Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Haha
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Haha b E a N

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tati’yana watched carefully as the rest of her group sprung to action against the blighted creatures. It was a confusing sight for the Yanaski woman, her bright golden eyes watched as the corrupted flora lasher onwards - breaking through the living plantlife and eventually making contact with her tree. She leapt from the branch back to the ground, toes sinking into the soil and tensing her body as a stance was made. As the lizardman, Hawks, called forth some mysterious force that lit the darkened forest and the dwarf charged in defense with his molten axe, Tati just stared for a good while as the scene fully sunk in.

“Forest! Don’t pushover be! Help - help!”

Tati’yana reached to her back with a right hand, gripping her claws around the gnarlroot staff that loosely hung at her back and swinging its head down hard onto the soil. Ten or so uncorrupted roots reached up and out of the soil, lunging out towards the creatures near the dwarf and lizardman. The Yanaski then spun on her feet, soil whipping away fro beneath her as she turned towards some other Blightcrawlers that approached and swung out ferociously with the oaken appendage.

It wasn’t long after they suddenly a surge of mana would be felt within the area, the spirits around them would feed on this power. Strangely enough, this enhancement allowed Tati’yana to briefly sense the spirit or whatever you could describe the source of this blight was. It made the reptilian girl’s skin crawl as the connection was made, breaking Tati’s focus and nearly knocking her to the floor. In a panic she rolled over and positioned herself on all fours, toes and fingertips flattened out - suddenly the scales on her body twinkled with translucent viridian mana. Her form would slowly fade from sight as aspects of the environment blended into her figure, camouflaging Tati’yana under a shroud of illusory magic.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Epsir
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Aelrod's Mansion,
@Guilty Spark@Moonshadow@OwO@Psyker Landshark

She could only clasp her hands together, wringing them behind her back as she turned Aelrod and Orga's answers over in her mind. It was unfortunate that the handful of competing textile merchants had been too optimistic a candidate for an antagonist. No, instead they had a component of Arskel's ruling class who were inviting factional conflict with the region's largest guild. Vera's eyes slid open, panning around the room. It had to be a joke. Oh, your guard was kidnapped by the henchmen of someone on the city council? Sorry, his life is currency spent in the political game and the guild values your continued investments so lightly against the enemies you've made that they sent us to make you feel safe.

Well, they were currency too. The object wasn't justice but satisfaction. Sure, just like the enemy had kidnapped a guard instead of killing Aelrod dead, they would go out and bag some fall guys on the other side, even hand them to the Watch and smile. She'd done her fair share of that. There was a tension to being evaluated that could not be dispelled but at least that was familiar. Before Vera could concoct something professional sounding to say, it turned out the real professional had something to say. Vera was happy to yield the floor to the knight, and with it the whole process of questioning. At least for the moment.

"Thank you kindly, Mister Aelrod, Mister Orga. I believe while the men are being gathered I shall go and have a look at the west garden, then." Bowing her gratitude as well as stating it, Vera then turned. A few uneven strides across the floor, a glance down at the paper dog slowly sliding out through the same door, and she was off to find her way to the scene of the crime.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A guard fell into step behind Vera as she left the study, accompanying her through the halls of the manor. It was a longer building than it was wide, but its layout was intuitive, and after a short walk passing several other guards she found the exit to its west side where another carefully cultivated garden spread out before her. As she moved into the garden to look for clues, the guard who was accompanying her stumbled and then slumped to the ground, unconscious or dead.

"You know, you really shouldn't wander off on your own," the feminine voice came from a figure standing behind her, over six feet tall and obscured by a featureless white mask and a violet cloak that was spread over broad shoulders. "Silence." Magic, the sounds from the street, the birds in the air, everything more than a few feet away became muted and quiet.

The paper dog slowly slid through the doorway and continued into the wall, dragging along the edge of the wall vaguely in the direction Vera had gone. Orga's attention followed it, then returned to Mathias, his expression inscrutable.

"Well, as for the guards who were on watch, I'll have them summoned now," he turned to the guard that had escorted the initiates into the study. "Fetch Leun and-" Sparks erupted from the mage's visor, and he collapsed against the table before sliding to the floor. Kiska sprung to Orga's side, her expression shocked. The guards in the room, encircled Astor, raising shields.

