(FC: Thomas Doherty; Dialogue: #4682B4/Steel Blue)
"If you can match my tempo, then our performance shall be a symphony."

Nicholas Salvador Grey
↳ Nick, though he honestly prefers to be called Nicholas.
↳ Nick, though he honestly prefers to be called Nicholas.

18|| June 5th

Cismale, He/Him Pronouns.



There’s something to be said about the way Nicholas presents himself. Like his clothes, which are ironed and never wrinkled, so is his demanor. When he speaks, he does so with eloquence and tact; when he approaches someone -- especially a person who may have caught his interest -- he is focused but also playful in how he speaks/acts towards them. It’s not really that he sees it as a game to play or that the other person is a target for his amusement. If anything, he likes to challenge himself. But, of course, the thrill of the chase, regardless what it results in, is always a plus.
First impressions are with him can go either way. Due to his usually pretentious and arrogant attitude, Nicholas can be polarizing. Because he has a flair for theatrics and enjoys a good game of intellectual showdown, he does have the potential to be friendly. Hell, depending on how willing he is to give someone the benefit of the doubt, he might not dart away the moment he becomes really bored. And when he does, this only happens when a conversation is so utterly dull and he picks up on the lack of depth within a person. When this does happen, Nicholas won’t care how rude it is. He will leave mid-conversation and find something or someone else to cure his boredom and he doesn’t care how it makes him appear.
The bottom line with Nicholas is he’s a young man with superior tastes and a love for self-made entertainment. You won’t catch him in any confrontations and he likes his personal space. He marches to the beat of his own drum and sometimes others can keep up. If they can’t, then that’s on them. He won’t waste time picking up the slack of those who aren’t worth his time. But to those who meet his high expectations, Nicholas shows an extended interest in them and that’s where the real fun begins.
First impressions are with him can go either way. Due to his usually pretentious and arrogant attitude, Nicholas can be polarizing. Because he has a flair for theatrics and enjoys a good game of intellectual showdown, he does have the potential to be friendly. Hell, depending on how willing he is to give someone the benefit of the doubt, he might not dart away the moment he becomes really bored. And when he does, this only happens when a conversation is so utterly dull and he picks up on the lack of depth within a person. When this does happen, Nicholas won’t care how rude it is. He will leave mid-conversation and find something or someone else to cure his boredom and he doesn’t care how it makes him appear.
The bottom line with Nicholas is he’s a young man with superior tastes and a love for self-made entertainment. You won’t catch him in any confrontations and he likes his personal space. He marches to the beat of his own drum and sometimes others can keep up. If they can’t, then that’s on them. He won’t waste time picking up the slack of those who aren’t worth his time. But to those who meet his high expectations, Nicholas shows an extended interest in them and that’s where the real fun begins.

✸ For reasons he can’t explain, Nicholas is the type of person to instinctually smirk and laugh in any given situation.
✸ Nicholas finds that painting on any surface- be it a building or a white, blank canvas - to be the best release of stress.
✸ Has a fondness for floral shapes, patterns, and colors and wears nothing but shirts representing this love.
✸ Nicholas constantly and consistently teases Billie about being 9 minutes older than her (much to her vexation)
✸ Binging Grey’s Anatomy has become a tradition for the twins. Whether it is because he actually likes it or he enjoys watching something with his and Billie’s surname in it remains to be revealed.
Usually accompanied by shaking his head. He does it sometimes without realizing it and with no reason behind it. It’s his defense mechanism for when he hears something absurd and no words would suffice as a response. It is also done when he flirts, is irate, down, bewildered-- basically any emotion he might be experiencing at any time and a physical response is required, he does this.
✸ Be it in the dance studio or the theater auditorium, he likes the tranquil solitude they provide rather than the crowded places around campus such as the football field and common areas.Side Note: He also frequents the courtyard, especially at night. He likes when the moonlight hits it and adds an extra layer of beauty to the lights that dangle above.
✸ He is a diehard romantic underneath the part of him that can’t help play the self-game of finding the ideal mate. As such, he indulges in romantic behavior even if it does come across as borderline playerish.✸ Nicholas finds that painting on any surface- be it a building or a white, blank canvas - to be the best release of stress.
✸ Has a fondness for floral shapes, patterns, and colors and wears nothing but shirts representing this love.
✸ Nicholas constantly and consistently teases Billie about being 9 minutes older than her (much to her vexation)
✸ Binging Grey’s Anatomy has become a tradition for the twins. Whether it is because he actually likes it or he enjoys watching something with his and Billie’s surname in it remains to be revealed.

