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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There was a stutter in the winds above Yokohama.

Four wisps of light danced among the starlit skies, moving much like how fireflies would in a grove or brush. It was an interesting curiosity, but one that didn’t appear to significant. However, as if on command they moved closer and closer to the rooftops of the Japanese city, gaining faster and faster speed as they did so. They were anomalies. Strange fragments of a god’s essence. They were not of this world.

Several centuries ago, the world of Earth had experienced a phenomena with these wisps once before. Four ordinary people were lost to the pages of time and disappeared from the history books. They were nobody who had become significant, but they were far more tailored for what the celestial energy had been tasked to gather. The Hero of Defense, Chōsokabe Kubota, knew how to survive in a hostile environment with the sword and bow at hand. But instead of spiraling toward a soldier or medic, the wisps were confused. Weird energy had tainted the wish to bring new heroes. Instead it was seeking out somebody who would not know how to survive, someone who had questionable morals.

Fortunately, the laws of the universe were empirical and absolute. This would be the case with the would-be heroes as time appeared to stand still the closer the wisps got to the souls that they were linked to. Some might have called it fate.

Nobody would hear it, but the echo of the spell to summon heroes was heard between cracks of the mirror between worlds.

When the wisps found their targets, they saw them like stone figures. Trapped in time as the mirror opened. The world’s clock was stuck, albeit for a moment, on that exact moment where the time hit midnight. Some of the would-be heroes may have been sleeping. Others… not so much. As the energy encircled the four Japanese people the lights around them grew and grew while the four in question were stuck in time.

“I refuse to let this evil win. I call out to you, of heroes old, I need your aid.”

When Junichiro, Ohta, Kaito, and Hiroko would awaken they would be nowhere near their homes. They would be in Eferion.

It would… be a strange awakening, but their bodies would be made ready for it. As their bodies were placed from wherever in Japan they were to a lone, giant tori in a large forested vale. The feeling of moving between the mirror that separated the two worlds was an odd feeling, though it would only be one they felt as they gathered their bearings and it would be more like a nagging feeling in the back of their head, like a sixth sense. All they knew when they awoke, stumbling as they would, was it was pitch black. After all, the world of Eferion was a natural one and light pollution and other such modern things had yet to light up the skies.

There would be no word of god to guide them. No Eferion sorcerers to greet them on the other side. In fact, back in the capital of which they were summoned a sense of dread had begun to fill the Princess's stomach.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

When he opened his eyes, he saw only stars.

For a moment, Ohta was mesmerized at the myriad of heavenly gems spread overhead. A tapestry possible only in a world where night meant an end to work. He drank deeply from the sight, and then blinked. And like that, the beauty was lost to him.

Sitting up immediately, the brunette rummaged through his pockets and pulled out his phone. 11:43 PM? Hadn’t he just left work five minutes ago? He rubbed his eyes a couple of times, tearing away the last bits of sleep out, then looked again. Still 11:43…no, 44 now. What happened? His body certainly felt magnitudes lighter than it used to; had he passed out and somehow regained all his strength from just a minutes long power nap? It’d be wonderful if it did, but something was still off about it…

Flashlight mode tapped on, a bright, fluorescent light surging out from his phone. Three others, all in differing states of awakening. A torii gate, standing starkly against the night sky. And a whole forest to be stuck in. Tomorrow was another early shift. He needed to find out where he was, and how to get to the nearest station so he could head to his shitty one-room home and pass out in his shitty sleeping bag. Ohta’s brow furrowed, before he pressed his thumb against the creases to smooth them out. He drew in a breath, tapped his passcode in, waited for his smartphone to pick up any signal at all, and then swore in his mind silently once more.

Garbage IPhone, primed to self-destruct with every mandatory iOS update. Should've grabbed a Nokia.

But the voice that slipped out between his pale lips didn’t hint as to any of this.

