Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 23 min ago

"Got it, Nolan. Moving." Andrew replied, the Kiwi moving down to another rock in the snowy hillside, the ghillied-up arctic sniper under the cover of his collegue, and knowing he had his own explosives to set. While Eric had a hell of a job to lace the site's SAM and AA sites up, Andrew knew his was just as valuable, needing to eliminate the secondary radar array. And while it wouldn't be much, it was better he went alone, making sure that Nolan could at least cover them both while they laid the site up. The dawn sun was beginning to slowly arise on the horizon, very, very gently bringing the light in

With a bounding move, he stood above the dome, seeing the a fireteam come out, sweeping out and across the ridgeline, as if they were returning from patrol. They were radio'd up, which was an issue- one of them having a headset on over their warm beanie hat, or as more likely that Nolan would call it, a toque. Once he started this, it was gonna be a matter of time for Eric. So instead of using his MP5 to spray up the group, Andrew waited, letting them walk away.

"Eyes on, four tangoes, moving out of the dome. Don't fire on them. Let em go. Look like they're headed over your way, Eric, they have comms and radios. They're way too close to the base to put them on edge. Let's buy some time here, let em go till we're ready to start picking them apart." Andrew called out quietly into his throat mic, aware that while they had the rounds to shoot at anyone here, doing it this close to the facility was going to burn them. After all, the other patrol had at least been scattered and far enough away from the base to go missing for a few hours- these lot were about to go into the base, likely returning from the last posting. That would lead them to be in the shit- and as difficult as it was to not act on intiative, these poor bastards had another hour to live, it seemed.

As they moved away, Andrew dropped down the rocky slope, moving into the fenced perimeter of the dome, MP5 drawn, watching his quarters. Approaching the front door, he pushed inside, sweeping the inside of the radar facility. Up the steps, he slowly went around, hearing the sound of Russian. Crouching by the door frame, he took a peek, before taking a moment's breather. Time to go. With a sweep, he pushed in, nailing the two operators inside, quickly railing them with a hail of silenced 9mm fire, the sound unlikely to leave the building at all given the MP5SD's effectiveness. They barely had time to even react, the control room now clear and and giving the Kiwi the opportunity to work away. Pushing them aside off the chairs, Andrew set up the plastic explosives he was carrying, lacing it in the mainframe of the radar station, the 2kg of charges able to blast this entire place apart to pieces, at least the internal components. Dragging the bodies aside, an icky task, he placed them into a store cupoboard, a crude move but the only thing he could think of- trying to mop the blood from a brush that was inside there as best as possible. From a master sniper to a fucking cleaner, honestly, what was this life Andrew wondered to himself....but the job was done and in the case another rotation was coming through here, there wasn't a soul to be obviously seen. Charges ready, he came out of there, the sniper aware he had more to take on.
"Radar dome is rigged to go. Cordite Two, I'm headed back to you. Looks clear to me. Osprey, how you doing down there?" The Kiwi added, hot-fotting it back up the hill, aware that the darkness was slowly fading away, and soon they'd have to get themselves entrenched in their OPs to snipe from. They had a panoramic view of the bay from up here, and as the pink sunrise continued, it brought the crystal-clear glacial white into view, the snow flurries finally beginning to die back. It wasn't going to help the insertion teams, but they wouldn't have an AA threat to deal with once the job was done.


Natalie nodded, chuckling at the thought that Victor had of the Moon's Gaze.
"I'm up for that, Victor. Well, not sure if I'm very wise...but I try my best. Give me what you got." She replied, giving a beaming grin, snuggling up as close as their armours would allow them to, being ready to let him paint away.
"You know, I never used to be much of a warpaint woman but....you do have a knack, Victor." Natalie added, feeling intimate in spite of everything going on. They didn't give a damn- if someone had a problem with their relationship, they were welcome to ask them to stop, but like anyone was going to even dare that...

