them over and over again to each of the others as she'd been stopped to speak. She was beginning to sound more and more like a broken record. Force herself to ask for help, recite the prophecy, tell them who else was going, then move on just to do it all again when the she came face-to-face with the next person. It was the natural cycle for anyone who got a quest... she just never in a million years thought that it would be her.

"..Brandon..." Voice soft as the name fell from between her lips, Erin turned her head. Her dark gaze drifting away from him for a few moments, but like clockwork, it returned. Once again meeting with his gorgeous blues- his perfect... blue eyes... deeper than any ocean, and brighter than she'd ever seen on a child of Poseidon. And fuck, she couldn't afford to be thinking like this. Not right now, anyway, "..Carlos... and Spencer, too... they all said yes... they're packing..."

Tyler nodded simply, chewing on his lip in thought. That meant there were five. Whoever the sixth might be, he didn't really care. The lineup seemed pretty well rounded. Pulling his attention to Erin again after losing himself in a momentary lapse of distracting thoughts.

"Alright, well.. let's go get you packed, yeah?" Out of habit, Ty placed the cigarette between his lips before hesitantly slipping his hand into hers, twining their fingers. "Come on, Er." He lead her up towards her room, peeking back over his shoulder at her, his thoughts distracting him once more in the moment.

"..what's wrong..?" Her lips parting further, Erin's gaze followed his own. Her pace slowing on the stairs as she glanced back over her shoulder.

Blinking at her in silence a moment. Why was she looking behind her? He was looking at her. A soft huff of air blew out of his nostrils as he grinned a bit, but instead of pointing it out and teasing her about it he decided to remain serious. Stopping at the top of the stairs before turning to her, he gently cupping her face in his hands. His eyes trained on hers as his smile faded, his expression riddled with concern and worry.

”I’m just.. worried is all. I know, more or less, how much this is going to take a toll on you.... l-leaving..” He leaned forward, then, placing a light kiss to her forehead.

”If I could complete this quest for you, I would..”

Eyes closing at his gentle kiss, though only for a moment; Erin's arms lifted. Fingers gently curling over the back of his hands as she brought her touch to his. The words leaving his lips only serving her heart to ache slightly. She was worrying him- she was worrying everyone. That had been made abundantly clear over Gods only knew how much time had passed between her meeting with the Oracle and this moment right here on the stairs of her own cabin.

"..I could never ask you to do that..."

Tyler searched her eyes a moment before letting a light-hearted smile creep up on his features, his thumb brushing over her cheek tenderly. He knew all too well she would never ask, but he wouldn't need her to. Of course Tyler didn't know the full story, but after some long talks with his mother he figured he'd had a grasp on the reasons as to why she was so against leaving in the first place. He never tried to pry it out of her, seeing her in a state such as this was hard enough as it was.

"I know," he replied simply, dropping his hands again to take hers, gently leading Erin into her room so that they could get her started on packing.

Fingers curling gently against the palm of his hands, Erin's gaze fell away from him as they reached her room. Instead glancing about almost absentmindedly, "..I... I don't even know what I should take... I've never done this before..."

Letting her hand go soon as they'd taken a few steps into her room, Tyler figured he'd have to take the initiative and do the majority of the packing. He grabbed her canvas bag from the closet and tossed it on the bed, snagging the toiletries bag she had beneath her bathroom sink that he'd gifted her a couple years back. Brushing the dust off of the thing, he chuckled softly as he shook it out, walking back into the room to stuff it into her bag.

"Well, it averages in the seventies this time of year." Tyler turned to her closet, grabbing out one of her more favored sweatshirts, folding it up neatly and stuffed it down into the bottom of the bag aside the other item.

"..it's summer... in Rome, I mean..." The soft sound of her voice falling past her lips, it was a few moments longer after she spoke that her attention actually focused on him at all. Her dark gaze lingering a moment on what it was that he was doing before she drew it up to meet with his own.

Tyler made a face, shrugging lightly.

"Seventies, eighties. Same difference." he smirked, looking from her bag to her again. "I highly doubt Murphy is gonna let you take his hoodie with you to Rome. Never know when you might need a jacket.. just cause the days are warm doesn't always mean the nights are."

The boy looked around her room, eyes finally falling on her dresser where he knew she kept her undergarments before turning back to her. Sure, they were together, but that still wasn't something they'd crossed over yet. That kind of intimacy was something that Tyler insisted on holding off on out of respect for his family customs. As any normal teenage boy, though, his thoughts did wander. The thoughts alone pulled color to his face.

"You wanna, um... grab some of those," he motioned over towards her dresser, clearing his throat shyly before he quickly turned away to go back to her closet, grabbing a few things he could remember her wearing together in the past.

"..you mean underwear..? Bras..? The type of toiletries you avoid so much as looking at..?"

Corner-eyeing her as she spoke to him, Ty nodded while avoiding direct eye contact with her sheepishly as he brought the clothes he had gathered over to her bed to fold them down to fit neatly into her bag.

Shifting slightly on the spot, following him with her gaze, Erin once more slipped her hands down into the pockets of the hoodie, "..you know we're going to have to talk about this at some point... right..?"

Tyler paused, slowly bringing his eyes up to meet hers. "Y-yeah.. is now really the time for that, though Er?" he asked hesitantly, still folding clothes as he talked, turning his gaze down to the bag on the bed as he shoved a couple of shirts down to the bottom of it. "I just.." Tyler stopped again, sighing softly as he turned his head to look at her once more. "If we have to talk about this, could you at least grab some and.. bring them over here...?"

Biting her lip, Erin's gaze fell from his. Dropping to the floor between them. He didn't want to talk; not about this. At least, he didn't want to talk about this now; but if they didn't, then when..? People had made it clear they had faith in her- blind faith that by some fucking miracle, she was going to get this done, and was going to clear her name. But that was just it. It all came down to if she cleared her name. And if they didn't talk then... there might not actually be a later to do so.

"..forget it..."

Shaking her head lightly, she eventually moved. Giving him her back as she crossed over to her dresser, and after opening the drawer and staring into it for a few moments, she began to pull out undergarments that she was going to need.

Pressing his lips into a fine line, he stared at her back a moment before dropping what he had in his hands and closed the distance between them. Tyler stepped behind her, gingerly placing his hands on her elbows as he leaned over her shoulder to get an angle on her. "Erin, please.. don't do that to me." As he spoke, his hands slipped from her elbows to her waist, wrapping his arms around her midsection as his chin gently rested on her shoulder.

"Talk to me.. please." He looked up at her with a soft gaze, hoping she would indulge him and not keep herself closed off. Maybe the discussion would pull away some of the stress from their current dilemma of her quest, though he still wanted to hurry and get things done so they could get on the road as soon as possible.

"..Tyler, I-..." Closing her eyes, her fingers curled gently around the bra she'd taken hold of. Enjoying the feeling of his calming touch, "..it's just... there might not be a later this time..."

Tyler continued to watch her though her eyes were closed, feeling her loosen up in his embrace a bit brought the slightest smile to his features, though it didn't last long before fading after hearing what she said.

"There is going to be a later. We're gonna see this through, Er.." Tyler held her close to him, gently nuzzling her cheek with his own, his voice growing a little softer. "If you wanna talk about this now, though, then let's talk, beautiful."

She couldn't help it. Her head turning gently into his at the sign of affection he was giving to her, "..what's the point..? I know you don't really want to, Ty..."

"..but you do. And..." Tyler closed his eyes a moment, just holding her as he thought about how he wanted to word it. "You're right. It is something that.. we need to talk about."

She could feel it... clearly. Her heart beating away in her chest. But it wasn't just there... She could feel it in her mind; pounding in her head- for the love of Zeus, she could even feel the steady drum-like beat in her ears, and while she knew it made no fucking sense, she also knew it was possible. It had to be. Opening her eyes slowly, head lifting, she couldn't help but simply watch him a few moments before speaking.

"..I just-... I don't know anymore... I can't even think of where to begin..."

His eyes searched hers a few moments before he averted his gaze, completely unsure of what to say. Ty chewed on his lip thoughtfully.

"..well... alright.. uh..." Another minute of silence passed before he sighed softly, turning his head to bury his face into her neck. He wasn't entirely sure how to start the conversation. Instead, he just held her quietly. His mind suddenly started going over the same what if's that she was worried about, closing his eyes as if trying to close himself off to the thoughts. He wouldn't think that way. Couldn't, even. He had to hold it together.. if not for himself, for her, at the very least.

They weren't going to talk... they never did. It was a conversation they both knew they were going to have to have, but every time- every single time they had the chance, they let it pass them by. And really..? She shouldn't have expected any less. Especially today of all days- now of all times. She wasn't even sure why she'd gone and brought it up in the first place, it was stupid, "..forget it... please, let's just-... let's just get ready to go..."

Tyler’s shoulders dropped slightly before pulling away from her, walking back to the bed to continue folding. Yeah..

Ty ran a hand up through his hair, too many emotions running through him to truly pinpoint which one was the most prominent in that moment. He picked up a pair of pants and folded them down, shoving them to the bottom of the bag, doing as she asked. Changing the subject..

"Want a second pair of shoes, at all?”

She could feel it... his disappointment. It was as thick in the air as the tension that had hung between the group earlier had been. Lowering her hands back down into the drawer, staring at the contents, Erin brushed over the question completely, "..where do you want this to go..?"

”Just bring it here.. I’ll... I’ll fold it for you. If there’s anything else you can think of to bring, inima mea, might wanna grab it. Should have a decent amount of space left in here by the time I’m done folding all this.”

"..I'm talking about us, Tyler..."

Tyler heart dropped then, blinking a couple times before turning to look at her. "W-what do you mean?" Standing up straight, folding his arms over his chest. "You.. you know how I feel about you, Er. And I know that you know I don't want to force my customs on you.."

His eyes drifted away a moment before returning to hers again, tilting his head. "Is.. is this about me not telling my mom..?

