20XX in a populated city, a large manor grounds with a looming Victorian home and a sealed brick wall appeared under mysterious circumstances. Authorities have officially stated that there is no evidence of rubble or exterior construction debris, nor are there any signs of the square that was once located where the manor grounds now sit. Attempts to enter the home have proved fruitless, as no observer seems able to agree on where the gate is located, and all reports thereof are in conflict. Security footage recovered from the scene shows a city-wide blackout, which many eye-witnesses corroborate, but was not registered by local power stations. The footage, which can be dated to approximately 2:00 am, first shows this structure after a fog bank cleared. Closed circuit televisions nearby recorded the fog rolling in, but all later footage was lost in the blackout. We will be reporting on the hour to inform the public of any developments that may occur. In other news, various paranormal phenomena have been reported across the city. It is unclear what is causing these reports, but authorities expect acute widespread paranoia, stress, and altering light levels from seasonal changes to be possible causes.
Welcome! Here we have a High-Casual/Advanced RP, for about five players or so, partially inspired by Digimon Ghost Game. As such, the RP will take place in the aforementioned city in the 'real world', where Digimon shenanigans take on a paranormal and possibly dangerous flair. I'm looking for mature storytelling (not necessarily 18+, but having a sense of tact and intellectual grace when handling issues, and an ability to accept the presence of consequences), so characters that are very young might not suit the RP very well. The Digivice for this RP will be the Vital Bracelet (Digimon VB), and function with a sort of bio-feedback trait between the humans and their Digimon partners. As a result, we'll be using a bit of a branching Digivolution tree for partner Digimon, with the closeness/synchronization of the two determining what they get, until the next stage is reached for the first time, locking the previous form in. To do this, you'd pick one Digimon for each stage from Baby to Rookie, then an array of Champions, Ultimates, etc. (picking four Champions, six Ultimates, and four Megas, with certain forms able to reach certain other forms, much like a virtual-pet model) and as the RP progresses, the line will become more solid. As a final note, while I'm all for people picking their favorites, I've noticed a tendency for a few types of Digimon to become overabundant, and others to be underrepresented. To avoid such an "oops, all dragons" outcome, along with the branching forms, I am offering a list of archetypes for Digimon characters. While they have a short description attached, the attributes listed therein are by no means absolute. These exist to ensure that we can communicate about what type of Digimon each is taking, so we don't, for instance, end up with no Digimon in the group that can fly.
Speaking of characters, while I may make my own for the RP, if we get enough players, or if it would just work better that way, I am willing and able to act only as GM.
The Goggle Head- Typically stubborn in one way or another, and known for their strong outward emotions, Goggle Heads tend to be athletic in some way. The Lieutenant- One of the strong-types, who usually backs up the group leader, or coordinates before acting if they end up leading. The Loner- Usually distant for a mix of reasons, if they decide to speak up, it's usually powerful. The Sage- Wise beyond their years, or older than the others, the Sage offers sound advice. The Joker- Smile, and the world smiles with you. Make others laugh and they can't hate you, right? The Romantic- This character is defined by their connection to others, or the desire for such a connection. The Unique- A creative individual who has their own way of doing things, and notices different things than everyone else does. The Savant- Really good at a few things, not so great at most others. The Social Butterfly- Always making friends and socializing, and very good with words more often than not. The Believer- Truly convinced in the existence of occult phenomena, though maybe through a not so dire lense, the believer attempts to enact the paranormal, with little success. The Tragic- A little more rain has fallen in this character's eyes, and it colors their world view.
The Classic- A powerful Digimon who tends to take on a fire or dinosaur-like quality. The Wolf- A beast-type Digimon with a caring personality. The Bio Warrior- A Digimon who takes a plant-like and insectoid forms. The Dragon- A hard-hitter reptilian Digimon with a serious power requirement and/or a glaring weakness. The Metal Menace- An armored or machine type Digimon who hits hard, and can take harder, but are susceptible to interference. The Renegade- A Digimon of the undead or demon type, or with a classically virus nature, that breaks away from the sway of its kind. The High Flyer- A Digimon of the wing who makes for great transportation, though they typically make a clear target. The Sanctified- A Holy Digimon who can be a great boon to a well bonded partner. The Deep One- An Aquatic Digimon, typically with situational but useful powers. The Puppet- A synthetic Digimon whose strings are being pulled, inside or out. The Bizarre- A strange Digimon who fights in an odd way, or doesn't fit well into other types. The Twin- One of two Digimon who hatched from the same egg and are similar. They will be spread between two players, especially if we have more than three.