"Oh no, oh no, this isn't part of the plan," the gnome lifted her mace. "Angel of Dreams, whose knowledge is of ages passed, cloak us in your guidance so that we will not succumb to harm," everyone who stood in the room felt a graceful presence as the spell washed over them.

"Kiska, what happened?" Astor, for the first time since his introduction, had a note of unease in his voice. As if he hadn't been worried until now.

"I don't know, he's still breathing, something's not right," she shook her head, a glowing hand pressed to Orga's head. "This was just supposed to be a test!"

As the four took their positions around the room that Qantz-Farron's senses had uncovered, Sera made the first move. A million things could have gone wrong slipping through a door into the unknown, but of course she was no stranger to stealth and had likely eliminated many of those possibilities before taking the plunge. On the other side of the door there was a cluttered room, a shelf of food and jugs of what smelled like cheap liquor, on the right a small table covered in dirty wooden plates and mugs. The room was divided by a ragged curtain, and the light of a candle shone through the doorway cut into its surface.

Through that door, one man sat at a table with his back facing Sera and another stood beside him, one foot on a stool as he leaned over the table. They were both some variety of elvish, the seated one wore patchwork leather and had a mace at his side, while the one standing had long knives belted at his side. Knives was in the middle of speaking.

"-split up and hit the streets, he'll have the new instructions for tonight."

"Aye, but what kinda shit is this? You take it?" Mace replied.

"No, I ain't stupid. They're still tweaking the mix down there, when beggars stop dying I might give it a shot."

The alley outside the building was shared by several other shoddy structures, most of which opened onto the larger adjacent streets. The floor around those who remained outside the building was strewn with garbage and debris, and a crunch of glass underfoot from deeper within the alley caught their attention. About forty feet from them, three figures were stepping from another structure. The first was a half-orc shrouded in a heavy cloak, and the other two were goblins a few steps behind him. His expression upon seeing the three initiates at the mouth of the alley was shock and anger as he reached into his cloak for a weapon.

For all their numbers, the lesser creatures were proving no match to the skills of the initiates. The radiant nature of Hawks' magic was anathema to the creatures, which fell back before the wave of luminous energy that swept over the downed Khol. As Hawks prepared his healing magic, other blights surged forward to fill the space he'd created. As they lashed out at the dragonborn, bolts of fire took them in the chest and the charging Koth followed, drawing their attention.

From what Koth could see, looking at the larger blight, it had nothing that resembled a face or a core. Its legs were thick, but removing one might impede its mobility? Its lashing arms consisted of only four primary branches that were connected to the trunk but spread out into dozens of sharp appendages. Otherwise, fire would always work.

The healing magic washed through Khol's body, easing the trauma of his wounds and awakening his own powers. As the beast within manifested itself, the power of the other casters seemed to rise. They had all crossed the paths of leylines before, and were no stranger to the sensation. For experienced mages, moving towards and away from leylines felt like being on the beach and wading through the water. They had just gone from ankle deep to knee high.

The roots that the yanaski woman had just animated reacted to Khol's magic as well. As she faded from view, the roots that had been wrapping around the blights to hold them in place squeezed, crushing them beyond recovery. Then, with an increased speed, whipped and lashed into the blights, severing wooden limbs. Just as the yanaski woman recoiled from contact with the blight, so did it recoil from the spirits she had given voice to.

It seemed in an instant the tide had turned in their favor. Between Khol's spectral wolf and Koth's burning magic, the lesser blights were being carved away, and the vines were curling through the ground creating a safe barrier behind which Hawks could support his allies. The number of lesser blights was thinning, but there was still one threat before them.

