Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 mos ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago



Music for your reading pleasure!

The Elder Crossing brought us here to the New World, but the promise of adventure will keep us here for a lifetime!

Every one hundred years, we stand witness to another crossing, one of cosmological proportions. Prismata's Comet, a shining star that streaks across the sky for weeks on end. Whenever it passes, it imparts on us a beautiful once-in-a-lifetime display: a shower of starlight that rains down to the earth.

It has been a century since the comet's last visit, and this time, the Prismatic Starfall has left us with more than a light show. Reports from our field scouts verify that a meteor has crashed somewhere north of the Everstream, deeper into the New World than we've dared to travel...
Until now, get out there hunters!

Monster Hunter World: Starfall will take place sometime after the events of Iceborne, and not depend on the stories of the core game or Iceborne beyond the fact that they did happen. As the flavor text at the top implies, the plot will revolve exploring a new land deeper into the New World than we've ever been before to uncover the mysteries of Prismata's Comet and the meteor that fell to the earth. Even those of you who know the monsters inside and out will be surprised with what you find out in the Prismatic Fields...

While Seliana and the Hoarfrost's Reach will be playable areas if you wish to visit them, the story will at least initially focus on Astera and the areas surrounding it. The monsters present will also be those found in MHW and MHW: Iceborne for the time being, but that can change in the future.

Setting and Races


*I haven't played on this website in over three years, please bear with me if the rules deviate too much from "how we normally do things here." I'm willing to adjust and amend rules to make everyone happy.

Experienced Monster Hunter Players only.
I would greatly prefer if you are at least somewhat familiar and experienced with the Monster Hunter games before applying.
No godmodding/power playing.
Slight metagaming is ok, as long as it's done in the service of "The Rule of Cool." That is, if you think a small bit of metagaming will make the roleplay more enjoyable for everyone, and you clear it with me first OOC.
No playing as the monsters.
Everyone's character(s) should be people, not the wyverns or dragons. The races you can play as are humans, wyverians, or lynians (palicoes, grimalkynes, gajalakas). Half-races of human-wyverian are ok, as well as palico-grimalkyne. However, you may control monsters slightly in order to write out interactions/combat with them. Just don't overdo this.
You may play multiple characters.
You can play as many characters as you want, so long as you can manage them all without help.
You don't need to be a hunter.
Your characters can be of any profession/lifestyle within the towns and cities, not just hunters. If you want to play a hunter/palico pair, that's fine. If you want to play the palico to another player's hunter, that's also fine. If you want to play a grimalkyne or gajalaka who gets roped up in the story somehow, again that's fine. If for some reason you want to be something else like a smith or chef or guild secretary, well, help yourself I suppose. Your character can have multiple jobs too, maybe you're a hunter and a blacksmith, forging your own gear as well as your party?
Weapons and Armor have no stats.
Your choice of weapon(s) and armor for your character should be purely for flavor and roleplay function. We will not be using attack and defense values, or sharpness/ammo counts. If you want to roleplay that your fire type greatsword is less effective against the Rathalos, that's fine, but don't worry about exactly how much damage you're doing.
You can carve the monsters and make new gear.
Hunt, get materials, make cool gear. Repeat. It's the core of MH games and no roleplay would be complete without it. Again, there will be no stats or % drop chances involved, so carve and craft descriptively rather than quantitatively.
Write well instead of writing more.
There is no requirement for post length. Instead, focus on writing descriptive and grammatically correct posts. During dialog or fast-paced scenes, it's totally ok to write only a line or two, since it makes sense with the current pacing. Having said that, feel free to write larger posts if you wish or think it's needed.
Taking a leave is ok.
Just let us all know that you're gunna be gone for a while, and make sure your character is somewhere where it won't impact the rest of us much. Maybe they decide to stay in town for an extended time. Please don't abandon us mid-quest unless there's an emergency in real-life. If something does come up, just let us know and we'll work it out.
Adult content should be in PMs.
There's nothing wrong with romantic involvement, just use common sense. If your characters are going to do an 18+ scene, do it in private messages or just fade to black.