“Uhm, excuse me, but does anyone else have a signal?”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Unnamed Forest - ???
Hiroko leaned over the balcony of her small apartment. The convenience store dinner disposed into the nearly full garbage bag to the side of her door. She took a drag of her cigarette as she turned her eyes to the sky - wondering idly to herself if there was anything else to do. Probably needed to get rid of that garbage bag sooner than later. Was there anything she needed to buy? Her refrigerator was practically empty but it wasn't like she cooked a lot and it'll just rot anyway.

Was it just her or were the stars glowing brighter?

Hiroko didn't get to think about it as the world tilted and she landed onto the ground with a loud thud, sprawling her lit cigarette to the side. "Fuck.." Hiroko muttered in pain as she rose to her fours. Grass and dirt? Wasn't she just at her apartment a second before? Hiroko sat up and looked around just in time for a flash of bright light to pass over her. She winced and just as quickly, the light pointed in another direction. Seeing black, she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm. Where exactly was she? Who were these people with her? What kind of situation did she find herself in now? Did some loan sharks mistake her for someone else and threw her and these people to their deaths in the middle of a- she looked around to confirm it - forest?

The owner of the light from earlier had spoken up about signal. Dazed but nonetheless knowing that cooperating with these equally confused people might be her best bet, she took hers out. Her face pulled back to a momentary sneer as the bright light of her own phone threatened to temporarily blind her. She quickly lowered the brightness before staring at the bars at the corner of her phone. It remained at a frustrating zero bars complete with the cross mark over the signal symbol. "None on mine." She responded as she stood up, dusting herself off before stomping on the lit cigarette that had escaped her mouth earlier. She didn't want to cause a forest fire with them in it.

A torii stood before them if a little worse for wear. She found comfort in the knowledge that they might not be far away from civilization if there was a shrine nearby. They just needed to find where said civilization was.

She turned back to the others, jutting her thumb towards the torii. "Looks like we might not be too far from a town at least... whoever threw us out here might have just aimed to give a message." Hiroko raised a hand to scratch the back of her neck. It wasn't like she had made any enemies. She paid back her debts if she had any and didn't cross any unruly territory that might land her in the wrong place at the wrong time. "I'm Ikazuchi Hiroko. Might as well get to know who I'm trekking with." She attempted at a light jab to hopefully alleviate some tension.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Right, that about does it. Your next appointment is about a month from now. Yes. Yes, I can send you an e-mail. Good bye."

Silence had remained in the air until the familiar ring of a client ending the call signalled another day of work coming to an end. His exhale was heavy enough to alter his posture, and his finger and thumb soon dug their way around the bridge of his nose where a pair of computer glasses rested only seconds ago. It didn't take long for his irritated eyes to start rejecting the incandescent white of a computer monitor. Kaito was a tired man. It would have felt childish to be honest to himself about it, but even such a physically undemanding job had a way of psychosomatically draining him. During nights like these he'd typically get away from the comfort of his padded chair as quickly as possible, before his arms spread towards the computer desk and the hard wood felt like the most comfortable surface in the world to sleep on. Today hadn't been one of those days. He struggled to even lift his head from his arms, with a yawn seemingly cementing it in place. He was going to lose the fight today. His body felt instant relief upon thinking that, to his disappointment.

This wasn't his office.

Earth and air. Crisp, unpolluted, breathable air. It should have been a pleasing experience to his body, but Kaito's instincts only felt repulsion at the overwhelming atmosphere of his surroundings. It was the body of a man who had adapted to the unadaptable, to food that came in bags and train rides where he couldn't even turn his head. He had no reaction, no past experiences to draw from, nothing at all that could have framed any sort of context around the untouched nature around him. He dragged himself up, picking leaves out of his long hair.

"Hmm..." he searched the contents of his bag and pockets before letting out a soft sigh. "My phone isn't on me, apologies."

He had his journals with him at least. They were worthless outside of his office, but it felt reassuring in a visceral sort of way to have something familiar alongside him. The more he tried to piece together the events he could recall, the more they drifted around in his head like a foggy dream. There were other people around him, also stumbling around. Another pang of reassurance. Whatever had just transpired, he wasn't alone.

