i’d love to start writing again - i’ll throw a character together :)
Fat fingered the laugh reaction, but glad to have you onboard Tabby!
My CS should be finished this weekend.
i’d love to start writing again - i’ll throw a character together :)
My CS should be finished this weekend.
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Lucky, Greenie, Sprout Height 5'5 Weight 130lb Gender Female Race Imperial Age 24 Birthsign The Atronach ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Zenithar Attributes MAJOR: Luck minor: Intelligence Skills Illusion Alchemy Alteration Enchanting Restoration Destruction Speech craft Athletics Spells ... ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Daggers Staff Thief tools Rope Scribe tools Alchemical equipment Outfit ... Consumables ... Valuables ... Misc ... ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE Lucretia always manages to look somewhat disheveled. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK Lucretia is a survivor. She is not particular how she survives but finds it easiest to hustle and steal rather than work honestly. She is extremely lucky but often presses it too far. She is open and friendly and always willing to help particularly if it might stick a coin or two to her palm. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Lucretia is of Breton ancestry but has lived her whole life in Cyrodil. The daughter of a pair of traveling tinkers she was introduced to minor magics, both slight of hand and magicka at an early age. She displayed a prodigious talent for Illusion and alteration but having been born under the sign of the Atronach is unable to regenerate her own magicka. She traveled with her family learning the arts of peddling and performing small repairs. During her wandering she met a young Khajit who joined the band for a season. He taught her something of alchemy and how it could be used to restore her magika. Beyond this his influence was mostly bad and he stole away her virtue and introduced her to the thieves guild. While not a guild for mages, thieves always have a use for the odd bit of magic and were happy to provide a bit of training in exchange for exorbitant 'tuition' fees. In order to pay her debts Lucky has tried all kinds of things, from hiring herself out as a mercenary wizard too creating custom illusions for brothel patrons. Debts and trades are a major part of her life and no matter what trade she makes she never seems to be able to complete free herself. Currently she is laying low, waiting for the heat to die down from a heist in which she was double-crossed, necessitating a triple cross on her own part that she is inordinately proud of but really should keep her mouth shut about. ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS Is on the record as being against Daedric invasions. Lucretia has an unshakable optimism that things will work out for her, her natural luck tends to bring her through no matter how bad things look in the moment. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as ... Height 6'9" Weight 262 lbs Gender Male Race Altner Age 42 Birthsign The Serpent ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Kynareth Attributes MAJOR: Willpower minor: Strength Skills - Expert: Destruction - Adept: Alteration - Adept: Blunt - Apprentice: Light armor - Apprentice: Athletics - Novice: Restoration - Novice: Acrobatics - Novice: Security Spells ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Fine iron mace Outfit As long as the need for combat is not present, Quavanir prefers not bothering himself with the weight and discomfort of armor, but allows his skin to get in touch with a simple robe made of thick, decorated cloth. Should it become necessary, he has a set of light chainmail available to him. Elven armor would have been nice of course, but Valenwald is not Sumerset and his budget is not that of a rich man. Consumables 1x Beer 2x Weak Potion of Healing Valuables A small ebony amulet his father gave him when leaving the family, knowing that this could be the last time they'd ever see. Quavanir usually wears it all the time. Quavanir currently carries 95 pieces of gold with him in a small pouch. Misc Inkwell Quill 3x piece of parchment A small leather satchel to keep stuff around on the move ___________________________________ | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE People say that Altmer have a golden hue to their skin and blonde hair, but Quavanir easily takes this to a rather extreme up to the point where his pale hull, almost white hair and stubby beard make him pass as an, albeit very mild, case of albinism. That is, of course, only as long as one ignores his eyes. These are so prominent golden orbs that Mundus might well have had more than one sun once until Quavanir stole the other two and imprisoned them in his oculi. Overall his features make him look quite a tad older than he actually is with respect to the average lifespan of his kind, but the fact that his skin has been spared from any deterioration such as notable scars or wrinkles so far betrays his real age to the attentive observer. As is typical for an Altmer, Quavanir stands exceptionally tall compared to the vast majority of others in Cyrodiil, and years of low ranking, physical work from a relatively young age onwards have forged his body into something much more hefty than a magically talented beanpole. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK At least up until the current point of time Quavanir's motivation could have been described as that of a commoner, just living an everyday life, founding a family one day, get some children to pass on his heritage and the whole other smack. Okay, maybe a bit above that of your very barebones commoner as he has hopes of improving his magical prowess in certain areas even further, but who hasn't some kind of talent he or she hopes to build upon ? However Akatosh's decision for him has started to raise questions in Quavanir's mind: Assuming that a god choses wisely there must be something else to himself than what he is aware of, otherwise there would have been much more suitable candidates or not ? He is eager to find out what this 'something' is and absolutely convinced that it actually exists. And the number of totally boring days of guard duty will probably be much smaller in the foreseeable future which can't be that bad of a thing either. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Quavanir was born in a small village in relative proximity to the city of Anvil and was the only child of his caring father Anlocur and his equally loving mother Vendil. However it didn't seem that history was willing to give him a good start as his mother Vendil died shortly after giving birth to him, probably even at least partially caused by it. They were anything but a very rich family so there were not only very limited resources in terms of coin and overall wealth, but also only his father Anlocur available to him. The latter took care of his only son the best he could for the first couple of years, but then this woman called Miranir showed up in his life and things went a little more haywire. Or, to restate things using words much more likely to find Quavanir's approval: that ignorant bitch and her wayward spawn invaded his suboptimal, but still peaceful and not even so desperate life! Miranir brought with her a daughter that was younger and two sons that were a tad older than Quavanir, so the latter suddenly found himself boxed in between two other generations and being the only one with a different background. This might have gone well if Miranir had been a thoughtful and understanding person, but at least in Quavanir's retrospective view she instead soon proved to be rather egoistic, ignorant and with her children not being far behind that. Somehow she managed to make Anlocur blind for the slow turn of their family life towards the unbalanced just as she had managed to twist Anlocur around her greedy fingers in the first place. As it happened though Quavanir was still in his early childhood, at least if measurement on an Altmer's development scale. It took the boy a few more years of growing up and becoming a more intelligent, stronger willed and less infantile person to actually understand how much his surroundings had really deteriorated. Once it slowly dawned upon him though he tried to start telling things. Miranir however didn't see anything wrong and Anlocur, having falling seriously ill himself at that time, had become too weak to resist and turn the whole affair inside out. So, instead of major changes, there now was major conflict that kept smouldering until Quavanir ultimately had enough. He left, heavy-heartedly for and in agreement with his father, but still he did. He felt confident enough in himself to stand on his own feet quite a bit earlier than the average person, to get education and work to make a living and then maybe to try and fix things from a then much different point of view. Outside of Sumerset however things are not going as smoothly for an Altmer as they might be there, so that plan didn't exactly work out. For years, Quavanir ended up with various jobs as a temporary worker or doing things other members of the highborn race might not even have touched wearing gloves. It was more by random chance than anything else that somebody actually noticed that a potentially powerful mage would be lost to the world if nothing would change about this. A rich Bosmer called Uungor whom Quavanir had been working for at the time discovered what he deemed to be a great talent. The man decided to sponsor some initial training to see whether anything would come out of it. An entirely altruistic move ? Certainly not! Uungor was in dire need of not only competent, but also loyal guards for his extensive property. Which better way to gain somebody's loyality could there be ? It was not that expensive for the initial stages after all... It worked. After initial successes, Quavanir was allowed to continue exercising on his own as long as he wouldn't happen to burn down the mansion. Luckily it was something he never did. Also the plethora of previous jobs had brought with them a quite hardened body, so for his guard duty Quavaniar decided to keep that in proper shape as well the best he could. And then someone must have seriously overcooked it with his or her conjuration, or how else can be explained what's going on from a humble Altmer's point of view ? If only he knew why Akatosh has chosen him and not... somebody else ? ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS A serious fraction of people appear to claim that the average Altmer's level of arrogance would be as high as he or she is standing tall. Quavanir thinks that they could be right. He has seen things from a low level person's point of view and without much of a protective bubble around him. Had it not been for the benign intervention of a stranger, he would not have made it to his current position. Also certain experiences with Miranir have been enough for him to deduce that living a life that's much longer than anybody else's also means that one can do much more wrong in a lifetime than anybody else. Unfortunately his father Anlocur has fallen victim to his illness in the meantime, so he has pretty much lost contact with his family (or what's left of it anyway). ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Colyne Height 5’9” (175.26 cm) Weight 140 lbs (63 kg) Gender Female Race Breton Age 38 Birthsign The Ritual ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Diety Stendarr Attributes MAJOR: Strength minor: Willpower Skills Blade (Expert) Light Armor (Journeyman) Restoration (Journeyman ) Blunt (Apprentice) Athletics (Apprentice) Hand to Hand (Novice) Acrobatics (Novice) Alteration (Novice) Spells ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Outfit Colyne wears a unique set of leather armor gifted to her when she joined the Crusaders. Aside from this her only other wardrobe consists of simple robes worn as a casual wear. Consumables Valuables None Misc Hourglass Inkwell Quill Colyne’s Journal Gold (120) | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE Colyne is of average height while maintaining a lean build from a life of martial training and adventuring. She has deep chestnut hair, brown eyes, and a strong jaw and high cheekbones. This and her slender frame have lead to remarks in the past on Colyne's mer heritage taking prominence, usually in jest. Her stern visage paired with her flat tone of voice tend to make her appear detached an uncaring, though she is anything but. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK Colyne is devoted to serve the will of Stendarr. As a Crusader of Stendarr she protects the merciful god's holy sites, tends to the sick and needy, and eradicates heretics and evil when they are found. While she serves as an instrument of Stendarr Colyne also holds close the ideals of Mara as her mother was a devout follower of the goddess. The tenderness of Mara paired with the zeal and dedication to the God of Righteous Might and Merciful Forbearance has shaped Colyne into a vigorous and noble woman with an incorruptible outlook. While she can come off as somewhat stubborn she is willing to give ground in given circumstances, provided there is no outright insult or blasphemy against Stendarr involved. Her hard exterior encases an empathetic core that willfully seeks to aid those suffering or in need, be it through coin, healing magic, or her blade. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Colyne Valcal was born in Wayrest in 3E 395, the daughter of a a simple shopkeeper and his wife. While her family bore no luxury they lived decently enough, none of them ever going hungry and always having clothes to wear and a roof over their head. Colyne’s mother was a devotee of Mara and raised the young girl on the teachings of Mara’s compassion. Her father - wanting better for his daughter - hoped for Colyne to marry a promising young man that could give her a future, not wanting her to live as a penniless shopkeep like himself. Colyne had no real friends as a child due to her shy nature and her doting parents keeping a tight reign on her. She had no hobbies aside from reading, entertaining herself with the history and legends of Tamriel from Saint Alessia to Tiber Septim. As Colyne aged she grew more confident and outspoken, her coy nature shedding away with maturity. Her parents while proud of her often worried, Colyne had no discernible interests or skills and she had shown more than once a revulsion to the idea of marriage. As time passed Colyne’s mother doubled her efforts into reminding the girl of the benevolent will of Mara and the importance of family and community, in time seemingly making progress in tempering the fierce spirit of her daughter. With any luck she would make a fine strong wife to a good husband that could offer her a future beyond what her parents could. When Colyne was eighteen her mother was taken by vampires, members of one of the clans of the Iliac Bay. Colyne would later be informed of her mother’s death at the hands of the fiends, an innocent random victim plucked away while visiting a friend outside of Wayrest. A morsel for an abomination to slake his thirst on. The devastation of the news sent her father into a deep despair. Colyne was likewise heartbroken but also enraged, disgusted that someone as good of heart and soul as her mother would suffer at the hands of such a monster. She spent days stewing, at first she blamed Mara for forsaking her servant, then herself and her father, then others. Not long after the funeral Colyne was approached by Ser Dorhon, a Crusader of Stendarr and one of the men who hunted down the vampires that had taken Colyne’s mother having been tracking them for weeks before. His offer of prayer and donation however was turned aside and the young Colyne instead asked to join the Crusaders of Stendarr. Dorhon - wary of her motivation - warned Colyne against making such a decision from a state of loss and retaliation. Colyne retorted that it wasn’t for herself that she wished to take up this path, or even for her mother, but for justice and right. Dorhon felt her naive and speaking rashly but considered still, seeing a fire in her eyes that was something other than a directionless desire for vengeance. The Crusader said that if Colyne could gain her father’s blessing he would take her with him and present her to his order. Colyne spent a week deliberating with her father, often the two devolving into bouts of shouting, the shopkeeper unwilling to risk his daughter having lost his wife. In the end Colyne would not be dissuaded and her father - head hung - gave in, informing Ser Dorhon that he had permission to take Colyne along when he next left Wayrest. Colyne left with Ser Dorhon for Cyrodiil and thus her life as a servant of Stendarr began it's course. The Crusader took it upon himself to train Colyne, drilling her rigorously in swordsmanship and teaching her in the school of restoration. He also educated Colyne in the history of Stendarr, the other divines, Oblivion and Daedra, and the Empire and Tamriel on the whole. When not with Ser Dorhon Colyne spent time with the priests of Stendarr practicing meditation and practicing her healing arts. Colyne would soon be accepted into the ranks of the Crusaders and a fine addition she would make. It has been twenty years since Colyne left High Rock and walking the path of Stendarr's righteous has taught her much; humility, dedication, loyalty, and a burning sense of justice. Through it all she has held on to what her mother taught her as a child, seeing these lessons of Mara as memoirs as much as personal morals. When not busy with her duties Colyne visits her father in Wayrest as she is able, his initial fear of her life as a Crusader has been replaced with a sense of pride, both in his daughter's accomplishments and the fine woman she has become. She leaves him money to put into his shop which he has managed to hold on to, despite his usual protests she always reminds him "Stendarr says give to the needy". Colyne's service as a Crusader has lead her to many places across High Rock, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, and even the fringes of Skyrim. Be she partaking in exorcisms of evil, transporting coin or important missives for her order, or merely offering herself forth as a tool of aid to those in need. She crossed over to Cyrodiil recently on her way to Chorrol when she began experiencing bizarre and disturbing dreams. ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS Aside from her father and Ser Dorhon, Colyne has several companions among the faithful. Areldur, a Crusader, is a longtime colleague of Colyne’s with whom she shares a history predating his time at the Chapel of Stendarr. Orag gra-Bargul, an acolyte who staffs the Chapel along with Areldur, is another close friend of Colyne’s. In past visits she and the Orsimer woman have shared many long conversations that would last into the evening hours over wine, the Breton finding her to be good company. And then there is Verome, a wandering priest of Arkay that Colyne has traveled with in past visits to Cyrodiil, once even helping him out down a necromancer that has disturbed a graveyard with his foul magics. Aside from her hardline religious views Colyne is loyal to the Empire and it's founding principles and laws and holds a deep respect for Tiber Septim's line. While serving her god is foremost in her life she would just as well raise her blade against anything that threatened the Empire. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC Character Flaws: While her fierce piety for Stendarr can be seen by many as noble and pure many could easily call Colyne very linear and confined in nature, even a militant. Though not brutal or heartless Colyne has no patience for corruption and injustice of any sort and is hard to steer away when such is spotted. She heeds by the laws of the Empire and it's various provinces but has found herself tempted before to cross boundaries to act on what she sees as a necessity of duty, thus far she has managed to overcome the temptation. |
The problem with the Elderscrolls games is not that nobody's playing a stealth archer I think. I think it's much more that nobody is playing just a stealth archer, because on the long run the system invites you to play a character who can just do about everything perfectly
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Dalnoria Sarys Height 5'4 Weight 115 lbs Gender Woman Race Dunmer Age 556 (Born 2e 773) Birthsign Atronach ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Julianos Attributes MAJOR: Intelligence minor: Willpower Skills Conjuration (Expert) Alteration (Journeyman) Destruction (Journeyman) Alchemy (Apprentice) Mysticism (Apprentice) Restoration (Apprentice) Illusion (Novice) Spells (While I am assembling this spell list, I am including custom spells calculated to skill levels by the magicka costs of the effects in game, as the link to the spell making page appears to be an instruction to do it in that manner. As such, this spell making below makes use of the mechanics with regards to durations, for example the cheaper cost of damage over time spells vs straight damage spells to create more damaging effectives at an accessible level. I have avoided what I consider to be spellmaking cheese (The obvious exploit being stacking weakness to magicka spells followed by drain health which will tactically nuke just about anything in the game at low cost) but I understand that what is using spell making as intended vs cheese is open to debate and the impossibility of balancing it is one of the reasons Bethesda yeeted the entire system come Skyrim and that these customs spells are thus at the mercy of the GMs. Forgive me if there's any mistakes in how certain