Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Sam just let Dean push him into the other side of the room, deciding not to protest it and just let him do whatever he felt was necessary. Once in the provate area, he ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head at the same time. "I don't know Dean, saying that was a lot is an understatement" he said, before letting his brother continue and he got shown the hand mark that was left on his arm. "What the hell?!" he gasped, leaning in close to inspect the mark. "What can do that kind of thing?" he asked, not necessarily to Dean, but just throwing out the question in thought. It baffled him greatly, to the point he was instantly trying to wrack his brain on what could be pwoerful enough to leave such a mark, but his mind just couldn't think of anyone or anything.


Mika shook Esme's hand when she offered it, surprised that anyone still did that anymore. She was so used to people, especially hunters just greeting each other verbally but refusing to do any kind of kind or polite gesture. She wasn't offended either that the woman didn't stand, she could see just how exhausted the woman was but the fact she was here told Mika that she knew at least one of the brothers well enough to feel the need to be here. Her guess was that it was Dean she knew, somehow, going by the fact that only Dean seemed to greet her earlier by name, whereas Sam didn't. "So how do you know Dean?" she couldn't resist asking. She never really considered herself a particularly jealous woman, but when it came to Dean she did have moments of being very jealous. She knew he went through moments where he had aquaintances with other women when she wasn't fully in his life, even when she was. But it made her realise how damn complicated their history truly was.

Natalia was the one to truly focus on Annabeth, sensing that because she was the first one of them Annabeth saw, that the woman would be a bit mroe comfortable nearer her than Mika. "Hey, don't worry about it. This is all new to you, I get that." she replied but she didn't realise that the girl for the first few seconds had actually zoned out and was getting a vision of sorts. It was only when she didn't get a response straight away that she realised something was going on with Annabeth. As the woman came back to reality, Nat cautious placed her hand on the woman's back comfortingly, giving her a look of concern, "Everything alright?" she asked her. By this point, even Mika had looked at Annabeth and wondered what was going on.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean shook his head, “I don’t know, man. I mean…I thought maybe it was a demon, but I’ve never heard of a demon that brands your ass while he rides you out. Whatever it is, it can’t be anything good.”

He ran an exasperated hand down his face with a sigh, “I’m wondering if maybe we could summon this thing. You know, a little razzle-dazzle with every symbol we can find…surely something will pop out of the veil.”

Bobby showed up from behind the wall, waving them both off when Dean turned to him, about to ask for privacy, “Don’t start, princess. I’m in. Maybe there’s word on the street about what’s going on out there. It’s been radio silence…until yesterday. So, demons must be talking. Hell, all the biggest and baddest must be talking.”

Dean nodded, “Yeah. I’ll go with Bobby to figure out what we can find…you go and see what you can suss out of a demon or two. You cool with that?”


“Um…y-yeah. I’m fine. Um…s-so you know those visions?”, Annabeth started, blinking really fast and then glancing back toward the wall the brothers were standing behind. She shook her head, like shaking off a bad feeling and then turned back to Natalia.

“I um…I died. S-S-Sam was there and the voices…”, she stammered a bit, flexing her hands to further prove to herself that what she was seeing was real, “They said it’s the end. I don’t have visions. I don’t…see…things. I hear them.”

She shrugged, “Maybe it’s nothing."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


The idea of a demon pulling Dean out of Hell when they are all so desperate to have him stuck in Hell, seemed highly unlikely. He couldn't imagine any demon would risk putting their soulless lives on the line to haul a Winchester out of there. He did have tot hink that it couldn't be good whatever it was, as it was no easy feat to bring a soul back out of Hell and onto the living plain again. The very suggestion of summoning the thing that did it was even more crazy to him but it did seem like it could be their only option that actually a realistic one for once. When Bobby popped his head round the wall, he looked over and was half expecting Bobby to say what a stupid idea it was, but he didn't. "Sure, I'll go and see what I can find out whilst you two take whoever and try summoning this thing" he agreed.

