Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

In the future world known as Taria, there is a deadly city that uses the power of magic to stay alive. There are three different cast systems in the city. Elementals, the strongest of the three and only magic that can be used by the nobles and high classes due from the magic only being spread by bloodline. There is Mages, the lower level of cast that have to use magic tools to give their spells any life, then there’s the naturals. The naturals have magic in their blood but not pure like the elementals, so they can do others things such as shifting and other lesser blood magic.

Now the city is at war for power and equality, and a small band of rebels is at the forefront of this battle, learning more about themselves and each other every day, or knowing how different each member truly is...

Bane Clawson was sitting at the docks, huge air ships sailing by the port as he waited. He had golden eyes, showing his level as a natural magic user. He rolled his neck, waiting for someone to pass him the last bit of information he needed. He was also on the look out for anyone in trouble, it was happening a lot lately of people being grabbed and sold to the nobles. Or worse. Becoming living batteries. He shuttered at the thought as he bit into an apple, his silver hair a odd contrast to his younger looking face.

Lady Serena Midnight was walking the halls of the main government building, reading over documents as a wolf like robot creature followed her. His name was Fenrir, the creature she built herself. He was her added security as she was always thinking of other things then to where she was going. Which was about to be proven when she was heading to the main set of stairs and didn’t see them as she was about to fall down them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

There were a few precious minutes when the sun was at a precious angle on the sky, when it colored the horizon a lovely shade of sunset which looked to Claire like the dying flames of a campfire with people roasting game over the firepit, laughing with family or friends. She hoped it was her memory, but Claire had no recollection of nights spent on the woods with her friends. Did she ever have friends or family? Everybody ought to have been born into the world to a mother and a father, perhaps a sibling too. Every time she looked out into the sky at sunset, her mind wandered into the dark void that was her past.

A gentle nudge and the whir of the airship’s dying engine called her back into the present. Unconsciously, she tugged the lapels of her gray jacket and hunched over a bit. The cap hid most of her reddish-brown hair save for the fringes over her cool blue eyes.

The passengers of the airship were ushered to a government officer’s desk to verify identities and purpose of visit. The Capital was not a safe place for a woman, she remembered grandma advising her before she left the ranch. Perhaps she was mistaken, but there was no harm in trying to blend in as a middle-class gentleman.

The officer looked her identity papers over. His dark, tired eyes, glanced up at Claire’s poker face a moment longer, before turning away and placing a stamp on the documents. “Don’t make any trouble. Don’t get into any trouble,” was his grumbling advice before shoving the papers back to her. Claire nodded then shoved everything back into her sling bag. This was where she would find out who she was, like the man at the tavern back home told her. Like the invitation letter told her so.

She stepped up into the docks, savoring the somewhat metallic smell that was distinctly the Capital’s. It was very different from the laidback country life she had woken up to some years ago. She missed it already.

“Right,” Claire sighed. The Green Fairy was where she should be. She hoped grandma was wrong about the Capital. She hoped she did not look too much like a country boy who had his first field day at the city. She hoped, above all, not to get mugged on her first day even as she risked asking a stranger with silvery strands of hair. “Excuse me, sir.” Her voice was a notch lower when she spoke. “I wish not to disturb you and your apple, but could you tell me where the Green Fairy is?” It was an inn or a pub of sorts.

But if the silver-haired Natural would spare her a glance, the face he’d be looking at would be a familiar sort of face.

The kind that could charm even the queen of the underworld – that was how Levi was described. He was a young noble, heir to a dukedom, an eligible bachelor, and an Elemental. He had been summoned at the capital to help put the rebels to their place, but ever since his arrival, he had spent most of his time at the war room, with the King’s advisors. He stepped out of the hall to catch some fresh air and ---

“Lady, the palace floor is not lacking in blood nor is it requiring your face planted on it.” Levi caught a lady, apparently, before she fell to her disgrace. He commanded the air around the young woman, enveloping her and gently guiding her back onto the sturdy marble flooring.

He met her gaze briefly, before turning away. His status as a duke’s son taught him that there were only a handful of persons he needed to show respect to. This woman was not one of them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bane heard a soft voice that pulled him out of his thoughts. Bloody thoughts of the past whence looked up and saw the girl above him. He blinked and then said “what was that? Sorry...” he blinked a few times, knowing her face but not being able to place it. It was clear she wasn’t from around here. And would be a clear target. He slowly got up and smiled at her warmly.

“Green Fairy? Ya, I know the place. A friend of mine works there...I can show you the way if you like. It’s easy to get lost in the city and I’d hate for ya to lose your way on your first day...” he finished his apple and tossed it, it landing in the trash bin a yard away. He bowed his head in respect and said “Bane Clawson, at your service”

Serena felt the air catch her and she turned, her bright purple eyes glowing as her eye met his. Fenrir growled softly but she held out a hand. “Pardon me, I seemed to be lost in my work again. Thank you for the save, Lord Levi...” when he was gone she frowned a little and said “better stay clear of him...can’t make an impression. Come Fenrir, we have a job to return...”

