Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

"I'm so flattered you think so highly of me, Lantea," Sivus remarked, giving the asari both a nod and a smirk of appreciation. "But you're absolutely right. Infiltration is something of a skill of mine. Something to keep in mind!" That was for the others riding in the shuttle. If there were two things Sivus could be counted, they were his abilities with infiltration operations and lacking humility.

And a third was being reminded that the last time he was part of a team that he lost his entire unit, but he tries not to think about those dark days on Omega. Happier days with what was hopefully better information provided to them.

When the shuttle arrived, Sivus had secured his guns on his back and made sure all systems were at peak operation level before he stepped out. Walking with the rest of the team into the parking lot, while everyone might've been focused on Jorge meeting with some Asari, Sivus was looking elsewhere. With one ear, of course, he would at least hear what he needed to from the others, but he was closely observing the layout of the parking lot. Not counting where they came in from, he wanted to note every inch of the place as far as his eyes could see.

After that was done and they made their way to the villa, Sivus had a thought in the back of his mind that might've been vocalized had the mission taken priority and the team began discussing how to go about it. Sivus remained silent during this particular discourse. It was only when it came to the matters of mechs that he felt the need to offer his own two cents.

"We don't want to be seen or noticed, right? Then I think the most logical course would be to disable those mechs first. Ideally, we don't want those bastards making our job a bigger pain than it's looking like it is." Sivus let out a sigh, letting his gaze do a clockwise scan of the group. "Seems Key here has the right idea about scouting ahead. It's what I would suggest, anyway." He glanced at Lantea, "I mean you did say I was the expert here, did you not?" He smirked at her with a chuckle.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Osum Tol

Okay, good now that is out of the way, Osum thought. At least one person is fine with his job. Or at least seems okay with him being a medic. Not sure of the others but, it should not be a problem in his experience bearing that one time with those batarians. Those fricking pricks and after getting rid of that angry memory. Osum was slightly nervous about Key's driving as they went to their destination. It is one thing that he is not used to being in traffic on the Citadel, and it is another thing when going as fast as was allowed. Combined, it made him uneasy, and he eagerly waited for them to finally arrive at the villa.

Once they had arrived, Osum was relieved and quickly got out of the shuttle. Curiously watched as a woman approached Jorge and give him a disc before departing as soon as she appeared. Must be someone helping them, Osum thought as he turned his attention to the rest as they were coming up with ideas for what to do. Osum was in the boat of disabling the mechs first. Prototype security mechs do not exactly sound like easy bots to take down, and he would rather not have to face them. That and with the mechs out of the way without firing a shot means less of a chance that his skills are needed. Something he is all for.

Speaking up, "Yeah, I say we go with disabling the mechs. These prototypes might pack a bigger punch than normal, and with them out of the picture, this will be an easier mission." It would be nice to be on a mission that is not a shoot first and shoot later. Like some of the missions he has been on. Hopefully, this will not be one and one that will go quietly. One can hope.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 14 days ago

Personally, Liyah might have loved to spend all day bantering with brash asari maidens and telling all sorts of jokes about vorcha doctors. But she had directed her attention to the killer robots that they now knew were awaiting them inside Daezike's nerve center. Her new commander's intel had certainly dropped the ball, but for the most part she'd expect everyone to go in knowing that there would be home security for a big-shot accountant anyway. Verifying that security's existence was trivial. Dealing with it was going to be the trick.

Their turian had a slick, salesman-like quality to his confidence, the kind of guy who had honed his smooth talk bantering with squadmates and pushing his luck at Citadel bars. Liyah could recognize another bullshitter at a glance. But to question a turian's martial or infiltration skill would usually be a losing bet, and she found herself curious what exactly he could be capable of. It was better to find out what everybody in this brash group of assholes could do sooner, rather than later.

"The mechs will probably all be networked together to share combat data and alarms," she told Sivus. "Disabling them would work, or maybe even screwing with their IFFs if we're worried about anyone following us in through the open door. I might be able to help in that regard, but since we have a quarian babe--" she beamed at Key "--you might be in safer hands than mine when it comes to that little trick. She could cook something up for you to upload in her sleep, whatever we choose."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jorge couldn't help but roll his eyes while his teammates were essentially complaining about his method of planning. He wasn't used to this kind of fieldwork. Hell, he'd prefer to be behind a desk and help the team that way. But, when the target does something unexpected, there isn't any time to plan. Fortunately for him, the group moved on to the mechs and seemed to agree that disabling the mechs first was the best move. Jorge also agreed.

