Reyvadin Ismirala Vaegir
Banian Human | 27 | Male
Standing at 5'10, with well kept brown hair and a healthy body, Reyvadin shows his noble upbringing by being in great physical condition. He has a strong musculature, with a healthy amount of fat for energy and warmth, and suffers no notable birth defect. His hands are rough with callous from years of training and work but he still retains excellent dexterity thanks to access to health care. He generally boasts no blemishes on his body except for the scar on his face, and the only reason he still has it is due to losing access to healers long after he received the scar.
Polite yet a pragmatist. He's not so naive to give his charity freely and his kindness that does not prevent him from harming others. If anything, he makes it a point that his kindness is very much a deliberate action on his part, as he's more inclined in making selfish decisions if he it benefits him. Reyvadin is someone who once had idealistic visions for his future, but those visions blinded him to a much crueler reality. The most merciful thing it has done for him is make him more cautious and not yet entirely cynical, but a combination of his upbringing and recent events has certainly left him questioning his previous world view and of people in general.
- Profession. Heavy Cavalryman
- Class. Knight
- Heritage. Noble
Reyvadin Ismirala Vaegir is the second son to Kundar Taisa Vaegir, a boyar of a prosperous Banian city called Yruma. Reyvadin was naturally born with a silver spoon, benefiting from luxuries better than even his fellow nobles. Plentiful food, medicine, an education, and to never need to struggle for survival. That's not to say that Reyvadin has never felt hardship. But unlike most commoners, Reyvadin's struggles was deliberate for conditioning, not an unfortunate side effect of being lowborn. As the second son of the boyar Reyvadin was not expected to inherit his father's legacy, but he was still given training and an education as a squire at a young age of six. Reyvadin actually took to his training very well: he learned how not to indulge in plenty, tempering his will against temptation and handled discipline with dignity rather than trying to skirt punishment. But at the same time, he learned how to conduct himself before nobility and speak on behalf of not just himself, but for those he represents as well.
But despite being tempered by strict mentors, Reyvadin still had a childish imagination. He was especially enamored by historical tales of knights and heroes, of gods and their champions, against the forces of evil, darkness, and corruption. But this curiosity was not limited to merely books. Reyvadin made it a point to seek out those who are preyed upon these foul influences, not to slay them, but to save them. Often in these tales many of the villains could be considered those who lacked guidance in their time of need, and turn to vile forces in order to survive or achieve their goal. Reyvadin wanted to be a hero who could defeat his enemies with kindness, but defend his people with force. Living up to these childish ideals is what drove Reyvadin to take his training seriously as he soon traded his story books for history books, learning the real history behind his family's fortunes, the history of his people, and who exactly his enemies are.
As he grew into a young man Reyvadin already showed much promise as a knight. His skill with the bow was almost as good as some veterans, and his ability to fight from horseback both alone and in a formation was notable for someone who has not yet tasted battle yet. At the same time Reyvadin made friends with many people from his city, in particular a mercenary named Valdym. Valdym was a childhood friend of Reyvadin, an orphan boy who had helped Reyvadin as a youth from some bullies. Despite his low station he was willing to fight for Reyvadin, and in turn Reyvadin did his best to help Valdym, enabling the young orphan to become a strong leader and warrior, commanding his own company of soldiers. Together the two worked together in many battles, with Reyvadin leading his knights to creation openings for Valdym's men to exploit and overwhelm their foes. Reyvadin even wanted to raise Valdym as a Yeoman, someone who could own land and even lead a village despite lacking noble blood. But Valdym wanted more than that. Much more.
Though he considers himself honorable, Reyvadin was not blind to his rivals and enemies. Many of Reyvadin's personal enemies include fellow nobles from rival families, who feel his family's current station is undeserved or wasted. There were also the commonfolk, who chafe under his father's rule due to his adherence to the Church, enforcing many laws and lifestyles that someone of noble birth can deal with, but much harder for those who lack the means or wealth. That wasn't even including the slaves that were often taken from those who would threaten the Banians, such as Norgardians, vampires, orcs, and anyone else who'd raise a sword against them. All these people eventually would eventually come together and bring an end to Reyvadin's comfortable life.
It began one winter's day. The snow had stopped falling for a few days and the sun could be seen through the clouds, signalling the call for spring. The Norgardians were once more approaching to raid one of the villages near Yruma, and finally a knight of his own standing, Reyvadin volunteered to take his men to repel the invaders. In particular he hoped to capture many of them to work the fields for the coming spring, and even received word that leading the Norgardians was a notable warrior prince, who Reyvadin hoped to capture in order to negotiate against the Norgardians. Reyvadin had the advantage of initiative, knowing where his foes would land and setting up the battlefield to lure the Norgardians into a defensive feint. He had laid traps along the coast to weaken the encroaching forces, sabotaged passages to crush and cut off the Norgardians into facing his forces head on through the hazards he had already set up, as well as scuttling the boats they took so they had no voice but to march to their death. Everything was perfect. But Reyvadin never expected treachery.