Suddenly a page ran up to her and held up a message, breathing hard. “My lady...another...missing” Serena cursed and took the message, reading it over. “Not another one...this is getting...” then she froze at the name and sighed. “Well, I’ll have to go in after all...” she went thru the doors the lord had returned thru and opened the doors. The advisory was at the table when one looked up and said “Lady Midnight? I didn’t think you were joining us today...” Serena sighed and walked over to the lord speaking, a Lord Gables, and said something in his ear. The wind user would be able to pick up her words.

“I’m sorry, Daniel...it seems your nephew has been taken...same MO as the others...rest assured I will find him...please don’t worry...” Gables nodded weakly, before his leg gave out. Shadows shot around and wrapped the lord, keeping him from falling. Serena looked around and barked “get a chair! Or shall I use my magic to just float him till one of you can will him his strength back!” When the lord was in a chair her shadows returned to her and Serena turned and left the room, her aura beating off of her. She had a job to return to.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Claire tugged her cap conscious about how a country girl like her must have looked like disguising herself as a man. It seemed that her gray jacket and worn trousers failed to fool the friendly fellow at the docks. Maybe the absurdity of her overall appearance was what went on inside the inspector’s head earlier which was why he looked her over the way he did. At least, this man, Bane Clawson, was helpful enough to show her the way.

But what was it that they say about the city? Claire hesitated on her next step. They said, there’s no real friend in the city.

Taking advantage of the few seconds he took his eyes off her, Claire tightened her hold around her bag and dashed away into the busy streets ahead. Never mind that she was the first to approach him. Forget proper etiquette. She should learn not to trust anybody, especially those with friendly smiles. Along the way, she’d probably come across a Peace Officer. She could trust Peace Officers, couldn’t she?

A low clacking sound followed her as she dashed through the narrow metal corridors. Thin slits carved out of the rusty walls allowed light to enter the pathway which led to a wider space where more of the passengers from different airships convened to conduct business of sorts. She pushed her way to the nearest elevator, offering half-meant apologies to the people she bumped, stepped on, or whatever. She had to lose the silver-haired charmer who she thought sought to rob her measly money.

The operator pulled a lever. The elevator whined, but slowly descended the metal tube down into the city.

Alistair Maitland was at Levi’s heels even before the latter could inhale the infamous rusty scent of the Capital. “Lord Wolferstan,” Alistair called to Levi’s dismay. The lord’s towering height and broad shoulders would catch the attention of any lady, but it was the metal fingers peeking through the sleeves of his left hand was a conversation starter. He was about five years Levi’s senior and was recently named Baron Maitland.

“Lord Wolferstan, the conference is not quite over. The lords are about to vote on our next action. Unless you refuse to participate, I suggest we return to the hall at once.”

Levi pursed his lips together. So much for a few minutes of peace. He turned back to the meeting hall, walking briskly side by side an old comrade. “Has Victor calmed down?” he asked.

“About the north’s neutral position?” Alistair grinned. “He’s hardly finished ranting about how you and your father should grow a pair of balls.” And how they deserved what happened to Levi’s twin sister, because they failed to rein their subjects in. But Alistair was wise enough not to repeat the old lord’s words, else the palace guards would be dragging a dead body very soon.

A lord who appeared to be in his early fifties was on his feet when the two gentlemen re-joined the meeting hall. He cast the pair a quick glance before continuing to read the agreements of the day. Quietly, Levi and Alistair found their seats among the council of lords. There was one last thing to do that afternoon, which was to vote whether to endorse two laws. First, a proclamation imposing taxes on magic artifacts. Second, that all Naturals shall be issued a ring that will identify them as such, while also suppressing their magic. The Naturals and the magical weapons were the force behind the rebellion. Once the palace had a rein on these two, then the rebels would be no better than bands of bandits crying out in the woods.

While the lord was busy reciting the provisions of the proposed new proclamation, the double doors swung open once more to welcome a new comer. Levi recognized her as the lady who nearly cracked her head. She was bold enough to intrude, confident enough to cross the room towards the lord who was presiding the meeting. Lord Gables paused to regard the lady. When she did not stop to properly greet the lord and others in attendance, Lord Gables had no choice but to hear her out.

Levi’s curiosity got the best of him, as usual. His eyes widened at the words exchanged between the pair. Somebody was abducted and there were other victims like that somebody. The rest of the commotion didn’t matter. His eyes followed the lady as she strode out of the room, leaving the rest in question. He leaned on his elbow at the table. “Who is that?”