Twisting after another moment; Erin's lips parted ever slightly as she met with his gaze, "..maybe... I-I don't know..."

"Well.. are you ready for marriage, Erin? Hmm?"

"..I don't know, okay..?" Turning back to the drawer, it was a few brief moments of just staring before she began to move. Grabbing out what she thought she was going to need and sliding it shut. Marriage... Marriage- it wasn't like she hadn't thought about it. Of course she had. What fucking girl alive hadn't thought about it..? About their wedding..? It was stupid, yeah. A fantasy that just slipped its way into the mind at random points in a woman's life, but it was something that even she couldn't deny had happened.

Chewing on her lip; she turned. Keeping her head down, clearly avoiding meeting with his eyes as she crossed over to where he was stood. The gentle red warming up her cheeks more than evident as she pulled her bag over to her, shoving her undergarments into it, "..I mean... I don't... not... want to... I-... I have thought about it... yeah..."

Tyler watched her, scratching behind his ear as he watched her just shove her undergarments into her bag without folding them, trying to ignore his slight pet peeve. "Thinking about it and actually being ready are two very different things, Er. I can't tell my mom, okay? We have talked about this before.." Of course on a much smaller scale, but she knew what his customs entailed. Tyler turned, sitting down on the bed beside the bag so that he could look up at her clearly without her avoiding his gaze.

No choice about it, Erin met his gaze. Stopping with what she was doing, "..why..? Why does it have to be marriage or nothing; why can't it just be what it is..?"

"Because that's how we do things, Erin!" As soon as it came out, Tyler's breath caught in his throat. He hadn't meant it to come out as sharply as he'd said it. Swallowing hard, Tyler bent forward and pushed his face into his hands, elbows firmly planted in his knees. He stayed there a few moments before sitting back up, his palms flipped upwards in his lap as his shoulders pulled up in a shrug.

"A-and isn't that the whole point of dating? To eventually get to marriage? ..or is that not what we're doing here?" It was then he turned his eyes to Erin, a tinge of hurt in his voice as he used her own words against her, "..where do you want this to go..?"

She flinched. Eyes shutting and head turning away from him as his harsh response lashed at her, though she knew he hadn't meant it. He never meant to raise her voice towards her. And when it happened, it was a rarity- she could count the number of times it had happened over the last four years on a single hand, and still, the number was lower than the actual amount of time they'd known one another. But... as much as she tried... she couldn't refrain- couldn't hold back her reactions.

She'd tried... it was impossible anymore...

"..you know what I want, Salvavita... I just-... I don't want to die before it happens..."

Tyler stood to his feet as soon as he realized what he'd done, hesitating a moment with his hand on her arm before wrapping her up in a gentle but firm embrace. Mentally, he was kicking himself in the ass.

"Erin, I'm..I'm sorry, baby." He chewed on his lip firmly, curling into her. "You're not gonna die, Er.. we're not gonna let that happen."

The very second his arms slid around her body; she relented. Her touch first drawing to his sides before her hands slid further around. Fingers curling over the back of his top, almost in desperation, as she clung to him. He had such faith in her- they all did. And it wasn't as though she didn't believe in them; no. It was herself she didn't believe in... how could she, after everything...?

"..I-I love you, Tyler..."

"I love you, inima mea." How could he not..? After everything.

They'd stay in the embrace another minute before Tyler pulled away, insisting that they finish up packing her things, drop by the Hermes cabin to grab his own things, make arrangements with his brother Miles to take care of his reptiles while he was gone, and gather the others up so that they could head out. They had a long week ahead of them. He wanted to get it over with as soon as was possible, for both their sakes.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metztli
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

K Y R I N & I M A N I
K Y R I N & I M A N I

A P H R O D I T E ' S C A B I N
A P H R O D I T E ' S C A B I N

I N T E R A C T I O N S : With Eachother

Collab Between: @Rodiak & @Metztli


The events that had transpired earlier had left Kyrin confused. After leaving Elias alone on the cliff with the imaginary key in hand, he couldn't stop himself from smiling all the way back to cabin ten. He felt silly, almost. He couldn't figure out the feeling in his stomach or why his heart had fluttered seeing Elias's stupid face when Kyrin waved the key in front of his face. How could someone like that guy make him feel like this? Make him forget just for a few minutes that most of his life had been riddled with horrible shit. Make him forget that maybe, just maybe, he could allow people ; that. And then it was over. Just as quick as the feeling had come now, it was gone when he caught his own reflection on one of the windows. Memories began to flood in. One by one, all showing him that he was wrong. He couldn't risk getting hurt like that ever again.

"Stupid." Kyrin frowned at his own reflection before hurrying inside cabin ten. There was no one inside, good. With no sister insight, he made his way into their shared kitchen. He opened one of the cupboards and pushed some of the cereal boxes to reveal a bottle of Johnnie Walker Scotch Imani had smuggled the first day of summer camp. He rolled his eyes as he poured himself a glass. It was funny. Aphrodite had fallen for two accomplished men and given birth to two beautiful daughters, all of them so confident and so proud to be themselves. Then there was Kyrin. His father was nowhere in sight; he didn't even know the bastard's name. Pathetic.

Just like Kyrin.

With a sigh, the boy stared down the poured scotch before downing the glass he had poured. He debated putting the bottle back in its hiding spot again but settled with taking the whole bottle with him up to his room. He didn't want to hear Imani's worried words. He didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. Once in his room, he kicked off his shoes and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and staring at the dry plant sitting by the window. It had been a present from Imani. He had kept it alive for the past year or so, but now it was slowly dying. Kyrin didn't have enough energy to water it or care for it. Now it was just left to dry out with the view to the rest of the cabins.

Imani hummed softly as she walked into the cabin. She had just finished spreading the word around about Katherine's party with Madame Croix on her tail. The cat slipped past Imani's legs and hurried up the stairs with a soft and almost poised meow. She rolled her eyes at the spoiled cat as she stepped into the kitchen, stopping on her tracks when she saw the empty glass on the counter. She quirked an eyebrow as she approached the glass and picked it up, smelling the strong alcohol immediately. It couldn't be Ariana; she wasn't even here. Kyrin She put the glass down and rushed to open the cupboard, pushing the boxes of cereal out of the way to see the bottle of scotch gone.

Imani's heart stopped. "Fuck." She turned around and hurried up the stairs. No, no, not again. Imani couldn't find Kyrin like that again. The sight of blood had scared her shitless that day. To see her younger brother lying on the floor unconscious with a pool of blood around his head. She could still remember clearly how she had rushed to his side and took him in her arms, ugly crying and yelling for help. Kyrin had fallen during a drunken stupor and hit the side of his head. Luckily, one of the healers had been passing through to stabilize him before it was too late. Imani had cried so hard that day, afraid she could have lost Kyrin.

Back then, it had just been the two of them in the cabin. She had stayed by Kyrin's side until he had recovered, and he was well enough not to need her. Although she could see how he hated all the attention, Imani continued to stay by him. Afraid that he would pull something like that again, she had to keep an eye out for the younger boy. Krin never talked about that day, no matter how hard Imani tried to bring it up. Like he was running away from it. Now both of them pretended as it had never happened.

"Kyrin?" She called out as she approached the door to his room. Her cat was scratching at the door and meowing loudly for Kyrin to open up the door. She frowned, reaching for the handle. Imani could feel her heartbeat in her ears as she pushed the door open ready to call for help if needed, but she only stared at Kyrin standing by the window.

"Hey... Kai?" Under her, Madame Croix ran past her and to the boy's bed. She curled up in one of his sweaters comfortably while Imani walked over to Kyrin. "Hey, are you okay?" Her eyebrows furrowed with worry when he didn't respond.

Kyrin had been so lost in thought he hadn't even noticed Imani's cat scratching at his door. He had already drunk three glasses worth of scotch already, but he couldn't quite feel it yet. He wanted the numbness that came along with being drunk. To dull away some of the pain in his chest or, better yet, make him forget it altogether. But he was already there; Kyrin just couldn't feel it anymore.

"Didn't know you'd... be back so early," Kyrin finally turned to look towards Imani's direction, an easy smile spreading over his lips. He put down the bottle on his desk, almost missing it by an inch, before walking over to his bed to pet the cat. He didn't want to look at his sister in the eyes, not while he was like this. Kyrin was sure he would see the disappointment in her eyes; or worse, pity.

Imani frowned, watching the younger boy hobble to his bed. "Kai, you have to stop this." She walked to the edge of the bed and sat next to him. She had been relieved to see him still standing there. She reached over and took his hand slowly and gently, knowing that he could be startled at any moment. "I'm worried Kai. What if it happens again? What if it's the stairs and not the table?" She squeezed his hand, looking at him and almost begging for him to look back at her. She was in no way disappointed in him; she was worried—worried sick.

He didn't flinch away from her touch. Imani's hand felt soft and warm against his cool skin; it was almost welcoming. "I'm fine, Ani." Kyrin pulled his hand away from hers and rested it over Madame Croix's head, his fingers gingerly working under her chin. He didn't want to hear this. He didn't want to have this conversation. Not now or ever. Kyrin knew what he was doing. It wasn't the same as last time. He had just had some drinks this time; he hadn't even finished the bottle. Imani's worries didn't stem from anything, he knew.

Kyrin didn't want anyone's help. He didn't deserve it. "Don't. Nothing is going to happen, okay?" Why couldn't she just be like the rest and leave him alone? Just forget about it or ignore him. She had always been there for him since day one. Always asking how he was doing, always asking if he had eaten or slept well. Kyrin had been so unused by the sudden attention from Imani that he hadn't known how to handle it all. It had felt overbearing and suffocating at first; he had been so used to others ignoring his existence or just bossing him around. Imani shattered that. She showed him that she truly cared for him, and yet almost four years later, he was still unsure that it was real.

Even now, he didn't know if her worry for him was actually there or not. "I'm fine, okay?" He repeated, this time his voice a lot harsher. Why couldn't she see that he was fine? Kyrin hadn't been completely drunk this time. He hadn't tripped or broken anything or hurt himself; he was fine.

