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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago


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The year is 4E15. In the early days of the Fourth Era, in the wake of Martin Septim’s heroic sacrifice to end the Oblivion Crisis, the Empire is in turmoil. The line of Talos has been broken and their reign has ended. Potentate Ocato has been assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood and the witch-warrior Thules the Gibbering, a madman unloved by the people, sits on the Ruby Throne. Morrowind has been ravaged by the Red Year, Black Marsh has seceded, and unrest is brewing in the Summerset Isles. The Legions are spread thin. Local rulers and warlords all over Tamriel, even in the Cyrodiilic Heartland, are establishing de facto independent city-states and territories. It is a time of war, of political intrigue, of coup d’etats and power changing hands.

In Cyrodiil, only the Imperial City is still firmly under the control of the Emperor and the Elder Council, fractured though it may be. Some of the rulers of the other cities and counties have seized control for themselves -- others have been overthrown, and their erstwhile territory is now ruled only by the right of the strong. The peasantry suffers. Mercenaries, arms dealers and assassins are making a killing. Bandits prowl the roads and the woods, and bands of deserted Legionnaires take what they want. The people cry out for heroes to stand up against cruelty and tyranny, but who will answer the call?

In all this chaos, a warrior-woman and a minotaur have escaped from the dungeons beneath Thules the Gibbering’s ghastly Arena; a place of bloodshed and death, where prisoners, slaves and beasts are forced to fight and kill for the cackling Emperor’s entertainment. Their wild flight has taken them from the Imperial City to the forests outside of Skingrad, where they had to fight against highwaymen and roving packs of wolves for survival. The local farmers and hunters were afraid of them at first, but the woman and her monstrous protector meant them no harm. Over time, they became local heroes for the resistance they showed to the corrupt and self-serving Count of Skingrad and his enforcers, who relentlessly ‘taxed’ the peasants for everything they had.

Besides, an escaped slave-girl and her man-bull companion… where had people heard that before?

Others joined them in their cause, and soon a resistance had formed. One by one, the warrior-woman, the minotaur and their ragtag crew of freedom fighters took down the Count’s lieutenants and freed the countryside surrounding Skingrad from his control. Now, allied with a citizen’s militia inspired by their actions, they gather round the fire on the eve of their final assault on the Count’s castle, the Emperor blind to the world in his White-Gold Tower, while another power gathers strength in the West...

Hello and welcome to The Elder Scrolls: Stormcrown Interregnum. In this RP, we will be playing the inner circle of the escaped slave and warrior-woman Isobel Aurelia, an incorrigible optimist with lofty dreams of a better future for the common people, as she takes the fight to the petty kings and warlords who have seized power in the Empire’s weakened state after the Oblivion Crisis. Beware that this RP takes place well before the events of Skyrim -- there is no Aldmeri Dominion, no Stormcloak Rebellion and certainly no dragons. This is a period of Tamriel’s history that has remained mostly undescribed, save for the Greg Keyes novels (which I haven’t read and have no real interest in), so we will be charting our own course and seeing where the story takes us!

This will be an RP about guerilla warfare, political intrigue, spycraft and power struggles, inspired by movies like Sicario, narratives like Game of Thrones and real-world conflicts like the Nicaraguan Revolution and the Arab Spring. We (my lovely co-GM @Leidenschaft and myself) are aiming for the gray, not the black and white. This isn’t a simple “good guys saving the world” story. This is about the struggle of balancing idealism with pragmatism, about the cost of victory, about the tough decisions and sacrifices that have to be made. As such, we are looking for people who can stomach (and enjoy writing) about mature themes and who have the patience for weaving a long-haul story where your characters might struggle to balance their goals, morals and aspirations when faced with the harsh reality of war and politics.

Isobel herself will be an NPC, with her mostly functioning as a plot device. The real meat of the story will be found in her inner circle, our characters, whose responsibility it is to shield her from threats, but also to get their hands dirty and carry out all of the most unsavory tasks that come with running a rebellion. Make sure that your characters have a strong personal motivation to want to try and make a change, or they will not last long.