spells work, it has been many years since I played unmodded oblivion.) Alteration Guard Open Easy Lock Open Average Lock Water Breathing Sea Stride Lighten Load Open Very Easy Lock Protect Other Lock Splitter -Open Lock 70 Pts on target (148.349199) (148.349199, Journeyman Level, 118.679359 after minimum skill modification) Fifth Barrier -Shield 50 pts for 20 seconds on self (134.562521) (134.562521, Journeyman Level, 107.650017 after minimum skill modification) Elemental Barrier -Fire Shield 15pts for 15 seconds on self (45.6259243) -Frost Shield 15pts for 15 seconds on self (45.6259243) -Shock Shield 15pts for 15 seconds on self (45.6259243) (136.877773, Journeyman Level, 109.502218 after minimum skill modification) Total Effect: Shield 45%, Resist Fire 15%, Resist Frost 15%, Resist Shock 15% Fire Barrier -Fire Shield 30 Pts for 15 Seconds on self (110.797528) (110.797528, Journeyman Level, 88.6380224 after minimum skill Modification) Total Effect; Shield 30%, Resist Fire 30% Fire Barrier (Dunmer) -Fire Shield 25 Pts for 15 Seconds on self (87.7360495) -Shield 5 pts for 15 Seconds on Self (5.29645612) (93.03250562, Journeyman Level, 74.43 after minimum skill Modification) Total Effect; Shield 30%, Resist Fire 25% Frost Barrier -Frost Shield 30 Pts for 15 Seconds on self (110.797528) (110.797528, Journeyman Level, 88.6380224 after minimum skill Modification) Total Effect; Shield 30%, Resist Frost 30% Lightning Barrier -Shock Shield 30 Pts for 15 Seconds on self (110.797528) (110.797528, Journeyman Level, 88.6380224 after minimum skill Modification) Total Effect; Shield 30%, Resist Shock 30% Conjuration Summon Spider Daedra Superior Bound Armor Bound Sword Bound Dagger Dismiss Undead Summon Daedroth Summon Headless Zombie Summon Skeleton Guardian Summon Faded Wraith Summon Frost Atronach Summon Flame Atronach Summon Dremora Summon Scamp Summon Ghost Summon Ancestor Guardian (Racial) Summon Horde of Southern Demons - Summon Frost Atronach for 20 Seconds (205.99) - Summon Flame Atronach for 20 Seconds (90) - Summon Scamp for 20 Seconds (60) (350.99, Expert Level. 175.495 after minimum skill modification) Lesser Summon Storm Atronach - Summon Storm Atronach for 30 seconds (350) (350, Expert Level, 175 after minimum skill modification) The Danse Macabre - Summon Skeleton for 20 Seconds (22.5) - Summon Skeleton Guardian for 20 Seconds (65) - Summon Skeleton Hero for 20 Seconds (132) - Summon Zombie for 20 Seconds (33.34) - Summon Headless Zombie for 20 Seconds (112) (364.84, Expert Level. 182.42 after minimum skill modification) Repel the Dead - Turn Undead up to Level 25 for 30 Seconds on Target (135.609653) (135.609563, Journeyman Level, 67.8 after minimum skill modification) Circle of Protection - Turn Undead up to Level 12 for 25 Seconds on Touch in 30 Feet (139.608616) (139.608616, Journeyman Level, 69.8 after minimum skill modification) Greater Circle of Protection - Turn Undead up to Level 25 for 25 Seconds on Touch in 30 Feet (339.024134, Expert Level, 169.51 after minimum skill modification) Destruction Weakness to Magicka Withering Touch Weakness to Poison Weakness to Fire Weakness to Frost Weakness to Shock Winter's Grasp Lightning Grasp Searing Grasp Wizard's Fury (Journeyman) - Cascading Vulnerability - Weakness to Magicka 100% for 7 Seconds on Touch (72.615611) - Weakness to Fire 100% for 7 seconds on touch (25.4154638) - Weakness to Frost 100% for 7 seconds on touch (25.4154638) - Weakness to Shock 100% for 7 seconds on touch (25.4154638) (139.785051, Journeyman spell, 111.83 after minimum skill modification) Vulnerability to Magic - Weakness to Magicka 100% for 10 Seconds on Touch (90.7695137) (90.7695137, journeyman spell, 72.62 after minimum skill modification) Bolt of Vulnerability - Weakness to Magicka 100% for 10 Seconds on Target (136.154271) (136.154271, journeyman spell, 108.923417after minimum skill modification) Elemental Vulnerability - Weakness to Fire 100% for 10 seconds on touch (36.3078055) - Weakness to Frost 100% for 10 seconds on touch (36.3078055) - Weakness to Shock 100% for 10 seconds on touch (36.3078055) (108.923417, Journeyman Spell, 87.14 after minimum skill modification) Elemental Vulnerability Bolt - Weakness to Fire 100% for 8 seconds on Target(43.5693666) - Weakness to Frost 100% for 8 seconds on Target(43.5693666) - Weakness to Shock 100% for 8 seconds on Target(43.5693666) (130.7081, Journeyman Spell, 104.56 after minimum skill modification) Grasp of Tel Sarys - Fire Damage 5 pts for 8 seconds on touch (47.0796099) - Frost Damage 5 pts for 8 seconds on touch (46.4518818) - Shock Damage 5 pts for 8 seconds on touch (48.9627943) (142.494286, Journeyman spell, 113.99 after minimum skill modification) Total Damage: 40 Fire, 40 Frost, 40 Shock Finger of Tel Sarys - Fire Damage 5 pts for 5 seconds on Target(44.1371343) - Frost Damage 5 pts for 5 seconds on Target (43.5486392) - Shock Damage 5 pts for 5 seconds on Target (45.9026197) (133.588393, Journeyman Spell, 106.87 after minimum skill modification) Total Damage: 25 Fire, 25 Frost, 25 Shock Finger of Contempt: - Fire Damage 18 pts seconds on Target(45.4884699) - Frost Damage 18 pts on Target (44.881957) - Shock Damage 18 pts on Target (47.3080087) (137.678436, Journeyman Spell, 110.142749 after minimum skill modification) Total Damage: 18 Fire, 18 Frost, 18 Shock Illusion Alluring Gaze Frenzy Illuminate Inspiration Blink -Invisibility for 6 Seconds on Self (24) (24, Novice Spell, 26.688 after maximum skill modification) Mysticism Soul Trap Remote Manipulation Major Life Detection Major Dispel Dispel Other Restoration Convalescence Cure Paralysis Cure Poison Heal Major Wounds Leech Health Major Respite Leap of Faith - Fortify Acrobatics 60 points for 5 seconds on self (56.6441227) (56.6441227, Apprentice Spell, 62.31 after minimum skill modification) Vampiric Touch - Absorb health 5 pts for 5 seconds on touch (62.7728132) (62.7728132, Apprentice Spell, 69.05 after minimum skill modification) Total Effect Absorb Health 25 Sustained Leech - Absorb health 2 pts for 15 seconds on touch (58.2813545) (58.2813545, Apprentice Spell, 64.10 after minimum skill modification) Total Effect Absorb Health 30 ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Staff of Storms Mortar and Pestle Alembic Calcinator Retort Outfit Dalnoria does not wear armour so as to avoid any drawbacks to her channeling of the arcane, but rather when out adventuring wears a simple set of brown leather travelling garments with a cloak and hood for when it rains. When she isn't travelling however, she has much finer tastes; She was, after all, born into privilege and is accustomed to it. She likes fine silk and velvet robes and dresses, and she has a particular fondness for the colour blue. Consumables Strong Potion of Sorcery Potion of Sorcery (x2) Weak Potion of Healing Greef Valuables Septims (84) Silver Necklace Crystal Ball Petty Soul Gem Misc Enchanted Quill that conjures its own ink A treated leather rucksack to carry her things in A horse (A gelding named "Rels", more suitable for Cyrodiil than a Guar) and leather saddle bags A large notebook used for note and research for her latest book Bag with travel rations ___________________________________ ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE Like many Telvanni Wizards, Dalnoria is notably