"You're not fine, Kai. I'm worried that one day I'll wake up and you won't be here." Imani looked down when he pulled his hand away. She understood that it was hard for Kyrin to accept any kind of help from others. She knew he was afraid to get hurt, but why couldn't he see that Imani wasn't just someone else? She was family, real family.

"Please, Kyrin." She reached over to him again.

"I said I'm fine! Why do you always have to butt in? Act as if you care so much?!" Kyrin looked at his sister this time. Despite the harsh voice, his eyes were distant, almost looking past Imani.

"You're not fine. You've been smoking a pack a day, you've started drinking again, and you keep pushing Ari and me away. Stop being a stubborn asshole, and let us help you!" Imani tried to keep her voice calm, but Kyrin just couldn't open his eyes and see how much she cared for him. How much Ariana did too.

"How? I barely know you, I barely know Ariana." Kyrin put Madame Croix on the bed and stood up from the bed. He walked across the room to the desk again; this time, he opened one of the drawers and pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes. He fumbled with the packaging a bit before he was finally able to lit one of the cigarettes.

Imani hurried over to Kyrin and snatched the cancer stick from his lips just as he lit it. She glared at him as she slipped it into the scotch bottle, letting the cigarette fall on the honey-colored liquid. "I am still you sister." She took the box away from him and shoved it into the pockets on her skirt. "I still love you, no matter how much of an asshole you are. I need you to understand that, Kyrin." She took his hand, her eyes softening and looking over him. "We love you, okay? Ariana and I love you. You are our family." With her other hand, she reached up to brush some of his hair off his eyes, a small smile gracing her features. "And you can't get rid of us."

Kyrin stared at Imani. He had frozen in place and watched as she snatched the cigarette and box from him. "Imani-" He tried to say, but she continued to talk over him, shoving her care and love for him into him by force. He didn't have a choice. Imani wouldn't allow him to run away anymore, that was clear. Kyrin knew he couldn't push her or Ariana forever, and it felt like the walls he had built over the years were slowly cracking.

It scared him.

"I..." He didn't know what to say anymore. Kyrin wouldn't admit that he needed help or that there was something wrong in the first place, but Imani was so persistent. So adamant in helping him that Kyrin couldn't just say no when he knew she wouldn't accept that answer. "... okay." He didn't pull away from her this time; instead, he let her brush away the strands of hair and looked down at their hands. It was okay to be scared.

It's okay to be afraid. Those same words he had said to Erin were now ringing in his mind. It would be okay like she would be. He had a family now, a real family that wanted to there for him. That actually cared for him and didn't just keep him around for the extra money. It was okay to be scared.

Imani nodded, pulling Kyrin in and wrapping her arms around him. "Come, I'll make a nice onion stew to sober you up." She pulled back, looking at her younger brother for a second before taking his hand like a little kid and pulling him along. "Oh! J'ai presque oublié." She turned around and walked over to the desk to take the now ruined bottle of scotch with them.

"Imani, I-" Kyrin frowned, looking down again at their hands. "Ta..."

"No need, Kai. You're my family, don't forget that." Imani squeezed his hand gently as they entered the kitchen. She was happy that Kyrin hadn't pushed her back this time; it was a step forward and she was proud of him.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alina Leora Kim

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Iris Cabin; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Mother Dearest

Alina peeked from underneath her comforter to make sure that Julie wasn't waiting silently for her in her room. She didn't know how the girl got into her room. No matter how many deadbolt locks she puts on the door the kid always finds a way. Her eyes scanned the room and to her relief she was the only one present. She sighed softly and uncovered her face fully, but still wasn't in the mood to make the giant move from her bed to the floor. Instead she decided to make a call.

Alina waved her hand out to form a stream of rainbow light next to her bed. "Call mommy."

Almost immediately someone's clothed back was shown propped right on the rainbow screen. "Huh. I don't hear the familiar sound of drachma being deposited into my account. It must be my beautiful daughter." Iris turned around revealing that she was wearing a Double Rainbow T-Shirt. She stepped backwards putting her face into the picture. "Ah, that's better." She paused checking her wrist and the watch that clearly wasn't there. "Why are you still in bed?"

Alina rolled her eyes. "Hello to you too, mother. I was just about to get out of it. Thought I'd check in before I do."

"Is that your way of saying you missed me?"

"Of course not. Don't make me gag. This is why I don't like people."

"I'm a goddess, dear."

Alina let out an exasperated sigh. She was starting to wonder why she made this call in the first place. Why was she calling again? Oh, that's right. "This Erin situation. Do you have any juicy intel?"

"Now, Leora. You know I don't like to gossip." She leaned forward putting her face directly in front of the screen. "Just a few whisperings so far. Most of the gods and goddesses don't believe she did it, but no one's brave or patient enough to challenge Ares' accusation. Some don't even think that a demigod was the one to do it."

Alina could've surmised that herself. The timing may have been convenient with most of the campers returning to camp, but stealing a sacred symbol wasn't an easy task. Even if a demigod was responsible they would have had to have gotten help from a god or goddess. "So nothing."

"Uh... Rude. This did just happen, you know. Give the rumor mill time to turn."

"You'll update me when it does?"

"Of course, dearest. Now, ciao. Some of us have to work for a living." She blew Alina a kiss and watched as she blocked it with her comforter. Iris shook her head with a smile and disconnected the call. The rainbow stream broke into tiny pieces as they fell to the ground only to disappear once they made contact.

Once her mom was gone Alina reached her hand out to grab where her mother's invisible kiss had landed and released it onto her cheek. She slid like a snake out of her bed and onto the floor. Her buttocks hitting the cold floor was the push she needed to get to her feet and start her morning routine. She walked to her bathroom to begin there. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, brushed and styled her hair. She decided not to put on any makeup this morning. It wasn't like she needed it anyway.

Afterwards she made her way to the kitchen and prepared some coffee and when it was ready she poured it into her favorite gold cup and decided to enjoy it outside. On her way out she grabbed a robe from the living room couch and put it on without missing a step in her walk or spilling her coffee.

When Alina stepped out onto the porch she was hit directly with the sun's rays. The light causing her melanated skin to shimmer and glisten. She sat in the chair nearest to the door and took a sip of her coffee. "Ah. Perfect."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location:infirmary, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Vivian Lucasta @metanoia, Zane Blacklight @Theyra

Kalinda flicked a glance back to Zane, giving a soft sigh, "A healer going with them would be great, but I don't know if it will happen. Erin will take people she trusts explicitly... and I doubt any of them would be left behind anyway. We'll just have to prepare for them as much as we can." She moved to the back of the infirmary, grabbing one of a few packs she often had ready- just in case they were needed. She sighed heavily, wishing she could prepare for anything, but it was viritually impossible to know what might happen. She moved back to Zane and Vivian, her mind moving fast as she flicked through options and what would be important.

She looked over to Vivian with concern as her sister spoke, the other girl uncharistically quite. She watched her for a few moments, knowing that VIvian had to be okay- she'd just checked her, but she still worried. "They'll get everything we can spare. I'll see about getting those that can working on more to restock." More than likley Kalinda was going to have some late nights ahead of her. Well, she often had trouble sleeping these days. it might be good to have something to focus on. And there were, after all, plenty of beds in the infirmary if she did end up passing out.

And perhaps she wouldn't be alone in it. One thing about the camp and other campers was that when needed, they did come together. As evident by what was happening. Kalinda wasn't sure how to feel about that, but it didn't matter right then. "Hopefully they won't need what we give them, but it'll be there if they do." She shifted again, gaze flicking over the infirmary. "Lets gather what we can. You wanna pack it all up, Viv? I get too impatient with making it fit nicely."

۵ ۞ ۵

Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie leaned low over the horses back, unable to help the laugh that escaped them as the majestic animal took to the gallop as if she were riding to freedom. In a way, Jamie supposed, they were. Back home. Back to camp, where they'd be safe for a time. Jamie could have easily taken a car or travelled in a more direct way to the quest, but then they wouldn't have been able to enjoy a ride- and Jamie did love horses. Oh, sure, pegasus were stunning and all, but there was something about riding a horse at full speed, unrestrained, that just made Jamie happy. Jamie would take whatever happiness that they could get, particuarly lately.

Jamie's sword- a familiar weight these days- was secured against the saddle- and Jamie would occassionally brush against it, as if to remind themselves that it was still there. The large sword might not be the most convient of weapons, but Jamie lvoed it. And a part of Jamie thought that it signified Jamie themselves... elegant, if a bit rough around the edges, strong and delicate all at once. At least that's what Jamie thought. As Jamie relaxed, they let Starlight have her head, the horse eagerly making way to the camp.

Reaching up, Jamie ran a hand through their hair, debating about getting it cut again, or trying to let it grow out for the hundredth time this year. Abesntly, Jamie's thoughts moved towards the money they had plopped into their mothers account- no doubt Jamie would get a message about it, as Their mother always wanted to know how Jamie was getting it. Well, Jamie wasn't about to tell her that it was a bit of trickery. Let their mother think Jamie was coming by it honestly. It would put her mind at rest. And jamie could be satisfied that the family was looked after.

As they passed the permitier into the camp, Jamie's shoulders eased and a worry that Jamie hadn't been aware of faded. Letting out a slow breath, Jamie relaxed completely for the first time in days and Jamie shifted, leaning down to reach into the pack on the otherside of the saddle, taking out a flask. Taking a long drink from it, Jamie eventaully pulled Starlight into a trot, and then a walk, seeking to cool the horse down before returning to the stables. As they past the tower, Jamie frowned. Wasn't it a challenge day? Shouldn't there be other campers here?