There was a mischievous light in Alistair’s eyes. “Hmm? You don't know her? Well, that's understandable since you've been living outside the Capital for so long. Her name is Lady Serena Midnight. Want to know more?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bane blinked as the girl ran off, confused at the suddenly action. “Guess I spooked her...well, I know where she’s going. And my nose tells me she’s one to make sure reaches her goal...” he backed into the shadows then shifted into his full wolf form, running off to head to where he thought she had headed.

At the bottom of the lifts when the door opened for her sat the wolf, his tongue out and wagging his tail. He understood her fear, but no one could be afraid of the friendly animal. He saw her and barked, wagging his tail in greeting. He walked to her and pawed her leg, then pointed his head to the left, trying to lead her.

The door opened again and the Fenrir walked in, shaking his head. He sat by Lord Gables and a card appeared in his mouth. Gables took the card and the wolf said “if you wish to contact lady Midnight her information is on there. We shall take this mission in the highest of regards. Fear not” then the wolf turned and walked out of the room.

The lord sitting on Levi’s other side, a Lord Henry, turned and said “I heard she’s a unusual woman. She took her fathers place in the court when he passed suddenly and has since done much good work for the people. She has handled many security matters and is now handling that nasty business of people being taken in the night and then vanishing without a trace. She’s not like other women that is for sure...”

Serena was back in her office, looking at the map on her wall and shaking her head. “Why grab a lords nephew? Apart from the location fits the others...was it because where he was or who he was...” she sighed and moved to her desk, gathering her things. “I will have to go to the scene...maybe it’s fresh enough to get a lead...” she paused, rubbing her temples. “This is a bad week to not be getting sleep...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

There was no sense of personal space in the lift. So much so that when the mesh door slid open, the passengers literally spilled onto the street. With them was Claire who clutched her bag as close to her body as she could. She suddenly missed the wide expanse of space and the quietness of the countryside. At the capital, everybody seemed to be racing to outpace the clock. Steam-powered engines were more common at the streets, though a number of common people still preferred walking than spending a little extra on transportation.

Just like Claire. She would have to walk to the Green Fairy given the little allowance she had saved up all those years.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself to plunge into a new adventure, maybe look for a peace keeper to help her find the way. Then, someone – something – nudged her leg. Turning to her left, her blue eyes would have been blind to have missed a giant dog. Her heart leapt, her legs did too. She would have ran for it again if not for the friendly look on the dog’s eyes, and of course its gesture.

“Have you lost your way, buddy? Do you have an owner?” She asked, reaching a hand to tentatively pet the dog. Then, it nudged her again, as if telling her to follow a direction. “Oh, wait. You want me to go there? Let’s go then.”

Maybe they would come across a peace officer. Maybe she’d ask for directions when she saw one. But to leave such a cuddly, friendly, furry beast in the middle of the capital was not like her. Claire had always had a soft spot for lost animals. Perhaps, because she too was lost.

A couple of guards stood beside a double-doors. This was the office of the Lady Midnight, according to Lord Henry. The latter seemed very interested to the former, thus was a mine of information about the lady. The daughter of a lord. Her position was not what drew Levi to her office, it was the assignment that the palace entrusted her.

“Forgive us, my lord, but the lady does not wish to be disturbed,” one of the guards said. But who was to stop an Elemental lordling from doing what he wanted to do?

“It will only be a few minutes; she would not mind.” Levi advanced towards the door. The guards instantly drew their weapons. Well, they tried. The pressure of compressed air weighed down on their muscles, making even a little motion seem heavy. He heard them grunt and curse, which was all they could do at the moment.

The door opened to a wide space – a study – with a number of books lining one side of the wall and tall glass windows on the other. The lamps had been lit as shadows lengthened and the sun continued its descent. Lady Midnight was mumbling words under her breath, too absorbed in what she was doing to hear him approaching. The mechanical dog, though, did sense him. Levi had to stop.

“Lady Midnight. How long have you been in charge of the missing people?” He did not forget to introduce himself. He was just not bothered to do so. Most noble knew his face as an heir to a dukedom and a prominent Elemental. “Tell me everything you have uncovered so far. Don’t leave out any detail.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bane lead the girl thru the busy streets, making sure not to leave her side. The girl had had a point, the city was dangerous, and being carefree with who you asked for help was a game of chance. So he would make sure she got to the Green fairy in one piece. He did like the fact she liked to let him on his head and neck when they had to pause for cars or other transports.

After a while they made it to the lower part of town where it wasn’t so busy and it felt like a richer history floated here. THe buildings were more personal and warmer colors were used. It felt like a 180 compared to the main part of the city. They made a turn and Claire would see at the end of the street a huge green building, the sign above the door with faded green paint a fairy painted on it. Bane sat down and barked happily, glad they made it there in one piece. Then he led her to the door, his tail wagging.

