Vargas took no pause in his scribbling as Marengo figured up his tally. Y'Vanna scoffed at the number he proposed. She had surely not though it would cost her this much, nor had she really thought it through. She huffed and slumped back in her chair with a decent bit of force, causing it to wobble slightly and nearly threw her out of the chair. Vargas stopped writing and set his quill down neatly beside the book.
"Let's call it seventy one hundred." he said sliding the book away from him slightly. "That includes a ship charter both ways plus the lull, if there is one. Of course, judging by the looks of you lot there will be... Two weeks of the most basic rations, enough to fend off the scurvy. A dead investment is no good to me so there's a few extra days worth just in case. I've also itemized a list of basic gear for your little excursion plus one hundred gold each petty cash for you to spend on any other items you might deem necessary in the event I left something out."
He was very professional in stating all of this, matter-of-factly. Y'Vanna groaned accordingly...
"This also includes an additional fee of fifty gold for my personal time spent here on this matter, and for figuring up this list and my aiding you in your logistics issues, and my interest rate of 40%, which comes out to eleven hundred gold for my troubles..."
Vargas tore the page from his journal and then slid it to the center of the table for the group to look over.
"Now that we have come to an agreement on the loan..." Vargas said, clasping his hands on his lap.
"Just a minute now... nobody said we came to any agreement on the pri-"
"I think you'll find it a suitable price, once you take into consideration that you don't have a ship, nor the means to procure one currently, and the fact that I do. I am being more than generous on such a large amount on loan no less..." he said, clearly agitated. "not to mention my having to employ my own personal contacts, unless of course you know someone else who can gather up all your gear and have you ready to leave harbor by the noon time tomorrow? Eh?"
Y'Vanna shut her mouth, slumping even further into the seat. This was all clearly more than she had considered, and would have most definitely rather been able to bypass dealing with Vargas altogether. But, she knew that wasn't a viable option. Vargas had her by the tits, and she knew it.

Vargas took no pause in his scribbling as Marengo figured up his tally. Y'Vanna scoffed at the number he proposed. She had surely not though it would cost her this much, nor had she really thought it through. She huffed and slumped back in her chair with a decent bit of force, causing it to wobble slightly and nearly threw her out of the chair. Vargas stopped writing and set his quill down neatly beside the book.
"Let's call it seventy one hundred." he said sliding the book away from him slightly. "That includes a ship charter both ways plus the lull, if there is one. Of course, judging by the looks of you lot there will be... Two weeks of the most basic rations, enough to fend off the scurvy. A dead investment is no good to me so there's a few extra days worth just in case. I've also itemized a list of basic gear for your little excursion plus one hundred gold each petty cash for you to spend on any other items you might deem necessary in the event I left something out."
He was very professional in stating all of this, matter-of-factly. Y'Vanna groaned accordingly...
"This also includes an additional fee of fifty gold for my personal time spent here on this matter, and for figuring up this list and my aiding you in your logistics issues, and my interest rate of 40%, which comes out to eleven hundred gold for my troubles..."
Vargas tore the page from his journal and then slid it to the center of the table for the group to look over.
"Now that we have come to an agreement on the loan..." Vargas said, clasping his hands on his lap.
"Just a minute now... nobody said we came to any agreement on the pri-"
"I think you'll find it a suitable price, once you take into consideration that you don't have a ship, nor the means to procure one currently, and the fact that I do. I am being more than generous on such a large amount on loan no less..." he said, clearly agitated. "not to mention my having to employ my own personal contacts, unless of course you know someone else who can gather up all your gear and have you ready to leave harbor by the noon time tomorrow? Eh?"
Y'Vanna shut her mouth, slumping even further into the seat. This was all clearly more than she had considered, and would have most definitely rather been able to bypass dealing with Vargas altogether. But, she knew that wasn't a viable option. Vargas had her by the tits, and she knew it.