What is your name?
How old are you?
What do you look like?
What's your favorite color?
What is your family like?
Favorite song?
What are you afraid of?
Would you rather be at home, or away from home?
Do you believe in monsters?
What's your favorite local legend? Which one scares you most? (Here, answer one of the above questions (or both). This way, you can add to some of the digital oddities that occur in the story by changing the layout and aspects of the city.)
How much do you use technology on a regular basis?
It is said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; do you agree?
What are your thoughts on death?
So, tell me about who you met that night.
Name: Personality: Forms: (Tentative)
Ultimate 1-> Champion 1-> Ultimate 2-> Mega 1 Baby-> In-Training-> Rookie-> Champion 2-> Ultimate 3-> Mega 2 Champion 3-> Ultimate 4-> Mega 3 Champion 4-> Ultimate 5-> Mega 4 Ultimate 6-> [Alternately, you can use the following link to generate an image, if cards exist for each of your desired forms.]
What I have for if I do end up playing a character. I can swap or bow out if someone else is really set on one of the two archetypes I have.
What is your name? Hayato Suzuki How old are you? Seventeen What do you look like? Um… you got eyes, right? Uh, sure. I have dark hair. It’s not exactly black, not exactly brown. It’s kinda long, kinda flat, I guess… People say it’s dry or whatever, I don’t know. Uh, my skin’s kinda dark. I don’t like to stand out, but I guess I have sort of strong and sharp features, and I can’t really help that. What's your favorite color? I can’t say I’m a fan of bright colors really. But if I had to pick one that actually counted as a color, I’d pick this one- {fff79a} What is your family like? Weird question, but okay. Mom doesn’t talk much anymore, at least not to me. I don’t know if it’s because of how she’s feeling, or if she’s pissed at me for what I do. It’s not like I know who my dad is, so he can’t really help out. Not that I need anyone’s help. Favorite song?
What are you afraid of? Prying a bit, aren’t we? I mean, I can’t say I could ever be much worse off than I am now. Though having to be stuck in one place for too long would suck. So would being in the middle of nowhere, I guess. Like I really don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t score. Would you rather be at home, or away from home? That dingy apartment doesn’t have much for me anyway. Do you believe in monsters? What do I look like, a kid? Come on, think for a second. What's your favorite local legend? Which one scares you most? They say there’s this one staircase out near the edge of town, where if you go up it without looking at the end the whole time, things are normal, but if you lock your eyes at the end, you are going up forever and can never get off of it. I don’t think it’s real, but I’d never want anything like that to happen to me. Though if people are so distracted with where they’re not looking, I may as well find it some time and score a quick buck or two. How much do you use technology on a regular basis? Honestly not too much. I have better places for my eyes to be. But everyone else can keep their noses in their phones. It is said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; do you agree? I’ll let you know if I ever have any. What are your thoughts on death? Okay, now you’re getting weird. I can’t say I think about it a lot though. So, tell me about who you met that night.
Name: Scraps Personality: Scraps has this weird ‘loyal’ thing going. Which like, cool, but not me. Though, sometimes Scraps gets all… weird and delayed and stuff. It freaks me out. Forms:
Stage- In-Training Species: Hopmon Attribute: Virus Technique- 1: Hip Hop- Bounces around like a rubber ball, striking with its back.
Stage- Rookie Species: Junkmon Attribute: Virus Technique- 1: Parabolic Junk- [Special Move] Launches its collected junk from its back-cannon as a deterrent. 2: Scrap Teeth- [Signature Move] Bites the enemy with its prized incisors.
I'd definitely like to stake my claim on The Metal Menace digimon of the group if I could, would love to roll with Hagurumon. As for human archetype, I'm still deciding where exactly I want to go with the character. Leaning towards The Goggle Head the most for now, but if somebody else is really looking for that instead I can go for something else.
So I might have an interest in the joker role and uncertain about the digimon one, but I have a question about their forms: is this set in a world where Digimon don't have one predetermined path and they can go different routes or are these simply options for us to consider before we're asked to choose one? Or is there going to be something in the roleplay that might make one path unavailable?
Just curious about that and how it'll effect our choices (if at all).