If this interests you, read on!


- The year is 4E15.
- As such there is no Aldmeri Dominion, no Stormcloak Rebellion, no Dragonborn and certainly no dragons.
- Thules the Gibbering is the current Emperor. He is not a Dragonborn, and the Blades do not serve him. He has his own Spymaster, clandestine service and elite bodyguard instead.
- In Cyrodiil, the Imperial Guard effectively holds only the Imperial City. The Counts of the other cities have consolidated their own power, or have been overthrown by other interests or warlords.
- In Morrowind, the Dunmer are still recovering from the devastation of the Red Year and the Argonian Invasion. Vvardenfell is uninhabitable.
- Black Marsh has seceded from the Empire and cut off all communication with the outside world.
- The Thalmor are a fringe political faction in the Summerset Isles that is steadily gaining power after the Oblivion Crisis.
- Orsinium has been sacked in 4E11 and recently rebuilt in a new location between Hammerfell and Skyrim.
- Imperial influence in Elsweyr is waning but the Mane successfully maintains order.
- High Rock, Hammerfell and Skyrim remain relatively stable and loyal to the Empire, but they have resolved to manage their own affairs until a capable Emperor sits on the Throne again.
- The Mages Guild has been dissolved after the Oblivion Crisis, due to strong anti-magic sentiment among the population. Two splinter factions survive and vie for arcane supremacy; the Synod and the College of Whispers. The Arcane University has become an independent and reclusive center of magical learning.
- The Fighters Guild remains the primary mercenary organization, but they are too busy with the lucrative contracts offered by local rulers to act as enforcers and no longer effectively help the people.
- The Thieves Guild is thriving. It was expelled from Black Marsh and decimated in Morrowind near the end of the Third Era, but other chapters are flourishing.


- No Godmodding or power gaming of any kind. We're telling a story, not having a competition to see who is the biggest badass. Not to say you can't do awesome things when it comes around time for combat, but know your limitations. This includes self-insert characters, backstories that are designed to give the character access to abilities, skills, and equipment that would be considered an unfair or overpowered advantage, autokilling NPCs during fights with virtually no effort put into it, taking on a room full of people single handedly, meta gaming, trying to have everyone treat your character like they’re something unique and special, your character knowing things they shouldn’t, et cetera. The goal here is believable characters.

- The writing standard is typical Advanced. Read what you wrote over before you post, and ensure you have acceptable spelling and grammar. That said, I'm not a perfectionist, and mistakes are made by everyone. Just make an honest effort and we'll get along just fine. Posting expectations are at least 2 detailed paragraphs per post, probably more, within a two week period. If you think short paragraphs and single lines are the best thing in the world, than I direct you to the free section. Failure to post within the 14 day period without a notification of absence will result in your ejection from the game, no refunds.

- No speed posting. This means give other people a chance to post before you do. There won't be a strict posting order, but if I notice the same two people posting back and forward in a short time span without giving others involved in that group or conversation or whatever a chance to reply, I will not be happy. A good solution to this is to have conversations between your characters play out in collaborative posts, or collabs. We’re a big fan of those.

- If you are going to be absent for any length of time, please let me know. I’m not going to kill of your character or kick you to the curb because stuff came up. Real life comes first, but that said, do try to be fairly active. Your character can be controlled by a GM until you return. If you vanish without word for more than 14 days, you will be removed from the game and your characters written off or killed.

- If you disagree with contents of someone's posts, don't turn the OOC/Discord into some horrible flame fest. We're all hopefully mature enough to settle disagreements through logical discourse. If things start to go into flame war territory, I will warn the players. Failure to STFU will lead to your banishment from this RP.

- If you want to do something, and you aren't sure, ask in the OOC/Discord so it can be discussed. Or, if you want it to be a surprise, PM the GMs. If it's a good idea, we'll work it into the plot. I like to encourage creativity and think that all good RPs involve ideas from all their players. Sometimes this leads to amazing subplots and character development.

