Faetalis Forex

Name (and Epithets): Faetalis Forex | Faetalis the Virago | 4X the Hungering | F4XTALIS
Age: 42 in-game
Gender: Female
Factory and Functionality: The Office of External Affairs; Designed to handle the whole of Infactorium, this Factory supplies the main source of power and resource distribution to all other factories on-site - if it goes down, Infactorium goes down. In order to reduce the chance of this occurring, the halls are trapped with hidden guns and explosives that shoot at and explode upon all foreign targets without entry permits.
Personality: Manic. Obsessive. Two traits that can easily set Faetalis Forex in a frame, as a person and a leader. Her ideal day is one spent dominating the GvG Leaderboards, and lounging in the funds such extraordinary life rewards. Determined to conquer, Faetalis is noted for her strategic and focused approaches; a friendly saint in a moment, and a cruel captor in the next.
Anything for the sake of scientific progression. Even her own humanity is but an option to embrace or sacrifice in her rising wake. However, she has yet surrendered all emotion for the hunt, as she is rarely seen without the company of her Overseer, MinMaxine, a Technorganic Slime who is oft sleep in “hibernation mode” on her shoulder or in her hair.
Overseer Build
Level: 75
Racial Levels:
- (B) Human Lv15 Human, the most prolific Race, above Goblins, Kobolds, and Slimes. Anywhere you go, there will be Humans, in some form of another - no matter how impossible or dire the situation, in due time, you will find that Humans can colonize the area.
Racial Trait: Luck and Pluck - “Tenacity is the name of the game when courting The Lady and Lord Luck.” - (H) Android Lv10 Human, Ascended.
Requirements: Level 15 Human, Complete Racial Quest: [The Better You]
Trait Gained: Computed Thoughts - "Now, your mental and physical acuity is at peak performance”
Passive Gained: Reinforced Structure - "A plate mail of iron-wrought steel is quite protective, so how about an entire skeleton of it?”
Job Tier Unlocked: Master Crafting Tier. - (R) Godforged Lv4 The Pinnacle of Humanity, reborn by the hammer and curiosity of a Tech Forge God, all that is human of you is your thoughts and your name, as you fully embraced your new path, and the boons that it brings.
Requirements: Level 10 Android, Lv3+ in, at least, one Master Crafting Job, Complete Hidden Questline: [Ascend? Descend? Transcend?]
Trait Gained: Hammer of the Forge Gods - "Embody Our Will, daughter, and there is nothing that you cannot hammer into creation from mere wood and iron."
[Reinforced Structure] Passive Upgrade: Ever-forged Structure - "Our Forge lives in you, daughter, ever-changing, and forever forging you anew.
Job Class Unlocked: Divine Artisan" - (R) Replicant Lv1 All great power demands sacrifice. Step down from your forge on high, and embrace the burning nature that runs through you - your true self unveiled: the ultimate creation, and creator.
Requirements: Lv4 (5 - 1) Godforged (Warning: This quest line shall PERMANENTLY remove 1 Level upon completion), at least Level 3 in [Divine Artisan], Complete Hidden Quest: [What Are Limits?]
Trait Gained: Perfected Human - “There is none better than you. Show them all.”
Job Unlocked: Genesis
Job Levels:
- (B) Novice Downfall Blacksmith Lv11 A basic Crafting Profession, most commonly associated with small villages and hamlets. The Downfall Blacksmith is a staple provider to their community, and necessary for the survival of those besieged by monsters and bandits alike.
Requirements: This Job has no Requirements.
Passive Skill: Bronze Metallurgy - "A bit of copper, a little tin, and you’re on your way to the most basic of metalwork."
Active Skill: Novice Metalworking - “Raise your hammer, and let it ring.”
Passive Skill: Angled Strikes - “Sometimes, it’s better to come at things from another angle.” - (B) Novice Downfall Carpenter Lv11 A basic Crafting Profession, most commonly associated with small villages and hamlets. The Downfall Carpenter is a staple provider to their community, and necessary for the construction and foundation of their homes and others.
Requirements: This Job has no Requirements.
Class Skill: Lacquered Woodworking - “Apply a coat of lacquer, and your wood shall go farther than expected.”
Active Skill: Novice Carpentry - “From axe to hacksaw, your craft will redefine the beauty of nature.”
Passive Skill: Careful Strokes - “Slow and steady, your strokes better shape the wood.” - (H) Learned Downfall Blacksmith Lv7 An intermediate Crafting Profession, commonly found in large villages and cities. A Learned Downfall Blacksmith is well-respected and invaluable to their community and its progression.
Requirements: Level 11+ [Downfall Blacksmith].
Class Skill Upgrade: Iron Metallurgy - “Step up, and burn your forges even hotter. Iron is the next stage in your trade.”
Active Skill Addition: Learned Metalworking - “Now, your sleepless nights begin to pay off.”
