Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krieg Solvo sat the succubus to the ground, "You safe now."
His senses heightened as heard the sounds of heavy breathing fading away.
"Trying to escape are we?, not on my watch."
The Minotaur charged thru the mud, slinging it this way and that way, as he sped off in pursuit of the fleeing dwarf.
"Coward, come back and face me!" Yelled Krieg, and to his surprise the dwarf spun around and faced off with Krieg.
Unfortunately for the dwarf, Krieg was not a fair fighter, nor cared to give this dwarf a chance to fight back.
The Minotaur ducked his head down, and gored the dwarf, decapitating him!
As the dwarves warm blood spilled down Krieg Solvo's face, the great horned beast let out a Victory roar that echoed throughout the valley.
"For you father, these souls I give."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Darc Matter

3 / 6 Stress || 0 / 9 Wicked XP || 0 / 3 Reckless XP || 0 / 2 Dark Hearts

After pulling the Dwarf to the ground, he grabbed onto Darc's black tendril and took out a small hammer. Darc just laughed at him. He dragged the dwarf away from his allies, climbing up the cliff as the dwarf feebly tried to fight back. "You don't even know. You damned mortals with your sense of entitlement from your perceived intelligence and wisdom. Thousands of years you may live, experiencing what life has to offer, and you still have the gall to think that somehow you are greater than others, greater than me! What has your hundreds of years meant, that I who have only been enlighten for months, will be able to defeat you in both mind and body!?" Darc ranted and raved at the dwarf as the two were a good thirty feet above the cave entrance. Darc dangled the dwarf by his foot. He could easily kill him by just dropping him on his head. But Darc wouldn't let it end so easily.

"Remember me dwarf! Remember this form, this fate! When you see your ancestors in hell, let them know that more is coming. I've no doubt your kind will hate me forever as long as I live, and I will remind them why every time your kin is devoured by my fangs, torn apart by my claws, and left screaming because of what I will do to them! This is my legacy and my legend will begin here, and your corpse will be the first step!" In a final act of defiance, the dwarf threw his hammer right at Darc's mask, splitting it in half. This stunned him for barely a moment. Darc was more furious that this dwarf probably wasn't actually all that intimated by him. Perhaps it was because he was brave. Or more likely, drunk. And so Darc wrapped his tentacle around the dwarf's neck before leaping off the ciff. His body wrapped around the small bearded man like a net, putting the both of them into a spiral decent until the body hit the ground, head first, snapping it's neck in three place. Darc used the body to cushion his fall harmlessly.

After killing the dwarf Darc was not finish with his reign of terror. There were still a few more mortals out there. Krieg ran off into the forest to chase the other dwarf, which meant the only other mortal that Darc vaguely remembers is the dark skin woman. He was certain she was being dealt with by either Baganaria or Phardax, but Darc wasn't going to leave it to chance. But he also wasn't going to simply crawl up as is. No, he needed everyone to know just how Darc operates. "This will have to do." Releasing the dead dwarf, Darc opened the dwarf's mouth and forced his body inside. It was a tight fit, but Darc made space by consuming the dwarf from the inside out. He ate the flesh off the bones, grounded the bones into dust, and even the organs were consumed and added to Darc's mass until there was nothing left by skin and hair. And then Darc wore the dwarf's skin like a suit, his body awkwardly moving towards the final surviving mortal and Phardax. He wants the woman to see what had happened to the dwarf, and he wants the others to see what Darc did to the dwarf, so that they would all see what exactly Darc is capable of. And hopefully the sheer horror of it would give his allies time to deal with the woman until he's close enough to do it himself.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago



The first raid went down flawlessly. You even took a prisoner, gibbering mess as she is, and slaughtered all who were travelling with her. It was good to get in out of the rain and cold, and while the room was small and caved in it would make a satisfactory start to a dungeon. You partook of the spoils of your victory, your belly full for the first time in a long while.

When the rain finally stopped the next day, the loot from the wagon was brought up the cliff path to the room you had claimed. In proper Dungeon fashion, you decide to search through it's contents once you had a proper sanctum to store the start of your hoard. It would be unfortunate for your first loot to get damaged in the construction work to come.

One thing does catch your eye among all the crates and gear however - a repeating symbol, the crest of the lightfolk you killed. It means nothing to you, but perhaps you can use it to your advantage to kepe the heat off your back for a little while longer...