Fenrir sat up from where he was laying by the desk and growled, not liking his lady being bothered. Serena stopped her muttering and looked over, holding her bag with one hand and her notebook in the other. She frowned and stood fully, her eyes watching him carefully. “I thought I told the boys I wasn’t to be intruded upon at the moment, seeing is I have a lot of work to do”

She moved around the desk and folded her arms, her eyes glowing softly. “You seem to know my name but I must have missed you when you came in and out of respect made introductions. You may had saved me from a fall before but that doesn’t mean you get to be rude” she turned and when back to her map on the wall, making mental note of the last location of attack. Then she nodded and turned back to the lord.

“If you must waste my time, I got the case when it was brought to me by the family of the first one taken six weeks ago. The court didn’t even notice until the third soul was missing. Not that I wait for them...they take forever to pick dates for dinner parties” now that he was closer to her, she was striking with her silver eyes and dark raven hair. But she also looked tired.

She walked up to him and said “now, unless you plan to come with me, I can’t spare anymore time standing here. Peoples lives are at risk, and I must end this suffering” she moved to the door, wondering if he would follow. If he did, she was click her tongue for Fenrir to follow them and she headed for the front doors. She added as they walked “I can fill you in when we secure a coach, I’m learning not to walk and be lost in my thinking at the same time”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Looking around, it did not look as if having a giant dog was a common thing. Although bystanders barely spared a glance at the pair, she failed to spot another soul walking their dog along the busy streets. But this one was friendly and cuddly and cute. Who was she, a mere mortal, to resist its charms? Claire was even smiling as she followed the prompts of her unlikely companion.

It led her away from the steam and metal plates that made up most of the city to a portion of it which looked a little dated. Though quite a bit different, the population was not lacking in any way. The street was still busy, but that was not what was important. That the dog led her to the Green Fairy was a marvel in itself.

“Good boy.” She patted its massive head. Claire guessed it was a boy just because. “Do you live here? Do they feed you treats from the pub?”

“I told them that I will only take a few minutes of your time.” Levi shrugged. He was a busy man as well. The curse of being a high-born Elemental. In between the council meetings was the occasional reconnaissance mission being entrusted to him. That afternoon, thankfully, was a little bit on the free side thus he had the chance to visit this person who was entrusted with the missing nobles.

He watched her move around the desk with the obvious grace of nobility. Had he not known that she was a lady, he would have found out about it through her movements. They said she was different, but to his eyes, she was the same as the rest. Until she told him that he was being rude. And that she did not know who he was. Levi tilted his head at an angle, examining the movements of the lady and her mechanical guard dog. Nobody confessed his rudeness right at his face yet. Not while he was at the Tower training as an Elemental, not while he was mercilessly rebutting the other noble lords for their shitty proposals, not while he openly rejected ladies who pined for his attention during banquets. This was the first person outside his immediate family who told him that he was being rude.

Also the first who told him that he was wasting her time. “Then you are not officially tasked to look into the missing people cases,” he concluded upon hearing that it was brought to her by the family of the victim. Then again, why her? Why not the peace keepers? Why not the imperial knights?

”I heard she’s an unusual woman” The lord’s words floated in Levi’s mind.

The family of the missing person would not entrust her the details if she was just a pretty silver-haired lady. Levi decided to follow her out the door. They walked in silence across the winding corridors of the palace, until they found their way onto the palace grounds. A waiting butler immediately approached Levi.

“My lord,” the butler greeted. The pair of males exchanged a few words before the butler hurriedly left.

Levi turned to the lady. She was a head shorter than Levi, but was quite tall for a woman. “I brought a vehicle,” he said in a manner of indirectly offering her a ride. “I want to know if you handled a case about a certain Emilia Wolferstan.” His features soften for some seconds when she mentioned the name of his missing twin sister. Though it might not be possible, since she had been missing for years, this Lady Midnight kindled the hope that he would see Emilia again.

Whatever her response was supposed to be, was cut off by the sound of a whirring steam engine. Carefully, the butler drove the two-seater vehicle onto the driveway. Its body was bronze, with a convertible top hatch with could be lowered on a beautiful day and automatically drawn up to protect the passengers from rain. The butler was trying hard to contain the grin lighting his face as he stepped away from the driver’s seat to deposit the keys to its owner.

Levi thanked him quietly, and like a proper gentleman, pulled open the door for his passenger. “You may tell me the details while we drive.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bane sat down and barked, nodding his head and wagging his huge white tail. Then he stood and walked to the door, which still had the closed sign up. But he jumped up so his front paws were on the door and used his nose to move the knocker, the noise ringing out.