"My name is Iyasu Kaito." His fingers slid in the pocket of his dress shirt for a business card, but he corrected himself before taking one out. This wasn't an appropriate situation to do that. Then again, he couldn't exactly figure out what sort of situation this was at all. "'Whoever threw us out'... is that what happened?" His voice was soft, but its prodding was as strong as ever. Having been tossed here along with others would have explained some things, at least.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Junichiro stirred awake at last, his eyes fluttering open to the starlit sky. Between the smell of fresh air and the grassy bed that he had awoken upon, the freeter had a feeling he wasn't quite in Osaka anymore. Before he stood up to look around, Junichiro quickly closed his eyes once more when he heard the sound of others awakening. He wasn't quite sure where he was, but he also didn't want to deal with strangers after having a rough night's sleep like this... not without first having an idea where he was. Junichiro tried to think back to his last memory, hazy as it was. He was definitely at that FamilyMart, clenching his false weapon tightly and pointing it at the cashier before a sharp pain struck the back of his head, and...

"Shit..." A whispered expletive left the young man's lips as he pondered his situation more. Was there a thug in that store that he pissed off? Or, worse, was it protected by the yakuza? Whatever it was, Junichiro's heart couldn't help but thump quickly as he realized the ramification of his actions. He's heard the stories, after all. A part of him wanted to get caught, to be punished for his actions, but a larger part wanted his fingers and his toes intact. Emptying the contents of his bladder, Junichiro thought to himself just how in the hell was he supposed to get out of this. Hearing them talking amongst themselves, the young man thought they were distracted enough for him to make a run for it! Sitting up, Junichiro was surprised to feel that one of his jacket's pockets still had that familiar weight to it.

Junichiro still had his gun, it seemed.

Without a second thought, Junichiro quickly stood up to face the rest. For a very brief moment, he'd be surprised at how quickly he was able to get up, given his condition. After all, his bad leg hurt the most in the morning, when he would first stand up for today. Chalking it up to adrenaline, the freeter clumsily pulled his false armament out, pointing it in the direction of the flashing smartphone lights. Assuming they were naught but thugs and criminals, and not taking any more time to get his bearings, Junichiro held his airsoft M1911 tightly in both hands in a way that would make a gun enthusiast shake their head. He then shouted to the top of his lungs, ignorant of whatever other dangers may lurk deep within these woods.

"Don't fuck with me!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Shit message, if that was the case. Why didn't those slimey bottomfeeders keep the messaging subtle when they went after the suite? Kept it private, personal. Not blown it up so much that it was impossible to find a relative that hadn't heard of his parents' misdeeds. Ohta simmered quietly, his gaze focused nowhere in particular. The consuming darkness and the stark, electronic light made it easy to zone out, even as he regarded the others in the same light. A girl? A woman? Something inbetween, someone also stuck with the sharks, if messages were what she made of this. A foppish man, well-kept with long hair. Performer, perhaps? Musician or idol. Had that sort of feel to him. And the last...

"Don't fuck with me!"

A gun. A real fucking gun. Right here. Outta nowhere. Pointed at them. Ohta froze, the terror and aggression on the man's face amplified by the shadows cast by the smartphone. His mind churned. His heart burned. Out here, in the middle of nowhere. Two strangers, one enemy. No light in sight other than his own. Close range. Fuck this guy. Turn off the light, tackle his legs, wrestle away the gun, and then bash his fucking skull in. It'll be easy. It'll be clean. Who here would report him to the cops? With four words, it became us versus him. And Ohta felt great. He felt energized. He felt as if he could do it. No hesitation. Take his hands and pull that fucking subhuman's face into two meaty pieces.

But a gun was a gun. And murder was murder. What were the optics? Could he risk it? Didn't have medical for bullet wounds. Worse off if this punk was one of the higher ups' relatives. Was this just the high from having somehow gotten proper rest? Was this just the straw of bullshit that burst his dam? Ohta shifted his gaze down, away from the gunman's face. He couldn't risk it. Couldn't even risk being pissed about it.