There is much, much work to be done, hauling stone and clearing pathways, burying deep into the earth where you will be safe from prying eyes. You set to work clearing out the buried corridor, only to hear scrambling sounds at the entrance to your hideaway.

Whipping around, you see something you weren't expecting - Dungeon Imps! Slime imps, succubus imps, minotaur imps, kobold imps... tiny creatures, unfit for combat, quick to die in the wild. They look to you quaking in fear, but there is a pitiful hope in their eyes that begs for your protection. You know how this works of course - you have lived in a Dungeon before - these workers will do the busy work around the dungeon, keeping everything ticking over, doing all the simple tasks they are capable of finishing.

As you take note of them, one stumbles forward, taking some rubble and hauling it away for you. It seems they wish to put themselves in your service. How do you respond?

README: First Raid Complete! A Dungeon Underway

Your first Imps have arrived. They are Cowardly and Clever. They are a mix of creatures, representing all the Dungeon Lords, as @VeyrinDay suggested. I assumed Phardax might just like the Succubus imps but let me know @POOHEAD189 if you want an imp race too.

Bear in mind these creatures cannot partake in combat. They would even make terrible cannon fodder.

We've begun to build our Dungeon OOC. IC you can montage this as you like, expand on how your character prepares the rooms they've built, chat with the other characters or interacts with the imps/the prisoner/surrounding area. Bear in mind torturing the prisoner for information will be a downtime project after the next GM post, as is revelry (drinking, worship, enjoying the prisoner's company, that will all come under the next GM post)

The next GM Post will begin Loot Rolls, Stress Recovery, and enter Lurking: Downtime for recruiting minions and starting projects.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


2/6 Stress || 0/9 Wicked XP || 0/3 Reckless XP || 2/2 Dark Hearts

Rummaging through the wagon and tittering to himself with glee the horned kobold managed to scrounge some coin from the various crates, while deciding against deceiving his cohorts Zaz'ak concluded he wouldn't tell them about the gold he found while going through the contents within the cover of the wagon.

* * *

Krieg assisted in getting the contents of the wagon to the dungeon entryway although there were noticeably less goods than he counted before much to the tiny reptilians chagrin. "Gah," the kobold yelped as the cloven-hoofed beast dropped the cargo onto the floor "Look what you did! This was supposed to be food for all of us Krieg," hissing the kobold began scrambling around checking the crates "Krieg why is there food missing?" Zaz'ak narrowed his beady little eyes at the sack slung over the minotaur's shoulder.

"Payment!?" he barked loudly, he was furious at Krieg for thinking he could take whatever he fancied "This entire wagon is for all of us not just you," Zaz'ak was fuming so the others would hear what was transpiring so he could have his other companions to back him up "You'll drop that sack and you'll get as much as everyone else does once we split it. Understand?" his tone was anything but menacing, but Zaz'ak was not amused and he was sure the others wouldn't find this amusing either.

* * *

Apparently though the others cared very little about his plight much to his chagrin, but he couldn't afford to make enemies of them as the odds would not play in the kobolds favor. Zaz'ak slunk away in defeat, however he found himself nearly tripping over imps of different shapes and sizes. Visibly annoyed the kobold barked at the imps scattering a few who got spooked, but after he took a moment to calm himself then he began to gather several reptilians milling about while taking them in tow as he awaited the rest of the imps to finish forming the idiot Krieg's maze.

* * *
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Krieg was a little upset when Zaz'ak had approached him and asked if he would carry a load of cargo back to the dungeon.
"You wanna hook me up to a cart to?"
The Minotaur kicked the boxes around after the kobold had left, and began to rummage thru them.
He took a sack, and filled it with some food, and anything else that might be handy.
"Stupid kobold, did he not think I would take for myself?"
After gathering what he wanted for himself, Krieg his his new wealth in the maze, before going back and getting the rest of the cargo.
He delivered the junk to Zaz'ak abode, and dropped the contents in the middle of the floor.
Krieg slapped his hands together, "Here's your junk , Kobold."
"Payment for carrying your cargo. " answered Krieg as he lifted the large sack for a better grip.
"Nice doing business with you Zaz'ak."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Phardax the Ebon

0 / 6 Stress || 0 / 9 Wicked XP || 0 / 3 Reckless XP || 1 / 2 Dark Hearts

Phardax was not amused.