Character Sheet

*Please post character sheets in OOC first and tag me. Once I approve them, you can post them in the Character tab.

Race: Human / Wyverian / Lynian (Palico / Grimalkyne / Gajalaka)
Appearance: A description or image is fine.

Role: Hunter and/or some other job(s) within the community and guilds.
Weapons: (If you're a Hunter) Choose one weapon type from the MH games to be your main, and as many others as you'd like for secondaries.
Armor: (If you're a Hunter) Mostly cosmetic. Pick your favorite looking set or make a mixed set. Pictures of in-game armors encouraged.


Feel free to add any other information/categories you want to discuss in your sheet, too.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Name: Domick
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Domick didn't always look like this. Before he had a fairly nice, if conventional look. But after a certain event, his skin turned deathly pale and he gained a few burn scars. He's also slightly blind in his left eye.

Role: Hunter/Gatherer
Main - Super Scattergun (Heavy Bowgun). A custom built bowgun Domick commissioned while he was in the New World. A non-elemental bowgun that is specialized in Spread Ammo, but it can also use Sticky, Slicing, Paralysis, Sleep, Recovery, Demon, Armor, Wyvern, and Tranquilizer Ammo. It's special ammo is Wyvern Heart. Designed for close quarters combat despite being a ranged weapon, depending on the prey Domick can pick attachments to make it either even more powerful in combat, or give him some defensive abilities making him a strange but effective tank in battle.
Secondary - Punisher (Greatsword) - A relic of the old world, this Greatswored looks more like a Greataxe, but otherwise functions the same as a big honking cleaving weapon. Nothing particularly unique about this weapon beyond it's appearance, but it at least serves the classic Greatsword purpose of being a powerful cutting tool capable of cleaving tails and limbs as necessity demands.

Domick wears standard issue High Metal armor. It's fat appearance disguises Domick's athletic physique, which he doesn't really care to show off.

Bio: An old world hunter. Back at his village, he was considered the best hunter, and even taught other hunters who would later become quite skilled hunters in their own right. An ace cadet in his time, he quickly gained fame for hunting a Rathalos solo when he was only a month into his training. He had a natural talent for hunting and a good mind for resource management, enabling him to always be prepared and hunt down most monsters with little difficulty, even ones he's never met before. However that was a long time ago. Rumor has it that something happened that forced Domick into an hiatus. He doesn't talk about it and most of the rumors conflict with each other. All that is known for certain is that during his hiatus Domick dropped off the hunter scene and underwent some sort of mental rehabilitation, and later he was shipped out to the New World to make use of his hunting skills instead of decommissioning him as a hunter. People say he was never the same after that.

Interests: Domick has an odd fascination about eating monsters. While it's not unsusual, and most skilled chefs can certainly make a steak out of any beasts, Domick's fascination towards eating monsters almost borderlines psychotic. On a lighter note, he also enjoys mushrooms and has developed not only a taste, but almost an affinity towards them. He's been known to eat blue mushrooms and toadstools with no ill effect, though he's working on being able to stomach nitro and parashrooms as well.

Aside from eating and hunting, Domick is also an avid gardener and gatherer. Which granted, both contribute to eating and hunting, but he still maintains his own ancient garden in order to grow the seeds he needs for his bowgun, as well as gathering materials for medicines and consumption. He is a stickler about trying to minimize the damage to the environment precisely to ensure long term ecological health, which is why he dislikes quick and violent battles which can drastically shift an environment and even kill off growths and plant life in the area.

Hunting Style: He tends to hunt on his own and for very long periods of times: Domick's preferred method of hunting is endurance based where he would harass the target over the course of the day, allowing them to exhaust themselves trying to find him or fending off other threats, before he would go in for the kill once they're too weaken to put up a fight. This hasn't made him many friends in the New World, but it has enabled him to go after threats well above his level thanks to the amount of time and patience he puts into his technique.