Natalia listened to Annabeth, unsure if she could trust her when she said she was fine. She didn't look fine, she looked scared and confused, but not entirely fine. She rose an eyebrow in curiosity about what she was being told. SO now not only did they have Dean come back from the dead, but Annabeth had done at some point too? Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair and let herself take in what she was being told. "it's gonna be okay Anna, We'll help you in any way we can I promise" she told her, taking her hands in a protective and reassuring manner. She also figured it would help Annabeth to truly realise she was still very much alive and in the room with them all. "In my job, I've learned to never consider something as nothing. When I was younger i'd get horrific dreams, dreams that were more like visions myself...given to me by demons who wanted me to know who my real family were all whilst making me think I was utterly insane. The demon Azazel broke me out of my room when my brothers broke in to fix the demon infestation that was in said hospital. Feeding off the patients fears. So believe me when I say, anything you say I will believe you and will do my hardest to help you." she explained, never really opening up about how she met her brothers, but in this instance it fitted.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bobby and Dean

“Alright, then. I’ll go and get some stuff together. We’re gonna need lots of supplies if we’re gonna summon…well…everything.”, Bobby clapped his hands and slapped Dean on the shoulder. He then turned to leave, before stopping, just before the wall, “And Sam…be careful. Demons might know something, but they may not be ready to talk. No groups, if you can help it.”

Bobby then walked to the door and exited.

Dean turned to Sam, shrugging his shoulders, “I guess I’ll just…stay here and babysit? I’m not sick. I’m not weak. I’m alive and well.”



Annabeth nodded, taking a deep breath, taking in what Natalia was telling her. Demons were something they apparently had in common. Who would have thought? Demons. She held her hands, almost linking their fingers as she grounded herself. She was alive and this was real.

Taking another deep breath, she nodded again, “My dreams…well…the voices started when I turned twenty-three. No warning or anything. I started hearing the um…demons talking about Hell and Dean. I brushed it off at first as just stress, but they got worse. My hands would get hot. My brain would feel like it was melting.”

She closed her eyes and sighed, “But the visions hadn’t started until I met Sam. Until then, they just wanted me to find him…but never said why.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 2 days ago

Esme Stirling

Esme rested her hands on her lap after Mika shook her hand. Then the question she had been waiting for left Mika’s lips. A small smile came to her lips as she leaned back in the chair. “I met Dean back when we were teenagers.” she replied.

She was about to go more in depth about it, but AnnaBeth seemed to have spaced out with a vision. Esme stayed quiet as AnnaBeth spoke. She felt sorry for the girl and wished she could do more to comfort her.

She watched as Natalia comforted her and could relate to what she had been through. She continued to listen as AnnaBeth spoke about how she didn’t get vision, just voices that spoke to her about things.

What Natalia and AnnaBeth spoke about was quite surprising to her. She had never heard of such things happening to people. “I’ll also help you in any way I can.” she said, giving AnnaBeth a warm smile. She knew all too well how it was to be alone with no help, and wish you had someone around that could help.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Sam wasn't surprised that Bobby would want to get whatever he could get his hands on to summon whatever yanked his brother out of Hell. He let Bobby leave after explaining the gameplan would be and nodded back, "Always am Bobby" he replied back with a typical 'Sam' smile. He then turned back to Dean as he said about staying put which made him smirk. "Oh come on Dean, like you'd complain being surrounded by women so soon after coming back. You got your sister, your girl and whoever that Esme is that you seem to remember." he replied to him, before getting a mischievious smile on his lips, "Hope Meeko don't get too jealous" he teased, before making a swift exit back into the main part of the room.

