Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Yennefer
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Yennefer All for Slaanesh

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The land of Ishtar is one region in this fantastic land of war, and strife and magic. The role play will be a mid to late medieval fantasy setting, using fantastic species, and monsters, and powerful magic alongside warriors with steel, and the courage to face the supernatural.

Players will take control of customized nations within this region creating unique splinters of a former empire that once ruled these lands, all the while rumors of something dark and sinister rising in the north run rampant through the region.

The NS will be rather simple but at the same time allow for a lot of creativity, as for magic.

Magic: Magic in this world works in a slightly different way, in order for any spell to exist it requires the constant manipulate of the inert magical energy of the world into the spell in order work, different people have different capabilities of magic being transferred through their bodies, use too much magic and you could kill yourself. Magic in this world exists in a constant feed from the magical realm which fonts exist to push the magical energy from that realm to this one. I will not be stating outright restrictions for spells rather anything that seems like it might be out of the normal or abnormally powerful we will simply discuss it.

Year 0 the Navarros Elven Empire rises, controls most of the lands and most species only spit up by a few swaths of warlord controlled lands.
Year 876: the first war of incursion takes place beast creatures from the north attack the northern borders and stream into the region causing chaos and havoc. They are eventually defeated but the war caused a schism splitting the Navarros empire in two, human and other species fill the land between the two halves.
Year 1062: The Orduin Empire rises.
Year 1101: Border skirmishes erupt between the Navarros empire and the Orduin Empire
Year 1109: the Pinnacle war begins between the Orduin Empire and the Navarros.
Year 1164: a peace treaty is signed by the two empires and borders are drawn up to ensure no more conflict.
Year 1192: Navarros arch mages begun researching how to enter the realm of magic
Year 1204: Navarros arch mages successfully enter the realm of magic and disappear for 3 years
Year 1207: the Navarros arch mages return from the realm and enact a coup slaying the Emperor and Empress of Navarros and the rest of the royal family. They infect champions of the Empire with a new disease. These 1000 white elves become known as the Pale.
Year 1210: the Pale begin maneuvering and conquering all elven sub races of the Navarros empire.
Year 1212: the pale begin to strike at the Orduin empires borders, this same year high elves break away and ally themselves with the Orduin empire.
Year 1218: Arch Wizard Hesper comes from the East with his hundred Acolytes offering to help them defeat the pale if he is named the Emperor of Orduin and that his lineage would hold the throne. This is accepted after a small civil war between the houses in Orduin.
Year 1220: with the help of Hesper the high elves and the Orduin Empire are able to force the pale and their forces back into their lands. Their lands are then cut off from magic as Hesper blocks off their fonts.
Year 1221-1246: peace Reigns
Year 1247: Former Grand Marshal Dunehelm raises rebel forces in the Mikald Province, and turns two Imperial Legions to his cause to secede from the Orduin empire claiming Hesper to be a false Emperor
Year 1248-1253: Civil between the Orduin Empire and Grand Marshal Dunehelms forces takes place ending with the death of Dunehelm by Hesper daughter Zeralda.
Year 1253-1903: Peace Reigns under Hespers Bloodline
Year 1903: The Northern beasts raise another horde and attack to the south terrorizing the Orduin empires borders for 200 years
Year 2103-2107: a gathering of five legions led by General Keppin pushes through to the north pushing the beasts back and crushing them in their homelands at the cost of 2 legions.
Year 2108-2422: peace reigns
Year 2423: the Bug invasion begins, the empire having little forewarning to stave off the ships that snuck to their shores
Year 2424: the bugs reach the Orduin Capital defeating the two legions guarding it and slaughtering the Imperial family as well as the senate and most nobles. The Orduin Empire falls
Year 2425: the Bugs are pushed back by the now splintered empire that had broken down into several new kingdoms.
Year 2426: the Bugs keep a foot hold on the region but dedicate most of their strength to building a land bridge and defending their occupied area. The splintered nations of the Empire begin building up their own borders and fortifications.
Year 2614: the land bridge is completed.
Year 2622: rumors begin coming from the north of a new nation consolidating power in the old White elf lands.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

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Capital - Chervenista
Demonym - Karynian
Races - Urastians, smaller minorities of others
Government - Constitutional Federal Monarchy
Legislature - Karynian Synedro
Currency - Karynian Vita


Pre-Orduinian accounts of the Karynian Peninsula weave tales of several tribes, the race of which is disputed. In some cases, its peoples were of a sturdy constitution and possessed brutish strength, their teeth lined with fanged molars. Another common depiction from explorers of the era asserts their orcoid features, citing the inhabitants to be of slate or ablaster complexion, with sweeping, almond-shaped eyes and narrow complexions. Consistent records indicated that the inhabitants of what was then Karynia loosely organized themselves into several barbarian tribes which were known to also make use of extensive cave networks and tunnels.