He had chosen the Goblins as his slaves because they could see the in the dark spaces of the world, and he knew as any dark elf would that they were loyal when cowed. He kept his flame whip on him every moment he could, and though they were digging well, they hadn't the tools to truly work as he had hoped. Perhaps further in they could find more resources, but as it were they simply had some abandoned picks and shovels left behind from a precursor who had long since fled the cave.

Admittedly, Phardax wished for pleasant company. The prisoner would do nicely, of course. But he trusted no one else with this little project. He smirked when one of the goblins dropped a small amount of ore, having made them create a pile upon the left as he watched from a perched position when he wasn't striding amongst them.

"Keep moving fool, lest I end you with hellfire!" He snapped, and he cackled when the goblin scrambled up, picked up the load he had dropped and sprinted like he had a dragon on his heels. As he watched, he noticed that Goblin was an outlier. Most had performed well, so far.

Perhaps these Goblins were making good time compared to what he had initially thought. He raised a manicured hand and two Goblins leaped over to their dark overlord. He ordered they fetch the prisoner, and to bring back some food and drink. He had filled himself from the spoils of the previous day, but he still felt a bit peckish.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Darc Matter

3 / 6 Stress || 0 / 9 Wicked XP || 0 / 3 Reckless XP || 0 / 2 Dark Hearts

And so the battle was won. There wasn't much fanfare, not like the clouds parted ways to shine a light upon their victory. That was something that happens to heroic adventurers after purging the forces of darkness. For those like Darc, it was appropriate that their victory was somber and anticlimactic. There was only one survivor that Phardax has captured, probably to do unspeakable drow things with. Darc never had much a taste for torture despite his tendency to spew vitriol at his enemies. He simply lacked the charisma to make his insults and barbs do any meaningful harm to others and mostly to serve his own hubris. So Darc ignored the woman, and instead gouged himself on the fresh meat that laid blood-soaked on the ground. Plenty of delicious biomass to add to his own, enough to notably increase his own size.

The others gathered after the battle. Seemed like the kobold stumbled upon the mortal's wagon, and with it a variable amount of treasure. Supplies and equipment that they'd otherwise have no means to obtain. Darc knew the value of these things: his claws were meant to rend flesh from bones, not dig up stone from dirt. Despite what his creator had intended for him. The crew divvied up their loot and went about figuring out what to do with this newfound dungeon of theirs. There was much work that would need to be done, rocks to clear, rooms to be made. Darc has no intentions of doing such menial work himself. He didn't come all this way just to grub in the dirt like some common slave.

Fortunately there were some minions nearby to subjugate. A large variety of mooks to fill a menage, but the one that interested Darc the most was the slimes that crept out from the cracks of the walls and floor, sometimes mindlessly harming a minion. Lesser Slimes as Darc has come to known them as; barely qualifying as living creatures any more than a single germ would be (things so insignificant that most educated people don't even know what a germ is). Ordinarily they would need to be eliminated less they eat at the weaker minions, but Darc knew a trick to make them more useful. And that was by eating them. Or rather, assimilating their biomass into his own. It was natural for slimes to be able to do this, as this was how slimes would normally breed if they individually lacked (Or in Darc's case, had no desire) the excess mass to create their own copies. By assimilating the biomass of an existing slime, Darc is able to share some of his own intelligence and traits to them, which made them slightly more useful servants.

Emphasis on slightly. They were still about as mindless as before but now they could follow Darc's orders with a varying level of competency, thanks to sharing his intelligence with them. They would basically understand how to do certain works as Darc understood them, such as digging holes, eating waste, and waiting until someone gave them more orders to do. They'd also learn not to eat things that Darc doesn't give them permission to eat, such as the other minions. They also share his black coloration, even though originally these slimes came in a multitude of colors. It was something like a uniform. Darc even made them little bone masks to symbolize that they work for him, though these masks only had two holes in them so they're less than his three. Once the minions were settled Darc had them go clear out the caves so the rest would have more space to work with and even their own sanctum to live in.