Natalia listened to Annabeth, feeling thankful that because she opened up to her, that Annabeth felt she could open up to her back and explain when all this began. She found it curious that the voices started happening when she was twenty three years ago, swearing that similar for Sam also, but she didn't need to say any of that just yet. "How curious" she replied to her after she was done talking. "Seems like we need to find out why we all needed to meet. It's definitely not a coincidence that you were brought to me first. Don't worry, we'll figure this out" she told her reassuringly.

Whilst the boys were talking behind the wall, Mika was busy listening to what Esme had to say about when she met Dean, making her raise an eyebrow in a curious manner. Sure, there were many days where she herself didn't allow herself to be on the same case as Dean, especially in the beginning as she was mostly hiding in Bobby's attic and training to be a hunter in secret whilst pretending to be dead in the hopes that Dean would just move on from their childhood friendship, but it never happened and now they were adults, she was glad he didn't give up on her. She still wasn't particularly proud of making him think she was a woman called Kenzi, but at the time she still swears that it was necessary. "Oh right" she simply said as they got well and truly distracted by Annabeth's situation.

"I'll do all I can to help also" she said lastly to Annabeth after Natalia opened up to the woman and Esme also offered her help. She was surprised that Natalia opened up so easily, she was usually more closed off than even herself, which for those who knew Mika and Natalia, knew how telling that was. It was soon after they spoke to Annabeth that she noticed Bobby and Sam exiting the room, seeing that finally their little private chat was well and truly over.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean cocked his head to the side, giving a ‘makes sense’ look to Sam, “Yeah…you’re right. A little estrogen might be a welcome break considering how much time I spend cooped up with you asshats, usually.”

Smiling at his own joke, his smile fell when Sam walked away from him. Sighing and rolling his eyes, he stepped out around the wall, himself. He clapped his hands together loudly, “So, what’s the plan for you ladies? If I’m hanging around, let’s do something…”

He yawned loudly, suddenly remembering he hadn’t slept, other than in the car. Shaking his head roughly after the yawn, and smirked at the ladies.


Annabeth nodded at all the women offering their help. Her shoulders relaxed a bit as she released Natalia’s hands. She thought about the fact that the voices and visions had brought them all together, and something about it seemed as fishy as what Natalia was making it out to be.

When Mika offered her assistance as well, Annabeth sighed, “I think…I think I want to rest, but I feel like there is something I should be doing to be honest.”

As Sam exited the other room, she turned on her heel, stepping up in front of him before he could reach the door, “…so you’re leaving. Um. I can come with you. If it’s the d-demon stuff, and I can’t even believe I’m saying that out loud, apparently I’m pretty useful. I’m not sure when or how, or what makes it work. But I can help.”

She rambled off quickly and then took a deep breath, shrugging her shoulders.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 2 days ago

Esme Stirling

Esme continued to listen to AnnaBeth talk, glad to see that she was relaxing and began warming up to them all. She too thought it was strange that all of them somehow met up all at once, and thought it couldn’t be a coincidence. Then again, she hadn’t seen or talked to Dean in years. So, could she really be a part of this whole thing? Or did she happen to be at the right place at the right time? As she sat there, the thoughts spun around in her mind.

She just barely saw Bobby come from behind the wall and leave out of the corner of her eye. Then Sam followed a short time later, but the thoughts kept swimming around in her mind even when AnnaBeth stopped Sam from leaving the room. It wasn’t until Dean came from behind the wall and clapped did Esme get pulled from her thoughts with a jump. The sunned loud sound had caught her off guard, but she couldn’t help the small smirk that came to her lips at his words and his sudden yawn.

He hadn’t changed a bit since they last met. A reply to his question quickly popped into head, but she wondered if she should actually say it or not. She still didn’t know everyone here that well, and the same went for them, but she really couldn’t help herself from wanting to say it. Her smirk grew bigger as her eyes finally looked up and found Dean.

