Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


In the year 2183, the Citadel Council revokes the Spectre status of their prized agent after evidence surfaced of his assault against a human colony. The first human Spectre is ordered to either eliminate or capture the rogue agent—no matter the cost. However, during a race against time, C-Sec unearths a major leak within the Council that reveals an old contact of the rogue Spectre was intercepting reports filed by the human Spectre. Realizing that someone managed to infiltrate the governing body causes the councilors to act immediately.

In a classified location, the councilors (along with the human ambassador) meet with Venari Pallin, executor of C-Sec, to initialize Operation Kingslayer. Further digging reveals that the rogue agent was using his resources within the Citadel and C-Sec to undermine both the human Spectre and the Council. Kingslayer's purpose is to eradicate Saren's remaining influence upon Citadel space. But, it needs individuals capable of fighting tooth and nail to complete the objective and stand firm against a rogue Spectre.

Individuals that are willing to become kingslayers...

With the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and replaying the trilogy again, I am reminded once more that I love the series so much. So, I decided to focus my energy on Kingslayer (an idea that I had in my head for a year). Influenced mainly by Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Narcos, I want to tell a story of the Citadel Council being forced to get their hands dirty. And create a task force (fireteam?) to respond to Saren's transactions within Citadel Space. Of course, Commander Shepard is still around and hunting down the rogue Spectre.

But, a different type of individual is required to deal with accountants, financial backers, and bookkeepers, along with the occasional corrupt C-Sec officers and mercenaries. In this case, several are needed.

A team will be assembled that isn't tied directly to the Citadel Council and easily discarded if they end up failing. The species doesn't matter as long as their record is near perfection in order to ruin Saren's empire (Of course, though, you won't see geth or yahg within the group. If you want to play hanar, volus, or elcor, you need to consider their limitations and work extra hard on your sheet). But still, they need to be mindful of their actions and decisions or face the wrath of the Council themselves (and C-Sec, if you fuck around with them).

– Forum rules apply
– No godmodding, meta-gaming, mary/gary sues, etc.
– Romance with other character and NPCs are allowed
– Your characters can die if they aren't careful and do something foolish
– Equipment must be limited to the first game (no M-96 Mattock, for example). No high level weapons.
– Powers, on the other hand, aren't limited.
– Approved species only. No geth, collectors, etc. Hanar, volus, or elcor are allowed as long you have considered their limitations and the sheet is excellent.
– Your characters aren't technically working for the Council and C-Sec. Basically, if you are gonna committee crimes in the name of the Citadel Council, just know that the Council will easily discredit your words.
– And that means no access to Spectre gear, status, and privileges. But, you're being paid.
– If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Located in the often disregarded Bachjret Ward, Batia District is home to one of the remaining and largest communities of batarians in the Citadel. While often seen around the ward, they are self-isolated from the general public. There are several theories among the residents, but the most popular one is that the Hegemony surveils them without the Council's knowledge. But, it's most likely that they choose to be with their own since the Citadel species disregard them as ignorable. However, the batarians have been rather outspoken of human residence within both the district and ward.

Humans, meanwhile, began moving into Bachjret Ward shortly after investors from Bekenstein started to finance the ward. Batia District was renamed to Sabina District as a signal to the Citadel species that humanity had big plans in place. The name change was so widely disliked by the residents that a petition was released, demanding that the original name remained. Currently, the petition is expected to be heard by the Council in six months due to it being a low priority. But, for the most part, humans are somewhat respected and treated decently by the residents except for the batarians.

Strangely, the district also features a sizable krogan population that resides within the lower levels due to their disdain for the Citadel species and constant profiling by C-Sec officers. The persecution got terrible enough that they assigned Trok Strigora to be their spokesperson regarding krogan matters. Strigora might be the only krogan able to tolerate other species long enough to hear them out. As a result, clan Strigora often finds themselves having to deal with C-Sec captain, Marcetis Caelcus, over complex issues that have existed for centuries.

Bachjret Ward
Bachjret Ward is the fourth arm of the Citadel and home to a recent influx of humans. Originally, there was a solid batarian population in the ward before the Hegemony closed their embassy and severed diplomatic and economic relations with Citadel. Most gathered their belongings and left for batarian space, but some chose to stay behind. Those that remained weren't making enough noise for the Citadel species and C-Sec to noticed. That was until humans began moving to Bachjret at record numbers. And the recent influx hasn't helped calm both sides down.

Plenty of humans are suspicious of the batarians believing that they are working for the Hegemony to sabotage their chances in the ward. While the batarians are concerned that the humans are working with the Council to evict one of the remaining batarian communities on the Citadel from the exodus that happened twelve years ago. There are now concerns that tensions between humans and batarians could escalate into something consequential. In response, C-Sec increased patrols and assigned more officers into the ward to maintain peace and stability.