Passive Skill: Re-angled Strike - “Refine your strikes, and reshape the dimensions of the metal itself.” - (H) Learned Downfall Carpenter Lv7 An intermediate Crafting Profession, commonly found in large villages and cities. A Learned Downfall Carpenter is well-received and recognized for their artisanal works within their community.
Requirements: Level 11+ [Novice Downfall Carpenter].
Class Skill Upgrade: Treated Woodworking - “Steady refinements to your lacquer have further reinforced your craft's beauty and splendor.”
Active Skill Addition: Learned Carpentry - “ Artisanal, yours works. Near masterful, your craft.”
Passive Skill: Artisanal Strokes - “It's all about how you flick that wrist, and slide that blade.” - (H) Master Downfall Blacksmith Lv3 The penultimate Crafting Profession, and general pinnacle of the Trade. A Master Downfall Blacksmith is found, nigh-irreplaceable, in large cities and kingdoms, as their craft defines the strength of their defenses and offenses for the remainder of their days.
Requirements: Level 7+ [Learned Downfall Blacksmith].
Class Skill Upgrade: Carbon Steel Metallurgy - “The pinnacle of Metallurgy, and the mark of a true Master. Carbon Steel is no simple goal, but the dream.”
Active Skill Addition: Master Metalworking - “Intensive flames and forge display your mastery to shape the metals before you.”
Passive Skill: Savant Strikes - “ Your strikes are masterful, and your shapes, nearest divinity.” - (H) Master Downfall Carpenter Lv3 The penultimate Crafting Profession, and the general pinnacle of the Trade. A Master Downfall Carpenter is found, highly desired, in large cities and kingdoms. Their works of art refining the very history such locales shall be remembered for for all time.
Requirements: Level 7+ [Learned Downfall Blacksmith].
Class Skill Upgrade: Alloyed Woodworking - “Compressed to a strength like steel, your crafts will stand the test of time itself.”
Active Skill Addition: Master Carpentry - “Take the very stage you've built, and display the wonders of your abilities on rivalry with deities.”
Passive Skill: Druidic Strokes - “Listen to the whispers of Mother Nature, and she will guide your hands.” - (R) Divine Artisan Lv2 Seen by the Deities of Crafting, and judged worthy, Masters of their Craft are gifted the ability to not rival Deities, but stand beside them.
Requirements: Level 3+ in any Master Crafting Job Class, Completion of the [Godforged] Racial Class Quest
Class Skill: The 'Craft Anywhere" System - “Humanity shed to ply your trade anywhere without warning.”
Active Skill: Divine Assurance - “Sometimes, you just need to make sure something succeeds.”
Passive Skill: Blessed Crafting - “Your divinity isn't just for show, after all.” - (R) Genesis Lv1 Divine, your name. Infinitesimal, your skill. Surrendered, all. The Deities of Crafting took you, remade you, and you turned your eyes to the highest point: Genesis, the Beginning.
And you said, “Let there be a new light.”
Requirements: Level 2+ [Divine Artisan], Competition of the [Replicant] Racial Class Quest.
Class Skill: Recombinant Crafting - “Decree, and so it shall be.”
Passive Skill: Refute Schematics - “A-B-C, easy as Do-Re-Me.”
Stat Block:
- HP: 45
- MP: 50
- PHY. ATK: 25 (+25)
- PHY. DEF: 40 (+35
- AGI: 25 (+25)
- MAG. ATK: 25 (+25)
- MAG. DEF: 40 (+35)
- RESIST: 75
Stat Total (Power): 750
Overseer Inventory and Powers
Faetalis does not keep an inventory of weapons or items unique to her person, because she is a living weapon that cannot be easily replicated. However, what she does have is a particular set of skills, honed over years of warfare, and she will use them, she will find you, and she will make you lose the game...
Luck and Pluck:
- Humans gain 1 Global Critical Chance per Level.
- Taken: 15/15
- Benefit: 15% Global Critical Chance.
Computed Thought:
- Android’s AGI, PHY. ATK, and MAG. ATK increase by 5 per Level.
- Taken: 5/10
- Benefit: +25 to AGI, PHY. ATK, and MAG. ATK.
Reinforced Structure:
- Android’s PHY. DEF and MAG. DEF are increased by 5.
- Taken: 5/10
- Benefit: +25 to PHY. DEF and MAG. DEF.
Ever-forged Structure:
- Godforged are reborn of even sterner stuff, and +10 PHY. DEF and MAG. DEF per Skill Point. This stacks with [Reinforced Structure].
- Taken: 1/4
- Benefit: [Reinforced Structure] bonuses are multiplied by two.
Hammer of the Forge Gods:
- Godforged sees rare failures, as their Global Failure Rate decreases by 5% per Levels.
- Taken: 3/4
- Benefit: -15% Failure Rate to all Crafts.
Perfected Human:
- Replicants are beyond their human shackles.
- Taken: 1/1
- Benefit: Immunity to [Sleep], [Charm], [Nausea], [Exhaustion], [Confusion], [Berserk], and [Stun] effects.