“Well….” she said, then looked around the room. “Yeah, there’s enough of us.” she continued after a moment. “We could always play spin the bottle.” she finished, her smirk really showing now. It was clear she was trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit more. Her smirk soon turned into a big smile, with her tongue slightly poking out from between her teeth, followed with a laugh. Even if she was making a joke, she knew that Dean could possibly keep it going and agree and say he wanted to play.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Natalia and Mika both listened as Annabeth spoke and noticably calmed down a bit more as Natalia held her hands to calm the woman. Both were glad that she was starting to trust them all, at least enough to open up a little bit and let them touch her, unlike the last time Natalia tried to put her hand on her arm and she got shrugged off very abruptly. There was a lot of progress there in such a short amount of time which was very reassuring to the both of them. Both looked up as Sam exited the room and Annabeth went to him to point out he was leaving.

Sam just smirked and rolled his eyes at his brother's comeback before he exited the room, he was half expecting out of them all, it to be Annabeth to say something as she really didn't want him to leave. He nodded at her assumption and gave a small smile, "I am, I need to find some information from anywhere I can about who brought Dean back" he explained, just before she offered to come with him, which made him look at the girls and Dean before down at her, "uhh..." he began to say, scratching the back of his neck as he pondered if it was a good idea or not. "Alright, but only because I've seen you can look after yourself, but if I say stay back, please do?" he replied.

With it decided that Annabeth was going to go with Sam and by the sound of Dean's clap of his hands and asking about what to do, Mika looked at him and smiled, sensing he was staying behind just for the time being. She was about to suggest something when Esme beat her to it and suggested spin the bottle. It made her smirk whilst thinking 'oh here we go...a suggestion that Dean won't say no to, this could go south reaaaaaal quick'. "Sure, I'm down if the rest of you are" she replied, looking at Nat and Dean mostly. "I mean.. if it's a truth or dare based spin the bottle then sure, not my usual go to activity with my brother but what the heck" Natalia said with a shrug.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean chuckled at the idea of playing spin the bottle. Other than his sister, that could be fun, right? Shrugging, he looked down at the girls and fell to the floor, on his ass with his legs crossed. He then stopped himself and glanced over at Esme, narrowing his eyes at her for a second.

“So, Truth or dare? I don’t know if you ladies want to play with me…”, quipped, “No stripping. I haven’t worked out much since I’ve been in hell.”

His smile faded, but he quickly got it back and nodded his head to the side, “I need to talk to that one, for just a second. Someone get me a bottle, we'll be back.”

He stood up, and reached a hand out to Esme. He just had a few questions. They might be questions she couldn't or wouldn't want to answer, but a lot of what was happening was too coincidental for his taste.


Annabeth leaned her head back, confused as to Sam allowing her to come with him. He really was the softer of the two brothers. She had no idea what to expect when they got to where he was headed, but she didn't want to let him out of her sight. If he died, or worse...she would have no answers. And to be honest, she liked being around him. He quieted her mind. Still surprised, she nodded at his request for her to follow his instructions.

“It’s a deal. I mean…it’s just recon, right? What could go wrong?”, she asked, glancing over at the rest. She looked up at him and smiled, “I’m honestly just glad I’m missing that…and you don't know what answers you're going to find out there. Honestly, I'm pretty scared."

She reached a hand out and touched his hand, taking a deep breath. Even his skin was calming, "Better than xanax...", she laughed under her breath, hoping he hadn't heard it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 2 days ago

Esme Stirling

Esme watched Dean as she plopped down on the floor, then got surprised by the sudden narrowing of his eyes after his laugh, then went back to a smile. She tried to not let anything show on her face as she continued to watch him, trying to keep a small smile on her lips. She was seconds away from answering his question when his smile faded and quickly came back.

That one? she thought after he spoke again. Did he really have to call her “That one” instead of by name? Her eyes never left him as he took to his feet and extended a hand to her. Esme took his hand and let him help her out of the chair she was in. Once on her feet, she let go of his hand and walked to the wall and went behind it. She then spun on her heel to face him once he was behind the wall.