”That face appeared in my dreams again. The round face of someone so simple but there’s a beauty to it. It’s sharp like a mandolin but has a kindness in her eyes that won’t let you cut yourself. Her face, that which is porcelain and enhanced by two eyes reminiscent of milk chocolate kisses. It’s her face that I see in my dreams. Who is she and why do I feel like she is the one person in the world who gets me and why is it I feel as though I need to...compare others to her and base them off of her and meet the expectations she has set for me?"

✔ Blondes. "What can I say? I'm a simple man with exquisite tastes and there is nothing more pure or enjoyable than gazing upon the golden mane as they lay on top of you - or under me depending on the circumstances."
✔ Yoga. "It relaxes me. In a world full of pain and strife, the focus required to get it just right is something of an art. And I consider myself a bit of an art connoisseur."
✔ Performing. "I can't explain it but I feel the arts in my blood."
✔ Vanilla Coke. "Everybody has to have a vice. Mine just happens to be liquid candy."
✘ PDA. God help those who try and force this on him.”No offense to anyone but this isn’t my style. I like my privacy and I refuse to subject myself to any form of public affection.”
✘ Anything that isn't name brand. “We’re not going to be gucci if it isn’t Gucci.”
✘ Overly-crowded places (he’s fine with small to medium crowds). “It’s called personal space. Maybe you’ve heard of it.”
✘ Pepsi. “It’s the natural enemy of Coke. Need I say more?”
✔ Yoga. "It relaxes me. In a world full of pain and strife, the focus required to get it just right is something of an art. And I consider myself a bit of an art connoisseur."
✔ Performing. "I can't explain it but I feel the arts in my blood."
✔ Vanilla Coke. "Everybody has to have a vice. Mine just happens to be liquid candy."
✘ PDA. God help those who try and force this on him.”No offense to anyone but this isn’t my style. I like my privacy and I refuse to subject myself to any form of public affection.”
✘ Anything that isn't name brand. “We’re not going to be gucci if it isn’t Gucci.”
✘ Overly-crowded places (he’s fine with small to medium crowds). “It’s called personal space. Maybe you’ve heard of it.”
✘ Pepsi. “It’s the natural enemy of Coke. Need I say more?”

”Anyone who says men don’t fear is either too blind by their own pride or ignorant of their limits. No man, no matter how great or powerful, goes through life without fear. And that’s what I am wary about. I am ...uncertain that I do not know my own limits. I am aware of what I like and don’t like but I feel these games I play -- and especially the games that toy with the hearts of those who I find intriguing -- will be my undoing. So, you want to know what I’m afraid of? Karma. I am afraid that my actions may have unintended consequences and that terrifies me beyond anyone can estimate.”