The Navarros Incursions into the region under the guise of uniting all elfkind had dashed many of these tribes' independence, to which they were gradually reorganized beneath the Navarrosian banner. Over this period of history, Karynian culture largely became subservient to that of its High Elven overlord, yet rebellions and insurrection were a constant issue for the viceroys of the land. Even so, much of the native population began to intermigle with the elven settlers and governors of Navarros, until eventually the modern race of Urastians was formed from this union of elf and native, and with it, the culture and customs of Karynia shifted with it. The culture of the Urasliya - the ancient land of Karynia - was a true agglomeration, and by this cultural anthropophagy of tribal, martial, totemist, pantheonic, elven, and indigenous the contemporary culture of Karynia had its roots.

At the onset of the Pale Wars, several of the rebelling clans of Urasliya began a more emboldened state of resistance against the interloping Navarrosians. In 1212, many of these insurgents united beneath the banner of the champion Kashir The Great, in time taking control of almost the entire countryside. The continued war efforts culminated with the assistance of Orduin and the High Elves, finally settling in the momentous Battle of Ilithrvo, whereupon the forces of Kashir and the Urasliyans had laid siege to the final Pale strongholds within Karynia. Its people soonafter rejoiced; For the first time in its history, the whole of Karynia had become a united, free state, beneath the strength and wisdom of its first Tsar Kashir.

For their assistance in granting their freedom as a people, the Kingdom of Urasliya agreed to close cooperation with the Odruin Empire, and by 1245, they had effectively become a tributary vassal of the Empire itself, only nominally possessing independence. In time, such moves would prove rather unpopular with many of the new clans of Urasliya, culminating in the Seven Week's Rebellion in 1252. Although at first holding the advantage, the distraction of the Empire with its own civil war led the rebellion - commanded by Belyra the Bloody - eventually led to the reorganization of the Kingdom into a Tsardom, under which the Synedro was given additional powers, and with it, renamed the land from Urasliya to the more befitting Karynia.

With the onset of the Beastmen Wars, the relative isolation of Karynia led to a more insular outlook in politics; An attitude which has persisted unto this day. After all, the Beastmen were a continent away, and the Insects to come after had the great seas between Karynia and them. By maintaining such distance, the Tsardom was all the more nonplussed to see the dissolution of the Empire. Now, Karynia only maintains the narrow Ashava Isthmus as its sole land connection to the rest of Ishtar. Yet, the threat of another insect invasion grows more pressing by the day, and soon, the residing Tsar Alexandrov must appoint an heir to the throne, no matter how ill-prepared they may be...

The Urastians of Karynia are by and large Karynia's most populous race. Historically translated as "Snow Elves", "Ash Elves", or even "Dark Elves", Urastians are widely considered to be an elven people, sporting several unique facets. Typically, Urastians possess a pearlish complexion, with hues ranging depending on ancestry and lineage. Most Urastians will have some manner of lightish, sheen skin tones, with the true hue ranging from pure alabaster to a dark onyx, to rocky reds and exuberant pale pinks. Hair colors again vary greatly depending on genetics and stock, with colors from fierce crimsons to snow whites being the most common. Eye color tends to be more universal, with ruby, sapphire, and emerald tones. Urastians are, like most elves of their kind, rather tall beings, averaging about two meters in adulthood, with most females standing slightly taller than their male counterparts, weighing on average 80 kilograms. Notably, Urastians tend to have more clearly-defined musculature, as well as sharper olfactory systems than many of their elven bretheren, able to more sharply perceive scents and tastes. The fat composition of Urastians bear closer semblance to orcish races; A lactic sinew which contracts and gradually stretches with tone, which provides excellent insulation from cold and helps muscle elasticity. They are well-known for their hardiness and sense of balance, and during the era of the Durosian Empire, Urastians comprised some of the Empire's finest sailors and mountaineers, at ease in some of the most inhospitable of places.