Her smile had faded as she looked at him. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out before she spoke. “I already know what you’re going to say.” she started in a soft tone, then leaned against the wall. “It’s been so long since we met each other and then suddenly we meet back up in strange circumstances.” She sighed heavily as she looked at the floor for a moment, as if trying to find her next words.

“I don’t know if it’s by some strange coincidence or what, but I find it extremely strange.” she said, looking back up at him. “I still don’t know how I ended up at the same hotel as Natalia.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Both Natalia and Mika noticed how Dean went from being happy to narrowing his eyes at Esme, then smiling again. They both nodded at Dean's idea of it being truth or dare, thinking it by far the safest option. Natalia particularly was very happy to not be doing a stripping situation as she saw her brother half naked more than she wa content with on days they did have to share a motel room when doing group research nights, and one or both of them would at some point take a shower, and come out topless. Though Mika never complained about seeing Dean in such a way, Natalia certainly did. If getting that option off the table was due to Dean's excuse of being in Hell then she'd take it. She couldn't help but glance toward Mika when Dean declared he wanted to talk with Esme in private, knowing what the woman could be like when it came to Dean, but she kept quiet.

Both women watched as Dean helped Esme up and they disappeared into the other section of the hotel room, before Mika got a sudden bout of curiosity and suspiciousness about what was going on. "You know he's not gonna do anything right?" Natalia pointed out to her, making Mika nod, "I know, it's not him I'm thinking about. Esme knew him as a teenager..." Mika replied, "So?" Nat wondered where Mika was going with this, "To have done that, it had to be when I was MIA or making him think I was someone else. What if they have history?" Mika asked, her concerns now starting to show. "oh come on Meeko, give Dean more credit than that, and beside we barely know this Esme at the moment, don't judge too hard too soon yeah?" Natalia replied, hoping her words were helping but at the same time did not want to be in the middle of any possible drama that could brew up because Mika was too suspicious of any woman that came near 'her Dean'. This was precisely why she stayed as far away from relationships as possible. She didn't want to deal with the stupid mind games it always brought on. Give her one night stands at most any day.


Grabbing his car keys just incase they decided to use the car to get wherever they felt they should start at, Sam noticed how the others were all going for spin the bottle truth or dare version and it honestly made him roll his eyes. At Annabeth's comment of what could go wrong made him smirk and chuckle slightly as in his history and experience something usually went wrong but then it was usually becuase Dean would go all improv on them which would cause issues. SO maybe Annabeth would be different. "I don't blame you, I'd want to skip out on that too" he told her with a smile, "But don't be scared, you'll be safe with me" he told her, letting her take his hand as he grabbed his jacket with his free hand. He didn't quite hear what she said next due to grabbing his jacket, but when he had it, he looked down at her, "lets head out then, leave them to whatever stupid game they wanna be playing" he said to her, leaving the hotel room with her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean Winchester

Dean held up both hands, “Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. I’m not here to attack you or make assumptions. Although, I find it really odd that you show up with my sister…”

He stopped and threw his hands up, them falling against his hips, “But I believe you. Honestly, a lot of weird is happening today. You being here is almost the most normal thing in this room…”

He thought over the last time they had seen each other. Honestly, they were good memories. She hasn’t called. She hadn’t met up with him again, and his attention went to that, back to his abandonment issues.

“Why is it again that you never called me? I mean…I tried a couple of times, but I figured you didn’t want to be found. I’ve been down that road with Mi-…other girls. Would have been nice to know you were alive.”



Releasing his hand, she followed him from the room, her nerves boiling up nearly instantly. She trusted him to keep her safe. He was the one she was looking for, and the voices had told her he was safe.

Once they were outside the room, she glanced up at him, “Sam, have you ever heard of something like me…like us being bad? I mean, you say you’re not, but do you know that?”