I'd definitely like to stake my claim on The Metal Menace digimon of the group if I could, would love to roll with Hagurumon. As for human archetype, I'm still deciding where exactly I want to go with the character. Leaning towards The Goggle Head the most for now, but if somebody else is really looking for that instead I can go for something else.
Ooh, Hagurumon is quite fun, and pretty underutilized, I think. Mechanical Digimon can be great fun to characterize. We already have someone who's going to be using the Goggle Head. I appreciate you letting me know your thought process for this reason.
So I might have an interest in the joker role and uncertain about the digimon one, but I have a question about their forms: is this set in a world where Digimon don't have one predetermined path and they can go different routes or are these simply options for us to consider before we're asked to choose one? Or is there going to be something in the roleplay that might make one path unavailable?
Just curious about that and how it'll effect our choices (if at all).
Ooh, joker's a good one. I almost considered that for mine, but he's a bit more humorless than that, as you can see. And honestly he could be considered the Tragic if anyone else is really attached to making the Loner. I could have been more clear. Let me explain a bit more in-depth: Up to and including Rookie, you get to choose exactly what you get, one form for each stage. Starting at Champion, things start to branch, based on RP stuff. After you hit Ultimate the first time, the Champion is locked in, and the same for Ultimate after Mega, and eventually Mega will be locked in after some point which I haven't decided yet. So it will be a combination of the typical Digimon anime format, how the V-pets tend to work, and a splash of Blast Evolution from Digimon World 3, if you're familiar.
@tobiax Oh, that makes sense! Okay cool. I just needed a little more clarification about it. And sadly, I'm not all that familiar with the extra Digimon media that isn't the anime. Nevertheless, I'll look into it. Though, I think I'll switch joker to social butterfly. Kind of got an idea for a character who might best fit that type. Though, I'm curious about the bizarre digimon. What would be the most obvious example of that one? What would qualify a digimon for "bizarre", anyway?
My Dad was an homophobic, alcoholic, abusive asshole. The less said about him, the better. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a dad. He’s dead to me, and can rot in jail for the rest of his hateful life!
My mom was wonderful though. She supported me where my dad never did. She was a badass. Rest in peace mom…
Favorite song?
What are you afraid of?
Another loved one dying. Two is enough for me.
Would you rather be at home, or away from home?
To quote Belle, “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can tell.”
Do you believe in monsters?
My Dad was one… Absolutely.
What's your favorite local legend?
Once upon a time, A young girl fell in love with a boy. Her parents disapproved of the boy. The two decided to run away together so they could be together. Of course the girl’s parents had men chase the couple down. When they realized they were being chased, the couple decided to throw themselves into the sea so they could never be separated. They say their ghosts haunt that beach to this day…
Even though I can’t say I agree with suicide, that’s a romantic story. What, did you think I was going to choose something scary? Realize who your talking to here.
How much do you use technology on a regular basis?
I’m additcted to my phone. I check social media all the time. Especially when someone requests a commission. I’m an artist.
It is said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; do you agree?
What does that even mean?
What are your thoughts on death?
My mother and boyfriend died, so death doesn’t exactly bring a smile to my face… But… they’re in a better place now, and one day I’ll see them again.
So, tell me about who you met that night.
Cinderella: Personality: She’s a sweetie. She likes to play and have fun, and an absolute ball of energy to be around. I know I just met her, but I love her to bits! Forms: (Tentative)
Stage- Baby Species: Yukimibotamon Attribute: None Technique- 1: Diamond Dust: Breathes out freezing cold air.
Stage- In-Training Species: Nyaromon Attribute: None Free Technique- 1: Atomic Bomber Tail: Attacks with a powerful tail smash.
Stage- Rookie Species: Salamon Attribute: Vaccine Data Technique- (Ideally one for 'standard' attacks and one for a 'finisher'. Up to three.) 1: Happy Paw: Fires a beam of holy energy.
2: Puppy Howling Completely paralyzes the opponent with a super-high pitched bark.
3: Sledge Crash: Rams into foe at full speed.
Stage- Champion Species: Attribute: Technique- (Ideally one for 'standard' attacks and one for a 'finisher'. Up to four.) 1:
Stage- Ultimate Species: Attribute: Technique- (Ideally one or two for 'standard' attacks and one or two for a 'finisher'. Up to five.) 1:
Stage- Mega Species: Attribute: Technique- (Several 'standard' attacks and one 'finisher'. Up to six.) 1: