Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AdorableSaucer
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@ClocktowerEchos Is tru, is tru. Even after years of dabbling in NRP, I couldn't imagine the thought processes I'd have to aspire to to GM one. Especially one with a lotta numbers in it. Might cut the numbers next time and just open for a post-apoc NRP.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@rezay As much as I'd love to accept the agriculture thing, having livestock and workable agricultural lands which can grow all these crops would put you miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles ahead of everyone else. The ruins that NJ lives in can hardly sustain any sort of farmland - few places outside of the Haven biome can.

For example, where did the seeds for these crops come from? Ruin biomes are leftovers of megacities and wouldn't have natural plains of wheat, corn and potatoes that hadn't already been snatched by mutants or roaches. What forests there are there wouldn't necessarily have fruit trees, and whatever animals live in these forests would have to be tamed and domesticated. Have they kept animals inside the bunker with them all these years? How have they not died from inbreeding, starvation or the Jerichians eating them all?

It's nice that you're motivated to write all this lore for your civ, but keep in mind that they only just recently came out of a bunker into a world that is virtually Mad Max/Fallout/Chernobyl/Megacity 1 mixed into one. Resources of all kinds, especially food and water, are rare as all hell and coveted by literally everyone.

Well, the thing is that NJ isn't located inside the ruins biome. They set up directly outside of it, on account that it's very hazardous terrain and all. The bunkers which would have seen them through the apocalypse weren't located inside the city, but in close proximity to it.
Animals are from whatever's left roaming around. As stated in the post, everything they have *(theoretically) was found wild— again, not to impose more than is necessary, but what type of livestock would be around, if not what the old world had?
If you'd rather NJ be inside the ruins, that's fine, but I would have to rewrite a lot.
I didn't know what might have survived the apocalypse, this why I left it up there for you to look over.

*Let me clarify, even with the RNJ NJ was only located partially into the ruins. Before I was sure of pop, I had it as a sort of shantytown hat expanded from the southern half of Old Jericho. But it was never fully in that biome

Also, I'd really appreciate an approximate sort of timescale for when things have happened, it seems like that's a point of confusion. If things are really that recent. then when did this big plague thing happen? It's supposed to be something which occurred at the least two or three decades ago, lasted for at least somewhere around a decade, and growth which had occurred before it took place in about half a century. At least in my mind. It's not like they're exactly new there, they've been around close to a century and just got set back reeaallly hard, at least as the story currently stands.

My impression was that crops grown by humans didn't immediately die out in the apocalypse. I mean, if they all did, then how is anything able to be grown? I'd hate to induce extra work, but if normal crops can't be grown because they aren't around anymore, then what is grown in their place?
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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Jesus, y'all got a lot of questions. Don't even know where to start with these, but I'll try...

Immediately regarding the gunpowder question - no, @rezay, I doubt the knowledge of how to make gunpowder has been passed down through time. It'll have to be rediscovered.

Regarding the Wastes: There are villages and traders out there who can help you transport your goods for you and help you turn a profit, like with the Silk Road. These will have to be discovered using actions.

A good deal of the questions you all have asked are solveable using actions and turns. With time, if the universe is in your favour, you will acquire all the goods you want and need, no problem. But allowing people to start with various goods wouldn't work all that well in a numbers game like this.

@ClocktowerEchos Pop growth is a loose, non-realistic mixture of immigration, natural growth and not as much die-off. Can't describe it better than so.

Gotta admit, you guys are asking lots of questions about stuff I had never thought of. Starting to think I may have overestimated my capabilities.

This makes me sorta want to remake my faction, I didn't seem to communicate some things well in the sheets, current and previous incarnations. Or, have a huge retcon anyways.

*The thing is that the Jerichians are supposedly the descendants of the wealthy of the old world. My justification was that among them there would have been people who knew chemistry, or had careers around that field, and had knowledge of how to make some things. That's fine if it's not feasible, I'm sure they'd mostly be business people anyways.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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On an important note, to avoid too much work (I understand, I've run many RPs in different formats, as previously demonstrated I'm knew to the forum type), you might want to borrow from existing IPs, partially anyways. Fallout seems like an attractive option, particularly. I've done similar things before. Radstags and brahmin and the such. Mutfruit, corn (something like the variety I wrote about), tatos, etc.