The exact lineage of Urastians is still being uncovered by genealogists and anthropologists, and the current origins of the race continue to be poorly-understood. It is widely agreed that, during some point in the race's history, there was a large degree of cross-pollination with high elven settlers which came into contact with Karynia's native tribes during the Navarrosian Era, at which point the dynamics of the Urasliyan peoples shifted into the contemporary Urastians. Many scholars believe the ancient Urasliyans to have been of orcish origin, which throughout centuries of cross-polination have given way to the contemporary Urastians. Some contest this theory, citing the varied differences in orcish and elven physiology being too great to allow significant interbreeding effects between the two species.

Ostensibly, Karynia operates as a federated kingdom under the cooperative reign of its respective Tsar and the collective Synedro. Appointment to the position of Tsar is historically a hereditary position, first fulfilled by the current Tsar selecting an appropriate heir - typically one of their children or closest offspring - whose appointment is in turn confirmed with a 5/8ths vote by the residing Regency Council, itself a selection of officials formed from the Synedro. The Tsar acts as the supreme executive power of the land, and all acts, laws, agreements, and declarations must be approved and finalized by His Highness. Many of the day-to-day functions of the Tsardom are handled by one of the many Syneds, whom range from simple chosen representatives from miniscule hamlets to bureaucrats of colossal merchant houses. In practice, much of the Tsardom has a surprising degree of autonomy as a result of this federalized system, with local villages and municipalities serving as self-governing entities under the banner and guidance of the Tsardom. Thus, the Tsar has been likened to a conductor, of which the duchies and voivodeships of Karynia play to its tune as a finely-integrated orchestra.

Tsar Maeilych Alexandrov has served as Karynia's Grand Sovereign for eight decades, and his reign has been wise and good. He is often regarded as a sharp, keenly intelligent man, and his rule has been responsible for several of the Tsardom's most beloved (and much-needed) reforms. Yet for all the brightness that has come of the great Tsar's rule, all good things must come to close: It is no secret that Alexandrov is of sickly constitution, and his ailment worsens as the suns turn. Recent years have seen the Tsar grow more reclusive, where once an empowered and proud Tsar stood to greet his crowds no matter the weather, he shuts himself within his chambers in hopes he will grow better. His spirit has yet to be vanquished, for even in the face of such enfeeblement the Tsar has never faltered in his stalwart kindredness.

Even so, the writing on the wall is plain for all to see: The Good Tsar's life will soon come to an end as his health sours. To the North, whispers of The Pale's resurfacing spark fears of a future continental invasion and bring the Tsardom's long-awaited independence to an end. To the South, the Insectoid Hordes finalize their land-bridges and prepare to carve Ishtar into their hellish mound. Soon, he will soon need to choose a diligent successor to the Karynian torch.

Had this had been the case in any other land, in any other time, such an event would be rather standard-fair, if still of great importance. But, there is one great pain which keeps the Tsar awake:

His children, his most beloved progenies and beholders unto the Great Abonya Throne...are all woefully unfit for sovereignty.

Airya Chrysova - the eldest daughter and the most ostensibly suitable for the heirship - presents herself outwardly as the prim and proper Queen Consort of Karynia, often draped in impressive stateswear and carrying herself with the clout as if the world would move at her command. In spite of her sharp appearances, Airya possesses neither the traits nor the intellect to properly administer a county, let alone the political behemoth that is the responsibility of the Abonya Throne.

Truth be told, Airya would be little besides an insignificant inexpert if she held office in any standard administration, and serves to have no desirable qualities for selection...aside from a sense of entitlement toward the Tsardom.

Zevlan Lirisov - the Tsar's second eldest and the eldest royal child - was from a young age a curious bookworm who much preferred to be lost in a world of imagination than to be bothered with the trappings of reality. Such an inquisitive mindset has travelled with him to adulthood, where he now finds himself more explorative into the finer arts and humanities. He remains a musical soul, and has since become an accomplished musician, artist, architect, and chef in his own right.

Although he possesses, and perhaps surpasses, all of the intellect and insight of his father, there is one glaring flaw: Zevlan has no interest in taking the mantle of Tsar, and has repeatedly insisted that he be passed up in favor of a more willing contender. Should the selection process come to him, it is very likely that Prince Zevlan will respond with an immediate abdication, leading to the entire succession crisis anew...