Like many New World hunters Domick has a Slinger, though it doesn't see too much use when he's using his Bowgun. However when he's using his Greatsword it sees a lot more use, as he is a avid user of the "Sling Sword" Greatsword Style, using the Slinger and Greatsword in tandem for rapid and powerful assaults. In particular he even grows his own Scatter Nuts to take into hunts for their effectiveness in stunning monsters.

Commonly takes a Ghillie Mantle and Affinity Booster on hunts. The Ghillie Mantle is useful when he's just out and about, as it hides him from both small and large monsters while he's gathering materials and valuable objects, such as large stones or wyvern eggs. It also plays a crucial role in enabling Domick to get close to a monster to plan bombs or ambush them. The Affinity Booster is Domick Go-To combat tool to sharpen his senses and enable him to more easily find weak points against monsters to do more damage. Again, very important once the prey is just about ready to be slain.

In addition to these tools, Domick will often carry some portable megabombs, Flash Pods, and traps. Though most of his inventory contains seeds and ammunition for his Bowgun, but when he's using his Greatsword he can afford to carry more items tailored towards the hunt.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Lucius Cypher
Looks great! Slap it into the character tab!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bondye
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Bondye Connoisseur of モフモフ

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@Light Quick question. Are half-human half-Wyverian characters possible?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Light Quick question. Are half-human half-Wyverian characters possible?

Yes absolutely. Also, half-breeds between a palico and grimalkyne are allowed too.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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1x Like Like
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bondye
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Bondye Connoisseur of モフモフ

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Time to kick some Lun-ass-tra!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

Looks great so far! As soon as your bios are done I'll check it again and then you should be good.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There did a little backstory. If anyone guesses the elder dragon referenced in the backstory they get free internet cookie.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

<Snipped quote by Argetlam350>

Someone hasn't seen the netflix trailer.

Sounds like Nergigante to me, also your cs is approved
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Light Close, probably could of explained the spike thing more but it is actually Morudomunto, an elder dragon from Monster Hunter Explore. I say close guess because supposedly its design was inspired by earlier concept art of Nergigante, though I've never been able to verify that. Shame that Monster Hunter Explore was ended last year. Theme is really good too.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ohhh cool!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm thinking of going with a female Wyverian gunlance main, will be working on a sheet soon.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ashe
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Stands at 6'4 and weighs 167lbs. Like many hunters she has a very muscular body and like many veteran hunters, many scars to prove her experiences. She's a rather petite woman despite her height.

Role: Hunter/Researcher
Weapons: Ashe is best known for her Hunting Horn skills, being capable of supporting her team with vital songs as well as bashing in monster faces. However little known fact, she's also carries a foreign weapon known as tonfas, weapons which she picked up while she hunted in the frontier. She doesn't use these very much though.

Armor: Ashe uses mostly Teostra Armor, with a mix of Chameleos armor as her old Teo gauntlets were getting too old to justify repairing.

Bio: Ashe wasn't born a hunter. Her village wasn't even known for hunting. They were just one of the many places that were trying to eek out a living, and Ashe was just one of the many children trying to survive. She never knew her parents, having been born in her village and raised by the elder for as long as she could remember. She was always a rambunctious child and tended to get into a lot of trouble, and fought against many of the children as well. She was practically a tiny devil, so when she was old enough the village elder had her sent to the Guild in order to discipline her. At first, Ashe tried to be rebellious there too, but many of the hunters were quick to put Ashe in her place and helped shaped her into a more responsible adult.

A lot of Ashe's job at first had nothing to do with hunting. Actually it was more learning: she was taught numbers, languages, and even history. Of course she also spent nearly all of her time scribing books and writing flyers to pass out to hunters: if you ever wondered where all those fancy notices for hunts come from, it came from people like Ashe. It was tedious work and Ashe hated it, but the more she did it the better she got, and eventually she learned to hate it less. The stability and certainty of her work gave Ashe a certain peace of mind she never had as a child, who was always lashing out because she never knew what she was or wasn't suppose to do. On her own time Ashe began to do some reading and researching herself, looking up the history of various people, places, and of course monsters.