The tree-blight seemed hesitant in the face of the initiates varied magics. Its appendages creaked and groaned as it lowered them towards the forest floor, almost as if it was wilting, but that illusion didn't last. It's needle like branches stabbed into the lesser blights scattered around its feet. The blights it skewered withered before the initiates eyes, becoming ashen husks, and a sickly green energy coursed through its body. New branches began to grow, its bark hardened and grew thicker. As it lifted its branches once again, husks hanging like like fruit, it whipped the corpses of the lesser blights like stones towards the three it could sense, the spectral wolf, the dwarf and the dragonborn.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 16 min ago

Qantz-Farron was content with waiting and watching as Sera slipped into the building. If she was as professional as she professed herself to be, she should be able to manage risk well enough. And if she wasn’t? Then his concerns were unfounded. So he remained content with keeping his mouth shut and his ears alert, listening for any signs of violent conflict within the building.

Finn, however, was not.

The man’s gaze met the Adept’s, inscrutable for an instant. It was Vela, however, who spoke up first. Qantz-Farron let out a small chuckle, turning the palm of his free hand up in her direction. “Well well, Lady Vela, who can say for certain? The Age of Dreams has distorted the definitions of ‘normal’ and ‘special’, after all, and I had mentioned that the unique nature of this drug enabled one to find more of its kind. Considering the rarity of purebloods, however, it's safer to assume that those who appear human rarely are, no?”

The crunching of glass drew his attention though, as he turned with deliberation towards the trio of individuals further down the alleyway. A different building, but perhaps one that was related to the one Sera had entered. Qantz-Farron drew in a breath, feeling for the influence of the leyline that slashed across Arskel, drinking deep of the ichor. And yet, he did not move from where he was.

“I’ve demonstrated my talents, and Sera’s demonstrating her own. Lady Vela, shall we leave this to you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hawks pulled his hand back quickly as the spectral wolf burst from the giant's chest. He didn't know if that was a reaction caused by his magic or something else, but it was certainly not something he'd been expecting. Admittedly he hadn't had all that many chances to utilize his healing on other people. He felt a sense of relief as the silver flames didn't harm them and the spirit charged towards the blight. It was certainly an intimidating sight to see. Hopefully this was something Khol was alright with them seeing.

He pushed back to his feet, tensing at the eruption of the tree roots before realizing that they must've been called forth by the druid as they swung through other blighted creatures, seemingly empowered by the silver fire. He made sure to keep a careful eye on the location of each member of the team in case one of them fell or got blindsided by one of these creatures. Well that makes keeping watch more difficult. The thought crossed his mind as Tati'yana vanished from sight. Hopefully that would keep her from being targeted at least.

The hesitance of the large, tree-like blight did not go unnoticed by Hawks as it shuddered to a stop. Claws tightened around his staff and gold eyes narrowed as it stabbed down at the remaining smaller creatures. There wasn't any doubt that sacrificing the lesser blights strengthened the tree, but now they could at least focus on one large one rather than getting overwhelmed. Just had to stay focused on the fight.

Narrowed eyes went wide as the tree twisted to sling the withered husks at them. He dove to the side, away from Khol's body, into a roll and came up in a crouch. Not quite quick enough to avoid all of the pieces of the withered husks as they impacted and shattered across the dirt. He winced as he reached up to pull a thick shard out of his shoulder where it had managed to pierce through his armor. Dammit. Thankfully the sanctuary he threw up at the beginning of the fight seemed to have taken the brunt of the impact; didn't mean it didn't hurt but he didn't have time to worry about himself at the moment.

"Everyone alright?" he called out to the rest of the team. He kept his eyes trained on the tree. "Koth, you got any bigger fire type magic? Something you could take out one of it's legs with maybe." If they could keep it from moving, and at best send it to the ground, there was a good chance they'd take this thing out before Logrim got back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kothrias Hemlenfell

As the leyline of magic opened and the fighting lulled in it's wake the dwarf took a moment to check his surroundings. Kothrias stepped forward with his axe tightly held but the moment he was touched by the æther that flowed outward from the appearance of the apparition over Khol's unconscious body causing Hawks to stumble backwards in surprise, yet the dwarf paid little mind to anything as he became distracted by the sudden feeling he couldn't quite place.

Suddenly though the dwarf found himself nearly struck by the husk of a smaller blight as the larger one pelted the dead at him and the dragonborn, however Kothrias wasn't as agile when it came to dodging so as he dived out of the way his left leg caught the end of the oncoming blight husk. It was fortunate that it hit him as it bounced off the ground yet still painful as it made the dwarf to sprain his ankle.

