Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Maize returned to the group before the two guests appeared and sulked silently behind the others. She wanted to do more than just stand around and wait for something to happen and was disappointed that no one agreed with her plan. The sound of an explosion disrupted her thoughts as it seemed that trouble found a way of happening without their intervention. From the sound of it some prisoners were escaping and making quite the spectacle of it. She was relieved to know that there were others still alive and not discarded as lifeless husks. Maybe her own crew had managed to survive and was imprisoned in one of those large spheres. She was hopeful at least.

When the two cloaked figures appeared in front of them she stayed on alert. For some reason she couldn't sense one of their energies. It was the same thing that happened when she tried to sense the Supreme Kai of Time. It was as if their ki didn't exist or on a frequency she wasn't attuned to but she could tell it was there. When the shorter figured revealed himself it seemed that this was something special to that of the Supreme Kais. Was it because they were gods?

The taller figure revealed themselves to be a Saiyan and a friend of Tabaga, possibly more. She couldn't quite tell yet. Maize was just glad that somewhere out there more Saiyans had survived. She may not have grown with her people, but once she encountered Vegeta and the others she did gain a true sense of connection and belonging. One that she hadn't felt her entire time under Frieza's tutelage.

When the others returned back to Conton City through the portal she stayed behind for a bit. She looked up in the sky and couldn't help but be angered at the sight of the escapees fighting a doomed fight. She hoped this new Supreme Kai was worth all of the trouble and sacrifices. She felt wrong just leaving the others behind to die. In that moment she decided that she would at least offer them some assistance.

She positioned herself behind the boulder Tabaga originally hid behind when they crossed through. She aimed her finger as if it were a sniper blaster. She scanned the skies to see which of the escapees needed some assistance the most. "Let's see how tough that armor is." She fired off a few Death Beams at three different troopers hitting each at least three different times before moving to the next. She wanted to give them any kind of advantage they could get in fighting against the universe destroyers and to show them that their sacrifices didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Before she could get herself spotted Maize blew the smoke from her finger and made her way through the portal. She reached the other side in the middle of Ovaan explaining the nature of the ship. A gravity training machine was something that truly caught her attention, but Velona was right. They had to debrief.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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Tabaga took a careful look at Okora couldn't help that she seemed to have a few more scars then the last time she had seen her. As the others ran back through the portal she lost sight of Maize for a moment.

Where did she go? She wondered as the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse and Okora both ran through the portal. After a brief moment she saw Maize taking potshots at some of the solders. Tabaga swore under her breath and was preparing to grab Maize and drag her through the portal when she ceased firing at the solders and went through the portal. Unfortunately, a number of the troopers were now aware of the existence of the intruders and were now heading for the location of the portal.

Oh...Many things about this are not good. Tabaga though as she bolted through the portal and immediately motioned at the Supreme Kai of Time to close the portal. "Close it! Close it now!" She shouted urgently as she took careful aim at the portal as the Kai of Time began working on closing down the portal. She could only watch in horror as the image of a black armored trooper began to form where the portal was. Tabaga was preparing to power up when the portal collapsed in on itself and took the trooper with it.

The Supreme Kai of Time stormed towards the group with an angry look. "I said to avoid fighting!" She shouted at Tabaga specifically. "Is it so hard to understand those simple words?!" Tabaga recoiled as if struck. She was about to try and come up with a retort when the so-called "Supreme Kai of the Multiverse" approached the Kai of Time. "I apologize. What happened was my doing. It was the only way that would allow us to get away." The shorter of the two Kais looked at him and her face went pale as she looked at the green skinned Kai "Y-You. I recognize you. We haven't seen you in centuries!"

"There's a reason for that." The green skinned Kai said quietly. "I was hunted across the multiverse for quite a while before finally being captured by our enemy. My apprentice and I were held captive for a number of months before we managed to create a distraction and used the opportunity to get away."

He turned to face the group and bowed. "Thank you. If any of you have questions I can answer them." He said simply as Okora looked over at Tabaga and motioned for her to follow her for a moment. "Are we the only two left?" Tabaga asked quietly. Okora simply nodded. "We were the only two left alive after Planet Vegeta. There's no one else."