Zora Viktorova - the ever-so-apt middle royal child and the youngest daughter of the Tsar - has emerged from the Mareilov Military Academy as a shining military protege. Princess Zora recently graduated with incredible marks from her officer's schooling, having earned the most sincere regards from her instructors for her stupendous wit and prodigious sense of battle. She has also emerged from the academy with a flawless wargaming record - a feat only achieved thrice in the school's centuries-long history.

A military genius in the making, Zora may very well be, yet peering beneath these feats lie the cause for the Tsar's nominational hesitation: Zora is...famously uncouth. The Princess remains brash, belligerent, and brutally straightforward, often disregarding decorum as a fumbling waste of time and has shown little regard for civic administration, nor the needs of a day-to-day kingdom. While a great general Princess Zora may soon become, her aggressive nature leads the Tsar to fear that, should she gain the reigns to the Tsardom, her hawkish demeanor may entangle the realm in pointless wars until it inevitably brings the land to ruination...

Levin Kralovsky - the second youngest of the royal children - is little more than a decadent socialite who has such far levied his position as royalty to enjoy many of life's "finer" pleasures. Prince Levin is well-renown for his Epicurean lifestyle, where he can mostly be found at ostentatious parties. More concerned with building harems and wine glass pyramids as to bridges and warships, Prince Levin lives a thoroughly indulgent lifestyle to which all concerns uninvolved with his orgies of debauchery are of secondary concern.

The sole saving grace to a reign of Prince Levin, it seems, would lie in his aloofness. In the eyes of some, having Levin upon the Abonya Throne would, at bare minimum, mean that the would-be Tsar would be far too caught up in his own pleasures to obfuscate the Synedro's day-to-day machinations...

Georgi Kirilov - the youngest son of the Tsar and youngest of the royal children - is but a mere infant. The baby prince has just begun to take his first steps, and with the guiding hand of his private tutor and wet nurse, shall perhaps grow to be the fine heir to the Abonya Throne the Tsar so desperately seeks.

Yet, as the fledgling Prince Georgi grows older, so too does the Tsar, and when time is of the essence, the gamble of putting Prince Georgi upon the throne is one too far ahead for the Tsar to reasonably forsee...

Karynian culture is primarily the agglomeration of many of Karynia's occupiers and affiliates mended together with millennia-old folk traditions. Karynians largely organize themselves into entities known as Vasri, often translated as "House" or "Clan", many of whom have roots in pre-Navarrosian tribeships. Affiliation to a particular vasri is rather complex, and there are few uniform dogmas under which all Karynian vasri operate. Some vasri are near-entirely composed of hereditary members, while others form as a result of like-mindedness or mutual interest. As a result, vasri are a surprisingly fluid construct, disbanding and reforging through the course of time. Broadly speaking, affiliation to a vasri is by-in-large equally flexible, and order of affiliations is often expressed through the naming conventions of each individual.

A result of the centuries-long intertwining with Navarrosian and Uraslyian cultures, Karynian society places high value on the finer aspects of life, holding artistry, merrymaking, and the pursuit of knowledge in high regard. Coupled with the omnipresence of vasri within the Karynian ethos, marriage as a ceremony or construct is almost exclusively done to show affiliation or allegiance, and holds few - if any - romantic connotations. Karynians find it foolish to feel overly beholden to one person in particular, as the very nature of Karynian society often demands such that one make oaths to several persons or institutions, and this naturalistic efficacy of responsibility to not only one person, but towards the well-being of an entire group or clan, extends well into the field of personal relationships. Indeed, it is exceptionally rare to find a Karynian who will only have one romantic interest or claim allegiance to only one vasri, and to insist contrary to such is viewed as unctuous and selfish.

This same fluidness - when combined with Karynia's famed appreciation of magic - has resulted in a rather dynamic social structure within Karynia. As inclusion within a vasri is typically not beholden to birthright (thought intense cliquing within vasri make some more exclusionary than others), it is not uncommon for peasants to take up mantles several scores greater when they have shown to prove themselves to their vasri. Yet, many vasri - especially many of the elder mercantile houses - are still a fiercely tight-knit bunch, often quick to dissociate with the new.