"No one's fucking with you, man," came his sycophant voice, traitorous and serpentine. "Lower your gun, please? We're not even sure why we're here."

But if the gunman did, if the chances of getting shot out of the blue decreased, would that tilt the scales in Ohta's decision-making? Make his initial response more reasonable? He didn't know. Not yet. So he kept his smartphone's light trained on the man, waiting for those eyes to adjust, to grow accustomed to light.

Accustomed to seeing, until it was turned off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Unnamed Forest - ???
Hiroko nodded at Kaito, pleased with his introduction and a name to add to the face. She rolled her shoulders in a shrug. "Don't know. Can't remember anything." She admitted. From the confused reaction from Kaito, it would seem that he didn't know anything either. What a strange coincidence. Her hand reached up to the back of her neck, turning to the torii. "Can't think of anyone who can-"

Cut off by the final man in their group, eyes wide with surprise and horror as a gun was trained right at the man who held the light. Could it be that he was part of the group that decided to teach them a lesson? Though, from his reaction, some part of Hiroko's brain argued that he was probably just as lost as they were. But he was armed. And they weren't. He was up in arms and ready to pull the trigger at them. Hiroko had never been in a situation like this before. She's faced customers who would scream at her face for doing things according to policy or because of a misunderstanding. Those, she can handle with no problems.

But this? This was beyond her paygrade.

Most of her instincts were telling her to duck, take cover somewhere. But all around her were just grass and she doubted that the torii could cover herself fully. Besides, what's stopping the man from unloading an entire clip on them while they were scrambling for cover. Hiroko was itching to have something on hand to at least fight back with but she doubted a lighter would make a difference. The other man began speaking to try and defuse the situation. A brave choice considering the gun was pointing at him.

"We're just trying to figure out where we are so we can get back." Hiroko added, her tone a lot softer and more genuine than the flashlight holder. "We're not going to hurt you." Or well, she was speaking for herself for the most part. It wasn't like she knew any moves besides the basics to fight someone off with anyway.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

A bead of sweat rolled down Junichiro's forehead as he kept his gun trained towards the light. Whoever these people were, whatever is going on, he couldn't help but feel as if perhaps they were in the same situation as himself. Maybe they've all crossed the yakuza, and they were all thrown here to "disappear." Maybe this was some sick joke by some underworld boss and they're all being secretly filmed. Regardless, Junichiro did not falter in his stance.

"Just stay back, all of you!" The freeter exclaimed, stepping backwards slowly. He waved his gun at each of them, although he kept it particularly pointed at the two who spoke to him. As he did, he took quick glances of his surroundings, getting a better idea of where they were at. In particular, Junichiro was interested in that giant torii, thinking it would lead back to civilization.

Taking a breath and regaining his composure, Junichiro would open his mouth to speak once more, his arms faltering slightly. Before he could utter a word, however, the light from the man's smartphone would give out. Did it run out of batteries? Whatever the case may be, the young man knew he lost most of his leverage with that light away. He could barely see in the dark, and that bright light didn't help. Knowing full well that he would lose control of the situation soon, especially without some sort of warning shot, Junichiro would instead do exactly what was expected of someone whose first actions after waking up in an unknown place would include pissing themselves.

The freeter ran off, beelining for the torii. Using the rush of adrenaline to push through the somewhat absent feeling of pain in his legs, Junichiro would pass through the gates, abandoning those he had woken up with. Sure, there was strength in numbers especially in a remote place like this, but sticking with the rest seemed futile to the nihilistic young man. If anything, knowing his luck, Junichiro would just end up getting the rest of them killed as well. And besides, he still didn't trust any of them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So they hadn't been thrown out. Kaito could only give Hiroko a small nod, not wanting to plunge the odd mood into a more negative direction. He figured it got engulfed by the darkness around them. Another awkward interaction. No matter, the silence was more than enough. It was the most comfortable option when one had no idea what was happening.

It didn't last.

A shout from one of the others made his head whip to face directly towards the sight of a gun. An actual, real life gun. Had the man not been wielding it with a desperation that radiated throughout his entire body, Kaito could have probably tried to reason it was a prop or similar. But the look across that man's eyes couldn't be imitated.