"How did you end up with him?" Tabaga asked as she motioned towards the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse. Okora smiled slightly. "It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Long story or not Kais we should be aiming to either strengthen what warriors we have, or prepare to take on as weak a targets as we can get. Slowly work our way up to the snake's head as its clear we're insufficient with out current forces." comments Darbin as he looks to the kais he keeps his arms crossed. He speaks plainly, and without any intended arrogance as he looks back and forth at the group. "I sense a great amount of power within this group but we're still few, and numbers do make a difference. I've been to battles where smaller, and or weaker troops can outwit a greater threat by working with a valid strategy." Darbin says further as he starts to wonder where exactly these enemies would be weakest at...without sufficient intel they couldn't tell but in the end it would simply mean they'd need to gamble. "We can train, and ponder about the other kais, and the saiyans if we want but at the end of the day we have a duty to save the universe. And I am nothing more than a soldier. A blunt instrument I will do as told to an extent. I still will not throw away my life idly." Darbins says with his arms still crossed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Get stronger? As if it were that simple. The strongest of them was still woefully insufficient. If it were otherwise, they wouldn't have been whisked away to this strange place simply to keep them alive. What could they really do? What could they hope to accomplish against something that seemed capable of erasing one's whole reality?

Even these kais seemed at their mercy.

But what was the alternative?

"We have to assume they're after something. We know now of at least one place they didn't completely erase, so... that's one place we can fight them without them just wiping the slate clean." She wrapped her arms around herself in a vain attempt to quell her anxiety. "At least I hope so."

She looked to their two newcomers, "Do you know why they're doing all this?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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@vancexentan @KillamriX88

"We can train, and ponder about the other kais, and the saiyans if we want but at the end of the day we have a duty to save the universe. And I am nothing more than a soldier. A blunt instrument I will do as told to an extent. I still will not throw away my life idly."

Privately, The Supreme Kai of time disagreed with Darbin's statement. He was clearly more than a solder and should value himself as such but she didn't voice that opinion. He was right about their duty though. Aside from the group assembled here, there was seemingly no one else fighting against this unseen force. He was also correct about the getting stronger aspect. What Ovaan had found would be useful but she had something even better. It wouldn't be operation for weeks but in the meantime they could use the Gravity training chamber.

"I do have something that could help you and your friends with getting stronger but unfortunately it was heavily damaged during the attack on Conton City. It can also be quite dangerous to use for people who are unfamiliar with it." She said quietly. At the rate repairs are going on it, it's going to be weeks before it can be used again."

"We have to assume they're after something. We know now of at least one place they didn't completely erase, so... that's one place we can fight them without them just wiping the slate clean."

The Supreme Kai of the multiverse let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, I know they were after something. Several somethings in fact. I was one of those things." He let out a bitter laugh once again. "As much as it kills me to say it, once they were able to capture me, they used my connection to the multiverse to find a way to annihilate entire universes. I was tortured, experimented on and used to wipe out countless lives once they figured out how I was able to travel between universes. That was how they were able to destroy them you see."

"The one thing I was never able to figure out was why they were targeting the universes they did. Only reason I can think of as to why they spared the universe of those two ladies is because it's rich in certain resources that are extremely rare in most of the other realities I've traveled to."

Okora stepped away from Tabaga and stood next to the shorter Kai.

"There was one other thing." She said quietly as she looked at the Kai who nodded that she could continue. "There were a few times during my imprisonment I heard a number of the higher-ups among the troopers speak. They would speak often of "The Imprisoned One." Once they realized I was trying to listen in they stopped talking about it around the prisoners. Most of them were "Re-purposed" anyway. Is it possible this "Imprisoned one" might have something to do with these attacks against the multiverse?" She asked carefully.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"I'd rather we try to repair our damage equipment than train with faulty, or damaged systems it could lead to a total breakdown and render our already small amount of resources even further. This is a scenario where we can't afford to be careless as we all know. But I'd like a direction kais. What exactly should we be aiming to do? If the imprisoned one is our enemy perhaps we should find a universe known for strong survivors, and try to recruit them. If not then simply aiming for the lower rank, and file is our best bet. But I am not a leader of men for the most part. All I can do is offer suggestions." Darbin states as he considers this imprisoned one. Is it just rumors from the brain washed mongrels' of the enemy? Or was there something more to it. He wasn't sure, not was he entirely capable of thinking about possible scenarios without more information which he was very much lacking in due to the circumstances of their situation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"I beg your pardon?" asked Ovaan, his tone salty and his only movement being a twitch of his tail, "...'Faulty'?" he sounded rather insulted... because he was. He took some steps toward his newly acquired ship and continued to talk in a huff, "I'll have you know this ship is in near-pristine condition. I checked it myself." his tone was beginning to transition from mere saltiness to outright bitterness.

"You all asked for a potential solution, and I offered one." he said with a quick, irritated gesture to his ship, "But I suppose if it's not good enough for the lot of you, then maybe I'll just keep it for myself." without any warning he pushed a button on the hatch and the ship transformed back into a capsule that he then pocketed.