- If you have questions or ideas for events, PM the GMs. Your input will help keep you not only invested, but it’ll give the GMs more fuel to work with for upcoming encounters and plot lines in the RP.

- If you feel the need to start a romance between characters, that's cool. This isn't exactly a rated role play, and it’s bound to happen. I personally like to graphically describe violence and swear quite a bit, but if you feel the need to indulge in smut, please take that stuff to PM. 4 pages of graphic sex isn't going to save the world; it'll just cause everyone else to feel really awkward and need a cold shower afterwards. It is known.


- You can only carry so much on your person at a time. Think of real life, are you going to be carrying a bow, a claymore, 3 daggers, a staff, 400 arrows, steel plate armour, just as many potions and scrolls, and every book out of the public library? Keep it reasonable, keep it realistic. Collecting loot should never be your goal. You should also specify how your character is carrying around most of their inventory.

- No matter how strong, talented, and experienced your character is, you're still only mortal. If you're running into 15 bandits, your odds don't look good. A troll is going to be the fight of your life. Herd of mammoths? Run like hell. You sustain injuries; you may die if you encounter a situation that is suicidal.

- Potions take time to work in most cases, so you're not going to get gutted by an axe and then look brand new by chugging Tamriel Energy Drink. It'll help your body mesh the wounds and heal you, and it takes time for it to eliminate poisons and disease. In short, be careful. On that note, chugging potion after potion isn't going to happen unless you happen to be a whale with the body mass to do so.

- Scrolls take time to read, so if you're reading one in combat to cast something, make sure you have someone watching your ass and there isn't a group of Minotaurs looking to rip your arm off ten feet away.

- Damage is realistic(ish), if you're hit by an ice spike or an arrow; you're going to need some serious medical attention if it hits something vital. But since this is Elder Scrolls, and potions work in ways as mysterious as the Lord, people also aren’t going to die of an infection from a blade wound after three days of sickness or something. Point is, your character is mortal and will be taking wounds in combat.

- Keep in mind that whatever weapons and armour you do have does not reflect how well your character is going to do in a fight or survive, so don’t doctor a CS around trying to make sure that they’re the best equipped person in the game so you have a combat advantage. There’s going to be badass bandits out there running around in fur armour and iron weapons who’ve killed more people than your character has ever met who will not care if your character is decked out in full ebony armour, a shield, and a long sword. He’s light and fast, you’re low and heavy, and experience trumps expensive weapons and armour almost every time. Try to give your character equipment that makes sense for who they are and what they’ve been through.

- Weapons do not necessarily have to be what you find in the games, but follow it as a template. As such, things like spears, throwing knives, throwing axes, glaives, halberds, javelins, and flails are fair game, even if most of that didn’t appear in any of the Elder Scrolls games. However, that isn’t free reign to try to put something that is high-fantasy or just ridiculous into the game. Do try to keep things lore appropriate where possible, as well. If you have an experimental idea, just ask one of the GMs and we’ll evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.

- To keep things simple, we will not be permitting werewolf or vampire characters. It’s an extra layer of scrutiny to go through when reviewing character submissions, and there’s always a concern that players just want the conditions for the powers/badass factor rather than for narrative purposes, as well as it complicates group dynamics because realistically, a character with said conditions would show symptoms sooner or later and likely be attacked before long because of it.

- If you are trying to omit something in your character sheet saying that it will ‘be revealed later in the RP’ or just generally want to keep it a surprise, GMs need to be notified of the idea for approval and may be able to help incorporate ideas into the game.

- Don’t have your characters have close personal relationships with canon characters. It’s one thing to say you served under Ulfric Stormcloak, but we don’t want to hear about how you were lovers or poker buddies or something. We aren’t fans of shrinking the world and since people tend to have their own personal ideas of what these characters are like, we’re keeping any canon NPCs firmly under GM lock and key.


