Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Heyy everyone!

I am craving a 1x1 Fairy Tail: Next Generation roleplay.

I will start by explaining the rules.

- I prefer to double, so we each play one male and one female character.
- The characters are original, not canon.
- Normally, I reply very slow (it can last a month or several months until I reply) and I am not going to excuse myself for that. I have a life. By the way, sometimes I will appear to be online when I am actually not, so don't pay attention to when I appear to be online or not.
- If you read all of these rules, then add you favorite color to your PM to me if you are interested in doing this roleplay with me.
- If I am not interested anymore, I will tell you. No reply doesn't mean that I ghosted, I simply didn't have the time or inspiration yet.
- I can do both MxM and FxM. I am uncomfortable with FxF.
- I am a 22 years old woman, so preferably an adult.
- I don't do smut, it always takes over the whole roleplay.
- I prefer to roleplay over PM, but thread is also good to me.
- No one-liners. Preferably at least one paragraph for each character.
- If you don't like dark themes or they are sensitive subjects: tell me beforehand, don't complain afterwards. I can't know if you don't tell and if you didn't tell me, I am not going to excuse myself.

This is the story I have in mind.
[If you have a different story in mind or some adaptations to my story, I would like to hear them, so don't be afraid to tell me.]

Keep in mind:
MM = my male character
MF = my female character
YM = your male character
YF = your female character

YM recently became the new guild master of Fairy Tail, because a severe illness caused the death of the previous guild master. [You can choose if YM is a good guy or a bad guy, a confident person or not confident at all, ... You can choose what kind of master he is and what kind of magic he uses.]

YF is pretty new at the guild and doesn't really know anyone other than MM. She knows MM, because she met him at one of his missions and he invited her to the guild. [We can brainstorm about what the mission was. I was thinking something simple and easy. She helped him, he saw that she is also a mage and invited her to the guild.]

MM has been in the guild for a pretty long time, but is somewhat of a loner. He is very confident, but doesn't like to hang out with others. He is a bit like Gajeel was before he came to Fairy Tail.

MF has known the people of the guild for a long time, such as YM and MM, but the guild she was in disbanded, because of a lack of money and popularity, which means that they didn't get enough jobs. That's why MF recently joined the guild.

Now, what is going on?

There has been a disturbance in the celestial spirit world, which caused all the golden keys to disappear from their owners and appear somewhere else in the world. Our four characters are going to search for all of the keys before they fall in the wrong hands.

Why is the guild master going with the other three, you ask? There is a new dark guild, Snake Breath, who is also in search for the golden keys. They plan to open up Eclipse again. We don't know exactly what their plan is, if they are also going to release the dragons from the past or something much worse, but we do know that they shouldn't have the keys.

Now, YF is a celestial spirit mage and found one golden key by accident, you can choose which one and you can choose all the silver keys.

PM me if you are interested! :)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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