On the other side of the bench, Ross looked over to them, back to Carl.
"Oh definitely....he seems like a good bloke to work for, too. Gotta admit, while this programme we're on is working well, after this is done I know my papers are coming up for renewal and depending on what happens, that could mean reassignment. I mean they'd be high to put the project on ice after this but...well, it's not exactly like this is going on the record. Not sure about yours, Carl but uhh...well, let's say I'll keep my eyes open on job postings over there after this is done." Ross commented cooly, watching as Natalie finished up, the blonde Russian now getting her paint applied.
"Thought you liked this line of life, Ross? They're mercs, not exactly going to be like what we get, calling in a hell of a lot more support and resource that we've got. It's a challenge...but I know what you mean."
"True but....well, the game is changing. There seems to be a lot more interest in their circle than there is in ours. Wouldn't doubt it."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

If it weren't for the fact he had both eyes open the view at the moment would be rather myopic for Nolan. His eye set to scope, blue center dot against black target lines. And the view of the scope alone. But with his other eye open he can get a much much better view of what's going on. And at eight hundred meters it's good he did. At that distance, even with that big .50 cal Tac50 Rifle, the two shots he had to make while Andrew had made his way down to the radar dome had been muffled by distance alone. No normal sniper or marksmen would want to make a shot at that range. But Nolan like Andrew, is a breed beyond. He'd scoped on two men, both of them would have gotten views on either Andrew or Eric. The first shot had been a 900 meter shot that had pipped the ace. Punch a hole through a man that was about to round the corner on Eric, and the stealther had been busy planting charges on some AAA emplacements.

The only thing that had alerted Eric was the mean ffffwip! of the round as it sped over him and took out the man who was just coming around the corner of a barracks building. The man was luckily unwired, and the shot had pitched him back behind some boxes where he'd be hard to find. And in the cold the body wouldn't rot to quick. The second shot had pitched a man who had yet to fully wire up down off a gangway across two buildings. He'd have had a great view of Andrew as he made his way into the radar dome. The shot had traveled just over 810 meters to slam into the man, pitch him back over a railing and down between two buttress sections to the main base. Hard to see from all angles but the one looking right down it. And no one would expect him to report quite yet. Good shots all around. As he lifted his head a little to check other views his comms beep and he hums softly responding, "Ten-Four there Cordite One. I have eyes on Osprey right now."

Moments later Eric responds, "I can feel your eyes on me Cordite Two. Fantastic shot earlier. I moved that one into cover abit more. I'm about a third done right now. I've managed to wire several of these sites up together. Hidden the cords and patched them into one of four detonators I have with me. I'm moving into section Alpha one four Beta right now. Along the back of the Control tower. I saw afew SPAAG's back there. Tunguska's, Gepards, and what looked like a M6 Linebacker. I want to get rid of those things of course. They could be really dangerous."

Nolan sniffed and watched as Eric ghosted along past patrols and OpFor standing around drum fires and at security posts. It was like watching Sam Fisher or something in action. A silver, blue, grey and black one eyed ghost picking his way over the ground. Nolan was privy to a point when Eric had to unsheath a karambit and stuff it into the back of a OpFor skull. He could almost imagine the crunch. What surprised him though was the barely heard over the comms, "That's for my brother Markus." As he'd pulled the body out of sight before continuing on.

Nolan's eyes narrowed, "Amen brother..." He whispered, and unholstered his pistol pointing it in the direction that Andrew is coming just in case the foot steps he hears aren't his fellow snipers.


In the tilt-rotor Victor smiled, "I've been hoping to do this for some time my dear." He moves his paints and turns in his seat. And not caring it anyone watches, begins to apply them to Natalie's face. Deft strokes with his thumg and forefinger. The blue-black base across her face from brow to chin. Carefully applying the color of the night sky. He smiled, lovingly applying the paint. Then after that he applys a layer of white and grey, the colors of the moon. He nods as the shapes come out carefully. He takes his time, making sure it looks as good as he can get it.