Great arboreal forests spot the coasts along Karynia's north and east, and the ancient greatfirs and pines of the boreal wood have given generously for as long as there has been a Karynia. Saps, maple and pine syrups, hazelnuts, paper, canvas, lumber, and refined woodworks come from all over north and east Karynia, and make up some of its most notable holted goods. The crested streams and rivers which lie within the interior give way to Karynia's seasonal agricultural bounty. Karynia becomes frigid through the late autumn months until spring, yet the volcanic soil of the region makes for excellent plantations of its hardy native crops. Cranberries and spiceberries are hardy enough to grow nearly year-round, while apples, apricots, barley, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, pumpkins, and tomatoes are all staple crops of the Karynian harvest. Much of Karynia's central hills give way to crags and caverns as well, where within coal, copper, flux, and iron are extracted throughout its vast subterrania. The volcanoes which stand resolutely in Karynia's center and north produce colorful arrays of volcanic ash, and the rocky, sedimentary fjords and coasts of Karynia couple to create miraculous glassworks.

In the time of the Orduin Empire, the Tsardom earned the apt nickname, "The Cask of the Empire", for Karynia's coupled glassworks, woodworks, and agricultural bounty - coupled with Karynia's love for festivals and celebrations - have produced a hefty demand for drinks, which are more than gladly met by Karynia's distilleries, vineyards, and breweries. Whether it be Shara's famed barley ales, Yurigrade's warm maple meads, Pristina's rich spiceberry wines, or Chervenista's succulent cranberry brandies, Karynia has always been there to fill Ishtar's glass.

With rich forests, long coasts, and cragged rivers nestled by the coastal winds of the West, Karynians have long been a seafaring people. Shipyards and docks adorn Karynia's extensive coastline, where the canvas and lumber of the forests are transformed into keelboats and frigates, each adorned with Karynia's iconic triangular sails - It is said that the shipyards of Kajsya Sad can be given a tree at sunrise, and would return a ship at sundown. Crabbing and whaling are famed Karynian traditions, and to this day, brave whalers brace the frigid northern oceans, sometimes for days on end, in the perilous quest for their colossal prey. The rich maritime traditions of Karynia have brought with it esteemed merchant vasri, whose fleets sail all around Ishtar in search of yet another good trade.

The armies of Karynia are, by and large, a fairly conventional force. Most individual voivodeships possess their own guard, and even smaller vasri are often known to hold men at arms. In times of war, these guards are pressed into the service of the Tsar, raised as armies alongside the many forces prevalent throughout the realm. Knightly orders composed of vasri, known in Karynia as cherveks, compose the most notable permanent standing force within Karynia. Cherveks drill incessantly as they spend their extensive lifespans mastering the art of war in its many forms, often only retiring to career-ending injuries suffered in warfare or sport, then soon retiring to once again teach the next generation of warrior. Karynian cultural heritage has long favored the use of great, two-handed weapons, and greataxes, glaives, halberds, mauls, and greatswords compose the most common weapons of the Karynian arsenal. Magic plays a critical role in Karynian upbringing, and its incorporation into every aspect of martial arts is intertwined such that the distinguishable difference between the magical and the martial are practically inseparable in Karynian dogma. More specialized, powder-based weapons - the likes of muskets, grenades, and cannons - are growing in popularity within Karynia, yet as their role and utility is heavily debated in this era of change, it remains uncertain how these inventions will best be used when competing against the omnipresent use of magic within Karynia.

Cherveks famously favor using griffons as mounts, their immense strength, agility, and endurance lending well to the chaotic nature a battlefield most naturally provides. Those seeking greater thrills - and perhaps, animal handling skills alongside such fiery passions - prefer using wyverns as their mounts of choice, the immense strength and famed stubbornness of the animals lending itself to solely the most daring of chervek. The famed ashgliders of Karynia's volcanic regions provide the realm's most unique mount. Ashgliders are lizard-like winged creatures which thrive within volcanic environments. Possessing great wings, thick scales, and a notoriously stubborn temperament, ashgliders are, perhaps oddly, swift and unbothered. Their nonplussed temperament makes them relatively simple to ride, yet this same demeanor makes them lack the raw brutality of a wyvern or the elegant strength of a griffon. Instead, the ashglider's greatest strength lay in its sheer resilience; Many folk tales speak at length on the ashglider's ability to bathe in molten lava and survive for weeks on a time with minimal sustenance.