Thus far his irritation had been directed at the others who were mere mortals such as himself. But now, now he was becoming more willing to risk the ire of the godly figures before them. There was a preposterously simple solution staring them right in the face and if the Supreme Kai of Time refused to bring it up, then Ovaan would be the one to do it, "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you mentioned something called a 'Time Patrol' yesterday." he said to the short girl, not quite ready to let go of his bitter mood, "That tells me that you possess a means of traveling through time. So then why, pray tell, have we not used that to go back and prevent our Universes from being destroyed? Even if you had laws regarding time travel, I imagine this is a scenario in which those laws no longer apply." he fixed his irritated glare on the small Kai. Up until now he had not dared risk the wrath of those who could be called Gods. But right now, his mood was sour and his entire Universe was gone. At this point, he decided he no longer had anything to lose. So his patience and courtesy toward these people were officially beginning to wear thin.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you mentioned something called a 'Time Patrol' yesterday." he said to the short girl, not quite ready to let go of his bitter mood, "That tells me that you possess a means of traveling through time. So then why, pray tell, have we not used that to go back and prevent our Universes from being destroyed? Even if you had laws regarding time travel, I imagine this is a scenario in which those laws no longer apply."

The Supreme Kai of time simply stared at Ovaan for a moment before she looked at the ground.

"Don't you think we tried?." She said quietly as she felt her bottled up grief and sorrow beginning to rise to the surface. "Don't you think we tried?!"

She stormed towards Ovaan and was barely able to resist the urge to blast him with what remained of her strength. She didn't know if she could win against him at the moment and truth be told, she didn't care. "The universes that are destroyed are gone! We tried going back before one of the universes was destroyed and all we saw was an empty void! Whatever was destroying them wiped them out completely! They're gone! All that remains of those universes are holographic projections on the Dimensional scanner!" Chronoa's hands were glowing with what remained of her power for a brief moment before she forced herself to power down.

"I'm sorry. We tried to save them, we did. My Time patrollers are all dead now. They burned themselves to ash moving Conton city beyond the reach of whatever we're fighting. It seems we've all lost everything we knew and loved. The only thing we can do is make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else."

The Supreme Kai of the Multiverse watched the exchange between Chronoa and Ovaan with a somewhat intrigued expression with Tabaga and Okora preparing to intervene if anything were to escalate.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


So all those dead patrollers died saving this city. And apparently time travel was already attempted. He really shouldn't have been surprised. Leave to one of the gods to think of everything. That didn't make this exchange sting any less. She looked positively livid with him, but really, what was he supposed to do? Ovaan had been largely uninformed of how all this worked from the beginning. How could he possibly have known that time travel had already been tried? Well, frankly he couldn't have.

But there was something else to all of this. What had the Supreme Kai of Time known about any of them before bringing them all here? Sure, she might have peaked into their timelines and learned a bit about them that way. But clearly she hadn't learned everything. Otherwise, why save someone just as guilty of galaxy-wide atrocities as Freeza had been? Why save someone who deep down wouldn't have even wanted to be saved?

Having closed his eyes in thought, Ovaan's throat twitched a bit as he swallowed down a deep breath. His arms, having been crossed over his chest, seemed to relax more as if his guard were lowering. But then his hands suddenly clenched into fists as Ovaan silently let his battle power roar upwards. Was he about to attack? His eyes shot open with a quick glare and he said a bitter, snappy tone, "You should have just let me die!" and then shot upward into the sky and off into the distance.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Double @Iceheart @vancexentan @King Kindred @KillamriX88

"You should have just let me die!"

The Supreme Kai of the Multiverse watched as Ovaan flew off and turned back to Chronoa who was looking rather upset after Ovaan's choice of words. "Not to be rude or anything but while that gentleman cools off, I believe we have something more important to discuss: These destroyed universes, did they have anything in common?" He asked rather bluntly.

Chronoa shot him a rather angry glare. "Each of the destroyed universes had one or more versions of the people we have here. But the thing is, I can't figure out why they're being targeted. Universes without them are absolutely fine. They're untouched."

The Supreme Kai of the multiverse looked up for a moment and without another word grabbed the Dimensional scanner off Chronoa's arm. "I'm going to need this. I'll return it when I'm done with it." He said simply as he called out to Okora."Apprentice, we need to put our heads together for this one. Come along."

Okora simply smiled faintly at Tabaga. "Sorry, duty calls." She said quietly as she followed the green skinned Kai towards a deserted area of the city.

Chronoa simply stared in shock at the figures as they walked away and looked down at her arm and then back at the figures. "That thing requires a key to get it off my arm. How the hell did he do that?!"

Tabaga simply chuckled and incurred an angry glare from the Kai. She ignored it however. "Since Ovaan took the gravity training thing with him, I don't suppose you have something we can use to train up a bit? Knowing our luck, we're probably going to be fighting again very soon."