As he works he whispers, "You know...there's an ancient custom, that a future married couple before going into a momentous occasion would paint each other with a chosen theme." He nods as he carefully spreads the paint, "This...could very well be our courtship painting."

He applies the last stroke then grinds the last of the paint on his finger across the back of his armor, if anyone got close enough to see the white-grey streak it'd be too late for them anyway.

He leans back and nods, "The Moons Gaze. Steadfast, strong, wise." He nods, and leans in and gives his fiancee a fierce kiss. Fuck anybody who gets uncomfortable about PDA.

Carl had watched the whole thing. Observing the moment. His own native origins saying this is a solemn and special occasion to see. When it's over he nods, "Hoka...that was magnificent."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 23 min ago

Hunkering down, Andrew set his spotting post next to Nolan, watching on as he readied his own rifle as a backup. Of course, Nolan was doing most of the shooting- he was an elite marksman, far better than Andrew was, though the Kiwi had a markman's brain to read and play out certain situations. As a spotter, it worked nicely to make sure that he watched the periphery, more than just down the rifle scope- though of course, joining in when he had to. Andrew knew Nolan's youth had exposed him heavily to the outdoors- he had an otherworldly sort of feel for it, but Andrew's mind was far more attached to the more human, anthropogenic planting on it. It was why they worked so well, perhaps- a sort of link that just clicked, and made them what they were.

"Good kills, Nolan. You don't need me much to snipe fuckers perfectly, huh....well, I'm here for moral support anyway." He chuckled, knowing there were plenty more to drop, but right now, they had to guide their man in on the ground.
"Copy, Osprey. Good work so far. Grab those last SPAAGs and get yourself off that airfield. Good timing, too. Task force isn't far gone. We are going to turn this place into a fucking fireworks show when they arrive." He called out, a wry chuckle at the carnage and fury they were going to cause something to admire. Placing that much explosives around the site would be something, as he adjusted his optic, looking down. The note to Markus was touching....and something in Andrew knew that those two had gone through a similar bond. Shit really hit the fan for them in Kosovo- a stark reminder that the forces they were up against had plenty of capability of their own, as he adjusted the spotting optic, looking to the side of the control tower.
"Osprey, if you've got any spare explosives left over, there's a fuel pump by the side of the control tower. Might have seen it, but if you haven't....chances are, you set that to leak and it'll blow the tank underneath the concrete with some explosives. Got two hostiles nearby. Me and Nolan can snipe them out." He called out, watching as the ghostly distant figure weaved around the airbase's parked SPAAGs, charges being laid, connected and ready to blast.
"Merlin, this is Cordite One, we're nearly done with the charges at the bottom. ETA ten till we should be all finished and ready to blast this one, over." Andrew called into his throat comms, aware that Merlin would be able to oversee the bigger picture and relay this to the other teams.
"Good copy, Cordite- Blackfish, Blue Sword, Knight, we are continuing as planned."


Back in the skies, Natalie chuckled as Victor described the paint, and all it entailed. Many couples were close of course, but being let into this, it felt....well, like a true connection. Real, mattering, even in spite of the insanity that this operation was going to be, and many of the ones they were on. Her facepaint if she ever wore it was simple- a lightening or a typical camo pattern, but an intricate pattern like this...it was an art form, an almost ritually empowering thing to have. She giggled at the thought of it being a "courtship"....it was a long way in for that.
"Heh, perhaps it could be that..I'll take that wisdom, Victor." She replied, letting him finish as she brushed her hair out from the side of her face, letting him get in and finish the last stroke. She pouted at him, letting him come close and kiss her intensely. She replied the same, consumed in the moment, holding him tight against her armour, deeply locked. She felt at ease, completely in the moment with him, and it was a feeling she couldn't describe. She saw him go to hell to drag her out of it- and no doubt she would do the same if she had to, no questions asked.