older than she first appears; Though she is at least a century past the allotted life span of a Dunmer, she most closely resembles a middle aged Dunmer with thin wrinkles forming out around the eyes and mouth and the beginnings of frown marks on her forehead. Like most her kindred, she has ashen blue skin, dark eyes and sharply pointed ears. Her long hair, in which she often wears a white lily or similar flower, comes down past her shoulders - hardly fit for adventuring in truth - and is copper in colour and parted on the left side. The arching of her brow pulls her face in such a way that she has a stern resting face, though it does soften considerably whenever she smiles. She is rather plain Dunmer with dull and oddly slanted eyes and a small, stubby nose, scarcely someone who would draw a second glance in a similarly attired crowd. As a curious feature, Dalnoria lacks a navel; Sustained and grown by magic during her fetal development, she never had an umbilical cord and so subsequently, never had a properly developed navel. She is keenly aware of this physical abnormality and irrationally ashamed by its existence. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK A Scholar at her core, Dalnoria Sarys was always driven forwards by a desire to understand the world and document its histories and mysteries. She sees herself as something as a chronicler, making her way through the long years of world and writing down what transpires for future generations to reflect upon. Though by no means as powerful a wizard as either of her parents, she is well content with the power that she has; She has seen what the Telvanni's constant pursuit of power has wrought upon both themselves and their people and has little desire to follow that same path of folly. That goes doubly for political power, for she would rather be a fly on the wall in the meeting of the powerful than occupy a seat at its table. Although she has long travelled the world to chronicle its events and study the ruins of those long passed from it, she does try not to become detached from the problems of the world and sink into a self absorbed and arbitrary belief system; To Dalnoria, indifference and alienation leads to destructive tendencies. How successful she has been in combating this detachment and arbitrariness is debateable. Still, she will help people out where she can in her travels, using her magic and herbalism to heal injuries and treat illnesses, as well as to drive away the occasional bandit raid or goblin tribe. She keeps up with the news of whatever surrounding area she is in to that end- and to help herself avoid getting caught off guard by marauders. The dreams that she has had can mean one of two things - and she is not sure which disturbs her more deeply. Either the slow march of time is finally claiming her sanity, or there is a terrible evil lurking within Cyrodiil that will kill tens of thousands of people, if not more. Her ethical position is highly consequentialist; Actions are good or bad based on the consequences of those actions. One can use a bad deed, such as murder or thievery, for a good cause. Good consequences are those which spread knowledge and truth, which keep people safe and which spread contentment among the mortal races - in that specific order. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Dalnoria was created by the Master Wizard Neveresa Sarys and her paramour, then spellwright Galos Othril. Like most powerful Telvanni wizards, the two had become keen to avoid death and had sought out the secrets of life extension. Telvanni wizards were not in the business of sharing this knowledge with each other and Neveresa - the elder of the two by a considerable few decades - grew increasingly desperate. Galos devotion to his lover knew no bounds, although one would not be wrong in suggesting that the foundation of this relationship was inherently toxic given the significant difference in age, rank and social standing of the two, and the circumstances of their meeting. The two had spent many, many years seeking out the secrets of immortality via the alchemical arts and eventually did succeed in putting a stopper in their death and apparent ageing. By that time, however, both had already stretched their lifespan thin, having extended it with necromancy and alteration to try and stave off their demise. As a result of these many varying treatments, Neveresa proved unable to carry a child to term despite many attempts. With Neveresa stubbornly refusing to allow another Mer to carry her child, the two spent nearly a century researching the early stages of life and growth- research that in truth involved some less than savoury experiments and no shortage of pain, hardship and failed attempts. Putting what they had learnt to the test, the two Telvanni were able to remove the fertilised egg and suspend it within amniotic fluid contained within a large glass ball; Through profane magics, they were able to sustain and grow this embryo at an unnatural speed. After the first three months, they extracted the 'baby' from within and lay it to rest within a crib. Its skin was little more than a translucent film that could have been destroyed with but a rough rub. She lay within that crib for many months, slowly nursed by various alchemical mixtures and the attentive care of her parents until eventually she looked as a Dunmer babe ought look. It was in these days that she manifested her birth sign, the Atronach - A manifestation that almost lead to her death as she kept inadvertantly absorbing the magical spells intended to sustain her. Growing up in Tel Sarys, the mushroom tower and castle town of Mistress Neveresa, Dalnoria found herself surrounded by strange and terrifying magical wonders from an early age. Galos Othril was a superb alchemist and gardener, counted among the best in Morrowind and beyond. Dalnoria never acquired his aptitude with potions or his green thumb with plants. Neversa Sarys could not have been more opposite, with little skill in alchemy or care for growing things, she was a master of destruction and conjuration who could call forth hordes of Daedric servants and lay waste to entire villages. Even so, both doted upon the child they had created. Unlike her parents, it was not in a particular field of practical magical application that Dalnoria excelled in but rather in the study of lore. Dalnoria studied the arcane, languages and history intensively and was captivated by the histories of ancient and lost civilisations such as those of the Dwemer and the Ayleids. Throughout her first century, the young Dunmer threw herself into her studies and assisted more and more with the experiments of her parents, seeing first hand their attempts to carve out a demiplane within one of the many abandoned planes of oblivion and their efforts to shore it up against Realm Rips and Roamvers. It is unsurprising to say that they never succeeded in this task. Nonetheless, Dalnoria showed aptitude for conjuration and handling Daedra during this time. Dalnoria's life with her parents was as content as it could be for such a bizarre and dysfunctional family. Dalnoria never doubted that her parents loved her in their own strange way - though their love was possessive and prescriptive and she often questioned if they had any idea what