Lady Luck
The God Child
The Mischievous One
Ashevelen is the literal incarnation of luck, be it good or bad. Everywhere in the world, there will be a mortal or a minor deity requiring her favour at one point or the other. Ashevelen’s ability to control statistical outcomes comes from the force of creation itself, while it can happen on it’s own, she can influence it as much as she wants.
Luck is split in two different domains itself :
Good Luck - From the simple things, like finding a coin on the ground to narrowly escaping a cave-in, good luck is necessary in anything one might do. It is said that everyone was blessed by Ashevelen at least once in their existence.
Misfortune - The second side of Ashevelen is rarely seen by mortalkind and there’s a reason for it. Whenever Ashevelen curses a mortal with misfortune, the mortal, if lucky will die fast. Those that don’t are doomed to see everything they do end in tragedy. Series of unfortunate accidents and deaths will follow the mortal until inevitably they kill themselves or are killed by their own kind.
Her ability is not limited to mortals, as she can influence the outcomes of a multitude of domains unless they’re directly controlled by a fellow God. A storm could be deviated at the last minute by a strong wind, a thunder will miss the body of water next to where it would land and other outcomes can be influenced by her power.
Ashevelen is a childish Goddess, often seen more like a mortal herself than a real God. Not one thing holds her interest for too long, as she can always be found running around the mortal realms.
She isn’t known to do anything in particular in the mortal realms, only wandering from place to place. Ashevelen can usually be found watching out for fools and simple people but adventurers and rogues get special attention, as they tend to be bold and outrageous, and she loves anyone willing to put everything on the line.
Occasionally she’ll find a mortal which she deems luckless and will transform that person into the luckiest being in existence, changing their destiny forever or she will meddle in the affairs of other Gods, influencing the outcomes of their subjects in good or bad ways. All depending on her whims.
One thing Ashevelen has always looked for is the unluckiest creature in existence but somehow managed to persevere. Someone who got everything taken away from them but still managed to win everything back.
True Form

Ashevelen appears as a child of whatever mortal race looks upon her, in the cases of other Gods, she will be a shining orb of golden light.
Musical theme
The Fortuna Chant/Prayer
Lady Luck
The God Child
The Mischievous One
Ashevelen is the literal incarnation of luck, be it good or bad. Everywhere in the world, there will be a mortal or a minor deity requiring her favour at one point or the other. Ashevelen’s ability to control statistical outcomes comes from the force of creation itself, while it can happen on it’s own, she can influence it as much as she wants.
Luck is split in two different domains itself :
Good Luck - From the simple things, like finding a coin on the ground to narrowly escaping a cave-in, good luck is necessary in anything one might do. It is said that everyone was blessed by Ashevelen at least once in their existence.
Misfortune - The second side of Ashevelen is rarely seen by mortalkind and there’s a reason for it. Whenever Ashevelen curses a mortal with misfortune, the mortal, if lucky will die fast. Those that don’t are doomed to see everything they do end in tragedy. Series of unfortunate accidents and deaths will follow the mortal until inevitably they kill themselves or are killed by their own kind.
Her ability is not limited to mortals, as she can influence the outcomes of a multitude of domains unless they’re directly controlled by a fellow God. A storm could be deviated at the last minute by a strong wind, a thunder will miss the body of water next to where it would land and other outcomes can be influenced by her power.
Ashevelen is a childish Goddess, often seen more like a mortal herself than a real God. Not one thing holds her interest for too long, as she can always be found running around the mortal realms.
She isn’t known to do anything in particular in the mortal realms, only wandering from place to place. Ashevelen can usually be found watching out for fools and simple people but adventurers and rogues get special attention, as they tend to be bold and outrageous, and she loves anyone willing to put everything on the line.
Occasionally she’ll find a mortal which she deems luckless and will transform that person into the luckiest being in existence, changing their destiny forever or she will meddle in the affairs of other Gods, influencing the outcomes of their subjects in good or bad ways. All depending on her whims.
One thing Ashevelen has always looked for is the unluckiest creature in existence but somehow managed to persevere. Someone who got everything taken away from them but still managed to win everything back.
True Form

Ashevelen appears as a child of whatever mortal race looks upon her, in the cases of other Gods, she will be a shining orb of golden light.
Musical theme
The Fortuna Chant/Prayer