"Paint or no paint, wisest decision I made was you, Victor. Mon cherie....we should look tough for them though, I think. In a moment..." She whispered into his ears, giving no damn either, gently rubbing her painted cheek against his, shutting her eyes for a brief moment, lost in that second and then back to the world they were in. It was a strange one to be back in, but hey, she would make the most of it, as she checked the large minigun on her left hand side, belt pulled tight into it and the other elements of her loadout needing a brief check. As much as she wanted to be lost in Victor, there was work to be done, as she gave herself one more check over, from Athena's Wrath on her hilt to the harpoon on her left arm, to the twin Deagles she'd elected to go for. Tools of the trade for someone getting shot at on a regular basis, she thought to herself, standing in the wobbly V22's interior. With a thump on the metal, she walked over to Ross, Jenny and Carl, the herculean Russo-Franco gal getting back into the rhythm of carrying that large lump of spinny killy metal, helmet in left hand and minigun in right.
"How are you three all holding up? Game faces on?" She asked, Ross nodding as he gave a thumbs up, Jenny following the same.

"Yeah, all good. Are we still in the shadows, like, have we got no major international news on this anyone has reported?" Ross enquired, Natalie giving a wry shrug even through the armour in response.
"You haven't been taking pictures and sharing it on Facebook? Please tell me no..."
"Nope, not intending to, Bear."
"Please keep it that way- so far all good. The LZ is 15 minutes out, and we should be in for a fireworks show once those AA vehicles go up. Don't shit yourselves if we still take some ground fire- faster we get out of this bird, faster we can hit them and take back control." She dryly remarked, heading back for Victor, the fearsome size of her always staggering to see, her cold demeanour just a reminder of the focus, grit and resolve it took to keep a straight head in a situation as crazy as this. The hot zone was coming- and the firefight was going to be one of their toughest yet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

A long reach and one of his last pieces of semtex is placed in the under carriage of the Linebacker, this thing would be the worst problem for the incoming tilt rotors. A pair more pieces, that he can rig up to his last remote detonator. And those for the fuel tank. Really rock the house. Eric looks over to make sure he's in the clear then darts across the tarmac. He knelt beside a stack of ammo crates. These would add to the blast later. He looked arouned then spotted the two on the hill. He brought out a small flashlight, red in color, just bright enough that as he flashed it a few times.

Nolan scanned the tarmac and his eyes set upon a small red flashing dot. He reached out and patted Andrew, "Our boy is ready for us." Nolan rolled over and settled next to his rifle. "Now then Mr. Support. You make the count." He grins at Andrew, "Don't you ever think you're not an integral part of this team brother." He lines up his shot, "Holding on guard on the left, the one with the engineer pack." He checked his wind and range finder gauge, "Yo...conditions changing. East-west wind, 7 knots, slight updraft. Counting about 970 meters to targets." He sniffs then looks out again and just before Andrew begins the count he hums, "You know, there's this story that ran the length of the Pats and the Regular infantry some years back. JTF-2 sniper, can't remember the guys name. Was out in Iraq, picked off an ISIS fighter at three thousand five hundred and forty meters. That's Three and a half kilometers. Said he had to fight two cross winds to do it. Now we're shooting at less then a third of that. But look at our cross winds." He points down towards their targets and thanks to the snow they can see they have no less then four crosswinds to deal with, and one of them appears to be a downdraft, "We're not making history on this shot, but I don't think a sniper has ever had to deal with this much additional elements." He sniffs and adjusts his scope, "Hold...two pips up...and..." He looks out again, "I'd say if you're brave two pips either side to compensate for those cross winds."

Eric in the meantime readied himself, his karambits slipping out of their holsters just in case...

Nolan hums, "Ready when you are Andrew..."