Due to the circumstance of Karynia's geography - only sharing a narrow (if quite fortified) land border with its Zentauri neighbor - the Tsardom affords to put less concern upon the maintenance of a land army, largely keeping its varied cherveks at the whims of regular training and tournaments. Instead, Karyina prides itself upon its naval prowess, from which the extensive coasts and merchant marine of the realm need constant survey from pirates and interlopers. The constant patrols and exercises by the Karynian Navy serve as an omnipresent reminder - to Zentaur and Chiti alike - that the Seas of the West are the domain of Karynia, and none other.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Summarised History:

In 2423 the beginning of the Orduin Empire's death blow would be dealt to it by an invasion from the southern seas between Ishtar and the continent of Lanaan. Having fought so long against invaders from the north be it elves or beastmen, the southern invasion would prove to be deadly for the once mighty human empire. But what of its invaders? The Hive Empire of the Chitijians, simply put, is a foreign empire spanning the exotic and alien southern continent of Lanaan. This alien empire is in fact a great hegemony of varied and interbred insectoid and arachnid races, many having been made eusocial as the hive-empire has assimilated these races into its chitinous whole. From its beginnings were the continent-spanning conquests of the half-breed and wasp-like Asg, who's invasion of the Orduin was initially devised as a round-about strategy to bind the once viciously warring Lanaanish colonies and hives together, who had only recently been unified prior to the invasion and who's armies only decades before were killing each other rather than humans.

While the initial invasion of the Orduin was a massive success, catching the already unstable and fracturing human imperium completely unprepared, and even reaching and sacking the empire's capital in a lethal beheading strike... The Chitijians would succumb to their simple inability to understand the human race and its mind. Once the Chitijians assassinated the Orduin Emperor and his family, the eusocial, insectoid hive-queen leadership of the Chitijians assumed that the humans as a whole would immediately fold and surrender. Instead, a long and bloody war of attrition followed, and the Chitijians who's strength lied in its vast ground armies mostly stuck in its Lanaanish territories was pushed back steadily, till restricted to just its coastal conquests in southern Ishtar.

For the following passing centuries, the Hive-Empire would struggle with its new lands and human subjects and the alien mindsets that divided them. Of particular note were the catastrophic failed attempts at which the Hive-Empire pursued the integrating of humanity into eusociality. cultural shocks, communication troubles, economic mismanagement and other problems spawned from the wildly different natures of man and bug, and some of these would be so terrible as to spawn famines, anarchy and peasant revolts - the concept of a 'peasant revolt' being alien, unfathomable to the Chitijians. The Hive-Empire would only maintain its control of its Ishtari lands at all due to the completion of its great landbridge between Ishtar and Lanaan, the newest wonder of the world built by filling in the former Lanaan Strait - a construction that would fortunately be completed in time to allow the Hive-Empires vast armies to cross over into Ishtar and finally put down the Great Rebellion of 2605, the latest of the human rebellions that spawned from yet another attempt at forcing humans into eusocial hive-cities.

Fortunately for the Hive and unfortunately for most others, the landbridge now acts as a guarantee that for the foreseeable future, the Chitijin presence in Ishtar will remain.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Medium Light
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Medium Light

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I'm guessing I just post my application here then?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

So I'm guessing I just post my application here then?

Yeah, just plop it down here.

There's lotsa lore and stuff in the Discord, plus you can talk to like the 4 or so of us who are active there and work out relations and stuff.

And if you don't have Discord...well I guess I could go pester Yenny until they respond here.

Also please buy some Karynian brandy. It's simply delectable.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Medium Light
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Medium Light

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@Yam I Am I think the discord link is broken, it keeps saying I'm invalid.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

@Yam I Am I think the discord link is broken, it keeps saying I'm invalid.

Here, try this one. I just made it:

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Medium Light
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Medium Light

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The Valanor Accord


Species: Human Majority, Elven Minority.







Notable Figures:

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Member Seen 1 day ago

Hmm, have some interest in this.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For reference, the current updated claims for the world map looks something more like this:
The black and red outlines are also players coming in.

In other news, almost finished the basic categories of my sheet.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by OddlyParanoid
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OddlyParanoid New to the site so be gentle. UwU

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The Tribes of the Roaming Hills



Species: Human Majority, Elven Minority.







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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Slagar
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Slagar Lord of Disappointment, Witch King of Saltmar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Medium Light>

Here, try this one. I just made it:


You may want to change the discord link settings to not expire, cause that one is expired too. Lol.

Also I am showing some interest.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Yam I Am>

You may want to change the discord link settings to not expire, cause that one is expired too. Lol.

Also I am showing some interest.