The Supreme Kai of Time simply stared at Tabaga and sighed after a few seconds. "We have one training chamber left. They were brand new when the city was attacked. The other two were damaged beyond repair. You might be better off training on that ship Ovaan grabbed earlier first though. They were designed only to be used by our strongest time patrollers who could handle the amount of stress the chamber puts on the body"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"So our objective is training?" comments Darbin simply as he takes a deep breath everyone complaining was just starting to get grating on his nerves. It was the end of the universe and these children couldn't stop for one moment to actually have a round table talk about their objective going forward because of a few words. Darbin was use to heavy gravity having fought on a number of worlds where his people tried to subjugate beings of strong physical stature. However he wasn't foolish enough to think that a time travelling god would not have fighters above him on an number of levels. He considered if it would be worth it and gave his few words when considering the situation. "I don't mind but gravity should be set on a setting most comfortable with those training. Hurting, or straining ourselves without medical help would be the end of our little merry band."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Vancexentan @King Kindred @Double @KillamriX88
Plot Post
Character interaction/Time Skip

After telling Darbin that training should indeed be their priority for the moment, Chronoa had begun looking for the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse and Okora only to find that they had barricaded themselves in a nearby building and all attempts to reach them were met with silence and nothing she did could get them to come out short of blowing up the building. The Supreme Kai of Time simply threw her hands up in frustration and retreated to the time nest to try and fully regain her energy.

Tabaga had tried eavesdropping at the building a few times only for Okora to repeatedly appear behind her and tell her politely that they needed time to figure out what was happening and that it would be in her best interest to leave them alone. Tabaga, seemingly taking the hint after the fifth reprimand seemingly gave up and began looking around for Ovaan and after failing to find him after a few hours of searching, began looking for the other Saiyan.

Inside the building, Okora and the green skinned Kai were looking at a list of the destroyed universes. "It's odd." The kai said softly. "Many of these universes were ones that I myself visited in my youth. There never seemed to be anything special about them aside from their own indigenous species and unique histories."

Okora paused reading the list for a moment as she looked at the scanner. "From what I've learned for you over the years, the multiverse is made up of countless other universes. Isn't there some way we could program this thing to show us an overhead view of what we know as the multiverse and try to look at this from a different approach?"

"It's possible. I haven't dealt with technology this primitive in quite a while but it's similar to something I used to use in my early days of exploring. It will most likely take a few hours."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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@Iceheart @vancexentan @King Kindred @KillamriX88

It wasn't long before Ovaan found himself soaring above a familiar landscape. It was the peculiar mushroom desert that he had originally awoken in. Deciding this was far enough, he descended and eventually landed fairly close to the very spot he'd awoken at. Hearing nothing but the wind, and feeling nothing but the sun blazing down on him, Ovaan took a deep breath. He still wasn't entirely sure why he said what he had said back there. At least, not why he had said it aloud like that. He kept it no secret all this time that his actions while serving under the banner of Freeza still ate at him. He could sometimes still see the faces of the conquered when he closed his eyes at night, and could still hear their cries of terror.

But at this point that may as well have been a lifetime ago. He'd thought for sure he had moved on by now, after all it'd been a while since the last time he'd had such a nightmare or flashback. But then the realization came to him in moments. It was surviving as a fugitive, and eventually planning out the imminent battle against the Freeza Force that had kept him from thinking about his past actions. They were a distraction from it, as it were. But now? Now there was nothing keeping him from thinking about it all. At least not yet.

Ovaan concentrated his energy into lifting up a hunk of earth that floated high above him. Then he thrust a palm upward and blasted the hunk with a small blast that broke it into small chunks that started raining down toward the ground. Without even really thinking about it, Ovaan went on the move. At incredible speeds he appeared here and there around the chunks of earth, firing off quick Death Beams from his fingertips at them as they fell to the Earth, incinerating them. In fact he was fast enough that he managed to destroy all the pieces before even a single one hit the ground, and then his three-pronged feet touched the ground as he landed. This wasn't the first time he'd done such an exercise, in fact it was one he had done many times before. It was a great way to ensure he was always accurate and precise with those Death Beam shots, since in battle missing by even an inch could spell the difference between victory or death.