was truly best for her. If things had gone more smoothly and if they had had their way, the family structure would likely have been maintained unchanged to this day despite the passage of centuries. When she was fifty, her parents created another dose of the elixir they had used to slow their own ageing to a crawl and had their daughter drink it, coupling it with long and elaboration alteration spells. Over the coming weeks they had instructed Dalnoria on how to maintain this existence using the magical arts. Dalnoria has sometimes wondered over the centuries if it would have been wiser to refuse that gift and let nature take its course on her. Certainly, she would be dead by now - and if by some miracle she was not, she would have been decrepit and as elderly as they come, for few even among Elves lived this long naturally - but sometimes she wonders if it would be preferable to the risk that she will lose herself in the years as all Telvanni seem fated to. Time is as cruel a master to its slaves as any one of House Dres is to theirs. As she learnt more about the chaos of the world and the many disasters that befell it - the many ravaging plagues that passed, the conquests of Tiber Septim and the rise of Sixth House cultists and supposed 'heirs' of the Tribe Unmourned - it began to dawn on her that the Telvanni's hoarding of power was ultimately all for nothing; It was undeniable that they had great power, indeed their powers were so great that all feared them and few dared to impose upon them. Even the Tribunal Temple had a tendency to let sleeping dogs lie provided there was no open and blatant heresy among the Telvanni and the Empire of Tamriel was cautious in their dealings with the ancient wizards and often seemed to turn a blind eye to the blatantly illegal practices the Telvanni engaged in (For example, there was no shortage of slaves brought in from foreign lands under dubious circumstances traded in Telvanni territory. So long as the Telvanni payed lip service to the idea that their slaves were all legal and above board, nobody seemed to press them on it too heavily. Considering what had happened with the Telvanni and the Ebonheart Pact during the Second Era, slavery among the Telvanni seemed like it would be eternal regardless of what laws were passed) - no doubt worried about the potential problems a gaggle of angry sorcerers might cause them if poked too hard. Yet for all this power and potential, the Telvanni's stubborn refusal to leave their towers and holdings and their total commitment to their own petty squabbles rather than the true problems that faced Morrowind and Mundus were so obvious and crippling that Dalnoria began to wonder if they would even notice if the world itself ended. What was the point of all that power if it was never going to be used? When Dalnoria was 160, her mother got into a heated scholarly debate with another Master Wizard, Atheron. As debates within House Telvanni often do, it devolved into insults and eventually open attempts on each others lives. By the end of her duel with Magister Atheron, a finger was all that was left of Neveresa Sarys - and before that finger was even cold, Galos Othril swore revenge. War broke out between Master Galos of Tel Sarys and Master Atheron of Tel Ouada. Daedra were sucked out from the waters of oblivion and ravaged across each others land, clashing and slaughtering with summoned minions of the enemy. Both sent assassins after the other, and no less than two small farming villages were displaced as battle grounds while retainers and mercenaries were killed by their dozens on both sides. A small battle by the standards of Tamriel - but none the less a shocking example of the excesses of callous wizards with too much power and too few scruples. This insanity raged on for half a year before Galos, through duplicitous means, finally managed to kill Atheron; He forged false documentation for his own forces, making it appear as though he had a deep interest in an ancient ruin and placed rumours that he believed the famous Ring of Equity to be within. In truth, of course, Galos did not have and had never even seen the Ring of Equity but both he and Atheron knew enough about it to know that if one of them were to obtain it, it would spell certain doom for the other. And so Galos had his servants hide a false Ring of Equity and had a facade of an archaeological dig set up, hoping that Atheron would take the bait. Sure enough, the Telvanni master did; he and his spellwrights slaughtered their way into the old Velothi tower and down into its subterranean, where they fought their way through the daedric guardians that Galos had bound as part of the illusion and secured what they believed to be the Ring of Equity. In a moment of Triumph, Atheron slipped the ring upon his finger - only to fall in a heap to the floor, writhing in agony as cursed ring ripped his soul from his body and warped his flesh, causing cancerous growths across his body. His corpse ended up so bloated and deformed in the end up that his servants could not even pull the ring from his finger and opted to cut it off in a vain attempt to save the magister. When the news reached Galos, safe within his velvet keep of Tel Sarys, he smiled and toasted a feast with a glass of vintage brandy. Jokingly, he offered his guests enchanted rings. They all declined. Dalnoria had seen what became of her mother and how her father had reacted. She had watched in horror as hundreds had died or been displaced from their lands over what had started as a dispute of metaphysical formulae. People she had known from the garrison and town surrounding Tel Sarys had died in the pointless conflict. Try as she might, she could find no closure in what had happened. Revenge brought no closure to her father either, despite his desperate attempts to revel in it. As the decades dragged on, more and more of the mortal servants within Tel Sarys died or moved off and were not replaced by its new Master; Galos now preferred to surround himself with Dremora and Daedra, or refurbished animunculi. As such, Tel Sarys felt ever more lonely as the wizards withdrew and the ghosts of the past lingered. Dalnoria watched the world change around them. The damage wrought upon it by people like Atheron, like Neveresa and Galos - like herself even, for she had assisted in summoning the daedra during that ghastly war - gradually healed. The villages they had displaced had long since been resettled and the dispute disappeared into history, lost among the many hundreds of examples of Telvanni infighting over the ages. A century of isolation with her father followed, filled with desperate attempts to reach out to him and change him. It eventually dawned on her that there was no good she could do for Galos Othril. The old wizard still loved her, it was true, but there was no healing in his mind. As he withdrew further and further, he coveted and possessed all those things that reminded him of Neveresa and that century and a half they had all spent together as a family and used it to live in the past. Dalnoria was one of those things; When he looked at her, he did not see her as she was but as she had been. When he walked the halls of Tel Sarys, he did not see it as it was but as it had been. As Dalnoria tells it, she could think of only