After a few minutes he door opened and a orange haired woman stood there, wearing overalls over a tank top. She looked down and smiled. “Well hello there. Your late, and the boss was about to call...” then she looked up and saw the girl behind the wolf. “Hey there. Did our faithful watch dog find you? Come on in, I was just about to make some breakfast” she stepped back and let the pair in. Inside was huge and open, the lights green to keep the theme going. The middle was a circle bar and cook top which had a huge natural looking chandler hanging above it, it’s green and brown branches making look like a fairy’s home in a tree.

Bane sat by the bar as the girl moved behind the bar. “I’m scarlet by the way, what can I do for ya?”


She paused and looked at him, her eyes glowing softly as she said “no one else can be bothered to look into them...not until the attack today. I took the case because I care. And I don’t give a hoot what the others think about it”

As they walked to the ground, she was looking over her notes and muttered to herself. She seemed to forget he was there till they made it out side and he asked his question. She paused and looked at him, her eyes holding a new look of concern before she paused it away.

“Her file...is in my office. I believed for a short time the cases were linked. But I couldn’t find anyone who knew more then the thin file given to me on the matter. If you know more of that case I might be able to find more...is she important to you?” She turned to looked at him, now her attention was on him completely. It was an intense look, showing she was a sharper focused woman.

When the car pulled up she nodded to the butler with respect and said “thank you very much. You’ve made my day a bit brighter” she smiled at him, a warm and soft one that no noble ever had the pleasure in receiving. She stepped into the car and sat down, Fenrir jumping and curling into the back sit with ease. When they started moving Lady Midnight opened her notebook and said “so far ten people have gone missing. They were taken like clock work. One every eight days. And at each scene there’s no clues. Nothing left behind. The only evidence I’ve been able to get from the scenes themselves is a strange energy level right where the person was last seen standing. Witnesses say the poor souls cry out then they are just gone.”

She flipped a page to check a few numbers then said “all have been either low or middle level, all different kinds of magic types. The noble today is the first high level. Me theory is that they don’t know his rank. He was in middle level when taken, which makes me think he was taken for another reason. I don’t think rank has anything to do with why they are taken. I believe it all has to do with their magic. They were all magic users in some form or another.”

She sighed and rubbed her temples, her headache back worse then before. “No bodies have shown up so that’s something...I have tabs on many groups who could be behind this...the rebellion is off my list. They aren’t after those in the lower or middle and they haven’t done anything like this. I’m thinking they may be hunting the job as well...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Claire was welcomed into the pub by an orange-haired woman. Pubs didn’t open until nightfall; thus, the interior was relatively quiet. And a bit dark. It smelled of alcohol and grease, but the interior was relatively clean. Her eyes immediately gravitated towards the circular bar, the open kitchen concept, and the realistically sculptured chandelier. She wondered if the Green Fairy made their home somewhere in between those winding branches.

Intrigued by how different the establishment was compared to the pubs she frequented in the countryside, Claire stepped deeper and deeper into the Green Fairy until she was seated on one of the bar stools. “I – My name is Claire.” She looked around. Save for Scarlet and the wolf, the pub was empty. She was expecting to meet that same person – Hector Gresley – who persuaded her to leave her life and explore the capital.

“I’m supposed to meet up somebody here.” She smiled sheepishly. “Maybe I came in too early. Do you mind if I stick around to wait?”

Hector seemed to be in his early thirties. He had the build of a fighter and eyes with the sharpness of a hunter. During their short encounter back home, he managed to challenge Claire’s belief that the peaceful countryside all that she needed. The capital was a vast adventure that a girl like her should explore. Besides, it was where she could finally discover who she was, he said. Hector said it with much conviction, as if he knew who she was.

Just then, her stomach grumbled. Claire pursed her lips in embarrassment. She swallowed hard. “Could you also pass me the menu?” A little something to eat would be good. Though, she prayed to the gods that this place was not too costly.

The engine whirred to life once again. Levi was behind the wheels, commanding the vehicle while Lady Midnight took to the passenger seat. She admitted that she knew about a certain Emilia Wolferstan, that the lady had Emilia’s file back in her office, that Emilia’s file was not enough to push for a proper investigation. Her disappearance was kept a secret by the family for quite some time until the scandal became too difficult to conceal. By then, it was too late. Ems was gone too long.

Lady Midnight continued to brief him on the case she was handling, telling him how many victims had been missing so far and the manner how they disappeared. He wasn’t interested. He wanted to know about his twin sister and not some random nobleman’s spoiled child. The lady was building a theory centered on the level of the missing person’s magical abilities. But Claire had none. She was an ordinary girl. There wasn’t any reason he could think of why anybody would kidnap the duke’s daughter other than for political means.