But that was only the warm up. Ovaan now reached into his bio-suit for the capsule that contained his new ship and deployed it nearby. It was time to see what gravity training felt like. He'd done plenty of training in normal environments and even some harsh ones, but never under increased G-forces, so this would prove to be an interesting experiment. The hatch opened and Ovaan entered, immediately making his way toward the gravity controls. Having fiddled with them previously, he had a basic grasp of how to use them. He knew he could input a static gravity setting, and decided to set it to 10g to start off. But he also knew the gravity settings could be programmed to gradually alter the G-forces either upward or downward at periodic intervals based on user input. So after Ovaan had done some warm up stretches, he programmed such a routine for the gravity settings. He set them to increase the G-forces by 10 every hour with 10g remaining as the starting point, and setting the maximum level to 100 so as not to completely overwhelm him. And after that was when the real training began.

It felt fairly simple at first. For the first couple of hours, Ovaan could only feel slight differences in the gravity as he performed strikes with his fists, feet, and even Nova Saber. But once the Gravity reached 40-50g, that was when he began noticing how heavy his body was becoming. His movements became slower as he was now having to move while effectively being weighed down by tons of extra weight thanks to the G-forces. It wasn't impossible, but Ovaan did begin to legitimately wonder much more his body could withstand, and whether the 100g level cap was too high to start off with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Maize had started to wonder what she had gotten herself into. This group, this team was anything but. Their supposed leader was truly unfit. After all the last group under her command burned themselves to a crisp leaving just her and this confused lot behind. She didn't want to meet the same fate, but honestly what choice did she have? As it stood her universe was gone and she was specifically one of several targets across the multiverse. Was all of this because she was apparently the Super Saiyan of legend? That might have been the case since Tabaga was one as well. But what about the others? A suicidal Frost Demon ridden with survivors guilt, a soldier who sees himself as a tool, a blind girl, a currently unconscious pink goo, and a robot. What did they all have in common?

She pondered on this for as she walked off on her own for a few hours. She had wanted to go after Ovaan, but decided to give him time to himself for now. She didn't understand why she cared about his wellbeing. Maybe it was because of her relationship with Frieza. He may have been a tyrant, but in a way he still was her father. She never really fully unpacked that after she killed him. She just went on to live her life. But it wasn't like the Frieza Empire had any mental health insurance plans. She couldn't recall there ever being a single therapist in the empire. Legend had it that one told Frieza that he had this thing called short man Syndrome and he demanded the execution of every therapist in the known galaxy. His height was always a button you never wanted to push.

Once Maize was out of her own head she realized that the others had went off to do their own thing as well. Even the Frost Demon had started to train in the Gravity Machine for some time now. She could feel the fluctuations in his ki. He seemed to be giving it his all and may fall to the machine soon. She decided to leave him be until after and continued to walk around the destroyed city.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@King Kindred

Tabaga had done her best to try and locate the other saiyan but wasn't having much luck. She was about to give up and try and find something to eat when she suddenly caught sight of the other woman and cautiously approached her with a faint smile.

"Hi there." She said in her best "Hey please don't blast me in the face I'm trying to be friendly" tone of voice.

Okay. Try and find something in common. Maybe she'll be nice and not just get pissed and storm off.

"Uh...so can do the gold hair thing as well?" She asked somewhat awkwardly. "I don't really know what it is. Makes me feel kind of off to be honest."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Maize was starting to grow bored of her self-guided tour. There wasn't much excitement to be found when all that was around you was the aftermath of destruction. It was why she never stayed long after conquering a planet for Frieza. Maybe she should have bothered Ovaan after all. She let out an exaggerated sigh before hearing someone's voice. She turned her head to see Tabaga, the other Saiyan who was ripped from her timeline.

She was somewhat taken aback by her not knowing what the transformation she wielded actually was. Did the legend not exist in her universe or was her upbringing similar to her own? Maize hadn't heard of the legend until after she met up with the other Saiyans and finding out that was the reason they were wiped out in the first place.

"Uh, hi." Maize started off nervously. "Yeah, I can do it too. I remember being confused when I first transformed, but honestly I didn't really have the time to think about it in the moment. I knew what it was, but feeling the sensation of an almost uncontrollable power? I have to admit, it was kind of scary. In my universe we called it Super Saiyan. Kind of a bit too on the nose if you ask me."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

Deciding it would be best to not bother everyone after such a...chaotic day Darbin thought it'd be best to go work on some target training. After searching through the market place he found some capsules for such a thing buried under some rubble of one building. The capsules deployed small clay disks it would appear something simple that can be thrown, and or tossed around for the sake of training easily. The issue only being he had to do it himself. Still some training was better than none, and he wasn't sure if the kais were aware of his ability to transform or not so they could be underestimating his own power. Or they did and he was simply completely outmatched. It didn't matter a job was a job. Darbin found as clear a surrounding as he could in the middle of a square which may have very well been some sort of intersection to the other areas at some point in time and proceeded to train. Throwing the disks made him realize how rusty he had been fighting from range having missed the first few but he steadily managed to find a beat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Collab between King Kindred and Chev
@King Kindred

Super Saiyan? Tabaga thought as she searched her memory for any trace of the term. It rang a very faint bell but she had no idea where she had heard the term before. She looked at the other Saiyan for a moment before speaking. “The term super saiyan is ringing a bell but I can’t place where I heard it, in any case I don’t like using it that much. “Truth be told, I haven’t encountered nearly any of the other races I’ve met here back in my universe. The only one I’m sure I’ve seen before is whatever Darbin’s race is called, I think they called themselves Hera Clan or something.”

