Thompson "Tommy" Bannerman

Character Summary
Name: Thompson Reginald Bannerman
Aliases: Tommy, Tom, "Hey kid"
Occupation: Newsroom assistant or glorified paper boy, and self titled armature reporter for the Arkham Herald
Age: Sixteen
Birthplace: Madison, Wisconsin
Race/Ethnicty: Anglo-Saxon
Gender: Male
Physical Attributes
Height: Five foot eight and still growing like a weed.
Weight: A healthy one hundred and forty.
Build: Adolescent lank, with a lot of filling out to do.
Eyes: A rare bright green.
Hair: Nordic blonde
Skin Tone: He is a lightly suntanned Caucasian, with slight blemishes around his nose and cheeks.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Besides the usual minor nicks and marks that everyone gets growing up, nothing of note.
Psychological Attributes
Daring * Audacious * Quick Witted * Flippant * Energetic * Inpatient
- Reporting
- Baseball
- Mysteries
- Biking
- Climbing
- Girls
- Inaction
- Dust
- Being Underestimated
- Time Wasting
- Being Ignored
- Inaccuracy
- Murky Water
- Inadequacy
- Abandonment
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