𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖘
𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖘
𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖘
location: ???
interactions: Atlas & Medusa | Apollo & Artemis@smarty0114
mentions: Tsukuyomi@Fabricant451
interactions: Atlas & Medusa | Apollo & Artemis@smarty0114
mentions: Tsukuyomi@Fabricant451
It had been days since the incident at the Olympic Club. Both of them, as the other divines came to find out. Most of it had been swept under the rug in regards to the mortal populace, but there was only so much that could be kept quiet when dealing with the other gods.
Ares’ sudden disappearance had the others on high alert. Even caused for the most unlikely of beings to come together to locate him. What did that mean for those who weren’t born of war? Could they even pretend to be skilled enough to protect themselves? Were these fiends targeting only the Greeks? Were the other pantheons safe? Or was it only a matter of time before they too were singled out and made into a chalk outline somewhere in the streets of Seattle?
Seattle was filled with hiding places. Overflowing with them, even. Of course, it was easy to hide when no one knew what they were looking for, and until a few nights ago, very few outsiders had ever known of the group that skulked beneath the city.
Of course, the headquarters of this wicked band of immortals was not one of sewage water and filth. It was a lavishly decorated bunker, protected by steel walls and layers of concrete, hidden away by an unnecessary amount of security measures. As far as hidey holes went, it was quite a nice one.
Medusa had grown sick of hiding. She had been hiding all her life, first from bold men and their swords, then from hunters, and now from the very gods who’d cursed her in the first place. The revenge she’d nurtured was beginning to grow ripe, so ripe she could taste its sweetness on her tongue.
“‘Dusa,” Atlas’ voice stirred her from her thoughts, “you’ve got a new job.” The titan sat down across from her, crossing his legs at the knee.
“Oh? Need me to run backup again?” Medusa’s eyes ran up Atlas’ frame, and she smiled as he seemed to shiver. Even the great titan who held up the sky was afraid of her. Her and her eyes.
“No, this one's for you, and you alone. Cronus knows how much you love your goddesses. This one’s not a toy though. We want her.” Atlas produced a file from a jacket pocket and handed it off. Medusa opened it, flipping through the pages with a lazy nonchalance.
“Tsukuyomi. Interesting choice. What makes you think she’ll take the bait,” Medusa said, eyes now focused on the file in her hands.
“She wants her wife back. And she’ll do anything to reach her. She’ll see things our way, I have faith.”
“And what do I offer her besides? Power, and safety in the new world? This pantheon Cronus is building is growing awfully cumbersome.”
Atlas, ever the zealot, scowled. “It is not for you to question Cronus’ plans, witch. You do as you're told.”
Medusa’s gaze returned to Atlas, landing on his throat, and her eyes flashed a brilliant golden color. Suddenly, the titan’s neck was stone. He made an attempt to choke out words, but they would not come. He clawed at the marble that now made up his airways, and found no purchase. “You forget yourself, Atlas. I joined this cause willingly, and for it, Cronus empowered me. I am slave to no god, nor titan.”
The titan scowled, and Medusa’s eyes flashed, and his neck returned to divine flesh. “Apologies. I assure you, Tsukuyomi’s involvement will not lessen your power here.”
Medusa stood. [color=87a96]“Oh, I’m sure it won’t. I’m much more useful than you, Atlas. Keep that in mind.”[/color]
Artemis had always thought that the air at Moon River felt fresher. Even all those years ago, when she’d found it long before the mortals had, she’d thought it crisper. It made for better walks and better moods, and it certainly made it all that more enjoyable to see Apollo waiting on the edge of the property, surrounded by her girls and stripped down to his underwear.
“Is this really necessary?” her brother shouted out at her, as she strode up. His clothes were lying on the ground, turned inside out by the guards, who held him hostage with sharp knives and sharper eyes. This scene was not alien to either sibling. Often Apollo demanded her attention, and often she responded like this. Like any sister, she did not appreciate having Apollo in her room.
Artemis took a moment to laugh, a light, breezy chuckle. “No, probably not, but it’s quite entertaining.”” The goddess clapped, and the girls fell back. “Leave me, girls.” The guards turned and set out towards the compound, though not before leveling scowls at Apollo. “I thought I told you not to come here.”
Her brother shrugged. “You did. But, I’ve-” He looked down at his clothes, then back at her. “Can I put on my clothes?” She smirked and nodded. “As I was saying… I’ve had some time to think about it, and I think you’re right.”
Artemis knit her eyebrows together. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“We should have a family meeting. To, you know, talk about our favorite, broody and devastatingly lethal brother’s recent disappearance.”
“‘Pollo, that wasn’t my idea.”
“No, but you can take all the credit if it goes wrong. And if it goes right, well, hey, I’ll let you take half credit.” Apollo slung his arm around his sister's shoulder, gesturing dramatically at empty air. “Come on, family dinner, for old time’s sake. And, also, because I’ve thought about it, and I don’t very much want to die.”
“You’re about to ask me to be nice to father, aren’t you?” Artemis did not need to be looking at her brother to know that his crazed grin had just fallen.
“Yes. Of course I am.” Apollo released his hold and looked at her, a rare sincerity in his eyes. “I wrote some stuff last night, Arty. I’ve been trying to pay more attention to it, ever since Zagreus. It was… dark to say the least.” Apollo said, holding his hand to his heart like a boy scout pledging allegiance.
Artemis bit down on her bottom lip, worry breaking through her mask of calm. “How dark? Could this be like that time you thought all the computers were gonna shut off?”
Apollo scowled. “I wrote about a man who dropped the sky, Arty. Who does that sound like to you?”
For once, Artemis was taken by surprise, if only for a moment. “Set it up at Father’s place then. Tonight. I’ll make some calls.”