Samuel Mercer & Neisha Stevenson
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Location: Hephaestus Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.Interacting With: Each other.
"Nope..!"Samuel paused then, however. His head drawing to a light tilt as his eyes narrowed; his thoughts returning back to the orange ball of fur that awaited him back in the Hephaestus cabin. Well... at least he
hoped that Riley was still in the cabin, and not running around with Lady and Lumi again. Sure they were all
technically part of the canis family, and despite the varying breeds an odd-ball pack had been formed between them and some of the other canines in the camp. They had their own little family going. It was actually rather adorable to watch.
Forgetting just where it was that he was originally going with his thoughts, Samuel brought his attention back down to the woman he was walking with. Giving her a light shake of his head as his gaze turned to the path they were taking,
"Well, I mean; sometimes he acts like a cat. Sits on the back of the couch and watches Ky preparing food in the kitchen... jumps on top of the kitchen table and Hayden's dresser for some reason. He really seems to like it up there. Pushes his hair products off the top of it with his nose."Lifting his free hand up with a smirk, he tapped lightly against the tip of his nose a couple of times before settling again.
"But, nah... Riley is a warrigal-..." Blinking, Samuel looked back down at her as he clarified; using the other, and more well-known name for the creature,
"A dingo. They're a wild dog that's native to Australia. An' despite what ya heard; I give my word, he don't eat no babies."Niesha watched, a little bemused, as she waited for Samuel to figure out just what he was doing. He had confused her- she was certain that he had said cat, but she could have been wrong- and Niesha wasn't well-versed in that type of emotion. Oh, sure, reading when they were kids was confusing, but she generally knew things. This, however... Niesha was trying to figure out how a cat could not be a cat. It was like that meme she was certain someone had shown her in the camp of the guy looking a little blank trying to figure out complex problems.
His clarification of it was perhaps reasonable, although Niesha was still a bit bemused by it. Still, she could understand. Sometimes there was just so much in their minds, and everything wanted to come out at once. It did make for some wild choices in cooking, she had to admit, but there had been some fun results. Or in tactical designs... Michael was the better one out of them for buildings designs, but she'd played around too when ideas just wanted out.
"Warrigal. That's the proper term for dingos, I'm guessing." That was certainly interesting.
"Do people really believe the baby thing?" she wondered,
"Perhaps she just likes to annoy him?" She added, her mind stuck on the classic cat like move. She was certain that cats just liked to be bastards and knock things over for fun and because they knew it was annoying. If cute.
"Canis lupus dingo... or just Canis dingo- that's the actual scientific name for them." Nodding his head thoughtfully, a small, though nevertheless stupid smile playing over his lips, Samuel gave a gentle squeeze of her shoulders. Shooting a glance down at her, though his attention was drawn away as he caught movement in the corner of his eyes. His gorgeous blues flicking over and ahead of them, following the figure of one his best mates as he left cabin nine, only to then wander off towards his own.
Ah, Brandon... that bloke was never gunna learn...
Nope. That was wrong. He
was gunna learn; but when he did. It was definitely going to be the hella hard way. Chuckling softly to himself at the thought that his best mate was just digging himself an early grave when it came to screwing over his cousin; Samuel shook his head. Coming back to the conversation he was having,
"An' you'd be surprised 'bout the type of shit people believe. By the way... Riley's a boy. Jus' a heads up, beautiful."Interested, Niesha made a note in her mind to write that down, somewhere. She might forget, and should probably do it now, but there wasn't really a reason to do so. Besides, it really didn't seem like Sam was about to let her go. Not that she really minded. He seemed distracted again- and she followed his gaze, not entirely sure what had distracted him.
"Hmmm?" Niesha looked back as he spoke, hurriedly trying to figure out what he had said, before she gave a soft laugh
"Well, we are living examples of what some people believe" she said, before frowning. He had said he when speaking of the dingo.
"Right... boy... I-" She stopped, looking back to him, tilting her head slightly. She tried to think if anyone had called her that- certainly not for a long time at least. She did, after all, tend to spend a lot of time either in books, or on the training grounds... more so the books.
"I'll try to remember that." She finished, trying to gather her thoughts.
She seemed... distracted. Lost in her own thoughts, and for a moment he had to wonder whether or not he looked like that when it happened to him. Nah, probably not. Neisha was a hell of a lot cuter than he was. Hands down.
Giving her shoulders another gentle squeeze, a soft though still rather stupid looking lop-sided smile cracking over his features, Samuel pulled ahead. His arm falling from around her shoulders, he took to the porch in a quick leap up. Skipping the step altogether. Reaching for the door once he'd gotten to it, he held it open. Motioning for her to go in ahead of him, though before either of them had the chance to do so; the blur of orange they'd been speaking about came shooting out. It's tail whipping back and forth as it bounded past them both.
Straightening up, his frown returning to his lips, Sam stared after the creature. Opening his mouth, shutting it, and opening it again before finally voicing the only thought that entered his mind.
"..well, shit."Niesha couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as she turned towards Samuel, the orange blur that was evidently Riley passing them, the look on his face was just priceless. It
was good to laugh, and that reaction... Niesha tried to sober up quickly, but it was evident that the emotion, while not really rare for her, was enjoying it's time out. She tried to draw in a deep breath, and to gather herself, after a moment somewhat succeeding as she cast a glance about for the dingo.
"Do we chase him down? Or will he come home when he's tired?" she asked, suddenly wondering if Riley could get hurt, or hurt someone or something else.
"Is he alright out by himself? "Shaking his head lightly, the door closing behind him with a slight
'thud' as he let it go, Samuel folded his arms over his chest. His bright blues gazing out at the dingo as it ran back and forth, demanding attention from anyone it came across,
"Ah... he'll be right. Lil' bugger's harmless unless there's a threat. Worst he does is cop an attitude an' toss his bowl 'round when he get hungry.""He just wants to have fun. And attention." It was adorable, and Niesha watched the dingo with a smile,
"Perhaps he got bored knocking over Hayden's things.""Most likely." Nodding his head in agreement, Samuel paused. Shooting a glance back over his shoulder for a moment before turning back around and stepping down off the porch, pulling a look that said it all. He knew he was in trouble,
"..which means I should probably piss off outta the area before Mufasa gets back and catches the mess."Niesha shifted, deciding that that was probably a good idea,
"Just tell him Scar came for a visit" she said as she followed him off the porch.
"Throw Ky under the bus... I like the way you think, Stevenson." Smirking, unable to stop himself from doing so, Samuel's hands made their way into the pockets of his brown leather jacket. His chuckle filling the air as he allowed his feet to lead the way. Not really paying attention to where they were taking them.