When word got out that there was a new frontier to explore that needed hunters and people willing to work hard to research the new place, Ashe was quick to join. By this point she had shed off her younger rebellious attitude and managed to make some friends with others, so she was allowed to come to this mysterious frontier to help with research. While the hunters did their thing, Ashe and the others focused on studying these new creatures and places, as well as some artifacts dug up in these strange and unknown lands. And it was here that Ashe would finally begin her path as a true hunter.

She discovered a rusted pair of weapons, far too damaged to be of any practical use, but she was determined to find out their purpose and origins. She spent years researching the weapons and eventually discovered that they were tonfas made of a primordial metal. After studying more and getting the gist of the weapon's functions, she shared this information with her fellow researchers and helped rediscover this weapon for hunters to use. Naturally, she was among the first to wield the weapon into battle, having poured over ancient lore to understand the techniques used with these weapons. It was rough at first, but once she got a feel for battle she was able to master these weapons and soon taught other hunters how to use them as well, and from there Ashe joined the hunters as a fellow equal.

But all good things must come to an end. Due to circumstances beyond her control, the research base at the Frontier was eventually abandoned. Funding for it had stopped, and it was getting too costly to maintain. Ashe had to move on, but she couldn't settle back to the old world. She was still young and wanted more, so she decided to go to the New World instead. She wanted to try new things, see new people, and find new monsters. Her many years of experience had simply taught her that there were so much more to discover in this world, and Ashe couldn't wait to see all of it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

Very cool, definitely approved
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You were right, this is outta my league since i haven't played the game, I got no clue on weapons or armor, but thanks for giving me a chance even tho I am bowing out. 👍
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

No worries! I really recommend the games, they're so much fun. Thank you for showing interest anyway (:
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Bondye
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Bondye Connoisseur of モフモフ

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ayako
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ayako is a bit on the shorter side for a Hunter (something she was often teased about growing up in Bherna), with a slim, athletic build. Though she has few scars, she has four large slash marks across her back from a monster attack. She keeps a small part of the monster (resembling a dragonfly's wing) as a part of her armor, specifically as a pauldron on her left upper arm.
Role: Wycademy Hunter
Weapons: Modified Tobi-Kadachi Insect Glaive (originally owned by her father, she received it after he passed away, and modified it to be used like a Long Sword)
Armor: Mix of Kadachi Alpha and Beta sets
Bio: Born and raised in the village of Bherna, Ayako grew up watching the Hunters of the Wycademy come and go from Bherna to other places, and always desired to be like them. Her parents, both retired Hunters, encouraged her to follow her dream. Unfortunately, a strange, unknown monster attacked Bherna. Though it was repelled by Hunters, many people in the village soon became sick, and Wycademy scholars theorized that the monster had inflicted some kind of disease. Ayako's father was among those who fell ill, and was one of the few whose bodies couldn't fight off the sickness. After her father's funeral, Ayako began training to become a Hunter, and joined the Wycademy. Due to her skill observing and tracking monsters, she was chosen to go to the New World with the Research Commission, and chose to stay to observe Prismata's Comet on behalf of the Wycademy.
Other: - Ayako's style of fighting combines aspects of Aerial and Adept Hunting Styles, focusing on taking advantage of differences in terrain and countering attacks with swift movements at the last possible second.
- Has, on more than one occasion, stolen a monster egg to try and hatch. Unfortunately, the only ones she's managed to grab were duds. On the bright side, she got some omelets out of them.
- While she doesn't outright dislike Felynes, she often looks down on them.
- Often goes through painstaking measures to capture certain monsters alive instead of slaying them because she finds them cute or helpful while out in the field; these include Pukei-Pukei, Kulu Ya-Ku, Tzitzi Ya-Ku, and Dodogama.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 10 days ago

Since the weapon has been modified, does that mean she doesn't use a kinsect? Either way you're approved too
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bondye
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Bondye Connoisseur of モフモフ

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Since the weapon has been modified, does that mean she doesn't use a kinsect? Either way you're approved too

No Kinsect. I figured since some LS are actually polearms (Rajang LS, Yian Garuga LS, Kecha Wacha LS, etc.), an IG could theoretically be modified to be used like a LS.
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