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![]() _______________________________________________ P E R S O N A L D E T A I L S Full Name - Liese Victoire Brendorn Age - 16 Gender Identity - Male Physical Sex - Female Heritage - Eldest Daughter of Marquis Childebert Ercwulf Brendorn, Lord Councilor Magical Affinity - Absolute (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth) - P E R S O N A L I T Y I Am NOT A Woman! More than just disguising himself as a man to enroll in the knight academy, Liese well and truly believes that he's a man, every part of his soul tells him that he's a man and should have been born as a man. If someone tells him that a curse had been placed upon him so that he was born with the wrong body, then he'll believe it. He feels like a once-disembodied spirit that possessed a woman's body, this unpleasant feeling that he's merely a parasite controlling its host. Related, he finds himself attracted to girls, he even had a couple childhood crushes over the years, although he never acted on his feelings for obvious reasons. Respecting and treating Liese like a man is a sure way to get into his good graces. Logically, should he encounter anyone who identifies themselves differently than the body they were born in, Liese will absolutely have no prejudice against those individuals, for he's one of them. The Ends Justify The Means Liese has always been an ambitious person, driven and self-assured to what he wants in life, and not above pushing himself to achieve them. Thus, the loss of his inheritance due to circumstances outside of his control stoked the flames even further. At this point, Liese is deadset on reclaiming what's his and he'll stop at nothing to realize it. Though his sense of honorable chivalry prevents him from committing heinous acts, he's not above eliminating his rivals and crushing his competition if they get in his way. He has experienced enough iniquitous bias for years and his patience has just been spent. Surely it'll all be worth it in the end... Alexander's "Successor" It's no secret that Liese has a high opinion of himself. Why shouldn't he? He's of noble blood, he's talented in knightly skills, and he's an Absolute; it's obvious that he's destined for something great, something a lot more than just being a trophy wife, and only deluded fools can't see that. Liese subscribes to the idea that the injustice against him is purely due to his body, and this perception strengthens his self-imposed prophecy even further. These trials and tribulations set against him are challenges given by the gods so he may prove himself worthy of their gifts, and no one - no one - will stop him from his divine birthright. As a result, Liese despises conservatives set in their poorly obsolete mindset and lazy people who give up at the first signs of hardships; those spoiled noble sons who needed not to raise even a finger to have everything handed to them on a silver platter, decadent fools undeserving of their wealth and privilege. One day, she'll usher a new era where no man or woman will have their lives allotted simply due to the nature of their corporeal existence, and these so-called "nobles" will be purged so only the worthy of their title may keep it. S K I L L S E T Born A Knight One may refuse Liese to be the primary heir over his brothers, but no one can deny the sheer precocious talent that the young girl showed ever since an early age. It has been proven time and time again that with hard work and the correct tutelage, anyone can achieve greatness, but it's also true that the speed of progress differs from person to person. The best of both worlds entail the combination of natural talent and practical diligence, enabling the student to accelerate their skills ahead of their peers, Liese is one such student. Swordsmanship, archery, and horseriding, the blonde noble displays aptitude in all the skills necessary to be a formidable crusader. If there's one thing holding him back is that despite all of his training, he slightly lacks in pure physical strength compared to a boy of similar age and training experience, simply due to biology; he's aware of this, and he hates it. Personally, he prefers to wield a one-handed arming sword to free one hand for casting spells, although he can use bows just fine. The Avatar What he lacks in brute force, he more than makes up for it by possessing equal skill in wielding all four Major Elements: Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. Dubbed an "Absolute", Liese makes full use of the practical and societal implication of this rare trait, the former by being able to mix and match spells that fit his style the most and the latter as a basis to claim that he's Alexander's successor. Still, unlike pure spellcasters who dedicate their lives into learning magic and magic alone, Liese's repertoire is limited to incantations that best suit his purposes to be a knight, and that entails combat-focused spells. Wreathing his blade in flames, conjuring a barrier of wind to deflect projectiles, snapping foes with whips of water, and launching boulders from the earth are some of his abilities, additionally, he possesses incantations that combines those aforementioned elements as well, although they all adhere to his focus of combat-applicable magic. There are virtually endless incantations available to learn and there simply won't be enough time to practice them all, especially not when his first and foremost goal is to be a knight, not a mage. Inspiring Presence Confident, proactive, skillful, and brave, these are traits that are seen as the hallmarks of a good leader, someone the masses can rely upon. Although not everyone may like Liese on a personal basis, most are able to see him being an inspiring figure to the troops in the battlefield, unflinching and self-assured even in the face of great adversity. In the thick of combat, sometimes there's simply no chance to carefully mull over which decision is the best, sometimes the best thing a commander can do is to pick a path and stick with it, a suboptimal choice is still