Please submit your character sheets in the OOC tab of the thread for approval. You will be allowed to post them in the Characters tab once the character has been accepted. If you have any questions or ideas that you’re not sure we’ll accept, just talk to us in the thread or in the Discord server.

The submission deadline for character sheets is Saturaday, the 22nd of May. We are looking to accept 7-8 characters.

Name: Your character's name. Keep it appropriate to your chosen race; I don't want to see any Khajiit named Charles. Unless he was raised by Bretons. Include any optional nicknames.
Age: The lifespan of the races of Men and the Beastfolk correspond with our own. Elves live longer, up to 300 years, but not any longer unless they're excellent sorcerers, which none of our characters are.
Gender: Male or female.
Race: One of the sapient Tamrielic races that are playable in the games. No Snow Elves or Dwemer or what-have-you.
Appearance: A written description of your character's appearance is mandatory. Pictures are optional.

Personality: What kind of person is your character and how do they interact with others? This is where I want to see the most effort. Make them feel like real people, with dreams and flaws, and give them a strong, plausible motivation for joining Isobel’s crusade. The goal is to make a believable person, not a Mary or Gary Sue. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of characters.

History: Describe your character's life. I don't need the exact details of their childhood, or an extensive account of all their previous adventures, but be comprehensive and thorough when it comes to major events and formative experiences. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, but preferably more. Their motivation for joining Isobel as described in the Personality section should flow naturally from their history.

Attributes: Those of you who have only played Skyrim won’t know what this is, but in previous games your character had Attributes instead of flat Health, Magicka and Fatigue. The Attributes are Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Personality and Luck. Pick a Major attribute and a Minor attribute. This doesn’t have a huge influence on the RP itself but it allows you to express how your characters are built.

Skills: Here you explain to me what your character is good at. TES RP veterans from the Guild will probably be familiar with this system. Every character can have one Expert skill, three Adept skills and three Journeyman skills. Expert skills are their specialty and your character's main contribution to the party. Adept skills are something your character knows how to do but is merely competent in. Journeyman skills are things your character is familiar with but decidedly average or sub-par in. All of the skills that have been in the games since Morrowind are fair game, including stuff like Spear, Medium Armor and Mysticism, and Elder Scrolls Online skills like Provisioning. Please describe how your character uses the skill in question -- if they are a swordsman do they practice a defensive, robust style or are they instead a duelist with a rapier? What kind of potions can an alchemist brew? Which types of spells do the mages know?

For the min-maxers among you, it is possible to sacrifice two skills of a lower tier to give your character access to another skill one tier up, i.e. give up two Journeymen skills to gain an extra Adept skill. Vice versa (sacrifice one Expert skill for two more Adept skills) is also possible if you want a generalist instead of a specialist.

- Skill name here: description here.



Spells: Most relevant for mages. For simplicity’s sake, try to stick to spells from the games. This mostly governs what spell effects your character has acces to, and roughly what the spell looks like when cast (Flame Cloak cannot be used to set a tree on fire that's 50 yards away), but feel free to be creative in the way you describe your character's magical exploits or how they apply their spells in unorthodox ways. However, be realistic about your character’s capabilities. If your character has Destruction as an Expert skill, only then will they have access to Expert-level spells from Skyrim, for example. Novice spells are available to everyone, since everyone can learn to cast a few cantrips. And don't go overboard with the number of spells; stick to 10 or so as a soft cap. Characters that merely dabble in magic will know less.

Equipment: What do they use to fight or use their skills? Remember, err on the side of humility and keep the guidelines in mind. Our characters aren't necessarily poor, but they aren't rich either. Glass armor is hard to come by, ebony weapons are reserved for the elite and the first person to mention 'Daedric' gets lynched. But the most important thing is that your character’s equipment makes sense for their background. This section includes tools like lockpicks or alchemical gear.

Belongings: What other things do they own and carry with them? Think of money, maps, mementos, remarkable pieces of clothing, that sort of thing.