Gaze moving over the camp, Jamie slid of Starlight's back, taking the horses reins in one hand, continuing towards the stables. Something had happened... something bad. Where was everyone? Well, there was always one person you could go to for gossip. Alina no doubt had answers, and Jamie automatically shifted towards the Iris cabin. Jamie was unsurprised to find Alina lounging on the porch of the cabin, and Jamie raised a brow. "Late start to the day? Bummer. Was hoping for some answers as to what the fuck is going on. Thought it was a tower day... must have got the days mixed up... "
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alina Leora Kim

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Iris Cabin; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Jamie Walker @MarshiestMallow

Alina was enjoying her coffee when she noticed someone pulling up to her cabin with a horse trotting alongside them. She looked closer and realized it was the gender fluid child of Hermes and Julie's older sibling. They weren't exactly close, but Alina didn't mind them. Though she always had a feeling that they were hiding something. It could be the nagging feeling she gets around most Hermes kids. They were often shifty, but at the same time Alina felt like they were someone who wasn't all that bad.

"Late start to the day? Bummer. Was hoping for some answers as to what the fuck is going on. Thought it was a tower day... must have got the days mixed up... "

Before Alina would give her response she'd take a dramatic sip of her coffee. Once she was done she placed the cup on the armrest to her left and licked her lips. "An early start to the afternoon actually. Your sister woke me up. But no, you didn't the mix up the days. The tower event ended early with Pierre from the Morpheus Cabin as victor." She took a slight pause to figure out how she was going to deliver the next news. "But as for your real question, Erin Chase has the quest of clearing her name in the case of Aphrodite's stolen dove. Beyond that I unfortunately don't know. Your brother on the other hand may have more information. You know how close those two are. Oh right, before I forget. Welcome back."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

A @metanoia & @Vicier Collab
Featuring Damien & Erin
Location • Camp Half-Blood — Hades Cabin

There was a moment before he decided against it that Damien Blake considered showing up to the tower event. There was even a pros and cons list made in his head. He knew it wouldn't be fair to everyone else if he showed up, but at the same time, the look on their faces when they lost would have been, if nothing else, more satisfying than drinking an original coke-a-cola during a hot summer day while jamming to Slayer.

But then he remembered how much he hated sanctioned events at camp and he just put on his headphones and let it rain blood in his head.

After a few dozen times of listening to Raining Blood, Damien had the sudden realization that something was missing from his room. He surveyed his embarrassingly-messy room that had clothes scattered about and had noticed that there was one thing that wasn't around.

Or should he say one person was absent from his room.

"That damn dog!" Damien cursed as he swung himself off his bed, rolling off the side. Damien was dressed in black jeans and a white t, though he wore no shoes. When it was just him and his music, he didn't like to wear shoes. It was a weird habit, sure, but what would this world be if people didn't have their unique quirks? Boring and normal and who wanted to be normal?

Damien stormed out of his room with a slight hint of annoyance making itself home on his face as he stormed down the hall, the soles of his feet making his presence felt as each step held a thunderous stomp. Of course, Damien did this intentionally. He was trying to make sure his sister heard him coming. He wanted her to be partially prepared when he reached her room.

And when he did, he didn't bother knocking and stood in front of the now open door, looking around the room and he saw who he was looking for. "Seriously, Onyx? That's the fifth time this week!" Onyx just barked happily as it laid with Erin's hellhounds, which together they looked like a miniature Cerberus. Onyx started wagging his tail at his master, obviously happy to see him and Damien shook his head, laughing as he smiled.

Anything else she could think of to bring…

A frown once more appearing over her strong features, Erin let her dark gaze glide slowly over the countertop in her bathroom. Lingering on certain items that caught her attention; but again, she had no fucking clue. He could have Anything she could think of to bring- there were more than a million different items that he could have been referring to, and honestly, she was pretty damn sure that none of them were the ones she was thinking of. Fuck..! Why did this all have to be so difficult..? No. The better question was: why did this have to happen at all..?

Her emotions bubbling again at the surface- threatening to spill out as her eyes grew damn with tears for what felt like the millionth time, Erin dashed them away with a swipe of her hand. Hell no. No more tears. She was done with them; couldn’t afford to shed anymore. And if she could help it, she wouldn’t either.

Hand lifting, the sleeves of Brandon’s hoodie pushed up her arms, Erin took up a few things from the counter. Her make-up bag… her hair straightener; her more ’feminine’ products, and though she very much doubted she was going to need them, there was no way she was going to be taking that chance in the first place.

Hand curling over her hairbrush as she turned away from the counter, she left the privacy of her bathroom altogether. The seam of her lips parting in slight surprise as her gaze fell instantly to her brother’s figure standing in the main doorway of her room. Step slowing a moment, taking a moment to wonder if perhaps he’d finally caught her out or if he was there, like everyone else, to discuss her quest; it wasn’t until she heard the cheerful barks of Onyx that it all began to make a bit more sense in her mind.

Right. His dog.

“..hey…” Staring at him a moment longer from where she stood, Erin crossed over to her bed. And having already folded and re-packed her undergarments so as not to trigger Tyler too much during their time out of camp, she began to slip the new items in. The stray thought entering her mind causing her to pause and to turn back round to face her brother. Glancing at him, though unable to keep eye-contact for more than a few brief seconds at a time, “Oh… uhm… do you… still have my portable charger..? I-... I kind of need it back for a while...”

“The charger?”

Damien thought about her question for a few, quick moments. He found it odd that she was asking about that of all things. Not ‘why are you in my room, dunderhead’, but her charger he totally didn’t forget to give back to her. “Yeah, it might be somewhere in my room.” Damien walked into her room and walked over to where Erin’s bed was and gave Onyx a few soft pets, to which he responded with excited tail wags and soft barks of approval. It was then that Damien realized he completely skipped over the last part of what she said. “Wait what do you mean you won’t be back for a while?” He asked, taking a seat on her surprisingly soft bed next to Onyx, continuing to scratch behind his ear.

“..I said I need it back for a while...” Turning back to what she was doing as he made to sit on her bed; it was a way to avoid looking him in the eye. Doing her best to instead focus on what was in front of her, rather than on the all too familiar look he was going to give her when he found out she was heading off for a few days. Granted, it was usually to go spend time in the Underworld, but still…

“..but… y-yeah… I won’t be back for a while either, so… I mean... both ways work… And I’ll need you to look after Salem and my hell-babies while I’m gone...”

“Right…” He wasn’t buying whatever bullshit she was trying to sell him, but the way she was speaking and how… unlike herself she was acting, Damien knew something happened between the last time he saw her to now. “Whenever you feel like telling me what’s up, I’m all ears, sis.” Damien wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t leaving as he crossed his legs on her bed and continued to pet Onyx, looking at Erin with a stern gaze, reinforcing what he said to be fucking gospel (or it would if he was a religious person).

..by the Gods, he was stubborn..! But then… so was she…

It had to be a family trait…

Sighing heavily, her shoulders visibly slumping as a sign that she wasn’t about to argue - really, she didn’t have the energy anymore - Erin turned her gaze over to her brother. Weary as finally, she met and held his eyes, “..I’ve been accused of stealing Aphrodite’s dove… I have seven days to go to Rome, find it, and bring it back to her… or else I’ll be given to Ares… and we both know I won’t be coming back if that happens...”

“Of all the..” Damien gritted his teeth, eyes narrowed with anger, and he balled his fists. Onyx stared up at him, sensing the fire stirring inside Damien. “There is no way they can do this!” He shouted, standing up. “That bitch probably misplaced her fucking bird while she was fucking someone’s man.” Damien started to pace back and forth, stopping after a few times. “So, you’re going to Rome. When?” He asked, trying to regain some semblance of his composure. He had to get the information before he blew a gasket.

“..as soon as the others are ready...” Turning on the spot, following him with her eyes, she sighed. Her hands coming together in her lap as she leant back against the edge of her bed. Sitting in silence for a moment before lamely motioning beside her to where her own bag was sat open, “..and as I’m done packing...”

Biting her lip, her hand returning to the other, she hesitated before speaking again. Her voice soft, almost pleading, “..I didn’t do this, I swear on Styx. I went and spent a couple of days in the Underworld, yeah but… aside from one or two of Bran’s hoodies over the years, I’ve never stolen anything..!”

Damien stood there, his immediate anger quelling at the sound of his sister’s pleading-like tone to her voice. He looked at her, his expression somewhat neutral, like he felt momentarily helpless. ”You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Erin,” Damien said, approaching Erin and putting his hand on hers, reassuring her. “I know you didn’t steal that bitch’s dove.” He needed her to know that he didn’t think for one second that she did this. And even if she had, he would feed that fucking dove to Onyx just to stick it to the Gods.

“..what if I can’t do this..?”

Hands twisting in her lap, her fingers curled gently around his. Holding onto her brother almost in desperation as she searched his eyes. Seeking out answers behind them to questions that neither of them had voiced, but were clearly thinking, “..I know that there’s a heap of people who have hope that I can. And… And Kyrin said that… it’s okay to be afraid, but… Damien, just the thought of leaving is making me sick. It’s taking everything I have not to spiral into another panic and anxiety attack...”

As he felt his sister squeeze his hand, feeling her hand shake in his, he felt an all-too-familiar knot in his gut tighten up. How many times has this happened? Too many. And the fact that she had doubts just spoke to how serious this was. The severity of her situation did force Damien to not think with his fists for a change. He usually went with the ‘fuck everyone’ approach and he almost did, but Erin mentioned she was afraid. And he knew that it was bad.

“Erin, listen..” His voice started out low and he took another moment to take in a breath. “Nobody can force you to go. If you want to, I’m sure you could hide out in the Underworld. And you know what? Nobody would blame you, but listen, I don’t know who told you you couldn’t do this, but they need to reevaluate their life choices if that’s what they’re feeding you. You’re not some regular Demigoddess. You’re not someone who can be bullied into submission by some overhyped prostitute or her side piece.” He smiled at his sister and continued, “..you’re Erin Chase and most importantly, you’re my sister. You will not only clear your name and find that stupid dove, but when you get back, we will personally find out who set you up and make them pay.”