She sighed heavily. “I have a feeling that despite whatever similarities our species share, our histories are very different. I’ve never seen that guy with the tail who took off earlier or anything like him before. I’ve never seen whatever that pink thing calls itself before, not to mention the machine man. Everything here is...different from what I know.”

Maize was surprised more than anything to hear that the Saiyan before her had never seen someone of Ovaan's race before. It seemed that she was from a universe where Frieza and his family never "employed" the Saiyan race. They likely never existed because Maize couldn't imagine them existing in a universe and not conquering everything in their path. That universe was lucky, but other than that they seemed fairly similar.

"I'm somewhat familiar with the Hera Clan. My squad and I were fighting some pirates from their race before I ended up here." She felt a mixture of anger and sadness remembering her team. The fact that their enemies took prisoners gave her a glimmer of hope but she didn't know how long their prisoners would remain alive before they joined the numerous piles back there. "But about Super Saiyan. How'd you achieve it?"

Tabaga couldn’t help but shudder at the memory of what had caused her to unlock the transformation. “In my universe, we managed to create an empire. Everyone was treated equally but in the end it didn’t matter. The Saiyan Empire lasted ten years before those armored troopers we saw earlier began their march across our galaxy. We fought them as best we could but they would simply eradicate all life in their path and move onto the next planet and begin the cycle again.”

She turned to look at Maize with eyes that had seen more death than anyone should have. “They finally beat us back to Planet Vegeta after years of fighting and what remained of our warriors tried to hold the line until we could deploy some sort of device that King Vegeta and his scientists developed. We never got the chance though. In the end, it was just Okora and myself in orbit after the planet fell. One of them blasted her and the last thing I remember was this golden aura surrounding me. I guess that was what you call Super Saiyan. I have these brief flashes of myself cutting down the invaders and some sort of massive explosion.”

She shuddered again. “I don’t like the transformation to be honest. Maybe it was the circumstances that led me to unlock it or maybe it’s something else but I’m always overcome by a massive feeling of rage and grief and guilt when I use it.”

As Tabaga explained the circumstances that led to her transformation Maize found herself more and more intrigued by her universe. A Saiyan Empire and a much better one than Frieza's it seemed. Then their armored enemies came and instead of annihilating the universe in one fell swoop they snuffed out life planet to planet. It made her wonder if they were just using the planetary genocides to cover up the fact that they were searching for something. Something that was likely connected to the Imprisoned One. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her head for now as she continued to listen.

The circumstances of their transformations weren't all that different. She lost the people close to her and the one closest to her before her rage and other emotions boiled up inside of her until her lid popped. Tabaga's feelings towards the transformation made sense, especially considering it was still fairly new to her. She was still in Grade One.

"The circumstances of the transformation are the initial trigger, but the Super Saiyan state isn't beholden to it. When I first transformed it was… complicated. I had led a rebellion against the man who raised me. He wasn't a benevolent man or leader. He terrorized the galaxy and for a while I did so as well at his side. The perfect soldier for the perfect tyrant. And so for a while rage, anger, and survival was all I had known and the day that I faced him was the day it was all put to the test." Maize paused for a moment hating to remember this next part. The thought of reliving that pain she felt as she lost the people close to her still wasn't something she could entirely bear. She wasn't sure how she was still holding it together now.

"We defeated his most loyal and strongest soldiers and the battle was for a while on our side until he got tired of playing around and wiped out two of the only four remaining Saiyans in the universe before proceeding to kill every member of my squad. And I stood by helpless to do anything until I wasn't. Those same feelings that you feel and the ones I felt most of my life gave me the power to fight back. The Super Saiyan form isn't about the circumstances of the transformation. It's about channeling those feelings into the power to do something about it. And when you reach that point while in the form those feelings subside and there's an almost too serene calm."

Tabaga listened carefully as Maize explained what her life had been in her home universe and the super saiyan transformation. “I’m sorry for your loss.” Tabaga said quietly. “I lost my squad the day Planet Vegeta fell. It was rough, losing people you’ve fought alongside with, eaten with, laughed and joked with.”

