Back in the 1980s, the success of the series Mobile Suit Gundam resulted in an economic boom due to sales of the Gundam model kits, or "Gunpla”, dubbed the Gunpla Boom. In the year 2000 with the discovery of plavsky particles, mysterious elements that can give movement to plastics, Gunpla evolved into a sport and a second Gunpla Boom was spurred, and the creation of special tournaments called Gunpla Battles were established throughout the world to see which Gunpla and its builder were the best. These tournaments are loved far and wide, becoming incredibly popular, and the largest Gunpla Battle in the world occurs once a year and culminates into an annual global tournament, the World Tournament. The current year is 2020 and the World tournament has eclipsed the Olympics as the most viewed event on TV. With riches, fame and glory waiting for whoever reaches the top, people from all walks of life compete.
Our story starts in Shibuya, Japan surrounding the patrons of the Takemori Arcade, a family run arcade located in the Iori Shopping Center, and their family friend Naoki Yukihiro as he tries to create a team to go to worlds with him … or at the very least compete in Regionals with!
The story will take place in an alternate 2020 Japan. Along with plavsky particle technology came innovations in medicine, transport, agriculture, and very recently AI technologies. The modern phone has combined with GP bases, giving literally anyone with a phone access to Official Gunpla Battles, and as of 2016 have incorporated a ‘Dumb’ AI that can execute simple commands, but have the ability to interact with most modern machines, including piloting Gunpla. Although only a couple feet, cars, and trains have gained hovering ability and planes now use the plavsky technology in landing gear. And holographic technology is commonplace, although unless it is in a stadium it is of low quality.
When it comes to the sport of Gunpla battles, unless you’ve never played, there is some very commonplace knowledge.
- Gunplas are classified into 4 classes, being Mobile Suits, Mobile Armors, Support Fighters, and Warships.
- There are 4 levels of competition; Locals, Regionals, Nationals, and World.
- Regionals and Nationals are all team events with Worlds being the only mostly solo event. The Locals format varies from individual tournament to tournament.
- Gaining invitations to higher-level tournaments requires either results in the immediate lower-level tournament or, for regionals, a win in a gundam sponsored event.
-Battloges are recorded battles between the current Meijin Kawaguchi and a challenger of his choosing.
When making a character the distributed stats are just for reference and won't necessarily decide the outcomes of fights. Also, there's no need to have all 4 types of gunpla, or any if you want to make your character a complete beginner.
- Basic Rp Rules
- No posting in IC or Character Tab until approved.
- I can add rules later on.
- You can have multiple characters but for now I'd like only one of them to be your 'Main' character that joins the team.
- If there is a battle that an RPer or the team needs to lose ill pm the RPers beforehand.
- Please post within a couple days.
- Cursings fine just don't curse AT anybody unless it's in the RP.
- If you have any idea for future arcs or stories PM me.
- If there's anything you think I've missed don't hesitate to PM me
-Not a rule, But I'm gonna try and wait for everyone to post before I post unless it's 1 on 1 dialogue