“..D-Damien, I-...”

He had such faith in her… just like all the others. So why couldn’t she have that same faith in herself..? What the hell was wrong with her..? Heh. She knew that answer- no. She knew that list of answers. There was never just one. It was never as simple as that; not when it came to her anyway.

Staring up at him a few moments longer; it was light, but she nevertheless nodded her head to let him know she’d heard him. That she understood, even if she was still having a hard time in agreeing with his words, “..I-I’ll do my best...”

“Damn right you will!” He proclaimed, reinforcing her own words. “I mean, who else is gonna spoil Onyx?” As he spoke, Onyx barked in support of Damien’s sentiment, wagging his tail. The son of hades smiled at his dog, then smiled at Erin. “Who all is going with you to Rome?” He asked curiously.

She couldn’t help it, the small smile that danced across her lips at both her brother’s and his dog's enthusiasm. Really those two made the perfect pair, “..Brandon and Ty are coming with me… Spencer and Carlos both said yes as well… The prophecy I was given said six. I… I still need to ask one more...”

“Six, huh?” He hummed thoughtfully. “Is there anyone else who you think might be a helpful addition to the team? I mean, you’ve assembled a great bunch. Loyal, strong, and dependable. But if the prophecy said six, then there’s gotta be one more left even if they don’t know it yet.”

“..I know you don’t like him, but… I was thinking… Peter Pan...” A frown on her features, Erin searched her brother’s features, trying to gage his reaction to the idea of her possibly taking Zeru with her on the quest that ultimately determined whether she lived or died, “..we’re after a stupid bird… and he can fly...”

A scowl immediately covered Damien’s face. That pompous, son of a bitch, poor excuse for a demigod, Zeru Williams. Just the thought of him going with Erin on her quest made his underworld blood boil. As much as he wanted to express his clear disapproval of this choice, he knew this wasn’t about him. Whether Damien wanted to admit it or not (he didn’t), the fact remained that Zeru was a great choice from a strength standpoint. “If he is the one you want, then I’ll support you, Erin.” He offered her a smile.

“..he isn’t the one I want, but...” Hesitating, she gave her brother’s hands another gentle squeeze. Refusing to let go. She knew how Damien felt about the son of Zeus- he despised him with a passion. One that seemed to run almost as hot as his feelings towards their father; though she wasn’t about to go bringing that up right now. One: she wasn’t stupid to do so… and two: she didn’t really have the time to talk family disputes, “..I think he’s the one that I need...”

”Well..” Damien made sure to lock eyes with his sister, taking another moment of silence to think about his words carefully, something he wasn’t always known for doing. ”Then I think you should go ahead and ask him. You’re gonna need the best and even though I can’t stand the guy, even I can recognize his strength.” Nobody could possibly know how much it pained Damien to say those words out loud.

It couldn’t have been easy for him to admit that- to say the words out loud like he had, or even to so much as put the smallest amount of trust in the son of Zeus. The had he had to rely on him to help keep her safe while they were on the hunt for a stupid fucking bird. But she wasn’t about to argue… deep down, he thought it was a good idea… so it was the one that she was going to go with.

Letting go of his hands as she drew up to her full height- standing up from where she had been sat on the edge of her bed; Erin’s arms wrapped, one by one around the back of Damien’s neck. Pulling him close against her in a hug, “..I-I’ll do my best… I promise, Dae...”

Damien allowed himself to smile, breathing out a happy breath as he hugged Erin. “I know, Erin..” He whispered as he heard a supportive bark from Onyx. As he turned away from the hug, he smiled at his dog, then brought his eyes back to Erin. “Now, about that charger.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: Ares Cabin, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With:?]

Talon made his steady way back to the camp proper, shoving his hands into his pockets, the salve Valeria had given him a small weight in one. He sighed softly, keeping his head down- he didn't really feel like interacting much with anyone else. Valeria had, somewhat, made him feel better. But that didn't mean he wanted to face ridicule... He sighed again, and almost seemed to make himself feel smaller, shrunching himself up slightly. Moving towards the cabins, Talon refused to let himself be drawn away from his goal.

He could slip in, clean himself up a bit, and then sneak back out again, hopefully without meeting any of his siblings, without becoming angry again. His hands automatically curled into tight fists once more, and his heart beat faster. He didn't want to hear Elias's calm voice, or deal with him at all. And if he ran into Octavia... He almost turned around, almost walked anywhere else but towards the cabin.

But he had to at least check on Cisiley. He could do that. Cisiley... the snake was generally okay, but he still needed to ensure she was alright. He sighed again, and shoved open the cabin door, making a quick dash to his room, hoping that no one was in the cabin.

۵ ۞ ۵

Location:Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interacting With: Alina Leora Kim @King Kindred

Jamie watched Alina, having no doubt that the Iris child was studying Jamie- as if to try and figure out what other intent Jamie might have besides just trying to figure out whatever the fuck was going on. The camp was usually a flurry of motion- and while there were people about, Jamie couldn't help but think it was more subdued then normal. Perhaps Jamie was putting too much thought in it. She waited for Alina to speak, and couldn't help the slight chuckle as Alina took a rather dramatic sip of her coffee.

Jamie couldn't expect anything less then any of the other campers. They were all a little dramatic in one form or another, and Jamie didn't mind the chance to watch the Iris camper. Her chuckle turned into a frown at Alina's words, and Jamie flicked a glance around, as if expecting someone to jump out and declare it all a joke. Not Pierre winning the tower- although that was surprising, given that she was sure Ky'vie and some of the other strong contenders would have competed. No, it was the rest. Why the fuck would the Gods think any of them would want to steal a fucking dove? Especially Aphrodites dove.

You wouldn't even be able to sell it without bringing a rain of trouble on yourself. "If Erin is in trouble, he'd be with her. Best not to interrupt Erin in a mood in any case. I rather like my appendages attached to my body." Jamie said, "Well, it's something at least. Thanks. Hey, I grabbed some things while I was out, you need anything? Probably have it in one bag or another."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metztli
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Member Seen 5 mos ago



I N T E R A C T I O N S : N/A


Maki watched as a girl's foot rolled forward, making her lose the balance she had as she lunged forward, the boxes in her arms flying up towards the sky. Besides her, a boy no younger than twelve tried to help her as he moved forward to try to get her from hitting the floor too hard. Unfortunately, a few of the boxes landed over his head, forcing the boy to shield his face from them as the girl fell to the ground. Another boy, older, came running from his cabin to the scene to help the other two get up and clean up the mess leaving the freshly baked pie alone by one of the benches.

"Are you okay?"

"What did I trip over?"

"Here, let me help you."

Humming out the song What's Up? Maki casually made their way up the steps of the cabin, snatched the pie, and began their way towards the Mess Hall where Valeria was most likely waiting for them. Behind Maki, the girl rubbed her ankle, the younger boy picked up the boxes, and the older one picked up a shiny ball bearing from the dirt path. None of them noticed as the child of Eris made their way away from them.

There were other campers when Makin finally arrived at the Mess Hall. Valeria and Maki agreed to meet after the obstacle tower to talk potions, gossip, and future pranks, but it seemed like she was late for their little date. And to think Maki had snatched a delicious and mouth-watering pie for them to share over some hot tea. Nevertheless, Maki sat down on the Eris table and pulled out the small notebook they always carried around.

The notebook mostly contained notes of various events that happened around them or successful chains Maki had caused. They pulled out one of the many small silver balls they carried around and toyed around it as they wrote down their success of the incidents minutes ago. Maki even sketched out the ball bearing, and as untalented they were with art, it didn't look too bad if they were to tilt their head sideways.

"Not bad," Maki mused as they flipped over the pages of the notebook. They had gotten a lot better at causing these chains of small accidents and little mishaps. It was fun to see people trip, fall, or just walk into tiny little accidents that inconvenienced others. It wasn't that they enjoyed others' sufferings, but it was those expressions people always wore as the accidents happen. Maki didn't know what it was called, but it was thrilling; it filled them with that unknown feeling that they couldn't get enough of it.

Besides, this time they had even gotten themselves some pie. A pie that was getting cold by the minute. Maki reached over to grab one of the forks in the middle of the table and began to dig into the still-warm peach pie. They were sure Valeria wouldn't mind; she didn't even know about the pie!

"Fuck, this pie is good."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: The Lake - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Collab Between: Hayden Morgan (@Moro), & Isaura Larsen (@Vicier).
Ice-Skating: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJe92JKj/

It was... one of the only places she felt truly free...

Thoughts of everything going on slipping from her mind; Isaura took a single step forward. The surface of the lake freezing under the blade of her skate, though the rest of the lake remained as it was. Water. A gentle smile gracing her delicate features, showing no hesitation in her actions, she pushed forward. Her figure gliding gently over the lake, leaving behind her weaving strokes of ice decorating its surface, and tracing her each and every movement. It felt good... being back out on the ice- she needed almost desperately that small sense of normality among the chaos that currently reigned.

And it was simple muscle memory. Like riding a bike- and as she picked up confidence, as she picked up some speed, she couldn't help the way that her glossed lips lifted into a gentle smile that seemed to reach her eyes and light up her features.

It didn't matter how much went wrong- how hard everyone pushed her; what got thrown her way, or how much she second guessed her choices... the ice was where she belonged. And to her, it was as natural as breathing. The cold to her was just as much as the heat was to Hayden- it was who they were. And there was no changing that. Why would they ever want to..?

Slowing to a stop as she reached the center of the lake, Isaura allowed her gaze to glide over the area. It was so beautiful... and she couldn't imagine spending her days anywhere else, aside from her home in Norway. The seam of her lips parting ever slightly, her hand lifted. Giving a gentle wave towards the familiar figures huddled together on the edge of the lake, her attention fell to what she was doing. Head tilting lightly as she slipped her earphone in. And as the music hit her ears, she began to move. The routine coming with ease as she glided along to the song that had begun to play.