“I’ve never felt calm when I’ve gone super saiyan.” Tabaga said quietly as Maize finished explaining the super saiyan form. “I have a bad feeling that if anyone else had been left I would have attacked them as well. But if what you say is true then I’d like to ask a favor of you.” Tabaga paused for a moment. “Can you teach me how to best use this form?” She asked hopefully. “I don’t want to be a liability in battle and I have a feeling that with the super saiyan form I can help out a bit more. I’d rather not feel guilt and rage and grief when I use it.”

When Tabaga finished Maize decided first to respond to her condolences. "Thank you, but my friends were later soon revived thanks to these wish granting orbs called Dragon Balls on planet Namek. But… now I'm not still sure if they're alive, but seeing Okora and the other prisoners gave me a glimmer of hope. One that I desperately needed. I hope that even the stubborn prince is okay." She sighed. She didn't quite understand why she was being so open, especially about how she was feeling, with Tabaga. She was barely even that way with her squad. Maybe it was because she was also a Saiyan and a woman at that. She was the only one back in her home universe so she never really had a girl friend that could relate to her.

"But yes, I can teach you. I'd say we should head to the arena for this, but the city is already damaged. We can't do much worse to it. First I'm going to teach you about controllable rage. I'm sure you're aware of the Oozaru transformation. I've never once turned into the giant ape. Instead I…"

She flexed her arms at her side and erupted in power. Her hair grew slightly spikier and her eyes turned yellow. Her muscles expanded causing her arms and legs to both grow slightly in size. She continued to speak but this time with a deeper, almost angrier voice. "Enter this state. At first I couldn't control it. I was like a feral animal because I was. But eventually I was able to control the beast within. It made controlling my rage in Super Saiyan a lot easier."

Dragon balls...I’ve heard that before as well. Tabaga thought, although she couldn’t remember where she had heard that term before. She had heard of the Oozaru transformation of course but she herself had never transformed. She watched as Maize transformed into a state she had never seen before. “I’ve never seen this form before.” She confessed.

"I had never heard of it before or seen anyone else achieve it. It might have been the circumstances. I dubbed it my Wrathful Form. But turn Super Saiyan. We Saiyans learn best through battle, right?" Maize said before doing some light stretches as she awaited Tabaga's transformation.

“Correct.” Tabaga said with a faint smile as she took a deep breath and her hair began to turn golden as the familiar feelings of rage, guilt and grief began to form in her mind. Come on...you can do this again. Just power on through. Tabaga let out a roar of rage and a moment later a golden, glowing form stood in front of Maize. Tabaga was gritting her teeth in an attempt to keep the form stable and to keep her emotions from overpowering her.

Maize recalled the first time she transformed as she watched Tabaga enter the legendary state. The power was there, but still unrefined. But she at least had some control. Now. Time to get her mad. Without any warning Maize's right fist sparked to life with electricity and she sent a quick punch to Tabaga's gut.

Tabaga let out a gasp of pain as Maize’s fist collided with her stomach. She glared at her opponent. “Not gonna lie. That was a cheap shot.” Tabaga growled as she launched a barrage of punches at Maize.

Maize smirked in response and casually dodged or blocked Tabaga's punches as they came. She had potential as a fighter and even as a Super Saiyan. She was still able to maintain control over herself so that was good. Maize was growing tired of being on the defense and decided to step things up a bit on the offensive front.

She let out a roar of rage that sent the air in front of her bursting back towards Tabaga. Immediately after Maize would follow up with a barrage of punches of her own at Tabaga and moving forward with each punch thrown. She had no intention of letting up with her punches and wanted to push Tabaga's rage to the brink.

Tabaga was being forced back by the unrelenting barrage of punches. “Not bad.” She snarled as more and more punches connected. She was getting angrier and angrier as more punches connected.

Maize could feel that her plan was somewhat working, but it just wasn't enough. It was time to bring out her secret weapon, her words. "Is that all you got? It's no wonder you failed to protect your universe and your empire. The one universe that stood a chance and it failed. You failed. Because you're afraid. Afraid of your power, of yourself, of your feelings. Does Okora even know how you feel?" She continued to throw punches in between her verbal attacks quite literally adding insult to injury.

Tabaga’s eyes briefly widened at Maize’s words and then immediately narrowed. “You pushed the Okora button. You shouldn’t have done that.” She growled as her hair began to glow a somewhat brighter shade of gold as she fired more and more punches at Maize, taking careful effort to try and knock out a few teeth or leave an eye blackened or something. Tabaga suddenly shot forward in the middle of one of her barrage of punches and slammed her knee into Maize’s stomach.

