Through the Gateways

(Don't worry, your ships don't have to look that lame)
Earth is gone. It passed away with a whimper, not a bang, in the throes of war, famine and pestilence. Whatever is left of that all mess can hardly sustain life.
But it did give us one last gift before the end. A desperate government, equipped with technology that still outstrips anything seen in the galaxy today, threw the last of its resources into the making of the Gateways. Massive artificial wormholes, each one set to lead to a different location. Colonists were sent haphazardly through them. Humanity was scattered across the entire Milky Way: separated from eachother, lost, but determined to survive.
And now, three hundred years later, we're starting to find one another.
General Idea
For me, the most interesting part about NRP has always been the interactions between different cultures. How does the warmonger react to the pacifists? What happens when a group of religious faithful meet a society of militant atheists?
That's what I want to focus on in this RP. We'll each be taking on the role of a different Colony established by Earth about three-hundred years ago. We were sent through artificial wormholes to our current homes, but after the fall of Earth, the wormholes generators ceased to function, leaving each Colony completely cut off from the rest of Humanity.
Now think about how your Colony might have evolved during this time. Did they land on a harsh world, and had to use genetic engineering to survive? Are they ruled over by a ruthless dictator? Do they even speak the same language anymore? I want this to be heavily culture-focused, so your imagination is the limit.
Now, for reasons unknown, the Gateways have started to function again. All at once. For the first time in three centuries, our poor little Colonies will be sending their ships across the Gateways and finding one another. And personally, I think it could be pretty fun to RP these early 'first contact' interactions. Seeing how our different people respond to one another. And as the RP goes on, I'm not opposed to anything; war, trade, diplomacy, or whatever else.
Tech Guidelines
I don't want to limit anyone too much. But for the sake of simplicity and keeping everyone's Colony at roughly the same level, I think it might help to have a few guidelines.
1. FTL other than the Gateways does not currently exist.
The reasoning here is just so that our Colonies have not spread too far beyond their own star sytems, putting everyone on the same footing and preventing anyone from starting the game with a massive galaxy-spanning empire already in place.
2. Every Gateway can lead to every other Gateway.
The Gateways are designed to uplink with ships, allowing them to choose their destination. This means that every Colony can get to every other Colony, so that none of us are prevented from interacting with one another because we're not close enough together on a map
3. Since the fall of Earth, the technology to create more Gateways has been lost.
Similar reasoning as the first one. This is just to prevent anyone from already having spread too far from where they started.
Nation Sheet below.
I'm looking for about 2-5 other players, but I'm willing to roll with more or less. All aboard?