"N-no need for that, now," he said, hands placed tensely in front of him. The smooth voice he employed during therapy was out in full force, albeit with cracks forming all over. This was far beyond his range of expertise, and far removed from any experience had with a client. What did this man want? Was it respect? Answers? Money? Was that it? There were too many variables, too many things he didn't know. Ideas came and went yet none were strong enough for him to unclench his jaw. The man ran off before he had anything resembling an answer.

Kaito wanted to approach him, but his legs stayed rooted in place. He instead filled his lungs with the forest air and shouted. "Aren't you also lost?!" Mutual survival. The kind of condition that made one wild animal work with another. In this strange forest with no civilization in sight, it made sense in a gloomy sort of way. He could only hope the man would realize that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The problem solved itself. If only all problems could do that.

Ohta let out a breath as the gunman, perhaps driven by some irrational fear of the dark, ran off into the distance, taking himself and his gun far, far away. Maybe he’ll be a problem in the future, but for now, they could all breathe a bit more clearly. He shook his head, then stood up, allowing his own eyes to adjust to the darkness. Only 50% or so left for his charge. Shouldn’t waste it until they got somewhere with reception. The direction the gunman went was annoying though. He didn’t really want to head in the direction of the torii, in case that fucking idiot took that as a sign of pursuit and started shooting, but if there was going to be any paved path out of here, it would be from the torii.

So he suggested instead.

“Maybe, uh, we should go after him?” He pocketed his phone and clutched his lunchbox to his chest. “At least up to the torii there. Might be, mm, a path out from there.”

One thing convenient about the gunman: his scene meant that self-introductions could be delayed for a bit longer. More time to judge whether it’d be a truth or a lie that Ohta used to identify himself to these strangers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Unnamed Forest - ???
The gunner bolted past them and ran through the torii and disappeared from their sight thanks to the darkness around them. She let out a ragged breath. First, waking up in some unknown forest and next being held at gunpoint? How could this possibly get any worst? Still, the threat was gone and maybe they could properly recollect their thoughts this time. At the very least, the other two were cooperative - maybe it was because they understood that right now, their best bet was staying with each other... even if none of them particularly knew each other.

Kaito, perhaps in an act of empathy or harboring the same thoughts as her, called out to the gunner but he was already long gone. Hiroko wondered if there were any animals that were attracted to the commotion. Hopefully not, she wasn't carrying any tools with her that would serve as any sort of defense mechanism.

"Yeah, that way is our best bet." Hiroko sighed. As much as she also didn't want to follow the agitated man, they did have little choice in the matter. "Hopefully, he already made some distance. I just want to get out of here..." She looked between the two of them before moving forward to take the lead. Hopefully, that'll ease both of them to a more comfortable state. They needed a little more trust between them after all.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Junichiro ran deeper into the forest, putting a fair bit of distance between himself and those he had woken up surrounded by. While it was dark, the night's sky offered enough light for the young man to not run into a tree. Still, traversing these wooded lands in the dead of night was not an easy task, especially for one who lived in a suburban environment their whole life. With this in mind along with the fact that there seems to be no sign of civilization aside from that torii, the runner would soon stop and get back his bearings.

The freeter sat himself behind a tree, leaning against it as he did his best to focus on his breathing. While he didn't get too far off from everyone else, Junichiro still ran a significant distance away. As someone who doesn't jog regularly, it really does feel like he should have been more exhausted from that sprint. Was this adrenaline, or are those long hours doing hard labor starting to bear fruit?

Whatever the case is, Junichiro thought about his position more. He was lost in the wilderness and it's the middle of the night. He has no cellphone, no map, and no idea where he could be aside from being somewhere in Japan. Maybe hearing the others out was a good idea, after all? They seemed just as lost as he did, with one even showing some concern when he started booking it.

Junuchiro sighed at his hastiness once more before gazing up to the stars. He wasn't really one to pay attention to things like constellations and their meanings, but he did remember something about dippers and how they pointed north. What even is a dipper, anyway? Kaoru would have probably known.

