The Premise
This is a lot like the standard Young Justice/Young Avengers RP's you are no doubt aware of as they have been a staple of this site since its inception. This is an Amalgamverse RP, meaning that it's mainly Marvel x DC, but there's a few other things crossed into it. The big difference here being that you are actively encouraged to do weird and wonderful stuff with the premise. Actively encouraged to pair characters that have otherwise never had the chance to be paired as well as to play their offspring. The idea of this is that the Superhero boom happened a while ago and this is the new generation of heroes that have yet to properly make their mark on the superhero scene. Want to play the son of Batman and Spider-Woman? Go ahead. Want to play a reimagining of Robbie Reyes as Jaime Reyes' brother? Want to play May Day Parker that's been accepted into the Green Lantern Corps? Why the hell not? I am actively encouraging that you go crazywild with the idea's of these two universes melded together.
There is yet to be a definitive recent history of the universe, as that would restrict a lot of creativity from the players, but there is a definite history up until the creation of the Justice League that is active on this world:
*Pre-WWI: Heroes are seen as little more than folklore. Heroes such as Arthur Pendragon, Jonah Hex and Zorro exist, but mostly as legend.
*WWI: Whilst no Superheroes fought directly for either side, some fought indirectly. Including Wonder Woman who indirectly fought for the Entente.
*Interwar Years: The rise of Superheroes as actual icons. Starting with people like Green Hornet, The Blue Beetle (Dan Garrett) and Namor The Submariner start to make themselves known. Eventually, they came together to form the Justice Society of America and thus began the "Golden Age of Superheroes"
*WWII: Just after the German Invasion of Czechoslovakia, the British Ministry of Defense and her colonies governments came together with Ministère des Armées and the Polish Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej, founding a department for the specific purpose of smuggling Superpowered people out of Axis Territories should war come. Officially it was known as MI7, although it had another name "Super Human Infiltration, Extraction and Liberation Division" or S.H.I.E.L.D. After the United States joined at the dawn of 1942, the Americans were brought into S.H.I.E.L.D. and soon after, the Justice Society of America joined on their side. Wonder Woman leading the Justice Society alongside heroes like Captain America, the Human Torch (Jim Hammond), GI Robot and many others. Captain America was assumed KIA, but with the Justice Society's help, the Allies were Victorious.
*Cold War: With the decline of the British Empire post war, administration of S.H.I.E.L.D. was handed over to the United Nations. The Justice Society had most of its legal power stripped and handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. and it was reduced to mostly a ceremonial organization. S.H.I.E.L.D. was reluctant to get involved with the Vietnam war and most of the world accepted that, but after the assassination of President Kennedy, his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson had another organization, CADMUS, founded in secret. This organization was designed to be kept secret from the Senate and made known and answerable only to the President and a select group of others. They were tasked with the developement of Super Soldier programs based on Captain America, as well as drafting super-powered individuals into the service of the United States government. The first fruits of their labour were deployed to Vietnam, but their new agency's inexperience causes numerous problems and the US Government is forced to pull out in order to keep this a secret and Communist North Vietnam is victorious.
*1980's: Superman arrives on Earth, Captain America is found and defrosted, Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed by Joe Chill and Thor Odinson arrives on Earth.
*1990's: New York city is invaded by Loki Lauffreyson and his army of Frost Giants. It's at this time that a number of heroes come together and drive Loki and his forces off of Earth. Iron Man, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Thor Odinson, Antman and The Wasp. Wonder Woman, the still leader of the old Justice Society came to them and discussed the situation. It was decided that the old Society no longer had the authority to do what needed to be done. The last of the old Justice Society of America came forward and the society was fully decommissioned. The heroes of the world came together to form the brand new organization, the League of International Justice or "Justice League" for short was founded with many teams being instituted to fight for justice across the planet. Including the New York 6 being kept together as a team, also known as "The Avengers"
The Justice League is primarily funded by Wayne Enterprises, Inc. Stark Industries and a few other investors. The current rules are vast, but the most important one is this: "All entrants to the League MUST be 25 years of age (Or equal maturity age if other species)" That's where your characters come in. Tony Stark is now sponsoring a new initiative to get the younger heroes of the world into the League. A whole team thats primary purpose is to train the newest and youngest heroes to control their powers and use them for the betterment of mankind.
The Character Sheet
Ah yeah, this is the REAL reason you're here:
Please post your character sheets in the OOC in order to get them approved. Then, upon approval, please move them to the Character Sheet section.