After having spent the better part of the morning slaving away on a busted sword for yet another one of the Ares campers, it was only when one of Hayden's siblings had barged into the forge to tell him and their siblings of the news brought by Chiron and Mr. D. Erin Chase had been named the one responsible for lifting Lady Aphrodite's godly symbol. From what he knew of the girl, he didn't believe that she could have done it, though the thought of wolves in sheep's clothing played at the back of his mind. No one had suspected Luke Castellan all those years ago when it came to Zeus' godly symbol having been stolen.

He shook the thought away, forcing himself to ignore the negativity. He truly hoped she hadn't been the one to do it. Though he hadn't had much time under his belt spent with her, he had to think better of her. She never did anyone wrong, or any harm. Sure, she sent the hounds after Brandon Murphy and Greyson from time to time but that didn't make her a villain. Hayden had played with the idea of simply remaining in the forge, but couldn't help but wonder how Issie had taken the news. Of course he knew the pair weren't friends, but still.. it had to have been hard to hear, regardless. Surely she had been there to hear the news straight from Chiron and Mr. D themselves, he knew she was headed for the Obstacle Tower this morning.

It hadn't taken Hayden long to reach the area, but after spending several minutes searching around the Obstacle Tower grounds, he couldn't find her. He knew she'd be one of two places, and decided to check the closest one before heading off to check in her cabin. Heading towards the lake, he didn't have to travel far up the path before he caught a glimpse of her gliding over the water, the water freezing beneath her skates as she went. A small little smile crept up at the corners of his lips as he approached, reaching the edge of the lake where he slowly dropped to the ground and sat on the beach to watch her. He loved seeing her in her element. Folding an arm over his knees, he placed an elbow over his hand and rested his chin into the other, watching her with a smile.

The movement along the bank... it had caught her attention out of the corner of her eye some time ago; and despite the fact that she had been so deeply gone in her own little world, Isaura just couldn't help but stare as the large and imposing figure wandered over. Sitting himself down on the bank of the lake in order to watch her skate out over the blend of ice and water. And that smile he wore-... It sent her heart fluttering madly in the confines of her chest.

Pulling out of her current spin- breaking away from the routine altogether in order to change paths instead, Isaura's glides were slow. Silent almost as she closed the gap between them, and without showing a hint of hesitation, she abruptly halted. The smallest bit of ice scraping into tiny shards as she twisted to a smooth stop. The gentle smile she was known for breaking out over her lips as she gazed down at him. Her hand extending out to take hold of his as she hoisted herself back up and onto the bank of the lake. The blades of her skates digging into the ground, "..I didn't think you'd be finished your work this early.

Hayden watched her as she moved over the water, noticing she had also seen him too and was now heading over. As she made her way over, he stood up and dusted himself off. Taking her hand, he gently pulled her back onto the shore.

"Oh, I'm not. After hearing the news though, I'm sure Dak won't mind me taking a break from fixing his sword. Seriously don't know what in the hell he did to that thing to screw it up so bad."

Reaching his free hand up, he gently brushed a few stray strands of hair from her face, tilting his head. "Er du ok, min kjære?"

"..já... jeg har det bra, minn villieldr."

His touch, as gentle as it was with his fingers brushing across her face, was more than enough to send her heart into a fluttering storm, and with it, her gaze lifted. Once more meeting with his as she gave a nod of head; only further helping to cement her answer to the question. She was okay, considering. Of course she knew the girl that had been accused of the crime, but... it wasn't as though her and Erin were the best of friends. Respectful to one another in passing- never really getting into one another's path. She felt, however, that she knew her well enough to not believe a word that came from the mouth of Ares, "..it doesn't take a genius to know that she didn't do it... and from the outrage at the tower..? She has the support of the camp behind her. Those closest to her seem willing to wage war, even... I hope this doesn't come to that...

Hayden nodded lightly, sighing heavily. "Yeah, lucky enough for her, really." Looking over his shoulder off towards the other campers, Hayden chewed on his lip gently before turning back to look at Isaura. "Is that the only thing bothering you, or is there more?" He figured that it was, indeed, the only thing bothering her.. but even he knew that figuring wasn't fact and it never hurt to ask and make sure. Ever since Issie had gotten back and they'd rekindled their relationship, Hayden had been sure to always double check with her, especially when it came to how she was feeling.

What could she say..? He knew her better than she knew herself...

A gentle sigh passing out through her lips, Isaura's bright blues drifted away from him. Instead looking out over the lake before movement caught her attention, and her eyes flicked to the two figures that had been standing not too far from where they were; watching for a moment as they left. Though it wasn't until Valeria and Talon were both gone that she spoke again. Her voice soft, "..there was an incident on the tower this morning... and-..."

Hesitating, she let out another sigh. Her gaze lifting back up to meet with his before she finished the thought that she'd been in the process of voicing out loud, "..and I may have gotten into a small argument with my sister... again..."

Hayden's eyes followed her own to see the Ares boy standing off a ways with Valeria before disappearing, returning his gaze to her as she spoke. He'd heard about the incident with Talon, Octavia and a few others that were involved. The mention of her sister caused a shadow of a smirk to cast over his lips, tilting his head slightly. "What happened?"

"..what always happens..." Rolling her eyes, Isaura simply shook her head. Allowing her gaze to wander once more before returning back to the man that she loved.

Hayden chuckled softly, reaching a hand up to scratch at his beard.

"It's always something with her," he sighed softly, folding his arms over his chest with a soft charming smile. "Well, I just wanted to come out here and check on you, my queen. I should probably head back to the forge and polish off that sword of Dak's, but after I'm done, would you like me to accompany me to lunch?"

"I would love to; nothing would make me happier." Hand lifting; Isaura's touch was gentle as she lightly brushed the tips of her fingers across his forehead. Dragging across the stray strands of his hair before neatly tucking them back and behind his ear. Her hand lingering a moment or two longer before she let her arm fall back down by her side, "I don't have any classes to run today- no one has shown interest in winter sports this year, so I'm completely free for the foreseeable future. At least at this point anyway."

Isaura's light touch forced his eyes closed as his smile grew a bit, leaning into her hand in the moments before she let it drop away from his face. He dropped his own arms from where they'd been crossed over his chest, gently grabbing her wrist before pulling her into him slowly. His eyes met with his love's once more, listening to her speak.

"Mm.. these kids don't know what they're missing out on." The son of Hephaestus' lifted a hand to cup one side of her jaw, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a soft kiss. "I look forward to seeing you then." He flashed her a soft, loving grin before backing away from her, his hand lingering against her face as long as he could before dropping it at his side. After walking backwards a few steps more, he finally turned around to make his way back to the forges.

Her heart fluttered lightly in her chest. And even with such a small show of affection; she couldn't help the way her cheeks flushed a gentle shade of red. It was perfect- he was perfect. Ever since the first moment they'd laid eyes on one another. Before then, she wasn't sure she'd believed in love at first sight, but now-... Well, claim her a Disney Princess and call it a day. She'd found her Prince Charming. He just happened to be the one who made the shining armor.

"..till then, minn ástir."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zenritch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕒 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕤

— ۵ ۞ ۵ —

Location: Level 50 - Bunker Nine; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York.
Interactions: Bronwyn/Brynn @Moro | Pierre @MarshiestMallow

Corona smiled at Pierre upon hearing his opinion on the matter at hand. She was really glad that she brought him along since he did make a valid point. However, she is confident that she had addressed what he was concerned about when she designed her blueprints.

"The actual core is still under development. Since this is a rather large machine, it's gonna need a lot of oomf to make sure it doesn't drop out of the sky while it's airborne. However, the core is meant to be compact and can be repositioned within several points of the machine to ensure that it is constantly safe from attacks." Corona explained enthusiastically before turning to Brynn.

Slowly, she approached the brunette with a serious look in her eyes. She gently grasps her hands in hers and averts her gaze for a bit as she spoke to her in an uncertain voice. "I need help on the more... techie side of things, Brynn. I'm wondering if you can help me develop an A.I. for the ship I'm building. I have a detailed list on the specifications of what she'd need to be like... since I am modeling her after my twin sister, but I'm not really that confident with my coding and developing skills."

Letting go of Brynn's hand, the redhead approached the skeleton of what would be her greatest work yet, staring at it with a certain sense of longing in her eyes. This project was personal... way too personal for her. The fact that he had to ask for help from someone else wounded her pride greatly since this was supposed to be a dedication for Aurora. But if she really wanted to get this done the right way, she would have to endure it. Besides, if there is somebody in camp who can really help her get this project off the ground, in more ways than one, then it's Brynn and maybe she could get the rest of her siblings in on it too... when she is ready.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

۵ ۞ ۵

Location: The Lake - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Collab Between: Beauregard Garcia (@Rodiak), & Ky' vie Morgan (@Vicier).

The sound of the guitar strings rang throughout the bunker, filling the space with its soothing sounds and hypnotic rhythm. The conga drums picking up the song before they completely stopped, and a woman's voice joined in, smooth and enchanting before the instruments resumed and continued the song. The walls of the bunker were covered with various posters. Ranging from old Mexican bands to modern movies and tv shows to schematics for various projects being worked on. The roof had glow-in-the-dark stars that formed various poorly arranged constellations and some Christmas lights of different colors giving bunker 15 a sort of a chaotic vibe to it. On the far back of the bunker, Beauregard had a carving tool in one hand and a small hammer in the other.

"Ya no estas mas a mi lado, corazon y en el alma solo tengo soledad. Y si ya no puedo verte porque dios mi hizo quererte para hacerme sufrir mas."

He sang along with the song, hips moving from side to side with the beat as he danced around his woodworking tools. Beau had been working on a new desk for his room since the last had broken down after some... events. This time he was sure he'd make the legs sturdier for them to support more weight, but it seemed like he had been distracted from the task at hand. The song had taken his attention from carving the leaf designs on the edge of the desk to sing around his current project.