Time would pass after the monsters defeated those mortals and settled into their new dungeon. When the minions discovered an old dwarven mineshaft, Darc decided to oversee some of the work himself. That is to say, he stood around yelling at the minions to work faster. Though there was one thing that did require his attention. The minions had discovered something moving in the mines and were afraid to confront it, and suspecting it might be some monster that was sealed away here, Darc went to investigate. Of course he would be disappointing where it turns out the monster was an ancient dwarven corpse, currently being puppeteer by an equally ancient but lesser slime. Darc easily absorbed it into his mass.

While he was in the process of overwriting the slime Darc found something interesting in the corpse's possession. Pretty much everything on the dwarf's person was reduced to ash and bones, except a single small pickaxe. It was still in great condition, albeit tarnished, but nothing that Darc couldn't clean. Initially he was going to write it off as simply another tool to give to the minions when he casually swung it at a nearby wall. Despite being so tiny and barely putting any effort into it, the pick was able to clear away a large section of stone and dirt. "Oho. A magic pickaxe. I could certainly use this." Tossing the pickaxe into the air, Darc caught it inside of his mass and began to clean it for his own use. He could imagine the possibilities of this pickaxe.

Not long after obtaining his pickaxe, which Darc has come to call the Earthbreaker, he decided to do a bit of light scouting. He was getting bored basically doing nothing in the dungeon so Darc decided to investigate the local area. But in a twist of fate, it was him who was scouted first. Darc was climbing a tall tree when he sensed a creature near him. A creature exerting an incredible amount of pressure, almost as is his mind itself was being weighed down by thousands of pounds. It was enough to force Darc back to the ground and try to find a hiding spot when he was discovered. But to his surprise it was not some monster hunter radiating an aura of righteousness. But a familiar face. For the given value of face at least.


"Darc... It has been some time."

Standing before him was a humanoid abomination. She looked like a voluptuous woman, wearing maidly attire that emphasized her bust and thighs. For mortals she would be considered very sexually attractive. But shortly after showing her human form, her true form was revealed. Her face was absorbed into many pores going from her head to her shoulders, removing her eyes, nose, mouth, and even ears. Only her hair remained. Mouths opened up in different places around her body except her head, revealing sharp teeth with twisting tongue-like tendrils that wrapped around her fingers like a playful snake. And from her lower body where a woman's orifices would be, large black tentacles adorn with many blinking eyes appeared, moist with a mysterious slime as they stared at Darc.

"You look well. Very well in fact. I haven't felt that sort of pressure since our youth, when we were visited by the Demon Lord."

"Thank you for your kind words. I have been blessed with much power since I joined Master Rais. I've heard news of your lord. You have my sympathies."

"I respect you Cthylla, but I would ask you not to patronize me. I have no love for my former lord and his death proved he was unworthy to lead any of us."

Cthylla bowed her head slightly. "I meant no disrespect of course. And I can tell that despite his death, you have prospered. I take it that the dungeon high in the mountains near Camp Cragrock belongs to you, yes?"

Darc shifted uncomfortably. He felt a sudden surge in pressure from Cthylla. She wasn't in the mood for evasiveness from Darc, so he spoke honestly. "Of a sort. I don't rule it alone. There were other survivors from my previous lord, and we've decided to collectively become dungeon lords. We're still working on it."

Cthylla put a tentacle to her chin in contemplation. She and Darc spoke for a while longer, about his future, her past, and what they should be doing presently. She told Darc about how she managed to obtain such great power in a (relatively) short amount of time, about how she leads her own forces of darkness in a dungeon located at the Cradled Abyss. Darc mentioned how he wished he could've obtained power like her, and Cthylla encouraged him to pursue it. Compared to her, Darc was one of the more advanced slimes. She was simply fortunate enough to have had a better master who could grant her this power, as oppose to Darc's previous lord who merely used him for menial work. She recommended that he keep in touch with her: it would benefit her master if Darc were to grow stronger and spread his influence around this area. Darc didn't question why, knowing that her master was a Dark Lord and tend to have these sort of enigmatic plans for everyone.

"As for the now... Seek out the Feast of Birds. No matter how advance we become, at our very essence our strength lies in the consumption of biomass. The Feast of Birds could prove a valuable ally. Embrace your nature, so you can master it. Control it. Just as I have."

