Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

“Well, give yourselves away why don’t ya?” Unlike Kishimoto, Kai was as cool as Ice, the shots were unaimed and as such didn’t hit their marks, even the motor fire was too scattered around to have a chance hitting him. No doubt that this was more of a draw out tactic to make the others panic and give away their positions, which definitely worked against the Victory Gundam, but not the calm and collected Zaku Pilot. “Let’s see...” The Gunpla Pilot used the spread of the Mortars as a way to figure out the position of his artillery man.

Kai aimed the Dober Gun and fired... A shot which hit a bit too low, hitting below Hamada by a few feet... Exactly where the Gunpla Fighter was aiming for, as the footing below the Golden Gundam crumbled, which the constant recoil from it’s mortar was undoubtedly weakening with each shot, not to mention the weight of the Gundam itself was already straining it. To make matters worse since it was doing a bombardment, it likely first rooted itself into the ground, meaning it would be nearly impossible to activate it’s thrusters in time to stop it. As a certain nursery rhyme would put it: “It had a great fall.” Though it would be up to the build itself to see if it could be put back together again.

Kai immediately turned to deal with Kishimoto. It was likely that she was actually pretty inexperienced, the fact that she panicked and gave herself away told the Delinquent Fighter that. “Trigger Finger over there is probably gonna let their guard down now that Michael Bay has been stopped from firing.” He thought about his next action, while the mortar barrage has been stopped, the after effects would still last, kicking up dust clouds and debris everywhere and lowering visibility, something he was going to completely capitalize on by using it as cover to sneak up on the Victory Gundam.

Using the dust screen, Kai covered the distance which he then boosted out of the dust cloud to shoulder ram the Gundam with the Taisen’s round shield. The thing with the Leo’s round shield is that it housed the Leo’s beam saber under it. Kai then ejected the beam saber into the Taisen’s hand before aiming it up from below it’s shield at the opponent’s cockpit before activating it, this way the opposing Gunpla wouldn’t be able to notice the weapon until they were too late and turned into plasma shish kebab.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KenjuGuy
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KenjuGuy Luminary of the Stars

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Blade17 @Crimson Lion

Jun smiled at the brazen and up front assault of the Wing Zero fighter. He gave short bursts with his thrusters, moving left to right in order to evade the chaotic gunfire. "Just coming in blazing like that.....Now that's what I'm talking about! This guy gets it." he spoke to himself in appreciation of the other fighter. He didn't know why they were in such a hurry but Jun wasn't complaining at all about it. "I'll take this guy on then! If it's a battle of guts, no one's beating me!" he mouthed confidently as he prepared the Captain Miracle to take on the soaring foe..

However, he was caught off guard by the voice of another fighter speaking through the open comms channel. This sort of thing shouldn't be a distraction for the hot-blooded youth who would love to talk smack, but there was an issue. The voice of the owner was feminine, therefor more than likely a girl. "Ah......ahhh.." he stumbled his words while his Gunpla froze near the mountain cliff.

In the past, Jun was as reckless as always and that meant he wasn't afraid to confess to any girl. That was until those series of rejections traumatized his heart and left him a broken mess near the presence of any girl around his age. "Ahhhh!!!!" with a horrified yell, the supposed genius hurled his Gunpla in the opposite direction of the battle between the Wing Zero and the Astray. Heading for the safest spot he could think of, that being the nearby ocean.

Still shaking, Jun breathed slowly in order to calm himself. "I-It's alright, I'm safe down here..." he breathed a heavy sigh as his nerves calmed down. A moment afterwards, that was when he noticed the Graze nearby, also in the ocean. "...A Graze,..You're that instructor from earlier! Hey, this is a battle, what the hell do you think you're doing hiding like a coward!" Jun howled into the comms with a reinvigorated anger.

At the tail in end of his shout, the Captain Miracle launched a vertical kick up at the Graze that was enough to flip himself up and backwards out of the water. Followed by allowing his thrusters to carry himself several meters above the liquid surface and pointing his Buster Gun at the Graze below.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Crimson Lion

Riku remained unshaken. Even as fierce battles raged in the distant mountains, he stayed resolved to remain where he was. So far it didn't look like anyone's score was increasing yet, which could be a good sign for him. With any luck, he might have even been able to wait out the clock and win that way. But he couldn't help but notice occasional flashes of light reflecting in cavernous spots in the mountains. It didn't look like any sort of attack, in fact it looked a lot more like...