Kothrias pushed through the pain as he scrambled up and rolled out of another projective, he swore like a dockyard laborer as he stood and shook his axe at the blight before turning as Hawks shouted to him "Oh I'll do better then feck'n burn that tree," he said with a vicious grin as he reached for the æther yet again albeit on purpose this time around and let the flow enter his body freely "I'll turn that shiteater into kindling!" roaring the dwarf's appearance suddenly changed as his eyes glowed like a burning flame and his axe became wreathed in fire that echoed the cry of it's wielder with the rumble of fire.

As he rushed the gigantic blight his sprained ankle's pain became minuscule with the mix of both magic and adrenaline that flowed throughout his body, Kothrias launched himself at the cursed tree loosing a battle cry before he collided against its trunk while burying his axe into it's legs causing flames to erupt beneath it.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Aerandir@ERode@Guilty Spark@Asuras

What a pleasant little hovel.

She noted two men. Both Elvish. Both with their backs to her. Good, then. Lucky she was able to slip in without being scene. She was confident she could handle both, but this would make things simple. Better yet, they were talking. Amazing how much peoples lips moved when they thought they were alone. How much information one could gather by simply listening...so Sera listened.

Moving quickly out of immediate sight, she positioned herself just around the corner of the door. Still low, as she listened to the two men talking. As she listened, she drew two blades. Smaller ones. Not particularly useful in direct combat, but perfect for dealing with unsuspecting people quietly. A cold breath, as her hand ran along the edge of the blade. A coating of frost slowly covered it. She repeated it with the second, though this one simply had its edge coated in frost, small flakes falling from its blade. The process took in all, just a few seconds. A few seconds of listening and preparing. Regardless of if they had revealed anything useful in that time, Sera would strike.

First, the one sitting. She approached. Quietly. The Rime-kissed blade aimed for the flesh of his neck, tearing a deep gash, the Rimewind venom hopefully doing enough to keep him from retaliating as he bled out.

In the next instant, she swiftly took the one bitten by frost and aimed for the first non-lethal weakpoint on his armor she saw. Weaken, and interrogate. If all else failed...she'd simply find some useful information laying about here. If nothing else, she'd have two fresh offerings.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 6 days ago

Unfortunate that the guttersnipes were so quick to accuse the party of wrong-doing, but... They were sharp-witted in the end, and right to reach for their weapons. Vela let slip a wide smile as she stepped with a clack of her heels further into the alley, standing between the half-orcs posse and her own.

"You'll have me guessing for a bit then, won't you?" she chuckled back at Qantz. Facing the approaching back-alley brutes, she lifted a hand, as if beckoning something at her feet to rise. Barely perceptible, a thin sheet of glistening crystal cracked up her body. Against her white skin, it was difficult to tell the magic from her own body. With the very same hand, she extending a downward-facing hand towards the half-orc and the goblins.

"Lest I place us all in a compromising position, I'm afraid I'll have to assume that these fellows are in on the operation, and not merely mistaken. Unfortunate for them if I'm wrong or right," she said. With a flick of her hand, several finger-sized shards of ice materialized at her sides. The bluish-white vapor crystallized from thin air, coalescing into four mirror-surfaced fletchettes hanging patiently, but with ill-intent sharply vibrating within. Another simple motion, and they zipped with a whistle across the darkened way, straight for the bodies of her regretful enemies. One to a man, except the half-orc, which had earned two.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Epsir
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Aelrod's Mansion, West Garden
@Guilty Spark@Moonshadow@OwO@Psyker Landshark

For a second Vera did not think much of the sudden stumble from the guard behind her. The out of place skip in the rhythm of her accomplice only alarmed her when she heard the rest of him toppling down to the garden path, equipment and all. She turned to see how the man had tripped, hand twitching as she got ready to offer it.

"Oh." Instead, she froze. Was returning to the scene of the crime really that tempting? That or... Aelrod did just say everyone in town wanted him gone. Vera's eyes wavered between the guardsman crumpled on the ground and his mysterious assailant, anxiously dancing around the masked figure's cloak for the first sign of movement. Their spell rippled by, a subtle pulse of the senses followed by an eerie quiet. The word spoken to conjure the magic told her all she needed to know about what it was doing. This masked mystery either didn't want to hear that she was not, in fact, alone or had very personal intentions for the two of them.