"Alright, if we are planning on disabling the mechs, we need to split the group up into two. One will head for the security room and find a way to shut them off. But it'll have to be convincingly enough not to raise suspicion. While everyone else will sneak our way to Daezike's office and start searching the room." Jorge explained to the group while messing around with his omni-tool. "And our friend was able to provide us with the blueprints for the villa."

Jorge put away his omni-tool and glanced at both Key and Sivus, who offered their services to scout ahead. It was the correct choice since they were more proficient in infiltration than everyone else on the team. So, he nodded. "You two are right. So, you will be in command of the teams. Key, you will lead team one to the security room. Take Arthur and Lantea with you. And Sivus will take the rest of us to the office."

Eventually, the gate finally opened all the way, and Jorge turned to the entire group. "Okay, team, we have our objectives. If things do heat up, the objective always comes first—no matter what or who gets in our way. Kill or knock out, it doesn't matter to me. Just make sure that there isn't any evidence of our presence whatsoever. Understand?"

"Okay then, let's do this!"

Upon opening the file from your omni-tool, you are immediately greeted by the second-floor plans. Luckily, there is only the office and master bedroom and bathroom. A hallway balcony connects both rooms and overlooks the massive living room. For the office, it's a semi-circular room with large impressive windows providing a view of the nearby artificial lake. There isn't anything secretive about this room besides whatever's on the computers.

Downstairs, the living room is the first building you'd enter inside the villa. The first floor also has a kitchen, dining room, guest bathroom, and workout room. In the kitchen, underneath the counter island, lies a hidden passage to the panic room. The room also connects to the shuttle pad and security building. The shuttle pad is in the backyard allows the homeowner to park and store their shuttle safely. Two mechs are always guarding the back entrance.

Daezike convented the guest house into a security building years ago with the latest advantages in modern security. It houses the security monitors surveying the property along with the control center responsible for the prototype mechs. And lastly, the servant building allows servants to rest, eat, and change back into their civilian wear. Across from it is the ladder access to the roof in case of required repairs to the air conditioning. But it's usually locked and can only be unlocked with a code. And at least four mechs are stationed outside the security building when the security guards have left the lot.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"We've successfully taken the security room and have eyes all over the villa. Shutting down the security mechs now, will keep you updated if I see any servants heading your way."

"Understood, Key." Jorge signed to his team to move forth carefully towards the servant building. "We're making our way towards the office. See if you can help us out with the ladder access."

But before the second team was able to assemble near the building, a shuttle flew above them and started making its way towards the landing pad. Jorge didn't genuinely expect Daezike to return so quickly and immediately headed towards the gate. He pulled out his knife and used it to yank the code panel out of place. And while he started messing around with the wires, Jorge warned the other team. "Daezike has returned. I repeat, Daezike has returned. Download whatever's valuable and get to the shuttle. Then, when I give you a signal, come and get us fast. I have a crazy idea."

"I hope you've done a snatch and grab before." Jorge mumbled towards Sivus as the gate opened and turned to everyone else. "Alright, let's get up to the roof, and we will explain."

There wasn't much to say inside the shuttle. Daezike was still genuinely loyal to her boss even as his mental state vanished since the Council dismantled everything he had ever made. Fortunately, he still had power and influence. And it was up to her to ensure that Saren still had eyes in the Citadel and the pathetic Council. As soon as the shuttle landed, the security team exited out to ensure that the area was secured. Daezike rolled her eyes and quickly departed before the shuttle took off towards the garage below.

"Septidia, you and the guards are done for the day. Please leave me be and head back to the security room." Daezike ordered the head security without looking at her.

