He had a bad feeling about the vagrant.
It wasn't just his usual misgivings about unfamiliar people but rather something... worse than that. He had made to push his way over to the man before realizing he was a breath too late and they wanted him to come along to the police station. Well-- "wanted" was generous terminology. He was pretty sure he'd hear about it later if he didn't attend, at the very least, it would look suspicious since Linda had kindly turned the light onto him. If the crime had been arson then maybe he would have been more forgiving.
He was grateful for Mia, at least. She had almost immediately stepped in to back him up and they weren't even-- did that mean they were friends? Weird.
His gaze trailed over the other attendees, at least he wasn't alone. He wasn't sure where Valerian and Emily had wandered off to but he figured that anyone with any sense would have probably gone home and slept this off. Reluctantly but without much fuss, he made to follow the group outside, keeping his head down and his shoulders drawn. He didn't speak as they walked but he couldn't help but wonder about the vagrant, about the two patients who weren't here now and about-- everything. Stanton was dead and the whole circumstance was wrong.
Eventually they had left the building and he could not turn off his mind. Whatever terrible thing had occurred with Stanton, it was following him like a wave of black.
It was an odd feeling, to be in the back of a police vehicle.
It gave him too much time to mull over what he'd already tried to unpack. He could see that the worst of the snow had ceased falling and the city was lost beneath a blanket of white. Spectators had gathered around the building, eager to catch a glimpse of the carnage and something about it made him feel worse somehow.
"It's fucking freezing, isn't it?" He murmured, maybe in general, maybe to the others.