Vera bit down the cold and did what every impulse called on her to do. She shot forward, her posture sinking low as she closed up on the mage. Her mailed fists went up, ready for the bout. With one she steadied herself, reaching down and holding fast to the grip of her arming sword. The other soared up and up, back pitching, legs pushing into it as she aimed a vicious uppercut for the alabaster jawline on that mask.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Her ear briefly twitched as she took her eyes off of the paper dog. What was this inscrutable feeling of an interesting magic being cast? An explosion came from inside of the room. Not loud or noticeable enough to cause serious harm to those inside, other than the poor person it was focused on. She briefly yelled at the other Wayfarer's inside of the room.

"I'm going to make sure Vera and the guard are okay!"

She pulled out numerous books from her directory tome, all bound different and titled with something self-explanatory. The Book of Book Destruction, The Book of Increased Weights, Housekeeping for Mages, Transportation of Tomes, and Paper and Preservation. However, these weren't the original prints of said books. No, these were all duplicates of what she had once written. The purpose was simple; they were disposable copies. These books formed an atypical loadout for combat.

Placing her hand on a page within the Transportation of Tomes, the six books she now had levitated beside her. Finally, she picked up the paper dog. Rather than letting it follow on the ground, she used the much more inaccurate method of holding it in her palm and feeling where it wanted to pull her. If the dog was pulling itself along the path that Vera was going, then the author may have already met with Vera. Either that or she was going in the exact wrong direction.

Well, she was ready for a fight either way!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Oh, damn it all." Mathias murmured under his breath as he watched Orga outright collapse. The half-orc quickly slid his helmet back on and drew his warhammer and shield, taking up a defensive stance as he looked around the room for intruders. What the hell had happened? Magic? Poison? Considering everyone else in the room seemed to be unharmed, it eliminated several possibilities from the list.

Either way, the fact remained that there was an assassin active on the grounds. By any sane metric, it stood to reason that one attempt was all this killer would get this time, considering the guards were now on high alert. And considering their tracker had just run off...

Mathias turned his helmet's gaze in Petragar and Kiska's direction.

"Sheri was the one with the tracking spell, and we're more likely to get in the way of men that have already drilled together. Petragar, we should go after her. Handler Kiska, keep the client and his guards supported for now." He barked quickly and concisely, falling into old habits. That said, the disgraced knight tore off after Sheri in Vera's direction, his hammer and shield braced.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The wolf cleaved through the varied corpses with ease, almost looking pleased with itself as it carved its way through the blight's forces. With tooth and claw, it slashed and gnashed its way through the various undead that was in its way, leaving not but decaying flesh in its wake. The combined efforts of the party lead to the lesser blights being torn apart with ease. The only issue was the tree blight itself, who chucked various corpses at the party as a means to deter them.

The spectral wolf, taking advantage of its ethereal form, surged forth towards the corpse on its way. Using its ephemeral body as a way to block it from crushing its compatriots, the wolf sacrificed itself as it took the brunt of the tree blight's counterattack, its hardy body taking the blow directly. As it faded away, it glared at Khol once more, growling as if it expected its host to act once more.

I've distracted it already. Stand, weakling. Prove to your allies you're more than dead weight. Prove to them you're more than just fuel for the fire!

Almost instinctively, Khol's eyes fluttered open as his wolf spirit faded away. They almost seemed to burn with the same silver flame that came from the tattoo on his chest, filled with determination. It seemed that no matter what, a drive filled the man, one that wasn't truly displayed from his reticence earlier. Khol clutched his blade tightly as he went onto one knee, observing the situation before him closely. It seems the lesser blights were already taken care of, and only the tree blight was something his team needed to worry about. Grunting to himself, Khol leapt into action!

