Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Exclusive DNA

Unlocked through shady deals

Project Redemption: Allosaurus redemptor, Carnotaurus redemptor, Giganotosaurus redemptor, Mussaurus redemptor, Oviraptor redemptor, Pachycephalosaurus redemptor, Spinosaurus redemptor
Companies can sell Exclusive DNA

Weekly random extractor DNA
Selected on a random wheel, if you have a DNA extractor you can ask me to spin

Smallest dinosaurs: Moros intrepidus, Europasaurus, Aquilops, Minmi, Tethyshadros, Gasparinisaura, Magyarosaurus, Nemicolopterus, Cartorhynchus, Bernissartia, Falcatus, Triadobatrachus, As well as an accidental mutant that can be collected.


Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Link to the Kale files


This game takes place after the failure of Jurassic world, and the capture of all missing dinosaurs. In this world the events seen in Dominion never happened. Instead, the world realized it was possible for anyone to create dinosaurs. In this world fossil fuels are near nothing. This led to the rise of Janus industries, a company that struck it rich cloning dinosaurs. When amendment 34 was approved (No one company may control world wide natural resources) Liam Gray, head scientist of Janus industries was forced to release all details of cloning and time travel done by the company. Then the world wide struggle to clone dinosaurs began.

Basic Playthrough:
Dinosaur Apocalypse is different from nation games that you are used to. This is because the main goal is profit, not war or conquest. The main gameplay will be about finding solutions to the problems I send weekly, and that is what you will put it the IC.

1. All purchases must be approved by me (more info in the shop section)
2. All new dinosaurs must be approved by me (more in cloning section)
3. Keep it appropriate, most of the IC should just be about dinosaurs, so no need for romance
4. No god-modding other companies
5. If you want to quit don't leave us hanging

If you want to buy something, put the request at the end of your weekly solution to the problem I throw at you. You can put as many things as you want. You can also place requests in the OOC at any time
Catch dinosaurs faster
AntiDino Stun-gun: $650 (per set of 2)
AntiDino Lethal-gun: $750 (per set of 2)
AntiDino Anti-Flyer gun: $850 (per 1 gun)
AntiDino Anti-Swimmer gun: $950 (per 1 gun)
AntiDino Armor: $6,400 (per 5 sets)(Security squadron can't be eaten)
Security squadron: 60,000 (per squadron of 5)(can be eaten)
Helicopter: 60,000 (per 1 copter)
Submarine: 45,000 (per 1 sub)
Truck: 2,000 (per 2 trucks)
Boat: 20,000 (per 2 boats)

Keeps dinosaurs happy, and alive
Herbivore feeder G,S (+5)(free)
Carnivore feeder N,C (+5)(free)
Air feeder F (+5)($100)
Water feeder S (+5)($100)
Bush G (+10)($100)
Tree S (+10)($100)
Live bait chicken N (+10)($100)
Live bait sheep C (+10)($100)
Live bait shark S (+10)($200)
Live bait bird F (+10)($200)

Improves karma
Restaurant: $1,000 (per 1 restaurant) (500 karma)
Roller coaster: $3,000 (per 1 coaster) (1,500 karma)
Museum: $4,000 (per 1 museum) (2,000 karma)

Unlocks new dinosaurs
DNA extractor: $170(low quality (has the chance to extract bad DNA) $640 (high quality) (this will give you a new exlusive dinosaurs each week)
Genome creator: $1,000(low quality (has the chance to create a mutant Genome) $4500 (high quality)
Embryo cloner: $400(low quality (has the chance to create a mutant Embryo) $1,300 (high quality)
Egg incubator: 120(low quality (has the chance to kill baby) 1,200 (high quality)

Keeps dinosaurs in
Low Wire wall: $180
Low Concrete wall: $380
Low Metal wall: $850
High Wire wall: $360
High concrete wall: $760
High Metal wall: $1,700
Concrete dome: $1,520
Metal Dome: $3,400
Concrete Aquarium: $3,040
Metal Aquarium: $6,800

Improves dinosaur happiness
Janitor: $600 (can be eaten)
Small auto-cleaner (land): $750 (can be eaten)
Small auto-cleaner (air): $850 (can be eaten)
Small auto-cleaner (water): $950 (can be eaten)
Large auto-cleaner (land): $1,050
Large auto-cleaner (air): $1,150
Large auto-cleaner (water): $1,250

If you want to clone a new type of dinosaur, I must approve it. To ask for a new type of dinosaur send a message at the end of you weekly solution to my problem. There are 7 types of dinosaurs, each with a different cost to clone. You can put as many dinosaurs you want to buy as you want. Adaptations change dinosaur's behavior or looks.

