FULL NAMEKeandre Artus Roux

It started in Saint-Nazaire, France...
Keandre Roux was born to near-poverty, a family that had never been able to make ends meet. An absent set of parental figures played an important role in him growing up sort of off. While his mother was quite loving, she was also quite dedicated to the bottles of wine that would stack up under their counter in place of food that could have been bought with what little funds they did have.
His father was an angry man, quiet and unkind. He had learned quite early on that Clement Roux had little time for family and in turn had little time for him. He was quick to leave around Keandre's tenth birthday. This loss of a father figure early in his life set the tone for a lifetime of attention-seeking and reckless behavior. This included an affection for setting things on fire.
Keandre developed an addictive personality in his early teens, although it started with harmless experimentation and quickly spiraled into something nasty when it became clear that he lacked the ability to stop himself from going that extra mile. As a result of these issues, Keandre spent a lot of time in and out of therapy. This addiction to substances only got worse as he got older.

And he wound up in therapy again because...
It was maybe two years after he had finally left home, moved from France, tried to (unsuccessfully) get his life together. He had spent the night binge-drinking and Keandre made the bad decision to try to take his car to the corner store. While he had initially been under the impression that he was fine, he quickly proved this wrong by wheeling his car directly into his neighbor's mailbox. He was thrown directly into his steering wheel, alarmed and jolted to awareness, he had turned his head up to see--
-well, he still hasn't quite been able to explain it. With blood running down from his temple and his voice quietly, feverently murmuring, Keandre was later brought to a hospital for examination and diagnosed with a concussion. Healing was simple, quick even, but ever since that night he was plagued in nightmares.
His usual problems seemed to only get worse and his addictions were getting too dangerous to manage. He abruptly resigned himself to therapy again and they have been working with him on his BPD and pyromania.

Scrappy - Keandre is quite good in a scrap, a childhood filled with fistfights and tangling with other young men lead to a boy who can hold his own in a scrap.
Brave - Call it brave or call it reckless, Keandre isn't afraid to throw himself in harms way.
Survival - Keandre has a knack for general survival skills, a childhood of mostly taking care of himself has made him apt at doing so.
Stubborn - Keandre refuses to give up, no matter how much he gets beaten down.
Tactical - A good planner and strategizer, he tends to think on his feet.
Physically Strong - While no bodybuilder, Keandre can be quite useful when a strong hand is needed.

Stubborn - This virtue becomes a flaw just as easily, Keandre does not want to be lead, he does not want to follow anyone.
Emotionally Unstable - Keandre loses track of himself quite easily and is prone to rapid bursts of anger or depression as a result.
Impulse Control - Keandre lacks impulse control and tends to rush into things without thinking about it, this has lead him to shambles quite often in his life.
Team Work - Keandre is bad at working with a team unless he feels he has some kind of charge over that team.
Depth Perception - Keandre has pretty terrible depth perception due to his right eye being mostly blind.
Slow - Keandre is not very fast, he may lag in situations requiring speed.