“The rebellion is on top of my list,” he countered. They had left the palace grounds by then and were a couple of miles from the city proper. “Especially if the missing people are all gifted. Think about this – who will benefit from these missing people cases the most?”

The cool afternoon breeze met them, teasing Levi’s reddish-brown hair. The sun was low on the horizon that the vehicle cast a long shadow along the paved road. He glanced sideways at the lady beside him. “Reading while inside a moving vehicle will do that to you,” he offered as a form of an advice, seeing her massaging her temple. Did she also have motion sickness? Some nobles did. More than twice did a nobleman empty his stomach on the vehicle. He wondered if she would too and immediately considered slowing down.

“The missing people, as well as the security threats, within the Capital and the empire are all being blamed on the nobles. Us. We, who had power over the common people. Such was the fuel propagated by the rebellion. The more the common people hate the nobility, the more powerful the rebellion becomes. Thus, why would you discount the rebellion from these crimes?”

Levi’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel. They had entered the city by then. The long rays of the sun were replaced by the artificial light coming from several erected posts. He trained his eyes forward. “Where to?” he asked, possibly trying to change the subject.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Scarlet smiled at the girl and went into the kitchen and said “let me whip you up something. I was just about to make some myself. If your looking for Hector he should be in a little while. You can hang out if you like. I was just going to eat and finish opening for the day...”

Then scarlet looked at bane and frowned. “You going to stay like that all day?” Bane nodded, then tilted his head to then girl, then lowered his head and flatted his ears, then perked up again. Somehow scarlet understood and glanced at Claire. “Let me guess...you met a huge scary guy at the ports that made you take off, then met this furry fellow?”

Bane moved and curled around her stool, watching the girl with interest.

Lady Midnight glanced at him, a knowing look in her eyes. Then she rolled her neck and said “the missing girl is one of my open cases. I got the case from my father when he passed. I just need fresh evidence of something then I could find her easily...I can find anyone if I have the right information”

She flinched again and closed her eyes as she said “this doesn’t fit their MO. They would just go for nobles, not anyone from the lower level, and most of those taken are of the lower level. And they would have gone for fighters, most of those taken had power involving...” she paused, an idea coming to mind. “Energy. They had powers based on different forms of energy building or control...that’s something”

She pulled her notebook open to a different page and wrote it down, then muttered “I need to see why the nephews power is...maybe it will give me a better idea” she glanced up and said “River Park, by the theater district. His uncle told me once the boy is a writer. Would explain why he was in middle level”

She sighed and then answered his question “it’s not the movement, I get headaches from over using my powers and not getting enough sleep. It’s been happening a lot lately so I hint something else is triggering them...” she flipped thru her notes again and jumped back to the case.

“The rebels also didn’t leave their mark, which they do on every thing they do. They also don’t hurt innocent lives...no, my guess it’s one of the gangs going for a power play of some kind or...” hushed paused, not sure she should tell him her best theory. But then what would be the outcome if she did? She really didn’t care what he thought of her, but now with him asking, she would look into the missing noble with more drive then before.

“My top theory is that it’s a noble behind this” they pulled up to the park and she opened the door, Fenrir jumping out from the back. “If your staying your welcome too. If not, thanks for the...” she paused, her vision blurring on her as the world spun for a moment. She turned her head, waiting for the moment to pass. “Ride here...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

A scary guy and then --

Claire bolted away from the stool with a gasp. Anger and confusion bubbled up the surface. She fought the urge to throw something at the gentle beast who settled at the base of the stool. Pressure mounted on her chest. She held onto it the way she knew how, because of fear that letting go would create more harm than good. Yet the surprise, the anger, the confusion, the eyes of the beast that deceived her made her lose her grip and so she released the pressure.

It was not the first time she faltered on her control, but it was the first time she saw something that came out of it. Because the friendly wolf that sprawled on the floor was no longer there. In its place was a mass of a man. The same one she met at the docks.

Of course, how could she forget? There were different types of magic users, one of such was a shapeshifter.

The door chose that moment to swing open. “What’s all the commotion about?” asked a blonde man in gray overalls. He had an air of superiority that manifested itself in his tone. He moved from the main entrance to the bar as if the pub belonged to him, then crouched beside the shapeshifter and patted its head playfully. “Had a little too much to drink, buddy?”

“Mr. Gresley.” It was more an accusation than a statement. Claire peered at the man who cocked his head upon hearing his name.

For a moment, a flash of recognition flared in his eyes, then he pushed himself to his feet and claimed one of the stools for himself. “Pardon me,” he coughed. “You look like somebody I know. Didn’t think you’d really risk coming out of your suburban hole. Candy? Chloe?”

She looked as if she wanted to take a seat beside Hector, but then hesitated. “Claire. My name is Claire.”

“Mmmm… Scarlet, do you have a vacancy?”