Skyside Victor's face split in a grin, "Wisest choices we ever made was each other I think min kjærlighet." A rare moment of Norwegian from the Iroquian-Norwegian mix. He laughs and wraps an arm around Natalie as she's leans in close, his own painted cheek resting against hers. This is the best part of this relationship, she cared, he cared, they both loved. They could die any day from a rocket or missile hit, the roar of a heavy gun cutting them down, but this here, now, is the part that matters most. he let her go and he finished prepping, sliding a belt of grenades into the Denel.

Meanwhile Carl looked up, and smiled flashing Natalie a thumbs up, "Suited and booted Ma'am." He looked down at his phone in his lap, "I may have taken a picture of you and the Sargeant-Major over there, but I'm likely to just keep that as a memory. Not everyday a guy walks with Gods." He grins. "Ready to rock and roll though." He slings his arms around Jenny and Ross' shoulders, "We're here, and ready to roll."

A moment later Victor stands and looks to the rest of the unit with them, "Alright listen up ladies and gents. Fifteen!" The group calls back, "Fifteen aye!" Victor continues, "Remember your pathing, keep your actions clear, get off this bird ASAP, and steer clear of the fire works. The Major has the plan, follow on us. Use the Juggs and us two as cover as we roll forward. As soon as we're clear, the bird leaves. This isn't low-jack, so be ready for close and personal. Do you get me?" The soldiers signal their understanding in various ways from calling out confirmation to nodding. Victor looks back at Natalie and the other Juggs, "Another thing, I don't want to see people coming back from this with full magazines. Don't shoot yourself dry too quick, but don't fret to use your ammo. Someone points a gun at you from the other side you mow them down and put a round or two extra into them to make sure." He scans everyone, "You don't need me to tell you this is Important." He nods, "Hoorah!" An echoing, "Hoorah!" Roars through the plan as Victor walks towards the back of the tilt rotor and the closed ramp, "Check your kit. And make ready." He reached up and placed a hand on the cieling of the tilt rotor to brace himself and grinned at his fellow juggernauts, "Onward onto glory once again!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 23 min ago

The shot was a tough one to make, and Andrew could see it just as much as Nolan. There was a messy crosswind, and the shot was going to be a difficult one to pick out. Listening in on Nolan's call, he readied up, the Kiwi getting ready to fire the DSR's .50 round straight into the poor bastard.
"Shot is crappy. I'll agree with your callout, that wind reading seems good. It's got some intermittency to it...hold your shot till the wind really dies on the last crosswind. That one I cannot fucking get a bear on...alright, steady." He said, tapping Nolan on the shoulder, hearing his confirm, before exhaling and firing.

The shot wasn't clean, and went straight through the man's shoulder, knocking him down but not killing him- ripping pretty much the entirety of his shoulder and arm out in a particularly gruesome fashion. .50 left nothing to the imagination- the guy would be dead of bloodloss anywhere else, but he wasn't dead, and a repeat shot with Osprey so close was too risky. Checking the bolt, Andrew muttered a curse, annoyed but focussed still on the job at hand.
"Osprey, you might have to finish the bastard before he screams..." Andrew called into comms, aware the Canadian infiltrator would do the job, and finish up the laying of the explosives from here on out.


Overhearing Carl's comment, Natalie gave a wry grin, looking to Victor, then back at Carl, camera in hand.
"Good, Carl. Keep it as a memory, a reminder. If it ends up anywhere, you heard our bossman's command. You don't have to imagine. But for you, maybe I'll make it comfortable, yes? Don't get any ideas in that suit of yours....I hear it's very difficult to scratch an itch." She gave a wicked giggle, picking up the GAU and checking her feed, lugging it over as she brought her helmet in tight, the feeling of being back in action always pumping the adrenaline, something that was unassailable, almost as if it was never ending in this fight.

Natalie stood right by Victor's side as he spoke, amping them up. She let him go, knowing his warrior's chant would get them going, the voice and echoing deep bellowing he had of a voice just enough to make her hairs stand on edge. She had nothing to add, aside from an icy, following stare, the moon-painted girl in armour by her Mohican-Norwegian's side following him on this gig, 15 minutes out.

