Hopefully the last one I'm making c:
![]() ___________________________________ N A M E Tatiana Selena Hernandez - Tati - Ana - Lena A G E Dec 21st, 18 G E N D E R cis Female S E X U A L I T Y Uncertain E T H N I C I T Y Mexican - Greek N A T I O N A L I T Y America ___________________________________ A P P E R A N C E
___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Single Current: N/A Crushes: - Kalinda Franklins - Jaime Walker - Ezra Dean Griesheim - Levina Corentin Engracia Past: TBD F A M I L Y Father Alejandro Hernandez Mother Goddess Hecate Demigod Siblings Valeria Muños Morlaes Zane Blacklight Mortal Siblings Nataly Hernandez Marcos Hernandez L E G A C Y Selene P E T S ___________________________________ ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S ✔ roller skating, she's perfected back flips on them ✔ messing with boys, she gets a kick from it ✔ playing her violin and piano, loves to play classical pieces, or heavy metal covers ✔ taking care of her plants, it relaxes her ✔ baking, while she may not be the best cook, she can bake one mean pie ✔ horror and rom-coms, loves them so much that she watched one every other day ✔ foraging, when she's not at camp she's in the forest ✔ magical rituals and her traditions, they make her feel closer to her mother ✔ arson D I S L I K E S ✘ cloudy nights when she cannot see the moon ✘ having to train, she does it, but she doesn't enjoy it ✘ not having the propper materials for her spells/potions ✘ bitter foods, she has a sweet tooth ✘ having people tell her to do something she was already going to do ✘ cowards and non-confrontational people, just get it over with ✘ heights, anything more than four flights of stairs she will freeze up ✘ wet foods, like soup ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y Friendly | Confrontational | Confident | Unpredictable | Playful Witty | Flirty | Messy | Selfish | Ambitious | Blunt | Intense To be written. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, placerat dissentiet eum ea. Eam facer principes ex. Indoctum iracundia ut has, eum facete epicurei assueverit ne. Per eu melius facilisis appellantur, duo stet malorum hendrerit ei, no elitr dissentiet mel. Est dissentiunt intellegebat cu, minim mentitum interesset ne sea, eu stet everti nam. Falli animal iudicabit at has. Per melius ancillae ei, aeque tation sit ut. Duo te laudem postulant, eu ceteros fabellas sit. Offendit inimicus qualisque ius in, qui in quot tantas primis. Putant impedit te ius, sea debitis cotidieque vituperatoribus at, mea ex antiopam liberavisse deterruisset. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y To be written. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, placerat dissentiet eum ea. Eam facer principes ex. Indoctum iracundia ut has, eum facete epicurei assueverit ne. Per eu melius facilisis appellantur, duo stet malorum hendrerit ei, no elitr dissentiet mel. Est dissentiunt intellegebat cu, minim mentitum interesset ne sea, eu stet everti nam. Falli animal iudicabit at has. Per melius ancillae ei, aeque tation sit ut. Duo te laudem postulant, eu ceteros fabellas sit. Offendit inimicus qualisque ius in, qui in quot tantas primis. Putant impedit te ius, sea debitis cotidieque vituperatoribus at, mea ex antiopam liberavisse deterruisset. Noluisse explicari consectetuer per at, omnesque voluptatum ne vel. Ne admodum docendi recteque qui, ei omnium detracto ponderum mel. Nemore sanctus nusquam ea pri, causae veritus mediocritatem eam an. Per instructior theophrastus no, ut cum erant explicari.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, placerat dissentiet eum ea. Eam facer principes ex. Indoctum iracundia ut has, eum facete epicurei assueverit ne. Per eu melius facilisis appellantur, duo stet malorum hendrerit ei, no elitr dissentiet mel. Est dissentiunt intellegebat cu, minim mentitum interesset ne sea, eu stet everti nam. Falli animal iudicabit at has. Per melius ancillae ei, aeque tation sit ut. Duo te laudem postulant, eu ceteros fabellas sit. Offendit inimicus qualisque ius in, qui in quot tantas primis. Putant impedit te ius, sea debitis cotidieque vituperatoribus at, mea ex antiopam liberavisse deterruisset. Noluisse explicari consectetuer per at, omnesque voluptatum ne vel. Ne admodum docendi recteque qui, ei omnium detracto ponderum mel. Nemore sanctus nusquam ea pri, causae veritus mediocritatem eam an. Per instructior theophrastus no, ut cum erant explicari.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, placerat dissentiet eum ea. Eam facer principes ex. Indoctum iracundia ut has, eum facete epicurei assueverit ne. Per eu melius facilisis appellantur, duo stet malorum hendrerit ei, no elitr dissentiet mel. Est dissentiunt intellegebat cu, minim mentitum interesset ne sea, eu stet everti nam. ____________________________________________________________________________ D E M I G O D I N F O C A B I N Cabin Sixteen ⧿ Hecate, Goddess of Magic S T A T U S Full-Time Camper - 1 year, 1 bead R E S P O N S A B I L I T I E S Camp Border Patrol and Maintenance W E A P O N S ● Dagger and Rapier made of Stygian Iron, enchanted into a black ring. ● Butterfly Knife her father gifted to her before leaving. ● Spellbook passed down by her grandmother to her. ● Wip that belonged to her grandmother. ● Belt Bag enchanted to fit large amounts of her components, spellbook, and potions. A B I L I T I E S Tatiana's abilities include; Mystiokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Mist Control, and Necromancy. Mystiokinesis : The ability to cast and manipulate magic. Her mother's ability of magic passed down to her allowing her to take control of all sorts of magical powers. While she is still trying to learn, she has mastered two types of magic; telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Recently she has become obsessed with chronokinesis. Tati's ability to use her magic mostly revolve around Pagan Witchcraft and brujeria, giving her an unique take on her abilities and capabilities. They also require specific components. Umbrakinesis : Much like her mother, Tati is able to manipulate darkness around her to shadow travel or create barriers. Due to her ties with her culture and her Legacy, Vira can use these abilities usuing certain components, for example in order to shadow travel she had to interact with her Labrodite and Moonstone neacklace. Her abilities are also enhanced during the night and moon water is much more potent to her. Mist Control : Like her mother, Tati can control and manipulate the Mist at will. It is the oly ability she could use without the need of any components or spells. With it, she is able to create illusions and alter other's mind. Whie she cannot summon Mist Forms for longer than five inutes, she is still working on perfecting her abilities. Necromancy: : Unlike those children of Hades, Tati only has the ability to talk to the dead and sense their precense. She can only interract with them with the help of her spells and components. This ability is also limited to a few hours a day. F A T A L F L A W Lust for Power Tati wants to learn more, she wants to become the best magic user to impress her mother and will do anything to do so. W E A K N E S S E S Tati's reliance on her magical abilities and components make her weak. Without them, she had to rely on her stength and fighting abilities alone, and she's not the best fighter without shadow travel. ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R Face Claim: Tashi Rodriguez | #779FA1
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