"So one of them's not a complete coward after all." he muttered to himself. The reflecting light had to be from the scope of a rifle, which he had to guess meant someone thought they could snipe him. Didn't seem like a very smart idea to him, though. After reaching his spot, the Metal Angel had remained stationary and outputted next to zero particles in all this time. That meant that by now he was basically back to full energy, or very close to it anyway. So even a decent shot would have a hard time taking him down thanks to his high energy levels. Still... wouldn't hurt to maybe play a mind game or two. He watched for any sort of pattern to the flashes, if or when it would show up in the same locations more than once. In the meantime, he reached the hand of his Metal Angel up to the DODS Rifle currently docked into its back and leveled it toward the mountain range. He was aiming for where he roughly predicted the next flash would show up, and when it did...

Riku fired the DODS Rifle, it's drilling beam lancing toward the general direction of the flashing light. There was no way it would accurately hit, but that wasn't the point. What this was was a warning shot, plain and simple. He was sending a message to the would-be sniper: I'm onto you. But Riku didn't stop there. He'd opened up the public channels beforehand and now spoke into it, "Well, what're ya waiting for?" he asked. Everyone would hear this, specifically the sniper in question, "You gonna come at me or not? Or are you too much of a chicken-shit to fight me?" Riku didn't normally trash talk like this, but right now he was using it as a form of strategy. Even without physically taking a swing or shot at anyone, this could very well allow him to get inside someone's head and give him a psychological edge.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Above the ocean with Hanako and Blades battle, Blade changes to his twin beam sabers when commencing in battle with Hanako. “So what now princess?” Blade taunted which caused Hanako to see red. “I’m no princess you winged ass!!” She yells as she charges forward in a thrust.

As Blade activates the Zero System, for a moment he sees the multiple striking paths Hanako's Astray can take, before narrowing down and showing Blade Hanako's upward thrust towards the wings head.

Far below and away from them, Naoki flew low as he watched the battle begin between the Wing and Astray. “She’s pretty good too, they’re both worth talking to after this.” He said as he observed the mid air fight only to be surprised when Jun swooped beneath him to attack, kicking the graze and causing Naoki to lose control for a moment.

“Hey, this is a battle, what the hell do you think you're doing hiding like a coward!" Juns voice over the public channel said.

As Naoki regained control he grinned. “A coward … He's not wrong, even though I’m not fighting to win I really shouldn’t be meandering around. It’d be disrespectful.” Naoki said to himself as he dived into the water, changing course in order to avoid the beam fire and dampen it in case it did hit him.

Now underwater, he swam and circled around, planning to flank the shark from below. Before he reached him he opened up the public channel to respond. “Sorry. You were right. I can’t just watch on the sidelines, I need to jump into the action!!!!!” As he said that he burst from underwater, directly below the Captain Miracle, with the Grazes axe and machine gun in his right and left hands. Firing upwards and getting ready to strike with the axe.

In the mountains, as Hamada continued his barrage of gunfire, Kai began his plan, firing at the ground underneath Hamada. Now knowing someone was firing at his he turned around to fire, only for the recoil to be to much after Kais blast and gave way. His Buster Gundam began to slide and roll down the mountain, still firing and causing close explosions around it before it fell to the floor, dust rising around the mountains now.

Not knowing really why the barrage stopped, Kishimoto figured that the Buster had simply mistepped and fallen. “T-This is my chance!” As the dust clouds rised the victory gundam began to clumsily move forward towards the fallen buster in an attempt to finish the fallen enemy, still unaware of Kais presence. She continued her track but before she could even get the buster Gundam in sight, the blue around her turns red signifing her defeat, as a beam saber popped out of her gunpla chest.

Hamada, close enough to see the gunpla explode into a pink cloud, lifts off the ground and tries to gain air, shooting down towards the pink cloud in hopes of attacking anyone.

Deep within the cave system, college senior and locals veteran Koga Kyo piloted a gunpla hidden within the shadows. She watched multiple screens showing different feeds outside the caves, all pointing towards Riku and the Metal Angel. As she continued to watch, the metal angel shot a blast at one of the cameras, barely missing the target.

“Hmph, good aim. Still missed but close.” She said to herself in a sadistic tone.

"Well, what're ya waiting for?" Rikus voice asked over the public channels. "You gonna come at me or not? Or are you too much of a chicken-shit to fight me?"