"Kaoru." That name left his lips solemnly as he started to think of simpler times. Times when all his problems could have been answered by simply asking his best friend. Knowing him, Kaoru would have rallied everyone together and found them all a way out of the woods by now. But Kaoru isn't here anymore. He's been gone for a long time, and Junichiro had to rely on his own knowledge, to make his own decisions.

Looking up to the sky, Junichiro traced his fingers along the assortment of stars, trying to make some sense out of them. While he wasn't going to try and remember what any of the constellations are, much less if he could recognize any, he was simply trying to find the brightest. Something constant he could refer to, so that he wouldn't be walking in circles. Once that was found, it was only a matter of following it...
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito sighed. The movement caused a gulp of pure forest air to rush into his lungs, causing a momentary lapse of thought. It felt pleasant, but far too out of the ordinary to grant him any sort of relief among the darkness. It was just another bullet point on the growing list of idiosyncrasies to be tracked and questioned.

"It's the only recognizable landmark." An obvious statement. Not the least bit satisfactory to him. He hated uncertainty, and this felt like less of an answer and more of a path to more questions. He started thinking of all the possible things they could encounter upon nearing the torii, with his mind naturally getting more creative with the negative outcomes. Among the majority of those were dark and wild streaks of a desperate man with a firearm and no certain location. When no one what a person was doing, not even themselves, predictions had the tendency to get muddled.

He followed the other two at a cautious pace, subconsciously taking faster strides whenever the snapping of a twig or any other noise would sound among the forest. "Going after him could be... dangerous. He asked for some space, so the best course of action should be to respect that." Asked was too soft of a word. Force of habit, he supposed. "But, hm... nevermind. He'll probably also go near the torii since it's the only option available." He brushed away a couple of loose strands of hair near his face, and took a hard look at the darkness surrounding them. "So we should keep going." The words made perfect sense. There certainly was reasoning behind them, and the average person could have agreed that it was the smart thing to do. And yet a certain pain gnawed at him from the inside. A certain desire to help others, not only ignored but intentionally suppressed.

The man could find his own way home. He just had to convince himself that it would be the case.

It wasn't working.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It was an awkward beginning.

As Junichiro ran off into the forest, the wind during the midnight hour seemed to get heavier and the presence of a storm beginning to take shape. It was odd though, given how clear the night skies were. No clouds cloaked the moon, yet there was the density of a storm beginning to take shape, or at least that’s what it felt like. This feeling aside, it would not take long to find the “north” star. The path that passed through the massive torii seemed to go on for miles into a deep swath of thick woodlands and ragged, rolling hills. In the distance the moon illuminated a waterfall that flowed downward from on high. A silhouette of something moving in the brush. Local wildlife stirred by the group’s movement perhaps?

A clap of thunder echoed in the distance, but there was no sign of an oncoming storm. No rain. No humidity. No clouds. But there had been thunder. Curious.

Further north alongside the road from the torii stood a statue of two ancient warriors. It would be the next monument forward.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was getting harder to gauge distance. Thunder rumbled somewhere, and Ohta didn't know how to interpret that at all. Was it close or far? Was it the herald of an inbound or outbound storm? The grass wasn't damp and the wind didn't seem to be blowing in any particular direction. Every clue that nature may have presented was simply meaningless to him, and after spending ten seconds on this, the office work promptly tossed a blanket of apathy over it all. Compared to a gunman, the idea of a storm didn't sound like a threat at all. How many times had typhoons struck Japan, after all? How many times had the cloudburst and left him to walk back home while soaked to the bones. It didn't matter. What mattered was that he was indeed correct.

The torii was the terminal point of a path. Two statues, their silhouette indistinguishable in the darkness of the night, were probably the guardian deities of this gate. The path itself lead to the forest. Perhaps it was a bit haunting, the idea of walking through a forest in the middle of the night, but if one envisioned this during daylight...

