"Hey, so have you heard of that coffee shop that recently opened up? No? Well, we should totally ditch and go get some. Best iced coffee I've had this year."
Nicknames → None
Age → 17
Birthdate → October 13th
Height/weight → 5’2” / 112 lbs

Stormy is a bit of a wild card. She loves playing music, sticking to the genres of rock and metal, but loves pastel colors. Can come off as pretty serious, but loves to make people laugh with her stories (of a sometimes grandiose nature). Thing about it is, it's hard to tell with her most days. But she's a fast and loyal friend to anyone willing to stick with her. And past that tough exterior is just a person looking to find their way in the world, same as anyone else. She just gets distracted. Easily, too.
Likes → Bad B-Movies. Thunderstorms. Various types of music. Coffee.
Dislikes → Hot and humid days. Cheesy pick-up lines. Sweets. Buzzkills.
Quirks → Overly energetic. Talks a lot with a lot of topic swapping mid-sentence. Likes to play fast and loose with the rules.
Spells → 
The ability to harness sound, and in conjunction music, to varying degrees and with varying abilities behind it. The main use, and with a very technical breakdown, is the ability to vibrate the air molecules around the caster to match certain wavelengths and frequencies.

With her control over sound, or as Stormy refers to it as anyway, she can use a variety of means to channel her magic. Her favorite way? Her drums. With the beat of music being her life almost, she’ll play away without a care in the world. But, her powers manifest as she plays. From being able to inspire those around her (usually used to help rile up a crowd as her and her bandmates play) with what she does to rapid fire explosions of sound to strike her enemies.

Now, an ability she has because of her control over sound: Her voice can hypnotise. Her voice, when she applies herself, can be used to take an almost hypnotic quality like the Sirens of eld. She can, with enough time and pressure, get people to do what she wants. How she didn’t just escape detention is anyone’s guess.
Weaknesses Control → Or, should we say, lack thereof. As with her personality, she's a wild card. Sometimes she can manifest it at will, but most of the times it's based entirely on her emotions and mental state. If she's full into one of her shows with her band? Nine times out of ten it'll manifest. If she's calm, or in a rush? Yeah, not happening.
Anger Management → She's really quick to anger, which is problematic. How she ended up in detention, along with being a bit of a rule breaker. She's easily riled over certain topics, and one of those is people attacking her friends or her interests. She also, if one can't tell, doesn't exactly fit in with the normal crowds, after all, and openly hates the cliquey types just based on her own personal principals.
TRIVIANot really much to know about her, if one were to look her over. Decent home, decent parents, decent life...
boring town. She didn't exactly live in the area when she was born or even grew up. Her parents moved to the city earlier in the year due to her father getting a new, well-paying job. She lost all of her old friends, and it was by pure chance that she ended up at the boarding school itself. She didn't know why, but as her parents were busy looking for a school to enroll Stormy into, the headmistress of Arcadia came a knocking. A talk, and a test, later and she was enrolled.
She was quick to find her group of friends who later became her bandmates. It was during one of these shows that she discovered she had more than a simple talent for music, as she noticed the crowd that was there started to cheer louder, harder than ever before. It was later, her in the band room practicing for her next set when they fully manifested in more than just a coincidental fashion: She almost blew a hole into another instrument. She could see the vibrations in the air, feel it in her bones. And then she found out what Arcadia was actually for. And it was this same incident (and the fact she was skipping class to play) that landed her in detention in the first place.