“Oh my, Are you new? I don’t remember seeing you in the last round” She asked over the public channel as one of her cameras focused on the Metal Angel. “Ooooh I love it when a gunpla looks like it can take a beating, let's see if you can do the same, dance for me sweetie!!” She said as she commenced her attack.

Outside, as Riku stood watching the caves he sees a flash of light come from one of the cave entrances. However before he could react he sees another. Then another. Then another. Then another after another till all cave entrances had flashes of light. A barrage of inaccurate fire began to come from all cave before small drones began to fly out from the cave entrances. Riku, having built and destroyed his fair share of gunpla, had recognized it once they had closed in. They were the black funnel weapons of Queen Mansa.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Member Seen 7 days ago

@Crimson Lion

Blake laughed a bit and leaned back and did a backflip and he saw the opportunity to strike her down. Blade swang one of his swords cutting off the astray arm and swang the other and stopped by the astray neck.

Blade looks at her and said,” well princess i win, you cant beat me. Not with the zero system.” He looks at her and the wing simply slashed the backpack that kept her in the air. As he catches the astray. And said,” your a strong opponent.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Crimson Lion

"Tch, Funnels?" That wasn't quite what Riku had expected. Actually, Funnels would probably be the only viable way to ambush him in this position. Based on the shape, he could guess they came from a Queen Mansa. Not exactly a low-level Mobile Suit. Between the drone strikes from its Funnels, Mega Particle Gun, and Giant Beam Sabers it was definitely loaded. But it was also somewhat of a bulky suit. It needed to be, in order to carry all those Funnels. He also knew those Funnels were not self-powered. Once low on energy, they'd have to return to the suit that deployed them to recharge. If he could just last long enough, they'd have to return to his opponent and he could follow them right to her!

"Alright, let's do this then." Riku told the woman over the public channels. Immediately he fired a sweeping shot with his DODS Rifle, but it wasn't aimed at any of the incoming Funnels. Nope, it was aimed at the ground directly in front of Metal Angel. The blast from the rifle kicked up just enough dirt and dust to create a temporary smokescreen that would partially obscure the Metal Angel from view. Immediately after, Riku docked the rifle back onto the Angel's back and sent the Gunpla forward to get to work. Between the dust cloud and the general low accuracy of the Funnels, they'd have a decently hard time hitting their mark. The Metal Angel, on the other hand, could merely punch them or swipe them out of the air and crush them in it's hands. Seeing them shouldn't be too hard, so long as Riku made sure to aim his attacks at the sources of the beam shot flashes. All he had to do was keep this up long enough.

Sooner or later, the Funnels would have no choice but to return to the Queen Mansa from which they came. That was Riku's chance! He wasted no time and sent his Gunpla after the Funnels from a safe distance. Ideally, once he found his mark he could force them into a melee fight, something the Metal Angel greatly excelled at.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

There was veil between the Buster and the Taisen, which was ripped apart by the shots from the Buster, which were dodged with a move that wouldn't be out of place in an anime, being dodged with a casual lean to the side causing the shots almost graze it's target, before going off to hit nothing but the air. "Don't think for a moment that I forgot about ya." The Gunpla fighter stated to his opponent as his mismatched Gunpla's glowed ominously at the golden machine making it clear that it was it's new target, in a bit of irony Kai had to thank the Buster, he actually couldn't have fired back due to the smoke, if the other Gunpla pilot had actually waited, the preverbal ball would have been in it's court and not Kai's, but thanks to his mistake holes were blow into smokescreen, meaning it was Kai's turn.

The Gunpla drew it's beam rifle to fire a short barrage back, though he aimed it a bit upwards to discourage the golden Gunpla from going into the air as Kai prepared his Dober gun and fired... way past the Buster Gundam and upwards... Kai and the Taisen jumped into the air still firing suppressive fire to prevent the Buster from getting airborne as a rumbling shock the very mountains themselves. The Gunpla fighter had aimed his Dober Gun to loosen up stone, causing a rockslide to come down at the golden unit like an avalanche.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KenjuGuy
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KenjuGuy Luminary of the Stars

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Crimson Lion

The owner of the Graze wasn't so helpless after all, was what Jun thought to himself as his opponent charged with an array of bullet fire from below. It was a difficult to try to evade such attacks suddenly from below, so a few rounds of gun fire nicked across the sides of Captain Miracle. Jun tried to gain distance back away from the melee weapon in order to release and engage with his Zamber. As a shoulder piece from his gunpla was blown off from assault of the oncoming machine gun fire, both the Zamber and the Graze's axe collided with one another, creating a spray of energy between the two fighters.