Bachjret is ranked one of the poorest wards in the Citadel due to an economic depression occurring shortly after the batarian withdrawal. Although the influx of humans is reviving the local economy, its turbulent history causes investors to focus on the other wards instead. But with the success of the nearby Alliance planet of Bekenstein, human investors began to look for opportunity at the Citadel itself and found out about Bachjret Ward. With pressure from Ambassador Udina and the human embassy on the Presidium, the Council eventually granted humans the rights to develop from the already existing districts within the ward.

However, the Council requires that any modification to said districts respect other species living there. To ensure that they had as much freedom as possible, the humans selected Batia District due to the low population of Citadel species. But, they didn't realize about the batarians until the paperwork was filed. Nowadays, relations between both species are strained at best and openly hostile at worst. But so far, neither side has caused violence to the other.

Livilla Towers - Renovated Residential Tower, location of the former C-Sec safehouse
Pordonak Markets - Popular marketplace for batarians and other residents, located near Livilla Towers
Haven - Nightclub within the lower levels, favored by almost everyone
Docking Bay: E10 - Dock that allows civilian frigates to be stored, location of Kingslayer's frigate.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Made minor changes given the new equipment/powers ruling, marked in violet (Added a second weapon and removed Energy Drain).
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Su
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Su Chrome Dome

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DrRtron
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DrRtron Formerly Rtron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For those that haven't finish or started on their sheets, the deadline isn't until June 12th. Hopefully, that should give people plenty of time to make/finish their characters up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Catarok Jegor

So rogue turians and an army of walking traffic lights are all it takes for the council to come crawling to a krogan for help these days. *HA* A thousand credits says you're all going to regret neutering my people before the decade's out.
Full Name: Catarok Jegor
Date of Birth: 1860 February 21st
Species: Krogan
Gender: Male
Age: 327
Occupation: mercenary/hired gun
Service Rank: Former Clan scout
Profile: Soldier
-Krogan berserker
-Concussive shot
Belongings: Character's equipment.
-Devon industries explorer armour
-BSA Executioner Shotgun
-BSA Terminator Assault rifle
-Grenades (High Explosive mod)
Role: Shock Trooper

Catarok Jegor is a typical brutish krogan warrior. fatalistic, jaded and largely uninterested in the political happenings of the galaxy around him. As a Krogan he is often treated poorly for simply being a Krogan and has come to expect being patronized wherever he goes. Thus he makes little effort at making 'good first impressions' with other races.

Like most Krogan he's convinced the council races wont stop until they've collectively kicked the last testicle of the last Krogan warrior into a bloody pulp, and he expects to live out his remaining centuries in pointless wanderlust like most of his people.

He only applied to the kingslayers because he had been growing bored with the citadel and the prospect of testing his battle skills against the Geth; a new untested enemy, was too interesting an opportunity to pass up.


“What was growing up on tunchunka like? You've clearly never been to Tuchunka or you would never have asked such a stupid question. It's a giant radioactive pile of rubble and varren turds. With bored clans shooting each other over who has the tallest, least shit stained pile to call home. No one likes living there, not even my people.

Why do we stay? Well, we stay there because it's the only world in this galaxy the council lets us call our own.... and I suppose because it is were we come from. That does mean something, even to our people. *sigh* and better for us to guard over the rubble then let scavangers like the vorcha pick over the bones of our ancestors.

But ya, I challenge you to find one Krogan actually enjoys having to live on Tuchunka. I served as a warrior for my clan for a couple centuries or so. Completed my right, fought my share of pointless battles as my people's clan leaders waved their quads around trying to forget about how meaningless it all was, and that we were basically doing the Turian's work for them by killing each other. So ya.... real good memories. Eventually I got fed up with it all and.... what's that thing you humans say? Get out of ducking? Get outta dodging? Whatever, I left, simple as that.

There's not much else to say about Tuchunka. If you want more stories about what it's like living on that shithole planet you'll need to buy me a barrel of ryncol and dinner first. Anyway there's always some mercenary group coming to the surface to try and recruit as many of us as they can afford, So that's how I got out. Ran with them for a bit before I realized the captain was an idiot, So I killed him took over for a little while but things fell apart and I just kinda drifted after that.

As for the last hundred years.... Eh, I dunno. It's all a bit of a blurr really. The bars in this galaxy need to serve more ryncol, that I do know. But I did nail an Asari, twice. So I can at least cross that off my to-do list. But long story short, I found some good fights, a few dissapointing ones. Killed a lot of people, hijacked a few ships, blew up an orbital weather station. You know, the usual.

Somehow and somewhere along the line I ended up on the citadel. That was.... fifteen years ago now? There's good work here. Bribing C-sec is a pain in the ass but at the end of the day any contact or connection you need can be found here, And it's like I said. There's no shortage of people willing to pay a krogan to fight a battle because they're too weak to do it themselves, and we can charge top rate for it too.