better than the best one made in uncertainty. The worst thing an army can have is a hesitant leader after all. As knights often end up leading their own troops, whether a small squad or a whole legion, leadership is never a skill worth passing over. | Physical Description In another place, in another world, had circumstances been different, Liese would've chosen to be born as a boy and not this freak of a body that couldn't seem to decide which side of the gender spectrum it should grow into. Strictly going by what's between his legs alone, Liese is undoubtedly a girl, possessing all the necessary parts to determine that he’s indeed female, the other half of humanity capable of producing heirs. Yet, the high noble never sees himself as a woman and one only needs to focus elsewhere to see where he's coming from. Standing at 163cm (5'4"), a sharp jawline and firm cheekbones, brows sculpted to enable a natural stern gaze, golden locks framing stoic sapphires, only the blind will not see that he's handsome. Far too many maidens have been charmed by his visage alone, a perfect fit for the role of a knight in shining armor, a fearless crusader that would vanquish the Dark Lord to free the captive princess. Said imagination isn't for show either as Liese does possess the athletic build necessary to properly use a knight's full suit, strong limbs and toned abs coupled with a lack of endowment mean there's no need for bindings or a custom-fitted chest plate. His hips are a bit wider than he'd like, but just like what's between them, it's something that he can't change with training alone, but fortunately, all but the most form-fitting of garments mask it quite well. Burning with ambition to take back what he thinks has been stolen for him due to this preposterous notion of societal expectations based on his body alone, Liese carries himself like a Marquis' First Son and heir, and he makes sure everyone knows of his status and the prestige such a position deserves. In all occasions, whether formal, informal, or something in between, Liese wears clothes usually reserved for noblemen, one will never find him clad in a dress. Fortunately - or unfortunately depending on one's perspective - he genuinely wears them well, even more so than some other noble boys. Character Conceptualization The only child from the union of Marquis Childebert Ercwulf Brendorn, one of the four Lord Councilors, and Lady Hilda Engelberga Brendorn, the latter who tragically passed away during childbirth; their bond was so strong that the Marquis fell into grief for years upon years, refusing to touch another woman for his heart still belonged to his departed wife, leaving their only daughter, Liese, to grow up without the love of a mother and a grieving father. Yet, perhaps precisely due to this, or perhaps because of fate, or a combination of the two, Liese grew up to be a self-reliant child; a confident, precocious infant, he wasn't like most young girls, preferring to take up activities usually reserved for boys such as fencing, archery, horseriding, and athletics in general, going as far as to shun corsets and dresses as those clothes restricted his movements too much. His penchant for utterly upending societal norms and traditions raised concerns from the more conservative members of the noble household, but given that he was the Marquis' sole offspring - and thus the primary heir by default - no one dared to do anything outside of inconsequential gossiping. The ambition to be something more than just a lady-in-waiting to be married off to some nobleman and bear his children raged strong within him, he refused to be locked into a select path, and his magical talents seemed to reflect this as Liese is one of the rare individuals in the world capable of wielding all four major elements with equal proficiency, an Absolute. Between his myriad of talents, sanguine personality, and gift of Absolutism, rumor began to spread that he's the "Successor of Alexander", but... Alexander was a man and he was not, so it couldn't be him, right? For the first decade of his life, Liese was the only child of her father and late mother, meaning he was the sole heir to the House of Brendorn, and honestly, that was how he prefers it. Twas' until Marquis Brendorn moved on from his grief and decided to marry another woman, a beautiful young lady of noble birth, one who possessed the gift of fertility as she gave him children after children, most of them sons. It was a blessing for the House, a boon for all... except for Liese. For the moment he realized that the agnatic primogeniture preference meant that her little brothers supplanted her position as the primary heir, and secondary, and tertiary; with each new son birthed from his stepmother's womb, he fell further and further into irrelevancy... ...and all for the singular reason that he wasn't born a boy. Liese decided that enough was enough, he began plotting, scheming, devoting all of his efforts into the ultimate goal of becoming the one and true heir of House Brendorn. He went all-in, he had never liked being treated as a woman, but now, the event pushed him to completely shun that part of him. He was a man, First Son of Marquis Brendorn and the one true heir of House Brendorn, damn what everyone else says. After weighing his options, he decided that joining the Academy of Sentinel Knights was his best bet of realizing his destiny. Once he becomes a full-fledged knight and distinguishes himself as the Champion of Grayle, as the Successor of Alexander, then no one can refuse him to take back what had been stolen from him. He would achieve this or die trying. Other Information ❖ Color Code: fb3a81 ❖ Theme: Battlefield of Steel ❖ OOC Trivia: By some cosmic coincidence during character conception, Liese and Julian shares nearly identical physical appearance so their resemblance is an OOC coincidence, which can pose an interesting IC situation, just like people who resemble certain celebrities simply due to coincidences in the genetic lottery. |
Uniform | Casual |
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