Looking across to the two giants, Ross could only watch in awe, truly taking it in as he glanced out the window, the icebergs and the giant mass of ice now coming closer towards the horizon, before turning back to Carl and Vicky, knowing the two of them were likely as pumped as him after that. Another gear check, what felt like the millionth time.
"One more time, into the breach eh?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh the shot is a tough one. The JTF2 fella had it easier then they did. And that's saying things. He sighted and had the same moment of timing. Nolan squeezed the trigger. And he watched carefully through his scope. He watched as the bullet caught the first crosswind went way off target then caught the second back on target and then...

He got to see Andrew's shot disarm his target literally. The man dropping a look of shock and slowly dawning pain on his face.

He switched back to his own target seeing the look of shock and horror on what was left of his face as the rest of it had been destroyed. It's a messy kill. Very messy. Nolan shook his head "Hate when that happens." He looks back to Andrew's target.

In time to see Eric burst from his hiding spot catching the man's mouth with a gloved hand silencing him. The scream muffled. And the gasp as his karambit punched up into his jaw and under into his brain ended it.

He waved to the marksman. Then started to good it across the tarmac "Exfiling were all wired up." He roadie ran across the black tarmac and slid through the cut in the fence. In time to see the tilt rotor crest a rise.

And on spring the air craft the surface troops came on alert. And as the tilt rotor came in their AA and SPAAGs started moving. One of the Tunguskas were first in place and taking aim.

Eric grinned and into the entire team comms whispered dangerously "Kicking one! Kicking two! Kicking three! Kicking four!"

One by one each remote group of explosives went off. The manpads blowing first. And sending the emplacement teams flying. Heavier AA guns went next. An ammo and fuel dump went up setting off auxiliary explosions as ammo rockets and other explosives went off. And finally the SPAAGs and fuel drum went off. The self propelled guns going off spectacularly. And that fuel drum well it caused the ATC tower to lean hard off it's foundations. Eric grinned. Nolan chuckled as the fireworks went off.

Victor from the open ramp of the osprey laughed evilly. He looked to the rest "What's the matter you wanna live forever?" And the big man steps off the bird as it settles "This is history a history no one will know. But it's still history." HisDenel barked as he put a fragmentation round into two opfor stumbling away from the flames.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 23 min ago

"Cover your ears, Osprey. It's about to get real."
The explosions rippled through the base, the fiery sight of the fuel drum well a spectacular detonation as it basically tore the concrete apart, blasting it open and creating a fiery, hot hellhole of mess across the site, the other explosions commas and following as ammunition and vehicles were cooking off and having secondary and punctuated explosions. The radar dish followed, the white ball sparking up and then detonating, sending the last line of defense into disaray.

"Holy shit...that was something!" Andrew commented, watching the base alarm immediately came on, and he adjusted his position, watching targets scatter across the runway.
"Lots of contacts, everywhere. Time to get to work. Focus fire on anyone with a MANPADS, or carrying anything heavier than a rifle. I'll take lasing duties- fast air can hit the far end of the runway where their last IFVs are parked. Drop em' like liquid, Nolan." Andrew added, watching the windages, then taking his spotting tool and engaging the designator attached to it. The beam wasn't on yet, so as to not give their position away- but in a matter of time, he was gonna be able to drop munitions on anything that would.
"Here comes the fucking calvary."


Inside the V22, the flying was getting far more aggressive as they flew along the shore of the fjord, the epic waves kicked up in the burning sunrise of the cold, frozen glacierland, and the AFB around the corner. It was a sight to behold, as Natalie stood tall, holding on tight to a handhold on the tight banking, the sight of the explosions over the rise visible through the pilot's cockpit, a glowing red and orange fire. The F35s on station were ready to start their shift, and make sure any aircraft that could be on station were going to be out of action, as soon as. It was a Battle on the Ice, and the floes beneath reflecting the red fire made sure it was more hot than a hockey fight.