"But ma'am, we're required to-"

"I don't care. Do what I say, or you'll be back to sniffing red sand with the other low lives I've fired." Daezike didn't need to stare at her to get the message through. Picking up a datapad on the table beside the backdoor, the salarian resumed working as she made her way towards the office. Septidia and the other guards made their way towards the room without saying a word about what the boss brought up. And as for Daezike, she was too busy staring at the datapad to notice anything unusual.

There was so much that she missed due to the meeting, and it bothered Daezike intensely.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DrRtron
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DrRtron Formerly Rtron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the situation mostly under control and into the boring phase of 'watch the cameras and make sure no surprises happen' Key went snooping around into the files that the security room had. The vast majority of it was junk. Payrolls, schedules, new orders for the prototype mechs, a guard's secret stash of vids he had downloaded to watch while on duty (It had things like Across the Shanxi Divide. Terrible romance films, but there was no accounting for taste.), and other miscellaneous information.

Certainly useful if they were planning on a long term spying program here, but they weren't here to do that. She was about to give up and assume that all of the juicy bits of information would be kept in the target's personal office, when a name caught her eye. Hel'sasy T'kesava. She'd heard or read that name before. It was someone important. A little more digging and Key discovered why. T'kesava was the Executive Officer of the Customs Division of C-Sec. Not on par with the Executor, but someone with enough pull and power that any chance of her association with Saren would have to be looked into.

Before Key could fully dive into the file and exactly why the head of Customs was being mentioned, she recieved an alert from the security system. Daezike was back. More importantly, Daezike's security team was back. Right as Key saw that shuttle on the security screens, Jorge was in her ear, rapidly giving out orders. Key nodded, downloading anything that mentioned T'kesava and what other information that might be useful. " Grab the data and head to the shuttle, we'll be there soon." They would need a mild distraction to delay the security team. Something to prevent an armed detail of dubious morality seeing a human, a quarian, and an asari skulking around the manison that was under their protection. She activated the two mechs and sent them on an interecept path towards the security team. They wouldn't do much, just repeatedly and annoyingly ask for verification and get in the way of the team, but it should be more than enough to give herself, Arthur, and Lantea time to make their escape back to the shuttle.

As soon as the download finished and the mechs were on their way she whirled around to Arthur and Lantea. She spoke quickly as she began to lead the way back to the shuttle. "Target and her security detail are back. We need to leave quickly before they get back here and shoot us. Don't worry about the mechs, they're going to delay the security detail. Hopefully. Prototypes and all that. We're to make a break for the shuttle and then pick up the rest of the team once the signal is given. Judging from Jorge's tone things are gonna get a little bit crazy, so once we're in the shuttle I suppose it's weapons hot and all bets are off. Shame that we got such a shitty shuttle. Really wishing we'd gotten something with a little more omph, you know? Or at least armor.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Having received the all-clear from Key, Lantea jogged over to the security room, holding outside the door until Arthur was inside. Seeing that Key had made herself at home already, she allowed herself to relax a little. The hard part was over and it looked like it would be a well and truly boring run...

...and then it hit the fan. Lantea switched to her Tornado, taking up the back as they left. Being the rear guard was always a pain. Turn around every few steps and still risk getting shot in the back. As they left the security room, she closed the door, ignited one of her omni blades and thrust it into the door control panel before slicing across, hoping to sever enough important things to prevent the door from opening. ‘If you want to cause problems from the security room when you find us, take the five seconds to breach. If you even can.’ she thought spitefully.

”I expect that will get better with time. When people hire mercs, they’ll always start low and get more willing to pay extra once you’ve worked for them a bit, like a trial period. But if that’s not the case here, I’ll get the torches if you bring the pitchforks.” she replied to Key’s complaints. The Quarian wasn’t wrong though, and while a personal security detail would likely not pack a bigger punch than assault rifles - and even those would be like going hunting for game with a pocket nuke - they could still turn their proverbial pile of scrap into a literal one if they tried hard enough. Unfortunately for her and the crew, the thought of pissing off a criminal with enough clout to have a rogue Spectre on speed dial was a pretty good incentive. ”Did he say how loud we’re going? ‘Do whatever we have to to get out.’ loud or ‘Do whatever we can to grab the money lizard.’ loud?” she turned to her team leader again, wondering whether she'd need her pistol or grenades and biotisc more in the coming minutes.
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