And humans! They've been interesting to watch, new pup in the litter and they already think they're the alpha varren. Walking around the wards like you own the place. You're still soft like the Asari, But I can respect a species that has enough of an ego to lose a war to the Turians and still wave their balls around as if they have a proper quad. *HA* It kinda reminds me of the krogan actually. Hopefully that attitude works better for you than it did for us.

As for why I signed on for this shit show. Well.... i've never fought a geth before, And everyone makes such a big deal over them. The council is scared shitless, the quarians lost a homeworld, and even the turians are wetting their pants. I gotta figure that whatever these things are they must be able to put up a good fight. Better than anything i've been able to find outside of Tuchunka anyway."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Joytex
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Joytex Patron Saint of Procrastination

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


You must be desperate if you're coming to me.
Full Name: Dr Kai Chien
Date of Birth: 2144
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Occupation: Prisoner (former Eezo mutagenic scientist)
Service Rank: N/A
Profile: Vanguard
1. Incendiary Ammo
2. Stasis
3. Biotic Charge
4. Shockwave
1. L2 Biotic implant
Role: Criminal underworld knowledge/connections + Scientist

Kai holds himself responsible for causing more deaths than all but the bloodiest tyrant of pre-FTL earth. This has given him a rather bleak philosophical outlook.

He is beyond redemption and there is little doubt that he seems a broken man, ever keen to preach pessimism. He has a droll humour and seems world-weary but in-spite of his now more pensive demeanour he has lost none of his cunning. Kai was and always has been, too smart for his own good and a ruthless pragmatism always juts out beneath the surface.

The loss of his biotic abilities as a child scarred him and left Kai ever trying to fill the hole they left.

Sandman. It was once one of the most feared names in the Omega cluster - to those that believed the urban legend. Nowadays Kai spends 23 hours a day in a 3x3m cell wondering what kind of hell awaits him in the next life.

Dr Kai Chien was once one of the most promising scientists in the newly discovered field of element zero. A passion that was fuelled by the loss of his own biotic abilities as a teen. Still a largely unknown science and hell-bent on restoring his own biotic potential, it was an obsession that blinded him to morality.

After running out of funding and craving more freedom in his experiments, Kai eventually turned to the martian Triads, criminals of the old world who branched interstellar. He told himself the ends would justify the means and they liked the idea of an army of biotic enforcers. What Kai developed was much worse.

Red-sand it came to known. Harvested from element zero, it gave euphoria, brief but powerful biotic powers, an addiction that lasted a lifetime and was in the hands of precisely the wrong people. The Triads immediately saw the potential of the new drug and demanded full scale production, Kai found he could no longer back out.

It was about this time that humanity joined the larger galactic community and Kai found his escape. Rumours had reached the terminus system of the supposed new biotic martian drug. Fearing for his life Kai traded his services for protection to a mercenary outfit that dwarfed the Triads where he was welcomed with open arms. In reality he had simply upscaled.

Red Sand soon seeped it's way across the galaxy. Authorities had a bounty for any information on the illusive 'Sandman' and feeling his own position growing precarious Kai switched allegiances to a competitor organisation. By now he was hooked on his own poison, he played off buyers against each other and found that against all reason he was enjoying himself. It was no longer about survival, Sandman set his goals on becoming the next king of Omega.

The bigger the high though, the bigger the come down. He became too overconfident, humans were new to this galaxy and his naivety showed. When his sponsoring organisation fell foul of the Batarian Hegemony, the vessel he was on boarded and mass slaughter and enslaving ensued.

The wreckage of his ship was picked up later by the Alliance who found him on board as the sole surviver, Kai gave himself up passively. The raiders had laughed when they found out who he was, they joked that red sand had brought so many slaves to their people they owed him a debt of gratitude and left him alive, Kai wished they hadn't.

No one was more shocked than Kai to find himself abruptly taken off death-row. A wildcard with nothing to lose, few people had his connections and knowledge of the criminal underworld. He was given a choice King-Slayer or the chair, though he imagined they would both end the same way. Whatever they were up against must be even worse than him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Right, the deadline is fast approaching (tomorrow night). I will be spending the weekend reading the sheets. And then, I will post the results on Monday/Tuesday.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The following have been accepted: @Starlance, @Su, @DrRtron, @Plank Sinatra, @Theyra, and @metanoia

While the remaining three haven't been accepted, you have been placed on the waiting list. You are more than welcomed to stay on the server and wait for an opening or if something else happens. If you wish to know, I will be messaging you to give my reasons for not accepting your character. And I also want y'all to know that everyone's characters were great and exciting to the game that I have in mind.
5x Thank Thank
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