Maize was starting to become impressed. She had never fought another Super Saiyan before and the feeling was incredible. She could feel the power emanating from Tabaga's fists with each punch. She noticed her primarily aiming for her face and lifted her arms to block the area, but leaving her vulnerable elsewhere. Tabaga took advantage of this and kneed her in the stomach making her hunch over. It hurt, but this is what she wanted. She had to push the button again.

Maize aimed her palm at the ground firing off a small ki blast that would push her away from Tabaga without any extra effort on her part. She recomposed herself and glared at Tabaga. "Why? Because it's true? You're fighting me, but you're really fighting yourself. You don't think you're worthy of her, do you?"

Tabaga was preparing another close quarters attack when Maize’s words hit her. And they had hit hard. Tabaga’s eye began to twitch for a few moments as the aura around her began glowing brighter and brighter and the flickering of the aura stopped altogether. “She...She died on my watch.” Tabaga growled as she ground her teeth for a moment. “I don’t know how she’s here today...but I swear it won’t happen again.I WON’T LET HER DIE AGAIN!” Tabaga let our a roar of rage and sorrow as the aura around her seemed to flare bright enough to illuminate the entire city for a brief moment. When the flare died down, Tabaga was standing there as the golden aura of the super saiyan transformation burned around her. She seemed deadly calm and serious. “I lost everything that mattered to me once. It won’t happen again.” She said in an oddly calm but still somewhat frightening tone. The Saiyan woman looked down at her arms and at the golden aura surrounding her. “It feels...different this time. I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt before.”

Tabaga's words resonated with Maize except that she had let her friends die again. She was saved but they weren't and now her universe was gone. Would she ever see them again? And if she did would they forgive her for being such a terrible leader? Always getting them into danger and putting their lives at risk. She never felt that she deserved their love or loyalty but they followed her always without hesitation. Maize fought back her own feelings trying not to show Tabaga her own inner turmoil. At least not in the middle of their spar. But her own issues aside she was proud of the results in front of her. Tabaga had did it, with her help of course, and now was time for the fight to really begin.

"Good. Then maybe you could give me a real challenge." Maize exhaled slowly before easing out of her current state and transforming into Super Saiyan. The Golden aura of the form temporarily blazed around Maize as a single tear managed to escape her eye. She thought that she had held down what she was feeling in time but it apparently wasn't the case. The year evaporated in the fiery aura before the aura itself disappeared from around Maize leaving just her with the golden hair to show for it. "Ready?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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It hadn't taken very long before the group splintered in a variety of directions. Training was the recommended course of action at the moment but frankly there wasn't much available that could even count as training for Titanius. For example, while a gravity chamber was a neat idea in theory, his body would automatically adapt itself to such a harsh environment, making the whole point of such training moot. As gravity training would be no better than just regular training for the previous M-3, there were really few other options other than sparing, considering the limited amount of resources available. He could still train his biological half, but the effects would be minimal at best, his time would be best spent elsewhere.

Since training was not something that would be really helpful at the moment, Titanius found himself looking for the ones who were currently the closest to finding out useful information, the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse and Okora. As the current situation was a multiversal matter it seemed most logical to stick close to the Kai to find out as much as possible. Following their signatures with his newly integrated scouter, he found himself in front of a locked building.

While locked did mean they did not want to be disturbed, frankly Titanius needed answers more than the need to be polite, and so with a quick hack he unlocked the door and stepped inside. Once inside he noticed the two of them working on what he remembered them calling a dimensional scanner, it was an advanced piece of tech that wouldn't have looked out of place in Dr. Gero's lab. Frankly Titanius wanted to get his hands on it if he could, but he certainly didn't want to have to fight for it even if the probability of him winning any such fight was quite in his favor.

"Forgive my intrusion, but at the moment I feel my abilities would best be served in the pursuit of needed knowledge rather than any minimal amount of training. I believe if you handed me the dimensional scanner I could achieve the optimal efficiency needed for whatever calculations you are currently running."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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"Forgive my intrusion, but at the moment I feel my abilities would best be served in the pursuit of needed knowledge rather than any minimal amount of training. I believe if you handed me the dimensional scanner I could achieve the optimal efficiency needed for whatever calculations you are currently running."

Okora and the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse looked at one another as Titanius offered his assistance. Okora shrugged her shoulders. "It can't hurt to have him take a look at it. Maybe he can get it to display the overlap of the multiverse."

The Kai looked at the device and then back at Titanius. "Fine. Be very careful with it however, I have a suspicion that that device can prove a very disturbing theory. What we're trying to do is have it display a holographic map of the multiverse as it is now. There's enough data in the device's memory to accomplish it. We just can't get it to display it as a holographic map."

Okora carefully handed the device to Titanius with a faint smile.
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