
=========Basic Info=========
Player Name: Auz
Character Name: Squire Edward Gonard
Race: Breton
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Position: Hastati/Medic. Can double as a Ballistarii if need be but prefers a sword.
=========Physical Description=========
Edward has grown to be quite the dashing young fellow. Sporting prominent cheekbones, a jaw line that could cut glass and piercing blue eyes; the young squire stands at 5’9 with a wiry but sturdy frame. The sides of his head are shaved almost clean, revealing small scars obtained from routine sword practice. On top, his hair is ruffled with a messy look that actually takes almost half an hour to achieve in a mirror or in the reflection of a river. At the base, clinging to his chin, lays what his superiors call “bum fluff”, threatening to turn into a fully-fledged beard as soon as the boy is of age.
With a natural affinity to charge headfirst into danger and further training to compound that, Edward walks barrel chested and head held high. When not dressed by the Imperial Army he chooses to wear thick cotton tunics, along with a heavy fur coat and leather boots. Though the squire would’ve preferred a decent sword, the gear was a departing gift from his Lord, dull in colour but high in quality.
With all the trouble stemming from the worship of the Nine in the south and then again to the east, many in Daggerfall have turned to worshipping (or at least respecting) the age old view of the Light and the Dark. Edward is one such case, believing that all there is stems from these two entities. There is no true good and no true evil; there is only Order and Chaos, the Bird and the Serpent, Night and Day. Immortal, these entities exist in opposition to each other, locked in an eternal conflict with neither one truly gaining the upper hand.
All mortals are aligned with the Light but their actions can draw from and be influenced by both of the cosmic powers. The undead and many of the creatures from Oblivion tend to be aligned with the Dark but this is not always so. For such reasons it’s all too easy for those who don’t grasp the concept to see this as Good vs. Evil but it’s merely to do with the position you are born in. Those in the Light see that as the truth and the way of things while those in the Dark believe the exact same from their end, with neither being correct.
In the end, the goal is to strike a balance between the worlds and entities. If Nirn falls in the Light, then that must be protected from the Darks domination and vice versa. Edward is devout to the cause, seeing his powers of restoration as an extension of the Light. The Nine and any and all other Gods are merely extensions of this eternal conflict and as such, those that follow them are respected by the young squire. So long as you keep to the balance, Edward will be on your side.
Despite being a part of the Knights of the Dragon and learning the Dragonic tongue, Edward cannot produce a Thu’um as yet. He has, however, trained in restoration for most of his life, verging towards a level of expertise with the school of magic. He even prefers his own ward to the shield that the Imperials handed him.
• Greater Ward - Adept Spell
• Close Wounds - Apprentice Spell
• Sun Fire (Ball of Sunlight that damages undead) - Apprentice Spell
• Edward was born to a pair of mages who directly served the crown of Daggerfall as healers.
• He followed in his parents’ footsteps, honing a natural affinity towards magic through the school of restoration.
• The family’s unique position in the Kingdom enabled them to sidestep the political intrigue and infighting that dominated the province. This led them to having relatively simple lives with very few hardships ever arising.
• When he was 13, he managed to save the life of his father and a knight of the Knights of the Dragon from an Ogre using his restoration abilities.
• Impressed with the boy’s courage and skill, the knight offered Edward an apprenticeship within the Order, becoming his Squire.
• Accepting, he was taught how to swing a sword, how to pluck a bow and how to manoeuvre in heavy armour. He was also schooled in the tongue of Dragons, which after the events in Skyrim, were met with both shock and awe.
• By the time the second Great War rolled around, Edward still had not been fully inducted into the Order and therefore could not avoid conscription into the Imperial Army. So he was drafted and sent to Cyrodiil for further training and eventual deployment.
Edward loves to work with his hands, preferring to get stuck in and down in the mud whenever he can. Grounded in rationalism and curiosity, the young man constantly seeks the next challenge, no matter how small or big they are. Brave, confident and loyal, the squire presents all the qualities you could want in a soldier bar having ever truly been in a fight. Though his idealism for heroism can get him caught up, causing him to break rank whenever
he feels is necessary. Then there are the times where he can be blunt or even stubborn if he believes himself to be right. Rubbing others the wrong way and even coming off as preachy.
Yet, for the most part, he is kind; dominated by a strong sense of fairness brought upon by his religion. A very “do unto others” attitude that sees him makes friends relatively easy. Being from High Rock, he has only ever really been amongst Bretons, only ever hearing the caricatures of other races and provinces from stories or brief interactions. He harbours no real ill will against anyone, curious to see if the Elves of the south are really falling out of alignment or if the Imperials are spinning a tale.
Though conscripted, Edward wishes to prove himself in battle and envisions himself returning to High Rock as a champion of the Imperial Army. He looks through rose tinted glasses at figures like the famous knight, Lord Bridwell, who returned to the Knights of the Dragon from the War of Betony as one of their greatest hero’s. However, like most youth, he is yet to consider the perils of the journey that would lead him there.