Nibbler: Small carnivore or other two legged creature: $300-2,000 ($1,000 for habitat)
Chomper: Large carnivore: 4,500-10,000 ($5,000 for habitat)
Grazer: Small herbivore or omnivore: $200-1800 ($1,000 for habitat)
Stomper: Large herbivore: 3,500-10,000 ($5,000 for habitat)
Flyer: Large flying creature: $500-12,000 ($7,500 for habitat)
Swimmer: Swimming creature or amphibian: 750-24,000 ($10,000 for habitat)
Hybrid: $600-48,000

Social (more dinosaurs per enclosure)
Friendly (1 more)
Family oriented (2 more)
Pack leaning (4 more)
Colorful (more karma per dinosaur)
Tiger stripe (1 1/4 times more karma)
Chameleon (1 3/4 times more karma)
Camo (1 1/2 times more karma)
Dangerous (2 times more karma, 1 per enclosure)
Kind (will not break out of enclosure, 1/2 karma)

Gender & Breeding
All dinosaurs cloned pre-6/25 will be female, from now on dinosaur gender will be randomly generated, unless you specify. Females are 25% more likely than males. Breeding can take place with two dinosaurs of opposite gender, if you own a breading cave. Bred dinosaurs are free, but have the chance to be infected with a disease.

Here is the creation sheet, both empty and one for Jurassic World to give you ideas.

Head scientist:
Type of company:
Information about your company:

Name: Jurassic World
Location: Isla Nublar
Leader: Simon Masrani (formerly) None (currently)
Head scientist: Dr. Henry Wu
Type of company: Entertainment (formerly) Weaponization (currently)
Background: (can be between 1 paragraph to 5)
After the failure of Jurassic park, Jurassic world was founded trying to continue John Hammond's dream of dinosaurs alive in the modern day. Unfortunately in 2015 there was a catastrophic disaster unleashing the experimental hybrid Indominus-Rex on the tourists. Although it was killed, samples were taken to former lead scientist Henry Wu. With the samples he created the Indo-Raptor, another deadly hybrid. After an auction in the mansion of Benjamin Lockwood the dinosaurs were released on America.
Information about your company: The only company with dinosaurs, Based on Jurassic park, closed in 2016.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dino Dictionary

Karma: Higher karma means more money for your park. ($=k10)
Social: How many dinosaurs can be in an enclosure together before they get agitated
Crisis Agitation: What percent chance that the dinosaurs will escape in a crisis
LS: Life span (1 GM post in the IC channel is 1 year)


Crisis agitation: 20%
LS: 50 years
Dilong/300/none/3 per enclosure/3k
Velociraptor/450/Egg incubator x1/4 per enclosure/7k
Gallimimus/500/Egg incubator x1/8 per enclosure/6k
Compsognathus/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x1/5 per enclosure/4k
Oviraptor/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x1/7 per enclosure/5k

Crisis agitation: 10%
LS: 60 years
Protocerotops/300/none/4 per enclosure/3k
Stigimoloch/450/Genome creator x1/2 per enclosure/4k
Chaoyangsaurus/500/Genome creator x2/3 per enclosure/5k
Pentaceratops/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x1/4 per enclosure/6k
Triceratops/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x1/4 per enclosure/7k

Crisis agitation: 30%
LS: 70 years
Pachycephalosaurus/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x1/3 per enclosure/6k
Parasaur/Genome creator x2, Egg incubator x1/6 per enclosure/8k
Vulcanodon/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x2/2 per enclosure/5k
Stegosaurus/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x1/3 per enclosure/9k
Kentrosaurus/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x2/2 per enclosure/7k

Crisis agitation: 80%
LS: 50 years
Utharaptor/Genome creator x2, Egg incubator x1/2 per enclosure/6k
Dilophosaurs/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x2/6 per enclosure/7k
Allosaurus/Genome creator x2, Egg incubator x2/3 per enclosure/10k
Ceratosaurus/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x1/2 per enclosure/8k
Baryonyx/Egg incubator x2, Genome creator x2/3 per enclosure/9k

Crisis agitation: 70%
LS: 20 years
Rhamphinion/Genome creator x1/5 per enclosure/2k
Dimorpohdon/Egg incubator x1/3 per enclosure/3k
Archaeopteryx/Egg incubator x2/3 per enclosure/4k

LS: 80 years
Crisis agitation: 60% (in coastal region) 0% (if land-locked)
Basilosaurus/Genome creator x2/7 per enclosure/3k
Sea scorpion/Egg incubator x2/1 per enclosure/4k
Ichthyosaurus/Genome creator x1, Egg incubator x1/5 per enclosure/5k