Once more, the spectral wolf appeared, although the damage it accumulated from the blight's last onslaught still remained apparent. Still, it served as a stepping stone for Khol, not needing to be manifested for more than a moment due to Koth's assistance. As Khol charged forward, he leapt up, using his spiritual wolf as a stepping stone as he raised his blade upward. The wolf dissipated, filling its required role, as Khol raised his blade high. Slashing his blade down, he aimed to bisect the blight from the head down, slashing through as much as he can.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Epsir @Psyker Landshark @OwO @Guilty Spark

As soon as the dark elf fell, Petragar begun looking about the room to try and catch any source of the magical mishap. Was it even a magical mishap or something else? She couldn't be certain of the source since what magic she was capable of all focus on stones and rocks and the elements of the earth beneath her feet. Frowning with concern as Kiska muttered about this being against a plan, her suspicions of the situation might have been accurate before this diversion. Perhaps the diversion was a part of it all, she considered briefly before her attention was torn by the commanding voice of the Orc.

Petragar darted after the Orc, glancing back over her shoulder at Kiska. Where they supposed to abandon their handler? It didn't seem to matter now, whatever the original plan for the group of initiates had been things were clearly not going to turn out how the Guild anticipated. Adaptability to changing situations, surely that was a trait the Wayfarer's could appreciate from their members. She shook her head, following as swiftly has her short legs could manage to keep up with the heavily armored orc. On the move she drew out her bladed fist weapons, gripping them tightly in anticipation of a fight.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Haha
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Haha b E a N

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Weaving through the chaos that ensued, Tati crept along under her shroud of illusory magic and the fire-orange movements in the darkness. Her obscured figure grew closer to the lizardman and slowly her form began to unveil from the camouflage magic. She was low to the ground on all fours, glowing golden hues within her eyes reflecting the embers created by the Dorf's might blow. Tati took a brief moment of respite within the small protected area surrounding Hawks before launching herself out towards a group of smaller blighted crawlers on the ground - her gnarlroot clutched in her right hand extended out a short distance before them.

"The spirits no like you!"
A vibrant glow of blues and purples emitted from the tip of staff Tati held. The wood seemed to curl inwards before opening up and launching what seemed to be a wooden spike out in their direction and planting itself deep into the earth. Her gnarlroot would then be drawn upwards to point to the sky and small blue translucent lights would begin to appear up from the grass below, nearly invisible due to the flames. They were drawn towards the spike and eventually the six or seven lights would reach the spike... Suddenly the spike began to grow roots that outstretched like splintering spider legs. Flecks of bark and small chunks of dirt flew outwards the wooden structure grew upwards, outwards, and deeper rooted into the ground. Branches would begin to appear from the top of the raising structure, green and purple leaves healthily blossoming as the tree grew - towering many others in the area. Just as it seemed to grow fully in size, the tree then explodes into a cloud of tiny wooden fractals and leaves raining down.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Vera charged forward, a hand emerged from the robe. Spindly fingers ending in black talons made an arcane gesture and a shadow-cloaked blade fired towards where the elf had just been standing, splitting the trunk of a sapling in two. It seemed her initiative had caught her opponent off guard, and in a flash she closed the distance. Her fist found its mark and shattered the mask, revealing the avian features of the harpy beneath. The harpy staggered in surprise, then with a beat of her wings leapt back several feet.

Faster than I thought, The voice was quiet, but came from all around her. But that's okay, you don't need to die just yet.

"Wait! You don't know what's out there!" Kiska called behind them, her concerned voice fading as the three initiates disappeared into the halls of the manor.

The magic of the paper dog gently tugged Sheri in the same direction Vera had gone. Guards that had been stationed in the hall gave little thought to the initiate as they rushed to Astor's study. As she rounded the corner the garden opened up before her, but the foliage was not dense enough to hide the object of her pursuit. She could see Vera, the harpy and the downed guard through the faint distortion of the silence spell that surrounded them. Curiously enough, the dog was drawing her to the guard rather than the cloaked figure.

Vera's assailant didn't seem to note her arrival, and as Mathias and Petra arrived in the garden behind her the harpy began to cast another spell. Spectral blades rose around her, two assuming defensive positions and the third launching towards Vera.