She had thought about nothing else, since she had met him. He didn’t seem bad. He seemed, actually, really good, even compared to his angry brother. But, they all seemed surprised by her brand of whatever they were. Which meant she was probably different…maybe evil.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 27 min ago

Benjamin headed outside the hotel room. There wasn't much he could do right now. It frustrated him that the group was splitting up. He needed Sam and Dean to stay alive so they could all kill Astaroth. The witch in hiding couldn't help but then notice, after briefly pondering what he would do about his situation with the Winchesters, that a thirty year old bearded man with the appearance of a mountaineer seemed to be leaving his car door. As Benjamin was technically a hunter now, he decided it wouldn't be a lie to introduce himself as a psychic and amateur hunter, which was technically true.

Nervously, Benjamin had a good natured look on his face when he walked up to Poe. "Why hello! I couldn't help but notice the presence of a fellow hunter."
"I really need to talk with you, if you have the time."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 2 days ago

Esme Stirling

Esme listened to what Dean had to say, glad he wasn’t there to attack or make assumptions. She then gave a small nod to the first half of his words. She too thought it was odd that she met up with his sister and ended up following her here. A small smile returned to her lips as he spoke about how he believed her, and she was the most normal thing in the room on this weird day.

She felt the urge to hug him at those words, but she fought it. When he seemed to go into thought, she looked into his hypnotizing green eyes, trying to figure out where his thoughts had gone. She soon found out as he spoke. Her smile faded once again at his words. They hit her hard. “You did?” she said in almost a whisper. Her gaze dropped to the floor, and she slid back along the wall to put a bit of space between them.

He really tried? She thought as she slid back into a corner. She closed her eyes for a moment, then pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts, stopping on Dean's name. She sighed heavily as she looked at it, then fixed the problem, gripping the phone tightly as she let her arm drop. After she had never heard from him, she made herself think he had just told her what she wanted to hear, that in the end he didn’t really like her and had faked it.

Now she felt terrible for letting herself think of such things. “I had no idea.” she finally got out after a moment. Esme made herself look back up at him, her blue eyes meeting his green. Her eyes held sorrow for never returning his call and making him think she didn’t want to be found. “When I didn’t hear from you, I thought you didn’t want to hear from me.” she admitted.

“But it seems that my overprotective father had gotten ahold of my phone and blocked you from calling me.” She closed her eyes again and sighed heavily, an image of her father sneaking into her room and doing as she said played behind her closed lids. “I’m so sorry, Dean. I never meant for it to seem that way.” she apologized as she opened her eyes and looked at him once more.

“To be honest, I often thought about calling you, but would eventually talk myself out of it.” she told him. “Then after my parents and most of my family were………” she trailed off, her body tensing up and tears coming to her eyes. “I could have really used someone to talk to then......but I talked myself out of it again. Still thinking you didn’t want to hear from me.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


As the two of them walked down the stairs together to head on out, he listened to Annabeth speak, deciding that the more she asked questions or said anything, he could learn more about her and what she could possibly do. At the question he thought back to the others he had met, or more to the point been put against by Azazel in that hidden in plain sight abandoned town that had some kind of glamor spell on it. "Yeah..." he said sadly, "There have been others. All having different abilities, some like me, having visions of impending incidents, some had super human strength and some had the power to make you do anything they asked" he started explaining, but there was a sad edge to his tone as he remembered how that night turned out. Even after all this time, it did haunt him every now and then. "Some of them were bad, easily influenced by Azazel's plans and the demons he had working for him. But not everyone who has abilities Annabeth is bad or evil. Some like myself can learn to control them and live a normal life" he said hoping that it would bring some kind of reassurance to her.