You mean like this one? discord.gg/sKBCKZym
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Slagar
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Slagar Lord of Disappointment, Witch King of Saltmar

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Kycer of Caslan

“Garza Vak Sher” “Glory to the Gods"

=-=General Information=-=

  • A theocratic republic based on the island of Caslan
  • Is ruled by the Kerks, a barbarian people who settled and conquered the island
  • Has a large native beastfolk population, with a significant human and elven minority
  • Is a home of a necromantic faith and its practitioners, called Gyloism
  • Is a fairly isolated state, although it had larger ambitions to become a power on the eastern coasts
  • Is ruled by a powerful and immortal lich scholar and his clan
  • They speak and write in Kerkian and Caslandic
  • A person from Caslan is called a Caslanian
  • Population - 2.4 Million
  • Manpower - 120,000
  • Wealth - Moderate
  • Espionage - Moderate






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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Slagar
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Slagar Lord of Disappointment, Witch King of Saltmar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago






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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SomeWordsmith


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Nagintyari Despotate




Ruled over by Empress Sathara, their relatively recent ascension into the rulers of the land now known as Nagintyar left them nonetheless in a position of power over their former human rulers. Now, the Raizari would lord over their own kin, as well as the elves and humans that remained. Although their current Empress claims direct lineage to the last ruling Naratres dynasty that the Serpent-Skalds speak of, the mysterious religion of the Serpents nonetheless praised upon her the new surname of Nathirex.

In the Forest Meridian, the Woodsie Queen of the Woods, Madam Alasa, slayer of the XVI Legion, rules with a wooden club of power. Transformed forever by her time in the woods as with much of her kin, the Wood Elves of Meridian stand stalwart over their woods, providing safe passage for those who merely seek passage through the ancient maze of trees and unmarked trails… and a swift death to those who would defile it.


Once noted mostly for its large border forest, multispecies societies and animist worshippers, its unification under Naginara Natares established its current if rough borders. Occupied under the Empire for significant periods of time, though never truly pacified outside of its grand cities, the sudden collapse of the Empire allowed the subsequent rise of the current rulers of Nagintyar, mostly aligned under the current Empress. Ideals and religious thoughts once stamped out to no avail now reign freely once more, the human faiths quickly discarded or siphoned of all political power as the Serpents pledged loyalty to the new Dynasty, and the Woodsie Queen of the Woods strengthens her ties with the Nagintyari in exchange for the flourishing of her forests.

OOC: A very rough and basic outline so far, likely to change over time.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Amington


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Yuukoman Empire

Heraldry: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/628811…

Territory: (pick a spot on the map)

Species: Primarily wolf people. Other races exist too.

Culture: Meritocratic, but with a preference for magic. Yuukoma is largely a matriarchal society who value arts and pleasures.

Religion: Yuukoma’s state religion is the Faith of Zarianism which has a vague belief in something called “Truth” symbolized by doors. The “Truth” is the goal of life, but what the truth is varies from interpretations. Yuukoma’s belief of the Truth lay in the teachings of Suyen, who believes the Truth of the world is to live in bliss.

Government: Yuukoma is an absolute monarchy ruled by the Exalted Prince. The government is run by a council of ministers who are selected through a special program called the Collection. Yuukoma’s administers its land via lending them to local lords to rule in their stead, giving a significant degree of autonomy but still giving tax, tribute or manpower should the Empire call for it.

History: Yuukoma was formed after the fall. They trace their origins from a myriad of nomadic tribes who used the chaos to establish their own petty states, subjugating a world still in chaos. Their founder was Yuuko, who united several tribes snd conquered the rest, setting the foundation of the Yuukoman Empire that will come. Since Yuuko, Yuukoma had expanded their domains and have shifted from a nomadic warrior people to a sedentary state defined by a beaurocrativ system.

Economy: Yuukoma is most notable for its magicked products. Yuukoma also is abundant in furs, textiles and dyes from the tribal people that inhabit the countryside. Yuukoma’s cities are also a hot spot for entertainment and tourism as a result of their pleasure-based culture, making them inviting to people who want to experience a decadent life without stigma. To supplement their economy, Yuukoma uses their advanced golem magics to quickly transport things across the Empire.

Military: Yuukoma has a standing army created from the Collection Program. Magic-based, Yuukoma’s state military focuses on magic artillery, golem armies, and an airborne mage unit. Outside the state military, Yuukoma employs several tribal warriors and village conscripts to act as skirmishers and other roles in combat with the promise of loot and plunder.

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