At first everything went as according to plan. The Norgardians landed and suffered many causalities as they struggled to secure the beach. Traps were triggered and forced the raiders to charge headlong into Reyvadin. He personally led the cavalry that harried the Norgardians, forcing them to be on the defensive. But when Reyvadin retreated to lure the Norgardians into a trap, Reyvadin's men were missing. He had always relied on Valdym to command his foot soldiers, to hold the line against the enemy and fight in the bloodiest of melees. But when Reyvadin needed them most, they were gone. The Norgardians advanced forward, still holding out against Reyvadin's forces. He thought perhaps Valdym simply hadn't gotten into position yet, and so he commanded his Calvary to finish firing as many arrows as they had on them and smash through the Norgardians with lances and spears. However the damage Reyvadin's knights did was not enough: the Norgardians quickly rallied and raised their pikes against Reyvadin's knights, losing many to a wall of spears. Reyvadin was forced to retreat back to his camp and try and figure out what had happened to the rest of his army.
But even Reyvadin's camp was missing. The people who would care and feed his army was gone, along with the foot soldiers who were suppose to hold the line against the Norgardians. In the distance Reyvadin saw fire coming from the village and when he arrived, he found it pillaged to the ground. Dead villagers laid where they died on the ground, crops that weren't taken were burnt, buildings set on fire and plundered. Without supplies or backup Reyvadin had to force his knights back to the city, which to his horror was fighting a battle of it's own. A slave revolt had started from within while Reyvadin was gone. His family's mutilated bodies hung from the castle walls. Reyvadin and his knights fought off as many slaves as they could to find out who was responsible. And that's where Reyvadin found Valdym.
He had sold out Reyvadin to his enemies. Incited a revolt among the slaves when Reyvadin had left with most of the knights from the city. Ensured that Reyvadin's family was killed in the violence. Reyvadin didn't even have the forces to retake the city completely, as most of his knights were too exhausted from the fighting to be able to take on the mass of slaves revolting, not to mention Valdym's own mercenary company, who not only were ready to battle but outnumbered Reyvadin's own forces. Even so... In fury, Reyvadin raised his weapon against his best friend, for revenge. The two battled fiercely, Reyvadin's knights going sword-to-sword against Valdym's warriors. But just as Reyvadin thought he had the upperhand, his men were finally cut down and Reyvadin was slashed across the face by one of Valdym's warriors. It seemed like it would be his end.
But ironically enough, Reyvadin had the Norgardians to thank for saving him. They began to attack the city and arrived when Reyvadin was about to be executed by Valdym. In the chaos Reyvadin managed to flee with a horse, leaving the city behind. He knew that Valydm would no doubt he able to repel the Norgardians, but he would need to dedicate his manpower to do so, leaving Reyvadin precious time to get as far as he could. He went south and sought sanctuary with a ransom broker Reyvadin had regular dealings with. It was through this man that Reyvadin learned the full extent of what Valdym had done: After Reyvadlin's disastrous battle against the Norgardians, Valdym concocted a story where his men retreated back to the city, rallying the common folk against the "corrupt nobility" that was the Vaegir family, ousting them and rallying the people to send the Norgardians back to their boats. Not only that, but other nobles spoke out for Valdym and his character while also slandering the Vaegir family, accusing them of all sorts of heresy and destroying what reputation they had. For his valor and courage, Valdym took the city of Yruma, quelled the rebellion, and appealed to the queen to join her as a vassal. In barely a week Valdym went from mercenary captain to Boyar, and Reyvadin was reduced from a noble knight to a deadman with a dishonored name.
It took all of Reyvadin's willpower not to act out in rage at that very moment. To return to Yruma with blade in hand and kill Valdym, regardless of the risks. But the ransom broker who was sheltering Reyvadin advised him against this. He would merely die, and in doing so ensure Valdym wins absolutely. Such transitions of power were not unusual among the Banians, nor were stories of exiled young lords returning to take back their rightful thrones. Reyvadin needed to act with a clear mind and a steady head, and must first focus on regaining much needed wealth. If Reyvadin wanted to retake his city, he'll need an army, and for that he needed money. His name was worth nothing now that his family was dead and whatever wealth he had was limited to what Reyvadin hard taken to battle, but he was a skilled knight and educated. He would need to use his skills to make a name for himself not as the son of the former Boyar of Yruma, but as Reyvadin himself.
Steeling his resolve Reyvadin headed south where news of what happened to his family would not be known. Where no one would have any preconceived notion as to who he was so that he could gain an untainted reputation for his deeds, instead of rumors and slander. He had to sell his weapons and armor to the ransom broker in order to ensure his safe passage but Reyvadin was confident he would be able to find better arms and armor once he gets some steady work. Because despite everything that happened Reyvadin's will was not broken so easily. He would return and retake what was rightfully his with his own hands, by blood and steel.
Reason for Exile
Family was killed by a treacherous friend and Reyvadin will mostly likely be killed if he stays within Banians territory.
Reyvadin needs to amass the money and power to retake his city from Valdym. With his family's name besmirched by his enemies, Reyvadin needed to go somewhere where no one would know who the Vaegir are so that he can rebuild his family's reputation.
- Polearm
- Archery
- History
- Legend
- Charm
- Strength
- Toughness
- Willpower
- Ride
Mysticism [0/1]
- None
- None
- None
Banians Northern
Character Relationships
Your characters have only known one another for the week it has taken to move your wagon through the Inner Kingdoms, with only a marginal time to speak. This is where you put your initial thoughts of each character, and you edit these as their opinions change. This also includes the Merc NPC.
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character is more or less done now.
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