one thing that might shake the wizard from his madness; Suspecting her presence to be unhealthy and unhelpful to him, she abandoned him and left Tel Sarys behind her, hoping it might force him from the tower and into the world so that he might finally exit his shell and realise what he had become. As far as Dalnoria knows, he never did and remains cooped up in his tower to this day. As she set out to see the world again, her travels first took her across her homeland of Morrowind. Though the talents of conjuration were tolerated within the confines of the Telvanni district of Morrowind, the other great houses and the Temple bore little love for it. Telvanni wizards were feared by the common folk and so she found little trust when she introduced herself as such - and found even less love when she did not, leading people to look upon her as some witch or daedric cultist. The Empire of Tiber Septim had only just come out of the War of the Red Diamond and staggered out of the other end into an uncertain and unstable future. Legionaries were still hunting run away traitors from the war across the face of Tamriel and for a while, Dalnoria believed that the Empire was doomed to implode under its own crushing weight. The subsequent reign of Pelagius the Mad did little to change her mind. Her adventures across Morrowind were academically eventful but are hardly interesting in a chronicle of history. Suffice it to say that, delving into the ruins of the Dwemer, the many Daedric ruins that dotted the province and the old fortresses of the Dunmer, she gathered together a great many tomes upon the history of these civilisations - as best she could figure it, at least. Publication of these tomes proved difficult at times. In the case of Daedric ruins in particular, the Tribunal Temple proved an irritating thorn in her side. A great many of her works upon both the old and ongoing customs of the Dunmer in regards to the Daedra found themselves on the wrong end of some two bit Temple censor who wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between a cursed gem and an ordinary one had his life depended on it. One such Temple swit even sent an Ordinator to keep an eye on her during one of her excavations, seemingly under the impression that she was actually skulking off to sell souls to Mehrunes Dagon or convert the local population to the worship of House of Troubles. Having grown sick of the constant meddling of the overbearing Temple authorities, Dalnoria began to consider broadening her horizons beyond the Velothi and Valus mountains. By this time, Emperor Pelagius the Mad had passed away within his asylum and the crown of the Empire had fallen to the Dark Elf Katariah, wife of the late Pelagius. Controversial at the start of her reign, Dalnoria thought to see what a Cyrodiil under the control of a Dark Elf might look. She crossed beyond the borders from Morrowind to Cyrodiil and had hoped that would be the end of furious denunciations of her as some practitioner of the black arts. Alas, it was not so; She came to learn the truth behind the words of Divayth Fyr that 'petty local officials, regardless of race or culture, are universally suspicious and ill-informed. "A sorcerer, eh?," they say. "Well, we'll have none of your raising the dead in this jurisdiction, is that understood?"' Now, of course it was true that she *had* dabbled with the use of Daedric Spirits for animating the corpses of the dead and it was equally true that she had called upon the ancestor spirits to protect her - as, it ought be noted, many Dunmer did and yet did not regard as necromancy - but truly, it was hardly as if she were creeping off into cemeteries in the dead of night to dig up the putrefying corpses of mothers as some people seemed to believe! Whatever the case, she carried about her studies and research as best she could. The suspicion of locals and the constant need to assuage their fears whenever she travelled to a new town or village was nothing compared to the constant scrutiny of the Temple and so she found it to be a worthwhile trade all the same. Local branches of the Mages Guild, whenever it learnt of an enterprising sorcerer poking around between old ruins, occasionally did send some member to check that everything was above board - and she got very good at hiding anything which *wasn't*, such as the odd artefact smuggling here and there. That wasn't too difficult to deal with, however; The Imperial lackeys were still far more understanding and accommodating than the Temple had ever been. Throughout Katariah's reign, Dalnoria watched and chronicled as the mer fought the elder council tooth and nail on every issue. Empress Katariah's reign was a prosperous one and the mer travelled far around her realm, proving herself to be a shrewd diplomat, a cunning politician and a keen mind. When news of her death in a supposed minor skirmish in Black Marsh, Dalnoria had immediately suspected foul play. She was not surprised when, some centuries later, the historian-sage Montalius finally turned up some evidence that a disenfranchised branch of the Septim Dynasty was directly involved. It was an unfortunate indictment of both the nature of hereditary rule and the political scheming of the elder council, in the eyes of Dalnoria, that Katariah's son had none of her talent and presided over the decline of the Empire into sedition - and ultimately another war and succession crisis Throughout all these years, Dalnoria had delved into old ruins and even older libraries in the search for history and lore, giddy as a child at every find she made. As she travelled the land, she offered her services in spellcasting and alchemy to those she met along the way, both to get by in making gold and to force herself to interact with people and use her magical talents in the world at large - She had no desire to become as reclusive or detached as the House Telvanni. During the days of the Camoran Usurper, she was studying the Direnni in High Rock and when word reached her of the victory of Orthok over the Nightmare Host and of the link to the Camoran Usurper and his seemingly inexorable march north, Dalnoria realised that history was in the making and felt obligated not to repeat the mistakes of her Great House by sitting out a seminal event. Joining up with the coalition forces as a lowly battlemage and apothecary, she spent several long years at arms against the undead and the daedra. She watched as Baron Orthok's name became legend and his armies finally defeated the Camoran Usurper - a task which the Emperor Cephorus II had proven horribly inadequate at for nearly a decade. Though her name was in no books and her influence upon events was but a tiny fraction of the greater whole, as another nameless face in a sea of warriors, she took great pride in having done right by the world. From the end of the Camoran Usurper, Tamriel enjoyed well over one hundred years of relative peace and Dalnoria put them to good use refining her knowledge of lore and the arcane. There were threats and problems on the continent all the same, of course, and evil always lurked in the shadows waiting for its opportunity. Nonetheless, the longest period of relative peace in all her life time lulled her and seemingly the world into a false sense of security and she lost herself