Levi nodded when she gave him directions where to take her. He stopped briefly at an intersection then took the right turn towards the Theater District. The streets were busy at that time of the day when most of the daily wagers came out of work. It would stretch on until late at night. He received an invitation to an exclusive party that night, but had yet to decide if he wanted to attend.

The lady went on to assure him that she did not have motion sickness. Levi nodded again. Blue eyes focused on the road ahead, careful not to accidentally overrun a carriage or a commuter crossing the street.

“Careful,” he warned low as she continued defending the rebels. “I may be swayed to believe that you have an intimate relationship with the rebellion. Not a lovely characteristic for a lady of your standing.”

They slowed down to a stop beside the valet. Levi left the keys on the ignition. Protocol dictated that he should be the one opening the door for her. In his defense, the valet tried, but also failed. The woman was a person of her own. She stepped out of the vehicle on her own, her mechanical dog tagging along.

Levi was already at her side of the vehicle beside the busy street when she swayed, looked away, and unconsciously grabbed the metal roofing for support. He didn’t ask if she was, because she didn’t look like she was alright. “I don’t have a lot to do tonight.” A lie. “An investigation will proceed faster with two detectives. Tell you what. I will help you with this case. In exchange, you will help me revive the case of Emilia.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Pain pulsed thru him and Bane was forced to shift back, his body tense in pain. He was panting hard, his whole body tensed and vibrating in the pain of having to make a fast shift. Bane cursed and sat up, his eyes closed.

Scarlet stared and then looked at the girl. “Easy, love...his not a threat. This is Bane Clawson...his a shifter. But a gentle one. I was kidding about the scary guy thing...” bane fought to get up, glaring at Greasly.

“You...bloody...you asked me...to keep an eye out on the port...don’t play...dumb...bloody that hurt...” he leaned against the bar, breathing hard. Scarlet looked at the older gentleman and nodded. “Ya, I have a few rooms. Bane is using one cause his place isn’t safe right now.” Bane waved his hand at Claire. “It’s...nice to meet you...I didn’t mean to scary you...I just didn’t want you to get lost or grabbed in the city...my human form scared you so I thought my wolf side would be able to lead you here then I knew you got here safe and sound...”

He pulled himself onto a stool, his whole body shaking. “How did you do that?”


Midnight rolled her eyes and said “I stick to facts. I don’t assume things. And the rebels are not behind this. I know their style and this isn’t it...it’s not a relationship, it’s knowing ones foes better then the public and nobles...not that it is very hard to know more then the courts these days...”

When she swayed she felt his hand help steady her as her vision decided to work again. She held her head then looked at him, a small frown on her lips. He wasn’t like the other nobles. He didn’t seem like a moron for one. And he seemed to actually give a darn of what was going on.

She nodded and said “alright then...you have yourself a deal. You aid in my search for the missing souls, and I will do everything I can to find your sister.” She held out her hand to shake on the their deal, Fenrir already sniffing the area for clues. She turned and saw him moving away from them and said “come, my faithful companion seems to be on the trail of something....”

She moved away and started to follow the hound, making sure not to show weakness again in front of this noble. She had a feeling she couldn’t let her guard down around him at all. Fenrir stopped and looked up at her, sitting down. She bent down and picked up a small cloth. It was a torn shirt by the looks, nice fabric and a gold button on the edge.

“This must be from our noble lad...they are getting sloppy...” she stood and held out the cloth for the other to see. She looked around and flicked her wrist. Shadows moved up and she said “seek and find” the shadows shot out and started searching the park.

She sighed and rubbed her temple, a headache pounding.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Thanks, but she also needs money to eat. Got any job vacancy?” Hector leaned on the counter and motioned for Scarlet to come closer. “Look at her,” he urged, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Doesn’t she look like somebody we know?” Dressed like a man, with her a cap hiding most of her hair, she looked a lot like that person they knew. If she had been taller and a bit wider on the shoulders then she would be perfect.

Claire didn’t hear the whispered exchange between the two. Her attention was caught by Bane’s apology and his question. An odd question to ask. One that she didn’t know how to answer. “I’m sorry? Did what exactly?”

Hector glanced sideways. The rebellion needed every person who was willing to fight for the cause. This woman could be an asset or she could just turn around and walk away without listening to what he had to say. She used to live at the countryside, content with a slow-paced life. They met and he instantly saw what others might have missed – her uncanny resemblance to that bastard Levi Wolferstan. The heir to the dukedom, the king’s favorite pet and the person who managed to spoil the rebellion’s mission time and again. He and his father were not hardcore anti-rebellion, but the family’s allegiance to the crown made fighting against the crown’s declared enemies their duty. Giving Levi a reason not to intervene was an option. Because Hector learned from his associates that the woman who went as Claire Dal was adopted by a local about seven or eight years ago and that she had no recollection about her past.