The other two tiltrotors were following close behind- one taking a diversion early on to get to the village, while the other two continued onwards. They were going straight in, and an aggressive strategy, straight onto the runway, right to the direct source- the barracks of the Airbase and the entry point, located inside the only concrete structure here- where a lift would get them down and into the underground. The SEALs had the envious job of clearing the local military school and worker residences out - but compared to the hell on the icy tarmac, Knight, Bear, Brute and the rest of the Blue Sword forces were going into gunfire. It pinged off the V22's sides, as Natalie followed Victor out, GAU at the ready as she fired the weapon up and blared a long burst into a group of enemies taxiside, tearing apart their cover like it was paper mache. Ross and Victoria followed, laying down fire as they followed suit.
"Everyone, spread out, move forward and keep pushing!" Natalie barked into their comms, the V22 taking lift as it literally dropped and left, the sight of a SU-34 battling an F35 in the sky above as they rushed above the tarmac, the sound of another following in with a JDAM run down the end of the runway, where another camp had been set up. They had to get off the tarmac because the longer they sat there, sooner it would become a killzone when the occupiers realised how hard they were being hit. There would be IFVs and a lot more resistance inside the barracks and the closer they got to the bunker building, so they had to keep going, keep moving.

"Merlin, we are all on the ground, moving on barrack!" Natalie called out, spraying down more suppressing fire to give Ross and the others the chance to bound forwards, and get behind the burning wrecks of the SPAAGs they had eliminated earlier.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 day ago

Carl troops down the ramp on the heels of the others. One hand holding his lmg the other already tugging his Carl Gustav off his back. He peers about loading the launcher with one hand. Bracing the LMG and rattling off a short burst at some opfor. As he does he spots the approaching vehicles coming. He snarled then shouted, "Anti material teams!?" Two squads humping up beside him. A pair of 2nd LTs giving Carl nods,"You all see that armor?" The troops nod and start setting up, as Carl let's his lmg hang, "Well I don't want too." There's a Crack from somewhere near by and an opfor with a shotgun flies out from behind cover a hole in his chest from something big having hit him.

Victor moved forward face in his helmet straight there is something to just doing the job. He pointed to his side directing a group of soldiers who turned and opened fire, "Get rid of him." He called barely breaking stride. He flicks his eyes and his rocket pod snap clicks and a volley of rockets hiss up climbing then their smart munitions capability kicks in turning them, dropping the munitions down on a sandbag bunker. Explosions shouts of shock then rattles of weapons fire. Victor barely slowed, the barracks ahead his target. He'd get there, there is nothing to stop him. He leveled his Denel and coughed several rounds ahead, scattered responding opfor as they tried to set up a defense against their fast offense. He turned hearing several booms.

Carl had lined up a shot, the other AT units doing the same. A volley of AT fire flaring across the distance obliterating a few of the IFVS and armored vehicles. Carl shouted, "Reload fire at will then we move." Soon a second anti material and snti tanks ranks streak down the tarmac. More vehicles rolling over or going up in flames. Carl then shouldered his launcher, "Up we get folks." And as one the two teams of anti armor troops ship their hear and are hurrying to catch up with the main force.

Above and behind Nolan breathes slowly eye to scope. He pushed the bolt forward and a moment later the air about them displaced as another big round snarled down. The support of a HMG that the enemy was trying to get emplaced pops free sheered off at the brace point. The gun tilting then falling. Nolan works the bolt and whispers, "Three..." eye back to sight, scope moving smooth, "Next target..."

It's gods work and good work. That's what it is.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 23 min ago

With the sight of warfare raging, Natalie had the chance to lay down fire, laying waste to the barracks, the defences and all sorts, acting as a real anchor to the team, and allowing Ross and Vicky to push forwards, cover from Victor lacing up the IFVs and other armoured vehicles on the tarmac as they could get through the mesh fencing and towards the portacabins that were now getting blown and shredded apart. They were not stopping here, but the diversion would at least knock out a significant number of the Network forces that the combined forced were able to clap out, and it was a direct stop to the bunker complex, right on Thule AFB's footprint. Getting in there would be a hellish CQB fight- and no doubt one that would be relentless.