The two parted ways. It gave Darc a lot to think about. He found it strange that despite having power that likely surpassed the old lord, Cthylla still continued to act so humble, so servile. She never spoke as if she had her own aspirations and merely served her master. Darc knew that even if he could convince the others to do so, Cythlla was more than powerful enough to destroy him, and his allies together. So it boggled his mind how she became so strong. And it was all the more reason he needed to mull upon her words and figure out what he truly needs to do to become stronger. Ordinarily he thought to be cunning and clever, like a mortal. Perhaps he could learn the mortal tongue, learn a mortal trade, and use words as his weapon and earn alliances that way. But as Cythlla said if he desired true mastery of self he needed to embrace his nature as a beast. And it was certainly tempting. So often he hesitated trying to think of a smart idea as oppose to just acting on his instincts to the point it's dulled. And when the going gets rough, he ought to just rely on what he knows he can do well, rather than try to do something different.

Though empty handed Darc returns to the dungeon with more knowledge, arguably better than any prey or fortune he could've gotten anywhere else. He quietly retires to the sanctum to consider his next course of action. "I should learn more about the Feast of Birds. Perhaps even contact Cythlla for minions. I could expand the mines too, gather up useful materials to create better equipment for future raids. Or gifts for potential allies. I shouldn't be idle, follow my gut. Not like the others in this place are using their heads for anything anyways." Darc snark as he got himself comfortable in his hole. Tomorrow he'll begin setting his plans into motion. Perhaps he'll consult with the others to make his plans go more smoothly. Surely they could see the wisdom of his actions as long as he had the patience to explain it to them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 6 days ago

Reserved Spot for Baganaria's IC

To be expanded:

- Baganaria feels it's time to build a colony, she looks for a safe space to spin a cocoon and lay eggs for her succubus workers safely

- An incubus from a nearby faction is attracted to the growing dark aura from Baganaria's cocoon and seeks an audience with the succubus

- Baganaria and her spawns visits the dungeon. She feels the need to facilitate a room for her own special breeds. Baganaria will consume the Gold and convert it in her body to finally spawn her Minions.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 1 day ago



The months stretch by leisurely as you watch the halls form around you, satisfied with the direction you enforce upon the imps. Tunnels become chambers, chambers become furnished - sparsely - by what spoils you can rustle up, most of which provided by Zaz'ak's discovery of the wagon all that time ago. Krieg's maze stretches into the darkness, threatening to tear future invaders from their comrades. Darc's slime imps wander around the hallways, scooping up loose stones and slowly dissolving them so as to leave no trace on the world outside. Baganaria mysterious cocoons still linger in the silent minion room. As construction draws to a close - for now - you finally have a moment to take stock and relax. Phardax even manages to keep his prisoner alive in his quarters all this time.

You relax in your newly built Sanctum, staring at the meagre hoard you have claimed with satisfaction. It would be a shame for it to go to waste, and it has been a long time since you let loose. There will be plenty more treasures and splendour in your future, as newly minted Dungeon Lords, so why not live a little? Building your hoard will take time, but a freshly built Dungeon is something to celebrate.

You splurge as Krieg claims a great valuable item from the hoard with a mighty roar and the revelries of the night begin! Hard work can wait till the morning, you have so many schemes and plots to put into action, mad creations to build and challenges to overcome.

README: First Lurking Phase Begins!

All stress is cleared - reset your stress to 0.

Please narrate your loot rolls as part of your post if you haven't done already, whether that's Revelry or discovering a new item in the hoard:
@Kenshi - Success. Draws a Valuable Item: Bloodstone, let me know if you decided on something else.
@VeyrinDay - Mixed Success, Gain 1 Gold or spend it on Revelry instead
@Dark Cloud - Mixed Success Gain 1 Gold or spend it on Revelry instead
@POOHEAD189 - Failure - You enjoy some revelry, gain a dark heart. If you already have 2 Dark Hearts, you instead overdo it!

And with that, we are entering the Lurking phase, which means you can start working on your first Downtime Project! You can do things like build traps/rooms, craft potions, work on rituals or break a prisoner's spirit for information. Check the OOC for a full list of options and let me know there what you choose.

@VeyrinDay I know you and @Dark Cloud were talking about recruiting minions, you can do that now! You can contact your Vile Friend or even stumble across a roving band of minions, just remember you must pay 1 gold to enlist them under your banner.
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