"So I can't underestimate you huh!? Good, if you're going to come at a genius like me, you better put it all on the line before you get blown to pieces!"

Jun used the back thrusters of his Captain Miracle to press against his foe. He leaned in as close as he could during the melee weapon struggle, trying to stay close enough so that his opponent couldn't aim the large machine gun at him. In contrast, Jun used his much smaller and easily maneuverable Gun Buster in his other hand, firing a series of beams towards the Graze's torso.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

High above the ocean, Hanako yelled as her the wing gundam destroyed the arm of her astray, before her flight unit was destroyed. “Well princess I win, you can’t beat me. Not with the zero system.” her opponent said as he grabbed her ashtrays remaining arm. “You're a strong opponent.” Blades voce said over the open channels.

Hanako clicked her tongue, mixed emotions at being complimented but ultimately feeling more annoyed. “Don't call me princess, and don’t patronize me! You were stronger so you won, system or not.” She said a little sadly. “But still!” She started as the Astray suddenly went from limp to respondent as it grabbed the wings arm back, now both holding onto each other. “My names Hanako Yui, AND I DON”T GIVE UP!!!” She yelled as the astrays remaining leg boosters began to fire downwards, forcing both of them to plummet towards the ocean. As the two crash into the ocean, an explosion occurs, leaving their fate unknown to the crowd watching.

Underneath the water, the Wing Zero stood, lightly damaged but still functioning as the astrays parts floated around Blade.

As Naoto and Juns weapons collided, Naoto pushed back with a smirk as he began to mentally go through the weapons he had seen the Captain Miracle use. The Beam Zamber, Buster Gun and Peacock Smasher. And although he was sure the mobile suit had another weapon or two, the fact he had used these three so aggressively indicated these were his primary weapons. Lucky for Naoto all three were beam weapons, and the graze along with all Post Disaster models had Nanolaminate armor, greatly reducing damage from beam attacks.

“Still though...” Naoto commented as he saw the right arm of the graze beginning to melt slightly from the beam zambers close calls. “The output of your weapons is pretty decent. Makes sense since it looks like a crossbones!!!” He yelled as his graze continued to push against the zamber blade before he rolled his suit to now be at the side of the Miracle, axe overhead. “Did you make it yourself!?” He yelled, axe swinging down in hopes of launching the miracle into the water.

In the mountains, the avalanche behind the Buster caused Hamada to quickly formulate an escape. He dodged and weaved as he was forced to dodge between mountains as rumbles began forming around him, and with Kais suppressive fire he was unable to fly away. Luckily he had remembered seeing the entrance to a cave system nearby, and as rumble began to form around the entrance he fired a blast from his cannon and blasted through, successfully escaping as the rumble formed a half wall between the Buster Gundam and the outside.

“D-damn, I need to escape and refuel on Plavsky particles.” He said as he looked at his low power levels. “Ugh, I thought the locals around here were chumps.” He said as he began to walk farther into the tunnels in hopes that Kai hadn’t seen the escape.

As the smokescreen began to form, the funnel's accuracy began to greatly drop as the funnel soon lost the complete visual of the Metal Angel. They stopped firing before grouping together, forming a line. Then as a group the funnels flew back and re-entered the caves, giving Riku his chance.

As the Metal Angel followed the funnels through the tunnel, light began to almost blind its pilot as the funnels and the Metl Angel come into a large cavern with a large hole in the top, a waterfall starting from the mouth of the whole to the lake below. “Heh heh heh, my my boy. I didn’t think you’d be so brazen.” A voice said over the intercom as, out from underneath the underground lake, rose a black Queen Mansa, a rose painted on its left shoulder. The funnels that Riku followed replaced new ones as the Queen Mansa took out its beam sabers, ready to fight alongside a swarm of funnels as she posed threateningly.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Crimson Lion

A full blown cavern, complete with waterfall and underground lake? Not quite what Riku had expected. Still, this would actually work out in his favor. The Metal Angel not only excelled in close range fighting, but even more so in enclosed places like this. It wasn't hard for him to decide that this place would end up being the Queen Mansa's tomb. Speaking of which, he saw the water of the lake bubble with activity as something rose up out of it. It was her. The Metal Angel appeared to stare down the Queen Mansa with unflinching resolve.