"By the time it's worked out, it'll be too expe-"

Blood spurted from the elf's neck, coating the table with a fresh red sheen. The second elf when for his blade, likely faster than Sera had given him credit for, but not fast enough as her blade sunk into his side beneath the breastplate. He staggered back, the frost sapping the strength from his limbs. In one hand he held a short sword with a shaky grip, the other was open, palm facing the ground where smoke began to gather.

The half-orc seemed unfazed. He drew a curved sabre from beneath his cloak and, in a single motion, shattered the frozen projectiles. To either side of him, the goblins were pierced by Vela's magic and collapsed. His eyes darted to the two beside Vela who had yet to move, and he reevaluated his odds.

"From the guild, right?" He took a few wary steps to the side, moving so Vela was between Finn and him. "Everyone likes gold, you take bribes?" His continued to flit back and forth, looking for any movements from the two initiates and one adept. His second hand disappeared into the shadows of his robe.

T E A M : IV

(@Haha, @PrankFox, @Dark Cloud)

The tree-blight seemed prepared to continue its rampage. Its towering legs dragged through the earth as it lumbered towards the group, but the enraged Koth hurtled towards its legs with an eruption of fire, stopping it in its tracks. As the dwarf's axe sunk into blight's leg it lodged in place after only a few inches, but as the heat built and Koth continued to push the limits of his magic the axe seared a path through the wood and emerged from the other side.

Burning splinters scattered on the forest floor as Khol rose from the soil where he'd been laying. The battered spectral wolf appeared before the party a final time as the giant-blooded warrior sprung off its back and soared to the top of the blight, coming down with a brutal stroke that sheared away the thinner appendages that acted as the creatures arms, but he didn't escape unscathed as the branches lashed and pierced him on the way down. Half of the tree-blights arms fell to the forest floor, and beside them landed Khol, his body ravaged by wounds once again.

As Tati'yana's magic brought new life to the forest floor, the spirits of the forest hungrily answered her call. As a a full tree grew before the initiates, the lesser blights appeared to be completely extinguished as its quickly spreading roots grappled and crushed them, returning their nutrients to the soil and feeding off of them in much the same way the blight had. Then the tree burst, its magic expended, with enough concusive force to send the weakened tree-blight toppling over. It continued to thrash as it tried to right itself, but now it was finally in the reach of Koth's burning axe.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finn did not look pleased at the answer. But he didn’t say anything. Qantz spoke in an extremely odd way, expecting everyone to follow along as if he spoke plainly. Instead of arguing he decided to continue to listen inside, that is till three figures approached them.

Finn nocked an arrow as Qantz-Farron deferred the first action to Vela, he paused on pulling the bowstring back, still aiming his nocked arrow towards the ground, the two other arrows still in his draw hand fingers.

Watching Vela summon ice shards out of nothing was mesmerizing as it was graceful. He watched their backs as she sent the shards flying. Killing the two goblins.

The half orc was able to block the shards meant for him with ease. Keeping his cool as he did. Being able to knock projectiles out of the air like that meant he was a skilled swordsman with a keen eye. He moved himself just so that Vela blocked Finns line of sight.

Despite this, Finn smirked. Normally it was a good move to do so when facing an archer. But clearly he didn’t face any competent archers before. He could still see the half orc reach for something under his cloak, offering to bribe the group with money. While he could very well be reaching for a bag of gold, or more likely something else. Finn could not take the risk if it was something else.

Focusing a bit of magic into his arrow, it started to buzz slightly as electricity arked at the tip. He slid the arrow up on the string so it was off centered a few inches. Raising the bow and drawing the string at the same time, he held it horizontally. Aiming for the half orc’s hand that had slipped into his cloak. Hoping to pin it to his chest. The drawing of the bow was only a second before he let the arrow fly.

The arrow did not fly straight at first, the backend of the arrow going wide to the right oddly. The arrow tip came close to Vela’s right shoulder, she could most likely feel the electricity from the tip of it as it passed her. But nothing more than an intriguing buzz that might cause the hairs on her arm to rise.

As soon as the arrow passed her however, The arrow straightened itself out, as if the wind pushed it back into position. Aimed straight for the Orc’s hand. Again, hoping to pinn it to the orcs own body, and use the electrical charge to knock him out or enough to drop his sword.

