"Can I really make the world a better place with powers like these?" 」

Name → Axelle Leroux
Nicknames → Alex, Lexie (Endearing) | Axol (Demeaning)
Age → (18)
Birthdate → May 14, 1999
Height/weight → 5'9'' 133lbs / 175cm 60kg
♥ Poised ♥ Preppy ♥ Practical ♥ Passive ♥ Prickly ♥ Perfidious ♥
The easygoing, "straight Bs" type of student who could excel if she tried, but has no passion for studying in a rigorous manner. She comes across as the type who doesn't pay attention in class or to other people's needs, but somehow or other manages to rise to the occasion when needed. Despite her unassuming demeanor, she has an excellent memory, an eye for details, and a bit of a deceptive-but-soft side. One of her favorite tricks is doing her friend a big favor in exchange for a smaller one—the old "help me help you" ploy, except that she uses it in the other's favor instead of her own. Though she rarely loses her composure, she has a tendency to forcefully push people away when they get too close to figuring her out. She won't accept any notion that her friends might owe her something for her alleged kindness, and won't accept something for nothing. Receiving gifts makes her feel awkward and even anxious, even from obligations like birthdays or Valentine's day.
Like many girls her age, she wants to make the world a better place, but has no idea where to start. She wants to be a good person, but isn't really sure what that means. She understands that it probably means helping people, but it turns out that, secretly, she doesn't actually like working with people all that much—working with people who are broken and needy, even less so. She seems like the kind of person who has her life put together, and doesn't have much patience for anyone who isn't just like her. In reality, she's simply been burned too many times, and doesn't want to let anyone take advantage of her deeply buried desire to be useful. Both of her parents are, in her own words, "worthless Wall Street babies" who have never worked a day in their lives, and if you were to ask her, she'd tell you that she aspires to nothing greater. Really, she's not sure
what she should do with her life, but she does know she wants to be better than them, and that's
She's the kind of person who's only passionate about their hobbies, and her hobbies are more like short-term obsessions that change like the seasons and disappear swiftly as the wind. She'll discover something completely new, indecisively ponder a while about whether it's a good fit for her, then suddenly throw herself headfirst into the deep end of the subject, quickly becoming a certified expert on the topic, only to lose interest and drop it like a penny into a wishing well. Her newest obsession is blogging.
She's the type who thinks deeply about everyone and everything, except her own happiness; she's easily swept along by her friends' whims. She's trying to go vegan, even though she loves eggs. She tries to adjust her lifestyle to "save the planet," even though the lifestyle seems expensive, and she's quite frugal. She says "I'll think seriously about it" every time her parents bring up the topic of marriage, even though she likes girls. Now, she's pursuing journalism, because maybe emotionally-charged photos and flowery language can convince people to care about others who are suffering. Or perhaps she can expose corruption, ruining those who abuse power, and uprooting systems of oppression. Of course, people will accuse her of having all kinds of ulterior motives—a cozy "fake job," the thrill of the taboo, power tripping over hit pieces—but that's fine. It's better if her peers think of her as selfish.
♥ ʟɪᴋᴇs ♥ Cinnamon Buns ♥ Coffee Shop Vibes ♥ Lazy Days ♥
♥ ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs ♥ Bullies ♥ Hypocrites ♥ Loud Parties ♥
♥ ǫᴜɪʀᴋs ♥ Prefers Vinyl over FLAC ♥ Breakfast All Day ♥ Laughs at Dad Jokes ♥
- Rose's Thorns
- Viper: Drain the enemy's life force with sticky thorns that sting like hornets.
- Constrictor: Roots or vines bind the enemy's arms, legs, neck or head.
- Anaconda: Combo attack with Constrictor; slowly squeeze an immobilized enemy to death.
- Mother's Resentment
- Perplexing Pappus: Touch fuzzy, get dizzy. Mesmerizes and disorients the enemy.
- Fiendish Fruit: Balls of sticky barbs that interfere with the enemy's movements.
- Seeds of Suffering: Once infected with spores, the enemy's self-healing effects are stopped.
- Toxic Love
- Agony: A crimson storm of rose petals laced with an oily and deadly poison.
- Torpor: A thick, sticky sap which produces fumes that, when inhaled, cause drowsiness and lethargy.
- Fugue: An oily nectar that, when absorbed, may cause enemies to flee in terror and suffer a lapse in memory.
- When milliseconds matter, plant-based attacks are only seconds away!
- Attacking with spores, fluids, and flower petals? How's the weather today?
- Did I get some on you?! Oh gosh, I'm sorry! Here, use my handkerchief...
TRIVIA → Keeps an audio diary on cassette tapes. That's safe, right? Yeah. Nobody uses those anymore.