On his way to this location, Riku had once again brandished the DODS Rifle that his Gunpla now held in its hand. And then he heard the pilot speak again over the intercom channels.

“Heh heh heh, my my boy. I didn’t think you’d be so brazen.”

In response, music began playing from Riku's intercom system. Not over his earbuds, but on his speakers so that she would hear the song as well. Just as music could soothe a savage beast, the right kind of song could also strike fear into the heart of an opponent, "Don't blame me," Riku said over the comms, "you're the one who targeted me first. So you've only got yourself to blame for what happens next!" and without even a hint of warning, he fired off a shot from the DODS Rifle, aimed past the Queen Mansa at the cavern walls above. He intended to use another rock slide tactic.

However, Riku suspected this woman wouldn't fall prey to a rock slide as easily as Seo had in Round 1. But even if she avoided getting collapsed on, the same would likely not be said for her funnels. And really, that was Riku's aim anyway. As long as they were destroyed by the rocks or sufficiently distracted by shooting at them, it'd give Riku the opening he needed to close the distance. And close the distance, he did. Instantly, after the shot was fired, the Metal Angel dropped the rifle onto the ground and boosted full speed directly at the Queen Mansa. While the normal AGE-1 Titus model was known for being a bit on the slow side, the same was not true of the Metal Angel. In building it, Riku had used a combination of using slightly less armor pieces and increased energy output to allow it to move faster than it's official counterpart from the anime could. Riku's first move was to try and catch the Mansa in a frontal grappling hold.

Assuming the grab was successful, Riku would activate the beam lariats. Upon this, disc-shaped beam weapons ignited around the Metal Angel's forearms. Normally these could be used for a powerful close-line charge. But for this scenario, they were being used to create a grappling hold capable of causing devastating damage to an enemy Gunpla's body simply by having the Metal squeeze its arms inward while the beams were ignited. It didn't need to last very long. In fact Riku expected the Queen Mansa could and would break free in mere moments. But those moments were all Riku would need. As the brunt of the beam damage would be against the Queen Mansa's tail binder, hopefully rendering it unable to deploy any more funnels.

"Apparently you weren't watching what happened to the last guy who tried to fight me in terrain like this." Riku said. He was referring to Table B, when he completely crippled Seo's Alvaaron while piloting a mere Leo.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Member Seen 7 days ago

@Crimson Lion

Blade sighed and said,” I wasn’t patronizing you I was actually giving you a compliment.” He looks around and sighed. He looks at the girl acrossed from her and gave her a thumbs up in a compliment and a sign of respect. He then focused back at the match.

He moved the wing zero up and out of the water. The little damage he took from that crash unaffecting any of the systems and the wing. He said,” alright who’s next he turned the wing zero into neo-bird mode and flew off at high speeds.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Unfortunately for Hamada, Kai did keep track of him, after all he was laying down suppressive fire, meaning he was keeping track of him even though the rock slide because of his sense stat being four though he couldn’t stop his enemy from going into the cave due to the aforementioned rock slide. The Taisen stepped down infront of the stone barricade. Kai pulled out a Panzerfaust and a Cracker and then tossed the Panzerfaust into the air, the threw the cracker into the stone pile blasting the cave open again, but Kai didn’t go in.

Kai caught the Panzerfaust and fired the one use rocket into the cave and then detonated it from afar with a shot from his beam rifle. The cave started to rumble as rather than going in and possibly being ambushed or wasting energy and time, the Gunpla fighter instead decided to try and literally bury his opponent again this time using cave in, though rumbling didn’t just happen at the cave, but at multiple areas, Hamada’s random barrage of mortar fire would have caused areas to have become destabilized, with Kai giving the last push to causing a chain reaction, he went back to the air and towards a different area.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KenjuGuy
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KenjuGuy Luminary of the Stars

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Crimson Lion

Jun was disappointed to find that his blaster wasn't having the effect he hopped it would. Therefor he was surprised to see the Graze slip through his charge and attack from his side. Jun didn't break, instead he continued with his forward movement to evade the axe slash. However there was still a slight cut made across the Miracle's arm from the blow.

"Tch! Yeah, I put it together! What's it to you!? Anything's possible for someone like me!" Jun shouted at hos opponent in frustration. The two of them were dueling with a series of strikes from their respective melee weapons. At the same time, Jun couldn't help but think to himself, 'What's with this guy... He's strong like Kai, but different. It feels like I'm fighting against the wind..'

After sliding his Zamber off the axe, Jun used the front guard at the handle of his blade to hit the axe at it's flat side to throw off the Graze's aim. Once in that position, Jun would try to take advantage of the opening to launching a mighty spinning slash at the Graze's head.

Jun would carrying that momentum ahead once he passed by the Graze and swing back around during the rotation to quickly combine both his Zamber and Blaster together to form a more highly powered Beam Rifle to fire at his foe. "Does this pack enough fire power for ya!?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As music filled the open channel, Koga Kyo smiled. “Aren’t you confident!!” She said as Rikus' blast hit its mark above her. As the rumble fell, her funnels all grouped above her before spinning, “Funnel, Blooming Rose Formation!!” The funnels all shot upwards before rotating in a circles and slowly shot outwards, destroying the rumble above and causing damage to the rest of the caves ceilings.

Koga Kyo chuckled a bit to herself. So, this was Leo from the last round. Previously, Koga had been watching from a hidden area in the canyons, her funnels giving her a view of all potential opponents. Although there was no rule against switching between rounds, she wondered why he didn’t use this new gunpla last round to score points.

“Oi, smart strategy, but remember,” She said as her funnel lasers had reached the ceiling above Riku, “The same trick works both ways sweetie!!” She finished as rocks and rumble began to fall all around the caves, the Queen Mansa beginning to float upwards towards the hole in the ceiling as she also shot a couple blasts towards the Metal angels general direction as the Metal Angel dropped its blaster and closed the distance.

Koga Kyo turned right as the Metal Angel tanked a few blasts before grabbing onto the Mansas Binder. The beam lariat shot out of the Metal Angel, ripping her binder to shreds as she detached it, firing a shot at the binder to blow it up and create distance as she escaped the cave.

“Smart move switching to close range, but this is over!” She yelled as her funnels came back to her, 7 staying out with nowhere to go as the wasted the rest of their energy causing destruction in the caves.

Hamada breathed a large sigh of relief as his Buster finally stopped its thrusters, and landed on its feet. “I escaped. Now I j-” But he was cut off, as the stone barricade behind him burst open from Kais cracker. “Ah SHIT!!!” He yelled as his gundam immediately pressed against the wall. Maybe he was far enough away that the light wouldn’t reach? Maybe he was out of sensor range?

A missile fired through the cave and Hamada held his breath in, this cave was pretty straight, if he was lucky the missile would go straight and miss him.

And it did, and he was happy …. But just as he was about to celebrate, not pressing against the wall anymore, a laser pierces his shoulder, before detonating the missile that just passed him and causing him to take serious damage, falling over. The whole cave began to shake as rumble began to slowly fall around him. “NO NO NO, MOVE BUSTER MOVE!!!” He yelled in frustration as the blue lights around him turned red. “Dammit, I didn’t even.”

As Kai flew into the air, he realized his battle had moved him to around the center of the arena. From his vantage in the air, and using the long range cameras, Kai was able to identify 2 other suits. The first appeared to be a large black mobile suit currently flying out of a hole in the earth, firing downwards at something.

The other was what looked like a white transformable type gunpla flying into the air above the ocean area.

And as if their eyes actually met, Blade caught sight of the Red Zaku flying above the mountains. Flying through the air, Blade could see his gunplas condition was still pretty good despite his sudden dive, although through his camera he could see the Red Zaku still looked fine as well. The Zero System, however, he would still need a few moments before he could use again.

Far Below, the battle between Jun and Naoki intensified as their weapons clashed. At Juns confirmation of building his gunpla, Naokis smile grew. So, the shark wasn’t just instinct and talent. Naoki could tell from the Gunplas design. It wasn’t a critique on performance, or power, or even strength. Naoki could tell the Gunpla was born from its creators heart and it shined because of it. And thats what excited Naoki.

As they continued, Jun side stepped and got a clean hit onto his gunplas head, destroying his main camera. As he lost visuals, Naoki took a deep breath, his mind going into overdrive as his eyes flickered to the information the system was giving him. Radar said he was passing him, but now he stopped and suddenly turned back on his heel.

The image of the Captain Miracle turning around and combining his Zamber and Blaster flashed, its powerful beam firing at the Graze and piercing its left side.

A moment before the blast, Naoki detached his Grazes left arm and threw it towards the beam, "Does this pack enough fire power for ya!?" He heard as the blast destroyed the arm, before grazing the Grazes left side, causing serious damage as his Graze lost power, falling into the ocean.

“Damn, even though I could imagine the attack, I couldn’t respond. Heh heh, still though.” He said as his Graze began to sink, the pressure of the ocean began to affect the Gunpla. “It was fun, Mr. Genius.” He said through the open channel, remembering Juns entrance from earlier. The Graze reached the bottom, before exploding in an underwater pink cloud that signified Naokis defeat. “I really wanna fight you again, full power.” He said to himself as the blue around him turned red.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Crimson Lion

Sometimes, in battle or even in life, there is the "heat of the moment". A moment of time in which one cannot afford to think or plan, only able to act. To do, or not to do. This... turned out to be one of those moments. From the Mansa's perspective, the Metal Angel appeared to launch up after her. But in the process, the Gunpla's hands began to glow with a red particle-filled aura. Similarly, something appeared to project out of the Gunpla's shoulders: wings that matched the color of the hands. When it happened, the Metal Angel flew upward much faster than a Titus should have been normally capable of. Similarly, it's hands struck through the falling rocks and funnels almost effortlessly, again with much greater speed than the model was normally capable of. And it pursued the fleeing Queen Mansa like a bat out of hell.

From his perspective, Riku had had no time to think, only to act. He'd decided he was going to do everything in his power to defeat this opponent, even if it meant drawing on the power of God Hand Mode. It was a special customization he had given the Metal Angel. It's hands and shoulders were equipped with hidden particle emitters. By consuming extra particles from its energy reserve, it could take on the look it currently sported, and in doing so briefly fight beyond its normal capabilities. Some might compare it to the Trans Am System, or perhaps the Super or Hyper Mode employed by the God Gundam. And with the glowing hands, that comparison wouldn't be invalid.

As for Riku himself, he wasn't even entirely sure this would work. Sure, he was likely to deal a devastating amount of damage if he was able to get in any strikes while in God Hand Mode, but at what cost? He'd burn quite a lot of his energy reserves in order to do this. That meant that if this failed, he'd render himself a sitting duck for the Mansa to finish off. But there was no going back. Once God Hand Mode was activated it would be do or die, "You won't get away from ME!" Riku shouted into the comms, practically screaming as the Metal Angel launched it's initial powered up strike against the Mansa in the form of a blazing uppercut. From there, the Gunpla did its best to wail on the Mansa, punching and striking as fast and as strong as it could while in God Hand Mode. Riku knew his reserves wouldn't let him hold God Hand Mode for long. Indeed, the glow of the Gunpla's hands and it's particle began to diminish as its flurry blows reached its climax.

"Even if I have to drag you down with me!" Riku yelled into the comms. The Metal Angel made for another grappling hold on the Mansa just as it was running out of energy. If nothing else, gravity might take over and he could drag her down into what he hoped would be a final suplex attack to finish her off. If she survived all this though, well... the biggest drawback of God Hand Mode was that always left the Metal Angel with critically low energy, rendering it as almost a sitting duck.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kai readied his Dober Gun to fire an ambushing shot at the black Gunpla that was flying out from the cave, seemingly ignoring Blade as he didn’t notice him... Until Kai used the recoil to quickly turn himself around to the flying Wing Zero, quickly drawing his machine gun with the turn and firing a barrage at the flying machine.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Blade noticed the shots and quickly moved out of its range changing into bot mode as he combines his two rifle guns to make the buster rifle and fired from long range at the person shooting as he let the recoil push him to a little more distant. Blade thought to himself shit can’t use the zero system yet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KenjuGuy
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KenjuGuy Luminary of the Stars

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Shiyonichi @Blade17

Jun was frustrated, not only at the Graze fighter but at himself. First of all, he couldnt help but feel like there was still more to that foe's strength. Considering that was just a basic Graze, was that even the fighter's main gunpla? Either way, he couldn't shake the thought that the battle should have been taken care of sooner. Especially if he wanted to deal with the other heavy-hitters in this tournament.

"I could have actually lost there...Grr. Bastard, I won't let you get away with any excuses next time!" he cursed before heading back towards the mountain area. There he immediately caught sight of the Wing Zero from earlier and now a very notable red Zaku. It was Kai! From the looks out it, the female fighter from before had been defeated or either escaped, because they weren't here now.