in her work - even the mismanagement and sparse wars during the Imperial Simulacrum did not shake her and it was only upon the deception being revealed that she finally turned her attention back towards news of politics. The 5th century of the 3rd era has made for grim reading all the way; The total disappearance of the Tribunal from the public eye, the blight and the discontent in the capital of the Imperial City. Not even the prophesised return of the Nerevarine eased Dalnoria's worry, for she began to have disturbing dreams, more akin to visions. In her dreams, she saw visions of a great Daedric horde within the waters of Oblivion, of death and destruction at the hands of mad mages, and of the bloody closing chapter of an era. Initially, she feared that these were the signs of some madness gripping her due to exposure to Oblivion, that they might even be signs of some form of possession. Yet none of her tests or experiments indicated such and it matched no descriptions she had heard before. It was with a heavy heart that instead she began to try and decipher these dreams, leaning into the arts of mysticism - of which she was only moderated acquainted - in the hopes of understanding what they meant. For many months the true meanings of these visions eluded her. Finally, frustrated and exhausted by her lack of progress, Dalnoria turned to Greef to ease her woes and frustration. Yet after falling into her bed in an inebriated stupor, she had the clearest vision yet; White Gold Tower and the Imperial City set ablaze against the horizons setting sun. Having the clearest yet geographical indicator of where it might lead her, Dalnoria felt compelled to travel to Cyrodiil in search of the meaning. Even now, she is not sure if there is a true meaning to them or if she is finally going mad. They would certainly say so back home in Morrowind; if you have disturbing dreams, people say you are crazy and want to lock you up. If you have disturbing dreams, and think they mean something, then they say you're a witch - and they want to lock you up. As such, she isn't exactly eager to share this information with anyone else until she has a better idea of what is going on... ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS As the Daughter of Telvanni Master Wizards Galos Othril and Neveresa Sarys, Dalnoria has had an extremely strained relationship with both her family and the wider house Telvanni. In her youth, she lived through the chaos of the waning days of the interregnum, the invasion of Morrowind and the return of Dagoth Ur, as well as the many plagues and civil wars that characterised the mid 3rd era. Even as a child she couldn't understand her Houses refusal to get involved in either contemporary events or the events of the past. The raw power of the Telvanni could have tipped the scale of any of the many chaotic wars, from the Three Banner Wars and the Planemeld before her birth to the blatantly evil machinations of Potema to seize the throne of Tamriel - and yet they preferred to go on bickering in their little corner of Morrowind. Following her mother's death and her fathers descent into an ever more detached and depressed isolation, Dalnoria struggled for more than a century to keep him company and maintain some form of order on the estate. She grew to resent him, feeling snared and tied down by the eccentric fool. When she left to see the world for herself, he was left in total isolation - and as far as she is concerned, the world is better off for it. Blaming the ideology of House Telvanni for her mother's death and the turmoil of her family, Dalnoria travelled the lands of Morrowind, seeking her own purpose. She has forsaken her Great House and has little love for it or its ways. Even her homeland itself took a toll on her; The orthodox Temple, the xenophobic Ashlanders, the constant bickering between the houses all seemed to point to a deeply ill society to herself. Nonetheless, she still finds a certain comfort in food and drink that come from Morrowind, preferring a good portion of Scuttle and a good bottle of Greef or Vintage Comberry Brandy, a personnel favourite. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC Noteworthy Weaknesses Physically Frail: Dalnoria has no notable physical aptitudes and has a sickly disposition; The magical and alchemical processes that were used to help bring her to term were truly impressive but were far from perfect; She is frail and does not perform well in physical trails of strength or endurance or when exposed to sickness. Her injuries heal slowly and it can sometimes take her weeks to fight off illnesses that others would recover from within the week. As such, she prefers to allow her summons to deal with any matter that relies on simple brute force, but there is only so much Stunted Magicka: Dalnoria does not regenerate magicka naturally. Ageing Mind: As the years of her life pile up one after another, surpassing the appropriate lifespan of a Dunmer, Dalnoria's mind continues to age regardless of the rate of ageing and maintenance of her physical body. As more and more memories cloud her limited mortal mind, her memory has become subject to a short of 'white noise'; In recalling details of events she has experienced or actions she has undertaken, she sometimes muddles them up with others that were similar, and sometimes she can take longer than she ought to to recall information. Usually, this is a manageable problem - but on occasion it has had catastrophic side effects, such as mistaking one potion for the other. She has learnt from experience to label every potion and poison she makes now and keeps a detailed notebook to refer to if she believes there is any possibility of confusion. Her perspective of the passage of time has grown warped as well; Time seems to flow faster for her now, hours passing in what feels like minutes. She has often attempted to brush these mental ailments off with light humour and jest - but in truth, she is terrified of the eventual implications... Stream of Consciousness: Despite her towering intellect, in discussions she has a terrible tendency to run off on multiple tangents before finally addressing the issue at hand, losing focus on what is important in a conversation and leaping between what happens to capture her interest at that moment. It is not uncommon for her to speak whatever is on her mind without thinking through the consequences and as such saying more than she ought or insulting others by mistake. Social settings and persuasion do not come easily to such a person and it would likely be unwise to let her conduct the diplomacy. Dalnoria is, unfortunately, utterly blind to this aspect of herself; She often holds total conviction that she can convince people around to her ideas through dialogue. Easily Distracted: Dalnoria has a tendency to become enamoured with interesting and intriguing objects around her, be they alchemical ingredients, relics of a lost civilisation or even unusual monsters. Unfortunately, it is all too common that she forgets mundane but still important tasks in favour of examining whatever it was that caught her attention. She will often need someone to focus her on the task at hand, lest she spend eight hours dissecting the unusually coloured bear rather than delivering the letter to the count. |