"I like to think if everyone is given a chance, they can all be good with what the abilities they're given, whether its an ability like yours, or something mundane" he added, opening the door to exit, letting her step outside first. He noticed out the corner of his eye another guy arriving and Benjamin walking over to him, but didn't pay attention to it, he had more important matters to deal with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean stared at Esme, watching her process things as he spoke. He couldn’t help but notice how sad she seemed. It honestly broke his heart. But as he did with most displays of emotion, he froze. John, his dad, could be the same way, when he was alive. He regularly confiscated Dean’s phones, to throw away numbers of people that John viewed as a distraction. Hell, he had done so with Mika's number for a while, when Dean was still looking for answers.

“Come here. Hush and come here…”, he whispered, as she began talking about her parents. That was his breaking point: family. He knew about their case, but hadn’t looked into it too hard. It seemed like a typical circumstance that he had seen all too many times. But now, he felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. They hadn't had much, in way of romance or long-term connection, but he cared for her deeply. He pulled her into a tight hug, slipping back beyond the wall, his hand coming up to rest on the back of her head, ruffling her hair with his thumb a bit.

“You’re here now. Alright? You’re here now, with us. You don’t have to worry about that anymore…just relax. I got you...”, he whispered, kissing the top of her head before realizing he was standing within eyesight of the girls. He didn’t break the hug, although he knew Mika would have plenty of questions.


Annabeth continued walking down the stairs with Sam until they reached the outside. He spoke from experience, which gave her heart a small jolt of hope. He was the person the voices said he was. Maybe this was all for the better?

“Thank you, Sam…”, she whispered, sighing as their hands brushed each other, and calm washed over her again.

“I just wish I knew what my abilities were. What happened back there with Cason…I don’t even know what that was. I get so angry, and things happen. And it just started when I found out he’s a demon. We were together almost a half a year. He never told me…”, she spoke softly, her eyes filling up with tears again. She pushed them down, as not to lose her cool near Sam, and risk hurting him.

She also noticed Benjamin in the parking lot, and stared for a second before breaking her eyes back to the ground.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cassifer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Poe pulled up outside the hotel, a piece of paper in his hand as he steered his Jeep into park. This was the address. He rubbed his eyes a bit before stepping out of the Jeep and reaching into the back for his bag. A voice caused him to jump and he turned, seeing the smaller man walking up to him.

"Hello? I have time, I'm just - "

As he trailed off, he caught the two people exited the hotel and glared for a second before whispering, "There you are."

He followed who appeared to be the younger of the Winchesters with his eyes and then his attention returned to the man in front of him.

"What is it that you need?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 27 min ago

Poe pulled up outside the hotel, a piece of paper in his hand as he steered his Jeep into park. This was the address. He rubbed his eyes a bit before stepping out of the Jeep and reaching into the back for his bag. A voice caused him to jump and he turned, seeing the smaller man walking up to him.

"Hello? I have time, I'm just - "

As he trailed off, he caught the two people exited the hotel and glared for a second before whispering, "There you are."

He followed who appeared to be the younger of the Winchesters with his eyes and then his attention returned to the man in front of him.

"What is it that you need?"

"Ah, that would be your attention. I can tell that you are a hunter. I'm somewhat of an amateur hunter myself."
"I'm also psychic. I wanted to let you know that these two, Sam and Dean are exactly who you're looking for."
"Yep. This is the place you are looking for."
He looked around the area for other threats. "Um, and just in case you were looking for demons or anything, Sam and Dean, these two fine gentlemen, can fill you in on their progress."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cassifer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh I know plenty about demons. I'm here for a girl.", Poe muttered to the man in front of him. The man mentioned being a psychic which piqued his interest. The Winchesters were just part of the plan, it seemed. Of course they were. It seemed that everything led back to the Winchesters.

"There's a girl. She's supposed to be coming here. Blonde, about yay high.", he described the person he was looking for as he watched Sam Winchester leave with a girl matching the exact description. He couldn't approach them. The younger Winchester was dangerous, almost as dangerous as his brother. If he was attached to the girl in some way, getting her away would be a struggle. Kicking the dirt under his boot, he turned back to the man. "I'm Poe."
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