When you examine and dissect exactly how Nicholas and Billie Jean got to where they are, from the life they had lived, and not having any memory of it, even if they don't remember and can't possibly ask themselves that question, you can. Just what happened that set it in stone? What was it that made the powers that be to seek out these two and want to grab them off the street before anyone saw them? Surely their disappearance was noticed? Maybe...
But first, let's ask what life they lived. Their life that they were taken from was fairly normal (all things considered). They had two parents — Kavi Antonio Salvador, an actor known for Broadway and his leading role on the Daytime Soap Opera, With or Without Love; and his wife, Ariel Grey-Salvador, a music producer who works for Fallen Angel Records, a subsidiary of The HartCorp Entertainment Group. Both loved each other and their family, though both had insanely busy job. Thankfully, however, they (Billie and Nicholas) had an older sister who passed them by at least three years. She often had to assume the role of both parents: the father to be strict when the twins caused trouble (and trust us, they were a pair who were often up to no good) and the mother when they needed a guiding hand with a softer touch. It was difficult for Fiona, but the impression left on Nicholas was a large one. He really looked up to her and idolized his older sister to the point where she was the example of what an ideal mate should be: strong, gentle, and absolutely captivating.
Nicholas grew up in the shadow of both his parents and his sister had experienced the same feeling, too. But in his case, he was less likely to display it in such a verbal way. As much as he loves his twin -- and that's saying a lot because she has proven time and time again how annoying she can be -- Nicholas always approached situations and problems with a bit of tact. He was never one to get into fights or verbally assault someone like Billie often did. In a lot of ways, Nicholas was most like his Aunt Nikki. She was kind and full of elegance. But no matter how passive he was during a confrontation, Nicholas had always proven himself to have her back. If Billie ever needed him for something, he was there in a heartbeat. He would drop everything to be there for her. Whether it was for moral support when she was going to beat down some unlucky person who was talking mad shit about her or for a night of adventure, he was there.
As much as he knew she appreciated this about him, it was also what led to the circumstances they currently find themselves in.
One summer night, not long after their Junior year, which also coincided with the twins' birthday, they celebrated their birthday by doing what they always did: spent the night around town and making their favorite spots pop with a fresh dose of color. Where Billie chose landscapes as her focus on this night, Nicholas did what he did best: he painted a happy tree. His plants were legendary. He liked to do pine trees, since they were his favorite scent. Even when he closed his eyes, he could still imagine the fresh smell of a pine tree on Christmas morning. It was his favorite memory.
At 3:01 am exactly, while they were finishing up their rounds, instead of the sight of their masterpiece, the twins only saw darkness. They disappeared into the night as the revving sounds from an engine of a black van drove down a lonely Manhattan street, leaving the neighborhood a lot less bright as the Salvador-Twins never were to be seen again.
But first, let's ask what life they lived. Their life that they were taken from was fairly normal (all things considered). They had two parents — Kavi Antonio Salvador, an actor known for Broadway and his leading role on the Daytime Soap Opera, With or Without Love; and his wife, Ariel Grey-Salvador, a music producer who works for Fallen Angel Records, a subsidiary of The HartCorp Entertainment Group. Both loved each other and their family, though both had insanely busy job. Thankfully, however, they (Billie and Nicholas) had an older sister who passed them by at least three years. She often had to assume the role of both parents: the father to be strict when the twins caused trouble (and trust us, they were a pair who were often up to no good) and the mother when they needed a guiding hand with a softer touch. It was difficult for Fiona, but the impression left on Nicholas was a large one. He really looked up to her and idolized his older sister to the point where she was the example of what an ideal mate should be: strong, gentle, and absolutely captivating.
Nicholas grew up in the shadow of both his parents and his sister had experienced the same feeling, too. But in his case, he was less likely to display it in such a verbal way. As much as he loves his twin -- and that's saying a lot because she has proven time and time again how annoying she can be -- Nicholas always approached situations and problems with a bit of tact. He was never one to get into fights or verbally assault someone like Billie often did. In a lot of ways, Nicholas was most like his Aunt Nikki. She was kind and full of elegance. But no matter how passive he was during a confrontation, Nicholas had always proven himself to have her back. If Billie ever needed him for something, he was there in a heartbeat. He would drop everything to be there for her. Whether it was for moral support when she was going to beat down some unlucky person who was talking mad shit about her or for a night of adventure, he was there.
As much as he knew she appreciated this about him, it was also what led to the circumstances they currently find themselves in.
One summer night, not long after their Junior year, which also coincided with the twins' birthday, they celebrated their birthday by doing what they always did: spent the night around town and making their favorite spots pop with a fresh dose of color. Where Billie chose landscapes as her focus on this night, Nicholas did what he did best: he painted a happy tree. His plants were legendary. He liked to do pine trees, since they were his favorite scent. Even when he closed his eyes, he could still imagine the fresh smell of a pine tree on Christmas morning. It was his favorite memory.
At 3:01 am exactly, while they were finishing up their rounds, instead of the sight of their masterpiece, the twins only saw darkness. They disappeared into the night as the revving sounds from an engine of a black van drove down a lonely Manhattan street, leaving the neighborhood a lot less bright as the Salvador-Twins never were to be seen again.

1001 Fonts || Black Bass Font
Animal Style from In-N-Out (Fries and burger both)
Animal Style from In-N-Out (Fries and burger both)