Hybrids can be made with any two species, feel free to put a hybrid in your buying list. cost can be found by adding the two dinosaur's cost and dividing by two. How may per enclosure is decided the same way, as well as karma, LS, and agitation.
These will be randomly generated as of 6/25. They have a higher chance in appearing in hybrids and adapted creatures.
Overly aggressive (10%, N,C,Sw,S, only one dinosaur per enclosure)
Overly friendly (10%, all, won't defend itself)
Dwarfism (10%, all, 5% less karma)
Gigantism (10%, all, 50% shorter life span)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Oh shit, it's actually up. Okay, going to have to read through it properly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If you're wanting to join just post your company in this tab and I'll give you your starting salary and starting dinosaur.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Cretaceous Coast

Along the coast of Victora, Australia

Andrew Arthur

Head scientist:
Jacob Macdonald

Type of company:
Entertainment and Education

Reviewing the complete and utter failure that was both Jurassic Park and World, the Australian owned Cretaceous Coast was formed with a simple idea in mind; Creating a place in which dinosaurs could be studied for scientific reasons, earn a steady source of income by allowing the public to come and see them... While not being stupid enough to consider weaponizing them. CEO Arthur has publicly made his views on weaponizing dinosaurs known, making the statement 'At the end of the day, these are wild animals that completely lack the years of domestication required for animals that serve a military role. I honestly fail to see why any sane military would want to spend the time and resources on weaponized dinosaurs when more conventional technologies, equipment and combat trained animals exist to fill whatever need is required.'

Information about your company:
Apart from its public disdain for weaponizing dinosaurs (and using the Indo-Raptor as a prime example as to why it was a stupid idea) and 'creating freaks of nature' (citing the Indominus-Rex in turn), Cretaceous Coast is more well known for its family friendly park. While it can and will produce carnivores for the purposes of scientific studies, management has yet to feel comfortable enough to establish an exhibit that the public can access yet. For the time being, people can make due to the Herbivores.

Edit: Sorry, used to things needing to be approved first before moving it to the character tab.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No problem since I approve of cretaceous coast, first problem will be headed out this Monday.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Gonna have a company sheet up hopefully later tonight, glad this is getting off the ground!
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Great to see people playing. As of 6/13/2021 I will update the game adding sanitation, more lore, food for both dinosaurs and people, Flyers ,Swimmers, Hybrids, a better dino-dictionary, and "Adaptations."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh, and @Bright_Ops I made an admin page for you to look at your stats, now all you have to do is decide your first dinosaur.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Kale19 I believe it's company policy to have a Protocerotops.

Also, I am rather happy with the name of my Park/Company. It is very much an alternative to Jurassic Park.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Great, once I'm currently in the process of updating, so the game will be more simple and have more dinosaurs
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@rocketrobie2 I look forward to competing with you.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


This spread sheet keeps a running track of equipment, genomes, and adaptations
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Okay. Should I get an IC post up or would you rather wait for the first crisis?
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Send your post in now for the problem, you can add your solution as well as other things about your company (training, building, escapes, exedra) after you answer the questions.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Name: Stanley Buckwild's Dino-Land

Location: Texas

Leader: Stanley Hernandez

Head scientist: Dr.Seymour Nixon

Type of company: Entertainment and Playing God

Background: Charlie Hernadez was once a very rich man, making his money as an oil baron in Texas. His empire stretched the entirety of the state and made his only son Stanley a very spoiled kid. As time went on though the family fortune and company began to suffer with the increasing scarcity of natural resources, public backlash against fossil fuels and losing land to poor business deals. Charlie gave up on the company, deciding for an early retirement and leaving his son Stanley to pick up the pieces. Stanley was pissed but with amendment 34, Stanley saw a new avenue for profit. The unpopular but locally known 'Dino-Land', a small, defunct, dinosaur themed amusement park just so happened to be located on some land that Stanley now owned. Throwing some money at the park and getting some good brains in on the action, Stanley's getting ready to make his millions creating some marvels of a long bygone era and perhaps something new in the process.

Information about your company: The 'Buckwild' family and brand is well known in Texas but not as popular elsewhere in the country or the world. Many shareholders didn't like the idea of turning away from the still lucrative oil business but with Stanley being a majority shareholder not much could be done about the change in scope. Many tabloids have been chronicling Charlie Buckwild's escapades across the planet as he enjoys retirement.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

It occurs to me that someone could develop a company that produces and sells dino meat for the purposes of eating.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Bright_Ops Do you mind if I steal that idea? I absolutely want to do that now and that'd fit my theme so good
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sounds good, Protocerotops or Dilong?

@rocketrobie2 and @Bright_Ops if you two have any dinosaurs you want for your park just send a message, unless you want them to be public they can be private to just you company

p.s. You just gave me a great idea for next week, eating dinos will definitely be discussed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Go right ahead.
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