Avatar of mickilennial


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current If you like Full Metal Panic give Fafner in the Azure a shot as well!
1 mo ago
If you aren't angry, you aren't conscious.
1 mo ago
I think I have my writing confidence back. Feels like centuries since I could string together sentences.
4 mos ago
🐶 Harvey (2009-2024)
2 yrs ago
Vindication comes, so too does peace of mind as I close one chapter and open a new one.


if you're petty with me

be prepared to deal with

the most crazy bitch

you've ever met

Micki | 35 (b. 1988) | Detroit | INTJ
Biromantic Demisexual | Bipolar/Manic-Depressive

Hi. I'm a role-player/writer who has spent over twenty-one years in this hobby.

I will pretty much write anything as long as my partner is cool with my inconsistent posting pace and momentum. I'm pretty sociable and I make dumb jokes all the time. My favorite things to write is capeshit, anime, space operas, horror, and slice of life/mundane drama. My writing level leans toward minimalism, but I try to give my partners/groups more than enough to work off of. I like to think I am pretty flexible.

I like cinema, music, and animation just as much as I like writing with people. My biggest hobby after writing is pop media analysis. Ask me questions or for suggestions and I'm sure to have something for you. 😎😎😎

Most Recent Posts

Apologies for delays. I got a little under the weather + birthday + medical issues with my dad.
I personally think your "No Marvel or DC, but everything else" will run into challenges in terms of balance, competing/conflicting themes, and disproportionate power sets.

We've tried to run a Indie Comics game (and thats far more focused than such a idea) a few times and we always end up with these issues, I agree. The only one who really feels inspired is whoever gobbles up the TMNT or Hellboy, I find.
Like, sure, Stardew Valley had the war in the background and something like Rune Factory has all of the science fantasy components, but these aren't subversive or even particularly edgy things. I don't understand the difficulty in getting that.
Bro, its just a Harvest Moon-like. It's not that deep.
Wow, yeah, you weren't kidding. That was a long time ago, huh... Kind of amazed you even managed to find those old CS'es of mine. xD

Seems longer than it was, tbh.
I'll catch up on posts and write two of my own soon. I got plans tonight.

- The dispassionate, unfriendly and angsty proprietor of the local general store(?).

General Store/Market, but yes, she is quite prickly.
*Pokes head in*
... It says you're still open to appications, soooo...

Just wanted to stop by and express interest in potentially joining. But I'll hafta read through the OOC tomorrow after work, and then possibly ask some questions if they haven't already been answered, before I express anything more than interest.

I thought her preference for tea was spicy drama.

Luna's preference for tea is a Long Island Iced Tea. :)
but if you're the bestest where are my posts then

I've been working all day and I am tired. I'm going to bed when I get home. Early.
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