"A nature hike." Ohta placed his hand upon the wood of the torii, inhaling deeply. He still wasn't certain how he had been transported here, so far away from the bright lights of the downtown core, but the ability to place this haunting scenery as a 'landmark' was enough to settle him. A path through the forest that lead to a parking lot and a trailhead. A parking lot and a trailhead that lead to a major road. A major road that lead to a town. A town that lead to a train station. His phone worked as a Suico, and he still had about half-battery in it. Would probably still end up home late, and would probably still be exhausted in the morning, and would probably still have to grind away at his job as a fucking office gopher who did tricks for free, but that was fine. Just gotta keep going.

"W-well, I think," Ohta gestured in the direction of the statues, "we could probably keep going? I don't hear that person anymore...he'd probably, I dunno, be moving faster than us anyway, so..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thunder. Sudden, roaring thunder. It was another warning from the world around him that he wasn't in an office anymore, and would be completely exposed to the elements unless he found shelter. Someone familiar with the workings of nature would have noticed the disconnect between the sound of thunder and the lack of visual cues accompanying it, but he remained ignorant. Instead, he focused on the statues of two warriors they encountered. Warriors from another time. He couldn't really tell from when, but that didn't surprise him in the slightest.

"Leaving him alone would be bad," he added, quietly. "But someone like that is too dangerous for people without the proper training to confront." He was referring almost entirely to himself, yet still worried the others would see the statement as rude. If he had just known this would have happened somehow, he might have been able to calm the man down or at the very least avoid having other people around or...

He shook his head to refocus. He had to keep his mind sharp and breathe, breathe the strange air that filled his lungs like no other ever had.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Unnamed Forest - ???
Hiroko rolled her shoulders, uneasily breathing in the heavier air. She knew this feeling— soon enough, it would start raining and they would need to start running for shelter. Preferably somewhere safe but was there anywhere safe in this area? Hopefully. Still, when she had looked up, the night sky was eerily clear. The boom of thunder echoed around them but she couldn't tell if it was close or not. She bit back a sigh, hoping that they were mistaken. Hoping that there was no storm that would pour some torrential rain on them while they're out in the wilderness.

"I never thought I'd ever find myself in a surprise hike." She huffed out, squinting her eyes through the darkness to see the two figures in the distance. No structures yet, unfortunately. The path seemed to stretch infinitely before them and Hiroko thought back to what she could have done to make the universe want to put her into this kind of situation.

They had kept moving, Hiroko alert as something seemed to move in the darkness. Hopefully, it was just an animal that got spooked by their presence during the night. Hopefully, not the kind of animal that would have them for a late dinner. The statues came closer and bigger and more distinguishable. Hiroko looked back at the two of them when they talked about the gunner who had fled into the night.

"Yeah. I'd rather not confront him at all. The only thing I've been taught when it comes to people holding guns is to just give them what they want." Hiroko lifted her shoulders in a shrug. Thankfully, she hadn't exactly had to deal with that in the entirety of her career. "Let's just keep going. I'm sure we'll hear him before we see him." If he had been that noisy earlier, maybe they can play it to their advantage.

Idly she observed the warrior statues as they came closer, wondering if they looked familiar at all. Maybe it'll give her a general idea of what place in the country they were at.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As the winds picked up speed, Junichiro clutched his own arms tightly for warmth. For now, he put his gun back into his jacket pocket seeing as a fake weapon likely wouldn't help to deter any local wildlife looking for a meal. It seemed like he was far off from the rest, so he didn't need the threat of a weapon on him at the moment. The more Junichiro thought about it, the more it might've been better to stick with them instead, especially since he didn't have a mobile phone of his own. Perhaps it isn't too late to call out for them?

For now, the freeter continued to follow the path of the north star with caution. The wilderness seemed to expand for miles on end, but perhaps he could find some form of shelter tonight, if not civilization. With a storm approaching, it'd be nice to have something like a cave to nestle into. The waterfall in the distance also looked promising especially if Junichiro was going to be out here for more than a day or so. He remembered hearing about freshwater being the first thing you should look for when lost in the woods somewhere on TV. It'd also be nice to wash his trousers given the mess he had made on himself moments prior.

As he pondered his decision, the shapes in the trees gave Junichiro a stir. Could it be the others? No, he'd likely hear them discussing among themselves if it were. Whatever the case, the young man clutched his gun, obtaining a false sense of security as he proceeded with a slower stride. If someone, or something, was going to get the jump on him, perhaps his fake pistol would serve as a decent enough improvised weapon. The grip of the gun was heavy and metallic, especially with the added weight of the magazine in mind. It could serve as a nice club to bat things away with, should all else fail. Taking a deep breath, Junichiro did his best to remain calm given the situation he was in, so he could respond to danger with a bit more thought put into it.

The sudden clap of thunder did not help, causing Junichiro's movements to stir a great deal. A storm was approaching, and Junichiro was rudely reminded of such a fact. Rather than continue to move slower, he instead picked up his pace, following the direction of the glistening waterfall in the distance. Perhaps the thunder scared away whatever pursuer was currently eying him, as well...
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Hiroko and the others drew closer to the statues, the “storm” as it were appeared to draw to a close. The skies were quiet. For now.

The statues themselves were interesting pieces themselves, though they appeared to have seen many centuries of decay. Moss lingered over them and the words engraved upon the base of their feet. Strange words. At first they were totally indecipherable despite seeming like Japanese. The combinations didn’t make sense, or at least, this would be the case until they did.

“I hate of which I am.” The message on the leftmost statue read, his partner to the right would iterate “I shall never forget.”

A poetic sentence, though without context was hard to even know. Unbeknownst to the three it would be the first lesson and skill that the world had granted them. The written language of the natives to this part of the world. It would come in handy in due time, but for now it would be a mild confusion. But in the dark, transported from your home? Would you doubt your own eyes and discard the strangeness of it all? A good question. For the travelers, it seemed like they could follow the road further, though it was not very clear where it was going to lead in the dark. If they were to use their cellphones for light, how long would that even last?


While the majority of the group looked at the statues, Junichiro continued to wander northward through the brush and a bit ahead of them. Another torii appeared in the distance as the road went deeper into the forest, covered in moss and brush. If the three from before were following the road they would end up this way eventually. But perhaps that was a concerning thought for later. The waterfall was his goal. A fresh source of water.

However, before he could get there he appeared to stumble on some kind of campsite. No signs of life and there appeared to be no embers on the campfire at all. No tents. Some leftover pots and gathered berries but nothing much more. Whoever had used the campsite appeared to be long gone, but both the waterfall and the second torii were in distance.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Junichiro crumbled as he reached the campsite, raising a triumphant fist in the air. While water was surely at the top of his priority, having some berries to keep him fueled up on the way to the waterfalls was also great. Standing up and dusting himself off, Junichiro wandered towards the camp slowly. The more he walked towards the camp, however, the more the hairs behind his neck raised.

Could this be a trap? A ruse? Some sort of ploy to keep him vulnerable? Perhaps those berries were poisoned, and would knock him out if he tried eating them! Maybe some hobos were hiding in the nearby brush, just waiting to take his wallet. Heh... jokes on them, he dropped it on the way here! Many paranoid thoughts filled the deadbeat's head, thoughts only someone as deranged as himself would have. He'll have to show whoever's hiding out there that he was the bigger threat...

Pulling back the slide of his airsoft pistol in a dramatic fashion, Junichiro raised his gun into the air like some sort of declaration of war.

"Don't you try and jump me. I'll blow your brains out!" The young man hollered, his hand slumping back to his sides before he continued towards the campsite. Once he reached it, Junichiro would instinctively sift through the discarded pots, looking for something to sufficiently defend himself. Perhaps a pot lid big enough for him to use as a shield, to protect from any hobos who tried to jump him?

Whether he'd find anything of that sort or not, Junichiro would then try and taste one of the berries. Poison or not, he was more concerned if they tasted any good. Perhaps one isn't enough to gauge properly however. He would indulge two, or three, or five more while he still had the chance.
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