It wasn't unusual for the young man to get distracted from his work. Beau was known to work five projects at a time just to abandon them weeks later to finish older ones. His siblings were a lot more productive than him, which is why he never really took up one big project at a time or why he would just lend a hand when he didn't have anything significant work of his own.

"Siempre fuiste la razon de mi existir, adorarte para mi fue religion. En tus brazos encontraba el amor que me brindabas el calor de tu pasión"

Beau continued to sing along as he danced around the desk in front of him before coming to a stop when he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. The song continued to play around him as he kneeled in front of the desk and began to carve out the intricate leaves on the wood. Masterful hands carefully shaped the material until he was pleased with the shape. Beau nodded approvingly at his work before moving on to the next.

"..did you want me ta reinforce the legs this time..?"

The natural warmth of her hands pressing first over her little brother's shoulders; Ky' vie slid them forward. Arms wrapping gently around him from behind, it was both affection and curiosity that had her body resting over his- curled over, and head situated right beside his own as her dark gaze took its time to slowly glide over his intricate carvings. She had to admit, it made her slightly jealous. His skill with woodworking far outweighed her own, but she knew she couldn't be good at everything. Despite being called it, even sarcastically, she wasn't perfect. And that was okay by her. Besides, that was just how it went in Hephaestus cabin. It seemed each of the four of them had something the others didn't. Each had their own specialties that they excelled in.

If you wanted autonomous weapons... lasers- something that was grand, flashy, and just over the top; then Corona was definitely your girl. You needed new furniture, a custom made bow or staff- literally anything to do with wood; well then, Beau was definitely the one you needed to see. Looking for something more delicate..? Automail, transport, robotics, firearms, computers- custom jobs and working replicas; that was her thing, and she did it well. And Hayden..?

Well... she was a decent weaponsmith, but even she knew that she couldn't make a blade as well as Hayden could.

Really, it made her proud. Seeing what they were all capable of. Combining their skills though..? She chuckled softly. Arms tightening slightly, giving her brother a hug before she pulled back and moved herself around to stand in his line of vision. Her hand reaching out to lightly brush over the surface of the desk in appreciation. A smile dancing over her features, "You didn't come cheer me on this mornin'. An' since you weren't at the cabin; kinda figured that you'd be here."

"Es la historia de un amor, como no hay otro igual- oh holy shit, you scared me!" Beau jumped, almost dropping the carving tools in his hands. He hadn't even heard Ky'vie enter the bunker or get close. He had been so concentrated on the carvings to even notice until she was practically hugging him. "You know, you should really knock." He huffed when she pulled back and stood across from him on the other side of the desk. Or he should start locking his bunker or maybe designs a special alert; Beau had to write that down at the top of his pending projects. It had been a while since he had done any real coding, so that would be a nice refresher.

"Stayed up late; by the time I woke up, I heard that it was over." Beau stood up, placing his tools on the desk. He looked over Ky'vie before he remembered what a little bird had told him before he came down to his bunker. "Heard Pierre took the ring, must suck losing; kinda regret not watching that in person." He teased her. Beau really wished he had been there that morning, mainly to cheer for Ky'vie and see the Ares kids fight amongst themselves. If only he had sent that guy from the Apollo cabin away right after finishing up with his bow, he wouldn't have stayed up so long at night. Ah well, what could he do? Beau couldn't resist pretty faces.

"Anyway, I think I got the legs handled. Just want you to take a look at them, and since I'm also going to install a tablet into the desk so I can work on some projects digitally I need to make sure this thing could handle a lot." Beau had always depended on one of his siblings to give his projects a one over before he deemed them complete. It was always smart for someone else to check his work, fresh eyes to make sure nothing was wrong or out of place. Back home, his grandparents had always been critical in giving him feedback, so he expected no less here- especially while being surrounded by others with similar interests as his.

An inbuilt tablet wasn't going to add too much weight to the desk; his projects however... they were another matter entirely.

Nodding her head at his words, giving him a sign that she was indeed listening to what he was saying, Ky once more leant over. Fingers curling gently over the carved edge of the desk, she let her free palm run along the curves of its legs. And while she had faith in her brother, her gaze flicked between all four of them, searching his creation for any tiny little imperfections that might have appeared during the process that they should be worried about. Though as she'd already predicted, there were none. His work, as always, was pretty damn flawless.

"..you used oak..?" Eyes flicking up, meeting with his for a brief moment, her hands moved instead to the drawers. Her attention dropping down to them as she slid them open and shut again; seeming to eventually give up on doing so as she instead placed her hands on the surface. And after kicking off her shoes to make sure she didn't leave dirty prints behind - even after wiping her feet on the welcome mat - she hoisted herself up onto it. Her head dropping to watch the results as she put her full weight onto it, "..rollers are sticking a little on the drawers. Easy fix. Other than that... if it can hold my weight, and yours; then she'll be right to take whatever you throw at her."

Bringing her attention back to him, she held her hand out to him in offer to help him up, "..and F.Y.I... I did knock. You were just too far gone in your own lil' world to even bother noticing."

"Hard maple, it was a bitch to get shipped out here, but it was worth every penny and headache." Beau hummed, watching the legs of the desk while she stood over it, trying to spot anything else he had missed or ear any creak. Beau was always critical of his work, always searching for any imperfections or mistakes he could improve upon. It drove the guy crazy sometimes, almost to the point of staying up all night trying to improve that one little imperfection. He knew it wasn't a healthy habit, but it was relatively common with the rest of his siblings. They could get lost in their own projects for hours on end without even realizing it.

When Ky offered her hand, he kicked off his shoes and took it, pulling himself up on the desk. "Pretty damn sturdy," He grinned, bouncing just the slightest on his feet and looking down at his almost completed project. "Just gotta finish up the carvings, fix the rollers, sand it, and stain it." Beau couldn't help but do a little victory dance. The desk had passed the sturdiness test; now all there was needed was to finish its decorations. Beau was almost halfway done with carving out the desk's edges. Now he just needed to extend the carvings down to the legs. Installing the tablet would be the easier part, as long as he gathered the right materials. If not, he could always ask Ky or Corona to help him out on that end.

"I get lost in the music and work, can't blame me." Beau jumped off the desk onto the floor with a grunt. "And thanks for the help; I can probably get this done tomorrow." The carvings would take the most time, but they would be worth it.

"Yeah... I know what that feels like."

It was a flaw they all seemed to have- every child of Hephaestus. It was just so easy to get lost in their work. The amount of times she'd sat herself down at her desk, or her workbench- hell, even sitting down to watch a movie with her mates, only to look up what felt like five minutes later only to then be told hours had passed, or the movie had finished. Sure it could be annoying at times, but... it was just part of who they were. For better or worse.

Chuckling softly, her body crouching and hand pressing back down onto the surface of the desk; she followed her brother's lead. Though instead of hopping down off of it completely, Ky swung her legs around and out from under herself. Perching on the beautifully crafted piece of furniture with her legs dangling over the edge. Hands resting on either side of her body, "You want a in-build computer to use, I've been working on something new down on my level that you might be interested in having a look at. I plan on integrating it into my latest project, but having someone test it out, see what it's capable of would be a big help."

Beau had crouched down by one of the legs to examine one of the carved leaves. It looked like he may have gone a little too deep into the maple, and it seemed off. It would look exactly like the rest to a normal eye, but he knew that the tiny detail would eat at him. It wasn't anything some sandpaper and some minor adjustments wouldn't fix, but Beau had to make sure to get back to it soon.

He perked up when Ky mentioned one of her new projects, looking up from the desk to her. "Really? I've been meaning on starting this new project, but none of my current computers can handle it, so yours might." He had this idea flowing around in his mind for a while. His last conversation with his mother, as unpleasant as it had been, had planted a little idea- an idea that just kept growing day by day. He had to try it, and Ky's computer just might be the tool he needed.

"If it can't handle it, I'll be sorely disappointed." The sound of her soft chuckle once more filling the air, Ky pressed her hands down into the edge of the desk. Using them to give her that extra little push as she slipped herself off of it, and back onto her feet. Okay... so even she had to admit that it was so fucking adorable how his features lit up whenever they began talking about their current projects- or how his eyes sparkled when one of them mentioned they had an idea for a new project.

Were they all like that..?

A single hand remaining on the desks surface, her body nevertheless curled over slightly. The other hand reaching down to help pull her vans back onto her feet; she instead lifted her head. Her smile remaining over her features as she met her gaze to his, "Come down to twenty-seven with me an' test it out. Lemmie know what you think. I could use another's opinion on my work so far anyway- aside from Storm-breaker, I haven't attempted a project of this size before..."

"Ky, you are a genius; of course, it'll work. Maybe, who knows, I've seen you distracted lately." Beau had seen the way she'd look at a certain someone from cabin eight. It was easy to overlook, but he knew his sister well enough to know when she was catching feelings. When she'd smile to herself or tuck her hair behind her ear, even the little jump to her step, they were all dead giveaways. It was rather cute, he'd have to admit, he had his doubts about Brandon. It was no secret that he was a player, and as hot as he was, Beau had to be wary of the guy.

"I trust your creations" He stood up from his crouching positions, stretching out his back with a small groan. Being slouched over the desk for the past hour had stiffened his back, maybe he could get that guy from cabin eleven to come back tonight and give him a nice massage. Loose up the tension around his shoulders a bit.

"Let's go, I wanna see that supercomputer of yours. I wonder if it'll run Minecraft with ultra shaders on."

Deep down, she knew he hadn't meant it, but... his words hit her like a ton of bricks, and with it, her smile faltered over her features. Had she really been so distracted lately that others were beginning to notice..? Crap; was it showing in her work..? Features falling slightly, distracted, all she seemed capable of doing was giving him a nod to know that she'd heard him. Her feet shuffling slightly over the ground as she headed back through his workshop and towards the room that held elevator. Waiting for him to join her first before she absentmindedly hit the button for level twenty-seven. The doors closing in front of them.

"..is it really that bad, Beau- like... have I really been that distracted..?"

If Beau was anything, he was but oblivious. Instantly he noticed the change in Ky, and it was surely from what he had said. He hadn't meant it in any bad way or to diminish the hard work she had been doing the past weeks. It had been just a small jab at her, a jab that seemed to be a sore spot for Ky. Beau would beat himself up for it later.

He hurried as he put away his tools and walked into the elevator with her. "Hey, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I barely even noticed, honestly." Beau reached over and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, giving them a slight squeeze to reassure her. "You being distracted is like me concentrating on a project. You're good Ky, really." Ky, along with Corona, were the most driven out of all of them. He always admired that about his sisters, not that he would admit it. They'd rub it in his face non-stop for the rest of his life.

"..I really like him, Beau..." Her lips parting slightly at the seam, Ky turned her head. Her dark eyes lifting up to meet with his; staring. Her gaze vulnerable, and almost with a slight fear behind iris', "..I know that we're not together- well... at least not officially or anything, but... how he makes me feel..? I didn't even feel like this when I was with Derek..."

Oh that look, a look Beau knew all too well. Well enough to know that what Ky was feeling was the real deal and there was no backing down. It would either lead down a long road or to heartbreak; he hoped for the former. "I'm rooting for you, Ky. If he really makes you happy, go for it." He smiled down at her, giving her a tight nod as encouragement. Her choice in men had always been questionable to him, but he couldn't deny her happiness. While Beau, or any of his other siblings, wouldn't hesitate to kick Brandon's ass if he hurt Ky, he knew his sister would be the first to do it. "Just... be careful, okay?" As much as he didn't want Ky to get hurt, it was inevitable. These kinds of feelings always ended up with someone hurt in the end.

Porque dios mi hizo quererte. Para hacerme sufrir mas, sufrir mas, sufrir mas...

Beau heard the last lyrics of the song just as the door closed in front of them. Funny.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A @King Kindred &@Venus Collaboration
Featuring Zeru Williams & Fiamma Giannulli

Zeru jumped with startlement at the sound of his last name. He turned around to see Carlos and Anzu standing there. He glanced awkwardly back to the door of the Apollo cabin. It wasn’t a secret that he and Fiamma were friends, but how often did you see Zeru rush off to see anyone? He didn’t even bother to check on Erin after Dionysus and Chiron gave the announcement and she was his cousin. So how was he going to explain this?

”Erin is looking for you.”

Speak of the demoness. That’s what this was about. A jolt rushed through his mind as he made a sudden realization. He wasn’t sick. Erin was talking about him. That mystery was solved, but he still felt a little weird. What was he? Some fictional character in a story? He shook the utterly ridiculous thought from his mind and focused on the bigger picture. Erin had chosen him to go on the quest with her. He was excited, but that left another problem. He was just about to reunite with Fi just for them to separate once again.

”Well, just have fun for now and look for her later. Don't take too long, Zee-”

”See you around, Williams. Tell Fi we said welcome back.”

That confirmed it. They knew about him and Fi’s relationship, but he wasn’t worried that they’d go around spreading it. In all honesty he had been thinking about taking their relationship public and to meet her parents. But that was a conversation he’d save for after he got back from the quest. Right now they already had a lot to talk about. Zeru turned back around to face the door and wondered what was taking her so long. He decided to knock again just in case she didn’t hear the first time.

Fiamma had, indeed, heard the first few knocks on her cabin door. In fact, she'd heard the distinctive sound of Zeru's footsteps approaching her cabin long before he was in close proximity. Heart racing with anticipation, he'd been seconds away from opening the door and facing her lover when two different sets of footsteps joined the fray. The voices, Fi recognized, belonged to Anzu and Carlos.

The young woman's brows furrowed together in confusion. What could Los and Zu possibly want with her or Zee? It couldn't be with her, because she'd been at camp for a grand ten minutes, so it had to be with Zee. But that still didn't bring her any closer to having any idea of what this could be about.
Before she could dwell on it any more, the reason soon became clear. Erin was looking for Zeru, which could only mean one thing…

Just as she'd finally made her arrival to camp, her boyfriend was being called out to a quest.

Fiamma's heart sank. What were the odds that she and Zee wouldn't even get to reunite properly before one of them was going away? She tried to look at the bright side of things: that she at least arrived early enough to see him off. But this still did nothing to ward off the beginning of tears starting to pool in her blue eyes.

After the second knock, the daughter of Apollo turned the knob and slowly swung the door to the cabin open just enough for her pale face to peek out.

"You have to go already?" she asked her boyfriend-- her sad eyes, pouting lips and crestfallen expression similar to that of Bubbles of the Powerpuff girls.

Zeru’s eyes met Fiamma’s and he felt a sudden and powerful ache in his chest. He’s been in a lot of fights and faced many threats, but nothing cut him deeper than her tears. He feared this would happen. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to wipe her tears, he just wanted to assure her that everything was going to be okay and that they’d have a real reunion soon, but he couldn’t do any of that as long as he was on this side of the door.

“I do, but not already, already. I still have time, but can you let me in so we can talk about this? I’ve been waiting so long to hold and kiss my girlfriend and I’m not letting a quest get in the way of that.”

Fiamma stared at her boyfriend for a few more seconds, her lower lip wobbling, before she stepped aside and swung the door wide enough for Zeru to come in. By the time he had stepped inside, a few tears had escaped her eyes and were rolling down her cheeks.

Zeru closed the door once he was fully inside and stepped closer to Fiamma. They were so close that if they were around her parents a Bible probably would have been placed between them so they wouldn’t make babies on contact. He lifted his right hand to her cheeks and wiped away the few tears that had fallen. He couldn’t stand seeing her like this. He never wanted to be a reason she’d cry. He wanted to be the reason she’d stop crying, the reason she felt safe. How was she supposed to feel safe if he was halfway across the world.

”I love you, Flamebird and the love that we share will always have me running back to you.”

"I know…" the girl whispered with a small nod, taking advantage of the hand wiping her tears to hold it with her own. "I'm not scared of you leaving, Zee. I'm scared of you not coming back. It took me so long to finally find you, and to think of something happening and losing you forever…" she trailed off, a river of tears now running fast down her pink cheeks. The mere idea of any tragedy coming upon her boyfriend was enough to send her into the hysterics she was currently in.

Zeru didn’t want Fi to ever let go of his hand. He also didn’t want to leave her, but he knew he had to. Potentially fighting Ares aside he knew he’d regret not going with them. Something was telling him that he had to go on this quest and if he didn’t something bad would happen to the ones that went without him. He’d never be able to forgive himself if any of them died and he could have prevented it just by being there. But he also had to consider Fiamma’s feelings. They were very valid. Demigods died on quests all the time. Not even he was invincible, no matter how much he believed he was. Seeing her like this was already killing him softly. Her tears were forming faster than he could wipe them away so he talked to her instead.

“Hey, hey. Look at me. I’m not taking that ride across the Styx anytime soon. I’ve been kicking ass and slaying monsters since I was eleven. If I don’t go someone else might never return and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. But let’s enjoy the time we have together now. I still have to pack and Los and Zu did say I could take as much time with you as I want. Speaking of… I think some of the others are catching onto our secret.”

Although she was anything but reassured, Fiamma knew Zeru had a point. If he was indeed leaving for a quest soon, they had to take advantage of every single moment they still had together. After all, it had been months since they had last seen each other. The long-awaited reunion so far had been nothing but bitter, but that didn’t mean it was too late to add a whole lot of sweetness to it.

Hearing Zee’s attempt to lighten up the mood, Fi followed suit. “I think everyone’s caught onto our secret at this point,” she said with a shaky laugh, wiping the rest of her tears away from her face. Because she hadn’t been wearing waterproof mascara, the girl had a bit of a resemblance to a red-headed racoon of some sorts. “I don’t really mind, though. I love being your girlfriend.”

A laugh escaped Zeru's mouth despite his attempt to hold it in. They were supposed to be having a serious moment, but he couldn't help but express his amusement at her now masked face. She reminded him of a game he used to play as a kid. “I'm sorry, but you remind me of Sly Cooper like that. And just like the thief he is you stole my heart, but I'll be the one to steal a kiss."

With that Zee felt that he had given her enough warning. If she didn't want the kiss she'd dodge it, but he had a feeling she wanted to kiss him just as much as he wanted to kiss her. He leaned forward and pulled her face softly closer to his before he himself closed the distance and kissed her passionately on the lips. It had been so long since he felt her lips and he knew he wouldn't have been satisfied with just a peck.

And it seemed like Fiamma felt the same way, because his girlfriend wasted no time in wrapping her slender arms around him and pressing her body against his, all the while not breaking the kiss but responding to it with the same amount of enthusiasm. It was clear that they were starving for each other.

Zeru then pulled back and said, "And I love being your boyfriend. When I get back how about we stop 'hiding' from everyone and become the official best couple in camp?"

Fiamma could only laugh and nod. "Deal!" she agreed, taking the opportunity to pull her boyfriend into another passionate kiss. She let it go on for what seemed like forever before finally pulling away. "You know, as happy as I am that we're back together and close like this, I'm feeling a little tired from the trip back here to camp..." the redhead began, looking up at Zeru with sparkling blue eyes full of love and mischief. "Maybe a shower might help with that. What do you think?" she asked him, biting her lower lip while a playful smile danced in the corners of her cheeks.

That wonderful, mischievous look in her eyes. The first time she looked at him like that was the moment he fell in love. Every time his eyes met her sparkling blues he was putty in her hands. “I think…” He said while reaching down to pick her up. “That since you’re tired I should carry you up to the bathroom.” He scooped her into his arms, and Fiamma's thrilled laughter quickly filled the empty spaces of the Apollo cabin. Zeru paused for a moment to just smile at her-- in the same soft, warm and loving manner his girlfriend was smiling at him. Before they got lost in each other's eyes again, he decided to head up the stairs, being careful not to bump Fiamma into anything.

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