The classic Jumanji movie is one that I certainly love but, in this game, I'd be borrowing more from its successors.
The Witcher has had a following for quite some time through the books, the video game adaptation, and, most recently, through the Netflix series and spinoffs.
What I am proposing is a Jumanji type situation where a small group of people (would prefer 5 or less) in the modern world get sucked into the world of The Witcher. Virtual reality just becomes actual reality as these modern people find themselves in the bodies of witchers, mages, warriors, elves and even dwarves alike.
Faithful to the Witcher lore, a single campaign would be composed of a mystery or entanglement that the players have to fight through and figure out. Their only hope of return to the 'real world' is to accept their roles and solve the mystery behind their campaign.
If successful, this game would most definitely have a sequel that would lead to bigger settings and more complex plotlines, but I want to dip my toe in the water first. I want to keep it tonally loose, while still exploring the world of The Witcher. I want to see players battle beasts and pay attention to detail. I want the gang to put on their Scooby Doo hats and solve a mystery. I want to see an actual end to an RP on this site!
If you're in, I'll be in. If you stay to the end, so will I. We can create something amazing together that can spawn other amazing things!
So here's what one ought to know:
- This RP will be mostly linear with some sandbox opportunities as it pertains to your characters' development. Any character arcs you want to incorporate ought to be discussed ahead of time, but I am not rigid - I'm sure I can accommodate.
-You can choose from several types of characters. You can be a knight, mage, witcher, elf, dwarf, human and perhaps even a sentient creature. I thought about vampires, but those will create some travel limitations that should probably be avoided.
-You will be a modern person piloting a Witcher-World character, which makes you a bit of a fish out of water. There will be no "I already know how to do everything and now I am an unstoppable killing machine" archetypes here. You're a strange person in a strange land inheriting strange abilities that you are not well versed in controlling. That puts everyone on a level playing field and creates a system of gradual experience and power progression that I think will serve the RP well.
- You need to come up with a bio for your Modern Character as well as a bio for their Witcher World counterpart. Modern characters are going to have to know eachother, even if the witcher-world avatars don't. In this instance, everyone will be a senior in the same high school in the modern world. In the Witcher world, you're limited only by your imagination
-Once the Witcher-side of the game starts, everyone will start in the same city and, while there is plenty of time for player-created side quests, I will be making the main questline prominent and obvious. Everyone is free to diverge from the main path now and again, but I will make sure the main path is conspicuous and can provide story elements to guide wayward players back towards it, if needed.
I think that's it! (at least it's probably enough for an interest check). Does anyone want to play this type of game?