Excitement rising, he de-fused his Gun Rifle and now held the Buster Gun and Beam Zamber in each hand.

"Perfect! I can get my revenge!" he once again grinned as he took off for the battle between the two. His first target was surprisingly, the Wing Zero, "Hey you! Good stuff taking care of that chick, but now your job here is done! Kai Asakura is mine, so you can just get lost!" his voice roared through the open comms as he soared at the Wing Zero with a rising upper-cut from his Zamber. This was followed up by a close-range shot from his Gun, aimed at the Gunpla's head
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Koga Kyo continued to rise as her funnels began to lose power, finishing their job and causing the mass cave-in. Before she could look away however the Metal Angel began to glow, its shoulders and hands shining especially bright. Before she could comment, the Metal Angel began to charge upwards towards the Mansa. Koga stayed calm as her funnels returned to her. Even if he had gotten a boost, he was coming at her for melee combat still meaning she just needed to gain distance until her funnels recharged. She just needed to keep moving up and away from him. She just needed another 2 or 3 funnel shots to destroy him!

But sadly before she could fully pull away from the cavern, a blast had hit her gunplas remaining shoulder binder, causing it to stop and fall down. “What?!” She asked, but before she could turn her gunpla sheaf around to see her would-be assailant (Kai), she felt the frame of her gunpla jerk backwards from an uppercut.

"You won't get away from ME!" She heard as her Queen Mansa began to take a repeated flurry of strikes, her remaining binder and armor beginning to be ripped off her gunpla. Koga Kyos Queen Mansa tried to push the close range fighter away, but before she could create distance, the Metal Angel grabbed her gunpla arm before pulling her into a bear hug. "Even if I have to drag you down with me!"

The two gunpla began to plummet into the cavern once more, the rumble falling around them as the Metal Angels God Hand Mode times out, leaving the gunpla without energy. Koga sighed as she realized that without her binders she wouldn’t have the thrust to escape. As the two of them crashed to the ground, Koga sighed before smirking, “I guess even now, regionals are to far away.” She resigned as both of their terminals turned red.

The battle was over with both Koga Kyo, locals veteran, and Kusaka Riku, top of the leader board, being eliminated.

As the red holograms around Riku slowly disappeared, Naoki approached him, having been watching the fight with the other spectators. He said as Riku retrieving his gunpla from the table. “Kusaka Riku right? My names Yukihiro Naoki and I’d like to talk with you, if you don’t mind that is.” With an extended hand.

With the quick transformation and attack from Blade and the Wing Zero, Kai barely manages to dodge the twin buster rifle, the distance advantage working in Kais favor as it gave him room to dodge. Now re-aiming the Taisens machine gun, Kai could see the Captain Miracles reappearance as it seemed to be making a B line for the Wing Zero.

Blade for his part didn’t need the Zero Systems future sight to see the approaching blue blur in his peripherals. Turning around he almost didn’t have the time to block with his shield, narrowly avoiding a lethal blow but completely destroying the Wing Zeros prime form of defense. Now that the two where in close range the Miracle fires a shot at the Wing Zeros head, who was able to dodge with an graze to the side of the head, Destroying the Wing Zeros left head Vulcan.

With Juns opening attack being mostly a success, destroying a shield and damaging but sadly not destroying the head, Jun had become the center of attention on the battlefield of 3.

Of the three of them the Wing Zero was the most damaged, having suffered damage from Hanakos last attack along with his destroyed shield made him the most vulnerable. Next was the Captain Miracle as it had lost a shoulder plate and sustained light damage from his fight with Naoki. Lastly Taisen, the modified red zaku, has taken the least damage as he’d been able to use strategy mostly in his former battles, although out of the three he had been fighting the longest and had been flying at a high altitude for awhile now. With his energy reserves now hitting 30%, If he didn’t descend or end this battle quickly he’d run out before the end of the round.

Although unknown to the three of them, with 4 minutes left on the timer, the crowd was ecstatic at the fight, knowing that with how the scores currently where it was still anyone’s game.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kai seeing the low amount of energy... immediately ran away, by that he turned off his engines to going into free fall to avoid the buster shot , before slowing his decent and then diving into to the ocean to gain cover from where Riku can letting him and Blade duke it out as he recharged his particles.

“Huh this is?” Kai notice there was something he could use for his strategy.
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