“Charm him.” Hector answered for Bane. “He meant to ask how did you charm him. Our trusty Bane is not easily charmed.” He gestured to an empty bar stool beside him so that he sat between her and Bane.

Claire looked from Hector to Bane. “I’m sorry, sir, if I offended you. I was advised not to trust any stranger who openly offers help in the capital.”

Hector guffawed. He draped one thick, heavy arm around the shapeshifter’s shoulder. “The girl’s got a point. We’ll have an exclusive one-on-one about how not to look like a scammer.”

Curiosity was what made Levi decide to ignore the invitation to a social event and instead accompany the lady. He was bored of upper-class parties anyway. This, on the other hand, might give him a chance to look for his missing twin.

The humans and the canine automaton walked around the area for a bit until the latter sensed something. The lady picked a piece of torn fabric from the grass, identifying it as an article that once belonged to the missing person. Levi stared at the mechanical dog. Impressive. If he had one of those, back then, he could have launched an investigation all by himself.

He quietly watched as the lady commanded the shadows to search for more clues. Not many nobles had the power over shadows. It was the first time he closely worked with one. And she seemed to be overexerting. “Working your powers beyond your capacity will do you more harm than good. Why don’t you take a break and work this case in –” In the morning, he wanted to continue. The words died in his tongue as her shadow lengthened to a direction where it shouldn’t go. He twisted his body and looked all around them. The buildings, the passing carriage, the trees, their shadows went one way. The lady’s however, pointed elsewhere.

So much for taking a break. With a possible lead literally at the tip of her toes, there was no way he could convince her to call it a day. Besides, he was too curious to know how effective her spell was to just walk away. They allowed her shadow to lead them across the park and into the streets of the capital. It didn’t even cross his mind to fetch their vehicle, but he might as well do. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to an hour. Well, not really. But they did walk quite a lot, away from the center of the city, straight to the invisible border. Beyond it was the slums. The trail led them to the industrial section, where most of the commoners work during the day. It stopped by an abandoned warehouse.

Levi held his arm out, stopping the lady from entering the backdoor. He shook his head, then allowed magic to do its work. The manipulation of the air was what Levi was most notable at. With it, he can do a number of things, including scouting the area for life. He found it. Them. It was a trap.

He felt the movements in the air before his other senses realized what was happening. Part of what made Levi an exceptional fighter was his ability to estimate what was happening around him before it had an effect on him. His left hand shot forward, palms out. A circle of spell faintly glowed. Bullets clattered on the ground inches from Lady Midnight. It was aimed at her head. He pulled out a long-barreled revolver from its holster aimed, and shifted a few degrees to the left before firing. “It’s an ambush. We have to go.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bane rubbed his head and said “I wasn’t scamming...she asked for directions. You can’t tell a newbie in town how to get somewhere in the heart of the city. It’s way easier just to take them there...” scarlet looked at the girl and muttered softly “the only problem is her voice...they look a lot a like...but not the voice...”

Scarlet looked at Hector and said “I am in need of a hand around here. Myles was helping till his mother got sick...it’s just been me during the busy hours. If she can clean and help cook I’d hire her” Bane leaned to Hector and muttered “my contact never showed at the docks...I think they were delayed. I need a better place to set up the met”

Bane waved his hand at her and said “no offense...just didn’t want to see you get grabbed. A lot of that happening lately...Hector, the owner of the that pet shop? Her daughter was taken a few days ago...I don’t think the officials heard about it. Can you send it up the message chain?”


Midnight saw her shadow find a lead and she jumped up and said “the time of rest is not now, not while those souls are waiting for rescue. Come, we are on the hunt” she ran after the shadow, Fenrir following at her heels.

They went all thru the city till they came to the work center of the city and she was not liking where this was going. The slums made no sense. The officials had searched here a million times. And a lot of those taken had been taken from this area. She felt his hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

Then the shots rang out. He moved before she could which she was thankful for. She took a step back then cracked her neck. “Not yet. These attackers might have information...time to weed them out...” she moved her hand and the shadows around them started to move and take shape. After a moment four huge wolves stood by Fenrir and she said “fetch boys...”

The wolves took off in the direction of the shots, lady midnight standing tall now and lifting a shadow to block the next volley. “This is not the rebels...this proves it. We need to get eyes on one of the...” she suddenly gasped, holding her chest. Pain racked thru her. One of the wolves must have been hit with magic. She lowered her head, trying to push the pain back.

Then her eyes glowed silver and said softly “hunt as a pack...one of you has found a target...” they heard yelling and barking, then she gasped again and took a step backward, the pain getting worse. Then the yelling stopped and Fenrir barked.

She was panting and looked up at the lord next to her. “Fenrir caught one...”
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