Bronze Metallurgy:
- Bronze is the starting step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Blacksmith] Crafting Profession Overhaul.
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 1 Crafting System for the [Downfall Blacksmith]
Iron Metallurgy:
- Iron is the second step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Blacksmith] Crafting Profession Overhaul.
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 2 Crafting System for the [Downfall Blacksmith]
Carbon Steel Metallurgy:
- Carbon Steel is the last step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Blacksmith] Crafting Profession Overhaul
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 3 Crafting System for the [Downfall Blacksmith]
Novice Metalworking:
- Allows Players to create Novice-tier Downfall Blacksmith Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 1%.
- Taken: 3/11
- Benefit: -3% Failure Rate to Novice-tier Recipes
Learned Metalworking:
- Allows Players to create Learned-tier Downfall Blacksmith Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 3%.
- Taken: 3/7
- Benefit: -9% Failure Rate to Learned-tier Recipes
Master Metalworking:
- Allows Players to create Master-tier Downfall Blacksmith Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 5%.
- Taken: 2/3
- Benefit: -10% Failure Rate to Master-tier Recipes
Angled Strikes:
- Novice-tier [Downfall Blacksmith] gain a 1% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point.
- Taken: 8/11
- Benefit: +8% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
Re-angled Strikes:
- Learned-tier [Downfall Blacksmith] gain a 3% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point
- Taken: 4/7
- Benefit: +12% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
Savant Strikes:
- Master-tier [Downfall Blacksmith] gain a 5% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point
- Taken: 1/3
- Benefit: +5% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
Lacquered Woodworking:
- Lacquered is the starting step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Carpenter] Crafting Profession Overhaul.
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 1 Crafting System for the [Downfall Carpenter]
Treated Woodworking:
- Treated is the second step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Carpenter] Crafting Profession Overhaul.
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 2 Crafting System for the [Downfall Carpenter]
Alloyed Woodworking:
- Alloyed is the last step in the [Valkyrie Downfall] Tiered [Downfall Carpenter] Crafting Profession Overhaul
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Allows Players to access the Tier 3 Crafting System for the [Downfall Carpenter]
Novice Carpentry:
- Allows Players to create Novice-tier Downfall Carpenter Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 1%.
- Taken: 3/11
- Benefit: -3% Failure Rate to Novice-tier Recipes
Learned Carpentry:
- Allows Players to create Learned-tier Downfall Carpenter Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 3%.
- Taken: 3/7
- Benefit: -9% Failure Rate to Learned-tier Recipes
Master Carpentry:
- Allows Players to create Master-tier Downfall Carpenter Recipes from [Valkyrie Downfall]. Each Skill Point reduces the Base Failure Rate by 5%.
- Taken: 2/3
- Benefit: -10% Failure Rate to Master-tier Recipes
Careful Strokes:
- Novice-tier [Downfall Carpenter] gain a 1% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point.
- Taken: 8/11
- Benefit: +8% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
Artisanal Strokes:
- Learned-tier [Downfall Carpenter] gain a 3% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point
- Taken: 4/7
- Benefit: +12% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
Druidic Strokes:
- Master-tier [Downfall Carpenter] gain a 5% Critical Success Rate to their Recipes per Skill Point
- Taken: 1/3
- Benefit: +5% Critical Success Rate to Novice-tier Recipes.
The ‘Craft Anywhere’ System:
- Divine Artisans do not need crafting stations to work, merely the appropriate space. Crafting Recipes are treated like Spells, and take up Spell Slots per Day, but only up to Tier 5 Magic.
- Taken: Class Skill
- Benefit: Divine Artisans can function as Spellcasters by crafting items to cast Spells in a more limited number, but not requiring MP to function.
Blessed Crafting:
- Divine Artisans can bless their crafts, and gain 10% Critical Success per Skill Point.
- Taken: 1/2
- Benefit: +10% Critical Success Rate to Crafted Recipe.
Divine Assurance:
- Pools all related Critical Success Rates into one for a single craft, and multiples the outcome to equal 100% or better. This skill cannot be used repeatedly, and has a cooldown equal to the number of times the pooled Critical Success Rate has to be multiplied, before it can be used again.
- Taken: 1/2
- Benefit: Multiple Critical Success Rate to equal 100%. Has a variable cooldown.
Recombinant Crafting:
- Replicant opens the pathway and bridges the gaps between science and magic, allowing them to break the limitations, prior set, and access Tier Magic equal to their Spellcaster Level by considering their Crafting Job Levels as Spellcaster Levels.
- Taken: Class SKill
- Benefit: Can access up to Tier 10 Magic, if able.
Refute Schematic:
- Remake spellcraft through sciences, and cast spells that no spellcaster could.
- Taken: 1/1
- Benefit: Replicant do not need to follow specific rules, allowing them to adjust a spell’s Effect, Damage, or Targeting at the cost of it raising up one Tier per “adjustment”. As such, this can effect Tier 7 Magic at its maximum.