Whatever happened, Finn already had a second arrow nocked and ready to draw. Still standing in his original position,
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Epsir
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Aelrod's Mansion, West Garden
@Guilty Spark@OwO@Psyker Landshark

The satisfying crumple of her foe's mask, shards plinking along the back of her gauntlet, raised a storm of confidence in Vera. With a stomp of her foot she coursed forward, staying on top of the staggered harpy and ready to deliver a follow-up bludgeoning. But her fist found only the wind, and she was left with only the gust from the harpy's escape buffeting in her ears until its magical tones came to taunt her. Even if this voice was going to be her only company in the silence, she wasn't about to indulge it in banter. She couldn't even afford to gawk after unmasking the intruder.

The harpy was already weaving another spell, adding remote weaponry to the list of arcane abilities she was wielding. Vera knew that trend wasn't going to stop if she let the harpy get comfortable being out of reach. She kept moving forward, pulling her sword out as the enemy's spectral weapons materialized. Her eyes turned, widening with realization as she saw the others emerging from the manor with eerie quiet, only to snap back to the harpy's blades when the spell was set into motion.

She canted her own blade and swung to parry the projectile out of her path. The sudden impact of a steel slug driven by a spell, even glanced off of her weapon, rattled all the way up her arms but didn't stop her stride. Just as well the outside world was silenced, she could only hear her own pulse. There was no time to worry about it coming back around, there were two more right in front of her. It was a fine line between panic and frenzy that Vera was barreling down, too afraid of dying a target dummy to worry about the rest. She couldn't dodge three swords, but it wouldn't matter if her opponent couldn't juggle her spells with an angry elf in her face. Her grip tightened, her teeth grit, she presented the tip of her sword like a lance and threw herself at the enemy.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 5 days ago

Everything finally seemed to be reaching an end as Koth threw himself at the tree in a whirl of flame and light. Hawks was more than happy to keep back at the fringes as the tree blight burned and splintered under the dwarf's rage. He had no problem with a difficult fight, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it by any means. His grip on his staff was tight enough that he was surpised the wood wasn't creaking, and he had to remind himself to loosen his jaw so to not crack his own teeth as he focused on keeping the team on their feet. He kept well enough back from the rampaging, now burning, tree and turned his attention to support.

Gold eyes flickered to the side and widened as Khol rose from the ground and charged the creature. There was no way he would take another blow like before and not get seriously injured, Hawks was surprised the giant man was even on his feet at all. With only a split second to react he quickly twirled his staff and the crystal glowed with a bluish light as he cast a shimmering barrier of protection around the other three. It would at least nullify a portion of the damage if any of them got hit, he hoped.

He didn't have much time to think beyond that as Tati'yana used her own magics to summon a fully grown tree, interesting, and clear out the rest of the small blights. He felt a flash of confidence and relief as the massive blight hit the ground, at the mercy of the flaming axe of Koth. As the leaves fell around them he could see Khol once again on the ground, the barrier he cast gone, but having done it's job in the fact that the man was still breathing. He couldn't get close enough to stabilize him right now, so it was time to end this.

Burying the end of his staff in the ground he let draconic rage fuel him as he raised a scaled hand to the air and brought it down with a flash of radiant fire on the body of the tree, safely weaving the magic around his nearby companions. He could see the struggles of the blight growing weaker as the light burned through its cursed form combining with the already flickering orange flames that crawled up its legs. It would only be a few more blows now but he couldn't let his guard down now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Aerandir@ERode@Guilty Spark@Asuras

It went about as well as she could expect. One down, throat ripped out. Fresh blood coating the blade as she simply let him fall where he died. The second though, was able to move a bit faster than she desired. Expected, of course. Anyone worth their weight in gold could respond as quickly to an ambush like this. Dropping the dagger, she would draw both her blades. Swift, deadly, and cold. That's how she had to be here.

"Would've been easier if you just let it happen, vermin."

A deft hand followed a quick step forward, her arming sword slicing towards the hand casting magic, while her swordbreaker intended to catch his own blade, wrench it from his grasp and disarm.
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