*My advice is my own opinion, of course, take it or leave it. But I would appreciate some idea in just how developed agriculture is. From the way it sounds, I imagine somewhere around the fallout games? Maybe a bit behind?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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<Snipped quote by AdorableSaucer>

<Snip, about the farming stuff>

I'm sorry but I have to raise my hand at this. This kind of sounds like meta-game justification of something to give you a boost in game. Every other faction either has super limited agriculture or none at all and here Jericho has full operational farms with a variety of livestock animals? This sounds like a human faction bonus and not a starting condition. This is to say nothing at the starting wealth of knowledge they have because of this magically well protected library or "passed down knowledge" which would likely put their starting tech ahead of everyone else.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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<Snipped quote by rezay>

I'm sorry but I have to raise my hand at this. This kind of sounds like meta-game justification of something to give you a boost in game. Every other faction either has super limited agriculture or none at all and here Jericho has full operational farms with a variety of livestock animals? This sounds like a human faction bonus and not a starting condition. This is to say nothing at the starting wealth of knowledge they have because of this magically well protected library or "passed down knowledge" which would likely put their starting tech ahead of everyone else.

I'm not trying to receive any bonuses. I'm really considering*/definitely going to do a retcon of the sheet (really a nerf of NJ, it sounds like), because I was confused about the state of agriculture. The same things could be applied to the MDR (in regards to books), I'm just asking the GM what's possible. I'm completely fine with things being denied for the purposes of balance, but there does seem to be some confusion over to what extent agriculture is a thing.

Does seem inopportune now that RP's begun, though, I'll provide

Again, I specifically pointed out they could all just be the descendants of businessmen (not a useful skillset in the post-apocalypse), that's a very potent justification for why they're on the same level as everyone else. Literally no motive for anything of that sort.

I'm just trying to find a way to make my concept work with what the GM wants, and that means asking questions. Frankly, I'm not deciding anything, the GM is. I have zero control over these things, I don't understand how talking things out has some ulterior motive

*The proposition for a library was that the bunker-dwellers might have saved some books from the apocalypse. Again, left up to the GM to decide if it happened or if it did if there's anything useful or if there was if said books are still in existence. Given that was before agricultural stuff, I didn't realize how set-back things were. Error in my interpretation of the IP
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AdorableSaucer
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Okay, I'm beginning to think this concept may have been a bit too distanced from the usual NRP crowd on this site. Seeing as I'm also co-GMing another RP and am generally horrible at keeping up with the American time-zoned crowd, I think I'mma step down. I was not at all prepared for this and need to go back to the drawing board, from the looks of your comments and questions. All of you are of course free to continue your stories like you'd want to in a normal NRP - wouldn't want all that lore to be wasted - but I won't be here to dictate you anymore. Go nuts.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@AdorableSaucerDamn. Sucks, but I understand. Good luck with your other RPs. Appreciated the correspondence you gave, it was very good.
Maybe I'll try running something like this. Haven't been here long, but this seems like a good idea still. I have some ideas to take away from this, at the very least
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AdorableSaucer
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@rezay Go for it, fam! I give you my blessing to use anything from the OP, though you might want to contact @Chenzor if you want to borrow the full concept.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@AdorableSaucerHehe. No offense to @Chenzor, it seems like a good concept, but I haven't even even played a game, I wouldn't be qualified to run one of it (a whole new incarnation). Suppose that could be said of NRP as a whole, but remains to be seen
Think I'll develop my own system for things in that case. Maybe it'll be a disaster, but fun nonetheless. I have enough experience running other RPs to make something work, probably...
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@AdorableSaucerI might have to pawn that map off you though, I thought it was great. *Just kidding, of course
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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And this is why I said to start a group PM. Goddammit.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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@AdorableSaucer Plz revive this, I miss being inbred Ogre people.
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