Birthsign: "Very good. The letter that preceded mentioned you were born under a certain sign. And what would that be?" For the Skyrim players among you, this is what the Standing Stones used to be. It’s mostly for flavour but it can have some (mild) effects on your character, if you want.

Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rapid Reader
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Rapid Reader

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One disgraced Breton arcane academic (formerly of the Arcane University) dedicated to defeating the tragic stigma hanging over the wonderful schools of Conjuration and Mysticism by fighting for freedom...coming right up (relatively speaking).
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silentfeather
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Silentfeather Deciding to leave for a while.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I am going to have to back out. I won't be able to keep up. Sorry.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago

I am going to have to back out. I won't be able to keep up. Sorry.

No worries. We're still in the planning phase, no harm done.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silentfeather
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Silentfeather Deciding to leave for a while.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Thank you for understanding.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago

Oops, made a mistake while writing the Character Sheet: it's supposed to be one Expert skill by default, not two. I've corrected my mistake. If you were already working on a sheet, please change it there as well.

My bad!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

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Good luck everybody! I'm looking forward to this!

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Working out my character. Would it be okay to play as a character thats a contact of the Blades? Not a member, but one of their local associates/disposable catpaws (pun impending).
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago

Working out my character. Would it be okay to play as a character thats a contact of the Blades? Not a member, but one of their local associates/disposable catpaws (pun impending).

The Blades are mostly inactive at this point. You can be an associate, sure, but I'm not sure what it will add to your character when his contacts are holed up in Cloud Ruler Temple as they wait for the storm to blow over.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dead Cruiser>

The Blades are mostly inactive at this point. You can be an associate, sure, but I'm not sure what it will add to your character when his contacts are holed up in Cloud Ruler Temple as they wait for the storm to blow over.

Surely they still have ears and eyes in the field, at least in their home turf of Cryodiil.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago

<Snipped quote by Hank>

Surely they still have ears and eyes in the field, at least in their home turf of Cryodiil.

Perhaps, but the lore doesn't support it.

With the death of Uriel Septim VII and his son, Martin, the 3rd era came to a close with the Blades fortifying themselves deep within Cyrodiil's Cloud Ruler Temple, as they waited for a Dragonborn to return when they would be called upon again.

When that didn't happen, they turned their sights on the Dominion, but it will be a while before that forms in the current point in the canon.

Either way, the Blades don't have much of a role to play right now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Dude, I’m an informant with no one to inform. Do you know that that’s like? Do you have any idea?! Gods, help me.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rapid Reader
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Rapid Reader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Dude, I’m an informant with no one to inform. Do you know that that’s like? Do you have any idea?! Gods, help me.”

Tfw you go undercover and then the people who hired you peace out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Hank I guess I didn't interpret that to mean that they had cut off contact from the outside world, otherwise they wouldn't hear about another dragonborn to serve.

In any case I can reconfigure my character a bit. At his core what I'm planning is a Khajiit monk sort of character, but I'm still working on his motivations.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rapid Reader
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Rapid Reader

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 24 days ago

@Hank I guess I didn't interpret that to mean that they had cut off contact from the outside world, otherwise they wouldn't hear about another dragonborn to serve.

In any case I can reconfigure my character a bit. At his core what I'm planning is a Khajiit monk sort of character, but I'm still working on his motivations.

That is true. What you can do is have your character be an informant for the Blades in that regard, but in a sleeper agent sort of way. Until there is a new Dragonborn revealed, there is nothing to communicate and the connection is purely a passive one.

Perhaps your character thinks that Isobel might be a Dragonborn, and joins the rebellion to observe her from up close and see if she fits the bill? I don't exactly know how the Blades test for the presence of dragon souls without dragons to take souls from, but we can work something out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Hmm... I'm a little reticent to apply since I don't know all that much about the lore of TES (only game being Skyrim). But I like the concept and I would love to get involved? Debating what sort of character I'd like to play... I notice a distinct lack of a focused 'rogue' type, but I've also been on a bit of a healer kick for a long while.
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