Like, sure, Stardew Valley had the war in the background and something like Rune Factory has all of the science fantasy components, but these aren't subversive or even particularly edgy things. I don't understand the difficulty in getting that.
Wow, yeah, you weren't kidding. That was a long time ago, huh... Kind of amazed you even managed to find those old CS'es of mine. xD
- The dispassionate, unfriendly and angsty proprietor of the local general store(?).
*Pokes head in*
... It says you're still open to appications, soooo...
Just wanted to stop by and express interest in potentially joining. But I'll hafta read through the OOC tomorrow after work, and then possibly ask some questions if they haven't already been answered, before I express anything more than interest.
I thought her preference for tea was spicy drama.
but if you're the bestest where are my posts then
There really wasn't a template for the profile, but since everyone just copied Micki's, I'd just use that if you want.