With the cover of Natalie and Victor, Ross and Jenny peeled to the side, Jenny laying down fire on a group of soldiers running out of one building, before charging in himself, swinging her AA-12 off her back and barging in. The shotgun made short work of kevlar-equipped enemies due to the flechette rounds she had packed, and even for hardened ceramic and dragonskin compounds, any exposed flesh was getting blasted. With a full auto drum, it left little to the imagination as she pushed through the prefab, an explosion opening the other side as Ross pelted M32 rounds into another one, blasting the structure apart and disintergrating it, dropping a machine gun squad laying out fire on Natalie. The latter Russian now was back on the move, and as an RPG flew through, her Trophy whipped it out of the sky, sending a shockwave through the
"Less looking more fighting! Blyat!" Natalie yelled out, charging in her armour and now letting the barrels cool as she pointed her arm at one of the other portacabins, and with a flick, sent the grapple flying, retracting and pulling half of it down as she yanked back, the motor screaming as it exposed another MG position that received fire from Ross's M32. It was a symphony in motion, as the snipers picked off runners, RPG fighters and other troops- Andrew sitting there and picking up soldiers with the .50 and watching the insanity play out below.

With the barracks now decimated, the team were approaching the start of the bunker complex, a large set of steel reinforced doors that had a couple of BRDMs defending it, the kind that Natalie could easily pick up. As Ross and Jenny ran for cover, Natalie sent hot .50 lead through them, blasting them apart and forcing them to detonate, rather than wasting AT munitions on them.
"Cordite, get us some more boom on this!" Natalie yelled into comms, seeing more of them come out at the front of the bunker complex, and even her armour was getting pelted, making her move away and towards a container, aware that Victor had cover fire to give- but here, they needed to soften them up.

The other defenders were firing everything back, and combined fire from the group quickly obliterated their barricade, which was followed by more munitions from the sky, one of the F35s on station dumping a JDAM straight into the entry following a lase from Cordite, and blasting apart the concrete even wider, and the reinforcements that had come out. It was quite the scene, as the jet screamed in danger close, a scene that no pilot would ever go for- but made damn sure that they could avoid any distant fire from AAA or SAM sites they were unaware of yet. Or simply because he didn't feel like they were in the action enough yet. Either way, the explosion was immense, and none other than Natalie was running directly into the smoke, straight into hell, even in spite of rounds.

Running forwards, she let the orange-hot minigun swing and drew her blade, hopping over sandbags like a roadbump to a car, and began to pick up on thermals a few stragglers, cutting down one, then another like they were made of paper mache, taking rounds in the process yet aware she was in the moment. It was a good one, to say the least, every single one of them honed on the mission at hand. That was, until the noise of whirring could be heard coming from the now demolished entry to the bunker, an entry that was about as wide as a road and had capacity for vehicle storage. That whirring was not good...it wasn't theirs, and it wasn't a tank, or anything like that.

The sight of the exos was enough to make Natalie quiver, knowing that while the forces they'd been slaying were well armoured, the two that were coming were as big as them, if not just as well equipped. Twin .50 cals, and plenty of tech of their own. It seemed like the Libyan they'd slayed in Afghanistan, or that heavy armour in China that Cordite once told them about. Whatever it was, the two of them had a match...and at a moment that they really didn't need.

"Get to cover! I've got the right one, Victor, go for the left mech!" Natalie yelled, throwing a smoke out in the front, and with sword in hand, knew that they really didn't have the time for this. The exo was going to make a dent in their own armour, but not before Natalie showed them the meaning of French hospitality, on the end of a pointy stick.
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